Saturday, January 16, 2021

inquiry into mismanagment of COVID Fund by Director, RMRC demanded


Fund Received,  its source   and spent for COVID management by RMRC, Bhubaneswar  is still denied under RTI Act

Allegation of  huge  Irregularities and mismanagement  of   COVID  Fund  by Dr. Sanghamitra Pati , Director  is  substantiated  due  to  non-supply  of the  information.

Utilization of Rs. 80  lakhs  of OMC fund  for COVID must  be  put  in public  domain

We are  still hopeful  that  RMRC  will  suo moto  upload  all  information about  details of  expenditure  made , fund  received, its  source  and  details of  money  received  by the  people engaged  in COVID work  and supply  the same  under RTI Act  for  greater  transparency  in the  functioning  of RMRC  and  COVID management. .

Though  five months  passed,  neither  PIO  supplied  the  information  nor  FAA-cum-Director  issued  any direction  to the PIO  for  supply  of the  information under RTI Act,  rather  conspired  to keep information secret.

Dear  friends

Having  heard  about  huge  fund  received  from  various sources  and  mismanagement  of COVID  fund  by Dr. Sanghamitra Pati, Director, Regional Medical  Resource  Centre, Bhubaneswar , RTI  Application dt. 5.8.20  was  submitted  to the  CPIO of  RMRC, Bhubaneswar  seeking  the  following  information

1.      Date  from which  RMRC started  conducting testing  of  samples  for COVID 19  and  provide details of  dedicated  laboratory available in RMRC.

2.      Provide details of type of various tests   being carried out  at RMRC, Bhubaneswar.

3.      Provide no. of   scientists, doctors, technicians engaged  for various COVID Tests  in RMRC.  And provide their names.

4.      Provide details of other   workers, if any engaged by RMRC for COVID Testing work.

5.      Provide information about details of procedure/ guidelines followed by RMRC while conducting testing .

6.      Provide  details of funding support  available  to RMRC  for  COVID  under various heads ,  the  amount, source  of fund  with name of agency  (  Month-wise from March to July, 20). 

7.      Provide details of fund obtained from State Govt. and ICMR ( Month-wise).

8.      Provide details of fund utilized by RMRC under different heads and  balance available  ( month-wise).

9.      Provide details of incentives given  to anybody  for  COVID work, name and amount paid to each and details of  procedure  followed  for  fixation of incentives and copy  of decision taken in this regard. .

10.  Provide  total no. samples received, no. of samples tested  , no. of  samples found to be  positive and negative   by RMRC  till July ( date-wise)  .

11.  Provide  details of decision taken  to preserve samples  for  further  research  and  no. of samples  preserved

12.  Provide  details of  decision, if any taken by RMRC  to sponsor project    to carry out  any  research  for  prevention of COVID 19

In response  to RTI  Application, the CPIO  supplied  the  information  on 3.9.20 which  was found incomplete. The  CPIO  deliberately  did not  provide major  information and kept  it in secret.  These  are  as follows.


Information sought for

Information supplied  y the CPIO


6.Provide  details of funding support  available  to RMRC  for  COVID  under various heads ,  the  amount, source  of fund  with name of agency  (  Month-wise from March to July, 20). 


The  CPIO  has mentioned that  Odisha  COVID  19  epidemology  funded by  Odisha Mining Corporation  and Sero Surveillance  of COVID in Jharkhand

The  CPIO  has  not  provided  details of amount  received  month-wise  which  was most  important. At the behest  of Director, the CPIO kept secret.

7.Provide details of fund obtained from State Govt. and ICMR ( Month-wise).


The CPIO  has just  mentioned availability  of information in  account  section

  In fact, the CPIO  should collect  it  from account section and supply  it  to the  information-seeker.

8.Provide details of fund utilized by RMRC under different heads and  balance available  ( month-wise).




Provide details of incentives given  to anybody  for  COVID work, name and amount paid to each and details of  procedure  followed  for  fixation of incentives and copy  of decision taken in this regard. .


No  Response

The CPIO  has  suppressed the  information, as  many  Doctors  including   Dr. Sanghamitra  Pati, Director   has taken huge  money  which  is not  permissible  under the  statute.


2. Having   failed  to get  the  information, I filed  first  appeal  dt. 14.9.20  requesting  First Appellate  Authority-cum- Director, RMRC  to hear  my case  and direct  the  CPIO  to supply  the  information  free  of cost.

3. On 25.9.20, The  FAA  wrote  a letter   intimating  me  about  dt.  8.10.20  fixed  for  hearing  of the  appeal  petition.  As  it  is not  mandatory  for  appellant  to attend  the  hearing , I opted  out  from the  hearing  and waited  the  order  of the FAA due to COVID  situation.

4. On 6.10.20,  Dr. Sanghamitra Pati, FAA  wrote  a letter  apprising  me that “  the  CPIO  of this  centre  has been affected  by COVID  19  and he is  under treatment  and it will take  time for  recovery . The date for  appearing  the  hearing  will be  intimated  shortly  when  the CPIO  will be available  after  recovery  from the COVID -19 . In fact , the  information sought  for  was  in the  account  section.  The FAA could  have directed  the account  section  to supply  the  information without waiting  the CPIO..  But  the FAA did  not  issue  any  direction.

5.  On 1.12.20, the  Dr. Sanghamitra Pati, Director-cum-FAA   sent  copy  of her  order  dt. 20.11.20 .  The  order  is  very  interesting  and disturbing.  In her  order  she  mentioned  that “  the  Appellant  is  no  more  interested  as he  is satisfied  with  the  information  already supplied  to him by the  CPIO and the  appeal is disposed  off.”   In fact ,  in my  appeal  petition I  have  clearly  mentioned   about  denial  of information by the CPIO and  requested  for  supply  of the  complete  information.  How she could draw conclusion that I was satisfied with the  information. As  Dr. Sanghamitra  Pati  is involved  in  taking huge  money   from COVID  fund, she kept  the  information secret.  The allegation of misutilisation of fund got more substantiated.   

6.  To find out how much fund  has been  given  by OMC, Bhubaneswar,  RTI application dt.   was  submitted  to  PIO, office  of Odisha Mining  Corporation  to  supply  details of fund  given to RMRC.  OMC supplied the information that  Rs. 80 lakh  has been  given to  RMRC . Nobody knows how this  money  has been spent . RTI  was filed  to  understand  the  details of utilization of money . But Dr. Samnghamitra Pati consciously withheld this  information apprehending  that  she would be  exposed.

Story  does not  end  here.  More information about misutilisation and misappropriation of fund by RMRC  will be  exposed  very soon.  Fight  will  continue  till  recovery  of money  illegally  taken  by Dr. sanghamitra  Pati  and   52  Doctors  and  60 employees  which  is not  at  all  permissible .  Complaint  has been  filed  to  different  forum/ authorities seeking   for  inquiry and audit  of huge  fund    distributed  mindlessly  in RMRC. The highest recipient of COVID fund   is  Dr. Sanghamitra Pati.

Pradip Pradhan


Date- 16.1.21

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Fund released and spent for plantation programme in Odisha under Ad-hoc CAMPA Scheme


Fund    released and spent for plantation programme  in Odisha  under

Ad-hoc CAMPA Scheme

(From 2014-15 to 2019-20)

Dear  friends

In the   wake  of  arrest  of Abhaya Pathak, Addl. PCCF   for  his  involvement  in  huge  misappropriation of fund  sanctioned for  plantation programme (?) , RTI  Application was  filed  dt. 12.12.20  in the  office  of PCCF, Govt. of Odisha  seeking  information about  details of  fund  received, released  and utilized  under Ad-hoc CAMPA  from 2014-15 to 2019-20. The  PIO has  provided   the  following  information  on 7.1.21.  This  information is  put  in public domain  for  monitoring  and  inspection whether  the  fund  has been utilized  or  misappropriated  by Forest Det. Officials.  This  is one  of the mega Scams  in Odisha  perpetuated  by Nabin Patnaik Govt.


1.      Details of fund  received  under  Ad-hoc CAMPA

( Rs. Crores)


fund  received  under  Ad-hoc CAMPA












2.      Details of  fund released   under CAMPA to 62 Forest  Divisions

( In Lakhs)


 Fund  released












3.      Details of fund  already utilized  in various divisions  under CAMPA

( In lakhs)












Pradip Pradhan

