Sunday, April 30, 2017

Allocation of Huge fund for ICZMP to be monitored

Allocation of Huge fund and its expenditure for various activities  under ICZMP  to be monitored

Dear friends  
On 15.11.16, RTI application  was submitted to the PIO, Dept. of Forest and Environment , Govt. of  Odisha seeking information about details of activities undertaken under Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan ( ICZMP)  in Kendrapara district upto Oct. 2016. RTI Application was transferred to PIO, office of State Project Management Unit-Odisha , ICZMP to provide information. After four months, the PIO supplied  the  following information on 21.4.17.  There is complaint by locals  that  huge fund has been misused and misappropriated  by Govt. officials  and contractors  in this project.  In view of it, this information is presented  in public domain in order to help others  to  fight out corruption  in Rajnagar area and monitor the activity  undertaken in the area and how the common people have been benefitted out of the project.  

Information about details of Activities undertaken by ICZMP in Kendrapara district, Odisha
                                                                                                   Rs. In lakhs
Description of Activities
Amount sanctioned
Amount utilised
Construction of Cyclone Shelter at Pentha
Construction of Cyclone Shelter at Manjuapalli
Construction of Cyclone Shelter at Badatubi
Construction of Cyclone Shelter at Petachhela
Culture Deptt.
Structural conversation-Jagannath Temple, Pentha
Peripheral development-Jagannath Temple, Pentha
Wildlife wing
Bio-Diversity – Construction of Hatcery ad rearing  complex of Crocodiles and laboratory at Dangamaal( Mangrove forest division)  

Eco-tourism- Drinking Water facilities ( Digging of Deep tube wells) and water supply arrangements at Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary( Chakrtadharpur-1 and Barunei-1)

Eco-Tourism- Drinking water facilities  ( Digging of deep tube wells) and water supply arrangements at Bhitarakanika  sanctuary ( Gupti-1, Koilipur-2, Rajnagar-1 No, Dangamal-1 No.) Several Contracts

Eco Tourism- Construction of Floating jetty  at Hukitola & Babubali

Bio Diversity- Construction of permanent Campshed at Chinchrili and Dobandhi inclusive of digging deep tube well. ( Mangrove Forest Division)  

Eco- Tourism- Construction of raised  platforms  for pitching tents on them ( 5 nos) and construction of a kitchen  ad sit outs  at Barunai ( Several Contracts)

Bio-Diversity – Works activities  for plantation  of mangroves / Mangrove associates  and other species  in 32  EDC villages  in 30.00 hect. land  ( several contracts)

Bio-Diversity- Construction of Monitoring  Centre at  Chakradhara Pur, Rajnagar Tahsil, Kendrapara

Bio-Diversity – Construction of Hostel building  for researchers/ scientists at Gupti with canteen facilities

Bio –Diversity – Survey and demarcation, cost of inputs, fish bone channel digging , nursery raising, collection of seeds and seedling, replacement of seedling, for plantation of mangroves  in 138 hect. of land ( several contracts)

Eco-Tourism- Renovation of Hukitola building at Hukitola

Bio-Diversity – 2nd Phase for digging of fish bone channel and creation and maintainance of fishbone channel, fencing  and plantation of Mangrove i 138 hect. land ( Several contracts)

Additional work of Hatchery ad rearing complex  of crocodile  and laboratory  at Dangamal

Mangrove plantation for 35 ha. At Sanatubi

Bio-Diversity – Procurement of poles, plastic  nets and accessories for mangrove platation

Bio-Diversity- Procurement of 10 nos of country boat 8ft x 20 ft ( wooden) for river  protection squad

Bio-Diversity- Supply  and installation of G.I. support  wire  for fencing  towards  protection of Mangrove plantation ( several contracts)

Bio-Diversity- Procurement of  instruments of Harbarium under Mangroves  forest division , Rajnagar ( several contracts)

Bio-Diversity- Procurement of poles, plastic nets and accessories  for mangrove plantation

Bio-diversity- - Procurement of  instruments of Harbarium under Mangroves  forest division, Rajnagar

Bio-Diversity- Cost of inputs for plantation of Mangroves  at 32 EDC in Bhitarakanika ( Several Contracts)

Bio-Diversity- Hiring of Trawelers-2 nos and support boata-2 nos ( For 2012-2015)- Several contracts

Bio-Diversity- Procurement of Speed Boat-2 nos

Bio-Diversity- Procurement of solar light, water supply at monitoring centre in Chakradhar Pur  ( Several contracts)

Prouremet of furniture  & fixtures for Hostel building at  Gupti
Water Resources Dept.
Installation of  Geo-Textiles  tube  embankment  with toe mount  at village Pentha for protection  against Coastal erosion  at Pentha
Fishery Dept.
233 SHGs  working in different activities  such as pisciculture, poultry firm, cold chain marketing  and diary firm

Pradip Pradhan


Information about health condition of Chief Minister is denied under RTI

Information about health condition of Chief Minister is not disclosed by Office of Chief Minister, Odisha under RTI Act

Dear friends
In the first week of March, 2017,   Chief Minister Sri Nabin Patnaik gave a public statement that he was physically fit to run state administration which was highlighted by Media. Earlier, there was a lot of discussion in public domain (may be gossip) about terrible health condition of Chief Minister for which he is frequently visiting New Delhi for treatment. In my pursuit to get authenticated information about health condition of our beloved Chief Minister,  I filed RTI Application  dt. 4.3.17  to the PIO, Dept. of Parliamentary Affairs, Govt. of Odisha. The PIO sought the said information from the office of Chief Minister, Odisha. After obtaining the said information  supplied by Bishnu Prasad Mishra, Under Secretary, the  PIO has provided  the following  the information on 20.4.17.

Information sought for by Pradip Pradhan
Information  provided by PIO
Provide information about details of treatment undergoing Chief Minister of Odisha and name of the doctor examining and treating Chief Minister.
This information sought for does not come under purview of definition of RTI Act
ii. Provide photocopy of Medical certificate indicating that Chief Minister is physically fit  to  manage state of affairs.

This information sought for does not come under purview of definition of RTI Act
iii. Provide information about details of expenditure made towards treatment and medical reimbursement  against treatment of Chief Minister  from Jan 2014 to Feb. 2017.

No medical reimbursement  has been borne from State exchequer towards treatment of Chief Minister, Odisha
iv. Provide information  about other expenses made under different heads   which  has been borne from state exchequer   for Chief Minister  from  Jan. 2014 to Feb. 2016.

The Applicant has not sought what exact information he requires. So it can not be provided


A.    On point No. 1, 2 and 4, the PIO has tried to avoid to provide the iformation. The PIO with malafide intention denied to provide the information.

B.     First appeal petition will be filed  to the First Appellate Authority, Department of Parliamentary Affairs to get the complete information.

 Pradip Pradhan

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Memo to Governor, Odisha on appointment of Lokayukta

Dear friends

During week-long Anti-corruption Campaign organised  by Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan in 23 districts of Odisha from 1st to 7th April 2017, we have undertaken signature campaign    to build up public opinion  and generate public demand for immediate constitution of Lokayukta with amendment of Odisha Lokayukta Act in the state.  Hundreds of the people joining in our campaign have supported our drive by signing memorandum  addressed to Hon’ble Governor, Odisha   for constitution of Lokayukta in the state.  This memorandum has already been submitted   to office of Governor, Odisha  through Collectors of few district. However, the Memorandum with  compiled signature is also sent to Governor, Odisha by post  on 25.4.17.  The text of Memorandum is  presented below for Readers’ reference.

Pradip Pradhan
State Convener


Memorandum to Governor Odisha for ensuring the appropriate amendment to the impugned Odisha Lokayukta Bill 2014 for early institution of Lokayukta in the State.

Hon’ble Governor, Odisha, Bhubaneswar

SUB: Request for sending the impugned Odisha Lokayukta Bill 2014 to the State legislature for reconsideration by it by way of an appropriate amendment for making the State Vigilance an independent and autonomous anti-corruption agency of the State.

Esteemed Governor Odisha,

 We, the  following  signatories , joining in Anti-Corruption Campaign Organized by Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan from 1st  to 7th April, 2017 , bring to your kind notice the following matter seeking your judicious action.

(1)   As you might know, the historic, anti-corruption law The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act 2013 after being passed by the Parliament was notified thereafter in Official Gazette on 1st January 2014. One of the most welcome provisions of this Act, which was also cherished by millions of Indians over decades, was that it, by way of amending the DSPE Act 1946, provided for reconstituting the CBI into a free, independent and autonomous agency for investigating into all manners of serious crimes including corruption in high places. Besides, the said Act also armed the Lokpal with the power of monitoring over CBI in respect of the cases of corruption entrusted by Lokpal to CBI for the purpose of investigation and prosecution. Moreover, the said Central law also mandated each State Government to pass a law for institution of Lokayukta within one year of its notification, in sync with the letter and spirit of the Central law.
(2)   As a matter of fact, Odisha was one among a few States, which in mid-February 2014 passed Odisha Lokayukta Bill 2014, though too hurriedly and bypassing any consultation with civil society groups engaged around anti-corruption issues. As a result, the Bill so passed suffered from several glaring omissions and commissions, which were also pointed out to the President, Governor and Chief Minister of the State through memoranda addressed to them and as well through media highlights. The most critical lacunae of the Bill, for which the Bill was condemned by all Opposition parties and civil society groups in unison, was its failure to reconstitute the State Vigilance the premier anti-corruption wing of the state into a free, independent and autonomous agency like the CBI was reformed at the Central level. Besides, the said Bill also kept the State Vigilance outside the monitoring purview of Lokayukta even in the matter of investigation of corruption cases referred by Lokayukta to Vigilance.
(3)   However, despite all this, the loopholes-ridden Odisha Lokayukta Bill was sent to the President for his concurrence, as it had been made under a Central law. The President reportedly gave his assent to the Bill towards the end of January 2015. But, thereafter, in absence of its notification in the Official Gazette, nobody has any clues as of today as to what actually happened to the impugned Bill.
(4)   Needless to say, while the Jan Lokpal Andolan was going on in full swing across the whole nation under the irresistible inspiration of Anna Hazare the iconic anti-corruption protagonist, the people of Odisha while supporting the cause of Lokpal at Centre, demanded too the setting up of a properly constituted and empowered Lokayukta in the State in place of a dysfunctional Lokpal languishing under the toothless Orissa Lokpal and Lokayukta Act 1995. As a matter of fact, the said Act of 1995 along with its institution of Lokpal stood abolished under Section 60 of the freshly passed Odisha Lokayukta Bill 2014.
(5)   As irony would have it, Odisha is now stuck up in a Trishanku state, whereby we have neither the old Lokpal nor the new Lokayukta in place to hear the people’s burgeoning grievances around corruption. However, given the choice, we won’t want either the revival of old Lokpal, which like a white elephant proved good-for-nothing during two decades of its nebulous career, or the installation of new Lokayukta proposed under the Bill, which having no semblance of control over State Vigilance would prove equally good-for-nothing albeit its high-profile statutory outfit and its disproportionately huge share in state exchequer.
(6)   Under the circumstances, we would earnestly beseech your esteemed authority to consider and act upon the following constitutionally available options in the interest of offering a good Lokayukta law to the people of the State, and thereby help the emergence of a corruption-free Odisha in days to come-

(i)           Sending back the impugned Odisha Lokayukta Bill 2014 to Odisha Legislative Assembly for reconsidering it with a view to its proper Amendment;
(ii)         Ensuring that such amendment should provide for making the State Vigilance, like the CBI at Central level, into a free, independent and autonomous investigative agency;
(iii)       Ensuring that such amendment should provide for exercise of monitoring authority by the State Lokayukta over the State Vigilance in respect of cases of corruption referred by the former to the latter for the purpose of investigation and prosecution;
(iv)       Ensuring that such amendment should provide for an adequate and independent budgetary provision for State Vigilance so as to help it discharge its multifarious functions as an anti-corruption watchdog agency properly and effectively;
(v)         Ensuring that such amendment should provide for adequate budgetary, infrastructural and manpower provisions to the State Lokayukta so as to enable it to function independently and effectively;
(vi)       Ensuring that such amendment, in compliance to the provisions made in Lokpal Act, should provide for entrusting the monitoring authority to State Lokayukta in respect of implementation of Odisha Right to Public Services Act 2012.    

Coming to the other item of the agenda i.e. Odisha Lokayukta Act 2014, Sri Singh observed that this Act in its present form won’t serve the purpose of timely investigation and prosecution of the cases of corrupt public servants as envisaged in the parent Central Act, because of its major lacunae i.e. absence of a free, independent and autonomous vigilance organization. Unlike the parent Lokpal Act which provided for reconstitution and empowerment of CBI into a free, independent and autonomous body, the Odisha Lokayukta Act leaves the Directorate of Vigilance the premier anticorruption, investigating arm of the State untouched, and it remains as before a pliant tool in the hands of the ruling clique for punishing or protecting any public servant charged with corruption, to suit their partisan considerations. Demanding suitable amendment to the defective Odisha Lokayukta Bill 2014, several petitions were timely submitted to President, Prime Minister, Governor and Chief Minister by Bhrastachar Birodhi Abhijan and Odisha Lokayukta Abhijan. But, ignoring the same, the Governor approved and President assented to the Bill, as a result of which we have now a lame-duck Odisha Lokayukta Act, which is utterly incapable of guaranteeing any impartial and independent probe into any allegation of corruption leveled against a public servant let alone prosecuting or punishing him within the time-limits laid down in the parent Act. It is therefore required of us to raise our voice aloud for an early amendment to Odisha Lokayukta Act 2014 before the Lokayukta is constituted as per this defective Act.              

Dealing with Odisha Lokayukta Act 2014, Sri Behera reiterated Sri Singh’s proposal to launch a sustained campaign for amending the Act with a view to incorporating the provisions that would impart freedom, impartiality and autonomy to the state’s premier anticorruption investigating agency Directorate of Vigilance in line with the provisions of parent Act in respect of CBI. He observed that in the given situation, a separate chapter dealing with Directorate of Vigilance needs to be inserted into Odisha Lokayukta Act, whereby the provision for selection of the DG Vigilance by a 3-member body comprising Chief Minister, Leader of Opposition and Chief Justice of High Court should be made. Besides, the proposed Chapter should provide for the overall control and supervision over the Director Prosecution to be exercised by the DG Vigilance. In absence of a law like DSPE Act in the State of Odisha, the Directorate of Vigilance while discharging its role and functions independently and autonomously for all practical purposes ought to remain accountable to State Lokayukta for the purpose of monitoring and reporting of its activities. With these observations, Sri Behera concluded his talk and asked for comments if any on the same from among the participants.

The Odisha Lokayukta Act 2014 in its present form, we are sure, would merely add to the long list of toothless laws that exist as of today concerning investigation and action against corrupt public servants, be they Ministers, MLAs/MPs, Panchayat leaders or Officials. The call of hour is therefore to unleash from today itself a new campaign, of course a more challenging one, for appropriate amendment to Odisha Lokayukta Act 2014 with a view to making the State Vigilance, the potential investigating wing of would-be Lokayukta, a truly free, and independent, empowered and autonomous body. An alternative to such proposal for amendment to the flawed Odisha Lokayukta Act 2014, around which both Government and civil society may deliberate with concert, is the option of a separate law to be enacted for imparting freedom, independence and autonomy to Odisha Directorate of Vigilance, the chief anticorruption investigating agency of the State, on the lines of DPSE Act 1946 which governs the constitution and functioning of CBI.

It is worth noting that the Abhijan apart from singling out the issue of a toothless Vigilance as the most engaging one in the context of the ongoing public discourse around Odisha Lokayukta law, had also pointed out several related omissions and commissions in the Odisha Bill which are still relevant in critiquing the Odisha Lokayukta Act 2014 in the light of parent Lokpal Act 2013.

Signature of the public  joined in Anti-corruption campaign orgnaised by OSAA.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Memo to PM on appointment of Lokpal from OSAA

Dear friends

During week-long Anti-corruption Campaign organised  by Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan in 23 districts of Odisha from 1st to 7th April 2017, we have undertaken signature campaign    to build up public opinion  and generate public demand for immediate constitution of Lokpal at Centre.  Hundreds of the people joining in our campaign have supported our drive by signing memorandum  addressed to Prime Minister, India  for constitution of Lokayukta at centre.  This memorandum has already been despatched  to Prime Minister’ office on 24.4.17.  The text of Memorandum is  presented below for Readers’ reference.

Pradip Pradhan
State Convener


Memorandum to Shri Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India for convening the meeting of Lokpal Selection Committee for long awaited institution of Lokpal at Centre

Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, New Delhi

SUB: Request for convening the Meeting of Lokpal Selection Committee for instituting of long awaited Lokpal at the Centre

Dear Prime Minister,

We, the  following  signatories, joining in Anti-Corruption Campaign Organized by Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan through out the State from 1st April to 7th April, 2017 bring to your kind notice the following matter seeking your judicious action.

Well aware as you are, the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act 2013, the premier anticorruption law which provides for setting up watchdog bodies like Lokpal at Centre and Lokayuktas in States, was enacted by Parliament in response to a strident country-wide people’s movement that demanded the institution of such bodies forthwith to free the nation from an all-pervasive menace of corruption. The Act was duly notified in Official Gazette on 1st January 2014 and had come into force on 16th January 2014. Thereafter the series of Rules concerning Lokpal Selection Committee and Search Committee and also Disclosure of Assets and Liabilities by Public Servants have also been made and are in place. But, it is a matter of great anguish that the people of the country feel utterly shocked and betrayed for the glaring failure of the present Government at Centre to set up Lokpal despite a long lapse of more than 3 years from the enforcement of the Act and Rules.

Moreover, in absence of a Lokpal at the Centre and taking this excuse, different State Governments including Odisha who had passed their respective Lokayukta Bills albeit in a haphazard manner, have been showing their reluctance to go ahead for setting up Lokayuktas after effecting proper amendment to the hurriedly passed defective Bills. Thus, the institution of Lokayuktas in States does also decisively depend on the institution of Lokpal at Centre.  

As you know too well, it is none else than the Prime Minister himself who is the prime mover to set the entire process of instituting of Lokpal at the Centre into motion, since he happens to be the ex-officio Chairman of Lokpal Selection Committee. But, to the best of our knowledge, the PM has not called any single meeting of this august Committee till date, letting thereby the whole issue of instituting Lokpal at Centre hang fire, to the utter surprise and anguish of the whole nation who had wholeheartedly fought for it in not too distant past.  

You are therefore earnestly requested to initiate the process of instituting Lokpal at Centre, by calling the meeting of Lokpal Selection Committee at the earliest, and thereby pave the way for proper operationalization of Lokayuktas in States across the country.

Signature of the people joined in Anti-corruption Campaign organised by OSAA in 23 districts of Odisha

Thursday, April 27, 2017

NGOs- funded for Peoples’ Bio-diversity Registers in Odisha and Dillydallying by OBB

NGOs- funded  for Peoples’ Bio-diversity Registers in Odisha and  Dillydallying by OBB 

Dear friends

RTI Application was submitted  to the PIO, office of Odisha Biodiversity Board (OBB)  under Department of  Forest and Environment, Govt. of Odisha  seeking  some iformation about  preparation of Bio-diversity Registers in Odisha. On 21.4.17, the PIO has provided  the following  information.  The PIO  has tried  to   cover up  many issues  by providing  misleading  information  which will be   challenged  through appeal procedure under RTI Act.  It   has been outlined below.

A.                 Provide name of the organisations which have been sanctioned funds for preparation of people’s Biodiversity Registers  (PBR) by State Bio-diversity Board (year-wise)
Name of NGO
Total fund sanctioned
Total amount spent
M/s Swaminathan Research Foundation ( MSSRF), Jeypore
Grama Swaraj, Baripada
PAHAD, Phulbai
APOWA, Kendrapara
SEWAK, Sundargarh
CARD, Ganjam
CSRD, Cuttack
LIPICA, Gajapati


B.                 Provide name of the NGOs who have not  yet completed the project sanctioned to them  and reason thereof.

Response of PIO
The PIO  has responded  that all abovementioned organisations  have not yet completed  PBR. But  the PIO  has given very confusing reply  about reasons.  He has mentioned  that

“ the Draft  PBRs submitted by  abovementioned NGOs are being evaluated  regularly  by an evaluation committee of OBB   and necessary  modifications  are being suggested  to them. After incorporating the corrections, the drafts are again submitted to OBB for evaluation  and this process continues  till the NGOs submit error free drafts.

The PIO should  mention details of  the procedure  for  monitoring or evaluation of the project by PBB. But he has not clearly mentioned details of the reasons for non-completion of the project by NGOs.

C.                 Provide name of  NGOs  which  have not been   released complete sanctioned amount till yet and reason thereof including  copy of the file noting.  If the Govt. has sought any query or compliance or explanation from them, please provide  copy of it.

Response of PIO:
The PIO has not provided  any information  but cited  above mentioned  information   which is reproduced  by me “ the Draft  PBRs submitted by  abovementioned NGOs are being evaluated  regularly  by an evaluation committee of OBB   and necessary  modifications  are being suggested  to them. After incorporating the corrections, the drafts are again submitted to OBB for evaluation  and this process continues  till the NGOs submit error free drafts.

Comments: The PIO has   tried to keep the information secret.  The PIO could have   cited reason for non-release of fund.  The PIO could have provided copy of query or explanation sought from NGOs.  I think, this Board has tried its best to harass NGOs citing so-called reasons for non-release of fund.

D.                 Provide details of evaluation of the project sanctioned to the NGOs, if any made  by SBB. Name of the evaluators  with their address. 

Response of PIO:  As mentioned earlier,  the draft PBRs submitted  by NGOs are evaluated by  Committee. The details are enclosed  as Annexture-II.

Comments :  I have wanted  details of evaluation made  by PBB. It means any evaluation conducted or not. If conducted, the report should be provided.  But the PIO  has provided  a  copy of office order  about constitution of  5-member evaluation Committee on 12.1.15. It means Evaluation Committee has not conducted  a single project since last 2  and half years.  This is tragedy  how Biodiversity Board is functioning in Odisha  since last five years of its functioning.

· NGOs are not properly supported.
· No monitoring and evaluation of the project  is conducted  properly.
· Fund is not released properly.
· Over all it can be said, Odisha Bio-diversity Board has failed in all respects.

 Pradip Pradhan
Date- 27.4.17