Monday, April 9, 2018

distribution of Smart Phone to Women farmers in Odisha- A scheme of hoax

Decision to distribute Smart Phone to Women farmers in Odisha- 
A   scheme of hoax  and deception of Naven Patnaik Govt.

On 8.4.18,  Sri Surya Narayan Patra, Minister for Cooperation has declared  about State Govt.’s decision  to distribute Smart Phone to women farmers  free of cost.  Sri Patro has also stated  that   the information about  agriculture, climatic condition ,    technical advice  will be disseminated  to Women farmers   through Smart phone.  

As I recall, in 2013 just before 2014- Assembly election, Nabin Patnaik, Chief Minister declared   mobile scheme for farmers. Under the Scheme, a budgetary allocation of Rs. 2 crores was earmarked to distribute mobile to 20,000 farmers free of cost. A mega Mobile distribution ceremony was organised in Bhubaneswar to inaugurate launching of Mobile scheme.  Chief Minister launched the scheme and distributed mobile to few farmers free of cost.  As per RTI information, Total amount of Rs. 35 lakh  was spent  for this launching ceremony.   This mobile was distributed with the objective of sensitising the farmers through mobile message about agricultural schemes, technical advice for cultivation etc.

After one year of distribution of mobile phone to farmers, RTI Application was filed to few districts like Khurda, Bolangir, Kalahandi , Malkangiri  to  get  information about list of farmers distributed  mobile phones. The idea of seeking this information was to interview the farmers  about use of mobiles  by them and how it helps them  to get the  information about agriculture from the Govt.  Not a single District provided the information about the list of farmers.  The Govt. has also no list of farmers who received the mobiles.  There is also no study by the Govt.  about use of mobile by farmers or their family members. It was learnt from Govt. officials that  the mobiles were distributed  to the farmers  in view of forthcoming election of 2014 to woo  them  for votes.  Dissemination of information through mobile phone was just a plea for spending money from state exchequer to get votes.

As the forth-coming assembly election is nearby, the BJD Govt. is trying hard to   garner electoral support from different section of voters by declaring various lucrative schemes. Smart phone for women farmers is one of them.  The declared objective of  distribution smart phone  to women farmers   for information dissemination about  cultivation  is false  and deception.  The agenda is to mobilise women farmers for votes   in the coming assembly election   through Smart phone.

The people of Odisha must understand the evil design of Govt.  behind distribution of  Smart Phone which forced  around 200 farmers to commit suicide in Odisha.

Pradip Pradhan, M: 9937843482
Date: 09.04.2018

Eviction Drive of Encroached Land by Govt. Squad is Farce in Bhubaneswar,

Drive for Eviction of Encroached Land by Govt. Squad   is Farce in Bhubaneswar, capital City of Odisha
Dear friends

Encroachment of precious   land by powerful people, Educational Institutions, MLAs, Ministers, private persons, business houses is very  common  phenomena  in Bhubaneswar. Thousands of acres of   Govt. land has been encroached by the people close to power circle for years together.  Achyut Samant of KIIT  has illegally  acquired  and through  fraudlent means  more than 100 acres of land  in  Patia  and Pathargadia  Mouza.  CAG Report  on  General and Social Sector   presented  to Govt.of Odisha  in 2014  has  exposed  how valuable land  has been encroached  by    Govt. officials, corporate  houses  in Bhubaneswar.  Being pretty aware about extent of encroachment of   huge land, the State Government has hardly  taken  steps  to recover  the land.  On the other hand,  the GA Dept.  under control of Nabin  Patnaik, Chief Minister, Odisha  since 18 years  is seen  silent spectator  to huge  quantity of land encroached  by  the powerful people   without taking any steps  against  them.

In 2015, RTI Application was  filed  to Department of General Administration, Govt. of Odisha  seeking  information about details  of land encroached , detected , evicted and recovered  in Bhubaneswar .     The information was  consciously denied   by the PIO. However, after order of Odisha Information Commission, the PIO dt.  12.2.18  and 22.3.18  has provided the  following  information.

1.       On 15.9.2014, a Central Enforcement Monitoring Committee ( CEMC)  has  been constituted  for eviction of encroachers. The said  committee  has been formed  under the chairmanship of  Vice-Chairman, Bhubaneswar Development Authority comprising  Commissioner of police, Bhubaneswar, Director of Estates, GA Dept.,  Commissioner, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation,  Secretary, Odisha State Housing Board as the members  for monitoring  the eviction of encroachments.
2.       Under the said committee, 6 Enforcement Squads have been constituted  out of which 5 Squads  are entrusted  to detect encroachments  within BMC area and the rest one  is entrusted  to detect encroachments beyond BMC area but within BDA area.  Besides  that,  an eviction Squad  consisting of representatives  from GA Department,  BDA, BMC , Commissioner of Police  and other user agencies  is entrusted  to evict the encroachers  from the Government land  as per the schedule of  eviction programme.
3.       GA Dept. has provided contradictory statistics about  extent of encroached land  and amount of land evicted.  On 12.2.18,  the PIO stated  that  Ac. 110 .000 of Govt. land  have been taken over  by GA Department  to its control  after eviction of  the encroachers. The total extent of Government land under General Administration Dept. is 21,511  acres out of which Ac. 478.314 of Govt. land  has been encroached  within BMC area.
4.    But on 22.3.18, the PIO  has provided the following statistics  about   total land  encroached  and evicted  by GA Dept.
No. of demolition programme executed
Extent of detected
Extent of Govt. land  free from encroachments
Ac. 841.936
Ac. 32.645
Ac. 322.707
Ac. 45.063
Ac. 154.213
Ac. 56.646
Grand Total
Ac. 1318.856
Ac. 134.354

1.        From the above statistics, it was observed that t he State Govt. has recovered just 10% of  the total land encroached  in Bhubaneswar.
2.       The  State Govt. i.e.,  the Eviction Squad  have miserably  failed to evict  the land encroachers despite several complaints  filed    by the common people.

Pradip Pradhan

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Resolution of 10th State Convention on RTI in Odisha

Resolution passed in the 10th State Convention on “Right to Information” held at Saheed Smruti Bhawan, Bhadrak from 30th March to 1st April, 2018

Bhadrak Declaration

The 10th State Convention on “Right to Information” was organised by Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan ( A platform of RTI Activists spearheading  campaign  for effective implementation  of RTI Act in Odisha)  at Saheed Smruti Bhawan, Bhadrak on 30th March to 1st Aprl, 2018.  Around 30 RTI Activists, intellectuals, academicians, PIOs, retired Govt. officials had participated in the deliberation during convention.  While Sri Sunil Kumar Mishra, State Chief Information Commissioner delivered inaugural address in the 1st day of the Convention, Prof. M.Sridhar Acharyulu, Central Information Commissioner addressed the gathering in the closing ceremony. Prominent figures who spoke about RTI and enlightened the audience were Sri Venkatesh Nayak, Programme Manager, Common-Wealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI), New Delhi, Sri Nikhil Dey, National Convener, NCPRI, Sri Rabi Das, senior journalist, Sri Panchanan Kanungo, former Minister, Sri Dhirendra Panda, State Convener, Civil Society Forum on Human Rights, Sri S.M.Faroque, eminent Social Activist, Smt. Sanjukta Panigrahi, Woman Activist, Sri Subash Panda, Social Activist and many others.  Sri Pradip Pradhan, State Convener, Sri Biswa Keshari Mohanty, District Convener, Sri Prakash jena, District Coordinator of OSAA coordinated the 3-day programme. 

After long deliberation on various issues relating to implementation of RTI Act and anti-corruption campaign, attack on RTI Activists and  functioning of Odisha Information Commission,  the convention unanimously passed the following resolutions to strengthen RTI Campaign and fight out corruption in the state.

1. Though 12 years’ implementation of RTI Act is over in the state, the   common people at grass-root level are hardly aware about this sun-shine law due to lack of awareness campaign. It is seen that RTI Act has become most powerful tool in the hand of citizens to fight against corruption.  The common people are seen worst victim of corruption and irregularities noticed in the implementation of various Govt. welfare programmes. Realising   necessity of the common people  to be sensitised  about RTI Act to fight against  corruption and deprivation of their entitlements,  OSAA will organise  massive awareness programme  at Gram Panchayat and  block-level.  The people will be educated and motivated to file RTI in the Gram Panchayats,   breeding ground for corruption.  Simultaneously,  twice in a month, RTI  Help centre  will be organised   in front of block office to sensitise  the people about  the procedure  to file RTI  and  access the information about  welfare  schemes like PDS, ICDS, MDM, Agricultural loan scheme, NREGA,   Irrigation scheme, Housing scheme etc.

2.It  was pointed out  by many speakers that   awareness programme in school and colleges is very low.  The students are hardly aware about RTI. So it was resolved to organise seminar, symposium in the High Schools, colleges and Universities in a massive way across the state.

3.  As per section 4(4) of the RTI Act,  the suo moto disclosed  information shall be published  in Odia language. But though 12 years have passed,   not even a single Govt. office has made proactively disclosed information {section 4 (1b) } in Odia language. All the information are in English which the common people could not understand it. Recently, the State Govt. has declared to enforce all official correspondence in Odia language. In view of it, the Convention demands before State Govt. to take steps immediately to disclose  all  such  information  in Odia language and update all  proactively disclosed information as required under section  4 (1b)  of the RTI Act.

4. It was debated in the convention that some of the  provisions of Odisha RTI  Rules, 2005 i.e., compulsory 11-column RTI Application, mandatory system of submission of proof of citizenship at the time of filling RTI Application, compulsory Appeal form and fee are illegal  and absurd. These provisions have created a lot of the problem for common people to access the information. So, it was resolved that the State Govt. should withdraw these illegal provisions and to make Odisha RTI Rules  more peoples friendly.

5. The Convention expressed deep concern over rising attack on RTI Activists across the state. A number of RTI Activists are implicated with false cases. They are threatened and beaten up mercilessly and socially boycotted. Within period of 10 years, around 30 RTI Activists have been harassed and tortured by the politicians, corrupt bureaucrats and vested groups in the state. Two RTI Activists have been murdered.  So in view of it, the house demands that the State administration should ensure protection to RTI Activists and register their complaints on priority basis and investigate the matter and arrest the culprits.

6. One of the major scams exposed by Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan is Land Scam in Odisha.   Huge quantity of land have been illegally acquired by  BJD politicians, Ministers, MLAs, Officers, private educational institutions and  business house  including KIIT through fraudlent means  in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. The irregularities in allotment of plot/land by IDCO, Odisha State Housing Board, GA Department, CDA and BDA  was enquired by Task Force   in 2014 which has recommended  for taking legal action against the people involved in the scam and  returning back of the land from them.  Though four years have passed, the State Govt. has not been able to recover a single piece of land  from land grabbers.  The land scam as estimated has caused a revenue loss of Rs. 10,000 crore to state exchequer.  As the State Govt. is sitting over investigation file, OSAA will carry out the movement for returning back   this land to Govt. fold and legal action against land grabbers.

7. After enactment of the Lokpal and Lokayukta Act in 2013, the State Govt. took much credit   as first state by passing  Odisha Lokayukta Bill in 2014. Though four years passed, the State Govt. has not constituted Lokayukta in Odisha. It was resolved  to continue the movement  demanding  constitution of Lokayukta in the state.  State-wide signature campaign will be organised  and submitted to Governor seeking direction to State Government to constitute Lokayukta in the State .

8. In 2014, the Parliament  in its last session passed  Whistle –Blower Protection Act in order to provide safeguard  to the  Whistle blowers fighting against corruption and irregularities  in Govt. machinery. When BJP Came to power in the centre,  it was expected  that  this Govt. would take steps to implement the law.  But astonishingly, the BJP Govt.  made some retrograde amendment to this Act  and    presented  in parliament  for passage of  the Whistle-blowers’ Protection ( amendment) Bill  which was opposed  by the Activists  across the  country  and demanded  its  withdrawal. This Amendment Bill is still pending.  On the other hand, Attack on Human Rights Activists, RTI Activists is rising day by day  in the  absence of any legal framework  for  their protection in the country.  A good number of RTI Activists  have been murdered. Hundreds of Activists have been mercilessly beaten up , put behind bar on charges of false cases.  After thorough deliberations, it was resolved that OSAA will keep continuity of this movement for immediate implementation of Whistle blowers’ Protection Act.

9. The power and functions of Odisha Information Commission was debated in the convention. All the Activists expressed their displeasure over delayed hearing of the case and long pendency of the case. It is estimated that around 10,000 cases is pending  in the office of  OIC  for disposal. Due to delayed hearing,  the  information , though provided after order of the Commission  is loosing its  importance. It was resolved to demand to Odisha Information Commission to hear the cases  within 3 months of receipt of the Complaint/ Second Appeal cases by the office of Commission.

10.  In order to bring more transparency and accountability in implementation of Govt. programme, the Convention passed a resolution demanding before  Govt.  to conduct social  audit of all works of all Departments. So that the participation of the common people will in crease  in Govt. and utmost transparency  to be enforced.

Prepared  by
Pradip Pradhan
State Convener, Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Arbitrary Extension of service and illegal reappointment of T.K.Panda, MD, OSCB

Arbitrary Extension of service and illegal reappointment of T.K.Panda, Managing Director of Odisha State Co-operative Bank violating ‘Fit and Proper Criteria’ prescribed by RBI for CEOs of State Cooperative Banks.

Dear friends

Since last several years,  Odisha has witnessed  severe unemployment  crisis  with lakhs of  educated  youths  battling to get job  in Govt. or private institutions  to live with dignity. While  unemployment  is on rise, the State Govt.  has been  extending  services  of  retired officers/ employees  and also  giving  reappointment of retired employees  in different posts.

The glaring  case is  continuous illegal extension of service of Tusar Kanti Panda, Managing Director of  Odisha State Co-operative Bank  by  the administration flouting  all  norms and regulations. In 2013, Sri Panda   who  was about to retire  at age of 58  on 31.10.2013 , got succeeded  in manipulating the administrative procedure  to get extension of service for two years  w.e.f. 1.11.2013    taking plea of an unauthorised resolution of the Management of OSCB dt.6.05.2009 to enhance the superannuation age of employees of OSCB from 58 years to 60 years violating the statutory order No.21098 dt.1.10.2010 of RCS (O) which prohibited extension of service of employees of Cooperative Societies after their retirement age of 58 years.

In 2014, he again  succeeded  to get another extension of  two years of  his service  as MD of OSCB  upto 62 years  on 21.08.2014 from 1.11.2015 to 31.10.2017. It is learnt  from  information obtained under RTI that his extension of service  was granted  following  recommendation of Professor and HOD of Computer Science Deptt of IIT Kharagpur (Who was a member of the high value controversial CBS procurement committee as consultant of ODCB) on the pretext that second line officers of OSCB are not capable to move forward the CBS computerization project of OSCB successfully overlooking the statutory ban order for extension of service imposed by RCS mentioned above. The CBS software implementation is a big disaster in Cooperative Banks due to defective CBS software procured from v-soft.

It was observed  from the file noting ( File No. COOP-CRI-MISC-0001-2017)  that in 2017, the Co-operation Dept.  again moved a proposal  for  granting extension of service of Sri Panda  for another one year  w.e.f. 1.11.2017 following a resolution taken by the Management  Committee  of OSCB & proposal  of Registrar, Cooperative Society  placed  at incoming  No. 8785/COOP/2017. But  the extension  of  term of  Sri T.K.Panda  was restricted  to six months  from 15.11.17 to 20.4.2018  by Chief Secretary and Chief Minister. It was also instructed  that  within this period, his successor should be identified  by the Cooperation Department.  It would  avoid any disturbance  in the procurement operations.

On 6.3.2018, the State Govt. has  constituted  a Search Committee  headed by Chief Secretary  to find out a person   for the post of  Managing Director, OSCB.  It deserves to be  mentioned here that  the RBI  has prescribed the following  “ Fit and Proper Criteria” for appointment of  CEOs  in State Cooperative  Banks.

i)      For entry level  eligibility to be  relaxed  to 62 years
ii)   For superannuation, the  upper age limit  to be fixed  at 70 years. . However,  the age of  superannuation may  be decided  by RCS   of the respective states after taking into consideration  the recommendations , if any  of the Board  of directors of the Co-opeartive Banks.

 But  astonishingly,  deviating from  RBI norm, the State  Govt.  has    gone to  the extent of  arbitrarily   taking   an additional criteria  of  age relaxation for the existing employees  of the Scheduled  Co-operative Banks.   This  eligibility criteria  has been taken up very cunningly  by the Govt.  with the sole intention of appointing  Sri Panda again through backdoor means. It is very interesting to note that the qualification for the post of MD, OSCB stipulated in the screening committee notification of Cooperation Department dated 6.3.2018 is as per the old ‘fit and proper’ criteria prescribed by RBI dt.18.6.2008, whereas, the qualification stipulated in the advertisement for said post of  issued by Cooperation Department on 7.3.2018 is different and is as per the revised ‘Fit and Proper’ criteria prescribed by RBI dt.3.3.2009 and 5.7.2011.

It deserves  to mention here that during his tenure Sri Panda had allowed around 60 number of high salaried employees of OSCB to illegally continue in service beyond their retirement age of 58 years up to 60 years without approval of Registrar of Cooperative Societies basing on the unauthorised resolution of the Management of OSCB dt.6.05.2009 to enhance the superannuation age of employees of OSCB from 58 years to 60 years violating the statutory order No.21098 dt.1.10.2010 of RCS (O). 

He had also illegally twice revised salary of employees of OSCB at par with RBI in collusion with the employees and Board members without statutory approval of Registrar of Cooperative Societies twice during his tenure over looking provisions of Orissa Cooperative Societies Act, 1962 and disbursed huge amount of arrear salary when the Bank was being bailed out by Government of Orissa from being closed by pumping of huge share capital of Rs 54 Crore to enhanced it’s Capital base  (CRAR 9%) to meet RBI norms since it’s share capital had substantially eroded due to the non-recoverable (loss category NPA) loan of Rs 48 Crore granted to Bijayananda Cooperative Sugar Mills during his tenure and apart from other NPA loans. As per law the entire unauthorised expenditure made for extension of service and  illegal revision of salary of staff without approval of Registrar is recoverable from him. He has successfully thwarted the inquiries conducted on the above matter by putting pressure on the concerned officials.

Though ex-Minister Cooperation had ordered for inquiry u/s 65 of OCS Act, 1962 and vigilance inquiry against him, he had been successful to keep on hold the above inquiries against him for his lobby with some top bureaucrats who are proving him undue protection.

Apart from Kerala in Himachal Pradesh, IAS officers are still posted as Managing Director of State Cooperative Bank despite implementation of Vaidyanathan Committee Recommendation  (VCR) for posting of professionals in State and District Cooperative Banks complying "fit and proper criteria" prescribed by RBI. Currently one Ram Kumar Goutam from Himachal Administrative Service is posted as Managing Director of HPSCB wef 9.1.2018 after Gopal Sharma IAS who was MD of HPSCB from 9.5.16 to 9.1.18. All along IAS are posted in HPSCB for transparent administration and better coordination with District Administrations. But it is hard to understand why in Odisha, a tainted person having several allegations of serious financial irregularities, vigilance cases is given repeated illegal extension of service and some top bureaucrats are again hatching conspiracy to reappoint the said incumbent by hook or crook through back door means up to 70 years taking plea of age enhancement  guideline of NABARD dated 17.1.2018 though he has already crossed 62 years.

Pradip Pradhan
Date- 20.3.18

Thursday, March 15, 2018

A Report Card on Performance of Odisha Food Commission

Performance  of Odisha State Food Commission - A Report Card

After a protracted fight of Activists against the decision of State Govt. designating Odisha Information Commission as State Food Commission citing  inefficiency of Information Commissioners and pilling  of  more 8000 cases for disposal and demanding its immediate withdrawal, the State Govt. constituted  State Food Commission under 16 of National Food Security  Act  vide notification dated 15.3.16.  A 3-member Commission has  already   completed  two years of its  functioning.

As per the Act, the commission has a mandate to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the National Food Security Act (NFSA) in the State and implementation of  mostly  three  prominent food security schemes like Targeted Public Distribution System, Integrated Child Development Services and Mid Day Meal. Besides that the  Commission  has the power ----------
a.  inspect or cause to be inspected, the non-compliance of policy decisions of the Government relating to NFSA.
b.  either suo motu or on receipt of complaint inquire into violations of entitlement,
c.  hear appeals against orders of the District Grievance Redressal Officer; and
d. give advice to the State Government, their agencies, autonomous bodies as well as non-governmental organisations involved in delivery of relevant services for the effective implementation of food and nutrition related schemes, to enable individuals to fully access their entitlements specified in this Act,
e.   organise regional camps to build awareness about benefits and entitlements under the Act; and
f.  define measures for redressal of grievances in three implementing departments i.e. FS&CW, W&CD and S&ME.  

Keeping in view mandate of the Commission, its  power and functions  under NFSA,  A Review  exercise   about  two years’ performance of State Food Commission  was exercised  by  Right to Food Campaign, Odisha (  a Civil Society Forum spearheading  campaign  for realization of  food security for all and   fighting for elimination of hunger  in the state  ) with the following objectives.
· How the Commission has been successful to observe its mandate to enforce the effective implementation of various provisions of the Act.
· How the Commission has been successful to enforce   availability of entitlements at the door-step of the beneficiaries.
· How the Commission has been effective  to provide justice  to the victims.
 While assessing performance of the Commission from the perspective of inquiry, hear and disposal of cases of violation of NFSA and   rendering justice to the beneficiaries deprived of their entitlements, the Team   has relied  on  Information obtained  under RTI   supplied by the PIO of State Food Commission, Bhubaneswar ( incomplete information was supplied  by the PIO for which First appeal has been filed)  and the Annual Report of the Commission webhosted  in their website.

On 17.1.18. RTI Application was filed   by Sri Bhawani Nanda, retired Banker and RTI Activist and Member of the Team  to the PIO, office of State Food Commission  seeking  the following information from 2016 to 2018.

i. Provide information about  details of number of  cases of violation of provision of NFSA  suo moto taken up by Commission as per the following format
Case No
Subject matter of case
Date of registration of the case by the Commission
 Date of notice/ direction issued
Action taken

ii. Provide information about no. of  complaint cases    filed  in the Commission  as per the following format
Complaint case registered and date of registration
Subject matter of  Complaint
Name of  complaint
Date of notice/direction issued  and action taken by the authority

iii. Provide information about details of hearing of the cases  conducted   by the Commission  as per the following format
Date of hearing
Case No.
Subject matter of  complaint
 Name of the persons present  in the hearing with members of the Commission
Decision of the Commission, if any with date.

iv. Provide details of monitoring made  by Chairman  and members of the Commission as per the following format
Places visited
Name of members of Commission
 Action taken by the Commission

2. Assessment of   Information supplied under RTI     

In response  to RTI Application, The PIO   supplied  the information which were  found incomplete  is as follows.

i. Information about  details of number of  cases of violation of provision of NFSA  suo motto taken up by Commission.
Case No
Subject matter of case
Date of registration of the case by the Commission
 Date of notice/ direction issued
Action taken
Disruption of MDM in Pandaba Patana U.P. School in Tangi Block of Khordha District
Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed on 9 persons on 10-1-2017
As many as 40 students of Palikiri Nodal U.P. School, Bhagabanpur Panchayat of Dhamnagar Block fell ill on 09.09.2016 after eating Mid Day Meal
Hearing fixed for 27-12-16. Details of hearing and final decision not supplied
As many as 25 students of Satyanarayan U.P. School, Kotkana GP – Tarjang, Block – Tirtol, Dist. Jagatsinghpur fell ill on 07.11.16 after taking Mid Day Meal.
Hearing fixed for 27-12-16. Details of hearing and final decision not supplied
As many as 34 students of Arteswar U.P. School, Jagannathpur, Nahanga Panchayat of Derabis Block fell ill on 16-11-2016 after eating Mid Day Meal.
Hearing fixed for 20-12-16. Details of hearing and final decision not supplied
 (ii)               Information about no. of  complaint cases    filed  in the Commission.
Complaint case registered and date of registration
Subject matter of  complaint
 Name of the Complainant 
Date of notice/direction issued and action taken by the authority
As many as 70 children have already died due to outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis, Maladministration, collapse of health delivery service, food insecurity in Malkangiri District.
Sri Pradip Pradhan, Plot No.D-27, Maitree Vihar, PO – Rail Vihar, Bhubaneswar
Hearing fixed for 20-12-16. Details of hearing and final decision not supplied

(iii)             Details of cases heard  by Chairman  and members of the Commission
Date of hearing
Case No.
Subject matter of complaint
Name of the person present in the hearing with the Members of the Commission
Decision of the the Commission if any with date
25.10.16,  5.11.16,  22.12.16
Disruption of MDM in Pandaba Patana U.P. School in Tangi Block of Khordha District
Shri Niranjan Sahoo, I.A.S., (Collector, Khordha), Sri Gangadhar Sahoo, State Nodal Officer (MDM), Sri Brundaban Satpathy, DEO, Khordha, Sri Maheswar Sahoo, BEO, Tangi, Sri PurnaChandra Mishra CRCC, Tangi, Smt. Soubhagini Debi, Headmistress, Pandabapatana U.P. School, Smt. Manjulata Dei, Assistant Teacher, Pandaba Patana Primary School, Bijaya Kumar Kandi, President, SMC
Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed on 9 persons on 10-1-2017
02/SFC (S)-2016
As many as 40 students of Palikiri Nodal U.P. School, Bhagabanpur Panchayat of Dhamnagar Block fell ill on 09.09.2016 after eating Mid Day Meal
Sri Gangadhar Sahoo, SNO (MDM), Sri Ranjan Kumar Giri, DEO, Sri Pabitra Mohan Barik, BEO, Dhamanagar, Sri Niranjan Kar, ABEO(MDM), Dhamnagar, MD, Imran, Headmaster Palikiri Nodal UP School, Sri Gouranga Das, Chairperson, SMC, Palikiri Nodal UP School.
Hearing fixed for 27-12-16. Details of hearing and final decision not supplied
03/SFC (S)2016
As many as 70 children have already died due to outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis, Maladministration, collapse of health delivery service, food insecurity in Malkangiri District.
Dr.Parag Harsh Gavil,IAS, PD,DRDA,Malkangiri, Sri Ramkrishna Ganda, P.A., ITDA, Malkangiri, Smt. Prative Kusum Barik, DSWO, Malkangiri, Smt. Bidyutlata Patra, CDPO, ICDS, Kalimela, Smt Annapurna Buruda, CDPO, ICDS, Korakunda, Sri Biranchi Narayan Daran, BDO, Malkangiri
Hearing fixed for 20-12-16. Details of hearing and final decision not supplied

A.   Within two years of its performance , the  Commission  has    taken up  only  four cases  suo moto  and  one  complaint  case filed  by Sri Pradip Pradhan for inquiry.
B.    The Commission has heard only five cases and No information about whether   the case is disposed and final decision announced except case no. 01/FC(S)/2016.  But disposal of complaint case of Pradip Pradhan on Child Death in Malkangiri filed in 2016 is  still  pending.
C.   The Commission miserably failed to supply the copy of the proceedings of the hearing and order of the Commission. Astonishingly,  the judgement  of one case 01/FC(S)/2016 is  found in the website of Commission.
D.   it is observed that in one of the 5 cases i.e. in case No. 01/FC(S)2016,  penalty of Rs.5000/- was imposed on 9 persons  including Smt. Ranjana Chopra, IAS, the then Commissioner-cum-Secretary to Government, School & Mass Education Department and Shri Niranjan Sahoo, IAS,  the then Collector, Khordha. But  the information about whether penalty  has been  collected  from them   has not  been supplied  by the Commission.  
E.   The information about details of  the visit of the Commission as part of their monitoring of  food security programme  has not  been supplied  by the office of  Commission.
F.    While  analyzing  the Annual Report  of the Commission, it  was observed that the Commission has issued  a number of advisories, directions and  recommendations  to various  departments  and district administration for effective implementation of the Act  and also  in respect of  disposal of cases of  complaint on denial of ration card within stipulated time period, identification of  extreme poor eligible Household who have not applied  for Ration  card due to their ignorance and provide them ration card, installation of  dedicated Toll free number in the Dept. to register complaints relating to PDS, SNP, MDM, ICDS etc.,
G.   The Commission has also made review and monitoring of execution of various orders in respect of implementation of the Act at various level and also making field visit to different areas.
Member of Team  of Right to Food Campaifn, Odisha
Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482
Sri Bhawani Nanda
Sri Srikant Pakal
 Date- 14.3.18