Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Media Projection of V. K. Pandian as No.1 IAS officer

Media Projection of Mr. V. K. Pandian as No.1 IAS officer does not hold any documentary Proof. It is construed as False Propaganda, exposed under RTI

In March, 2016, the Odia Daily newspaper “Sambad” covered a Comparative analysis of performance of few IAS officers following their ACRs and projecting Mr. V.K. Pandian as No. 1 IAS officer in rank among all IAS and IPS officers scoring 10 marks in each Indicator taken up for the study.  Accordingly its Sister Media “Kanak TV” covered same story showing the documents of their performance report which is still available in “YouTube”.

1.  Having seen the news covered with show of  copy of documents in  Media and out of curiosity,  I had filed RTI application dt. 26.3.16 to the PIO, Dept. of General Administration and Public Grievances, Govt. of Odisha seeking the following information to ascertain the fact  of reporting.

i.  Copy of   Annual Confidential Reports  (CCR) of last three years  of Sri V.Kartikeyan Pandian, IAS, secretary to  Chief Minister, Odisha, Sri Upendra Nath Behera, IAS, Addl.Chief Secretary, Odisha, Sri Bijay Sharma, IPS, D.G. Crime Branch etc. which has already  released to media.
ii. Details of procedure followed for preparation of ACR and approval made by the appropriate authority.
iii. Details of criteria taken up and procedure followed for assessing career / performance of an IAS /IPS officer which reflected in ACR.
iv. Details of ACR Reporting Authority for different type of IAS and IPS officers at different level in the administrative set up  of the State.
v. Details of legal provisions for disclosure of ACR or  maintaining its secrecy.

2.     On denial of information by the PIO and First Appellate Authority,  I made Second Appeal  in the office of Odisha Information Commission on 8.6.16.  praying for supply of information and imposing penalty on PIO for  denying information under section 20 of the RTI Act.

3.     The Commission registered  my case  as Second Appeal Case No. 1567/2016 and started  hearing of the case  from 18.10.19 onwards, after around 3 years of filling Second Appeal. The Commission heard six times and passed the order on 10.2.20 which is of bad taste.

4.      On first day of hearing (18.10.19), the Commission directed the PIO to show cause  for not providing information as per law, not  explaining reasons of refusal on point-wise  information, not making any effort to give the details  under section 4(1)(b) of the RTI Act about norms, guidelines, notification. The Commission also directed Special Secretary and Principal Secretary, Dept. of GA & PG  to submit status Report  updated till 30.9.2019 with regard to section 4 of the RTI Act by taking notes  of section 4(1)(b)(v)(vii)(xiv) & (xv)  and Secion-4(1)(c )(d) & (e ) . 

5.     On day  of Second Hearing ( 8.11.19.) I  made  a submission stating  that information relating to ACR of IAS and IPS officers has not  been provided to me by the PIO  citing  the ground section 8(1)(j) & section 11 of the RTI Act.   
Section 8(1)(j) stipulates   “exemption of  information from disclosure which relates to personal information and the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity or interest, or which would cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of the individual unless the Central Public Information Officer or the State Public Information Officer or the appellate authority, as the case may be, is satisfied that the larger public interest justifies the disclosure of such information: Provided that the information which cannot be denied to the Parliament or a State Legislature shall not be denied to any person.”

Section 11(1)  says “Where a Central Public Information Officer or a State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, intends to disclose any information or record, or part thereof on a request made under this Act, which relates to or has been supplied by a third party and has been treated as confidential by that third party, the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, shall, within five days from the receipt of the request, give a written notice to such third party of the request and of the fact that the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, intends to disclose the information or record, or part thereof, and invite the third party to make a submission in writing or orally, regarding whether the information should be disclosed, and such submission of the third party shall be kept in view while taking a decision about disclosure of information: 
Provided that except in the case of trade or commercial secrets protected by law, disclosure may be allowed if the public interest in disclosure outweighs in importance any possible harm or injury to the interests of such third party.”
 My further argument before the Commission is as follows

a.     On the ground of denial of information, I argued that the PIO has not sought opinion of third parties before taking such decision of non-disclosable of information. So, the PIO should be directed to issue notice to the third parties  to give  their opinion  relating to supply  of ACR under section 11 of the RTI Act.  Without taking opinion of third parties, the PIO can not deny the information.
b.     As  the  information sought  for  is already  in public domain and news  glorifying their performance  has  been widely covered  in both Print and Electronic media, the said  information must be provided in public interest  to  understand  performance of No.1. IAS officer under section 8(1)(j) of the RTI Act.

6.The PIO made counter-submission referring decision of Delhi High Court in W.P. ( C ) No. 4735/11 wherein  the Court has observed  that the ACRs can not be disclosed to any other employee as  that would  constitute third party information. The PIO further submitted   referring decision of Supreme Court  in the matter of Girish R. Deshpande  VS CIC and others ( SLP ( C ) No. 27734/2012 wherein it was as  under

“ The performance of an employee/officer in an organization is primarily a matter between the employee and the employer and normally those aspects  are governed by the service rules  which fall under  the expression “personal information”, the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity  or public interest. On the other hand, the disclosure of which could cause unwarranted invasion of privacy of that individual”. The Supreme Court further held that such information could be disclosed only if it would serve a large public interest”. 

I further  countered submission   of the PIO  that  following  this judgement  of  the Supreme Court, the information  about APR of Mr. V.K.Pandia must be disclosed  in public interest  which is already available in public domain.

7.The PIO also  submitted  that  the GA Dept. had never shared  this  information sought for  on ACRs/PARs( Performance Appraisal Reports)  of any officers  to any media / TV channel  because  such documents are purely confidential in nature. So, the information has not been supplied to anybody.

8. In respect of information about details of ACR Reporting authority , detaisl of criteria taken up and procedure followed for assessing career , the PIO supplied  copy of All India Civil Conduct Rules.

9. While passing final order , the  Commission opined that in the instant case the appellant  has not made  a bonafide  public interest in seeking information  the disclosure of  such information would cause unwarranted invasion of privacy of the individual U/s 8 (1) (j) of the RTI Act.  The case was disposed without any direction for supply of information.

 Analysis of the Case: Why it is a tasteless order ?
a.  From the  very beginning of the hearing of the case, I have persistently  made submission that as  the PIO has rejected  RTI application on the ground of section 11 without following procedure, he should be directed  to issue  notice to all IAS officers seeking  their opinion about disclosure of their performance report. But  the  Commission  Smt. Sashi Prava Bindhani consciously  remained  silent  and never  directed the PIO to follow  the procedure of section 11(1). Rather just mentioned in her order “ the PIO could have taken the views of the third parties in this particular case”.  

b.    Smt. Bindhani did not make legal interpretation of the law  i.e., Section 8(1)(h), when I have been constantly pleading  for  disclosure of  information by producing Kanak TV Visual     which is  already available in youtube. As Smt. Is not well-versed  about RTI Act and its legal interpretation, she  deliberately refrains from  doing her commission’s job and passed speaking order. 

c.      As the PIO stated  that the said information has never been disclosed  to any media, the Million Dollar question is raised how did Sambad and kanak TV  get  this  document ?

d.     At last it  is concluded  that   the Projection of Mr. V.K.Pandia as No. 1 IAS does not  substantiate any logic or ground to  believe. The People must reject it.

e.     Through out hearing of the case, Smt. Bindhani persuaded the  PIO for updating the suo moto disclosure of information under section 4(1)(b)(c )(d) of the RTI Act.  Till last, the PIO did not care  to comply. This matter  was also not  related  to my case. I got astonished Why  did the Commission bring this issue within ambit of hearing of my case. The whole exercise of Smt. Bindhani ended in fiasco.  The Commission also  did not pass any order in its  decision. Till today, the GA dept. has not updated suo moto disclosed information.

Pradip Pradhan

Saturday, May 23, 2020

At a stretch OSDMA released Rs.2.5 Crore to IIT, Bombay for land slide Study

Bureaucrats use Public Money on their Whims and Fancies
At  a stretch OSDMA   released Rs.2.5 Crore to IIT, Bombay for land slide Study without    signing any MOU or accepting any  detailed  Proposal – AN RTI Revelation
Dear friends
On dated 11.3.20., RTI Application was submitted to the PIO , office  of OSDMA ( Odisha State Disaster Management Authority), Bhubaneswar seeking  the  following  information.
i.  Copy  of  all correspondence  made  with IIT, Bombay while  assigning  study  on Landslides in Gajapati  in pre and post-assignment  period.
ii. Copy  of  the  file  noting  with  regard  to  decision taken  for  assigning IIT, Bombay  the  said study
iii. Provide copy  of  decision taken / Order  including  file  noting   for release  of advance amount  Rs. 2.5 crore   with date  of release.
iv. Copy  of  Review, if any  made  at OSDMA  level  about  progress  or  completion  of  the  study  during  period  of  present MD, OSDMA
On 19.5.20, the PIO  supplied  the  information  which  are  as follows.

1.       From the  file  noting , it  was  found that the Chief Minister, during his visit  to the cyclone Titli affected area  in October 2018 had expressed  his deep  concern for landslide event  in Gajapati  district. He had  declared that  vulnerability mapping  of hilltop villages would be done  and shelter  houses  to be provided  to the  community , wherever required.
2.       The State Executive  Committee ( SEC) headed by the Chief Secretary, in its 3rd meeting for 2018-19 held  on 22.10.18  approved  the landslide vulnerability mapping by OSDMA  for  which necessary fund would be provided from SDRF ( State  Disaster Response Fund).
3.       Without inviting any tender or Expression of Interest, Shri Bishnupada Sethy,  the then Managing Director, OSDMA  assigned Indian Institute of Technology,  Bombay ( Rs. 2.5 crore project) for the landslide vulnerability study  for Gajapati District. OSDMA has   maintained utmost secrecy  and has not  disclosed any information  about  details of  procedure  followed and decision taken   and preliminary correspondence made  between OSDMA and IIT, Bombay  for arriving at  decision to  assign this study ( for example letter dt. 30.3.2019) , as it  was  sought  for  under RTI Act. The reason for not  inviting Expression of Interest through advertisement  and  hurriedly selecting IIT, Bombay  for  this study is best known to OSDMA officials.
4.       But it  was observed  from the file noting  that the Team of IIT, Bombay  visited three worst landslides affected areas  in the Gajapati  district  and  submitted a preliminary report  to OSDMA  which was  placed before 4th SEC meeting  for the year 2018-19 held on 5.2.2019.
5.       Following  their  preliminary report,  OSDMA assigned  this  study  to IIT, Bombay  without  signing any MOU and devising timeline  and  released   total Rs. 2.5  crore  at  stretch  on 25.4.19 without approval of the Finance Department.
6.       In respect of sanctioning of Rs. 2.5 crore  to IIT, Bombay by Sri Bishnupada Sethy, MD, OSDMA, it has been  clarified  by Bholanath Mishra, General Manager ( Geotechnology), OSDMA which is observed from the  file noting  that the Governing Body in its 3rd meeting has delegated the sanctioning power upto Rs. 5.00 core to the Managing Director for any scheme. I suggest that this issue  must  be looked  into by the state Govt.  from the perspective of effective  management of SDRF fund  through approval of Finance Dept.
7.       It  deserves to mention here that IIT, Bombay had not submitted any proposal  for  the Study  on  Vulnerability Mapping of Landslide Prone areas under Cyclonic storm  in the Gajapati district”
8.       It is  also learnt from the text  of the letter  written by IIT, Bombay  on 2.4.19  that  “ the duration of the project was one year  and the consultation charges was be Rs. 2,11,86,441.00 with 18%GST ( total Rs. 2.5 crore) .
9.       After  four months of  release  of  Rs. 2.5 crore  ,  the  Study Team of IIT, Bombay made  their  first visit  to Gajapati district  on 2nd and 3rd September, 2019 for the said study.  
10.   On 30.10.19., OSDMA  wrote a letter to Prof. Manas Ranjan Behera, Associate  Professor , IIT,  Mumbai, Team Leader  to send a team of experts  to the recent landslide sites  occurred  in Gumma and Rayagada  block of Gajapati district and submit  the report.   IIT Team visited Gajapati on 12.11.19
11.   From the proceedings of the meeting of OSDMA held on 13.11.19, it was found that Mr. Pradeep Jena, present Managing Director, OSDMA really blew the whistle. This meeting was called by him to review the progress of ongoing  landslide study  undertaken by IIT, Bombay. It  was  directed  by  Sri Jena that –
a.       IIT, Bombay  would modify the methodology and  come  up with detailed  proposal ( IIT, Bombay  had  not  submitted  any  proposal . But Mr.  Bishnu Pada Sethy, the then MD sanctioned full amount of Rs. 2.5 crore as advance. It never happened anywhere in Govt. sector) , devise  a timeline for execution  &  completion of the work. The modified proposal would be submitted within three weeks.
b.      IIT, Bombay would submit the exhaustive proposal with timeline of completion by 13th December,2019  and submit UC of the expenditure incurred under this project to settle the advance amount released to IIT, Bombay.
c.       As MOU  was  not  signed  on 25.4.19 at the  time of release  of entire project money, MOU  will  be signed now after  review of progress  and revised plan.
12.   One year is over. So far, IIT, Bombay has neither submitted any report nor UC.
13.   Study is going on. Nobody knows when the study will be completed.
14.   It is desired to conduct an inquiry into nexus of Sri Bishnupada Sethy and IIT, Bombay, how a project was sanctioned without  floating any tender and inviting Expression of Interest and total amount was released without signing any MOU and underlining check and balance.

Pradip Pradhan
Date- 22.5.20

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Memo to Chief Minister Odisha on Kerosene Scam

Shri Naveen Patnaik                                                                                                       Date- 19.5.20
Chief Minister
Govt. of Odisha

Sub- Seeking inquiry  into  huge  irregularities  and black-marketing  of Kerosene  and Dal  in different districts and  Direction   for proper and transparent procedure to be followed in respect of distribution of Rice, Dal and Kerosene by Panchayat and dealers in the state.   

Respected Sir

 We, the RTI Activists  and Members  of  Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan  draw  your  kind attention  on the  following  issues  relating  to   corruption , hoarding  and black-marketing  of  PDS  items  distributed  under  NFSA  and Pradhan Mantri  Garibi Kalyan  Anna Yojana  ( PMGKAY)  among the beneficiaries  across the  state.

1.       That, in view of COVID-19  lockdown  in the  country,  the  Central Government  announced  a series of  Corona packages for the  poor  under  Pradhan Mantri Garibi Kalyan Yojana . One of the   most important Packages for  the millions of the  poor people  is  provision of   5 kg  free rice  per  head  per month  for  three months , one kg  Dal  per  family  per  month for  three months ( April to June) for all NFSA  beneficiaries free of cost,  Rs. 1000.00  for all Old Age, Widow and Disable pension holders.  On 30th March, 20, the  Central Government  issued  letter  to all  State  Govt. to lift allocated  quantity  of Rice  and Dal  for  distribution  among the beneficiaries free of cost without delay. On 11.4.20, the Secretary, Department of Food Supply and  Consumer Welfare, Govt. of Odisha issued   letter  to all the Collectors directing  to immediately  lift  rice  from FCI godown and Dal  from NAFED Godown  for  distribution of 3 months  ration to all 92 lakh NFSA card  holders ( 3.26 crore people  ) and complete  distribution by 28th of May.

2.       But  it is very   disheartening  to note  here that  though more than one month has passed,  Dal  has not  yet  been  distributed in thousands of  Panchayats  in the  state. It is reported that  in many  places,   only one kg  of Dal  is  provided  to the beneficiaries. It  is also  learnt from different sources   that  there  is huge  hoarding  of Dal  by the  dealers / retailors  in the  state.

3.       Similarly, the  three months free  rice  provided   by Central Govt.  under Pradhan Mantri Garibi Kalyan Yojana  has not  yet been  supplied  in many  Gram Panchayat, though  rice  has been  lifted  from  FCI Godown.  It  is assumed  that  the  Govt. officers  and  Transport Agents  might  have  black-marketed  this  rice  without  distributing  to the Ration Card  holders.

4.       Similarly,  the  State  Government  has issued  instruction  for  distribution of  6 lites  of kerosene  for  3 months  to all  Ration card  holders  at the rate of Rs. 14.72   per  litres. But  the  Dealers  are  seen  distributing  5 litres  of kerosene  against  allocation of 6 litres  and collecting  exorbitant  price ranging  from Rs. 30.00   to Rs. 54.00 per litres  from the poor Ration Card  holders in different districts.   This  is  no doubt a big  loot  of the poor  people  even  during  disaster  period.  It  is reported  that  the   District  Civil Supply  Officers, Marketing Inspectors, Wholesalers  and dealers  are  hand in glove  to loot  the  people  by  illegally  demanding  such  huge price. It is estimated a loot of Rs. 1000 crore  from the poor ration card holders by the  dealers and Govt. officials.  Despite  several  complaints   being filed  to district Collectors and FIRs lodged  in different police stations  by  the RTI Activists and beneficiaries, no action has been  taken  against  the dealers and the officials  involved  in this scam.

5.       So, keeping in view magnitude  of this  scam, we   make  the  following  demands  for  effective  and  transparent  distribution of all PDS  items  among  the  people  in the  state.

·               Constitute  an High-level inquiry  into allegation of  exorbitant  price  of kerosene  demanded  by the  retailors   across the  state  and take   stringent  action against them  and other  officials involved  in this  scam.
·               Constitute  an High-level inquiry  into allegation of  non-distribution of  Dal  to the beneficiaries  in thousands  of Gram Panchauyats.
·               Direct  all  District  Civil supply  officers  to return the  money  to the  beneficiaries from whom   excess  price  of  kerosene  against  fixed  price  was collected.
·               Direct  to exhibit ( public display)   in front  of Retailors’ shop  the  price  of PDS items, stock  Register, Distribution Register, Tally Register  and grievance Register  for  maintaining transparency  ( part of 5T Sarkar )  in  distribution of items to the beneficiaries.
·               Ensure  a robust system of  grievance redressal mechanism  for addressing grievance  of the people  immediately.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Pradip Pradhan
State Convener
Sanjukta Panigrahi, Member, M-9337903294
Srikant Pakal, Member, M- 9830440742
Sarbeswar Behura, Member, M-94374 
Jitendra Sahu, Member , M- 9861431109

Annextures- A. news Clippings
B. FIRs  filed  in Police stations by RTI Activists and beneficiaries

Copy to
A.      Chief Secretary, Govt. of Odisha