Monday, August 3, 2020

Vital Information on COVID management is deined under RTI Act

Why  do I say “5T and Transparency in administration”  as claimed by Chief Minister, Odisha  is big bluff ?
Dear friends

RTI Act  which  is implemented  in Odisha  since 2005  is a law that  enforces   paradigm  shift from a  colonial, secretive , authoritarian administration  to a  Transparent  and Accountable  Governance system in   the  country keeping  the  people  at center-stage  declaring  them as Master  of the  Country. The   governance starting  from  office  of Rastrapati Bhawan  to  Gram Panchayat  office  including High Court, supreme Court  and Governor house   will be transparent  and accountable  to the  common  people  including  beggars, destitute , orphans, homeless of the  country. RTI Act  is  acclaimed  as  best law  and  occupies 3rd  position in the  ranking  of best RTI laws   in the world.

Since  2005, the Nabin Patnaik  Govt. and his  coterie  of bureaucrats  have  hatched  conspiracy  from day  one to  destroy  this  beautiful  law  on the  soil of  Odisha. They  have  tried  to dilute  implementation of RTI Act   and make it inoperative through  anti-people , absurd and illegitimate Odisha RTI Rules, 2005 ,  keeping State  Vigilance out of purview of RTI Act and making defunct  system of voluntary disclosure  of information under section 4 of the Act.  Within 15  years of implementation of  RTI Act, the  Chief Minister  has never  spoken  a single word  about  RTI Act, though  he claims  his Govt. as a transparent  Govt.  The  question is  obviously  asked  how  a Government  will  be transparent  without  effective implementation of RTI Act , a law  which was  especially   enacted  by Indian Parliament  to enforce transparency.
It has been proved several times that “5T, Mo Sarkar, Zero Tolerance to Corruption, Transparent Govt.”  is all  big lie  and designed  to deceive  the people of  Odisha. Most of the officers are well-trained how defy RTI Act, deny information and harass information-seekers including life threats, permanent disable   and clod-blooded murder.  

In context of  COVID management in Odisha  , Secrecy   is very  clearly  visible  in every  step  of starting  COVID Testing  to treatment of patients  to  allocation and expenditure  of fund. The  information is consciously kept  secret  for  covering  up  corruption and huge irregularities and  COVID mismanagement.     I  present  here how  the  information about  COVID management  is denied   under RTI Act  and kept  secret  at  the wishes  of corrupt  bureaucracy.

N.B.- As  per  section 7(1)  of the RTI Act, the PIO is required  to supply  the  information  within 30 days.

Date  of  RTI Application submitted  with name  of Dept.
Subject  matter  of information
Information supplied  or  denied without  citing any reasons
Heath & Family Welfare  Dept. , RTI filed on 4.5.20
i. Minutes  of meeting of Emergency purchasing Committee  held  from day one after declaration of COVID Lockdown till 15th May, 2020 for procurement of various materials.
ii.  copy  of letter for  appointing Hemant Sharma  as Procurement officer  for COVID 19 and  copy of Govt. order issued  in this regard.
iii. Copy of guideline/ instruction/ circular issued in respect of purchase of items  with specification  that is to be purchased  and procedure  to be followed.
iii.  details of  specification of  equipment invited y Govt.  and copy  of  purchasing order  and  details of equipment already purchased  with  name  of the  companies  which  supplied. 

RTI Application was transferred to  the  Managing  Director, Odisha State  Medical Corporation Ltd.  to supply the  information.  Though two months  passed, the PIO  has not  supplied  any  information.
Heath & Family Welfare  Dept. , RTI filed on 24.4.20
Test  conducted on COVID 19
i.  date on which COVID Testing started  by Govt.
ii. day-wise  no. of  testing  conducted , no. of  testing found negative and no. of testing found positive.
iii. details of  testing  centres  in Odisha  in which COVID Testing  Conducted and date of functioning of the centres.
iv.details of expenses made under different heads for COVID testing  and payment made .
v. details of  financial support provided  to different  private organisations operating COVID 19 hospitals in Odisha . no. of COVID hospital opened  and its location and  date of beginning of its  functioning and financial  support  provided  to each COVID hospital 

Though 3 months passed,  the Dept. has not  supplied any  information till yet . But  not  responded  the RTI Application.  
Heath & Family Welfare  Dept. , RTI filed on 1.5.20
Management of COVID Call  centre  and 104 no.
i.  Name  of the  organization/ Department   engaged / appointed  for over-all management of  COVID-19  call centres  and place  from which it operates.
ii. Name  of the persons engaged / appointed  to receive calls and responding calls.
iii.  Copy of agreement signed with  that organization for management of call  centre  and amount fixed for this service.
iv. Total  amount already released ( date –wise)  and  total  amount pending  to be released  to that organization.
v. Details of procedure followed for  taking decision to engage that organization for COVID 19   CALL CENTRES.
vi. Total calls received by Call centres ( date-wise) .
 RTI Application has been forwarded to the PIO, Dept. of E and IT  to provide  information.  But  we are  yet  to get the  information, though two months passed.
Heath & Family Welfare  Dept. , RTI filed on 20.5.20
Doctors working with Govt.
  1.Total No. of Doctors presently  working in Odisha govt. Contractual, regular, adhoc doctors wise
  2.Provide  details of eligibly  criteria  fixed by Govt.  for the doctors  to receive    advance salary in view of corona.
3. Provide  total no. of  doctors  already  provided  advance salary  declared  by  Govt.  till yet  and date  of  release  of salary  to their accounts  and  copy  of  the letter  issued  by Govt. for release   advance  salary  to the doctors.

RTI Application has been  forwarded  to several  directorates  to  provide  information.  Information about total no. of doctors in place  and vacancy  has been supplied.  But rest  of information is yet to be supplied.
Heath & Family Welfare  Dept. , RTI filed on 14.5.20
Management  of COVID-19  Activity
   i. details of  procedure  followed for from  COVID-19 testing  to declaration of  findings of the testing and no. of COVID-19 affected patients  by Govt. publicly.
ii. details of  decision taken  to appoint Mr.  Subroto Bagchi as Spokesperson for COVID-19 including copy of the filling noting .
iii. name of the officers  who  finally decide  for disclosure  of information about COVID-19 affected patients and no. of patients  cured  and died.
iv. list  of the  people  with their  address  who got  cure after  undergoing  treatments
Information about appointment of Mr. Bagchi  as spokesman  for COVID  has been  provided. But rest of the information has been kept secret till yet.  

Heath & Family Welfare  Dept. , RTI filed on 1.5.20
On-line  Self-quarantine registration of  persons
Provide   total   NO. of  persons  who  voluntarily  registered for  undergoing   self-quarantine in the  online system of the  Govt. ( date-wise )
ii. Provide  name of the  persons  with their  address   date  of their   on-line registration for  self-quarantine in CD.  
iii. Provide name  of the organization  and officials managing on-line  self-registration system for quarantine.
IV. If  a private  organization is managing, please  provide  copy of the letter  authorizing  that  organization to manage it , copy  of agreement signed  and total fund released to that organization  for it.

 Though 3  months passed , not  a single  information has been supplied to me.
Information and Public Relation Department . RTI Was filed  on 1.5.20
Advertisement  and  financial  support  for advertisement  on COVID 19 
.   Provide   total    amount  earmarked for  sensitization progarmme/ advertisement  on COVID 19
ii. Provide total amount  paid  to  Print media  for  advertisement / sensitization on COVID 19  fro March to May 20.
iii. Provide total amount  pending  to be  paid  to  Print media  for  advertisement / sensitization on COVID 19  from March to May 20.
iv. Provide total amount  paid  to   each  electronics media    for  advertisement / sensitization on COVID 19  from March to May 20.
v. Provide  total amount  pending to be  paid  to   each  electronics media ( state and national)     for  advertisement / sensitization on COVID 19  from March to May 20.
vi. Provide total amount paid  English news papers  for advertisements on COVID
vii. Provide amount paid  to  each print media  of outside state for advertisement on COVID 19
viii. Provide total amount paid  to Sambad, Samaj , Prameya, Dharitri , Pragatibadi  for advertisement on COVID 19.
IX. Provide total amount paid to any organization or other agency  on COVID 19

Though  3 months passed, the PIO  has kept  this  information  secret. Apprehending  public expose  of mega corruption in advertisement, this  information has been kept  secret  at  the  direction of  highest  authority of Mo Sarkar.
Dept. of General Administration and PG, Govt. of Odisha  RTI Filed  on 1.5.20
Details  of  Arup Patnaik deputed  by Chief Secretary  to  Gujurat  to  look into  problem  of  Odia workers  in Surat
i. Provide  copy  of the letter  of  Chief Secretary addressed  to Chief Secretary of  Got. Of Gujurat  about  Visit  of Arup Patnaik  to  look into look into  problem  of  Odia workers  in Surat.
ii. Provide  details  of advance money , if any  released  to Arup patnaik  for  his visit  to Gujurat .
iii. Provide  copy  of report, if any submitted  by Arup Patnaik  to Govt. of Odisha .
iv. Provide  details of  bill  submitted  by Arup Patnaik  against  expenses made  in Gujurat.

No  information has been  supplied till yet. However, first appeal has been  filed to get  the  information.
Bhubaneswar  Municipal Corporation. RTI Filed on 15.4.20
  Details of allowances  paid  to  Vendors And Vending Zone  in Bhubaneswar
.   Provide  list of details of Vending Zone and its  location  in Bhubaneswar along with  year  of constitution of  vending zone.
ii. Provide  list  of  street vendors  identified  by BMC  in Bhubaneswar  in CD .
iii. Provide  copy  of the   notification about  latest  formation of Vending Zone  Committee  by BMC  and its members .
iv. Provide  copy  of proceedings  of Vending Zone Committee  meeting held  from 2014  to 2020.
v. Provide  copy of the  circular/ order  issued  by Govt. to give allowances  to vendors  due to COVID-19 emergency .
vii. Provide   total amount  sanctioned to the BMC  for payment of allowances    to vendors.
viii. Provide  list  of Vendors who have been paid  amount  by  the  BMC
Though 3  months  passed, BMC has not  provided  a single  information till yet.
Information and  Public Relation Department. RTI filed  on 21.6.20
Amount sanctioned   under  different  heads  for  the  people  engaged  for  preparation of  press note   on COVID-19
i.  provide  details of  amount  sanctioned/ earmarked   or  budgetary  provision made under  different  heads  to meet  expenses  for the  people engaged for  preparation of  press  note on COVID-19  addressed by Mr. Subroto Bagchi  and  other officials.
ii. Provide total  amount   already spent  under different heads  for  said  purpose ( month-wise)
iii. Provide  details of expenses  made  for  organizing  press meet on COVID-19   held at Geet Govind Sadan.( daily).
iv. Provide  name of the  private  organization / TV channel entrusted to  telecast the  programme, copy  of agreement  signed  with  it  and  total days  allotted  for the said work,  amount  earmarked  for  the said  work  and amount already paid  to this  organization with  date  of payments.

Though 30 days  passed, the PIO has not supplied  any  information.
Department  of Panchayat Raj, Govt. of Odisha. RTI Filed  dt. 21.6.20
Amount sanctioned  for  giving  incentive of Rs.2000.00  to the  people  after  completion  of their quarantine period.  
   i. Provide    total fund allocated   for  giving  incentive of Rs.2000.00  to the  people  after  completion  of their quarantine period.            
ii. Provide  total amount  received  from  CMRF for  giving  incentive of Rs.2000.00  to the  people  after  completion  of their quarantine period.            
iii. Provide  total fund  allotted  to each  district for  giving  incentive of Rs.2000.00  to the  people  after  completion  of their quarantine period.            
iv. Provide total  amount  of incentive  already  paid  in each  district
Though 30 days  passed, the PIO  has not supplied any  information.
Dept. of Agriculture  and Farmers’ Empowerment, RTI was  filed on 14.5.20
total no. of  list  of farmers  sent  to the Central Govt.  for financial assistance  under PM Kishan Scheme 
i. Provide  total no. of list  of  farmers   sent  to Central Govt. for financial assistance  under PM Kishan Scheme in different phases with date and copy of the  forwarding letter.
ii. Provide  total no. of  list of  farmers sent  to Central Govt. for financial assistance  under PM Kishan Scheme in different phases ( district-wise).
iii. Provide total  amount  of financial assistance  given  to  total  farmers  in Odisha  under PM Kishan scheme and  month  of payments.
iv.  Provide  copy  of  all correspondence  made between  State  Govt. and Central  Govt. in respect of  payment  of financial assistance  under PM Kishan scheme upto May 2020.
No  information has been   proved  till yet.  It has been   kept  secret  to cover up  irregularities.  

Pradip Pradhan

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Who can ask for information under Right to Information?

Who can ask for information under Right to Information?
Any citizen can ask for information under these laws. The Act extends to the whole of India including the   Union territories  of  Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. OCI's (Overseas Citizens of India) and PIO's (Persons of Indian Origin) card holders can also ask for information under the RTI Act.

For citizens, OCI's and PIO's who are staying out of India, the RTI Application can be filed with the PIO of the local Indian Embassy/Consulate/High Commission and they will inform you regarding the amount of application fee in local currency as well as the mode of payment.

Some Important Pacts Regarding Who can obtain information under RTI:

It is quite interesting to note that even though under Section 3 of the Act right of all citizens, to receive information, is statutorily recognised but Section 6 gives the said right to any person. Therefore, Section 6, in a sense, is wider in its ambit than Section 3. (Observed by Supreme Court of India: CIC vs State of Manipur & ors)

RTI Act does not define PERSON. However, The General Clauses Act, 1897 defines PERSON as
Person" shall include any company or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, "Political Agent" shall mean- In relation to any territory outside India, the Principal Officer, by whatever name called, representing the Central Government in such territory, and in relation to any territory within India to which the Act or Regulation containing the expression does not extend, any officer appointed by the Central Government to exercise all or any of the powers of a Political Agent under that Act or Regulation.

Thereby, another organisation can ask for information from another organisation Irrespective of the nature of the job a person may be performing as far as a person is a citizen of India he/she shall have the right to information subject to the provisions of RTI Act. ALL citizens are entitiled for information under RTI, which included employees. Same is clear from S. 6(1). It starts with non obstinate clause 'A person'. So it is the person matters not the employability or employee.

The application/ appeal from an Association or a Partnership Firm or a Hindu Undivided Family or from some other group of individuals constituting as a body or otherwise is to be accepted and allowed.

Kolkata high court has allowed use of post box in filing RTI which shall enable contact of a user with the authority without revealing personal details of the information seeker. You do not need to worry about your safety when Post Box is there. You may read it here:

Presented by
Pradip Pradhan

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Deaths due to Malaria and TB in Odisha

Deaths due to Malaria and TB in Odisha

Dear friends

On 3.5.20., RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Dept. of Health and Family Welfare, Got. of Odisha seeking  information about  details of death  due to  Malaria and  Tuberculosis  in Odisha.  RTI Application was forwarded to the Directorate of Health Intelligence & Vital Statistics, Odisha and Directorate of Public Health, Odisha  to supply the  information.  While  the PIO of the  Directorate  of  Health Intelligence & Vital Statistics, Odisha   provided   the  information on 13.7.20,  the PIO of Directorate of Public health, Odisha  provided  the  information about  deaths  due to TB   on 22.7.20.
·         Statistics on Death due to TB   contradicts the information provided by both  the Directorates. 
·         In an average, 2000 people died of malaria in Odisha   every year. 
·         In an average, 2500 people died of TB in Odisha every year.

Year-wise death cases under National TB Elimination Programme, Odisha
Supplied by Directorate of Public Health, Odisha dt. 22.7.20

Total Death
2020 upto 20.7.20

Statement showing the Nos of Death in T.B. and Malaria in Odisha provided by
Directorate of Health Intelligence & Vital Statistics, Odisha on 13.7.20


Pradip Pradhan