Friday, April 10, 2020

Requiring transparency in implementation of various relief packages on COVID 19

The Chief  Secretary                                                                                                                  Date- 9.4.20
 Govt. of Odisha

Sub- Requiring transparency  in implementation of  various  relief packages  declared  by  Chief Minister, Odisha  and Prime Minister  for  the  suffering  people  during  lockdown period.
We, the  RTI Activists and Members  of  Odisha  Soochana Adhikar Abhijan   express deep  concern over  the system of  opaque maintained  so far  in the implementation of  various  schemes  and programme meant  for   poor  people  in our  state.

1. That, On 26.3.20.,  the Central Government  declared Rs. 1.7 lakh crore relief packages  under Pradhanmantri Garibi Kalyan Yojana ( PMGKY)  for  the  poor  to help them fight war against Corona virus. The packages  are  as follows.

·           5 kg wheat or rice and 1 kg of preferred pulses for free every month for the next three months to 80 crore  people.
·         An ex-gratia of Rs 1,000 to 3 crore poor senior citizen, poor widows and poor disabled.
·         Front-load Rs 2,000 paid to farmers in first week of April under existing PM Kisan Yojana to benefit 8.7 crore farmers.
·          get Rs 500 per month for next three months  to 20 crore women Jan Dhan account holders.
·         Central Government has given orders to State Governments to use Building and Construction Workers Welfare Fund to provide relief to Construction Workers.

2.    Three  days  back, I came across a press  release dt. 7.4.20   of  Ministry  of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Govt. of India that  FCI has already  released  food grains  to all the  states  including Odisha  under  Pradhan Mantri Garibi kalyan Anna Yojana . Many states like UP, Bihar, Telangana, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Haryana, Kerala, Mizoram have already started lifting foodgrains  from FCI under this scheme. It  has not mentioned  whether Odisha  has lifted   foodgrains or not. Similarly . We observe  at  field  level  that  free  food grains  and one kg pulses  per  household  under PMGKY  is not  distributed   to the people  in our state .  We  are  in state  of  confusion whether  the Central Govt. has  released  fund  for  distribution of  free  pulses  to  the NFSA  beneficiaries  in  the state. The  daily Press  briefing   by Mr. Subrat Bagchi  does not cover  any  information about  this  scheme.  So , we request  you  to clarify  the  people  of  Odisha   and remove confusion in the mind of the people  during  your  daily  press briefing  whether  the State  Govt.  has received  food-grains (  rice  and wheat)   and  fund for  pulses or pulses   from Govt. of  India  and timing  fixed  for  its  distribution  or  rejection of this  scheme, if any  such  decision taken  by Govt. so far.  So that   it  will  enforce  transparency  by way of sensitizing  the  people  and reposing faith  on Govt. . The  ominous  silence  of the  Spokesperson  about  this  central relief package  does not  sound good.
3.    Similarly, the  state  Govt. is silent  over  distribution of ex-gratia of Rs 1,000 to   poor senior citizen, poor widows and poor disabled and  payment of Front-load Rs 2,000  to farmers in first week of April under existing PM Kisan Yojana . The  Govt. must clarify  and inform the  people  whether  fund has been  released  to State  Govt.  and timing  distribution of the said  amount  to the beneficiaries. This  information can be  shared  in press meet  addressed  by Mr. Bagchi.

4.    After  around 15 days  of  declaration of  lockdown, the  Govt. through dealers  has  started  distributing rice  for  NFSA  beneficiaries  in the Gram Panchayats and Municipalities. But  rice  has not yet  reached majority  of the  people  due  to various administrative  reasons. Many times, the dealers complaint that  they are running  out  of stock. Door-step  delivery  is not  properly  executed . the  people are  forced for  miles  to go  to  get  rice  from dealers.  Nobody  could  guess  how long  this phase  of  distribution  of rice  will be over. But the whole system moves without any   transparency  in terms of   quantity  of rice  lifted, allotted  and distributed  by the  dealers.  It is apprehended that the  Secrecy  in  lifting of  quantity  of  rice  by Transport  agent, allotment  of  quantity of rice  to  dealers  may lead to   corruption , black-marketing  of food –grains etc.  We   urge  you  that  the   information about lifting  and distribution of  foodgrains   needs  to  be shared  in  press briefing in every day   and put it  in website,  exhibit at  notice board  of Gram  panchayat  office  for  the  knowledge  of the  public.  The list  of beneficiaries ,  daily-wise  details of rice  distributed  and  no. of beneficiaries  provided  rice  should be  displayed  at GP  notice  board  at the end of the  day  and related documents must be  kept   open  for  public  inspection.  So that It  will  not only  enforce  transparency  , but  check  corruption  and  ensure  accountability  and increase  credibility  of the  Govt.  
5.    In respect  of  distribution Rs. 2,000/- per labourer from  Construction labourers’ welfare  Board,  the  Govt. is yet  to  start  distribution of  this money in the state.   We  suggest   that the  Govt.  should adopt  policy of   Direct  Cash Transfer  the  amount to  the  account  of all  labourers  which   is already  available  with the Board. Cash distribution will  no doubt  perpetuate  corruption and  loot  of money.  It may  invite  chaotic situation.   We  request  the  Govt. that the  list  of beneficiaries  in  urban local bodies,  district-wise  and Block-wise  must  be  made available  in public domain  to cross  check  the  information and  distribution of  money  to each  of them for greater  transparency  and accountability.

Thanking you

Yours  sincerely

Pradip Pradhan
State  Convener

Sanjukta Panigrahi
Srikant Pakal
Sri Akhand
Prasant Routray
Jitendra  Sahu

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Merciless Attack on Manoranjan Jena, RTI Activist of Derabishi Block

Sri Abhaya                                                                                                                                          Date-6.4.20
Director General of Police

Sub- Merciless Attack on Manoranjan Jena, RTI Activist of Derabishi Block of Kendrapara district

I, Sri Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist  and State  Convener  of Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan beg to  draw your  kind attention on an incident  of brutal attack  of Manoranjan  Jena, RTI Activist  of Nahanga Gram Panchayat under  Derabishi PS  of Kendrapara district by  goons  of  Biju Janata Dal  for  your  urgent  action.

That, after  declaration of  lockdown  in view  outbreak of  COVID 19 in Osisha, Sri  Manoranjan Jena, eminent  social activist of Derabisi  block  was  involved in mass  sensitization programme  being associated with administration  for  educating  the  people  about  negative  impact  of  Corona virus  on human life. He  along  with his  friends  were  sensitizing  the  people  about  the  packages  declared  by Chief Minister  and their entitlements under various schemes.  During  his campaign, he came across  adulteration of  rice ( Mixing  sand and stone  with rice) by some people politically associated with BJD, Rulling party   and supplying  this adulterated rice  for  distribution to the  people under PDS. He  along  with the  villagers  of Nahanga GP  made  a complaint  to  the  district administration  following  which  the  Gram Panchayat Extension Officer of Derabisi block had visited  the  Gram Panchayat  ON 6.4.20 for  inquiry  into  the  complaint.  While  inquiry  was  going  on  by the GPEO, a gang of  anti-socials known as dreaded criminals gheraoed   Manoranjan in the  presence  of officers  and started  beating up  mercilessly. He lost  his sense  and his head  was bleeding. The  villagers  rescued  him  and admitted  in Indipur  Health Centre. An FIR  has been  lodged  in the  local  police  station. But the  police  has not  arrested  the  culprits.

I request  you  to  pass necessary  direction to the SP, Kendrapara  to conduct  proper  inquiry , arrest  the  culprits and provide  protection to Manoranjan Jena  whose  family   has been terrorized in the area.

Thanking  you
Yours sincerely

Pradip Pradhan

Monday, March 30, 2020

Pragmatic Suggestion to CM, Odisha on COVID 19

Shri Navin Pattnaik                                                                            Date-30.3.20
Hon’ble Chief Minister of Odisha
Lok Seva Bhawan
Bhubaneswar 751001

Sub: Pragmatic and Constructive suggestions in our war against Covid-19 Pandemic

Honourable Chief Minister,

We, the concerned citizens and Social Activists  share your  concern  about emergency  situation created  due to outbreak of COVID-19  and subsequent  intervention of your Government  to fight out  the dreaded disease  in our state  and also put before you few suggestions required  to  make administrative machinery  more effective  and efficient to address the urgent problems.

1.At the outset, we  congratulate  you for taking numerous steps  i.e., allocation of Rs. 200 crore for awareness programme on COVID 19, daily media briefing on interventions of the State Govt., unequivocal support to the call of the Prime Minister  to observe mass Curfew, declaration of state Lockdown, plethora of advisories issued for various  preventive measures, issuing series  of instructions to Govt. and private Hospitals for treatment of patients, opening quarantine centres even at Panchayat level, creation of 2000 isolation beds for Corona-virus affected patients, compulsory on-line registration of the people coming from abroad, preventive measures like closing down of schools, colleges, religious festivals, film hall, malls and the list is long. We hope, these active measures will positively contribute in checking the spread of Corona virus.

2. But we are of the opinion that these interventions are not adequate. Our people are returning in thousands from different states like Delhi, Kerala, Maharasthra, Gujurat, Bihar, Tamilnadu and in hundreds even from  foreign countries. We see   absence  of  proper  mechanism to identify  and record their name  and  monitor  their quarantine home. Their testing and quarantine are not being conducted properly at village level. As Govt Hospitals  like CHC, PHC are not equipped, the Government must  take steps  to revamp it and rope in private hospitals, Nursing Homes and diagnostic houses in different  districts  with their staff and make arrangements there for immediate testing and treatment.

3. We learn that Testing Kits available in the state are not enough to screen the suspected cases that are mounting day to day and therefore request you to make adequate funding and procure adequate Testing Kits.

4. We appreciate your efforts at enforcing Social Distancing but a proper environment has to be created for availability of minimum essential commodities in the market. Unscrupulous traders and black-marketers are creating scarcity and demanding high prices. We request you to take immediate steps to streamline the transportation and distribution of daily necessities at and to critical spots in towns and villages through law and order machinery of the state. They should be given passes to move between the procurement points and the trading points. And violators be booked under law and not beaten mercilessly by police. It is time to treat the suffering people humanely. We know it is difficult, but can be done with will and determination.

5.  Lockdown should be an opportunity for the Police to be humane to the needs of the people. In any case physical torture should not be allowed as they endanger the health of people. We need not send you the video clippings about police torture as you might have been aware of it. We urge you to direct the police personnel not only to behave humanely but also to help people in need.

6. Loss of employment of daily wage labourers, construction workers, agriculture labourers due to lock-down has made them lose their source of livelihood and they are vulnerable to any virus attack. The Govt. should take immediate steps to make door-to-door inspections and ensure delivery of rations, subsidized price or free of cost as per the individual’s entitlement.

7.  The para-medical staff like ASHA workers, Anganwadi Workers, Health workers must be engaged in rural areas and movement of Govt. vehicles / Ambulance service 24x7 in the villages with involvement of Panchayat representatives.

8.  To counter outbreak of Corona virus, the Govt. has planned to spend huge amounts of money   under different programmes. The Govt. website opened especially on COVID-19 does not give any figure about utilization of initial fund of Rs. 200 crores, and now increased to 2200 Crs that you have sanctioned. As your good office propagates 5T and “Mo Sarkar” to enforce transparency, we urge you to direct officers to maintain transparency in allocation and utilization of fund by uploading all the information in website and also provide this information to media during media briefing conducted daily.

9. In Odisha in every disastrous situation, the Civil Society has played very vital role in rendering their voluntary services, distribution of relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation of  affected people and helping the administration to reach out services to the door-step of the  people. Corona virus is a different kind of disaster  which can not be  fought  only  at bureaucratic level. It requires support  and cooperation of  all section of society.  We suggest  that   the  Chief Minister  should give an open call  inviting volunteers  and  Civil Society  Groups seeking  their  voluntary  service, cooperation  and support to  combat  this dreaded disease.

10. Since last two  days, you  have declared  a number  of  packages  like ration for  94 lakh families, Meal  for 100 to 200  people  in each Gram pamchayat , Rs. 3000.00  per Street Vendors  in all urban areas,   payment  of advance monthly pensions to widow  and older persons etc.  in order to help the  people  in distress due  to lockdown. These packages need to  be  properly  distributed  and reached out  at the door-step  of the  people. From our past experience,  we  draw  your attention that  there is every  possibility  of  misutilization and misappropriation   of fund  in a corruption-ridden  state machinery by the officials  and the Panchayat  representatives. So  we urge you  to  devise  a robust  independent monitoring mechanism  starting  state  to  block –level involving  various  civil society  Groups  like  former MLAs, MPs, retired officers, retired  district  judges , Activists,  eminent  journalists  etc.  They  will  independently  monitor  all the  programmes  and report  to  Govt. for  further  action.  This  process  will  not  only  enforce  transparency  but  also  ensure  accountability  of the  service  delivery officials.

We  hope , you will  consider  our  suggestions  and   manage  this  critical situation effectively  and efficiently in the greater  interest  of the  people of the state.

Thanking you
Yours  sincerely

Kiran Sahu, President,  Keonjhar District  Citizen Forum , M- 9437054239
PradipPradhan, RTI Activist, Bhubaneswar, 9937843482
Sri Akhand, Human Rights  Activist, Puri, M- 7008816891
Mrs. Sanjukta Panigrahi, Woman Activist, Bhubaneswar, M- 9337903294
Srikant Pakal, RTI Activist, Cuttack, M-9338455092
SantoshMohanty, Advocate , Baripada, Mayurbhnaj, M- 9337029395

Copy to ;
1.       Chief Secretary, Govt. of Odisha
2.      Secretary, Dept. of Health  and Family Welfare, Govt.  of Odisha
3.      Pradeep Kumar Jena, Special  Relief Commissioner, Govt. of Odisha, BBhubaneswar

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Collection of penalty under Odisha Right to Public Service Act

Collection of penalty under Odisha Right to Public Service Act

Dear friends

Odisha Right to Public Services Act, 2012   has empowered the citizens to demand public services as a right and access certain notified services within stipulated time period.  As per Rule 8 of Odisha Right to Public Service Act, 2012, there is provision of penalty to be imposed on Govt. officers failing to provide the service within the stipulated time frame. The penalty amount will be recovered from their salary/ honourarium/ remuneration. The penalty amount under the RTI Act is to be deposited in the head of  Account “ 0070-Other Administrative Services-60-Other services-800-Other Receipts-0097-Misc. Receipts-02214-Fines under Odisha Right to Public Services Act”.

To understand details of penalty amount collected so far, RTI Application was  filed  to the PIO, Dept. of GA & PG seeking  information about  penalty  collected  from 2013 to 2019. RTI Application was transferred to the office of Centre For Modernizing Government Initiatives ( CMGI)  to  provide  information. This  information was  collected  from the  Directorate of Treasuries  and Inspection, Odisha  and supplied  to me  on 19.3.20. The  details of  information supplied  by the PIO  is as follows.

No. of officials  penalized








·          Penalty amount collected from defaulting officers  ranges  from  Rs. 10.00  to Rs.  12,000.00.
·         The  highest  penalty amount Rs.   11680.00 has been deposited by   JMFC, Aul in 2014.
·         Many  officials have  been imposed  just  Rs. 10.00  as penalty  for  failure  to deliver  service in time.

Pradip Pradhan