Rs. 78 Crore sanctioned for infrastructure development in Jagannath Dham under PRASHAD (Pilgrimage Rejuvenation And Spirituality Augmentation Drive) Scheme
· In 2015-16 , Govt. of India sanctioned Rs. 50 crore and released Rs. 10 crore infrastructure development in Jagannath Dham
· In 2017, Govt. of Odisha made details of budgetary plan for infrastructure development in Jagannath Dham
· By December, 2020, Govt. has been able to produce UC of only Rs. 3.76 crore .
· As Govt. of Odisha has not utilized the fund , Govt. of India has not yet released total fund sanctioned in 2015.
Dear friends
RTI Application was filed by Srikant Pakal to the PIO, Dept. of Tourism, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about details of fund received under PRASHAD scheme from Govt. of India and details of fund utilized by Govt. of Odisha. On 14.12.2020, the PIO has provided the following information.
1. On 27.11.17, the Department of Tourism and Culture , Govt. of Odisha has made revised administrative approval for Infrastructure Development at Puri Shree Jagannath Dham –Ramachandi-Prachi river front at Deuli-Dhauli under Mega Circuit ( for Nabakalebara-2015) at an estimated cost of Rs. 78,54,77,000.00 .
2. Details of fund sanctioned for different projects under PRASHAD Yojana is as follows.
Name of the project |
Amount sanctioned ( In Rs.) |
1 |
Construction of Tourist facilitation Centre at Puri |
19,00,88,550.00 |
2 |
Development of beach at Shree Jagannath Dham |
5,56,28,592.54 |
3 |
Development of Shree Jagannath Vishram Sthall and Amphithreatre at Puri |
21,00,01763.00 |
4 |
Ramachandi Temple |
10,47,31,046.00 |
5 |
Gundicha Temple |
55,88,490.00 |
6 |
Prachi River front Deuli |
3,73,15,954.00 |
7 |
Maa Mangala ( Mausi Maa) Temple |
21,63,101.00 |
Total |
60,55,17,494.54 |
GST, fees and contingency |
17,99,59,506.04 |
Grand Total |
78,54,77,000.58 |
3.Out of the estimated Cost of Rs. 78,54,77,000.00 , only a sum of Rs. 50 crore has been sanctioned and a sum of Rs. 10 crore have been released by Govt. of India towards central share for execution of the project. This amount was sanctioned in 2015.
4.Out of the balance of Rs. 28,54,77,000.00 , only a sum of Rs. 3.50 crore will be met out of the fund sanctioned and placed with the collector, Puri dt. 25.2.15.
5.Remaining balance of Rs. 25,04,77,000.00 was sanctioned from Tourism Dept.
6.The project implementing agency i.e., ITDC Ltd. has produced UC ( Utilisation Certificate) of Rs. 3,76,34,713.00 as on 31.3.20.
Pradip Pradhan