Thursday, December 12, 2024

Corruption, Irregularities and Mal-administration exposed under RTI in Odisha


Corruption, Irregularities and Mal-administration exposed under RTI  

(From 2010- 2021)


1. State level Consultation on “Proposed amendment to Orissa RTI Rules”held at Red Cross Bhawan, Bhubaneswar on 10.6. 2010 - A Brief Report



Implementation of RTI Act 2005 has completed more than four years in Orissa.  The Govt. of Orissa in pursuance of Section 27 of the Act notified the Orissa RTI Rules 2005 on 1st October 2005, but the same was strongly protested by the Civil Society Groups, who termed it as absurd, illegitimate, anti-people and above all ultra vires the presnt Act. During that time, quite some eminent, national level RTI protagonists like Mrs. Aruna Roy, Mr. Sailesh Gandhi and Ms. Maza Daruwalla in their respective rejoinders submitted to Govt of Orissa had also strongly objected to various provisions of Orissa RTI Rules 2005 which in their opinion stood contrary to the mandate of the parent Act. Mrs.Roy in particular had met the Chief Minister Orissa and urged him to withdraw the said provisions. Being pressurized by the demands from Civil Society Groups of the State and as well from the RTI veterans of national eminence, the State Govt. took an ostensible move to amend the objectionable Orissa RTI Rules 2005 on the floor of the Assembly in April 2006. However, its net result was the notification of Orissa RTI (Amendment) Rules, 2006 on 29th May 2006 that reduced different fees on one hand and made some new, salutary provisions on suomotu disclosures under Section-4 on the other. But this Amendment didn’t address at all to the crux of the problematic Orissa RTI Rules 2005 i.e. several of its provisions being ultra vires the parent Act.


The implementation of RTI Act therefore continued to suffer stagnation in the State with common people not being able to avail the benefits of the Act due to arbitrarily imposed complex Application Form, illegal Appeal fee and difficult modes of deposit of fees. Under such circumstances, Civil Society Organisations and RTI activists have been waging a protracted battle against the State Govt. demanding withdrawal of Orissa RTI Rules 2005 and introduction of citizen-friendly Rules in its place.


Under the increasing impact of the above said campaign by RTI Activists, the Dept. of Information and Public Relations, the nodal RTI agency of the State has of late released  an invitation to the public to mail their views and suggestions for amending Orissa RTI Rules 2005 through its recently launched website In the said website, the nodal agency has also placed some draft recommendations on the amendment made by a 5-member Committee constituted by the Government for the purpose. However, the wider public, who have no knowledge about the internet are still absolutely unaware about the Government’s so-called invitation of public opinion on amendment to State RTI Rules. 


State level Consultation

In this backdrop, a State level Consultation on “Amendment to Orissa RTI Rules 2005” was organized at Red Cross Bhawan, Bhubaneswar on 10.7.2010. to evolve a consensus on the manner and kind of amendment that is required to remove the stumbling blocks posed by the existing Rules before a proper implementation of RTI Act in the State. Around 100 RTI Activists belonging to NGOs and Civil Society Organisations from all over the State had participated in this Consultation. This programme was supported by PREM, Berhampur. A 5-member panel consisting of Mr. Jacob Thundruly President PREM, Mr. Chitta Behera an RTI Expert, Mr. Biswajit Mohanty, Director Orissa Wild life Society, Mr.Debu Patnaik a senior journalist and Mr.Ashis Mishra, Advocate Orissa High Court, constituted for the purpose went through the deliberations by the participants, interacted with them for seeking clarification as and where necessary and took note of the consensus of the house on various matters raised in the house.


The meeting had started with a welcome address by Mr.Pradip Pradhan, Convenor of the Consultation followed by a power-point presentation by him on various contentious features of Orissa RTI Rules-2005 vis-à-vis the parent Act along with the salutary provisions of Orissa RTI (Amendment) Rules-2006. Then the participants shared one after another the practical problems confronted by them while exercising their right to information under the Act and how these were caused by the State RTI Rules 2005. They also suggested the specific proposals for amending the said Rules so as to ensure their conformity to the parent Act.


The activists who put forward specific suggestions for amendment were Mr. Shankar Prasad Pani, Vasundhara Mr. Shankar Panigrahi, SATARKA, Bolangir, Mr. Kedar Nath Sahoo, Mr. Dillip Subudhi, RCDC, Mr.Lalit Mishra, Orissa State Vigilance Council,  Mr.Naresh Jena (advocate) and Mr.Nakula Swain, JSS, Puri, Pradipta Nayak, IHRE etc.


It was decided that a Memorandum mentioning all the recommendations that had emerged from the consensus of the house, shall be presented to the State Government in due course. However, the following are a few highlights from the same-


a.    Contrary to Orissa RTI Rules 2005, no Form, be it for application or any appeal   be made compulsory.

b.   No fee to be collected from the BPL people as mandated under Section 7(5) of the Act. 

c.    Existing provision for proof of Citizenship or disclosure of personal details like permanent address and spouse name on the part of an Applicant in his application form should be forthwith withdrawn, as it is ultra vires Section 6 of the Act.  

d.   Fees for both First and Second Appeals should be withdrawn, as this provision is ultra vires the parent Act.

e.   Payment through IPO (Indian Postal Order) should be made a common mode of payment in respect of every fee, be it for application or for cost of information.


Mr. Chitta Behera was given the responsibility to compile all the recommendations and put the same in public domain for wider consultation.

Report prepared by Pradip Pradhan, M-99378-43482

 2.     Public Money misappropriated by the Orissa Chief Information Commissioner Mr.D.N.  Padhi must be recovered from him before he formally exits his office

 Misusing his office and authority as Chief Orissa Information Commissioner Mr. D.N.Padhi has swindled away at least Rs.2 crore 93 lakh and 50 thousand from Orissa’s public exchequer in the name of organizing awareness programmes on RTI during last 5 years (Nov 2005 to Nov 2010). It is a matter of irony, that having misappropriated such a huge amount from tax-payers’ money, he is out to exit his office coolly and comfortably on his superannuation. In fact, this is how the Super Babus like ‘Honorable Padhi’ adorning top offices of statutory and constitutional bodies like Orissa Information Commission are more and more flourishing by way of fleecing the common people, and then in the end given a warm fare-well by their acquiescent fraternity for having rendered invaluable services to the society. As it happens, after a few days, the people tend to forget how they were cheated by Mr.X, because they would be by then engaged with Mr.Y, who might turn out a greater cheat. This is how, to quote the words of National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution (2002), the State has gone poorer while its managers richer and richer in the post-independence India.

  As revealed from the Dept. of Finance, Govt of Orissa through an RTI query, a total of Rs.2 crore 93 lakh and 50 thousand was provided from the State exchequer to Orissa Information Commission headed by Mr.D.N.Padhi during last 5 years, alone on the head of awareness generation programmes. But as every one knows, as per Section 26 of RTI Act 2005, organizing awareness programmes is not at all the job of Information Commission which is essentially an adjudicatory body, but that of the Government at the Centre or in State. Moreover, that is exactly the practice followed all over the country. But, peculiarly enough, it was noticed in the context of Orissa that Mr.Padhi on assuming his office as Chief OSIC and abusing his high position as a statutory authority could successfully manipulate to siphon off the entire year-wise money earmarked for awareness generation to his control, while as per law it should have entirely gone to the State nodal agency for RTI Act i.e. Information and Public Relations Dept. Pitiably, the said nodal agency, which is supposed to have got the entire money, didn’t receive even a single farthing from the State Budget on the head of awareness generation till date- a fact again revealed through the abovementioned RTI query. Consequently, not a pea-nut worth of awareness programmes has ever been organized by the State Government on RTI front.

  Mr.Padhi having succeeded in misappropriating the entire awareness money to himself by flouting Section 26 of Act, disposed it of as per his sweet will, such as by way of distributing grants to his pet NGOs, allotting job contracts to his favorite persons and agencies, purchasing machines and gadgets from sources personally close to him, making foreign trips himself, and above all organizing seminars and workshops through such persons who would invite him as Chief Guest or Inaugurator of the event and otherwise oblige his personal whims. Since he didn’t follow any established norms or criteria in respect of selection of grantees or job contracts, he was able to pocket a lion’s share himself out of the total money already misappropriated by him from the State exchequer.

  The basis for the above assertion is derived from some recently gathered facts. Strange may it seem, even the Minister for I&PR Orissa, the nodal Dept for RTI doesn’t know as to how and under which provision of law, Orissa Information Commission were allotted awareness money? In his reply to the above question raised by Mr.Karendra Majhi MLA on 3.8.2010, Mr. Prafulla Samal the Minister admitted, “ the information has been sought from Orissa Information Commission”. It is further strange that till date Orissa Information Commission has not been able to submit its reply to the Assembly though the stipulated period of two months for the reply has already expired. Even the Dept of Finance in its reply to the above mentioned RTI query, has not been able to explain the provision of law under which the above mentioned amount of Rs.2,93,50,000/- was allotted to Orissa Information Commission for awareness building activities.

  Moreover, in order to hide the facts of his bungling of awareness money, Mr. Padhi as Chief OSIC committed another serious offense against RTI Act 2005. While the Section 27 of RTI Act has mandated that all the Officers and Employees to be appointed in the Commission must be notified in the Official Gazette along with the salaries and allowances and terms and conditions applicable to them, Mr.Padhi misusing his high office and authority managed to employ his hand-picked persons in strategic positions bypassing any mandatory notification. There being no notification, it was Mr.Padhi who  arbitrarily fixed their salaries and conditions of service etc. to keep them always at his beck and call just as his domestic servants. He has meticulously engineered this illegal arrangement so that none of them shall ever leak out his nefarious acts of financial and administrative bungling, and rather carry out silently and obediently all his mischievous designs including litigation against the RTI activists whosoever might voice any criticism against him.  

   It is noteworthy that the fact of patent illegality of Chief Orissa Information Commissioner usurping the jurisdiction of State Government in derogation of his own job profile was brought to the notice of Governor, who is the disciplinary authority over him under Section 17 of the Act, on several occasions in the past. But regretfully, no action has as yet been taken against Mr.Padhi by the Governor. However, now that strong facts gathered from official sources clearly indicate Mr.Padhi’s calculated hand in misappropriation of a large amount of public money through naked abuse by him of his office and authority, the Governor Orissa should immediately take either of following actions as required under Section 17 of RTI Act-

(1)         To dismiss him from office before he formally exits on 30th of November 2010 along with recovery from him the total amount of Rs.2 crore 93 lakh and 50 thousand misappropriated by him from public exchequer on the misleading ground of awareness creation; and

(2)         Institution of an Enquiry by a Supreme Court Judge into the acts of financial misappropriation and administrative bungling indulged in by Mr.D.N.Padhi around awareness money during his entire tenure of five years as Chief Orissa Information Commissioner, as required under Section 17(1) of RTI Act 2005.

Chitta Behera, Cuttack, Dated 19th Nov 2010



3.   Purge Orissa Information Commission of all ‘bogus’ and toxic personnel illegally inducted by Mr.D.N.Padhi as Chief OSIC to serve his misappropriation and anti-RTI agenda

 1. Aware that the damage suit for Rs.1 lakh lodged by Mr.D.N.Padhi in his official capacity as the Chief Orissa Information Commission against me and a co-activist is not going to lapse on its own with his superannuation, I can’t but lay bare my long-held reading on how Mr.Padhi deliberately pursued a typical personnel policy as against the mandate of RTI Act, only to amass huge fortunes for himself at the expense of the public exchequer and as well to root out the budding RTI law before it blossoms in the soil of Orissa.

 2.                As for a recap of my previous mail, Mr.D.N.Padhi abusing his office and authority as Chief Orissa Information Commissioner, and going against the mandate of Section 26 of RTI Act 2005, has been squarely responsible for misappropriation of a total of Rs.2 crore 93 thousand and 50 thousand during last 5 years in the name of awareness activities. This whole amount, as mandated by the above Section, should have gone entirely to the Nodal RTI Officer of the State i.e. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Information and Publication Relations Dept, which was declared so, as per Rule 2(1-f) of Orissa RTI Rules 2005, and with the help of that money the State Government should have carried out the needful awareness and training activities as mentioned in Section 26 of the Act. By misappropriating the above amount of money to himself Mr.Padhi not only neglected the adjudicatory and reporting functions entrusted to himself and the Commission under Sections 18, 19, 20 and 25, but also prevented the State Government from carrying out any of its mandatory obligations as provided under Section 26 of the Act.     

3.As already mentioned, Mr.Padhi with a twin motive to amass huge public money for himself and his pet ones and as well to stamp out RTI Act altogether from the soil of Orissa through foul and dubious means, did arbitrarily install a huge contingent (by far the largest among all State Information Commissions in the country!) of his hand-picked men and women as Officers and Employees of the Commission and did himself dictate the amount of their salaries and allowances along with the terms and conditions of service, so that each of them slavishly obeys his self-willed diktat including the white lies without any demur or murmur just as domestic servants do.


4.Mr. Padhi knowing well that it is not he in the capacity of Chief OSIC, but only and alone the State Government, which is competent as per Section 16(6) of the Act to ‘provide the State Chief Information Commissioner and the State Information Commissioner with such officers and employees as may be necessary  for the efficient performance of their functions under the Act, and the salaries and allowances payable to and the terms and conditions of service of the officers and other employees appointed for the purpose of this Act shall be such as may be prescribed”. Mr.Padhi, if he be not a moron, ought to know that the word ‘prescribed’ here means, as defined under Section-2(g) of RTI Act, ‘prescribed by rules made under this Act by the appropriate Government’. The moot point arises, has the Sate Government of Orissa ever prescribed any detail rules on the personnel matters of Commission? The answer is an emphatic no. Well, Mr.Padhi, in his foolhardy zeal to defend the indefensible, may hold out those pages of the Commission’s website, where the powers and duties and salary details of the Officers and Employees are mentioned, claiming it as ‘the prescribed’ one. But salute to the RTI Act, which preempting the ominous chance of Padhi-like rogues creeping into high offices like Chief IC, had additionally mandated under Section-27 (1 & 2-d) of the Act that the prescribed rules concerning the Officers and Employees of the Commission must be notified in the Official Gazette. Is there any ‘notification’ made to this effect in Official Gazette of Orissa till yet? The answer is again an emphatic no. Under the circumstances, the misleading stuff that is presently displayed on the Commission’s website as regards the Officers and Employees is entirely the crooked concoction of Mr.Padhi, which is absolutely derogatory of both Sections 16 and 27 of RTI Act.


 5.It is noteworthy here that Mr.Padhi is in the habit of projecting a larger than life image of himself, just as he has done in course of his defamation suit against this author and a co-activist, as ‘a top rank bureaucrat of the country’ having ‘long experience as an IAS officer in the rank of Secretary of Government of India’ and possessing ‘moral and ethical values, legal acumen, knowledge, logic and reasons’ and commanding ‘high dignity and social reputation’. Were his self-portrayal genuine even by an iota, how is it that he nakedly misappropriated the clearly demarcated fief of the State Government over the personnel matters to himself and abused it through and through simply to fulfill his hidden agenda of looting public money on the one hand and administering a body blow to RTI Act in Orissa on the other?

 6. The fact of the matter is that Mr.Padhi, so as to ensure that none of his corrupt, wicked and illegal misdeeds would ever leak out into the Government or public, could collect, in connivance with a corruptible circle of State bureaucracy, a large band of too-pliant yes-men of his choice and installed them in various posts as per his sweet will and arbitrarily fixed their salaries and conditions of service. In absence of any duly notified terms and conditions of service for the personnel so engaged, what Mr.Padhi did was to constantly drill into their too-receptive ears the Section 15(4) of the Act that famously says inter alia, “The general superintendence, direction and management of the affairs of the State Information Commission shall vest in the State Chief Information Commissioner”. No wonder, they were quickly cajoled into a naive belief that Mr.D.N.Padhi was the unquestionable overlord of the Commission, his words as such the letter of law, and to disobey him tantamount to a sacrilege against the RTI Act.

 7.Then Mr.Padhi made use of each of the Officers and Employees so appointed, as pawns in his nefarious game of looting the public exchequer, building up an over-glorified image for him, conspiring against the RTI activists critical of him and above all driving the RTI Act towards a silent demise. So much so that, he would arbitrarily engage his chosen subordinates in activities, which were not only dubious but even fell outside the job profile allotted to them by Mr.Padhi himself. For instance, going by the suo motu disclosure made on Commission’s website, the job of the Registrar is to look after the ‘Legal Matters’, while that of the Secretary ‘Administrative matters’. But the so-called Secretary Mr.Kasinath Sahoo misled the Court by swearing a false affidavit appended to the above mentioned defamation suit, that declared, “I am the plaintiff in this case and looking after the case affairs in the official capacity on behalf of the State Chief Information Commissioner”. Why did the so-called Secretary so easily mouth a white lie before the Court about his job profile? Simply because, he is paid a sumptuous amount to his fill i.e. Rs.96, 391/- per month, the highest among all Officers, as gifted by his boss, of course, at the expense of the public exchequer.


 8. Only a few people have any idea about the grotesquely elephantine size of the bureaucracy that Mr.Padhi erected around the Commission and the massive chunk of public money he squandered away for maintaining it. As of today, there are as many as 41 Officers and Employees in addition to 3 Commissioners. Among them the number of Officers dealing with legal matters alone is 5 besides Registrar and PA to Registrar, such as 1 Legal Facilitator, 2 Asst Law Officers, 1 Legal Scrutinizer-cum-Sheristadar and 1 Court Master. There are as many as 10 Data Processing Assistants and I Section Officer assisted by 4 Asst. Section Officers. Besides there are 3 Private Secretaries and 3 Personal Assistants, 3 Drivers, 7 Peons, 1 Sweeper-cum-Night Watchman and 1 Telephone Attendant. The total amount towards salaries of the Commission for the year 2010-11 is projected to be Rs.1 crore 40 lakh and 37 thousand. And the total estimates for the Commission’s expenditure for the current year is Rs.3.05 crore.

 9. Before coming to the moot question as to what is the net delivery made by such a huge army of personnel, it is worthwhile to ponder over whether such a mammoth bureaucracy is at all justified for a poor State like Orissa. Let’s compare it with the Gujarat Commission. Gujarat, which is obviously by far a richer State than Orissa, has now 3 Information Commissioners including the Chief. Until March 2010 it managed with only one Chief State Information Commissioner. However, its secretariat has only 13 Officers and Employees, that is, less than one third of Orissa’s 41. Among their staffs are only 1 Secretary and 1 Dy. Secretary, 1 Accounts Officer, 1 Cashier, 2 Section Officers and 3 Dy. Section Officers, 2 Stenos and 2 Clerks. And further mind boggling is the difference between how much monthly salary their Secretary is paid (only Rs.39,100/- per month) and how much Orissa’s Secretary (Rs.96,391/- per month, that is about two and half times that of Gujarat). And the total expenditure for the Gujarat Commission as a whole for the year 2009-10 was only Rs.90 lakh and 65 thousand, that is less than 1/3rd of that of Orissa. Has Mr.Padhi ever mulled the question, if Gujarat, by far a richer and bigger State than Orissa could manage with so smaller a secretariat and at so lesser a scale of expenditure, why couldn’t Orissa?


 10.Now coming to the central question of performance, how did Orissa’s Commission fare compared to that of Gujarat? Just for instance, in the month of February 2010, the one-man Gujarat Commission disposed of a total of 226 cases (Second Appeals 134 nos. + Complaints 92 nos.), whereas 3 member Orissa Commission disposed of only 116 cases (Second Appeals 16 nos.+ Complaints Nos.100) i.e. almost half the Gujarat numbers. Per Commissioner disposal of cases in Orissa stood at less than 39 only, whereas the single Gujarat Commissioner disposed of cases numbering 5.5 times that figure. In other words, one Gujarat Commissioner is equal to as many as 5.5 D.N.Padhis, though both were Retd. IAS Officers. And Orissa’s case looks more puzzling, when we find that the single-Commissioner Gujarat could show 5.5 times the per Commissioner performance of Orissa, though given less than 1/3rd of Staffs and less than 1/3rd of expenditure of Orissa.

  11. Those, who say that there shouldn’t be any Retd. IAS Officer appointed as Information Commissioner, ought to remember that one of the 3 Commissioners of Orissa is a former NGO functionary, namely Sri Jagadanand, whose performance in terms of case disposal is however as pitiable as that of his boss Mr.Padhi; simply because, following the footsteps of Mr.Padhi he is more into the extra-jurisdictional game of winning media accolades than attending to his mandatory job of adjudicating appeals and complaints. It seems now very much plausible that keeping in view Orissa’s smaller population and poorer exchequer, Orissa Commission should have only a single Commissioner, as tough as Mr.R.N.Das of Gujarat, assisted by a much smaller, but qualified manpower and provisioned by one fourth of its present budget, rather than several moron, self-seeking and corrupt D.N.Padhis.  

      12. One will get simply horrified if he or she juxtaposes the fabulous treasury and massive manpower that Mr.D.N.Padhi could manage illegally from the State Government, with the kind of damn stupidity he as Chief OSIC showed in respect of his mandatory function of adjudicating the appeals and complaints. Not to speak of the quality of justice in the decisions made by the Commissioners, their language is so ghastly sub-standard and erratic that one would simply feel ashamed of looking at them for a second time. With the Commissioners themselves writing bizarrely without any regard paid to grammar and the standing army of administrative personnel doing nothing to rectify them, quite many decisions marked by absurdity and nonsense are already posted on the Commission’s website and have thereby turned the Commission into laughing stock before the whole nation. A few instances reproduced below are only a tip of the iceberg of the language mess that ushered in during the Padhi regime.     

   13.  Instances of bizarre & erratic English by the Commissioners of Orissa-

a) CC No.439/2008 decided by SIC Jagdanand on 17.3.2009

“The State Commission is of the opinion that the information post led by the PIO has to considered as an important public interface point and should not be the made void at any point of time.”   

 b)  CC No.991/2007 decided by SIC Jagadanand on 20.3.2009 in Circuit Hearing, Sambalpur        

This Case is being heard on two different occasion on 26.8.08 and 19.11.08….. The Complainant today confirmed that he has received all the information from the PIO which he could belatedly received only after intervention of the State Commission. .. … As both the cases are self-same. The case is covered with the case no-990/2007.  

   c)  SA No.129/2007 by SIC (Prof.Radhamohan) on 4.1.2008   

 Form A application dated 19.09.06 was received by the Public Authority on 26.09.06 and placed before the PIO on 13.10.06. This indicates that the administrative process is not RTI Act complaint. ………   5.        Since the first intimation was received by the Appellant within stipulated period of 30 days and also received complete information in the meanwhile there is no other point to pursue.”

 d) SA Appeal No.7/2006 decided on 30 May 2006 by Chief SIC D.N.Padhi & SIC Prof. Radhamohan 

“The Respondent further submitted that supply of the information sought for will be hit by the provisions of Sec (h) of the Act.” (Note- Is there a provision called Section (h) of the Act?-  Chitta Behera)

  14. Not only the bizarre language, but also a bizarre scale of ignorance about the RTI Act permeated the decisions of Mr.Padhi all through. For instance, without quoting any particular provision from the Act or Rules, he would arbitrarily issue such absurd statements in his decisions and utterances as, ‘Complaints around Section-4 don’t come under adjudicatory purview of Information Commission’, ‘Onus of proof lies on the Complainant’, ‘As per RTI Act and Orissa RTI Rules 2005, BPL persons are exempted only from application fees, not from the fees towards cost of information’, ‘As per Rule 9(2) of Orissa IC (Appeal Procedure) Rules 2006 the absence in the hearing of the Complainant who was summoned by speed-post is un-condonable’, ‘With the defaulter PIO absconding from the office, the case is closed, since no penalty against a defaulter PIO can be imposed without giving him an opportunity of hearing as required under Section-20(1) of the Act’ and the like. The Annual Reports authored by Mr.Padhi, already laid in the State legislatures as per Section 25 did also contain profound lies and hyperboles such as ‘Orissa enacted Right to Information Act 2002’ and ‘38,800 RTI applications were submitted in course of 10-day long Soochana Shibirs organised by the Commission during November 2006’. And he had trained his co-commissioners and army of clerics and super clerics such that no body would ever object to whatever he decides or writes or verbalizes.  

     15. Given the rank idiocy of Mr.Padhi coupled with his maniac craze for self-aggrandizement and self-glorification, his co-commissioners and subordinate officials, instead of playing any correctional role, danced to his tune that was comical and hypocritical at one go. Not only did they turn themselves into his glorified Chamchas, but also started becoming mini-Padhis themselves- writing in a rubbish language, dubious deals with the guilty PIOs, misbehaving with complainants, naked identification with the corporate sector, clandestine rapport with corrupt bureaucrats, misappropriating the public funds in the name of awareness generation, lobbying for awards, running after media publicity and the like. The most glaring instance of how the whole Commission turned into a body of liars, crooks and hypocrites like Mr.Padhi came to the fore when a concocted Press Release was issued by the Commission to all print and electronic media claiming that Mr.Padhi had been nominated as the best Information Commissioner of the country and Orissa as one of the best five by the National RTI Awards Committee.

 16. Needless to say, it is the entire secretariat of Commission steeped as they were in the culture of sycophancy under the irresistible temptation of power and pelf, by their own acts of omission and commission made a buffoon out of Mr.Padhi himelf. It is they who acquiesced and assisted in display of family album of Mr.Padhi on Commission’s website, circulation of false pres release about the highest RTI award to Mr.Padhi and Orissa Commission, dissemination of false figures in Annual Reports, mention of the word ‘Hon’ble’ twice in the body of the decision, use of rubbish language, pronouncements going patently against letter and spirit of RTI Act, anti-BPL tirades, and above all hounding of intellectual critics by way of defamation suits against them and so on and so forth.     

    17. Of course Mr.Padhi along with his cohort of co-commissioners and subordinate officers has succeeded to a great extent in achieving one of their hidden agenda i.e. how to give a silent and decent burial to the nascent RTI Act 2005 in the land of Orissa before it could shoot off into leaves and branches. They have achieved this by deliberately publishing and circulating grossly mistranslated texts of the Act and misleading FAQ in Oriya along with spinning out orally arbitrary interpretations of the Act and Rules abjectly contrary to the actual position.

  18) Under the circumstances, to save RTI and to save the Commission in Orissa from further sliding down along the road to disaster, what is required first of all, is to purge the Commission of the entire army of un-notified, toxic personnel illegally inducted by Mr.D.N.Padhi in his capacity as Chief OSIC during last 5 years, and alongside of it, an approximate amount of Rs.5 crore that Mr.Padhi abusing his office and authority could manage to grab from the State exchequer in this period on account of salary and allowances against the un-notified personnel must be recovered from him at the earliest. This is all the more required to ensure that no Commissioner ever dares in future to flout the letter and spirit of RTI Act, or indulge in all sorts of corrupt and foul means for self-serving ends or partakes a cold-blooded conspiracy in tandem with vested interests of the State to root out the nascent RTI Act not yet grounded in the soil of Orissa.

 Chitta Behera, Cuttack, Dt 21.11.2010   


4.  Mr. Arvind Kejriwal should put details of the study on Orissa Information Commission in public domain  


On 23.12.10, a story “ State Pays Penalty for not fining RTI Violators” published in Times of India  inter alia mentioned that the State  of Orissa lost a revenue worth Rs.1.23 crore alone in the financial year 2009-10 due to non-imposition of penalties by the Orissa Information Commission against the violators of Right to Information Act. Quoting the study made by Delhi-based NGO Parivartan, founded by Magsaysay Award Winner Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, the said story gave the break-up of the above loss thus- Rs. 52.37 lakh due to non-imposition of penalties  by the  then Chief Information Commissioner Mr. D. N. Padhi and Rs. 25.37 lakh  due to non-imposition of penalties by the State Information Commissioner Mr. Jagadanand  and Rs. 46.12 lakh  due to non-imposition of penalties  by the combined bench of the above two Commissioners between  April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010. The story further stated that while some violators were not imposed penalties at all, some others were levied lesser penalties than they deserved as per the RTI Act. The story also further mentioned that Mr. D. N. Padhi imposed penalty on 18 violators, that is only 6.1% of the total number of deserving cases, while Mr. Jagadanand imposed penalty on 5 violators that is only 4.2 % of the total number of deserving cases and the combined bench imposed fine on 56 violators i.e. 23% of the total number of deserving cases. 

 It deserves to be mentioned here that last year 2008-09, Mr. Arvind Kejriwal  had done  a similar  kind of study on analysis  of  decisions of Information Commissioners of India as a whole, which was severely criticized by several RTI activists across the country including Orissa. Besides the Central Information Commission had also boycotted the study. The civil society groups from Orissa had called the said study as flawed, baseless and confusing besides suffering from an anomalous methodology and dubious intentions; precisely for the reason that the said study had arbitrarily projected a corrupt and dubious character like Mr. D. N. Padhi the then Chief Information Commissioner Orissa as the topmost Commissioner in terms of imposing penalty and the Orissa Information Commission as one of the top five in the country.  In out series of open letters it was shown with evidence as to how the Study had adopted manipulated figures, erratic tabulations and bad arithmetic in its biased zeal to project an over-glorified image of Mr.D.N.Padhi and Orissa Information Commission at national level.

 The troublesome question that haunts us now is, if the performance of  Mr. D.N.Padhi was estimated to be the best in the country only last year, how is it that it is so low at the moment?  Last time we had in our open letters pointed out with specific instances on how the study had intentionally messed up the data so as to draw its pre-determined conclusions.  However, despite all this, Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, the chief investigator of the study could not explain any of the anomalies pointed out by us.

 The findings of the study for 2009-10, about which the above story of ToI has publicized so much, needs therefore to be examined thoroughly before it is taken into confidence. In view of this we request Mr. Kejriwal  to put  the details of  the study, such as methodology followed, personnel involved, sources of data collected and persons interviewed etc. so that the RTI activists of Orissa can take an authentic view of its findings.

 It needs to be further mentioned here that last time we had expressed our willingness to render our voluntary services to Mr. Kejriwal  for any future study on RTI he would like to conduct in the context of Orissa. Because  we sincerely wanted to help him come out with a genuine probe into the messy RTI affairs of Orissa including the malfunctioning of Orissa Information Commission. But for reasons best known to himself Mr. Kejriwal didn’t share with Orissa Soochana Adhikar Abhijan his plan or design of the latest study that he undertook.

 Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist, Orissa, M-99378-43482 , Date-28.12.2010

 5. Success Story of RTI Activism in Orissa

Awareness campaign on RTI is no more in the domain of Orissa Information Commission

 It is fact that when the Govt. enacts a law, it always  keeps provision  for public awareness campaign about it. Accordingly, Central Govt. while enacting the RTI Act has  made  a clear-cut provision in the law  for    awareness campaign and  fixing responsibility  on  particular institution i.e., State or Central Govt.  Section 26 of the Act says that  the State Govt. shall organize public awareness campaign on RTI, Publish booklets and conduct training for Officials  in the state. As the Information and Public Relation Department is nodal Dept.  in Orissa for implementation of RTI, the Dept. has to organize such awareness programme  in the state. But the tragedy in Orissa is that since beginning, Orissa Information Commission itself was found busy in conducting the awareness programme, publishing booklets and organizing training for officers. The Officials of I and PR Dept. remained sitting idle without contributing anything for propagation of RTI in the state. Neither State Information Commissions nor Central Information Commission was found involved in doing such awareness campaign on RTI in their respective states or at National level.  It is exception in Orissa.  Within long span of five years, it was found Orissa Information Commission (OIC) spending around Rs. 3 crores sanctioned by Govt.  for awareness programme . Nobody knows what the output is.

 As the OIC  remained busy  in conducting awareness programme  and inaugurating  such programme as Chief Guest  and Chief Speaker,  their primary work  of  disposal  of  complaint and 2nd appeal cases suffered  and  pendency of  large number of cases was found  increasing  in the office of the Commission. It needs to be mentioned here that  presently  more  than 15000 cases are pending  in the office of the Commission for disposal  because of sheer negligence  and inefficiency of the Information Commissioners   for the same.

 Being terribly disturbed by  illegal  activities of the Commission,  the Civil Society  Groups  and RTI Activists  in Orissa , since beginning opposed  the Commission’s involvement  in the awareness campaign and demanded  their withdrawal  from these activities. But the Commission remained hell-bent in their illegal activities and did not care the criticism of Civil Society Groups. During   that time, a question cropped  up in the mind  of RTI Activists  that  who decides and how the decision has been taken at Govt. level to sanction fund to the Commission for awareness programme.  Accordingly, RTI Application was submitted to the Dept. of I and PR,  Dept. of Planning and Coordination,  Dept. of Finance and office of Orissa Information Commission to get the information   about it. Astonishingly,  the PIOs of all Depts.  Continued  to forward the application each other without providing any information. The PIO, office of Orissa Information Commission supplied the information about only expenditure of the fund.

 Finding no information through RTI, RTI Activists  decided  to get the information  through  MLAs putting  the question in Orissa Assembly. Accordingly, Mr. Karendra Majhi, Hon’ble MLA raised Non-Star question  in the assembly in the month of August 2009 to the Hon’ble Minister for Information and Public Relation  about how the decision was taken at Govt. level  to sanction fund to the Commission for awareness campaign in the state going against  the provision of RTI Act.  Response of the Minister was “ Collection of Information is under Process” . The Information was never supplied to the Hon’ble MLA.

 Then, RTI Activists  under the banner of Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan  staged a day-long Dharana  before Raj Bhawan, Bhubaneswar on 26.11.2010  demanding  enquiry  into misappropriation of  3.25 crore Rupees by the Commission in the name of awareness programme and appropriate legal action against  the Commission at the earliest.  A memorandum was submitted to Hon’ble Governor, Orissa  in this regard.  At the same time, Mr. Raj Kishor Singh, Political Activist and  a Senior Citizen  has filed  a  PIL Case in Orissa High Court  praying  for enquiry into misappropriation of huge fund for awareness campaign  by CBI  and demanding action  against the Commissioners in March 2011.

 In the meantime, Mr. Tarun Kanti Mishra former Chief Secretary, Orissa  assumed the responsibility as Chief Information Commissioner in the state in the month of Novemebr’2010. When he was appraised about  the illegal activities of the Commission,  he decided not  to  be involved  in the awareness campaign  and accordingly wrote the letter  to the State Govt.  not to take fund for the same.  Now  the  fund for awareness programme  is available with Dept. of I and PR, Nodal Dept. for RTI  in the state from the financial year  2011-2012.

 To conclude, it took  five years of protracted struggle of RTI Activists and Civil Society Organisations to force Information Commission to act  as per the letter and spirit of the RTI Act.

 Pradip Pradhan, M-99378-43482, Date-6.10.2011

6. Where the fence eats the crop. . . . 

(Denial of Information and Misleading Information to the RTI Applicants by the Office of Orissa Information Commission)

 Orissa Information Commission, which is a creature of RTI Act 2005 is supposed to act as the custodian of the people’s right to information and penalize the PIOs and public authorities, who are guilty of denial of information and/or providing false and misleading information to the public.  But here is a glaring instance of how the Orissa Information Commission, notwithstanding the change of its guard-in-chief since November 2010 last, is itself guilty of the above charge, simply to save its corrupt ex-Chief from the public wrath.  

 In recent months two RTI applicants, one located in Bhubaneswar and another in Bolangir, had submitted their RTI applications separately to the Office of OIC seeking some information relating to an unprecedented move in the whole of India i.e.  damage/defamation suit valued Rs.1 lakh filed by the retired Chief Orissa Information Commissioner against two citizens in the Civil Judge Court (Sr. Dvn.) Bhubaneswar.  But the reply of the PIO followed by the decision of the 1st Appellate Authority of OIC upholding the same is a grim pointer to how the Commission can brazenly violate the provisions of RTI Act so as to confound and even hide the real facts about its own misdoings. 

 On 1.12.2011 Sri Tapan Mohapatra the RTI Applicant from Bhubaneswar had sought the following information from the PIO of the OIC –

i. Whether Chief Orissa Information Commissioner represented by Commissioner-cum-Secretary, OIC has filed a damage suit in Civil Court (senior division), Bhubaneswar on the grounds of defamation. If yes, please state the amount of money expended on different heads in pursuit of the above case including the payments deposited in the court and the lawyer’s fees.

ii. Under which provision of RTI Act, 2005, the above suit has been filed?

iii. Whether due authorization has been obtained from concerned authority for filing the above suit.

iv. What is the present status of the suit so lodged against the defendants?

v. Copy of the plaint and annexures submitted by the plaintiff against the opposite parties.

vi. Copy of the letters and communications made if any between the Commission and any authority in connection with the above suit.


Then, on 10.1.2011, Sri Prahallad Padhi the RTI-Applicant from Patnagarh of Bolangir district had sought the following information from the PIO, OIC –

i. Copy of decisions taken to file the damage suit against the two citizens in Civil Court, Bhubaneswar

ii. Name of the Information Commissioners/ officers consulted in the matter of the above decision.

iii. The amount of money spent in connection with the above case

iv. Name of the lawyers engaged by the Commission and remuneration already paid  and committed to be paid to them.


In response to the first RTI Application the PIO in his letter No. 26620 dt. 30.12.10  intimated thus- “the defamation case has been filed on behalf of the Orissa Information Commission by the Commissioner-cum-Secretary, OIC. As the matter is pending and final stage has not been reached, the information sought for by the applicant does not fall under Section 2(f) of RTI Act.”


However, in response to the second RTI Application, the PIO in his letter No. 4046 dt. 11.2.2011 repeated the same reply besides providing an additional information i.e. Rs. 11,435/- has been spent towards payment of the professional fees including the fees of the Advocate and court fees.


The first RTI applicant Sri Tapan Mohapatra who felt aggrieved by the PIO’s denial of information made a first appeal before the Office of OIC appealing for complete information. On 14.2.2011, the 1st Appellate Authority of OIC heard the case and disposed it passing the order as follows-


Question No.I- The Answer is yes. PIO to inform the amount of expenditure.

Question No. II & III- The Commission has moved as a juristic person. The matter is  sub judice and there is restraint order. Hence, the disclosure of the same is restricted under Section 8(1)(b) of RTI Act.

Question No. IV- The case is sub judice before the learned Civil Judge Senior Division, Bhubaneswar . Hence it invokes  Section 8 (1)(b) of RTI Act.


Question No. V &VI- The matter is sub judice and there is restraint order Hence disclosure of the same invokes Section 8(1) (b) of the RTI Act.


Then, following the above order (Point-a) of the 1st Appellate Authority of OIC, the PIO on 23.2.2011 supplied the information that Rs.12,935/- has been spent  towards professional fees  of Advocate and the court fees for the defamation case.


Now, the question arises, is the Commission’s reply that the disclosure of the above information has been restricted under Section 8(1)(b) of RTI Act correct in the face of law? First, let us read what sort of information has been exempted from disclosure under the said Section - information which has been expressly forbidden to be published by any court of law or tribunal or the disclosure of which may constitute contempt of court. However, here in this case, the Court has not ordered the Commission ‘forbidding the disclosure of any information’, nor has the Court passed any restraint order, violation of which shall tantamount to ‘the contempt of court’. Rather it is worth recollecting that the Court, on the basis of the defamation suit lodged by the Commission, has issued the restraint order against ‘the publication of any defamatory/derogatory material’ by the opposite parties.   


Moreover, should an Information Commission worth its salt take the excuse of the   restraint order of the Court for denying answer to such a simple question- “Under which provision of RTI Act, 2005, the above suit has been filed?”. The Commission ought to remember that there should be a limit to kidding with the RTI Act, which in Section-22 assumes overriding powers vis-à-vis the rest of the country’s laws and instrumentalities. Moreover, can the Commission produce any order of the concerned Court where the latter has issued a restraint order against the Commission in respect of answering the above question? Had there been such an order, the Commission would have jolly well quoted it. Rather, the Commission with a dubious motive to hide its blatantly illegal act of lodging a defamation suit against the two citizens has resorted to the concocted lie of ‘restraint order by the Court’ and thereby itself committed ‘the contempt of court’.


Besides, there is no uniformity in the Commission’s answers on the amount of money spent after the above litigation. In one answer, it mentions Rs.11, 435/- while in another Rs.12,935/-. Under the circumstances, it is very much possible that the real amount might be something else, much higher than the above two. The Commission ought to remember that such money is not paternal property of any individual, but belongs to the public exchequer, and one can’t abuse or play with it at one’s sweet will.   


The next instance of concocted falsehood resorted to by the Commission is its erratic reply, “the defamation case has been filed on behalf of the Orissa Information Commission by the Commissioner-cum-Secretary, OIC”. As a matter of fact, the Cause Title of the case lodged by the Commission mentions ‘Chief Orissa Information Commissioner’ as the plaintiff, though anomalously enough, one Sri Kasinath Sahu styled as ‘Commissioner-cum-Secretary, OIC’ has signed the Affidavit. The opposite parties have drawn the attention of the concerned Court about this procedural anomaly and prayed therefore for the rejection of the plaint all together. 


The question may again arise, why is OIC so much scared about the two citizens, against whom they have lodged the defamation case? The answer is pure and simple. These activists have right since inception been exposing all sorts of corruption, misappropriation and misdoings by the Commissioners committed in naked violation of RTI Act 2005. To mention a few such instances, the Commissioners have misappropriated more than Rs.3 crore 25 lakh in the name of IEC activities which don’t fall under the Commission’s domain as per Section 26 of RTI Act. They have appointed men and women of their choice in various posts including one Sri Kasinath Sahu as ‘Commissioner-cum-Secretary, OIC’ bypassing the mandatory notification in the official gazette as required under Section 27 of the Act. They have illegally ruled for collecting cost of information from BPL persons in violation of Section 7(5) of RTI Act. They have further illegally ruled that the complaints regarding violation of Section 4 (suo motu disclosures) didn’t come under the adjudicative purview of the Commission. Moreover, they have spread misinformation about RTI Act through mistranslations published by them. Again, they have violated the privilege of Orissa Legislative Assembly by publishing the Annual Reports (laid in the Assembly) which were filled with numerous bluffs and misinformation of bizarre kind. 


Instead of correcting himself, the former Chief Orissa Information Commissioner Sri D.N.Padhi chose to lodge a defamation case against the two RTI activists who were continuously exposing the illegal and anti-people activities of the Commission through various media. His sole intention was to silence these two critics for ever. The same strategy still works even to day after retirement of Mr. D.N.Padhi, as exposed  through said RTI Applications.

Pradip Pradhan,  Date-4.3.2011


  7. Outstanding work done by Mr. Shailesh Gandhi as Central Information Commissioner

             Let us examine What Odisha Information Commissioners  have done.


 All of  you  might be aware  that  Mr. Shailesh Gandhi  who  is  about to retire  from the office of Central Information Commission  after  around 4 -year stint  as Central  Information Commissioner said that  the biggest threat  to RTI  was   from Information Commissioners  themselves  where already there are cases that are pending for two to three years. If it continues like this, in the next five years the pendency is likely to be three to five years at which point the common man will run away from most of judicial and quasi-judicial processes. If it continues to happen, RTI will be dead.


 Mr. Gandhi , a man of Maharastra  has  joined  in the Central Information Commission  3 years 9 months after  doing  commendable  work  in the  field  of RTI in his state.  He  was  instrumental  in exposing  corruption  through  submitting  series  of  RTI  Applications  in the  office of  various Public Authorities in Maharastra.  He  has emerged  from Civil Society  to the office of Central Information Commission.


Let  me share  with  you  some tips  of his  commendable  work  as  Central Information Commissioner.

Total Number of cases disposed  by him  in 3 year and 9 months

20200 ( 448 cases per month).

Penalty  imposed  by him

520 cases

Amount of penalty  imposed

92 Lacs

Amount of recovery

59.6 Lacs (  This is  the revenue given by him to the state)


Let us compare  work of Shailesh Gandhi, a man of Civil Society  with  that of Odisha   Information Commissioners  including Mr. Jagadanand, SIC  who is also   from Civil Society. 


In 2010, Odisha  Information Commissioners  including Jagadanand  were disposing 35 to 40 cases  per  month.  But  in 2011, it rose to  60 to 70  cases per month and in 2012 , it is  around 100 to 110 per month, whereas  Mr. Shailesh  Gandhi, a man from same Civil Society  disposed  448  cases per month  which is 11 times  more  in 2010, 6.4 times more  in 2011 and 4 times more in 2012 to Odisha Commission. It needs to  be  taken into note that Odisha Information Commissioners abruptly, arbitrarily  and carelessly have disposed more  than 6000 cases  without hearing and ensuring information to the Complainant/Appellant. These  cases disposed illegally  has been uploaded in the website  to   give a  false message   to the public that the Commission has disposed  a large number of cases  which is wrong. 


In  comparison to cases of  penalty imposed on defaulting PIOs, Mr. Shailesh Gandhi single handed imposed  penalty in 520 cases, whereas  all  five  Odisha Information Commissioners ( Two have got retired)  have imposed penalty in 539 cases  within  seven years of their functioning ( Is it desirable to invite these inefficient Odisha   Information Commissioners as Guest  to  Public function who maintain  colonial luxury taking huge money from State Exchequer . The people of Odisha and Civil society should think of it.


Can these Information Commissioners learn from Shailesh Gandhi.  Certainly Not.  Because  we have become Commissioners  taking oath  secretly to  protect   corrupt bureaucracy  and corruption by hook or by crook and let system move as usual .  That’s why we have imposed penalty in less number of cases.

 Pradip Pradhan, Date- 10.7.2012

8. Requirement to submit Proof of Citizenship at the time of submitting RTI Application under Odisha RTI Rules is ultra vires and draconian- Why?

  Section 3 of RTI Act stipulates that “all citizens shall have the right to information”. Under Section 6(2) of the Act says “An applicant making request for information shall not be required to give any reason for requesting the information or any other personal details except those that may be necessary for contacting him. It means any person seeking information under RTI is not required to submit anything else than contact address by which the information sought would reach him/her. Recognising this mandate of   the law, neither Central Govt. nor any State Government except Odisha has   made any provision for proof of citizenship to be submitted by the applicant  along with RTI Application.


·     Govt. of Odisha’s naked defiance against RTI Act

Unhappily enough, Odisha RTI Rules, 2005 framed by State Govt. of Odisha seems to be the odd man out in the whole gamut of RTI instruments made in the country.  Apparently to comply Section 27 of the RTI Act, the State Govt. has framed Rules called Odisha RTI Rules, 2005. Rule-2(e)  has defined “identity” as   the evidence of his ‘citizenship like an electoral photo identity card, a passport or any other document which can satisfy the authority about the citizenship of the person’ . It means any person seeking information has to submit his or her proof of identity like voter Identity card or a passport to any public authority under  State Government. Again it has been ordained that if the PIO is not satisfied with the document produced by the RTI-Applicant purportedly as proof of citizenship, he may reject the application on that very ground as  permissible under Form-C prescribed under the said State Rules. This very ground occurring at column (iii) of Form-C is worded thus-   your identity is not satisfactory”. This is the greatest violation of RTI Act, especially its Section 6(2) by the State Govt of Orissa.

 ·   Problems encountered by Information-seekers in the offices of State Govt. 

Being armed  with such a handy provision, the PIOs having a dubious past are found rejecting a number of RTI Applications on  so many flimsy grounds including a funny one- that photocopy of voter Identity card attached as proof of citizenship is not visible. Such  PIOs take such absurd plea when they intend to reject RTI applications seeking sensitive information related to scam, corruption or irregularities.  The students below 18 years of age and having no voter card cannot apply for information in Orissa because they can’t produce any proof of citizenship identity along with RTI application. Submission of school/ college identity card as proof is left to the discretion of PIO to accept or reject it,  Big chunks of population who have neither voter ID nor passport are deprived of their right to access information under RTI Act though they are citizens of the country.

 ·   Intention of State bureaucracy behind  framing the  identity Provision 

The hidden agenda of the state bureaucracy is to restrict numbers of RTI Applications to be submitted and also to deprive the people of their right to access information under the RTI Act.  Secondly, submission of a voter card or a passport will expose the personal identity of RTI applicant. It has been observed that  with the identity of RTI Applicants getting exposed, the vested interest groups including the corrupt officials are found reaching to  the concerned RTI Applicants to pursue and pressurize him  to withdraw RTI Application in lieu of some gift or bribe. If the RTI applicant, honest and true to his intentions, refuses to give in, he would be threatened  with dire consequence , even beaten up, and subjected to false cases etc. It is ironical, while there is a move afoot at the national level to enact a law for protection of whistleblowers, the State Govt. of Orissa has been insisting on exposure of the identity of RTI applicants who are potential whistleblowers.

 ·   Decision of Central Information Commission

While deciding  a Complaint Case ( File No; CIC/AD/C/2011/001736 on 11.1.2012,, Ms. Annapurna Dixit, Central Information Commissioner observed,    “there is no provision in the RTI Act to seek identification of a citizen who seeks information from any Public Authority. The PIO of the Company is warned not to seek such identification in future u/s 3 of the RTI Act, which stipulates that all citizens shall have the Right to Information, as it would be construed by the Commission as deemed denial”. The fact of the case is that an RTI Applicant Mr. M Rangarajan of Bangalore had sought information about the   provision of retirement benefits of the employees from the PIO,  M/s. Braithwaite and Company Ltd under Ministry of Railways, 5, Hide Road, Kolkata - 700 043. But the said PIO quoting Section 3 of the Act demanded the proof of citizenship identity of the applicant before he would be able to disclose the
information sought. Then the aggrieved applicant approached the Central Information Commission with a complaint against the said illegal order of the PIO. Having heard the parties to the case, the CIC Mrs. Dixit passed the above order quoted above.  

·                  Role of Odisha Information Commission

But tragically enough, in Odisha blatantly anti-RTI and anti-people  provisions are being upheld   and justified  by Odisha Information Commissioners  during the hearing of the cases and as well in course of their address in public meetings. The only lame excuse they unabashedly proffer in defense of the above anti-citizen Rules is that the State Govt. has framed it.  While saying so, the Commissioners blissfully ignore Section 25(5) of the Act, which authorizes the Commission   to recommend to any public authority including the State Govt.  to take steps  for removing any deviation from and effectuating conformity to the letter and spirit of Act.  Though more than 6 years and 9 months has  passed since Odisha Information Commission started functioning , it has not  made a single recommendation   to remove the anti-citizen and  ultra vires Odisha RTI Rules 2005. Of all, the Compulsory Application Form, proof of citizenship and prohibitive mode of payment of application fee are the  worst nuisances wrought against every citizen’s right to information, and woefully enough, Odisha Information Commission has been sleeping over it at tandem with the dubious intentions of the State Government.

 Pradip Pradhan,  Date- 24.8.12


9. Latest gameplan of Odisha Information Commission: Cases get closed, but the applicant gets neither information nor decision  


On dated 6.9.2011, I had submitted an RTI application to the PIO, Dept. of   Home, Govt. of Orissa, Bhubaneswar seeking information about  Sponsorship  to Commissionerate Police, offered  by Companies or Agencies  from 2009 to 2011. The said PIO transferred my RTI Application to the PIO, Commissionerate Police for providing me the information.  On dated 30.9.2011, the PIO, Commissionerate Police wrote a letter asking me to deposit Rs. 14,083.00 towards the cost of salary of officials to be engaged for collection of information. Having gone through this letter, I wrote a reply  to the PIO explaining how a citizen is not required to pay the fees for salary of employees to be engaged for collection of information under RTI Act and Orissa RTI Rules.


On 22.10.11, I filed a complaint to the Commission under section 18 of the RTI Act.  At first, my case ( CC No.- 4473/11) was heard  by Mr. Tarun Kanti Mishra, State Chief Information commissioner  and later on  by Mr. Jagadanand, State Information Commissioner  on 8.8.12. Sadly enough,  Mr. Jagadanand  without holding any enquiry  into the case, fully relied on the version of PIO who said that the officer holding  the information  wanted the abovementioned amount. Mr. Jagadanand also exonerated the concerned officer from penalty on ground of his ignorance about the provisions of  Odisha RTI Rules. That PIO was also not asked by Mr.Jagadanand to make any submission in the matter. Rather he only directed the present PIO to supply the information free of cost within 20 days and closed the case. By now the time-limit of twenty days is over, but the PIO of Commissionerate Police has not supplied any information nor was a copy of the decision made by  Mr. Jagadanand available to the complainant.


 It  deserves  to  be mentioned here that   this is not a single  case but  one of hundreds of cases  where  Mr. Jagadanand  has  disposed  and closed the cases  without ensuring the delivery of  information to the  aggrieved Complainant. Moreover, the Commission is  following  a  one-track policy  of  not  opening  the closed cases  even  where  the  direction of the Commission is  not complied with  by the concerned PIO or Public authority. The Information Commissioners argue that there is no provision under the RTI Act for re-opening the cases onced closed.      When their attention is drawn to Section 19(9)- “ the Central Information Commissioner or State Information Commissioner, as the case may be, shall  give notice  of its decision including any right of appeal, to the  complainant and the public authority”  the Commissioners  either remain silent or  avoid   any discussion around it.


Now the question arises, what is the politics behind the Information Commissioners’ act  of closing the cases while giving  direction to supply information? If the Commission meant honest business, it could have fixed another date for final hearing after giving such direction. But the Commission unilaterally closed the case, without ensuring the delivery of the information. Why did the Commission behave in such irresponsible manner? As a matter of fact, the Information Commissioners have been appointed  by the mercy of their political and bureaucratic bosses, who want them  to serve their    interests. It is seen that the Information Commissioners like Mr. Jagadanand  lack in minimum  efficiency required for holding that post in the state.  So  to satisfy  and save   their political  and bureaucratic  bosses  from  the charges of corruption and irregularities which can be exposed  through  disclosure of information,  the Information Commissioners  toil hard  to  do any illegal  work, even  at  the cost of RTI Act.  The Commission is  having a nexus  with bureaucracy  and  has  signed an unwritten agreement     that the  Commission would close the case after giving   a direction to supply  information  and thus the bureaucracy  need  not provide any information to the complainant.  As the case is closed, no further  hearing will take place and the  information will never be supplied to  the complainants. Thus  the bureaucracy will be on a safer side.”  This is the naked practice going on  in our state. The  Commissioners are also  seen   hankering   to get prized position in the present bureaucratic or political hierarchy  as a post-retirement reward  for  their unquestionable loyalty  and  unstinted  support  to  the corrupt system. To save  himself  from  public criticism  the Information Commissioners are found planting agents among the civil society groups, who would invite them to address public meetings  as Chief Guest  or Chief Speaker etc. Ironically, while addressing  the meetings, the  Commissioners  deliver  lengthy speeches  on RTI and its relevance as an anti- corruption tool  and  give clarion call  to the RTI Activists  to  sacrifice their life  for the cause of RTI in the state.  


 The RTI Activists, Civil Society Groups and Information-seekers should be alert, cautious  and careful  about the role being played by various  Information Commissioners, especially about  the dubious role of Mr. Jagadanand from among them.

 Pradip Pradhan, M-99378-43482, Date- 30.8.12


10.  RTI in Doldrums in Odisha

Cases disposed and closed without hearing and supplying no information to Complainant-citizens


It is common understanding in judicial procedure of the country that any complaint relating to violation of law must be heard by Judges and accordingly disposed off as per law of the land. Odisha Information Commission ( appeal procedure) Rules, 2006 framed under RTI Act in its Rule-6  has made  provision that every complaint made  under section 18 of the Act  shall be presented to the Registrar to receive the complaint. Every complaint shall be registered in the register and assigned consecutive serial numbers. After the complaint is being registered, the registrar shall immediately place the matter before the Commission for orders. After  the Commission  is prima-facie  satisfied that  there are reasonable  grounds  to enquire into the matter, it may admit  the  complaint  and direct for  initiation  of an enquiry  in respect of such complaints. Provided that  the  Commission shall not reject  the complaint  unless a reasonable  opportunity  of  being heard  is given to the  complainant. But nowhere is it written that the Commission shall dispose and close the cases without giving opportunity of being heard to complainant.  But Odisha Information Commission have disposed more than 6000 cases without hearing    and at the stroke of pen simply remanding to the First appellate Authority. It is seen that  in maximum of cases, the First Appellate Authority neither heard  the case  nor provided the information. They simply filed   false compliance report  to the Commission on the basis of which the Commission takes a view that cent of  cases has been duly  complied. However there is no such figure in the office of the Commission which was later on exposed through RTI.  However, while   unilaterally and arbitrarily disposing the cases, the Commission mentioned to file complaint or 2nd appeal again, if complainants get dissatisfied with First Appellate Authority. But the Complainants file the complaint once again, the Commission refused to open the case and never hear the case. This illegal practice of the Commission has brought disaster to RTI regime in the state.  On the other hand, it has provided opportunity to the erring PIOs to be more defiant as there is no fear of penalty from the Commission.  I cite some examples how the complainant-citizens are running from pillar to post to get the information but in vain.  It is seen that Complainants  had applied  serious  information which has  serious ramifications on administration. As the Commission is having  unholy alliance  with State bureaucracy, it is a calculated  move  to  dilute RTI  and dissuade applicant  from seeking information and provide  protection to corrupt officials.


Complaint case No.

Name of Complainant

Name of Information Commissioner who arbitrarily  disposed and  closed the case  without hearing

Gist of the cases and  suffering of Complainants

CC No. 03 and 25/2011

Tapan mohapatra

Mr. Jagadanand Mohanty, SIC, Odisha

On 15.11.2010, Sri Tapan Mohapatra  had submitted application  to the PIO, Dept. of General Administration, Govt. of Odisha  seeking  information about   procedure followed  for selecting candidates  for non-state Civil service Examination  and name of applicants for the said exam. The PIO rejected the application under section 8 (1j) of the Act.  Finding no information, Sri Mohapatra filed   complaint to the Commission. Mr. Jagadanand  without  hearing  the case disposed and closed  simply remanding  to the First appellate Authority who  upheld the decision of PIO and  denied  to provide information on 13.2.2012.  Sri Mohapatra  against lodged complaint to Mr. Jagadanand  on 10.3.12 to hear the  case  and again reminded on  8.6.12. Though 6 months have passed, Sri Jagadanand is yet to hear the case

CC No. 398/2012

Pradip Pradhan

Mr. Jagadanand , SIC, Odisha

Sri Pradip Pradhan had submitted RTI Application to the PIO, Health and Family welfare about posting and deputation of doctors to different places. This complaint case was remanded without hearing to the  First Appellate Authority on 9.4.12 who heard the case and did not supply any information.  On 8.6.12, Sri Pradhan intimated   to the Commission about non-supply  of information and to reopen the case. Though 3 months passed, no hearing by the Commission has taken place.

CC 1437/2012, 1440/2012

Sri Pradip Pradhan

Sri. Jagadanand Mohanty, SIC, Odisha

Sri Pradhan had submitted RTI Application to the PIO, Kendujuri Gram Panchayat under Tileibani Block of Deogarh district. The PIO   simply ignored the application and  did not receive it. Without getting any information, Sri Pradhan lodged complaint to the Commission. Sri Jagadanand   disposed   this complaint case on 4.7.12 without hearing and remanded to the First Appellate Authority, office of BDO, Tileibani Block, Deogarh district to dispose the case within 30 days. Though around two months is over,  the   First Appellate Authority neither heard the case nor disposed it.  However, the PIO had supplied some but incomplete information. 

CC No.- 293/2012   

Sri Pradip Pradhan

Sri Jagadanand, SIC, Odisha

Sri Pradhan had submitted RTI Application to Department  of General Administration , Govt. of Odisha seeking  information about land issues. The  Commission   disposed  my abovementioned complaint  case  on 10.7.12 without hearing and remanding  to the First Appellate Authority, office of  General administration, Govt. of Odisha to dispose  the case within 30 days. Though around two months is over, the First Appellate Authority neither heard the case nor   provided any information.     Disposal of the cases  without hearing  has given opportunity to the PIO  and the First Appellate Authority to defy the Act. As a result, the Applicants are denied information by the errant PIOs. Intention of Mr. Jagadanand to dispose the case  without hearing is to protect the PIO  and satisfy corrupt bureaucracy.

CC No. 4/2012

Sri Pradip Pradhan

Sri Jagadanand Mohanty, SIC, Odisha

 Sri Pradhan had submitted RTI Application to the PIO, Department of GA  seeking information about plot allotted  to different people. Finding no information, he filed complaint to the   Commission. On 16.7.12, Sri Jagadanand    disposed  my abovementioned complaint  case  without hearing and remanded  to the First Appellate Authority, office of  General administration and office of BDA,  Govt. of Odisha to dispose  the case within 30 days. Though around two months is over, Sri Pradhan has  not received any information or order from the   First Appellate Authority.      Such type of disposal has encouraged  the PIO  to continue to ignore  the Act as there is no such penalty  to be imposed .

CC No. 02/2011

Tapan Mohapatra

Mr. Pramod Kumar Mohanty

On 6.1.2011, Sri Tapan Mohapatra had submitted RTI Application to the PIO, office of Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar seeking information purchase and sold of land  in BMC. Finding no information, he made complaint to the Commission. Mr. Pramod Kumar Mohanty without hearing disposed the case   on 31.10.2011 remanding to First Appellate Authority to hear the case.  First Appellate Authority did not hear the case. Sri Mohapatra   intimated to the Commission on 9.12.2011 and   again reminded on 8.6.12.  for hearing the case. But nothing has been done  in this regard.

CC No. 4330/2011

Pradip Pradhan

Sri Tarun Kanti Mishra

 Sri Pradhan  had submitted RTI Application to the PIO, CHC, Gurundia seeking  information about  utilization of fund allotted  to CHC. Finding no information,  he made  complaint to   the Commission.  Sri Mishra  did not hear the case rather  remanded to First appellate Authority on 12.12.2011  for disposal.  The First Appellate Authority sent some information  which are false and misleading. Sri Pradhan intimated to the Commission  to hear the case on 7.2.12 and again on 6.6.12. But  the  Commission has not heard the case till yet.

CC No. 380/2012

Tapan Mohapatra

Sri Tarun kanti Mishra

On 19.12.2011, Sri Mohapatra  submitted application to the PIO,  office of SP, Jagatsinghpur district seeking information about  cases filed  against a criminal.  Finding no information he made complaint to Commission  on 23.2.2012. Sri Tarun kanti Mishra  disposed   the case  and remanded to the First Appellate Authority on 28.2.2012.  The First Appellate Authority refused  to provide the  information on the ground of section 8 (1j) and 11 of the RTI Act. Sri Mohapatra  again appealed to the Commission  on 25.4.12 to hear the case and give justice to him. No hearing  has taken place  till yet.

CC No. 1218/12

Pradip Pradhan

Sri Pramod Mohanty

On 9.7.12, Sri Pramod Mohanty, SIC without hearing  the case  disposed it  by remanding to the First Appellate Authority to  dispose it within 30 days.  Though around two months is over, no information has been supplied by the First Appellate Authority.

Complaint case No. 1395/2012

Bijay Kumar Tirkey,

Sri Jagadanand, SIC, Odisha

Sri Bijay Tirkey  had sought information from the PIO, Office of Child Development Project Officer, Tileibani Block of Deogarh district seeking information about food distributed in Anganwadi centre . Finding no information he made complaint to the Commission. Sri Jagadanand without realizing the gravity of the case simply disposed and closed it directing to the First Appellate Authority to supply information within 30 days on 12.7.12. Though around two month is over, the First Appellate Authority neither heard the case not disposed of. No information has been supplied.

 Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist, Odisha, Date- 10.9.12


11. Vigilance Case  against IAS, IFS, IPS,OAS officers  in Odisha from the Year of 2000-2012, exposed through RTI


On dated 16.6.2012, RTI Application was  submitted  to Department of General administration, Govt. of Odisha  seeking  information  about  Vigilances  cases  lodged  against IAS, IFS,IPS and OAS officers , sanction sought from Government  for prosecution, Sanction  for prosecution granted by Govt.,  details of cases  in which Govt. refused  to grant permission etc. The Public Information Officer of GA Dept. illegally kept RTI Application three  and half  months  which is the  violation of section 6(3) of the RTI Act ( the PIO  is required to transfer RTI Application  as may be appropriate to  another Public Authority within 30 days in  case of non-availability  of information). It deserves to be mentioned here that GA Department stands as biggest violator of RTI Act  in Odisha. However, on 31.8.12 the PIO, GA Dept. transferred my RTI Application to the PIO, office of Director, Vigilance, Cuttack who ultimately supplied the information within stipulated time period.  The information supplied by the PIO, Office of Director-cum-Addl. DG, Vigilance  is as follows.


1.During the period of 2000-2012, the  Vigilance have  sought  sanction  for prosecution  from Govt. of Odisha against  total no. of 170  officers  out of which 144 are OAS officers and other 44 officers  include IAS, IPS, IFS.  Prominent  figures are  as follows.


a. Mr. Surendra Nath  Tripathy, IAS

b. Sri Suresh Panth, IFS, Ex-DFO

c. Sri Hari Shankar Upadhaya, IFS

d. Sri. Amresh Kumar Jaiswal, IFS

e. Sri. Birendra Kumar Sukla, IFS

f. Sri. E.L.Yanger Aier, IFS

g. Sri. Rabindra Mohan Senapati, IAS (Retd.)

h. Sri. Santosh Ku. Mishra, IAS

i. Sri Sanjeeb Kumar Ray, IAS (Retd.)

j. Prafulla Chandra Mishra, IAS

k. Sri Vinod Kumar, IAS

l. Sri. Rabinarayan Senapati, IAS

m. Sri. Nikunja Kishor Sundaray, IAS

n. Dr. Prasanta Ku. Pradhan, IAS

o. Sri. I. Srinivas, IAS

p. Sri Srikanta Prusty, IAS

q. Sri Pradeepta Kumar Pattanaik,   IAS

r.  Sri Ashok Kumar Tarenia, Ex-OAS ( Now IAS)


s. Sri. Kumar Raghvendra Singh, IFS

t. Sri. Gourinath, IFS

u. Sri. Sushanta Kumar Nanda, IFS

v. Sri. Bikram Singh, IFS

w. Sri. Pradeep raj Karat, IFS



2.  The State Govt.  granted sanction  for prosecution  against total no. of 121 officers  for charge sheet. Out of them are 114 OAS officers.   Prominent among them  are  as follows.

a. Sri. Vinod Kumar, IAS,  b. Sri. Abhiram Das, IFS, c. Sri. Kumar Raghvendra Singh, IFS,  d. Sri. Susanta Kumar Nanda, IFS,  e. Sri. P.C.Mishra, IPS( Retd.) (Since Expired)Abated.


3. Details  of cases  in which government  have refused  to give permission  for charge sheeting the  various  category of officers  are  as follows.



Case No. with date

Name of Officer



Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 21 dt. 29.6.01

Sri Sailendra Kumar Dwibedi, OAS

Sanction refused


Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 21 dt. 29.6.01

Sri Prasanta Kumar Das, OAS



Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 55 dt. 29.2.03

Sri Manmath Kumar Pani, OAS



Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 08 dt. 25.3.04

Sri Manmath Kumar Pani, OAS



Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 63 dt. 27.10.03

Sri. Dhruba Ch. Swain, OAS



Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 37 dt. 29.8.02

Sri. Banabihari Mohanty, OAS



 Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 37 dt. 29.8.02

Sri. Abhaya Kumar Nayak, OAS



Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 33 dt. 19.7.02

Sri. Sailendra Kumar Dwibedi, OAS



Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 33 dt. 19.7.02

Sri Prasanta Kumar Das, OAS



Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 06 dt. 19.2.04

Sri Surendranath Tripathy, IAS



Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 06 dt. 19.2.04




Cuttack Vigilance P.S. Case No. 27 dt. 5.8.04

Sri Basanta Kumar Mohanty, OAS



BBSR. Vig. PS Case No. 46 dt. 24.12.05

Sri. Niranjana Jena, OAS-1



BBSR. Vig. PS Case No. 45 dt. 28.12.07

Sri Sudhansu Sekhar Bhuyan, OAS



BPR Vig. P.S. case No.25dt. 30.9.05

Sri. Bijay Kumar Nayak, OAS



BPR Vig. P.S. case No.4 dt. 24.3.05

Sri. Ganeswar Kanhar, OAS



SBP Vig P.S. case  No. 51 dt. 6.9.2002

Sri. Sitartam Patel, OAS

Sanction refused Govt.  have passed orders for intiating  major penalty, proceeding  against the accused


SBP Vig P.S. case  No. 47 dt. 22.11.2004

Sri. Omprakash Mohapatra, OAS-1



SBP Vig P.S. case  No. 2 dt. 4.1.2008

Sri Rajesh Kumar Agrawal, OAS

Sanction refused


SBP Vig P.S. case  No. 54 dt. 2.6.2001

Sri Umashankar Ram, OAS

Sanction refused  on the ground that  there is no substantial  evidence  regarding criminal intention  while releasing  subsidy amount.


SBP Vig P.S. case  No. 45 dt. 21.9.2000

Sri Fakir Mohan Pradhan, OAS-1

Sanction refused


KPT Vig. P.S. Case No. 03 dt. 20.10.2004

Sri Suresh Ch. Suaro, OAS-1

Govt. have passed orders for initiating  major penalty, proceeding against accused.


KPT Vig. P.S. Case No. 08 dt. 11.12.2004

Sri Gandaram Khamari, OAS

Govt. have passed orders for initiating  major penalty, proceeding against accused.


 KPT Vig. P.S. Case No. 28 dt. 19.10.2006

Sri Simanchal Mandal, OAS

Govt. did not consider fit case for sanction.


KPT Vig. P.S. Case No. 36 dt. 30.9.07

Sri Bikash Ch. Bain, OAS(II)



BPR Vig. Case. No. 29 dt. 21.9.04

 Sri Suresh Ch. Suar, OAS

Govt. passed order for initiating major penalty.


BLS Vig. Case No. 52 dt. 5.12.03

Sri Bishnupada Grahacharya, OAS

Govt. has been pleased to initiate major penalty.


BLS Vig. Case No. 21 dt. 12.7.06

Sri Bijay Kumar Mallik, OAS

Govt. did not consider fit case  for sanction


BLS Vig. Case No. 29 dt. 24.6.04

Sri Bansidhar Mohapatra, OAS

Govt. ordered for major penalty.


BLS Vig. Case No. 34 dt. 19.8.05

 Sri Harihar Mallik, OAS

Govt. ordered that  the case does not had adequate material to prosecute.


BLS Vig. Case No. 4 dt. 18.1.01

Sri. Jagabandhu Ray, OAS

Govt. ordered for  departmental  proceedings


Bhubaneswar Vigilance PS case No. 37/1998

Sri Rabindra Mohan Senapati, IAS (retd.)

Govt. ordered  to initiate minor penalty  proceedings against him


Bhubaneswar Vigilance PS Case No. 49/2000


Govt. decided  not to  recommend  the case to Govt. of India  for according sanction.


Cuttack Vigilance PS Case No. 30, 32, 38,39,41 and 42/2003




Cuttack Vigilance PS Case No. 35/2003




Cuttack Vigilance PS No. 30/2004

Sri Surendra Nath Tripathy, IAS

Govt. did not find fit case  for sanction


Cuttack Vigilance PS case No. 14/2005

Sri. I.Srinivas, IAS

Govt. passed order not to recommend to Govt. of India for sanction


Berhampur Vigilance  PS Case  No. 27/2001

Sri.M.Gourinath, IFS

Orders from Govt. of India was received  through GA DEptt. For initiating major penalty  proceedings


Balasore Vigilance PS Case No. 27/2005

Sri Dinabandhu Das, OAS

Govt did not consider it fit case  for according sanction


 Pradip Pradhan, M-99378-43482, Date-9.10.12


12. Recovery of Rs. 38,37,372/-  as interest  due demanded by GA Dept. from CYSD, NGO against land allotted  which is still forest land  and yet to be converted  


GA Department,  Govt. of Odisha  while issuing two letters  on 8.11.12     to  the Chairman, CYSD, a Bhubaneswar-based NGO   has  requested  to  deposit Rs. 38,37,372/-  as interest  due against the land allotted to CYSD  in two phases. It has been stated in the letter that  you were allotted  additional land measuring Ac. 1.016 in Mz- samantarapur. Earlier CYSD was requested    on 11.8.2004 to  deposit the premium of Rs. 50,79,201/-  and premium  of Rs. 15,23,760/- towards arrear  ground rate  for the period  01.04.1998  to 31.03.2004. Further  a sum of Rs. 10,15,840/-  was charged   towards arrear ground rate  for the period  from 01.04.2004  to 31.3.2008 for permissive possession. Accordingly,  CYSD deposited  the premises and  ground rent  on 18.9.2008, 5.1.2007  and 22.9.2008 respectively. As it was paid late, GA  Dept.  has calculated Rs. 38,37,372/- as interest  due  and demanded  early payment. The details of calculation is as follows.



Amount of premium/ground rent due

Period of delay

Amount of interest


Rs. 50,79,201/-

11.08.2004 to 18.09.2008

Rs. 31,28,927/-


Rs. 15, 23, 760/-

31.03.2004 to 05.01.2007

Rs. 6,32,465/-


Rs. 10,15,840/-

31.03.2008 to 22.09.2008

Rs. 75,980/-


Rs. 38,37,372/-


In  another letter on dated 8.11.12, GA department  has also  requested  to   CYSD  to file proposal to Chief Conservator of Forest, Govt. of Odisha  for diversion of  forest land  allotted  to  it in two phases  ( Revenue plot No.-54 (pt), khata no. 1427, Mz-Jayadev Vihar and Revenue plot-39(pt), Khata no. 91, Mz- Samantpuri area Ac. 1.016, Jungle-II ( Buda Jungle) . A powerful body  of Govt.  has also raised  the issue of how  forest land  without being  converted  was allotted to a private organization.

 Pradip Pradhan, M-99378-43482, Date- 8.11.12

13. Central Information Commission warns the public authorities against demanding proof of citizenship from RTI applicants. 


While deciding a Complaint Case ( File No; CIC/AD/C/2011/001736 on  11.1.2012,, Ms. Annapurna Dixit, Central Information Commissioner observed,    there is no provision in the RTI Act to seek identification of a citizen who seeks information from any Public Authority. The PIO of the Company is warned not to seek such identification in future u/s 3 of the RTI Act, which stipulates that all citizens shall have the Right to Information, as it would be construed by the Commission as deemed denial”. The fact of the case is that an RTI Applicant Mr. M Rangarajan of Bangalore had sought  information about the  provision of retirement benefits of the employees from the PIO,  M/s. Braithwaite and Company Ltd under  Ministry of Railways, 5, Hide Road, Kolkata - 700 043. But the said PIO quoting Section 3 of the Act demanded the proof of citizenship identity of the applicant before he would be able to disclose the information sought. Then the aggrieved applicant approached the Central Information Commission with a complaint against the said illegal order of the PIO. Having heard the parties to the case, the CIC Mrs.Dixit passed the above order quoted above.  


Now, let us have a look at the procedure of submitting RTI Application in Odisha. The  State Govt.  has made a provision  under  Odisha Right to Information Rules 2005 for  submission of  proof of  identity of citizenship  along with RTI application  being made to any Public Authority. Besides   a Compulsory and a lengthy 11-column “Form-A” has been prescribed by the State Govt.  wherein the Column No.4  requires  submission of  Proof of Citizenship in the shape of a copy of Voter’s Card or Passport.  If  an RTI Applicant  fails  to attach the said   proof of Citizenship,  the PIO has been  given absolute power in Form-C ( Intimation of Rejection) to reject the application on the ground that “your identity is not satisfactory’. . This queer provision  contradicts the letter and spirit of Section 6 (2) of the RTI Act, which says, “An applicant  making request  for information  shall not be required  to give  any reason  for requesting the information  or any other personal details  except those  that may be necessary  for  contacting him”. This provision also deprives  millions of young people in Odisha and outside of their right to apply for information to any public authority located in Odisha, for the obvious reasons that they being underaged can’t have a voter’s card and they, in absence of any compelling need, may not have any passport either. Besides quite many adult persons may not have a voter’s card at all, since it is not a compulsory provision at all to have a voter card.. Thus millions of people in and outside Odisha who are bonafide citizens because of their domicile within territory of India and thus entitled to apply for information under Section 3 of the Act are defrauded of this statutory right due to the ultra vires RTI Rules of Odisha.


Besides, the mode of payment of application fees is either through Treasury Challan or through cash. It means that every person, wherever he or she may be located, has to physically visit the concerned office to remit the application fee to the PIO, no matter the amount to be paid is a trifle. Alternatively, he or she may post the application fee through Treasury Challan. But as everybody knows, for collecting a Treasury Challan of Rs.10/-, one has to visit the nearest town where the Treasury Office may be located, stand in the queue for as many hours as is required and also remember the excessively long Treasury Code of the RTI application fee which is humanly impossible. Every RTI applicant in Odisha has thus to pass through a hell of hassles in availing the Treasury Challan of Rs.10/- to be attached to his or her RTI application. But still funniest is the predicament of a citizen living outside Odisha, who can neither afford to visit Odisha simply to pay in cash the application fee of Rs.10/- to the concerned PIO nor can arrange a Treasury Challan of Rs.10/- for remittance by post for the said purpose, for the simple reason that there is no Office of Odisha Treasury located outside Odisha. For such prohibitive modes of payment, no person from outside Odisha has yet applied for information under RTI Act to any public authority located in Odisha, and most common people living inside Odisha have stayed away from using RTI Act during last 6 and half years. In a nutshell, the Orissa RTI Rules can be called Odisha RTI Disentitlement Rules. 


However, the tragedy is that in Odisha such anti-RTI and anti-citizens  provisions are upheld   and justified  by Odisha information commissioners  during hearing of the cases and as well in course of their address in public meetings. The only lame excuse they unabashedly proffer in defense of the above anti-citizen Rules is that the State Govt. has framed it.  While saying so, the Commissioners blissfully ignore Section 25(5) of the Act, which authorizes the Commission   to recommend  to any public authority including the State Govt.  to take steps  for removing any deviation and effecting   conformity to the letter and spirit of Act.  Though nearly six  and half years has  passed since Odisha Information Commission started functioning , it has not  made a single recommendation   to remove the anti-citizen and  ultra vires Odisha RTI Rules 2005. Of all, the Compulsory Application Form, proof of citizenship and prohibitive mode of payment for application  is the greatest nuisance wrought against every citizen’s right to information, and woefully enough, Odisha Information Commission has been sleeping over it at tandem with the State Government.


Will the Central Information Commission’s latest, eye-opening warning against the proof of citizenship of an RTI applicant serve as a wake-up call to Odisha Information Commission for taking a similar position?

 Pradip Pradhan, M-99378-43482 , Date-18.2.2012


14. Allotment of land  in favour of NGOs/ Voluntary Organisations within Bhubaneswar 


In response to RTI Application,  the PIO, Dept. of GA & PG, Government. of Odisha   has  supplied the information  dated 7.12.12.  The said information is incomplete.  More information is yet to be provided  by GA Dept.


Name of organisation


Area in Acres.

Year of allotment

Premium in Rs.


CYSD, Bhubaneswar






SOS village






Gopabandhu Daridra Narayan Seba Sangha


Kharabela Nagar





Missionaries of Charity

Satya Nagar





Kalinga Foundation Trust






Young Men Christian Association






IAS Officers’ Wives Association

Gopabandhu Nagar



63, 131


Hind Kustha Nibarana Sangh

Bhoi Nagar





Chetna International of Jewels






Orissa Environment Society

Jayadev Vihar





Open Learning System







Jayadev Vihar





Usthi Foundation






People’s Organisation  for welfare Employment  and Rural development

Paika Nagar





Marwari Society and Charitable Hospital

Ganga Nagar



23, 54,913


Mahul Palli Yubak Sanga

Jayadev Vihar





Sahajya, Sundargarh

Satya Nagar





Society for Nature Education and Health

Jayadev Vihar





 Kasturba Nari Mahal

Bapuji Nagar





Adivasi Bikash samiti






International association and Lions Club






Chinmaya Mission Trust






Lions club

Jayadev Vihar





St. John Ambulance

Kharavela NAGAR





Rotary Club

Bhoi Nagar


1985 and 1987



Adivasi Mangal Samiti






Details of land allotted to different Institutions    by GA Dept on Bhubaneswar, Odisha  (  Information supplied  on 22.12.2012 )


Name of Insitutions/Companies


Area allotted

Year of allotment

Premium in Rs.


KIIT, Bhubaneswar ( Medical College and Hospital)


Ac. 26.970


Rs. 2,06,99, 500


Bhubaneswar Eye Research Institute




Rs. 50,00,000


Army Recruitment Centre






Regional Vocational Training Institute for Women

Jayadev Vihar



Rs. 1,00,00,000


Vocational Rehabilitation Training Centre for Physical orthopedics Training Institute

Jayadev Vihar



Rs. 50,04,592


Sikhya “O’ Anusandhan (Medical College)




Rs. 3,75,00,000


Ruchika High School

Ganga Nagar

Ac. 1.000




Addl. Land


Ac. 0.026




DAV School, Kalinga Nagar






Vivekananda Yoga Therapy and Research Centre

Gopabandhu Nagar

Ac. 0. 250


Rs. 6,25,000


Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management


Ac. 5.000




Saraswati Sisu Mandir

Gopabandhu Nagar



Rs. 50,00,000


National Institute for Social Work and Social Science (NISWASS)

Jayadev Vihar

Ac. 3.000




Centre for Development Education and  Communication

Jayadev Vihar



Free ( Cancelled)


DAV School







Educational Society





Sanskrit Foundation Trust Pvt. Ltd. For Model Public School

Jayadev Vihar

Ac. O. 930




Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, No.IV

Chandrasekhar Pur



Rs. 50,00,000


Guidance English medium School






Integral School of Education




Rs. 35,00,000


 St. Joseph Annency for High school and Dispensary






DAV School








Ac. 2.341


Rs. 58,52,500


Regional College of Management

Jayadev Vihar

Ac. 2.000




Sainik School






DAV School, Unit-VIII

Gopabandhu Nagar

Ac. 6.320


Rs. 1.00


Addl. Land

Gopabandhu Nagar

Ac. 6.320




Laxman Nayak Sangeet Academy

Bapuji Nagar

Ac. 0.100




Utkal Pratistha Rastra Bhasa Prachar Sabha

Bhoi Nagar





Tinitotis English Medium School

Kharavela Nagar

Ac. 0.250




Rastrya Sanskrit Sansthana , New Delhi






Chetana  Institute of Mentally Handicapped School






Women ITI

Jagamara and Pokhariput





Xavier Institute  of Management ( Industry Dept.)

Jayadev Vihar





Institue of management


Ac. 3.000




Tribunal Orientation Training Centre

Paika Nagar

Ac. 6.887




Odissi research Centre

Jayadev Vihar




Pradip Pradhan, Date. 1.1.2013


15. Planning Board is defunct and useless body in Odisha- A Dismal State of affairs  from 2009 to 2013


In the month of September’ 2013, RTI Application was submitted to the Dept. of Planning and Coordination, Govt. of India seeking information about performance of  Planning Board, copy of the proceedings of the meeting,  copy of any recommendation given by any Planning Board  member to  State Govt.  and assignment given to the Planning Board, details of salary  and other allowances received  by  Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Members.  The information provided by the PIO on dt. 27.9.13 and 3.10.13 is as follows.


1.Details of Assignment given to State Planning Board

a.    To provide  short-term and  long term  policy guidelines for formulation of five years  and annual plans at the state level and district level plans with a view to achieving rapid economic growth and development in the state.

b.   To systematically assess the existing  stock of materials, capital and human resources in the state and suggest the areas of their optimal utilization.

c.    To periodically review and evaluate the implementation of various development programmes in the state and the districts and suggest corrective measures required if any.

d.   To make such recommendations to the State Govt.  as appears to it appropriate  on policy issues, economic conditions, development programmes as may be referred  to it by the State Government.

e.   To undertake systematic manpower survey and planning and to suggest measures for generation of maximum employment opportunities.

f.     To advise state Govt. on all matters relating to planning and development activity in the state and districts having their bearing on the growth prospects of the state.


2.  With regard to proceedings of the State Planning Board meeting, the PIO has informed that no planning board meeting has been held so far  and no proceedings is available.

3.  On question in respect of any recommendation made by SPB to the State Govt, the response is NIL.

4. Expenditure of the members of State Planning Board

Name of the Deputy Chairman/ Members of SBP




Sri Surendra Nath Naik,  Chairman, SPB





2013-14 ( upto Sept.13)











Sri S.K.Sahu, Member, SPB







Sri A.V.Swamy

Member, SPB


( The information is incomplete )



Pradip Pradhan, M-99378-43482, Date- 18.1.14


16. Fund disbursed by Odisha Govt.  to private hospitals  for providing  free service to the poor and the people of BPL category patients from Odisha Treatment fund


On dated 6.1.2014, an RTI Application was submitted to the Dept. of Health and Family welfare, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about fund disbursed by Odisha Govt.  to private hospitals  for providing  free service to the poor and the people of BPL category patients from Odisha Treatment fund since beginning to Dec.2013. The information provided by the PIO, office of Directorate of Medical Education and Training, Odisha on dated 7.2.14 is as follows.


A.      Statement showing the expenditure incurred towards cashless treatment in  Pvt. Hospitals ( both inside and outside state)  from the date of signing MOU till Dec. 2013


Name of Hospital

No. of the beneficiary patients

Referral/ Emergency

Sanctioned amount ( in Rs.)


Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneswar





Kalinga Hospital, Bhubaneswar





Ramkrishna Care Hospital, Raipur





Aditya Care Hispital, Bhubaneswar





IMS and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar





Grand Total




( Thirty two lakhs one thousand  twenty one rupees only)


B. Statement showing the financial assistance  provided  to the patient  through Private Hospital ( both inside and outside the state)  from 21.12.2011 to Dec. 2013


Name of Health  Institution

Amount received ( in Rs.)

Amount utilised ( in Rs.)

Beneficiary covered


L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Bhubaneswar





Ashwini Hospital, Cuttack





I.G.H., RSP,SAIL, Rourkela





Aditya care Hospital, Bhubaneswar





Ayush Hospital, Bhubaneswar





Hi-tech Medical College & Hospital, Bhubaneswar





Shanti Memorial Hospital, Cuttack





Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore





Kalinga Hospital Bhubaneswar





KIMS, Bhubaneswar





Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneswar





AIIMS, New Delhi





Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai





IMS & SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar





Care Hospital, Vishakhapatnam





Basavatarakam Indo American Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad-500034





B.G.S. Global Hospital, Hyderabad





Fortis Hospital, Bangalore





Institute of Kidney disease  and Research Centre





Apollo Hospital, Visakhapatnam





Indus Hospital, Visakhapatnam





Mahatma Gandhi Canncer Hospital and Research Institute, Visakhapatnam





Dr. Balli Vai Nanvati Hospital, Mumbai





Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bengaluru





Swami Vivekanada National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research Centre, Olatpur, Cuttack





Care Hospital, Hyderabad





Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi





Appolo Hospital, Trichy





Manipal Hospital, Visakhapatnam





Asian Institute of Gastroentrology, Hyderabad





Ramakristan Care Hospital,Raipur, Chhatisgarh





St. Johnson Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore





Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore





A.N.Beach Hospital, Visakhapatnam





Jayadev Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Research, Bangalore





Vedic Institute of Cardiac Science, Bangalore





Nimban’s Hospital, Bangalore





Queen’s NRI Hospital, Vishakhapatnam





AIIMS, Bhubaneswar





Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad





Chitaranjan Seva Sadan, Niali





Seven Hill Hospital, Visakhapatnam





NH RTICS, Kolkata





Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Luncknow-226014





Nizam’ Institute of Medical Sciences, Punjagutta, Hyderabad









        ( Grand Total- Seven Crores Seventy Six lakhs Seventy Seven Thousand Six Hundred Ninety One)

 Pradip Pradhan,  Date- 11.3.14


17. Has the Presence of Civil Society members ( NGO)   in Govt.  brought any  changes or difference  or  contributed substantially  for the development of the  state and upheld the  dignity of  Civil Society.


Presently, discussion is going on among various factions of NGOs   for recommending name of prominent Civil Society Members (so-called) to Biju Janata Dal, ruling political party for Rajya Sabha ticket.  Many factional groups have held talk with me seeking my views for suggesting names to BJD for Rajya Sabha ticket.  I ponder over   and still continue thinking whose name should be suggested in the greater interest of the state as well as Civil Society.  What is the performance of   Civil Society members during  their  tenure in Govt. sector? Have they set any example before us.  Have they brought any policy changes   in Odisha. Have they contributed anything substantially which the Civil Society  should highlight. These are the questions haunting me and my fellow friends who are active in civil society movement in Odisha.  So far as my knowledge is concerned, I   share my views   about how the people of Civil Society in Govt. appointment  has brought disaster to the state, worked day and night  influencing funding agencies to get fund  for their NGOs by selling their designations, tried to satisfy their personal interest  including accumulation of wealth for family, son and daughter,  developing own infrastructure, purchasing number of plots in Bhubaneswar  and other parts of the state like corrupt bureaucrat and corporate dalal . These people  are  duplicate characters  and  always talk in   two tones  i.e, speaking one thing in the administration to satisfy bureaucrats  for their vested interest and  another thing in  NGO meeting as if  they are champion  by cheating emotions of younger generation in NGO sector. During their tenure, they have tried to satisfy whims, fancies of bureaucracy at the cost of the interest of the poor. 


1.   Performance of Sri Jeo Mediath, Gram Vikash

Jeo Mediath, Director of Gram Vikash  is  not ordinary man but man of crores    and having own NGO empire across the state. He is considered as biggest fund mobiliser and taken up several projects for development of tribals in Odisha since last 30 years.  However, in these areas, the State Govt. has spent crores of rupees directly or through NGOs like Gram Vikash for socio-economic development of tribals. But it has not brought any improvement in the life and livelihood of the tribals. Still Odisha stands as poorest in the country.  He has big influence on state bureaucracy and has   close proximity with politicians. He knows the technique of satisfying various groups in political arena and bureaucracy.


In recognition of his work, the State Govt. took him as Member of State Planning Board since the year 2009-10. Though five years passed, no Planning Board meeting has been held so far in our state. As per information obtained through RTI, Sri Mediath neither did   play any role influencing Vice-Chairman to call the meeting nor given any written suggestion to Govt.  for the state.  But in NGO meeting in Bhubaneswar, New Delhi and meeting of INGOs, World Bank, DFID held abroad, he is praised and portrayed as honourable Planning Board Member of Odisha. His presence in Planning Board has not brought any changes in planning map of Odisha. He has also not preferred to resign till yet.


2.   Performance of Sri A.V. Swamy, Director, VISWASS

Sri Swamy is portrayed as Great Grand Father of NGO sector. Many people who are having big NGO set up   in Odisha have learnt the art of developing NGO from Sri Swamy.  The people in politics and bureaucracy   respect   him. He had close proximity with Mr. Pyari Mohan Mohapatra which ensured his elevation as MP, Rajya Sabha. As senior man of NGO sector, the State Govt. took him as  State Planning board member since 2009-10.  He continued   till Member of Rajya Sabha. During his tenure, he has not given any suggestion to State Govt. in respect of planning or any model for development of the State. But NGOs/ INGOs highlight them   as honourable Member, SPB in the meeting and the participants cheers him. As Member of Rajya Sabha, we do not see any good work done by him. He has assured to  ensure conducting social audit. But nothing has happened. His performance needs to be monitored  by NGOs who   extend support. Since last two years, his performance is same as that of MP of Congress and BJP. No difference from them.


3.  Performance of Sri Jagadanand Mohanty, Member-Secretary, CYSD

 I use to write as Jagadanand Mohanty not Sri Jagadanand, because his all official records including land records show his name as Sri Jagadanad Mohanty. If anybody doubts it, they can inspect it    in the office of Tahasil and records of GA Dept. through RTI.   His close proximity with corrupt bureaucracy and Sri pyari Mohan Mohapatra has made him member of State Planning Board and later on as Member of  State Information Commission.  As an RTI Activist, I have closely studied his performance as Information Commissioner. He has behaved as criminal to the RTI Activists-complainants during hearing threatening them to arrest by calling SP.   Around 30 complaints have been filed against him before Governor, Odisha seeking enquiry into his misdeeds, corruption etc. which is under investigation.   He has also masterminded to file   defamation case against two prominent RTI Activists Sri Chitta Behera and Sri Pradip Pradhan by influencing Sri. D.N. Padhi, then Chief Information Commissioner in 2010.  He has not given a single outstanding decision   in the state,but tries his best to protect corrupt bureaucracy.  He is  the most  useless   character  and hated  by all RTI Activists in the state. One defamation case  has been filed against him in Bhubaneswar court.  Around six cases    has been  filed   challenging  his decision in Odisha High Court. 


His involvement in land scam by taking GA Plot in the name of his wife    has brought bad name to NGO sector.  Governor has ordered for an enquiry into it. Because of his close proximity with Corrupt bureaucracy who he has provided protection as IC ,  investigation could not  progress.  A case has been filed in Odisha High Court to enquire into the matter of his involvement in land scam.  Now by selling name of civil society ( few NGO  Chamcha portray him as leader of Civil society), he is  bargaining hard  and running from pillar to post to get  MP ticket  from BJD.  We have already started signature  campaign appealing  president, Biju Janata Dal  and all Members of BJD  not to give him ticket.  


Performance of Civil Society member in Child Rights Commission or any other   Govt. bodies   is   neither satisfactory nor praise worthy. At Govt. level, they are seen engaged in hobnobbing with law breakers for their vested interest and   brightening own future and mobilize more fund for their NGOs. But in NGO  front, they  speak as messiah  and protagonist  of  human rights,   duties of  NGOs ( what NGOs  should do  or do not)   and  against corruption  just to keep their face clean.   In  private conversation,  they    pretend  as if  they are  trying hard to  do everything  and feel to resign, but  they never do it.

  Tapan Padhi , M-94376-35267


18. RTI Activist   was mercilessly beaten up in the office premises of Deogaon Block under Bolangir district, Odisha


On 1.3.14, Mangal Ray, a Dalit RTI Activist  working in Bolangir district  had visited Deogaon Block  to submit RTI Application seeking information about details of road construction work  undertaken from Jarasingha RD road to Udar RD road under NREGA in 2012-13,  estimate copy,  details of expenditure including copy of bill and vouchures etc.  When he  was filing RTI  application to the PIO, the Junior Engineer of the Block along with some hooligans and contractors entered into the office and asked him  purpose of his visit.  Then they started beating him mercilessly with blow and fist and forced him to withdraw the application. The officials present in the office neither protested nor came to his rescue. The hooligans also used slang language taking name of his caste and threatened him to leave the office. His RTI Application was tore up into pieces.  Sri Mangal left the office. He was so frightened that he could not file FIR.


After getting assurance of protection from fellow RTI Activists, he dared to file an FIR in Deogaon police station on 12.3.14. Mangal is the fourth victim in Bolangir, Earlier, in 2009, Sri Gopabandhu Chhatria who  had  submitted RTI application to the Deogaon Block   to expose corruption in a check dam construction work  was beaten up  and false case was filed  against him  for which he was put behind bar for four days. Later on the court acquitted him.


Similarly, Sri Nilamani Joshi who have been fighting since 2009 to expose corruption in purchase of paddy in Bolangir and nexus of mill-owners, officials of Anchalik co-operative societies and District Civil  office have been several times attacked, threatened and pushed from running train.


Another RTI Activist Sri Kedar Nanda  was false implicated with rape case in 2010 and charged    under section 452,323,506,294 of IPC  when he had visited CDPO office, Bolangir to get information about  functioning of Anganwadi centres.  CDPO has stated in her FIR that “Sri Nanda, RTI Applicant abused her in obscene language saying “DARI BITANGI, MU TOTE DEKHINEBI”. He threw the files and Registers, pulled the sarees and gave her a push.”    He  got the advance bail from High Court and fought the legal battle for three years. The  Additional Session Judge  acquitted him  from this false case.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 13.3.14  


19. Position of Calamity Relief Fund/ State Disaster Response Fund in Odisha ( 2005-06 to 2013-14) 


On dated 9.12.13, RTI Application was submitted  to  the Dept. of Revenue and Disaster  Management  to  get the information about details of fund received  and spent  for disaster  in Odisha  and  fund  given by Central Govt. to deal  “Phailin cyclone situation”  in the state. The information provided by the PIO on dated 27.1.2014 is as follows.

Position of Calamity Relief Fund/ State Disaster Response Fund in Odisha ,  ( 2005-06 to 2013-14)

                                                                                                                               ( Rs. In crores)


Availability of Total fund

Share of centre

State share

Expenditure, if any during the year









































2013-14 ( As on 27.12.13)





N.B.- (a) The above  amount includes  contribution from National Disaster Response Fund  and it is accounted  for in share of Centre. The balance available at the end of financial year is carried forward to the next year for expenditure as opening balance.


(b)   An amount of Rs. 130000.00 lakh  has been obtained from Odisha Contingency Fund  ( OCF)  as advance  to accommodate  the immediate  requirement  due to very severe cyclonic storm  Phailin  and subsequent flood. Out  of the above an amount  of Rs. 129555.8099 lakh  has already  been allotted  in favour  of different  districts & Departments  towards  different measures. The advance  will be  recouped  from  the grant  out  of NDRF from Government of India. Till 27.12.,  13 an  amount of Rs. 750.00 crore has been received from NDRF.


20. Funds received from Govt. of India for very cyclonic storm  Phailin  and subsequent flood


The  Central Government  has sanctioned  Rs. 83001.00 lakh in favour  of Government  of Odisha  in three different  instalments  out of SDRF/NDRF towards  relief  necessitated  on account  of very severe Cyclonic  storm  Phailin  and  consequent flood  mentioned below.


Sl. No.

Central Govt. Letter No/Date


Amount provided ( in lakhs) 



F.23 (33)/FCD/2010 Dt. 19.11.2013



Amount sanctioned  in advance  out of central share  for the year 2014-15


F.23 (3)/SDF/FCD/2010 Dt. 29.11.13



Central Govt. assistance out of NDRF


F.23 (3)/FCD/2010 dt. 3.12.13



Central assistance out of NDRF.

Pradip Pradhan, M-99378-43482, Dt. 26.3.14


21. Annual Report of Odisha Information Commission for 2011-12- An Analysis

On 13.2.14, the last day of the assembly session of Odisha Legislative Assembly, the  State Govt. presented Annual Report for 2011-12   complied  by Odisha  Information Commission  about implementation of RTI Act in Odisha.  As per section 25 (1)  of the RTI Act, “the Information Commission shall  as soon as practicable  after the end of the year, prepare  a report  on the implementation  of the provisions of the Act  during the year  and forward  a copy to the Govt.”.  It means Odisha Information Commission is required to    prepare annual report by end of the financial year 2011-12 and forward the same to the State Govt. for  presentation in the assembly in the year 2012. But the State Commission took two years to   prepare the report which was presented in 2014. God knows when the Annual Report for 2012-13 and 2013-14 will be prepared by the Commission and put in the assembly.


Some important information highlighted in Annual Report for 2011-12  is analysed  with comments and  presented for  public discourse   as follows.


1.       Status of RTI Application

The Commission has given department-wise figure (43 Department) about number of RTI Applications submitted to the different Depts. and their respective administrative units at district. Block, GP level. For example, the information about receipt and disposal of RTI Applications of  the office  of PD,  DRDAs ( District Rural Development Agency)  of different districts  has  been compiled  and put  under the Head of Dept. Panchayat Raj.   In fact  this practice is illegal  under RTI Act.    Section 25 (2)  of the Act  states that  Each Ministry  or Department  shall, in relation to Public  authorities  within their jurisdiction,  collect  and provide such information  to the Central Information Commission or State Information Commission, as the case may be, as is required to prepare the Annual report .............. Section 25 (3)  states that  each report  shall  state  in respect of the year  to which the report relates,- (a) The number of requests  made to each public authority.


It means  the  Commission’s Annual Report  should reflect  the  number of RTI Applications  submitted   and disposed  by each public authority i.e,   each office of Collector of all districts, each office of  DRDAs, each Tahasil office , each block office like this. The  objective of this provision is that  the citizens  can  get the information about RTI Applications submitted to each  office of the state.  Complying mandate  of this  provision,  Central Information  Commission   has reflected  in their Annual Report  about    information  relating to receipt and disposal of the case by each public authority  coming under Central Govt. across  India.  From the Annual Report of Odisha Information Commission,  a reader  can not get information  about  number of application submitted to High Court or  District Courts or  Block or Tahasil offices. This issue  has been raised  by RTI Activists  in several times and memorandum  submitted to the State Commission and  Govt.  to  provide  information about RTI Applications  of  each public authority-wise    in the state. But the State Commission  has  turned their deaf year  to the demands  of  RTI Activists and continue  to violate the Act. Though  the mandate of the Commission is to safeguard the law  and ensure its implementation in letter and spirit.


Status of RTI Applications in 2011-12


Opening Balance







































Total  RTI Applications received within seven years





Remarks- The Commission has mentioned in satisfactory mood   that “there is substantial decline in the year-wise pendency of RTI Applications after 2008-09, which is clear indication of accelerated disposal. Disposal does not mean RTI Application has been properly complied. Hundreds of RTI Applications has been mindlessly and recklessly disposed by the PIOs   for the sake of disposal for which thousands of complaint cases are being filed in the commission.   It is fact that there is substantial increase in filling of RTI Applications ( 52,305). It shows that massive campaign on RTI by Civil Society Groups has yielded some positive results.


2. Receipt and Disposal of Complaint  Cases and Second Appeals


Opening Balance



Cumulative pending

































































Remarks- In 2010-11, the Commission received total number of 4048 cases, while in 2011-12, receipt of the cases was 3904. It shows trend of decline in respect of filling complaints by the citizens.  It happens because many people got frustrated over unilateral disposal of the cases by Commission without hearing, ensuring no information and remanding to the First Appellate Authority and refrained filling the cases on the pretext that they would not get justice. The frustration of RTI Activists and RTI users has been manifested in form of public protest before commission and submission of Memorandum to Governor demanding action against the Commission for their illegal activities. The Commission’s unilateral disposal of the cases at the stroke of pen without hearing figured huge disposal of the case (5680 ) in 2011-12 breaking all previous records. The Commission though illegal, but mindfully carved this strategy to reduce huge pendency and save their face from public criticism and prove their so-called efficiency in matter of disposal of cases.  In this year, all three Commissioners have disposed around 3000 cases without hearing and without  ensuring  a single  information to the complainants.


3.Imposition and collection of Penalty


No. of cases penalty imposed

Penalty imposed

No. of cases interim stay order granted by High Court

Interim stay continuing ( Amount in Rs.)




































 Remarks-  It is fact as mentioned in Annual Report  that there has been an upward trend in imposition of penalties on the erring PIOs/referred PIOs. But  if we take  all  complaint cases  as genuine cases  disposed  by the Commission in 2011-12, penalty imposed  by the commission is meagre and negligible. Penalty  has been imposed on just 203 cases ( 4%) out of 5680 cases disposed  by the commission.


4. Fees and costs collected as per RTI Act 



Total charges  ( In Rs.)

















5. Recommendations

Under section 25 of the Act, the Commission has made a lot of   fantastic  recommendations  to the State Govt. for effective implementation of RTI Act in the state in 2011-12 . Some of these recommendations are (a)  enforcing suo moto disclosure of information under section 4 of the RTI Act  and publishing this information in Odia language  and making hard copy of this information with the PIO for inspection by the public, (b) Develop viable mechanism in each Dept. for pro-active and timely disclosure of  proposed programme, plans and policies as well as proposed amendments to the existing laws and fresh legislation under section 4 (1)(c) of the RTI Act, (c) include  details of RTI compliance  in Annual Reports published  by each Dept, (d) to evolve mechanism  in Govt. for monitoring recovery of penalties  from the erring PIOs, (e) amendment of Rule-4 of Odisha RTI Rules  to enable RTI Applicant to make payments through treasury challan, bank draft, money order, IPO  or cash, (f) periodic review ( at least bio-monthly)  of implementation of RTI Act by all Departments.    

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-4.4.14


22. Management of ICDS in Odisha

 ICDS is one of the most important food security programmes in the state.  It mandates to check malnutrition, Infant Mortality and Maternal Mortality in the state  by  ensuring   nutritious food  to the children , lactating and pregnant women. This programme is being implemented through Anganwadi Centres.  An RTI Application was submitted to  understand  how ICDS  is  being managed  by the State Govt., sharing of fund between state and centre, situation of AWCs, situation of malnourished children  etc.  The information  provided by the PIO , Dept. of Women and Child Development on dated 19.5.14  is as follows.


A.     Details of fund  sanctioned  for management of ICDS      

                                                                                                                      (Rs. In lakhs)


Total Sanctioned

State share

Central share














b. Fund sanctioned by central Govt. for the following purposes

a. ICDS (General)

B.Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP)

c. ICDS ( Training )

d. Construction of AWC Buildings  ( from 2013-14)

e.Upgradation of AWC Building ( From 2013-14)



c. The cost sharing  between the state  and central Govt.  for  Supplementary Nutrition Programme   is 50 :50

Utilisation of fund  for last 3 years


State Share

Central share








(upto 31.12.2013)




d.  Total Angawadi centres

There are total number of 71306 Anganwadi centres  with Mini-Anganwadi centres ( 10,216)  in the state.

E.  Anganwadi Workers

The total number of sanctioned post for Anganwadi Workers is 71306 out which 3216 posts are lying vacant  in different districts.  Koraput   district which is the most backward and high magnitude of malnourished children,  has highest number of vacant post  of Anganwadi workers  ( 368) in the state followed by Mayurbhanj ( 344), , Puri (235),  Balasore (218), Keonjhar (201) etc.


f.  Beneficiaries under ICDS programme

Total number of 46, 28, 385  beneficiaries  are  covered  under  Supplementary Nutrition programme  undertaken to provide  nutritious food to the children 9 2013-14) .   The number of various  groups of beneficiaries are  as follows.

Number of children  under the age group of 6 months to 3 years:

19, 83, 945

Number of children  under the age group  of  3 years to 6 years 


Number of  severely mal-nourished children  under the age group of 6 months to 3 years


Number of  severely malnourished  children  under the age group

of  3 years to 6 years


Number of pregnant and lactating women  covered



g. The  Govt. has already spent  Rs. 2,06,44,900.00   for imparting training to the members of Jaanch Committee and Mothers’ Committee . These Committees have been formed to  monitor  Anganwadi centres and  quality and quantity of food served to the children etc.  It needs to be mentioned here that  these  Committees hardly  monitor the programme.  There is still doubt  whether  they are properly sensitised  about their role and responsibilities.

Pradip Pradhan, M-99378-43482, Date- 23.5.14


23. Abysmal failure  of Odisha Information Commission for disposal of the cases


Huge Pendency  of the cases  in  Odisha Information Commission is due to  very slow  and low disposal by the Commission, exposed through RTI.


 Every time,  the common people make  complaints  against  Odisha Information commission  for their  long delay in the matter of  hearing  and disposal  of  complaint and second appeal cases . It is also seen that the Commission takes around one year or more than that to hear a complaint case. For example,  on 27.4.14, I had filed Second Appeal  petition to the Commission against the PIO, office of IDCO, Bhubaneswar for denial of the information.  After one year, the first hearing of the case started  by the Commission  in the month of April,2014. The date for third hearing of the case  has been fixed   in the month of July.


Finding long delay  in the hearing of the  cases and huge pendency of the cases  in the Commission, I tried to explore the reason behind  it  and submitted RTI Application on dt. 28.4.14 to the PIO, office of Information Commission    seeking information about number  days devoted  by the Commission and  cases  disposed  per  month from November 2013 to April, 2014. The  information provided by the PIO  on 27.5.14  is as  follows



Number  of days devoted by the Commission


Sri Tarun Kanti Mishra, SCIC

Sri Pramod Kumar Mohanty, SIC

November, 2013






January, 2014









April, 2014








·        In an average,   Sri Tarun Kanti Mishra devotes only 13 days  for hearing  in a month   whereas Sri Pramod Kumar Mohanty spends just 16 days.

·        Sri P.K. Mohanty  devotes more time  for hearing the cases than Sri T.K.Mishra

·         Interestingly, Sri T.K.Mishra  draws  more salary, allowances and other perks than that of Sri Mohanty.

·        Monthly drawal  of salary and other allowances of Sri T.K.Mishra  is around Rs. 2 lakhs.. whereas Sri Mohanty draws around Rs. 1.70 lakhs per month.

·        It is felt that due to extreme old age  and lack of efficiency, the  Commissioners could not devote more time for hearing the cases but takes  huge amount  as  salary from state exchequer.


Number of cases heard and disposed by the Commission


  Sri Tarun Kanti Mishra , SCIC

Sri Pramod Kumar Mohanty, SIC


Total number of cases heard

Total Number of cases  disposed

Total Number of cases heard

Total Number of cases  disposed

November, 2013










January, 2014















April, 2014












1. In  an average, Sri T.K.Mishra hears just 11 cases  and disposes just 5 cases  per day, whereas Sri P.K.Mohanty hears 11 cases  and disposes 6 cases per day. 

2. It shows  that the  Information Commissioners are  hearing very low number of cases per day . It  proves  their inefficiency  and incapacity to hear the cases.  It has been observed that  the Commissioners   at the early stage of their  appointment were making very slow hearing of the similar   number  of the cases. Getting acquainted with the system  was taken  as excuse  for hearing of very small number of the cases. But at the fag end of their career, the Commissioners are hearing same number of cases  without any improvement.

3. Interestingly, despite  few number  of days being  devoted for hearing, the Commissioners just devote two hours in a day  for hearing.

4. Less number  of days for hearing per month and just two hours of hearing  in a day  has left  the  Commission relaxed  and enjoyable  causing huge loss to state exchequer  and leading huge pendency  of the cases  which has become matter of concern  for  the RTI Activists in the state.

5. The extreme old age, laziness, lethargic temperament, indifferent attitude  of the Commissioners  to  provide justice to the people  has made hearing process a mockery  and made the citizens frustrated.

6. The reaction of the  citizens has been manifested  in form of filling  complaints cases to Governor, Odisha  and Odisha High Court seeking removal of the Commissioners.

Pradip Pradhan, Date-3.6.14


24. Politics behind distribution of Umbrella and Blanket to the beneficiaries covered under various pension schemes by Govt. of Odisha


It is widely discussed  that the populist programme  like distribution of blanket, umbrella, bicycle, Laptop, mobile  etc. of BJD Govt. helped winning the party  and coming back to power  in 2014 General election.  On 26.5.14, RTI Application was submitted  to the PIO, Dept. of Women and Child Development, Govt. of Odisha seeking information to know  about the procedure followed for taking decision    to distribute umbrella and blanket to the people  and expenditure made for it. On 12.6.14, the PIO  has supplied the information which is  as follows.


1.      The State Govt. has distributed blanket and umbrella to the beneficiaries. Rs. 100/- as Summer Allowance for Umbrella   and Rs.  200/- as winter allowance for blanket  was distributed  to the beneficiaries  in 2012-13  and 2013-14.

2.      The beneficiaries of  various pension schemes like Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme, Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension scheme, Indira Gandhi Disable pension scheme, Madhubabu Pension Yojana received summer and winter allowances.

3.      Total No. of 36,90, 684 and 40,16,313 beneficiaries were distributed Winter Allowances in 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively.

4.      Total No. of 37,76, 355 beneficiaries were distributed   Umbrella Allowances  in 2013-14.

5.      Total amount spent for winter allowances is Rs. 73, 81, 36,800/- and Rs. 80, 32, 71,000/- in 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively.

6.      Total amount spent for Summer Allowances is Rs. 37, 46, 35,500/- in 2013-14.


Details of decision taken and fund earmarked for these allowances is as follows. ( extracts from File noting and proceedings of the meeting of CMRF.)


A.      Summer Allowance

23.5.13, in a meeting chaired by Chief Minister, Odisha, it was decided to provide onetime Summer Allowance @ Rs. 100/- to all pensioners  under different  schemes  in rural areas  on 15.6.13. The beneficiaries will utilise this onetime assistance for purchase of umbrella. People’s representative will be involved in the distribution at Gram Panchayat level on the day of distribution. As there was no budgetary provision  in the B.E. for the year 2013-14 for implementation of this programme, it was decided by the Govt. to disburse the amount  on 15th June , 2013 for the time being  out of the funds  provided under the scheme Winter allowance to the pensioners  in the B.E.  for 2013-14 under State Plan  and the matter  is to be placed  at the stage of appraisal before  the Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) meeting.


B.      Winter Allowance

Provision of Winter Allowances  @ Rs. 200/-  each for all Pensioners  was  discussed  in the meeting of the Trustees  of Odisha Chief Minister’s Relief Fund  held  on the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary  on 30.11.12. It was decided that the said allowance amounting Rs. 73,81,36,800/-  would be provided from CMRF  to all pensioners. It was also decided that Odisha Mining Corporation (OMC) would be requested to donate required amount Rs. 73, 81, 36,800/-   to CMRF to reimburse the drawals made from CMRF for this purpose. It needs  to be mentioned here that  out of  fund of Rs. 87,28,50,000/- donated  by OMC to CMRF, the State Govt. spent Rs. 84,55,00,000/- towards free Bicycle scheme ( 2012-13) and Rs. 2,36,00,000/- towards School Uniform under SC and ST Development Dept.  etc.


It needs to be debated   whether CMRF has been constituted to donate fund for implementing  populist  scheme of the Govt.  in the state.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 21.6.14



25.  Prisoners and Undertrials  in different Jails in Odisha and expenses made for fooding of  the prisoners.


On 2.5.14, RTI Application was submitted  to the PIO, Dept. of Home seeking information  about  number of Prisoners  in  different jails  in the state  and  various expenses  made  for the prisoners  from 2009-10 to 2013-14. The Application was transferred  to the Inspector General of Prisons which was against transferred to the  Directorate of Prisons and Correctional services, Odisha to provide information. On 19.6. 14, the PIO  has supplied the information  which is as follows.

Total number of Jails, Sub-Jails, Special Jails, Circle jails  in Odisha


Total No. of Sub-Jails  in the state


Total no. of Convicted prisoners  in jails


Total No. of Undertrials



a.      There  is no prisoner in  the sub-jails like Kashipur, Kantabanjhi, Laxmipur, Patrapur and Soro.

b.      The cost  of Food per head per day  is Rs. 60/- as per circular  no. 35922 dt. 25.9.2013  issued by Dept. of Home, Govt. of Odisha. Earlier it was Rs. 45/-  as per circular issued on dated 17.9.2010 .

c.      The expenditure made  for diet, Hospital charges, other charges like sanitation, Bedding, Clothing  and Linen  will be disseminated later on  due to  non- compilation of the information provided  by the Directorate.

Prisoners and Undertrials  in different Jails in Odisha as on 30.4.14


Name of the Jails




 Circle Jails


























District Jails


Angul Jail












































Special Jails











Special Sub-Jails































Sub-Jails ( 69 no. of Sub-Jails )











Pradip Pradhan,  Date- 29.6.14


26.     Water Tax worth Rs. 6169 crores pending with the Companies and Factories in the State from 2000 to 2014 due to inefficiency  and indifferent attitude of Odisha Govt. 


On 27.6.14 RTI Application was submitted to the Dept. of Water Resources seeking information about details of water tax pending with the companies from 2000 to 2014. The PIO of office of Engineering-in-Chief, Water Resources has supplied the information on 28.7.14. The details are as follows.

A.        Total number of 129 Companies ( both Govt. and Private Companies)  have not deposited Water Tax  with Govt. Water Tax  worth Rs. 6169.732 crores  is pending  with these  companies.

B.        The major  companies  against whom  the water tax  worth Rs. 10 crores  or more than it   is as follows.



Name of Company/ Factories/ Institutions

Arrear up to 31.3.14 ( Rs. In Lakhs)

              Jarka Irrigation Division


Nilachal Ispat Nigam Limited



IDCO, Kalinha Nagar

3403. 29

Mahanadi North Division , Jagatpur, Cuttack


Arati Steel


Main Dam Division, Burla, Jharsuguda


Orient Paper Mils, Brajaraja Nagar



M.C.L., Brajaraja Nagar



B.I.T.S., Bandhabahal



Tata Refectories Limited, Belpahad



Burla Power House



M/s Bhusan Limited



Viraj Steel and Energy



M/s Shyam DRI Pvt. Ltd


 Head Works Division, Samal, Dist-Angul


M/s Odisha Power Consortium Ltd.



OHPC Rengali Hydro Electric Project


Angul Irrigation Division


NALCO, Angul



TTPS (NTPC) Chainpal



Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.



Reliance Industries, Dhenkanal



Shakti Sugar, Dhenkanal


Berhampur Irrigation Division


Indian Rarer Earth Ltd.


Upper Kolab Head Works Divsion, Kolabnagar, Koraput


NALCO ( M&R), Damanjodi



Sewa paper Mill, Jeypore



P.H.Division, Koraput



OHPC, Ltd. UKHEP, Bariniput



C.  Only   13   out of 129 companies  have brought stay order from Odisha High Court challenging water tax imposed by the State Govt. These are as follows.


Name of Company

Year of Stay

Details of action taken to vacate the stay


Sakti Sugars Ltd., Dhenkanal


1.Counter affidavit  and Misc. Cases  filed by State Govt. on 13.4.07 and 5.2.2009

2. Additional affidavit filed by CE, Water Resources on 19.6.13


Jayshree Chemicals, Berhampur Irrigation Division


EE, Berhampur Irrigation Division filed last affidavit on 10.2.09


Canon Drunkerly and Co., Rayagada, Harabhanga Irrigation Division, Adava


Last Counter affidavit filed the state Govt. on 4.5.2009


SE Railyways, Jharsuguda


Counter Affidavit filed by EE, Main Dam Division, Burla on 3.2.2009


Tata Steels, Joda


Counter affidavit filed on 2006 and 2009

Addl. Affidavit filed by CE, OWPO on 12.12.2011


Aska Cooperative Sugar Industries Ltd. Bhanjanagar


EE., Bhanjanagar Irr. Division  filed Misc. Case in 2009.


Ballarpur Industry (SEWA) Jeypore


Last Affidavit filed  CE, Water Resources in 2002

Misc. Case filed by EE, UK Head Works Division in 2009


Ballarpur Industries, Choudwar


Last Counter affidavit filed by EE, Mhanadi North Division in 2000


Paradeep Phosphates Limited


Counter affidavit filed  in WP(C)  19097/2011


Arati Steels Ltd. Cuttack


No  counter affidavit filed  in WP (C) No. 18501/2013


Jindal steels aand Power Lid.


EE, Angul Irrigation Division  has been directed to file counter affidavit  in WP (C) No. 18635/13


Enami Paper Mills Ltd., Balasore


EE, Balasore has filed counter affidavit  in WP (C) No. 6047/12


Mahaveer Ferro Alloys Ltd.

Sundargarh Irrigation Division


Counter affidavit filed on 11.11.13 in WP (C) No. 10147/13

Besides, Secretary and Addl. secretary, Water Resources  have filed further affidavits for full bench  hearing  of the cases  of the industries from Serial No. 1 to 8  of the list on 26.2.09 and 25.2.09 respectively  as per direction of Odisha High Court


d. Two Advocates have been engaged  by the  Govt. To fight the case in High Court,  Odisha. Information about money spent  for advocates  who are fighting the case in High Court, Odisha  has not been supplied by the PIO.  It will be collected  from  different Division offices. I am pursuing this issue. 



·   Only 13 companies have  challenged  water tax  fees fixed by Govt.  Now the question comes   why the Govt. Has not collected water tax  from rest of the companies. 

·   In most the cases, the State Govt. Has failed to purse the matter at court level.  The Govt. Has filed  counter affidavit  by 2009. Since then, the case has neither been heard nor the has the Govt. taken any steps  to dispose the case.

·   The lingering of the cases  in High Court  has  not only affected  the  economic interest of the  state  but  caused  heavy damage  to state  exchequer.

·   The lingering of the cases  in High Court  since 2000 is due to nexus  and secret understanding of  State Govt. , corrupt  bureaucracy and  the companies which has  given golden opportunity  to the  companies  to continue to take water without depositing a single pie. That’s why  Rs 6000 crores  has not been collected  from them.

     Pradip Pradhan, Date- 31.7.14


27.  Allotment of Land to Educational and Technical Institutions by IDCO in Bhubaneswar


According to the provisions of OHDC Act, 1980 and IPrs of 2001 and 2007, the Government granted land on lease to IDCO at concessional rate for eventual allotment of the same to industrial units for the purpose of securing and assisting rapid and orderly establishment of industries, trade and commerce in the state.  The Government  allotted 8235.872 acres of land to IDCO for industrial purpose  of which  IDCO was found to have allotted  311.76 acres of land  in favour of different educational institutions and technical institutions  which is not the mandate of the IDCO. A total no. of 150.79 acres of land have been allotted to educational and technical institutes in Bhubaneswar which is as follows.


Name of the Institutions

Area allotted

(in Acres)


Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology(KIIT), Bhubaneswar



Navadiganta Educational Trust, Bhubaneswar



Odisha Trust of Technical Education and Training (OTTET), Bhubaneswar



Gokarneswar Charitable Trust, Bhubaneswar



Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar



Saint Sirdi Sai Education Society, Bhubaneswar



Dinabandhu Foundation for Educational Research and Economic development, Bhubaneswar



Future Focus and Initiative, Bhubaneswar





In the absence of a uniform, transparent and equitable land allotment policy, IDCO was allotting land in industrial estates to educational institutions which ultimately resulted in allotment of more land to them than actually required.


KIIT, as an Institute which evolved from one functioning out of a single rented room in 1992 to one that boasts of 10 sprawling wifi enabled campuses in Bhubaneswar was allotted prime land of 89.170 acres by IDCO. The details are as follows.

Sl. No

Allotment/Regularisation of IDCO land by KIIT

Allotment of land


Purchase of  land mortgaged to Odisha State Finance Corporation  ( OSFC)



Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction  (BIFR)



On Mutual Transfer from other allotees



Auction conducted by IDCO



Encroachment of land regularised by IDCO



Allotment made directly by IDCO



In Principle allotment of land encroached by others






CAG Audit scrutiny has revealed  that  although direct allotment of land to KIIT by IDCO was meagre ( 7. 083 acres), there were instances of undue benefit extended to KIIT in acquiring the remaining land  ( 82.087 acres) violating procedures of  land  allotment which resulted in a loss of Rs. 252.54 acres.


Besides that  KIIT has again occupied  unauthorisedly 18.864 acres of land , the benchmark valuation of land is Rs. 94.32 crores. Astonishingly, IDCO though aware  about this unauthorised occupation has not taken a single step  for eviction. The attitude of  IDCO  subsequently encouraged other encroachers to encroach upon the valuable land first and then get them regularised. To this extent, IDCO was merely acting  as a regularising agent of irregular encroachments though under the IDCO Act, no such authority or power was vested with IDCO. It is also found that all the proposals of KIIT were simply accepted by IDCO violating all norms and procedures of allotment.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 29.8.14


28.  Chief Minister never attends hearing of the grievances in CM Grievance Cell, exposed through RTI


On dated 9.7.14, RTI Application was submitted to the Dept. of General Administration, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about functioning of Chief Minister Grievance Cell from 2009 to 2014. RTI Application was forwarded to the PIO, office of Parliamentary Affairs to provide the information. The details of the information sought for was ( a)  procedure   followed to comply  or obtaining  compliance  by different authorities  whom the grievances  was forwarded, (b) number of grievances    received  and disposed by Chief Minister Grievance , (c)  number of days devoted  for hearing or receiving  the grievances  by Chief Minister Grievance Cell ( Year-wise), (d)  number of days  in which the Chief Minister, Odisha  personally heard the grievances of the people, (e)   name of authorized officers  who were hearing the  grievances of the people  in the absence of Chief Minister on the day of hearing.


The information supplied by the PIO on 4.9.14 is as follows.


A.   The grievance petitions of the people received in the Chief Minister’s Grievance Cell are forwarded to the concerned departments/ officers for taking appropriate action as per rule.

B.   The concerned departments/ officers furnish action taken report on the grievance petitions to the Chief Minister’s Grievance Cell and to the petitioners as well. Pending grievance petitions are being monitored for disposal.

C.   During 2009 to 2014, the Chief Minister Grievance Cell has received total number of 47,750 petitions and disposed 39,651 cases. The year-wise details are as follows


Number of Grievance petitions received

Number of grievance petitions disposed

2009 ( from May, 2009)















2014 ( upto March, 2014)




D.     Prior to 3.12.12 grievance hearing was held on all working Saturdays and from this date hearing was held on working Mondays. The grievance petitions were also received by post and through e-Abhijoga

E.      Chief Minister never attends the hearing. Senior officers of the Chief Minister are hearing the grievances  during the period from May 2009 to March 2014. These officers are


·   Shri Krushna Chandra Mohapatra, IAS

·   Shri G.Mathi Vathanam, IAS

·   Shri Dillip Kumar Mohanty, IAS

·   ShriDebendra Prasad Dhal, OAS

·   Dr. Gopabandhu Dash, OAS

·   Smt. Ritarani Mohapatra, OAS

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-9.9.14


29.  Debt Position of  Govt. of Odisha ( From 1999-2000 to 2014-15)


RTI Application was submitted to the Dept. of Finance, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about status of debt position of State Government from 1999 to 2015.  O 19.9.14, the PIO has provided the information. Total outstanding debt of the State Govt. is 50983.87 crores. The details of loan received  from different Institutions by 2015 is as follows.

                                                                                                                                                      ( In crores )


Govt. of India






Open Market



LIC, India















NTPC Power









Grand Total



                    Outstanding Debt of the State Govt. from 1999 onwards                         ( in crores )



Outstanding as on




Interest payment


Mentioned above

































































































2013-14 (RE)







2014-15 (BE)
















A.   Total outstanding  debt on the people of Odisha is Rs. 50983.87 crores.

B.   Total debt received during Nabin Patnaik regime from 2000-01 to 2014-15 is Rs.36232.72 crores

C.   Total amount of  Interest paid by State Govt during 2000-01 to 2014-15 is Rs. 46083.97 crores

D.   Per head debt in the state is Rs. 12,000.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 23.9.14


30.  First ever successful use of RTI led to arrest of a corrupt IAS officer in Odisha

RTI Act mandates not only to enforce transparency and accountability in the administration but also to contain corruption in the administrative system of the country (Preamble of the Right to Information Act). Since 2005, the Act has been used as powerful tool by RTI Activists across the country to fight out corruption and irregularities in the functioning of administration. Successful use of RTI to check corruption and to put the corrupt officer behind the bar that too an IAS officer proved once again the mighty of the RTI Act. On 7.11.14, Debaraj Mishra, IAS former Collector, Bolangir working as addl. Secretary in Home Department, Govt. of Odisha was arrested on charges of corruption and irregularities in the examination conducted in 2012 for the post of Amin, Revenue Inspector ad Bolagir which was exposed through RTI by few applicants who could not get the job due to this malpractice. It was alleged that Sri Mishra was the mastermind behind the whole corruption and Rs. 5 to 6 crores has been amassed by him and his coterie.


Sequence of the events led to arrest of Debaraj Mishra

A.   In 2009, an advertisement was made by the district administration for appointment to the 54 post of Revenue Inspector/Assistant Revenue Inspector and Amin. Around 1400 applicants had applied for these posts. Accordingly written examination was held in June 2011 and candidates selected and got appointed in 2012. But it was alleged that answer-sheet was manipulated and ineligible candidates were selected by taking bribe of Rs. 4 to 6 lakhs for each candidate.

B.   The manipulation of answer sheet and corruption in selection procedure   was exposed through RTI by the Information-seekers in 2013.  

C. In 2013, there was allegation of huge scam worth 6 crores of rupees in recruitment in the post of Revenue Inspector/ Assistant Revenue Inspector in Bolangir  by various quarters like Bolangir Citizens’ Committee, Bolangir press, Common people of Bolangir , applicants  for these posts  etc.  They had submitted series of petitions to Sri Surya Narayan Patra, Minister, Revenue and Disaster Management, Dr. Taradatt, Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. seeking an enquiry into the matter and demanded action in this regard.

D. The issue took momentum when  Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan had organised a press meet on 14.3.14 in Bhubaneswar bringing to the limelight about all the information relating to  this scam  obtained through RTI. Mass Media mainly electronics media took up the issue and highlighted the details of corruption exposed through RTI.

E. To pursue this issue,   RTI Application was submitted by Pradip Pradhan on 24.3.14 to the PIO, Dept. of revenue and Disaster Management, Govt. of Odisha and to the PIO, office of RDC, Sambalpur on 16.3.14 seeking information about copy of petitions filed and action taken, if any in respect of allegations made by the people of Bolangir.  On 25.4.14, the PIO has supplied the information that though several directions   have been given to Revenue Divisional Commissioner, Sambalpur since August, 2013,  he has not   made an  enquiry into it rather continues  to ignore it.  The details of information supplied by the PIO, Dept. of R&DM are as follows.


·      On 2.8.13, during visit to Bolangir, Sri Surya Narayan Patra, Minister for Revenue and Disaster management received the complaint of huge corruption from press and Bolangir Citizens Committee in the   appointment of R.I./A.R.I. by the district administration with involvement of one clerck Sri Niranjan Tripathy. After returning from Bolangir, Sri Patra directed to Dr. Taradatt to enquire into the matter by RDC, Sambalpur and submit the report within 30 days.

·      On 6.8.13 ( letter No. 29990/R&DM) , Dr. Taradatt, Additional Chief Secretary issued direction to RDC, Sambalpur  to enquire into the matter  and furnish the report along with suggestions for further action.

·      On 21.9.13, Dr. Taradatt ordered to RDC, Sambalpur for an enquiry into this corruption and take appropriate action. 

·      On 7.10.13,   Dr. Taradatt  ( letter no. 38553) gave order  to RDC, Sambalpur  for  enquiry  into it  followinga petition submitted by Sri Sudhir Kumar Sandh and others on 30.9.13.

·      On 20.4.14, Dr. Taradatt ordered    to RDC, Sambalpur for fifth time to enquiry into allegation of corruption in the recruitment of R.I. in Bolangir. It is presumed that this direction came after press meet organised in Bhubaneswar by OSAA to expose the corruption with fact and figures obtained through RTI.

F. However, after media expose, RDC, Sambalpur submitted his inquiry report to the State Govt. in the month of April or May, 2014. But nothing happened on his report.

G. RTI Application was again submitted to the PIO, office of Revenue and Disaster management on 26.7.14 seeking action taken report on the RDC inquiry report and copy of the report. The PIO refused to provide the information as the investigation was going on.

H. A TV Channel continues broadcasting the news and follow-up news by taking copy of the RTI reply and highlighted how the Govt. conspires to cover up the corruption ad protect Debaraj Mishra.

I. After news expose, the Govt. handed over this case to State Vigilance ad Crime branch to enquire into the matter.

J. Finally after long fight and persuasion, Sri Debaraj Mishra and other officials were arrested by State Vigilance on 7.11.14. The investigation is still going on.


But the moot question is how the deprived applicants will get justice. Whether the exam will be cancelled   and re-exam held or the exam paper  scrutinised again and the eligible candidate will get the post. Another bigger fight is ahead before RTI activist in future.

 Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 9.11.14


31.  Allotment of Huge Land to KIIT in Bhubaneswar, capital city of Odisha  


On 4.1.13,  I had  submitted RTI Application to the PIO, office of IDCO, Bhubaneswar  seeking  the following information.

a.      Details of land allotted to different companies/ business houses in puri, cuttack, Khurda, Jagatsingh Pur.

b.      Has IDCO done any mapping about use of land for the purpose for which it was allotted to different Institutions/Companies. If yes, please provide details of it.

c.       Has IDCO written any letter to any Companies/ Institutions for returning the land. If yes,  please provide  name of these  Companies/ Institutions  and reason of writing for returning the land.


The PIO, Office of IDCO supplied only information about land allotted in Bhubaneswar under BCD-11 Division.   This information was disseminated on 11.3.13.  I do against reproduce same for  the  public interest. However this piece of information is still incomplete.

Name of the allottee

Year of allocation

Plot No.

Area allotted

(in Acres)


Amount deposited against the allocation (in Rs)

Kalinga Institute of Industrial  Technology




Degree Engineering College






Engineering College/Hostel






Professional Institute






Professional Institute






Engineering College






Degree Engineering College






Degree Engineering College






Tribal School






Tribal School






Engineering college






Engineering College/ Hostel






Professional Management Institute




65 &20B


Technical/Management/Biotech Institution






Parking of vehicle






Professional Institute






Professional/Management Institute




Excess land


Professional/Management Institute




23/B, 23/D, 22/A/2, 45,41/E, 92, 68/A, 68/B, 91/A, &91/R


 Professional/Management Institute

3,40,10,288. 00





Institutional purpose including +2 Science college






Institutional purpose






Professional Educational Institution






Institutional purpose
















A/8 &9


Social Infrastructure/Educational institution purpose






700 bed hospital




24 &12/A


700 Bed Hospital








Pradip Pradhan, M-99378-43482, Date- 20.11.14


32.  Citizens’ Monitoring through RTI on Functioning of OSCPCR in Odisha ( Part-1)


RTI Act has empowered the citizens not only to seek information from the offices of Public Authorities but also inspect and monitor each part of instrumentalities of administration of the country. Odisha State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (OSCPCR) is a body or authority constituted out of public money with mandate to protect the rights of the Childs, to hear the cases relating to violation of child rights and dispenses justice to the victims. Having been armed with RTI Act,   I have started monitoring and evaluating   its activities, performance of Chairman and members of the Commission, utilisation of public money and whether their activity fulfils mandate of the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005.


To begin with this objective, I made a quick glance the content of website (  launched recently by OSCPR in its foundation Day on 1.11.14  after a lot of public criticism against  this organisation for failure to ensure minimum transparency about its functioning. I present herewith my observation along with suggestion to quickly act on it.


1.   Disposal of Cases

While browsing   on “Case details”, it was found that   the omission has received total number of 432  complaint by 31.10.14. It is mentioned that in the short time frame, the Commission has disposed 206 cases.  This sentence is wrong and design not to cover up the inefficiency    of the commission.  The omission was constituted in October 2010 with appointment of  Smt. Saraswati Hembram  as  Chairman.  Dr. Smruti Mohapatra and Sri Rajedra Meher joined in Commission in Sept.2012. These three-member Commission    sat idle  without hearing a single a case  upto Jan.2013.  After public protest and outrage, they started hearing of the cases from Feb 2013.  Smt. Saraswati Hembram got retired on 31.10.13.  From Feb.2013 to Oct.2014, within a long span of 21 months, the Commission has disposed just  minuscule of   206 cases. It means the  three-member or two-member Commission  has  disposed  only  ten cases  in a moth lowest  to  disposal rate of any Commission  ( i.e., Information Commission, Human Rights Commission,     State commission for Women )  in the country.  This is great inefficiency of the members of  Commission  ever the history of Odisha has witnessed. Forget  and needless  to discuss about  quality of disposal of the cases  and  compliance of the authority to the order of the commission. This is another grey area.


2.   Decisions not uploaded

The Commission is yet to upload  their  decisions or  orders or recommendations   in the website  which is the most vital  subject  that  everyone  is interested to know  about it. Every order of the Commission is most important for activists working on child rights issues for reference or monitors the cases by him or any third party.  I hope the omission will upload all their decisions or orders in the website very soon.


3.   RTI not  complied

While browsing on RTI, it was found only the name of PIO, APIO and First Appellate Authority disclosed under RTI Act.  But this folder should contain suo moto disclosure of information proactively disclosed by authority under section 4 ( 1b) of the RTI Act.   After my year-long intervention, the Information Commission has given direction to OSCPCR to put in public domain the  suo moto disclosed  information. This copy was provided to me under RTI Act.  But astonishingly, the commission has kept this information in secret which is the biggest violation of RTI Act. What the common people will learn, if a law-abiding authority continues violating the land of the lad itself. The Commission should visit the website of other authorities and the commission like Information Commission and learn how the information has bee disclosed proactively. If the Commission fails to upload proactively disclosed information quickly, RTI  will be used again to enforce it  and complain will be filed to Information commission against  them. In order to avoid any adverse situation, It is advisable on the part of the commission to disclose the same at the earliest.


4.     Annual Report  at Glance

As per  Rule 20 of  OSCPCR Rules,2009, the  Commission shall prepare and publish an annual report before  the 31st December every year for  submission to State Govt. But it is matter of regret that the  Commission has  produced a single annual report -2012-13 within  4 years of its working. In the point 20(3) of the said Rules, it  has been mentioned that “ the annual report shall include information  on administrative and financial matters, complaints investigated/inquired into, action taken on cases, details of research, reviews, details of specific recommendations etc. But while analysis the Report obtained through RTI, it was found that the said  one is devoid of  some information which needs its specification. For example, the details of recommendation made by OSCPCR along with case number,  name of complaints, case history etc.  needs to be highlighted in the report. The Commission should follow the Annual Report of other Commissions for their knowledge and reference.  Astonishingly, this Report is  in English.  Many Commissions like Odisha Information Commission has started publishing bi-lingual Annual Report. OSPCR should follow the ideal path of other Commissions and publish Annual Report in Odia ad English.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date -13.12.14


33.  Citizens’ Monitoring through RTI on Mal-Functioning of OSCPCR in Odisha( Part-2)



RTI Act has empowered the citizens not only to seek information from the offices of Public Authorities but also inspect and monitor each part of instrumentalities of administration of the country. Odisha State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (OSCPCR) is a body or authority constituted out of public money with mandate to protect the rights of the Childs, to hear the cases relating to violation of child rights and dispenses justice to the victims. Having been armed with RTI Act,   I have started monitoring and evaluating   its activities, performance of Chairman and members of the Commission, utilisation of public money and whether their activity fulfils mandate of the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005.


In the month of June, 2014, I had filed a complaint to NCPCR (National Commission for Protection of Child Rights ) about mismanagement of Mid-Day-Meal in Hatipatukar Panchupali High School under Baisingha Police station of Mayurbhaj district  centring around the illegal appointment of cook-um-Helper which was transferred  to OSCPCR .  Following my Complaint, OSCPCR called for an inquiry report from the Collector, Mayurbhanj on 15.7.14.


Finding no response from OSCPCR about hearing of the case or disposal of the case since 4 months, I submitted RTI Application dt. 7.10.14 seeking information about Action Taken on Complaint case filed by me.  The PIO supplied me the information on 10.11.14 which was found very interesting.


A.      Though the Commission    instructed to the Collector, Mayurbhanj to enquire into the Complaint, the Collector did not take any step in this regard. Rather the complaint gathered dust in the office of the Collector.

B.     Astonishingly,   OSCPCR observed silence without any follow up and never issued reminder to the collector for report which needs to be done by a quasi-judicial body.

C.      When RTI Application was submitted, the OSCPCR got serious and started searching the report and enquired the report from Collector, Mayurbhanj.

D.     From the information, it was found that the enquiry was conducted by Block Education Officer, Baripada on 10.10.14 after around 4 months.

E.      The Inquiry Report was submitted to OSCPCR by the Collector, Mayurbhanj with vide letter No. 1670//PGC dt. 18.10.14.

F.      The Commission sent the report to me  on 10.11.14.


The story does not end here

On after receipt of the inquiry report,  on 14.11.14, I again submitted RTI Application to the PIO, office of OSCPCR seeking the copy of the order of the Commission on the Inquiry report submitted by the Collector, Mayubhanj.  The PIO dated 10.12.14   has sent a letter mentioned that OSCPCR has neither heard the case nor passed the order.  The enquiry report submitted by the Collector has traced a lot of illegalities in appointment of cook-cum-Helper which requires intervention of the Commission.


But interestingly, without disposing the cases which is the primary work of the Commission, OSCPCR is found engaging itself in festivities by organising its Annual Day  with much fanfare  with wastage of public money.


It needs to be mentioned here that  another three  complaints  which was filed  to the Commission  were sent to the  concerned  Collectors for enquiry report. Though 7 months have passed, these Collectors  have not cared to produce the report. The details is  as follows.


 Date  of letter  along with Complaints sent by OSCPCR

Content of complaint

Name of the Collector



Deprivation of  woman from ICDS programme  and Mamata Yojana

Collector, Ganjam

The case is yet to be disposed  by OSCPCR


Denial of ICDS service  to the Children of Jamunaguda village  under Jashipur Block of Mayurbhanj district

Collector, Mayurbhanj

No report submitted by the Collector, MBJ and the case yet to be disposed by OSCPCR


Closure of Anganwadi Centre  in Luhernpali village  under Deogan Block of Bolangir district.

Collector, Bolangir

Case is yet to be disposed  by OSCPR.



·     The Commission has given Case Registration No.  in all these  abovementioned  cases which is the primary work of any judicial proceedings.

·     The judicial proceedings of OSCPCR has reduced  as farce.

·     OSCPCR has completely failed  to dispense justice to the victims.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 14.12.14


34.  Constitution of Inquiry Commission on Regional Imbalance by State Govt. is proved as farce and eye-wash exercise and wastage of public money, exposed through RTI


 When an issue is cropped up or public protest assumed alarming proportion, the State Govt. finds the easiest way to cool down or calm down the public or political parties by constituting an Inquiry Commission or Judicial Inquiry Commission to enquire into the matter. 


By the time and days go on, the State Govt.  continues extending time period of the Commission   with ulterior motive to divert the attention of the people from the issue. Even though the Commission finally produces their report to State Govt., it is kept in cold storage for unknown period or in the name of scrutiny of the report by a Committee or Sub-committee.


On 12.11.14, an RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Dept. of Planning and Coordination, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about details of Constitution of Inquiry Commission  on Regional Imbalance by State Govt. the information  provided by the PIO on 25.11.14 is  as follows.


1.    The Commission of Inquiry  on Regional Imbalance  was constituted  with Gazette Notification  on 20.2.2004.

2.    The purpose of the constitution of the Commission was  (a) to conduct  free and fair  investigation  into existing  regional imbalances  in the development of the state and its trend in terms of  different  socio-economic parameters  like Agriculture, Infrastructure Development, Poverty, health care, Literacy/Education, Backwardness, IMR, Employment etc. Eradication  of poverty  or structural approach  to poverty alleviation  through group approach, (b) to suggest the remedial measures  required to be taken  to address the existing regional disparities  in the development of the state  and to halt this trend  in the development process.

3.    Though the time period of the Commission was fixed for 6 months, but it  was extended  up to 6.8.2008 (  around 4 years) i.e.,  the date of submission of the report.

4.    The Total expenditure made for the Commission was Rs. 51,95,000.00

5.    The members of the Commission are  as follows.

·      Justice S.K.Mohanty, Chiarman

·      Prof. Prasanna Mohanty- Member

·      Prof. P.C. Mohapatra- Member

·      Sri Deepak Kumar Sarangi-Member

·      Prof. Benudhar Mishra- Member

·      Prof. Bishnu  Ch. Choudhury- Member

·      Director, Economic & Statistics-Member

·      Dr. Shibabal Meher-Expert

6.    Though I have sought the copy of the report, it was denied  on the ground that  the report is under scrutiny  by a Sub-Committee  constituted by the Government since last 6 years. .



A.   The Commission took more than four years to produce the report. But a sub-committee constituted to scrutiny the report has already taken 6 years   to scrutinise the report and still continuing. This is the administration of Nabin Patnaik Govt. in Odisha.

B.   Public money of Rs.52 lakh has gone waste  by the mal-functioning of the administration.

C.   It is call of the time  that this report should be presented in public domain  at the earliest.  Because,  this report may be eye-opener  for the people to understand  the reason of regional imbalance  in the state  and show the light to halt this trend ad bring prosperity  i these area  deprived  of basic infrastructure, health, education etc.

Pradip Pradhan, Date- 14.12.14


35.  Total No. of 445 Govt. quarters illegally occupied by Govt. employees  in Bhubaneswar with revenue loss of Rs. 7 rores


All of you might be aware that Odisha High Court hearing a PIL case  {W.P. (C)(PIL) No.               10537 of 2013} filed  on 2.5.13  by    me  has given direction to State Govt. on 11.12.13 seeking  report about steps taken to vacate the quarters illegally occupied  by retired Govt. officials including IAS officers, former MLAs, former Ministers, MPs in Bhubaneswar within four weeks. Sri Khirod Rout, senior advocate is pleading the case on behalf of me.  I have filed the case seeking direction for eviction of the unauthorized occupants from govt. buildings and premises as soon as possible and take appropriate legal action against them and the negligent authorities, to recover the arrear outstanding house rent with 18% interest per annum along with    the reduced amount,    to form a committee to examine the pay scale of employees and revise the house rent    accordingly.


Though one year has passed, the State Govt. has not  produced any report to the Honourable  Court. Interestingly,  to know about any development or any steps taken by the State Govt.  to evict  the retired employees or employees, Ministers, ex-Ministers, MLAs, ex-MLAs   from the Govt. quarters  illegally occupied by them,  I  had filed RTI Application to the PIO, Dept. of General Administration on 26.11.14. The information sought for is as follows.


i. Provide information about details of  name of Ministers, MLAs, ex-Ministers, Ex-MLAs, Govt. officers and employees, Ex-Govt. employees ad Officers in Bhubaneswar  and details of peal rent or any rent pending against them.   

ii. Provide name of the Ministers, MLAs and officers occupying double quarters in Bhubaneswar

iii. Provide name of the employees, ex-MLAs, ex-Ministers, Ex-MPs  who have already returned the quarter  and amount deposited against the rent.


On 8.1.15, the PIO has supplied the information which is as follows.


1.   Total number of  445 Govt. quarters have been illegally occupied by Ministers, MLAs, ex-Ministers, Ex-MLAs, Govt. officers and employees, Ex-Govt. employees ad Officers in Bhubaneswar. List has been provided by the PIO.

2.   Total revenue loss to the State Exchequer is Rs. 6, 79, 11,245.00 (Six crores Seventy Nine lakh Eleven thousand Two hundred Fourty Five only).

3.      The Ministers, MLAs and officers occupying  double Govt.  quarters are as follows


Name, Designation and Department of Occupants  who is occupying Govt. quarters

               Details of quarters







Sri Arun Kumar Sahoo, Minister








Sri Jogendra Behera, Minister








Sri Bikram Keshari Arukh, Minister








Dr. Pradeep Kumar Panigrahi, Minister








Sri Sananda Marandi, Deputy Speaker








Sri Narasingha Mishra, Leader of Opposition








Dr. Nrusigha h.  Sahu, MLA








Dr. Prafulla Majhi, MLA








Sri Debasish Samantaray, MLA








Sri Maheswar Mohanty, MLA








Sri Subrat Tarai, MLA








Sri Bhujabala Majhi, MLA








Sri Damodar Behera, Photo Animation Graphic Assistant, SIET, BBSR








Sri Hrushikesh Mohapatra , Ferro Printer, O/O chief Architect








Sri Srikant Routray, ASO, OLA


2 RB Rd.-6






Sri Kailash Ch. Patra, Peon, Home Dept.








Sri Prakash Ch. Tripathy, Asst. Commandant, SOG








Sri Trinath Nayak, O/0- Director of Textiles , Odisha






Museum area

4.      From 1.1. 2014 to 30.11.2014, total number of 64 Govt. quarters  have been  vacated by illegal occupants  like  Ex-MLAs, Ex-MPs, Ex-Ministers and Ex-Govt. employees  with recovery of Rs. 26, 28, 634.00 ( Twenty Six Lakh  Twenty Eight thousands  Thirty Four rupees only)



I.  When  the public discourse and public protest is going on  against  illegal  occupation of land  and  allotment of multiple plots illegally  to the  influential people, bureaucrats, Ministers,  the State Government is trying hard  to cover up these irregularities  and  protect illegal occupants.

II. Due to inaction of the Govt.  to protect the public properties, the Ministers, MLAs and Govt. officials including peon  have dared to illegally occupy Govt. quarters  causing huge revenue loss to State Exchequer.

III.  The pending Bill of 7 crores rupees against illegal occupants is calculated  as per Govt. rate. If it is  calculated  as per market price ( rent of the quarters ) with interest ,  It will be more  than twenty crores.

Pradip Pradhan, Date-14.1.15


36.  A rejoinder to friend Achyut’s mail on Mr. T.K. Mishra Odisha CIC and RTI activists


As a keen reader of developments around RTI in Odisha, I feel like responding to my dear friend Mr. Achyut Das who in one of his recent mails recounted that he once tried to bring about a mediation between the hostile positions taken by the RTI activists like Pradip Pradhan and myself on one hand and Mr. T.K. Mishra then Odisha Chief Information Commissioner on the other. His mail dated 17th Feb 2015 reads as follows- “I wonder if there was an effort to have a public engagement with the Information Commission and the CIC or some mediation in the conflict zone. In fact, in One event which I organised, Mr. T.K.Mishra and activists like Pradip Pradhanand Chitta Behera were present taking very hostile positions. I had offered mediation and had requested our friends to sit across and thrash out all contentious issues. I don't know what happened next but it seems the gulf of distance has widened”.   


As a matter of fact, I don’t know if any such move was taken by him on his own or was entrusted to him by any of the warring parties. Because, we at Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan don’t consider any public servant be he Mr. T.K.Mishra or anybody else as our personal or professional rival. Our differences of opinion with them, as and when we voice them in public domain, do absolutely centre round the content of their decisions or tenor of their conducts in the capacity of public servants as such, which we in our wisdom hold objectionable and reprehensible in the eyes of the existing law/laws. Besides, not resting content with mere ventilation of our protest in public domain, we submit the same in the form of complaints before the appropriate constitutional and statutory authorities put in place, such as Governor in the instant case, following due procedure of law. Thus there is no scope as such for us to seek the arbitration of our differences with any public servant through the extra-statutory agency of any individual be he my friend Mr. Achyut Das or somebody else.


Coming to the point at issue, which has been only faintly hinted by my friend Achyut but fairly spelled out by my activist colleague Pradip Pradhan in their respective mails, a civil society meeting to mark the launching of a European Union Funded Programme of Agragamee was called by  Mr. Achyut Das at Bhubaneswar, about more than a year back, on 9th January 2014, which was attended by a lot many NGOs and retd. public servants including Prof. Radhamohan former State Information Commissioner and Mr. Manmohan Praharaj former DGP Odisha. The theme of the single-session meeting was how to popularise the RTI Act among the poor and downtrodden masses of people in Odisha. Being moderated by our friend Mr. Aurobindo Behera, the session was mainly addressed by Mr. T.K. Mishra then Odisha Chief Information Commissioner as its key-note speaker. Following Mr. Mishra’s address the floor was declared open for response from the participants.


Myself as the first respondent had pointed out that it was owing to a questionable order of Orissa Information Commission issued long back on 20th June 2006 jointly by then Chief OIC Mr. D.N.Padhi and then OIC Prof. Radhamohan that the public authorities of Odisha have been callous in making suo motu disclosures under Section 4 of the Act, because the said Order had arbitrarily excluded the complaints relating to non-implementation of Section 4 from the purview of hearing by the Commission. This order being patently retrogressive and ultra vires the parent Act I argued in the meeting for its revision by the present incumbents. My next submission was that the suo motu disclosures made by the Commission being too deficient in terms of the requirements of Section 4, the Commission being the first and foremost public authority in the State should make necessary amends in its website and show the best practice for emulation by the rest of the public authorities in the spirit of ‘charity begins at home’. Alas! Before I finished my last sentence Mr. T.K. Mishra went off into a sudden rage, rose up from his seat on the dais and threatened to leave the meeting if such adverse comments on the Commission were allowed to be made in his presence. In order to save the meeting from the catastrophe of an impending pandemonium I quietly sat back and kept listening to his ex tempore outbursts on misguided activism. After the first round of participants’ interventions was over I made my next point- the Commission has been gagging the voice of RTI activists who dared to challenge any of its orders or decisions, and for instance, a defamation suit claiming a damage of Rs. 1 lakh was slammed by the Commission against two citizen activists Pradip and myself since October 2010 which the present Chief OIC Mr. Mishra carries forward by spending from the state exchequer going against the letter and spirit of RTI Act.


Mr. Mishra who had cooled down by then asked me, “Why don’t you come to my office some day and sit down with me for sorting out the differences?” I happily agreed to his proposal and said big thanks to him for this cordial gesture.


Since the issues I raised were of a collective concern, the next day I thought, why I shouldn’t cogently brief him on the same before I meet him? Accordingly I wrote a letter addressed to him citing the extracts from impugned Order of the Commission dated 20.6.2006 and also from relevant provisions made under Sections 18 and 19(8) of RTI Act 2005 and the OIC (Appeal Procedure) Rules 2006, which were patently contravened by the above Order. The copies of this letter were marked to Mr. Achyut Das, Mr. Aurobindo Behera and Mr. Manmohan Praharaj who were a witness to my queries on that occasion. (copy of my letter dated 10.1.2014 reproduced below). Meanwhile more than a year has elapsed since the above letter dated 10 Jan. 2014 was mailed to Mr. T.K. Mishra, and I am yet to receive a reply from him. My meeting with him couldn’t either materialise till date for that very reason. My friend Achyut too missed to respond to this letter as yet, but curiously says, “I don't know what happened next.”

Chitta Behera, dated 21st Feb. 2015

Advisor to Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan, Mobile - 9437577546    


Copy of the Letter addressed to Mr. T.K. Mishra , Chief Odisha Information Commissioner dated 10 Jan 2014


 To,, 10 Jan 2014, 11:13 AM


Shri Tarun Kanti Mishra, Chief Odisha Information Commissioner, Bhubaeswar 


Esteemed Sir,

With regard to my submission made in the Meeting held in the evening of 9th Jan by Agragamee at Hotel Presidency, Bhubaneswar that a decision of OIC dated 20.6.2006 rejecting the complaints made under Section 18 around the provisions of Section 4 needs to be reviewed, I am mailing the following extracts from relevant documents for your kind perusal and necessary action. 

With regards,

Chitta Behera, dated 10.1.2014

Mobile- 9437577546


 Extract from the Decision in the matter of Complaints No. 3,4,5,6 and 7 of 2006 decided on 20.06.2006 by Mr.D.N.Padhi Chief Odisha Information Commissioner and Prof. Radha Mohan,  Odisha State Information Commissioner-

“the violation alleged in the complaint petition relates to the provisions of Section 4 of Right to Information Act, 2005 dealing with the obligation of the Public Authority about voluntary disclosure of certain information. The above can only be monitored by State Commission u/s 25(5) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 . . the above will be taken care of in the administrative wing. As the complaint petition does not come within the legal purview of Section 18 of the RTI Act, 2005, the same is rejected”.       


Extract from Section 18 of RTI Act 2005

(1)  Powers and functions of Information Commissions:–

Subject to the provisions of this Act, it shall be the duty of the Central Information Commission or State Information Commission, as the case may be, to receive and inquire into a complaint from any person,—

 (a) who has been unable to submit a request to a Central Public Information Officer or State Public  Information Officer . . . .;

 (b) who has been refused access to any information requested under this Act;

 (c) who has not been given a response to a request for information or access to information within the time limit specified under this Act;

 (d) who has been required to pay an amount of fee which he or she considers unreasonable; 

 (e) who believes that he or she has been given incomplete, misleading or false information under this Act; and

 (f) in respect of any other matter relating to requesting or obtaining access to records under this Act.


Extract from RTI Act 2005

“Section 19 (8)

In its decision, the Central Information Commission or State Information Commission, as the case may be, has the power to—

 (a) require the public authority to take any such steps as may be necessary to secure compliance  with the provisions of this Act, including—

 (i) by providing access to information, if so requested, in a particular form;

 (ii) by appointing a Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as  the case may be;

 (iii) by publishing certain information or categories of information;

 (iv) by making necessary changes to its practices in relation to the maintenance, management and destruction of records;

 (v) by enhancing the provision of training on the right to information for its officials;

 (vi) by providing it with an annual report in compliance with clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 4;


Extract from Orissa Information Commission (Appeal Procedure ) Rules 2006

6. Procedure for presentation, and other matters relating to complaint-

. . . . . . . . . . . .

(4) After the Commission is prima facie satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to enquire into the matters, it may admit the complaint and direct for initiation of an enquiry in respect of such complaint: Provided that the Commission shall not reject the complaint unless a reasonable opportunity of being heard is given to the complainant.


37.  Status of RDC enquiries in Odisha

 Whenever and wherever any incidence occurs and affects the public at large or occurrence of police atrocity o anybody, the mass media highlights it and the common people come to the streets and   demand for enquiry. Keeping in view the gravity of the situation,  the State Govt.  orders   different type of enquiries  like Judicial Enquiry or RDC enquiry  or Crime Branch enquiry into the incident  and assured the people to take action  as per the report.  The common people generally   believe it  and wait to see the enquiry  report and Action Taken Report of Govt.


But Allah ! Nothing happened.  Days go on in the name of enquiry. The Enquiry Authority keeps continuing the enquiry for years together   and the people start forgetting the incident. Though the enquiry authority submitted the report, no action is taken for years together by the Govt.  and the victim  never gets justice.  This is the status of Enquiry of Nabin Patnaik Govt. Earlier; I have exposed how the Judicial Commission of Inquiry has become farce in Odisha.


Now it is RDC enquiry which is not only proved as farce but a deception.  Forget  the common people, the  influential  people even BJD leader  have also been denied justice  by Sri Nabin Patnaik, Chief Minister, Odisha.


 Out of curiosity to understand the status of RDC enquiry  in Odisha, I had submitted RTI Application to the PIO, Dept. of Home, Govt. of Odisha   on 9.12.13. The PIO supplied me the information on 28.3.14.  The details of the information are as follows.



Name of cases/ Incidence

Month and year of order issued

Date of submission of report

Information on action taken in brief


Incidence of Idol Theft  in Biraja Temple of Jajpur district



No action taken following the RDC report


Incident of boat capsize  in river Baitarani, Jajpur



Information not available


Murder of Jajati Keshari  Sahu  by extremists in Rayagada district  on Nov.2002





Incident of boat capsize  in Upper Kolab Reservoir , Koraput district on 7.2.2003



A number of follow up action taken. A Committee was constituted  under the chairmanship of  D.C.-cum-Addl. Chief Secretary to go into various issues  relating to safety  and security  of boat passengers.


Drowning of students  of Burla  High School in Mahanadi  syphon



 RDC, Sambalpur was requested  to monitor the  implementation  of the  recommendations


Alleged misbehaviour  of Sri Sankar Oram, MLA, Raghunathpalli Assembly Constituency on 4.4.2003

March 2003


Information not available


Alleged  police  atrocity  at  Bandhapalli, Chargo Chhia, Jajpur district

April 2003


Information not readily available


Death of two students and injury  to 3 others of Saraswati High School in Kendrapara district o 19.7.2003

July 2003


Various departments were requested  to implement  the recommendation of RDC


Law and order problem  between the villages  Kutharsingh  - vs- Manikpur and Tatadapali in Ganjam district on 28.7.2003

July 2003


Information not available


Police firing during excise raid  at Ratansahi  in Mayurbhanj district on 22.8.2003

August 2003


Excise Dept. was requested to take steps  to implement recommendation  of the Enquiry Officer


Police firing at Kolabira Jharsuguda district on 7.12.2003



Labour and Employment Dept., Commerce and Transport  Deptt.  And DG & IG of police, Odisha were requested for necessary follow up action.


Incident of assault  on a youth Congress leader at Bhawanipatna on 15.3.2003

March 2003


The State Govt. accepted  the opinion of the Enquiring  Authority that  there was no malafide  in the arrest of  Gobardhan das, Youth Congress leader


Alleged misbehaviour to Rajendra Oram, advocate Rairangpur in Mayurbhanj district on 24.6.2004

July 2004


 D.G.  of police was requested to initiate major  disciplinary proceedings  against  Sri Suryamani Pradhan, then S.I., Harish Ch. Behera, then A.S.I.  of Baripada Sadar Police. 



Leakage  of toxic gas in the water treatment  plant  at Sambalpur on 2.9.2005

Sept. 2005


The Recommendations of Enquiry officer  were circulated  to all concerned.


Police firing at Chakradhar Pur outpost  under Paradeep  P.S. in Jagatsingh Pur  district on 29.11.2005

December 2005


Information not available


Alleged Assault on Smt. Pramila Giri, MLA, Baisingha, Mayurbhanj  on 17.1.2006



Information not available


Police firing at village Bhatra, Rairkhol in Sambalpur district on 15.2.2006

Feb. 2006


G.A. Dept. released Rs. 10.00 lakhs  from out of Chief Minister Relief fund  to the next of kin of the deceased.


Police action during agitational activities  of OSSTA and Block Grant Secondary School teachers’ Association on 17.11.2007

Nov. 2007


 Information not available


Alleged Gang-rape  of a last year MCA student  of Sambalpur  University on 24.2.2008

Feb. 2008


Higher Education Dept. and D.G. police were requested for appropriate  action


Liquor tragedy at Bolangir on 11.2.2009



Information not available


Incidents at Kodala  in Ganjam district  to police firing  In July 2011

July 2011


No action taken


Incident during Hadaka festival  at Chandaneswar in Balasore district on 12.4.2012

April 2012


No action taken


Incident of attack on Husein Rabi Gandhi, BJD leader  in Jajpur district on 20.6.12

July 2012


No Action  taken


Incident occurred  at Basundhara  Garjabahal Coal Mine of MCCL near  Kulda in Sundargarh  district o 10.8.2013



No action taken

           ( N.B.- “No information available” means no Action Taken )

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 13.3.15


38. Management of MDM in Odisha

On 20.1.15, RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Dept.  of School and Mass Education, Govt. of Odisha seeking  information about management of MDM in the schools. The information provided by the PIO on dated 7.3.15 is as follows.


A.   Total No. of schools covered under MDM  for 2014-15 is 62,752

B.   Total number of School Children covered  under MDM are  51,89,057

C.   Details of fund  allocated  and expenditure made  for MDM programme

                                                                                              ( In lakhs)


Central share

State share

Total amount allocation

Total expenditure
















Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-27.3.15

38.  Total Amount of Rs. 6 crores sanctioned to Sri Nilamadhab Panda, Film Director, Eleeanora Images Pvt. Ltd.   for public Awareness Campaign on Electricity in  Odisha


 All of you are aware about disturbing situation in respect of supply of electricity to consumers and huge   revenue loss suffered by electricity companies in Odisha due to theft, non-payment of energy bills etc.  This situation has provided an opportunity to Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission (OERC) to increase the electricity tariff on consumers and farmers in the state.  Several Consumer Forums and    Political parties have opposed the decision of OERC terming it as arbitrary and demanded its withdrawal.  They have accused the Govt.  and the Electricity distribution companies  being  responsible for   revenue loss   due  to  mismanagement, corruption  and maladministration  in  supply and distribution of electricity. RTI Expose has substantiated this allegation made by the opposition political parties and Odisha Bidyut Upobhakta Mahasangh.   


  On 24.2.15, RTI Application was submitted to the Dept. of Energy, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about details of expenditure made for awareness programme on electricity in Odisha.  The PIO, office of CESU (Central Electricity Supply Utility of Odisha) has provided the information   on 26.3.15 which is  as follows.


A. A Committee  on Odisha Power Sector Media Campaign   constituted by CESU, Govt.-owned Company  in its meeting held  on 2.7.2013   took the decision to give Rs. 5.85 crores  to Eleeanora Images Pvt. Ltd, a Company  of  Nilamadhab Panda having its official address  143A, 1st Floor, SHAHPURJAT, Near Rainbows Bakery , New Delhi- 110049 for public Awareness Campaign on Electricity . This programme has been started from 1st August 2013.  Sri Nilamabhab Panda has already taken Rs. 3,88,50,000.00 ( 3.88 crores rupees)  by Jan 2015.


b. The justification  given by Govt. to grant such huge amount  to Eleeanora Images Pvt. Ltd is  that  there  is high loss of electricity  in the state   due to  the Consumers resorting to drawing  power more  than their contract demand, including in power theft  and non-payment of energy bills.  This proposed campaign is intended to achieve a big shift in the consumer behaviour towards these issues.  This campaign will also create public opinion against power theft and non-payment making them more proactive towards the utility. 


C.Total amount of Rs. 5.85 crores will be utilised for the following awareness programme.


·     TV- 260 SPOTS each in 5 top popular vernacular  channels of Odisha  ( totalling to 1300 TV spots in all)

·      Radio-1280 spots  each in 2 top FM stations  and All India Radio network in Odisha ( totalling  to 2560 Radio Spots  in 2 FM Stations in all and 8960 Radio Spots  in AIR  in all ).

·     Print-15  insertions  each  in 3 leading  Odia dailies and 2  national English dailies ( totalling to 75  insertions across  5 publications in all )

·     Outdoor-55 hoarding  and 5000 wall paintings all over the state

·      PR & Media coverage –sustained  through the campaign

·     Events- 1000 road shows and 5000 school shows all over the state.


D.The PIO has not provided me the document, CD or copy of campaign output materials developed by Eleeanora Images Pvt. Ltd for public awareness on the ground that it is not available with the CESU. So the State Govt. is not aware about what type of material developed by this company for public awareness on electricity. The State Govt.  has been  simply releasing money  without getting  any   document from the company as proof of activity  or monitoring the programme  whether  the programme has been properly done as per agreement.



i.   When the state was suffering  huge  revenue loss  due to  various reasons, why the State  granted  such huge amount  to a Company  for  awareness campaign  on electricity  just before the general election. Is there any ulterior motive of the Minister or officers of the Dept. of Energy to sanction such amount?

ii. The  awareness campaign  was designed  to  sensitise  the people  about  the issues  relating theft  in electricity, non-payment of the bill  by the people and to address the same.  In fact this is not the issue for which the management of electricity is suffering in the state.  Mismanagement  in distribution of electricity, huge corruption, huge pending of electricity bill  on the companies, huge salary paid outside officers engaged by electricity companies  huge waiver of electricity bill  to companies  to EAS and other companies etc. The State Govt. should   make it clear in public about availability of parameters to monitor or assess the net result obtained out of the programme.

iii.  Public scrutiny is required   about whether there is any increase in   level of awareness of the people and substantial reduction in electricity theft and increase in collection of the bill. So far as my knowledge is concerned, there is not a single per cent   increase in revenue collection and   reduction in  theft  in the state.  The statistical information   about my claim will be shared very soon.

iv.  In fact, the State Govt. has neither monitored the programme nor   made any impact assessment of the programme except arbitrarily sanctioning money to the company without obtaining any documentary proof of the programme.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 6.4.15


39. Allotment of 21,000 acres of Govt. land to Industries in Odisha by IDCO from 2000 to 2014, exposed through RTI


 As aware you are, thousands of the poor landless people, tribals, Dalits are coming to street to hold demonstration, Dharana, rally demanding piece of homestead land for survival   and few acres of agricultural land for their livelihood in the state.  Since last fifty years, the Govt. has not been able to provide land to the landless.  Eve the leased plots allotted to the tribals  for their livelihood have been taken away  the vested interest groups, Ministers, Officers, Companies  in connivance with revenue officials. They are moving from pillar to post to get the land recovered. Ghagapatna land scam issue is the best example to understand the helplessness of the tribal people.  The Crime Branch which is enquiring into Ghangapata Land Sam issue could not arrest the Influential political leaders like Mr. K.V.Sighdeo, MLA and president, BJP  and Sri Kalpataru Das, MP, Rajya Sabha  who manipulated  the law and influenced the revenue officials  to get the land registered  in their names, rather arrest the poor innocent  tribals.


But   thousands of acres of Govt. land  has been leased  out to the Companies and Industries   at the cost of the interest of the poor  during Nabin Patnaik regime from 2000 to 2014. IDCO, on behalf of the Govt.  has mindlessly  acquired  the land and distributed it to the Companies in the state without   proper assessment  of the requirement of land for the Companies. Companies have been leased out the land on their wish and IDCO has worked just to satisfy the  interest of the Companies  at the cost of the interest of the state.


 On 12.9.2014, RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, office of Odisha Infrastructure Industrial Development Corporation (IDCO) seeking information about details of Govt. land leased out to private companies   for industry and other purposes in different districts. The PIO has supplied the following information.


A.   Total 20,997.238 acres of Govt. land has been leased out to IDCO to a number of Industries and Companies for various purposes in different districts of Odisha.

B.   Total acres  of land allotted to Companies in different districts is as follows.



Total acres of Govt. land leased out to different districts ( In Acres)











Jagatsingh Pur












































C.      Name of the Major Companies/ Industries  acquired huge land  in different districts  are as follows.




Name of Company

Land allotted ( In Acres)




Jindal Steel & Power Ltd.










Jindal  India and Thermal Power Limited.





Monnet Power Co. Ltd





 DPCL , Dhamra Port





Arati Steel Ltd.




Berhampur/ Chhatrapur




Jagatsingh Pur

















JSL Limited





Tata steel Ltd.











Bhusan Power and Steels Limited










Aditya Aluminium Ltd. ( HINDALCO)





Rathi steel and Power Ltd.





Vedanta Aluminium  Ltd.





Sterlite Energy Ltd.





SMC Power Generation Ltd.





Vedanta Aluminium  Ltd.




Nayagada/ Barbil






Bhusan Power and Steel















Shyam Steel





Odisha Power Generation Corporation





Shree Ganesh Mettalicks





Odisha Power Generation Corporation





Bhusan Steel Limited





Scaw Industries (P), Ltd





Rungta Mines Ltd.


Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 9.4.15


40.Irregularities in approval of Plan for High Rise Building by BDA, exposed by Comptroller and Auditor General of India


The Report of CAG on General and Social Sector for the year ended March 2014 which has been presented to the State Govt.  has exposed  huge irregularities  committed / facilitated  by Bhubaneswar  Development Authority  in respect of plan approval  for High Rise Building. These High Rise Buildings have been constructed  violating all norms and procedure  posing  big  threat  to the life and security  of the people of the state in general  and residents  of these buildings in particular.  The unholy alliance  of the State bureaucracy  with the Builders ( not all ), illegalities  and irregularities  committed  by them  starting  from  plan approval to construction of the  building  has   no doubt endangered  the life of the future generation of the state.  I briefly reproduce herewith few instances of irregularities cited in CAG report for reference of the public.


1.Irregular approval  of Building Plans  for high rise buildings  by BDA

Section 15  of Odisha  Development Authorities  ( ODA) Act 1982  prohibits  construction of any building  or development  over any land  in Bhubaneswar  city  without  obtaining necessary written permission  from BDA , as regulator  of  Bhubaneswar Development Plan Area (BDPA) , formulated  ( 2001   and 2008 )  Planning  and Building Standards Regulations ( PBSR) , prescribing norms and standards  for construction of  buildings in Bhubaneswar  city. These permissions are granted by BDA to ensure compliance with provisions of prevailing PBSR by the developers / land owners concerned.


As per regulation  58 ( A)  of PBSR 2008, no multi-storey  building  shall be  allowed  to be constructed  with  approach road  less than 18 metre ( 59 feet)  width.  But  BDA  accorded  ( April 2009) permission  in favour  of a builder  for  construction  of multi-storey  buildings  over  plot 51  and 364  of Goutam  Nagar  Mouza with built up  area  of 6,70,532 square feet  ( sft) . As per  approved lay out plan,  two plots were  adjacent  to 30 feet wide  road  towards  rear side  ( west side)  and 150 feet road towards  front side  ( east side)  of the building.  Plan was approved on the basis of accessible means of 150 feet wide road. But  CAG  noticed  that  there were  multiple  irregularities  in approval of the building  plan  of this builder  which is  as follows.

a. It was found from  Comprehensive Development Plan ( CDP) of BDA  with reference to  Bhulekh  website  of State Government  that  a Government  ( GA)  plot  365  ( Category: Nayanjori )   lies  in between  the plots  ( 51  and 364)  of the builder  and 80 feet  width  road connecting  National Highway.  This  indicates  that  the plot of the builder  did not adjoin 150 feet wide  road  and had no approach  road of required  width ,  as indicated  i the approved  plan. But, plan was approved by showing Govt. plot 365 ( Nayanjori category )  as road in layout plan. Thus,  the builder  was not eligible  to construct  high rise building  as approach  road  of 59 feet  or more  width  was not available  to his plot  and approval  of such  building  plan was irregular.

b. Regulation  58 (4)  stipulates  that  no multi-storey  building  ca be  constructed  within  100 metre  from the centre  of the National High way  on either side. But the  location plan  submitted by the  builder  and  lay out plan  approved  by BDA  indicated that  the site of  this  builder  for  constructing   multi-storied  building  was adjacent  to NH 203 , yet  the same was  not assessed  by BDA  before approving  the  building plan. The inspection made by audit team  revealed that  the  construction of  multi-storeyed building  of the builder  including  commercial building  was within 100 meter distance  from the centre of  National Highway.  Thus, such plan approval was irregular and BDA extended undue favour to the builder to construct such building in prime location with potential sale value.

c. As per Comprehensive Development Plan ( CDP)  of Bhubaneswar ( 1994) , 18 villages  including Goutam Nagar  village  were included  under Heritage Zone  as these  villages  had heritage temples  and monuments.  Accordingly, PBSR 2001, prohibited construction of multi-storeyed building    in Heritage Zone. Thereafter, CDP 2010 also included these villages under Heritage Zone.  CAG noticed  that  interestingly  BDA  allowed  ( December 2008)  the  builders  for  construction of  multi-storey  building  in these  villages  by amending  PBSR  2008  and again imposed  restriction  in October 2013. Despite  existence of  heritage monuments  and temples  in these villages, permission  to construct  multi-storey buildings  for an intermittent period   from December  2008 to  October 2013  only favoured  the builders  to construct  multi-storey buildings jeopardising  the objective of  systematic development  of  Bhubaneswar city  through CDP.

d. As per  condition of GPAs( General Power of Attorney) , GPA  holders  were authorised  to apply  for approval  of  building plans  on behalf of land owners.  CAG noticed that  in  case of  approval  of building plan  of a multi-storey building, though  different patches of land  were owed jointly  by two firms  and one  private person  and one of the Directors   of the said  builder  was the GPA  holder  of other two land owners, yet  building plan  for 6,70,532 sft  multi-storey building  was approved  in favour  of the said  director-cum- GPA  holder only , though the said  builder  was not the sole  owner  of the entire land  Thus,  approval of the  building  plan  by BDA  in favour  of  the GPA  holder instead of the owners  of the plots  was not in order  and therefore , was irregular.

e. Section 15  of ODA  Act  prohibits  development activity  in any  building  or over  any land  unless written permission  is granted  by BDA. The CAG  noticed  that  though BDA refused  ( May 2008)  plan approval  for construction of  a Ground  ( G) + 2  storey  building  due to unauthorised  construction of  ground  floor  encroaching  350 square  foot  of Government land  which was detected  during onsite verification by BDA Staff, it did not take any action  for demolition of the  building  or to stop  further  unauthorised  construction.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-13.5.15


41.Status of RDC Enquiries in Odisha (from 2000 to 2015)

 Whenever any law and order situation occurs or any unlawful event occurs, the State Govt.  orders for RDC enquiry   or Judicial enquiry  into it. Revenue Divisional Commissioner is entrusted to investigate into the matter and submit the report within the stipulated time period fixed by Govt.


RTI Application was submitted to the PIO,  Department of Home, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about status of enquiries conducted by RDC within the period of 2000 to 2015. On dated 23.5.15, the PIO has supplied the following information.


·   Total No. of 27 number of RDC enquiries on different incidents have been ordered   by Nabin Patnaik Govt.  from 2000 to 2015.

·   Information about enquiry Report into Biraja Idol Theft case of Jajpur has not been provided by the PIO, Dept. of Home. It was put here following the information collected earlier.

·   Out of 27 cases, no Action   on RDC Enquiry Report has been taken in 12 cases.

·   RDC Enquiry into violent incidents at village Namatara under Kendrapara district on 8.3.15 is continuing.



Name of the enquiry  with incidents

Present position

Follow up action


Demolition of Church at Vill- Churchunda of Kodinga  Tahasil, Dist-Nabarangpur

Report received

No Action Taken 


 Inquiry into firing incident at Simulia, Balasore  on 7.2.2002

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken


Inquiry  on firing  by Guard of WESCO  on V.S.S. Medical College students on 17.7.2002

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken


Inquiry in Boat Capsize  at river Baitarani, Jajpur district  on 31.8.2002

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken


Inquiry into murder of Jajati Keshari Sahu by Extremist  in Rayagada district

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken


Inquiry  in Boat Capsize  at river Upper Kolab Reservior, Koraput on 7.2.2003

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken


Inquiry on Drown to students of Burla High school  i Mahanadi Syphone  on 10.2.2003

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken


Inquiry into alleged  misbehaviour  of Sri sankar Oram, MLA , Raghunathpalli assembly constituency on 4.3.2003

Report received

No Action Taken


Inquiry into alleged  police  atrocity  on 4.4.2003 at Bandhalli, chargochhia, Jajpur district

Report received

No Action Taken


Inquiry into death of two students  and injury to three other  students  of Saraswati  High School, Deypur  in Kendrapara district on 19.7.2003

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken.


Inquiry into Law and Order Problem Between villagers of Kutharsingh-vrs-Manikpur and Tatadahipali in Ganjam on 28.7.2003

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken.


Inquiry on police firing  during excise raid  at Ratansahi, Mayurbhanj district on 22.8.2003

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken.


Inquiry  into police firing  at Kolabira of district Jharsuguda on 7.12.2003

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken.


Inquiry into incident  of assault on Youth Congress leader , Bhawanipatna on 15.3.2003

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken.


Inquiry into the alleged  misbehaviour  to Rajedra Ram, Advocate , Rairangpur inMayurbhanj district

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken.


Inquiry into the Police firing incident  at ChakradharPur Outpost under Paradeep  P.S. in Jagatsingh Pur  o 29.11.2005

Report received

No action Taken


Inquiry into Assault of Smt. Pramila Giri, MLA, Baisingha by some people  on 17.1.2006.

Report received

No Action Taken


Inquiry into police firing on 15.2.2006 at village Bhatra, Rairkhol in Sambalpur district.

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken.


Inquiry into police action during the agitational activities of members, OSSTA and Block Grant Secondary Schools Teachers Association on 17.11.2007.

Report received

No Action Taken


 Inquiry into alleged Gang-rape of a 1st Year M.C.A. student  of Sambalpur  University  on 24.2.2008

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken.


Inquiry into incident  violence  occurred  at Bolangir on 11.2.2009

Report received

No Action Taken


Inquiry into  the leakage  of  Toxic Gas in  the water treatment  plant at Sambalpur

Report received

Appropriate follow up action has been taken.


Inquiry into Kodala incident  in Ganjam district

Report received

No Action Taken


Inquiry into Chadaka festival  of Chandaneswar  in Balasore district

Report received

No Action Taken


Inquiry into  the incident  of attack  on Sri Husein Rabi Gandhi in Jajpur

Report received

No Action Taken


Inquiry into Idol Theft Case in Girija Temple , Jajpur district.

Report received

No Action Taken


Inquiry into violent incident  at village  Namatara  under Rajakanika PS in Kendrapara district



Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 30.5.15


42. Neither Lokpal Appointed nor Lokayukta constituted in Odisha

 Prior to general election,  the State Govt.  took much credit as first state passing the Odisha Lokayukta Bill in assembly in Feb 2014 as per section 63 of the Central Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013 (Every State shall establish a body to be known as the Lokayukta for the State, if not so established, constituted or appointed, by a law made by the State Legislature, to deal with complaints relating to corruption against certain public functionaries, within a period of one year from the date of commencement of this Act.).   The State Govt.  presented the Bill  to Governor, Odisha on 23.4.15.  Following the article 254 (2) of the constitution, the Governor, Odisha   sent the Bill to Rastrapati Bhawan for assent of the President.  The said Bill got presidential assent on 16th Dec. 2014.  Though five months have passed, the State Govt. is yet to constitute a body of Lokayukta   under section 3 of Odisha Lokayukta Act.


  On the other hand, Lokpal which was constituted under Odisha Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 1995 has remained defunct from January 2013 after demise of Justice P.K.  Patra , Hon’ble Lokpal  on 22.1.12013. Though two and half years have passed, the State Govt. has not yet appointed Lokpal in the State.


On 8.5.15, RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, office of Lokpal, Odisha seeking information about functioning of Lokpal  in Odisha.  The information supplied by the PIO on dated 19.5.15 is as follows.

A. The post of Lokpal, Odisha  is  lying  vacant  since 22.1.2013  due to sad demise of  Justice  Sri Prasanna Kumar Patra.


B. Total no. of 1535 complaint cases pending   for hearing in the office of Lokpal. Nobody knows how these pending cases will be disposed and the complainants will get justice.


C.  Presently total No. of 14 employees are taking salary without any work since last two and half years.


D. Approximately Rs. 35 lakhs is spent towards salary of employees who are sitting idle without any work.

E. The total expenditure made for maintenance of office of defunct Lokpal is Rs. 66 lakhs and 44 lakhs in 2013-14 and 2014-15 respectively.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 2.6.15


43. Disastrous Medical Infrastructure in Odisha during 15 years of Nabin Patnaik Regime in Odisha


Will the millions of poor people of Odisha survive without basic health facilities from Govt.?

 Health is one of the basic services that the Citizens are entitled to get it  at reasonable price or free of cost  in a welfare state. The State Government is duty bound to provide free Health service to the people. As per article 47 of the Indian Constitution, the State shall  regard  the raising  of the level  of  nutrition  and the standard  of the living  of its people  and the improvement of public health as among its  primary duties.   As per Rural Health Statistics 2014, there are 6688 number of health sub centres, 1305 primary health centres, 377 community health centres and 114 mobile medical units running in the state to  cater  health service to the people of Odisha.  But  these centres are  suffering from a lot of issues mainly infrastructure  for  which  the poor people are  suffering  from health hazards in the state. The 15 year BJD regime  has precariously  failed to deliver  minimum health service  to the people of Odisha 


Major setback to health sector in Odisha

1.      2726 Sub centres functioning in rented building

2.      11 PHCs functioning in rented building

3.      Only in 2738 Sub-centres ANM living in the quarter

4.      No Available data about the Sub Centres running as per IPHS norms

5.      2408 Sub-centres functioning without regular water supply

6.      2414 Sub-centre functioning without electricity supply

7.      182 sub-centres functioning without all weather motor able approaches

8.      292 PHCs without labor Room

9.      1305 PHCs without Operation Theater

10.   1277 PHCs without at least 4 beds

11.   141 PHCs without electricity supply

12.   292 without water supply

13.   6 PHCs without all weather motor able approaches

14.   No Available data on PHCs functioning as per IPHS norms

15.   365 CHCs functioning without 4 specialist doctors

16.   317 CHCs functioning without at least 30 beds

17.   68 CHCs functioning without Operation Theaters

18.   57 CHCs functioning without new born care corner

19.   335 CHCs have no X-Ray machine

20.   85 CHCs have no building for specialists quarter

21.   111 CHCs have no living quarter for specialists living

22.   3068 Health workers (Male) shortfall for Sub centres

23.   212 Sub Centres functioning without Health Worker (Female), 2750 Sub-centres functioning without health worker (Male) and 158 Sub centres running without both

24.   597 Health assistants (Female) shortfall for PHCs

25.   PHCs functioning without 1305health assistants (Male)

26.   PHCs running with 339 doctors vacant.

27.   110 PHCs running without doctor

28.   1010PHCs running without  lady doctor

29.   CHCs running with shortfall of 297surgeons

30.   CHCs running with shortfall of 228 Obstetricians & Gynecologists

31.   CHCs running with shortfall of 333 Physicians

32.   CHCs running with shortfall of 304 Pediatricians

33.   Infant Mortality Rate-51

(This information was presented in a meeting by Gouranga Mohapatra, State Convener, Jana Swasthya Abhijan. His contact No is 9437036305)

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 23.6.15


44.  Huge Irregularities, favouritism, malpractice and politically motivated appointment made for the post of Odisha Information commissioner, exposed through RTI.


The more interesting, ridiculous  and irony  of the whole  episode  is that the Information and Public Relation Department which is the nodal Departmet for implementation of RTI Act in Odisha    entrusted to enforce transparency in the administration is denying information   about appointment of Information Commissioner, an agency  formed to  enforce RTI  and adjudicate  cases of RTI violation  to the  Information Seekers  who are RTI Activists  and  working to enforce  effective implementation of RTI Act in Odisha.


 RTI Act, which came into force in 2005 is mandated to enforce a transparent and accountable administration and contain corruption   in the country.  It has given right to the Citizens to access information held under the control of the Public authorities.  Since 2005, RTI Activists of the state  have not only raised the issues  relating to mal-implementation of RTI Act but  also  demanding   before the Govt. to follow transparent procedure  in respect of  appointment  in the post of Information commissioner ( It needs  to be mentioned here  that  the State Govt. has appointed most corrupt, useless, inefficient  people like D.N.Padhi, Sri  Jagadanand  and Sri Tarun Kanti Mishra  involved in land scam  in the post of  Odisha Information omission in the state within 10 years of the constitution of the omission) A number of 54 Complaints and 7 Writ petitions filed against these former Information commissioners is pending before the Governor, Odisha and High Court, Odisha since 8 years.


However, Demanding transparency in the appointment of Information is not confined to Odisha only. It is a demand of RTI Activists in all states  even at national level.  Amidst rising criticism over lack of transparency  in appointment of the Information Commission and  the huge discontentment and resentment of RTI Activists and Concerned  citizens  against the  arbitrary and mindless, politically motivated  appointment  in the post of Information Commissioners, the Supreme Court  while  adjudicating Writ petition No. 210/2012 and Review Petition No.2309/2012  in 2013  gave the order to both Central Government and all State Govt. to follow the transparent procedure  in respect of appointment of the Information Commissioners and make all the information discloseable  under RTI Act. The direction of the Supreme Court is as follows.


“ v) We further direct that the Committees under Sections 12(3) and 15(3) of the Act while making recommendations to the President or to the Governor, as the case may be, for appointment of Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners must mention against the name of each candidate recommended, the facts to indicate his eminence in public life, his knowledge in the particular field and his experience in the particular field and these facts must be accessible to the citizens as part of their right to information under the Act after the appointment is made.”


On 3rd March 2013,  while quashing  the appointment of P.J.Thomas as Central  Vigilance Commissioner in Writ Petition (C) No. 348/2010, the Supreme Court  has made 10 legal arguments  for transparent selection of CICs, SICs, Human Rights Commissioners & other Constitutional Authorities.


 While hearing a Special Leave petition (Case No.9680/2012) , petition made challenging the appointment of Tamil Nadu Information Commissioner, the Supreme Court  has made the following remarks-


“Whether the selection of appointment of  State Information Commissioners can be made without adopting a transparent  and fair method of selection  in which all eligible persons  can participate for appointment to such post/office  can be treated as private affair of political set up”.   


When the State Govt.  started initiative   for selection of the candidates   through releasing advertisement publicly seeking  application  from the interested candidates in Feb. 2013,  I  submitted  a memorandum  to the Governor, Odisha  seeking direction to  the State Govt. to modify the advertisement and insert the provision of recommendation by public for the post of Information Commissioner. 


 On 25.3.15,  Sri Sachikant Pradhan, RTI Activist  had submitted RTI Application to the PIO, Department of  Information and Public Relation,   Govt. of Odisha, Bhubaneswar    seeking information about  list of applicants applied for the post of Chief Information Commissioner and State Information Commissioner.   Violating the provision of section 7(1) of the RTI Act, the PIO took around two months to respond the RTI Application.  This is gross negligence and deliberate attempt to denigrade RTI Act. Secondly, the PIO also denied providing the information   on the ground of personal information under section 8(1) (h) of the RTI Act which is not at all the personal information. This is an attempt to subvert RTI in Odisha and to keep the information secret.    


When the State Government failed to put in public domain the transparent procedure to be followed for appointment of the Commission, RTI Activists under the banner of Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan   organised Mass Dharana before Raj Bhawan, Bhubaneswar on 30th April 2015  and submitted memorandum seeking direction  the State Govt. to issue  detailed  written  transparent procedure  in respect  of  appointment of the Commission,  declare publicly  name of the  applicants, their  background, experience and expertise, details of search Committee, inviting public view   on   the  final list  for the post of  Information Commission prior to sending the name to the Governor of Odisha for appointment etc., modify the advertisement and include the provision of recommendation by public for the post of Information Commissioner.


Defying all the legitimate procedures and even ignoring the concern of Sri Narasingha Mishra, Opposition Leader and Member of Selection Committee headed by Chief Minister, on 16.5.15, the State Govt. arbitrarily selected two candidates for the post of Information Commissioners.


On 17.5.15, the Civil Society Groups and RTI Activists came together in state level meeting and discussed  about arbitrary procedure followed for selection of the candidates  in the post of all Commissions  like OSCPCR, State Commission for Women, State Human Rights Commission, State Information Commission etc. As per decision in the meeting,  all RTI Activists  assembled together at Raj Bhawan and submitted memorandum  to Governor, Odisha  appealing for  review of  the appointment of   the Chief information commissioner and Information Commissioner for Odisha.


On 18.5.15,  I  submitted RTI Application to the  PIO, Dept. of Information and Public Relation, Govt. of Odisha   seeking information  about Procedure followed for selecting candidates for appointment in the post of  Chairman and Members of Odisha Information commission,    criteria taken up  for  shortlising candidates  for the post of  Chairman and Members of Odisha Information Commission which was presented to the selection Committee and name of the shortlisted candidates, proceedings of the selection Committee etc.  Though one ad half moth has passed, the PIO has neither responded the application nor supplied the information.


Similarly, 5 no. of RTI Applications have been submitted by RTI Activists seeking similar information   about procedure followed for selection and appointment of Information Commission. Not a single RTI application has been responded by the PIO, though statutory time limit has passed.


It shows that the State Govt. has adopted arbitrary method of selecting their political stooge   for the post of the Information Commission.  If the selection procedure is followed properly, then what is the problem with Govt to provide the information?

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-7.7.15

45.  Hiring of Aircraft/ Helicopter for the official use of VIPs/other Dignitaries on hired basis by Govt. of Odisha


 Few months back, there was hue and cry in mass media about use of Helicopter by Sri Nabin Patnaik, Chief Minister, Odisha for his visit to Cuttack which is just 30 kms from Bhubaneswar, resident and office of the Chief Minister. It was alleged that it was completely misuse of public money. Out of curiosity to know about details of  hiring of Helicopters,  amount paid from State exchequer,  RTI Application was submitted on 28.1.2015 to the PIO, Department of General Administration, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about decisions taken  and terms and conditions for  Engagement of Deccan Charters Pvt. Ltd for providing Helicoptor/ Aircrafts services  on hire to State Govt. from 2009-10 to 2014-15 including copy of the file noting.   The PIO took around 5 months to provide the information. But still this information is incomplete. I received this information from the Department on 6.6.15. The details of the information supplied by the PIO are as follows.


A.    The information has been provided from 2011. It may be from this year  the State Govt. has   entered into agreement   with Deccan Charters Flight Ltd.  for hiring of  helicopter for VIP operation  of State Government.

B.   As per the  filing noting ad correspondence made, the State  Govt., was hiring  Bell-230 twin engine Air conditioned  helicopter  for  VIP Operation  on Fixed  Monthly Charge ( FMC) for a temporary period sometimes one month or two months which gets extended   from time to time. 

C.    On 11.11.2011, the Government approved the offer of M/s Deccan Charters Ltd.  for hiring  their Bell-230  twin engine  Air Conditioned  helicopter  with VVIP lub seating  for VIP operations of the State Govt.  on Fixed  Monthly Charges. The details of terms and conditions are as follows.



Particulars of Hire Charges

Amount (INR)


 Fixed Monthly  Flying  Charges  ( FMFC)  of 30 hours  per month @ Rs. 1,20,000/-  per hour  ( minimum monthly  cumulative  entitlement  of 30 hrs.)

Rs. 36,00,000/- per month


Flying charges  for positioning &  Return Ferry ( any mobilisation  and demobilisation )

Rs. 14,30,000/-


Hourly Flying charges ( HFC)  for any  flying beyond  entitlement  of 30 hrs per month.

Rs. 1,10,000


Fuel transportation  charges  to outstation

On actual


D.     On 21.3.12, the State Govt.  entered into negotiation and approved  the offer of  Deccan Charges  Ltd.  for hiring their  EC-135 P2  twin engine helicopter  on wet lease basis  for VIP operations  as the following terms  and Conditions 


Particulars of Hire Charges

Amount (INR)


 Fixed Monthly  Charges  ( FMC)    which does not include  any free flying hour

Rs. 48,00,000/- per month


Hourly Flying Charges ( HFC) 

Rs. 47,110.00


Flying charges  for positioning &  Return Ferry ( any mobilisation  and demobilisation )

Rs. 17,82,500/-


Crew accommodation  and transportation at out station  will be borne by Govt.



Fuel positioning   charges  

On actual

E.   On 31.7.14, the Purchasing Committee in its meeting  held  under chairmanship of U.N. Behera  revised  charges  for  hiring twin engine helicopter as per the proposal submitted  by M/S  Deccan Chartered   Pvt. Ltd. On 22.9.14, the State Govt.  Negotiated with the Company for hiring helicopter for a period of one year w.e.f. 1.10.2014 as per the following terms and conditions.


Particulars of Hire Charges

Amount (INR)


 Fixed Monthly  Charges  ( FMC)    which does not include  any free flying hour

Rs. 52,00,000/- per month


Hourly Flying Charges ( HFC) 

Rs. 51,820.00


Flying charges  for positioning &  Return Ferry ( any mobilisation  and demobilisation )

Rs. 17,82,500/-


One station Crew and Engineer  accommodation, Fuel positioning   and transportation at out station, watch  hour extension  at Airports / Airstrips/Helipads   will be borne by Govt.

As per Actual


 Service Tax  

As per applicable 


Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482 , Date-23.7.15



46.     Around Rs. 140 crores  spent  in Bolangir district, Odisha  for construction of 600   Watersheds  within 14 years without  single  increase  in percentage of irrigated  land  in the  district (!)  


Bolangir  was infamous  and still infamous  as one  of the  most drought prone  districts  in the  country  for its notoriety  of  large scale migration, hunger and  starvation death. Both the Central Govt. and State Govt.   have undertaken  numerous schemes , anti-poverty programme, food security programme   in order to ensure  food security and increase living standard  of the poor and vulnerable  families   in the district. Watershed Project is one of the programme  undertaken  with allocation of  huge  fund  to  increase  ground water table with water  conservation measures, ensuring  irrigation to lands, providing employment  to the people  through  developing agriculture and horticulture  activity. It will help reducing poverty and ensuring food security to the poor.  Both Govt agencies and NGOs were engaged to undertake watershed projects in the district. 


RTI Application was submitted in December, 2014   to the PIO, office of Project Director, watershed, Bolangir seeking information about details of Watershed projects undertaken under different scheme in Bolangir and the amount spent for it from beginning to 2014.  The information provided by the PIO is  as follows.


Sl. No

Name of the Scheme

No. of Watershed

       Project Period

Expenditure incurred ( In lakh)




Employment Assurance Scheme










































DPAP ( 6th Batch)






DPAP ( 7th Batch)






DPAP (8th Batch)






DPAP (9th Batch)






DPAP (10th Batch)






DPAP (11th Batch)






DPAP (12TH Batch)































































































( ACA- Additional Central Assistance, IWDP- Integrated Watershed Development Project, WORLP- Western Odisha Rural Livelihood Mission supported by DFID, UK, DPAP- Drought Prone Area Programme, IWMP-Integrated watershed Management Programme)

Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist, Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan, M-9937843482, Date-31.7.15


47. Days devoted for Sitting of Odisha Legislative Assembly- A Hopeless Trend


 Parliament or State Assemblies are   viewed as temple of Indian Democracy. The hope and aspiration of the people are reflected in these democratic bodies.  The Members of the Parliament and   State Assemblies not only debate and discourse on various issues  affecting  the people  but also  make  plan  and programme  for  the  prosperity  of the country.  So frequent sitting of the Assemblies or Parliament is highly required for    development of the state and enriching   the democracy.


Let us come to the context of Odisha Legislative Assembly. As per the norm fixed by the OLA, minimum days fixed for sitting of Assembly is 60 days.  RTI Application was submitted seeking information about number of days devoted for sitting of the Odisha Legislative Assembly under Nabin Patnaik Govt.  from 2004 to 2014.  On 1.7.15, the PIO, Office   of Odisha Legislative Assembly has supplied the following information. Every year, the number of days fixed for a particular assembly session got reduced by the Govt.  due to various reasons.



Date of Sitting

No. of days devoted for sitting













Increased for one day










Reduced for 5 days




58 days





25 days

Reduced for one day










Reduced for 11 days




49 days




















60 days
















Reduced for 18 days




42 days






Reduced for two  days










Reduced for  8 days




52 days








Special session








Increased for one day





Reduced for 11 days




50 days




















60 days
















Reduced for 6 days




54 Days




















60 Days
















Reduced for 8 days




52 Days
















 Reduced for 12 days




48 Days




A.   Odisha Assembly has not been allowed to sit more than 60 days by the Nabin Patnaik Govt. from 2004 to 2014.

B.   Every year (except 2006, 2010 and 2012), the number of days of the sitting of the assembly has got reduced by the Govt.   which has created bad precedent  in the state.

C.    The State Govt.  has  succeeded  to reduce the days of the sitting of assembly  because  of  their brute majority  in the assembly, arbitrary  attitude, intolerant to opinion of the opposition and little respect to the  Opposition  parties. 

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 5.7.15


48. Allotment of Plot under Discretionary Quota, extracts from CAG Report

 Every day, mass media carries news about notice issued to different  people by BDA, CDA and Odisha State Housing Board  for return of land allotted  under Discretionary Quota  and multiple allotments.  But these authorities  are to  issue  notice  to  important   political people  and bureaucrats  like  Sri Tarun Kanti Mishra, former Chief Secretary, U.N. Behera, Development  Commissioner, Sri Bijay Sharma, Addl. DG, Police, Sri Nikunja Dhal, IAS, Sri Debi Prasad Mishra, Minister, Sri Aswani Kumar vaishnav, IAS, Sri Vishal Kumar Dev, IAS, Sri Pranab Balabantaray, MLA, Kalpataru Das, MP, Rajya Sabha, R.K.Sharma, IAS     and many  others.


Vacant plots allotted under Discretionary Quota arbitrarily by BDA


Name  of allottee

Plot No ( 2400 Sq.ft. each)

                            Prachi Enclave Plotted Scheme  Phase-II


Anusuya Mishra, W/O- Debi Prasad Mishra, Minister  for School  and Mass Education



Aswani Kumar Vaishnav



Gourang Kinkar Das, former Vice Chancellor, Utkal University  ( transferred to Rashmi Das)



Pratap Kumar Samal



Pritam Mohapatra



Ravi Kumar Sahani and Punam Sahani


Prachi Enclave Plotted Scheme  Phase-1


Babita Sar



Pratima Das, W/O- Kalpataru Das



Raj Kumar Sharma, IAS



Rajaram Satapathy, Journalist



Satyajit Mohanty



Sobhamayee Dehury, transferred to Narmadha Pradhan



Srimoy Kar, Journalist



Vishal Kumar Dev, IAS

62 A


CAG Report  has also  brought  to  notice  huge scam  and irregularities    in allotment  of plot/ land  to  different  people.    While auditing land / plot allotment made by BDA, CDA and GA, CAG   has mentioned in its audit report that neither the provision for DQ allotment of plots / houses existed in the Act / Rules or any such instruction issued by the Government. Individual brochures of housing schemes of DAs contained provisions for allotment of plots/ houses under DQ of the Chairperson of the concerned DA ( Development Authority)   which ranged between five per cent to ten per cent of the total assets offered under the schemes. However, no eligibility criteria for identification of allottees eligible under DQ had been specified by the DAs in general or in the individual brochure. 


CAG has made audit scrutiny in the 10 test checked housing schemes and exposed huge irregularities  in these schemes.  These are  as follows.


A. Identification of allottees under DQ was arbitrary as the criteria for the same were not specified and applications for allotment under DQ were made on plain paper without any supporting documents such as affidavit regarding non-ownership of land in the concerned DA, as required in the terms and conditions of the brochure for housing schemes.

B.  In case of Udaygiri Vihar Housing Scheme launched for MIG/ LIG houses in 2002, norms regarding income were relaxed (April 2003) for allotment of six assets valued at ` 35.94 lakh out of 20 assets allotted under the DQ.

C.  In eight housing schemes of Bhubaneswar Development Authority, out of 249 applications for allotment of assets under DQ, 129 applicants were allotted assets. It was observed that there was no clear pre-defined criterion for such allotment, thus making the allotment under DQ completely arbitrary and non-transparent.

D. In case of Prachi Enclave Phase–II (BDA), provisional allotment of eight assets worth ` 28.80 lakh was made under DQ to eight individuals in November 2001 before launching the scheme in September 2002, making the allotment process non transparent.

E. In four cases in Bhubaneswar Development Authority, assets worth ` 17.42 lakh were allotted to persons who had earlier also been allotted assets under DQ and transferred one of the assets to third party indicating that the allotment made under DQ was for speculation, rather than for residential purpose.

F. Nine persons already allotted assets under DQ, were allotted another asset each by Bhubaneswar Development Authority either under discretionary or general quota in their names or in the names of their spouses.

G. Thus, due to non formulation of clear guidelines and criteria for identification of  allottees under DQ and lack of subsequent monitoring regarding actual usage of such plots/ buildings, the process of allotment under DQ lacked transparency.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 12.7.15


49. Raj Bhawan, Odisha- Sanctuary of Scot-free Sandalwood dacoits

On 22.6.15, there was news in different newspaper about incident of felling of Sandal wood trees in the premises of Raj Bhawan, Odisha. Having  gone through the news, I got astonished  how  only Sandal wood ( not any other tree)  is cut  and stolen  in the premises  of Raj Bhawan, highly security zone  in the state. Accordingly, to know the fact, I filed RTI Application dated 29.6.15 to the PIO, Office of Governor, Odisha, Raj Bhawan, Bhubaneswar seeking the following information.


·     Details of   sadal tree ( Chandan tree)  which has been cut  in  different times in Raj Bhawan premises  and steps taken to nab   the thieves  involved in cutting tree.

·      copy of details  of complaints  filed  by the Raj Bhawan  in police station  or  in forest Dept. for equiry into the matter.

·     Details of enquiry conducted by the Police or Forest Dept.  in Sandal wood cutting case  and status of the enquiry.

·      copy of the document in respect of   whether Governor has been informed about Sandal wood theft.

·      Names of the watch man/ security guard  appointed  in the area  when the sandal tree has been cut by  thieves.

On 12.8.15, the PIO supplied the following information.


There are two incidents of felling of Sandal wood trees inside Raj Bhawan premises one on 19.11.11 and other 20.6.15.


First Incident of theft of Sandalwood   on 19.11.11-   Sri Sarada Prasad Pattnaik, PHD Staff informed to Comptroller, Governor’s Household that three nos. Of Sandal Wood trees aged about 7 to 8 years old were cut in  and stolen nearer to Deer Park behind Administrative building of Raj Bhawan, Bhubaneswar. Then it was informed to Chief Security Officer, Raj Bhawan on same day.  The Inspector-in-Charge, Capital Police Station and DFO, City Forest Division, Ghatikia, Bhubaneswar was intimated by Comptroller, Raj Bhawan about the incident and enquiry sought for.   On 26.11.11, a Joint Enquiry was conducted with the presence of Sri Assem Panda, IIC, Capital Police Station, Ramakanta Nayak, Range Officer, Bhubaneswar, Manoj Kumar Mishra, RI-cum-SO, Raj Bhawan and Sri P.K.Jena, Forester. During enquiry it was found that  three nos. Of Sadalwood  tree have been cut up by the miscreants on 19.11.11 leaving the cut materials at the stump site.  The all cutting parts of three trees were converted into 30 pieces = 38.750 kg and a UD case was instituted by Forest Officials vide UD Case No. – 13BS of 2011-12.  It was decided to conduct separate investigation by both the police and Forest to apprehend the culprit.  On 14.9.12,  the Comptroller of Raj Bhawan wrote  a letter  to IIC, Capital Police Station  to appraise progress of investigation  in the matter of illegal  felling  of  3 numbers of Sandalwood trees  in Raj Bhawan Campus for appraisal  of His Excellency. There is no information about whether IIC, Capital Police Station conducted any enquiry.  Neither is any investigation conducted nor any culprit nabbed. The investigation was completed through letter correspondence. 


Second Incident of theft of Sandal wood  on 20.6.15  ; Sri Brahma Nanda Chhotaray, the occupant of Quarter No.  D-6 of Raj Bhawan  Staff Colony  has reported  on 21.6.15  that a Sandal Wood  tree has been cut down  from his said quarter premises by somebody with  a sharp cutter . The Comptroller intimated the matter to the ADC, Governor and Chief Security Officer, Raj Bhawan .On 22.6.15, the Chief Security Officer wrote a letter to IIC, Capital Police Station   to cause an enquiry into the matter for appropriate action. A Joint enquiry  was conducted  on 28.6. 15  in the presence of Chief Security Officer, Raj Bhawan, IIC, Capital Police Station, Forest Ranger Officer, City Forest Division, Assistant Commandant of Police , Raj Bhawan,  Assistant Horticulture offier, Raj Bhawan,  Forester Bhubaeswar Section. During enquiry, it was found that  two nos. Of Sandal wood trees , one from Raj Bhawan Staff Colony  and other from Raj Bhawan pump house , near Deer Park  have been cut by miscreants  leaving the cut materials at the stump side , stolen one piece  approximately  4 ft. ( four)  from the Sandal wood tree  at the staff colony, leaving the clump. All the cutting parts of the two trees have been converted to six pieces  ad twigs  with  approximate weight  of 143 kg . Two no. of UD cases were instituted by the Forest Officials Vide Case No.  4 BS of 2015-16 and 5 BS of 2015-16. It was decided to conduct separate investigation by both the police  and forest Dept to apprehend the culprit.



1. Interestingly and astonishingly, no further investigation was conducted and no culprit arrested in both the cases.

2. Both the cases were covered up in the name of so-called joint enquiry. 

3. The inaction of the investigating officer or administration has encouraged the culprits to cut more number of sandal wood trees.  The Culprit is within the Raj Bhawan not outside of it. It is not so difficult to nab the culprits  who are  within Raj Bhawan Campus.

4. Sandalwoods are precious and costly in the market.  The thieves keep an eye on it for financial gains. 

5. There is every possibility that there will be more felling of Sandalwood trees in raj Bhawan  in future  due to police inaction.

6. If there will be theft in Raj Bhawan in highly security zone and  culprit be scot free, what the police will check theft in less security zone or no security zone in the state.

7. Failure to nab thieves proves the failure of the police administration or lack of interest to investigate it.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-16.8.15

50.  Demolishing Confusion about fraud and forgery of Swami Shankaranand Giri, President of Kriya Yoga Foundation Trust and News telecast by Z Kalinga


It  got too late  to respond  to the queries, allegations  and  counter  opinions  given  by readers  of this mail group  following my appeal  for participation  in the  Emergency Meeting of Civil Society Groups on Attack on Media organized  at Red Cross Bhawan on 5.9.15 at 10 am.


 The meeting was held with participation of around 35 members of Civil Society Groups, advocates and Social Activists at Red Cross Bhawan on 5.9.15. The members interacted about the details of the issues, fraud and forgery of Swami Shankaranand and attempt of vested Groups to demoralize Satya Prakash Nayak.   It was decided to file a petition to Deputy Commissioner of Police, Bhubaneswar to enquire into detailed of allegation made against Swami Shankaranand and organize demonstration expressing solidarity with Satya Prakash Nayak, Z Kalinga and upholding Freedom of Press. Accordingly, FIR was lodged   against Swami Shankaranand  in Saheed Nagar  on 5.9.15 at 2 PM  and  a 15-member delegation  met Deputy Commissioner of Police  and submitted  petition protesting immediate lodging of an FIR  against Satya Prakash Nayak  without preliminary enquiry and  requested  him   to conduct enquiry into allegations against Shankaranand.   


Mass Demonstration expressing solidarity with Satya Prakash Nayak  and protesting against Govt. for curtailing freedom of press  was held at lower PMG with participation of  hundreds of journalists, Activists, academicians, teachers etc.


Expressing their reaction on my appeal for solidarity with Satya Prakash Nayak, the Readers have given their opinion that the news broadcast on allegations made against Swami Shakaranand  Giri is false. As I along with my Activists friends are quite active in exposing   illegal land grabbing  by Ministers, MLAs, IAS and IPS officers and fraud Babas  since last few years,  we  took it  as challenge  and constituted  a fact-finding team  to enquire into details of forgery of land documents and land illegally grabbed  by Shankarananda.   while going through the documents  obtained through RTI, it was found that  there was a Land Lease-Deed agreement  signed  between Sri K.C. Das, Secretary, Kriya Yoga Foundation Trust, Kriya Yoga Ashram, Bhubaneswar , District-Khurda  and Swami Shankaranada Giri, President, Prabhujee English Medium School, V.S.S. Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Dist-Khurda  in 2001  in the office of District Sub-Registrar, Bhubaneswar.  As per Lease Agreement,    Sri K.C. Das, Secretary, Kriya Yoga Foundation Trust has handed over a portion of its land measuring 3 Ac on lease basis to Swami Shankaranand Giri to run Prabhujee English Medium School.  The Schedule of the property of the land is Hal Plot No- 5168/5169 under   Mouza- Gadakana of  Bhubaneswar Tehsil. The location of the land  is  East- Hospital and Ashram Main Gate, West-  Ashram Land, North- Ashram road and Building , South-  Institute of Hotel Management.


On 8th and 9th Sept. 15, the Team visited Gadakana and Ragamatia village and met the owner of the land ( Hal Plot No- 5168/5169) and enquired   to know the details of the land  and its location.  It  was found that  the owner of  Hal Plot No 5168 ( Khata No-875) is Sri Giridhari Bhoi, Gokul Bhoi of  Surath Bhoi, Father of Gadakana Mouza. The owner of Hal Plot. 5169( Khata No.-707)  is Sri Keshab Das of Rangamatia village. Both these lands are located far away from Prabhujee English Medium School. So, Swami Shankaranand  has produced forged document to CBSE ( Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi) to get affiliation of the school.  While looking at land records of Department of General Administration,  It  was also  found that  the said  school is situated  on the land  of  General Administration of Govt. of Odisha  which has been  encroached  and illegally  occupied  by Swami Shankaranand since long. Interestingly, due to nexus of Swami Shankaranand with corrupt bureaucracy, the State Govt.  has not taken any step to recover the encroached land.  On 9.9.15, we filed a complaint petition to CBSE, New Delhi through Regional office, at Alok Bharati Building, Bhubaneswar and FIR was also lodged in Saheed Nagar Police station against Shankaranad to initiate criminal proceeding against him.


While going through another document obtained from office of Inspector General of Registration, Cuttack, it was found that Swami Shakaranand Giri is no more president of Kriya Yoga Foundation Trust as per order of IGR dated 27.4.2002. In 1998, the Founder-president of Kriya Yoga Foundation Trust Swami Hariharananda Giri had written a letter to IGR, Cuttack appraising anti-social, criminal and illegal activities of Swami Shankaranand and intimated his order of removal of Shakaranand and other members from Trust. 


Other allegation about his forgery and illegal activities will be exposed very soon. So, the news telecast in Z Kalinga is based on FACT. If anybody has guts to challenge the abovementioned fact, please come out with fact and figures.


Let us come to other issues raised by the readers of the group and my response to it. In democracy, everybody has right to speak, write and give their opinion in public domain on any issue and we must respect it.  Similarly, a news channel or news paper has also right which is termed as Freedom of Press to disseminate or telecast any news on their wish. Similarly, they have also right to choose or judge whom they will invite to their press and take opinion or reject anybody.  Public opinion hardly matters.    If someone’s opinion, views or comments hamper anybody’s dignity or privacy, he or she    is legally empowered to file defamation suit or take any legal action against the person concerned.  For example,  Odisha Information  Commission  has filed  defamation case  against me  in  Civil Court , Bhubaneswar  for  my  criticism  to their   anti-RTI functioning. The case is yet to be disposed of. Similarly, if anybody feels anything wrong in media, they can file a complaint to Press Council of India, New Delhi or follow legal procedure against it. Many times, the affected parties i.e, State Govt. with acrimonious attitude tried to control media or individual activists working to expose misdeeds of the administration by putting baseless and false charges . Many journalists and Human Rights Activists have been victim of the State sponsored Attack in Odisha since last few years. 


 We have to accept the greater role played by media in terms of sensitizing the people about various issues in our state more particularly exposing fraud Babas since last one month. Though the Rationalists Groups have been working hard to sensitize the people against fraud Babas and their so-called Prabachana, art of mesmerizing the illiterate poor people since many years, they were found hardly successful in their effort to refrain the people from visiting Ashrams.  But the media succeeded alerting the people about fraud Babas within very short span of time. 


 It is also fact that the media is also controlled by corporate sectors. A corporate house or any individual establishing Printing Press or Electronics media has their own business agenda. Within their own framework, we have to find out the space where we can raise our issues of the public importance. Each media has their own issues of priority and public importance. Flat allegation against any press without understanding about politics of media house is meaningless and just throwing stone at mountain. As media houses get controlled by corporate dalas day by day, the news about public issue gets less importance and space for highlighting public cause gets squeezed. That’s why the activists and concerned citizens have started using social media to fight for cause of the people.  Blaming this media or  that media with personal vendetta  will no way solve any problem  of the state.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 13.9.15


51. Though delayed, after long battle with corrupt Odisha bureaucracy RTI Activists achieved outstanding   victory in ensuring justice to BPL people and downtrodden masses


  Right to Information Act  which came into force  on 12th October, 2005  has  mandate  to enforce a transparent  and accountable  governance system in the  country  and  giving  right  to the Citizens to access the  information held  by the Public Authorities.  As per section 7 (5) of the Act, the BPL people are required not to pay any kind of fee i.e., fee for application {section 6 (1) }, fee for  information {section-7(1)}, fee for information in electronic format {section 7(5)}. But  while framing the Rules  i.e,  Odisha RTI Rules, 2005, the State Government  made a provision ( Rule-4) of only making application fee for BPL people free of cost while allowing other  fees  like fee for information to be  collected  from them. Though the law is  supreme, but  the State  Govt. gave the direction to the officials  to implement the  law  following  the  illegal provisions of  Odisha  RTI Rules.  This arrangement made by the State Govt.   gave unbridled power to the PIO  to collect the fees  from BPL people for  information. 


 Though it  was illegal, the Odisha Information  Commission  joined  hand with State bureaucracy  and  endorsed and ensured   this illegality  by  giving  direction to the PIOs  to collect  from BPL people the fees for  information.   Sri D.N.Padhi who is  a corrupt bureaucrat  and joined  as First Odisha Chief Information Commissioner , while adjudicating   Complaint Case 11 and 12/2006  directed  the BPL people  to pay the fees  for information violating section 7(5) of the RTI Act.   It was vehemently opposed by RTI Activists. The Information Commission was publicly condemned for their act of illegality.  As Sri D.N. Padhi is man of shrewd character, he, while hearing Complaint cases directed the BPL people to pay the fees for information but did not mention it in proceeding of the case.   Under pressure from RTI Activists, the Commission made a recommendation to State Govt.  on 16.11.2007  to  provide  BPL people  information  of 75 pages ( Rs. 150.00)   free of cost.  But the State Govt.  did not give any importance to this recommendation and  continued with their mandate  to  collect the fees from BPL people.


Campaign of RTI Activists continued   and exposing anti-BPL mindset of Odisha Information Commission and State Government. In May, 2013, Sri Jagadanandi Mohanty, then State Information Commissioner while addressing a  Workshop on RTI  in  Collectorate Conference Hall, Malkangiri  spoke about  misuse of RTI by non-BPL people  who are seeking  information  in the name of the BPL people  to get the information free of cost. A lot of complaints in connection of this issue have come to the notice of the Commission.  Sri Tapan Padhi, prominent RTI Activist who was present there, then filed an RTI Application to the office of Odisha Information Commission seeking information about details of Complaint Cases filed about misuse of RTI quoting statement of Sri Jagadanand Mohanty.   In response to RTI Application,  the PIO said that  there was no such information available  in the Commission. The dangerous character of Sri Jagadanand Mohanty to satisfy all illegalities of the State Government and spreading misleading information in public domain was found true.


Campaign of RTI Activists took a turn, when Sri Tarun Kanti Mishra, then State Chief Information Commissioner while adjudicating a Complaint case No. 2028/11 gave direction to Sri Kunja Bikari Patra, BPL-Applicant and RTI Activist of Nayagarh district to pay the fees for information, though he pleaded to get the information free of cost under section 7 (5) of the RTI Act.  The direction of the Commission  was challenged by Sri Kunja Bihari Patra  in Odisha High Court. While  disposing the case ( W.P.C. No.- 4797/13) on 3.7.13, the High Court quashed  the decision of the Commission as illegal  and directed the PIO to provide the information free of cost  in observance of section 7 (5) of the RTI Act.


This is one step achievement of RTI Activists to provide justice to the BPL people.  This judgement was highlighted, largely circulated and demanded to all the Public Authorities to provide information to the BPL people free of cost. Being pressurised by the RTI Activists, the Odisha Information Commission   made a direction to the State Govt. on 31.3.14 to issue notification observing direction of Odisha High Court.


The corrupt bureaucracy remained adamant   and continued to collect the fees from BPL people. Then, Sri Dhoba Sahu, BPL-Applicant and RTI Activist of Kalahandi district who was denied the information free of cost , filed  a  Writ Petition No. 12135/15 in Odisha High Court seeking  direction   to State Govt. to provide all BPL people  the information free of cost.  On 23.7.15, the High Court gave the direction to State Govt. to  Comply  section  7 (5) of the RTI Act.  On 21.9.15, the State Govt. has finally issued notification to  all the Public Authorities to provide the BPL people information free of cost.


Our  battle for withdrawal of compulsory RTI Application, illegal provision of  submission of proof of Citizenship at the time of  submitting RTI Application  is still going  on  and the case pending in Odisha High Court.  

Pradip Pradhan, State Convener, Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan , Date- 20.10.15


52. Disastrous situation of office of Ombudsman functioning under MGNREGA in Odisha and Physical harassment and mental torture of an Ombudsman by inept bureaucracy in Gajam district


 On 23.3.15, Sri Sadanand Rao, retired OAS officer who has been appointed  as Ombudsman  in Ganjam district  by the Govt. of Odisha on 28.11.13 to conduct enquiries  into complaints  and grievances  of the daily wage workers  under MGNREGS ( Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee  Scheme)   filed  a complaint to National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), New Delhi  stating  that  after his appointment as Ombudsman, no facility of accommodation  in the DRDA office, vehicle,  complaint Box,  administrative support staff  had been given to him.  The Ganjam DRDA Authority had not disbursed the legitimate sitting fees / remuneration of Ombudsman. He has been harassed physically and tortured mentally by the officials of DRDA, Ganjam. He has sought intervention of NHRC to dispense justice to him. 


Acting on his complaint, NHRC issued notice to the Chief Secretary, Odisha on dated 8.4.2015   seeking response on the Complaint filed by Sri Rao (Case No. 2210/18/5/2015).


It deserves to be mentioned here that Sri Rao has also written a letter in April 2014 to the Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India complaining about denial of sitting fee/ remuneration to him and non-supply of administrative support staff to function independently.  The MORD wrote letter twice i.e, dated 7.5.14 and 19.6.14 ( D.O. No. L- 11033/10/2010-MGNREGA-VII) to the Secretary, Department of Panchayat Raj, Govt. of Odisha  seeking action taken Report  stating  that  “Non-payment of sitting fees  to an Ombudsman  is a serious matter and may severely  impact  the Grievance Redressal  Mechanism  under MGNREGs”. But astonishingly, the State Govt. did not respond the letter nor did provide any action Taken Report.


Abysmally failed to get justice, Sri Rao, Ombudsman approached NHRC seeking Justice.   The NHRC is yet to get ATR from the State Govt. and continue to fix so many dates for hearing and disposal of the cases.  Now,  on capacity  as Advisor to NHRC, I have sent a letter dated 12.11.15 to NHRC  seeking immediate disposal of the  said  case and provide justice to Sri Rao who is fighting for justice  since his  joining  as Ombudsman  from Nov. 13. It shows that how  the District Administration of Ganjam is creating all sorts of problem and harassing him a lot and pressuring him tol leave the post.


What is Ombudsman?

 Ombudsman is an Institution formed  under section 27  of MGNREGA  consisting of one or  up to  three persons  functions  as an independent  grievance  redressal body  at district level  to hear the complaints relating to implementation of NREG Act and schemes made under the Act, direct the appropriate authority for redressal, disciplinary and punitive action against erring officials  involved in corruption  ad irregularities in NREGS work and dispense justice to NREGS worker. The Tenure of Ombudsman is  two years and may be extendable upto  one year by the selection Committee headed by Chief Secretary keeping in view the performance of the Ombudsman. The sitting fee   of Ombudsman is  fixed as Rs. 1000.00  per day.


The Process of appointment of Ombudsman started in Feb 2010  after  the order of the Central Govt dated 7.9.2009. Following the guideline issued by the Central Govt.,   the State Govt.   ensured appointment of Ombudsman  in almost all districts  in 2010 -11.


Present situation of Ombudsman in the Districts

On 9.2.15, RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Department of Panchayat Raj, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about details of status of Ombudsman in Odisha.  RTI Application was forwarded to all the districts to provide the information. In the meanwhile, only 10 districts have provided the information.  These districts are Baragarh, Bolangir, Rayagada, Dhenkanal, Kondhamal, Malkangiri, Kalahandi,  Jajpur, Khorda,  Puri.


Details of Response of the PIOs of DRDAs of the different districts  is  as follows-


·   The post of Ombudsman is lying vacant in all the districts since 2013.

·   The Collector, Baragarh has sent a letter to the Dept. of Panchayat Raj recommending 3 names since August, 2014. But no step has been taken by the Govt. to appoint Ombudsman.

·   On 30.6.14, the District Collector of Bolangir had recommended three names to the State Govt.   for appointment  in  the post of Ombudsman.  But no appointment has been made so far.

·   On 15.7.14, District Collector, Rayagada had   recommended two names for appointment of Ombudsman to the Govt. But no appointment has been made in the district.

·   On 16.8.13, the Collector of Dhenkanal district had sent the name of three persons recommending for appointment in the post of Ombudsman. But the post of the Ombudsman is lying vacant in the district.

·   No appointment has been made in the post of Ombudsman, Kondhamal.

·   The post of Ombudsman In Malkangiri  is still vacant  since  29.9.2013.

·   Since 2014, there is no appointment in the post of Ombudsman in Kalahandi district.

·   The post of Ombudsman in Jajpur district and Puri district is lying vacant since 2013.

·   On 28.6.14, the Project Director, DRDA, Khorda has sent only one name Bhabagrahi Mohapatra   to the State Govt. for appointment in the post of Ombudsman. But till yet no appointment has been made.

·   There is no Ombudsman in Puri district.


Critical Comments

·     The system of Ombudsman is defunct across the state. The Grievances with regard to implementation of NREGA is neither addressed nor  are the NREGA workers  provided their wage payments  within stipulated time period.

·     In the absence of effective grievance redressal mechanism, the huge corruption, irregularities, denial of wages to the workers are noticed throughout the state.

·     Wherever, Ombudsman has been appointed, they are not provided accommodation, office, supporting staff by the administration.  They are also seen being denied their remuneration. The plight of   Ombudsman of Ganjam as mentioned above   is the classic example.

·     This is the conspiracy of the BJD Govt.  to  destroy all forms of  independent  grievance redressal mechanism  in the state  and to let  the corruption  go on.

·     The system of Ombudsman needs  to be restored  at any cost bestowing all the powers  to this Institutions  to function  independently  to provide justice  to  the MGREGA Workers in the State.    

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-13.11.15


 53.  Rs.45 Crores spent for E-policing in Odisha

 With much fanfare,  the  Chief Minister of Odisha  inaugurated E-policing in Odisha in October 2015 declaring  that hence the people  will  find opportunity to file  complaint/FIR  on-line to get their cases registered  in police station.  RTI Application was submitted to the Department of Home, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about details of decision taken with regard to E-policing in Odisha including copy of the file noting, total fund sanctioned and expenditure made, the name of the agency given the responsibility for developing portal et.  The PIO, office of Ofisha Police State Crime Records Bureau, Bhubaneswar supplied the information on 17.12.15 which is as follows.


A.     No file noting on decision taken about E-policing in Odisha is available  in this office as Crime and criminal Tracking Network & System (CCTNS) project is a Central Government sponsored Mission Mode Project under the National E-Governance Plan which aims to fully modernise  the police organisation in the country. CCTNS aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of policing through adopting of principle of e-governance and creating of a nationwide networking infrastructure for evolution of IT enabled state-of-art tracking system around “investigation of crime and detection of criminal”. Though this project, the police will maintain all its crime and criminal date in online system. The CCTNS is an effort to modernise the police force giving priority to information gathering and its dissemination through police organisations and units across the country. CCTNS would bring a paradigm change in the way investigation of cases is monitored. 

B.     The State Crime Records Bureau (SCRB), Odisha  Bhubaneswar has been designated  as the Nodal-cum-implementation agency in Odisha. A multi-tier governance structure  has been put in place at state level to ensure  appropriate direction  and monitoring at all levels. CCTNS will cover 579 police stations, 166 Higher Police offices, office of Commissionerate police, Crime Branch, EOW, STF, State Intelligence Organisations, State Police Organisations, State police headquarters of Odisha. Necessary hardware and software are being provided at these locations  & State Data centre  has been established at Odisha Computer Application Centre   ( OCAC) to host  the CCTNS application. All these locations are connected by providing appropriate BSNL connectivity for data transfer and sharing of information among various stake-holders. Digitalisation of case records and other records of the police stations  for the last 10 years is in progress.  

C.      Total amount of  Rs.49,76,15,000.00  fund  has been approved  for Odisha CCTNS project by the Central Government  out of which  the Central Govt. has sanctioned  Rs. 35,36,36,000.00  and  state Govt. has allocated  Rs. 10,08,21,091.00.

D.     Rs. 30,29,59,028.00  from Central fund allotment  has been made expenditure for the project work  including developing portal  for the same  under CCTNS project by the State Govt.  Rs. 10,08,21,091.00  from State Fund allotment  has been made  expenditure for the project work towards other critical components  under CCTNS project.  

E.      M/S NIIT Technologies Private Limited  as system integrator (SI)  has been given responsibility for implementation of CCTNS project through the bid process  vide the contract signed  on 12.7.2012 with a value of Rs.42,71,00,000.00  for a period of 48 months for the work.

F.      M/S Deloitte Touch Tohmatsu India Private Limited  being empanelled stakeholder  as selected  by the Ministry of Home Affairs  (MHA)  to act as State Project Management Unit (SPMU)  of the CCTNS  project, Odisha vide contract signed on 6.10.12. with a value of Rs. 3,63,38,980.00 for a period of 36 months.

G.     Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited ( BSNL), India being signed Memorandum of Agreement ( MOA)  by the Ministry of Home Affairs ( MHA) . BSNL, Odisha circle , Bhubaneswar has been give the responsibility  of connectivity ( broadband)  vide the service level agreement  signed on 2.1.2012  for CCTNS project with a value of Rs. 4,40,98,604.00 for 48 months for the said work.

H.     Details of State Govt. fund allocation and expenditure  as on 30.10.15  



Allotment (in Rs.)

Expenditure made (in Rs.)

Balance ( in Rs.)

All surrendered

Table & Chair




MS office License




Data Digitization




Higher office












Cisco Switch








Solar power









I.                 Details of Central fund allocation and expenditure  as on 30.10.15









CB (Training)












Interest earned


18,59,439 ( for audit, SPMU, SMS-NIC_










Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482,Date- 24.12.15


54. Relocation and Rehabilitation of Khadia Tribes in Asankudar village was made with consent of Tribals, says District Administration of Mayurbhanj,Odisha  


 RTI Application  was submitted to the PIO, office of  the Field  Director, Similipal Tiger Reserve-cum- Regional Chief Conservator of Forests, Baripada, Mayurbhanj  seeking  information about details of  decision taken by the administration for relocation of Khadia Tribe from Similipal Reserve area  and rehabilitating  them   at Asankudar under Thakurmuda  village  of Mayurbhanj district, total fund spent for it.  The details of the information provided by  the PIO dated 4.12.15 received on 12.12.15 is as follows.


On 30.3.13,  the villagers  of Upper Barakamura  sent a letter   to  the Field  Director, Similipal Tiger Reserve-cum- Regional Chief Conservator of Forests, Baripada, Mayurbhanj   appraising him about  the problem, deprivation  of their children to get education, denial  of health services etc. with request to to reloate  them  from Similipal  and rehabilitate  in Ranibhola  village of Hatigoda Gram Panchayat  under Thakurmunda Block.


On 13.4.13,   the tribals of Bahaghar village made a similar type of request to Field Director, Similipal Tiger Reserve to relocate ad rehabilitate  them in Ranibhola  village of Hatigoda Gram Panchayat  under Thakurmunda Block.


Then, Palli Sabha was conducted  on 14.11.13 where the  villagers gave their consent to be relocated  to the site selected by  them in Asankudar  village  and all the villagers opted  to avail  option-1 package  as per N.T.C.A., New Delhi  guideline.


On 18.11.13, the Joint Family Survey  was conducted by Revenue and Forest officials  where  22 families  of Upper Barakamura  and 10 families  of Bahaghar Settlements were identified.


On 22.11.13,  the matter was discussed  in Project  Level Rehabilitation  and Resettlement Committee  meeting . The process of their relocation  started  in coordination with  District Administration.   


Total fund received  and utilised  for relocation and rehabilitation  of core area  villages  of Similipal Tiger Reserve  under State Plan, Central Plan  and CAMPA from 1977-78 to 2014-15  as follows

( in Rs.)

Head of service

Total fund received

Utilised by Collector

Utilised  by FDSTR

Grand Total

Balance fund available  with Collector, MBJ







State Plan






CAMPA(W.L) 2014-15 A.P.O.






Grand Total






Funds provided by DRDA, Baripada






Funds provided by DRDA, Baripada







7. Rs. 10,00,000/- paid  to each family  of Upper Barakamura and Bahaghar  village  of Similipal  Tiger Reserve  under Option 1 of N.T.A. Guideline.

8. For relocation of  32  families  of Upper  Barakamura  and  Bahaghar settlement  villages , Collector, Mayurbhanj  has paid  Rs. 3,20,00000.00  @ Rs. 10.00 lakh  to each family   as  package amount  out of the amount deposited  by the Similipal  Tiger Reserve  Authority  with the Collector, Mayurbhanj

9. Besides that the District Administration  provided the following  items  to the relocation and rehabilitation  of tribals in Asankudar.

a.  10 decimal homestead land provided to each family.

b. One house to each family allotted under Mo Kudia Scheme.

c. Free food grains provided to each family.

d. Health and Aganwadi facilities provided at Asankudar

e. Two no. Tube well s have been dug out at Asankudar

f. Electricity connections provided to each household

g. One NGO namely Indian Grameen Service have been engaged for hand holding support  for enhancement  of their livelihood option.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 31.12.15


55. Farmers’ Suicide in Odisha 


In view  of  coverage  of  Farmers’ Suicide  in  different part of Odisha  by Mass Media, many Civil Society Organisations, Political parties  have expressed  their  concern  and  reacted strongly  in form  of   public protest,  condemning  the  inefficiency  of the  Govt.  by organising press meet, holding public hearing,  making person visits to  the affected  families  to ascertain fact, raising  the issues relating  to agriculture, irrigation,  private money lending, exploitation by  Non-Banking Finance Institutions  etc.  It has been given due coverage in  print media.  The said information has been compiled and presented for  reference  of the readers.      

Details of issues relating to farmer’s suicide, Reaction  and  Comments given by State Government, Political Parties, Civil Society Groups in  Print and Electronic Media.






Farmers Suicide: How far true or false?

Sambada conducted a fact-finding on suicide of Sanatana Mirza of Dhenkanal and found that crop-damage and poor-financial condition are the reason for suicide.


None of the farmers committed suicide due to crop-damage or Loan

Shri Bijayashree Routray, Revenue Minister in Assmbly in the question hour session gave the statement that no farmer has committed suicide under the burden of crop-damage or loan on 2-12-2015.


A storm raised regarding farmer’s suicide where opposition leader Narasingha Mishra has accused the Government of provoking farmer’s to commit suicide and now the Government is scared to face the reality.

Damodara Rout, Minister, Co-operative Department on behalf of Government stated that Farmer’s are being provided various facilities like Agriculture Loan, Irrigation, Electrification for the purpose of irrigation but Narasingha Mishra blamed the Government that due to bogus promises of Government, the farmer’s are committing suicide.


Extension of Loan-repayment period to 5years for the drought-affected farmers

“NITIDINA” News-paper had reported that Government of Odisha has extended Loan-Repayment tenure from 2years to 5years particularly for the farmers of drought-affected region issuing order through letter to Co-operative Banks and other Bankers.


Bijaya Mohapatra, a Member of BJP’s National Executive Committee has accused Government of doing Farmer’s convention on the corpses of farmers.

A report published in “NEETIDINA” reflected the anguish of Bijaya Mohapatra who felt shocked and shattered that when maximum farmer’s suicide happened in Bargarh district so what was the intention of Government to organize a farmer’s convention on the grandeur of election-campaign.


Pradip Pradhan, State Convenor, Right to Food Campaign,Odisha urged the Government to accept the plain truth regarding farmer’s suicide.

In an Article published in a leading News-Paper, Pradip Pradhan had slammed the report of Sarat Chandra Panda, Sub-Collector, Bolangir and Patanagarh, Collectors of other Districts and Tahasildaras  in which they stated that other reasons not crop-damage and burden of loan effected farmer’s suicide.



Prabhasa Mishra, a Social Activist has written an Article, “Farmers’ Suicide: the dodged questions”.

In a thread-bare article published in “Samaj”, Prabhasa Mishra had presented a clear-cut picture of status of Agriculture in Odisha and attributed reasons like Farmer’s problem and weak Government Policy measures were the root-cause of Farmer’s suicide.



In an article published in ‘SAMBAD’, Mahameghabahana Airya Kharabela Swain had suggested various measures to save farmers from the trappings of farmers’ suicide.

In an Article published in ‘SAMBAD’, Kharabela Swain had suggested some proposals stemmed from his experience and he blamed the policy lacunae of both Central Government and State Government the prime-reasons of farmer’s suicide.



“Farmer’s Suicide vis-à-vis Government Convention”, A Article of Saroj published in “SAMBAD”.

In an Article published in “SAMBAD”, Saroj had criticized the BJD Government for organizing a grand convention incurring expenditure of Rs10crore from state-exchequer is nothing but a smoke-screen to divert the real-issue of farmer’s suicide.



“34% of electricity is mis-utilized, Only 1.44% Electricity is reserved for Agriculture and Irrigation and  1.53% Electricity reserved for Drinking Water” as stated by Pranab Prakash Das, the Energy Minister.

In a reply to question asked by Dillip Ray, Pranab Prakash Das, Energy Minister had replied that only 1.44% of Electricity is consumed for Agriculture sector. The rest of electricity is supplied to Companies and other sector.



Govt. of Odisha has demanded a package of 1,687 as drought compensation for Odisha from Central Government.

The Government of Odisha has sent the current Drought-Severity Report to Central Government demanding Rs1,687crore as drought-compensation.



Congress Party,Odisha had released a White-Paper on “Farmer’s Suicide” putting the blame on Govt. of Odisha for farmer’s suicide to which Government replied that “Damaged Crops and burden of Loan” were not the reasons behind farmer’s suicide.

Congress Party had put a White-Paper on distress drought condition of Odisha shifting the entire blame on Government of Odisha. Government of Odisha had retorted the allegation leveled were absurd and baseless. Congress party had slammed the double-standard of Govt. of Odisha stating that in one hand Government was stating that “Loss of Crop” and “Loan-Burden” weren’t the reason for farmer’s suicide but on the other hand, the Government was soliciting a drought-compensation of Rs1,687crore which was nothing but a covert attempt of Government to hide the truth.


(Times of India)

The Government of Odisha moves centre seeking a Drought-Package of Rs1,700crore.

The Govt. Of Odisha through a submission of Memorandum had solicited a Drought-package of Rs1700crore but an interesting paradox was the Government had mentioned that Farmer’s had not died due to “Loss of Crops” in the report in the same-breath.



Government had turned a blind-eye to the plight of  farmers despite admitting the impact of drought-severity.

Pradeep Mohapatra, Special Relief Commissioner of Govt. Of Odisha had admitted the Drought-Severity in Odisha but stated that it couldn’t be linked to Farmer’s suicide as the reports of Collectors of various districts indicated that farmer’s had not committed suicide due to “Loss of Crops”.



Again three numbers of farmers died.

A fact-finding study conducted by Journalists in Pahadashreegida village of Atabira block Baragarh district, Jujumara block of Sambalpur District and Kesinga block of Kalahandi district had revealed that Ujagara Gumura of Pahadashreegida village of Atabira block, Sanatana Mirdha of Jujumara block, Sambalpur and Uanshu Meher of Kesinga block, Kalahandi had committed suicide.



The death-toll of Farmers is on rise

A team comprising leaders of B.J.P had visited drought-affected area of Odisha and blamed the Government on issue of Farmer’s suicide based upon the data-collected.



“Again death of three farmers” is the data collected by Journalists.

A fact-finding conducted by Journalists had reported that during 13-11-2015 to 14-11-2015 within a span of 24hours, 3 numbers of Farmers had committed suicide.



“A warning to Government not to throw water on Farmer’s agitation”-Paschima Odisha Farmer’s Protection Coordination Committee.

An Agitation March was organized by Paschima Odisha Krushaka Surakhya Samanaya Samiti in Baragarh dated on 9-11-2015 where Government was warned not to spoil the spirit of Farmer’s agitation march.



Naveen Pattnaik is terribly annoyed and told Pramila Mallick to beg apology otherwise there wouldn’t be any mercy on her.

Naveen Pattnaik, CM of Odisha was vividly angry and upset over the statement of Pramila Mallick who told that, “incidents of Farmer’s committing suicide due to crop-loss are false and fabricated and instead they should be given immortal Sweets to conquer over death-fear.” An inside report stated that Naveen Pattnaik was so flabbergasted that he ordered Pramila Mallick to beg apology to farmer’s for her irresponsible statement otherwise there would be no apology from Government for Pramilla Mallick.  



Grant of Loan particularly for drought-affected Farmers in Kharif Season as ordered by Secretary, Agriculture to Managing Director of Bank.

Manoj Ahuja, Secretary, Agriculture, Government of Odisha had ordered Bank-Managing Directors to provide loans for Rabi-season to exclusively for those Farmers who had been affected by severity of drought.


(Times of India)

Opposition Parties like BJP and Congress are afraid that BJD’s Farmer’s Rally may back-fire.

The Farmer’s Convention supposed to be organized on 19-11-2015 at Sohela of Baragarh is believed to be morally-weak and opposition parties like BJP and Congress apprehend that the move by BJD in sheer-desperation to show the solid backing of Farmers behind it may backfire due to simmering discontent of Farmers for BJD Government.



Prameya had reported that two numbers of Farmers had died in Jharigaon.

As reported by PRAMEYA, two numbers of farmers had committed suicide in Umarakota area.


(Times of India)

3 more debt-ridden farmers end-lives, toll now over 100 as stated by Women Congress,Odisha

Launching a stiff protest against the “Immortal Sweet” comment of Pramilla Mallick, the Women Congress of Odisha had burnt the effigy of Pramila Malllick and simultaneously ridiculed B.J.D invoking it to launch a “Immortal Sweet” scheme.



Fed her immortal sweet, then burnt the effigy.

“Odisha Civil Society Forum” had protested “Immortal Sweet” comment of Pramila Mallick tooth and nail and burnt her effigy at Gandhi Marg after feeding her “Immortal Sweet”.



The report of Government reflected that 16,000 villages in Odisha are drought-affected.

21 Districts, 139 blocks and 16,000 villages of Odisha had been drought-affected as reported by Govt. of Odisha.



Another farmer lost live and attempt made to hijack the incident to which Congress-Party had protested before Police-Station.

In Puruna Pani village of Khristimaguda belonging to Nandahandi block of Nabarangpur, Labanya Jani had committed suicide reacting to which Congress-Party had conducted a Road-blockade and protested before Police-Station.



M.P creates trouble for BJD-The statement of Prasana Pattasani.

The Farmer’s convention at Sohela organized by BJD had been criticized by it’s own M.P, Prasanna Pattasani for which the party had condemned the statement of Prasanna Pattasani.



Another two number of Farmers had committed suicide.

Due to current acute drought-situation, SAMBADA had reported that 2number of Farmers in Sambalapur and Nabarangpur districts had committed suicide.



Civil Society Organization had burnt the Effigy.

The Effigy of Pramila Mallick had been burnt by Civil Society Organization who sarcastically commented that Farmers should be fed “Immortal Ladhu” making a mockery of Farmer’s suicide incidents.



Minister had to face untoward situation as members of “Naba-Nirmana Krushaka Sangathana” slept before the Car of the Minister.

Pradeep Maharathi, Minister of Agriculture was supposed to grace “Ghadimula Child-Festival” in Jagatsinghpur but he he was stalked in the way by members of “Nabanirmana Krushaka Sangathan” who slept in front of his Car as a Mark of Protest implying the role of Minister in Farmer’s suicide episode was pivotal.



The air is thick with the allegation that Farmers had committed suicide under the burden of Loan.

Due to acute Drought resulting in “Loss of Crop” and “burden of Loan-repayment” had forced Jigarana Bangali, the farmer to commit suicide by drinking poison in Khadianga Panchayat of Pattamundai block of Kendrapara.



The Women-Farmer who committed suicide.

Rebati Majhi, a Woman Farmer in Kusumkhunta village of Borenga G.P of Boden Block, Nuapada had committed suicide.


(Times of India)

“BJD to highlight the Sops offered by it to Farmers at Sohela Rally”-Surya Narayan Patra, Vice-President, BJD.

Naveen Pattnaik had organized a Farmer’s convention at Sohela, Baragarh to save his face from the slur of Farmer’s suicide so that Party’s credential as Pro-farmer Government would be fortified.



Naveen Pattnaik, Chief Minister, Odisha had ordered stern action against Money-Lenders.

The recent spate of Farmer’s suicide incidents had forced Naveen Pattnaik to wake-up from his slumber ordering the Collectors to provide relief to farmer’s in drought-affected areas and initiate stern action against Money-Lenders who were providing loan to Farmer’s at exorbitant rate of interest.



“The sweet of Arrogance”-Soumya Ranjan Pattnaik.

Soumya Ranjan Pattnaik of SAMBAD had termed the “Immortal Ladhu” comment of Pramilla Mallick as the “Height of Arrogance” by writing in detail in an Article published in “SAMBADA” Newspaper. Launching a scathing attack on Government in his Article Soumya Ranjan Pattnaik had accused the Government of beating about the bushes to hide it’s own weakness though Government was fully aware of the fact that Farmer’s had committed suicide owing to the fact “Loss of Crop” and “Burden of Loan-repayment.”



Effigy of Pramila Mallick was burnt and Civil Society conducted a protest March seeking eviction of Pramila Mallick from the Party.

Taking a strong exception to the comment of Pramila Mallick, The M.L.A, BJD, the Civil Society Organization of Odisha had burnt the effigy of Pramilla Mallick as a mark of stiff protest.



Civil Society Body protests “Immortal Ladhu” comment.

Civil Society Organization of Odisha had condemned the “Immortal Ladoo” statement of Pramilla Mallick demanding her eviction along with eviction of Pradeep Maharathi, Agriculture, Minister from the Party.



On issue of “Immortal Ladoo”, the effigy of Pramila Mallick was burnt.

Civil Society Organization of Odisha had condemned the “Immortal Ladoo” statement of Pramilla Mallick demanding her eviction along with eviction of Pradeep Maharathi, Agriculture, Minister from the Party



Agriculture Minister was denied access to Agriculture Convention.

On 19-11-2015, a Farmer’s convention had been organized in Sohela of Bargarh where Pradeep Maharathi, Agriculture Minister, Damodara Rout, Co-operation Minister, Bijayashree Routray, Revenue Minister and Nagendra Pradhan, MP, Sambalpur had been denied permission to attend the Convention from the office of the Chief Minister because they partly admitted the onus of responsibility of Government in Farmer’s suicide cases.



Controversial Statements of Ministers put Government in dock.

A host of Ministers of BJD Government had made controversial statement relating to Farmer’s suicide for which matter spiraled down bad to worse for BJD Government for which Chief Minister had expressed displeasure over these Ministers.


17.12.15 ( TOI)

Widows real victims of Farmers’ Suicide

Cover Story made  by Times of India  about  sorrows and sufferings of the widows whose husband –farmers committed suicide due to crop loss and loan burden. Three widows  i.e, Osmati Kaudia of Kundra Block of Koraput district, Koushalya Ada of Boden Block of Nuapara district  and Sukeshi Nayak of Sukruli Block of  Mayurbhanj district  presented  their  agonies  in a Public Hearing  on Farmers suicide organised  by Civil society Groups in Bhubaneswar  on 13.12.15

25.12.15 ( Sambad)

Farmers’ Narrative

This is  an article written by Das Benuhur, famous Columnist  who has made very in depth analysis from various perspective  how  the farmers condition is terrible  and the  callousness of the administration  to understand the  precarious condition of  agriculture  in the state.


Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 11.1.16


56. Outstanding Judgement of Child Welfare Committee, Khurda of Odisha to ensure and enforce protection of Children- A  Big Slap  on the Face of Odisha Child Rights Commission


 On 13.2.16, while disposing a Complaint Case No. 279/2016  filed by Pradip Pradhan, Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan vs  Principal  of Bhubaneswar Model Public School @ Takshila School, N5/A, 1698, IRC Village, Bhubanneswar-15,  District Child Welfare Committee, Khurda ( A Bench of Judicial Magistrate  ( First Class)  had  issued order to so many authorities  i.e, the Principal of the School, District Education Officer, Khurda, Director,  CBSE, New Delhi, District Child Protection Officer, Khurda, Secretary, Department of School  and Mass Education, Govt. of Odisha,   to take immediate measures  to  get the two Children  Suchismita Nayak  and Srikant Auropratik restored back to  Class-IX in the School and initiate legal action against the authority of the School as per section 17(1) of Right to Education Act and the school authority to be  liable for  punishment  u/s 17 (2) of the Act and  section 23  of  Juvenile  Justice ( Care and Protection of Children ) Act 2000. CBSE, New Delhi  has also been directed to allow Srikant Auropratik  of the School to  register for HSC examination  in 2016-17 academic year.   


This Complaint Case  was  filed in CWC, Khurda in the backdrop of failure of Odisha Child Rights Commission to ensure justice to    Srikant Auropratik, student of Class-IX  who was tortured, physically harassed and  forcibly driven out  by the Principal of Bhubaneswar Model School.  On 3.11.15, the Parents approached the Odisha Child Rights Commission by filling complaints levelling details of allegation, mental torture, and harassment caused to their son and seeking quick justice for their child. Ms. Rajalaxmi Das, Member, OSCPCR   registered the case (Case No.-810/15 )  on 4.11.15, initiated the enquiry and  conducted hearing  twice and remained silence for  unknown period  without giving any final decision.  Even the Commission did not provide the proceedings of the hearing  making it as complete farce.   Being pretty aware  about  unholy alliance  between  Child Rights Commission and   the School Authority and the Commission working under the influence of vested groups, Sri Pradip Pradhan filed the case in Child Welfare Committee, Khurda on 9.1.2016  with prayer for immediate relief to the Children.


The Child Welfare Committee, Khurda  has observed that  both the Children Srikant and Suchismita are the victims of  the wilful mental violence of the school authority  and are compelled  to be out of the school. The School Authority  has wilfully neglected  both the children which caused these children  unnecessary mental suffering  and caused Srikant physically suffering.


We are still waiting  the order of Odisha Child Rights Commission  which claims a competent  authority  to provide protection to the Children. The process has been initiated to monitor the functioning  of Odisha Child Rights Commission through RTI which will be exposed very soon.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-14.2.16


57. Odisha Child Rights Commission- A proven Trojan Horse


Srikant Auropratik, son of Prakash Ch. Nayak  and Mrs. Amita Subhada ( M-8763790311) , a Class-9 student  was physically tortured, humiliated  and mentally harassed ( scolding and misbehaving) by the authority of  Takshashila Model School, IRC Village, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar   and suddenly dropped  to  Class-VIII in the middle of the year  on the ground of bad performance. When the parents asked for Progress Report    of the child,  the authority of the school  continued to ignore their request  till yet. The parents were also threatened to take back to other schools without citing any ground. Though the parents  appraised  the authority  that “no school was ready to take student in mid-session as CBSE registration has completed”, the authority remained adamant  and asked  the parents to take the children back.  Ultimately,  Srikant  Auropratik  was humiliated and suffered from mental depression   and forced to leave the school on 29.10.15.


Then, on 2nd Nov.15, the parents filed the petition before Secretary, School & Mass Education, Govt. of Odisha  on Grievance day and explained the harassment and handed over the petitions and the documents. The Secretary immediately issued order to Director, secondary Education and Director, Elementary Education for necessary action so that child is not dropped out.  But astonishingly, after one month, the Director, Elementary Education ordered enquiry into the matter and directed DEO, Khurda and BEO, Bhubaneswar to look into the matter and report back within 7 days. (GRC Application No: 269/2850/15, DEO. Khurda letter No: 21125 dated 4th December, 2015).  On 13.1.16, the Assistant Block Education Officer introducing him as Inquiry Officer made  a call  to the parents  and sought the information.  Though three months passed, no step has been taken by the administration to get the child admitted in the school. 


 Then, on 3.11.15, the Parents approached the Odisha Child Rights Commission by filling complaints levelling details of allegation, mental torture, harassment caused to their son    and seeking quick justice for their child. Ms. Rajalaxmi Das, Member, OSCPCR   registered  the case ( Case No.-810/15 )  on 4.11.15 and initiated the enquiry.  The details of enquiry is  as follows.


On 12.11.15, the  Commission  heard   from the Child  and father ,but  did not  allow the Mother  to be heard, though she was involved  in the case  and victim  of the rough behaviour of the authority of the school.


After around one month on 10.12.15, the two-member Commission heard the case inviting both the parties. Interestingly, the Commission did not allow the representative of the petitioner to plead their case, in spite of several requests.


On 16.12.15, the Commission again issued notice for hearing of the case.  The petitioners approached the Commission to allow their representative to plead the case. While the Commission turned down the request of the petitioner, but allowed the representative of the School Authority.   The Case was heard and nothing happened.


The Commission verbally told the parents that the case to be heard on 28th Dec.15. But the hearing was abruptly postponed and no communication was made to the petitioner.  Till yet,  the Commission  has neither issued any interim order nor  any final decision  of the case. The parents are still waiting to get justice.  Though the parents requested the Commission to give them the proceedings of the hearing, it was denied to them. The Commission is hanging the case  without giving any final decision.  It is proved that  the  members of  the Child Rights Commission  are acting  as agent of Private Schools at the cost of the interest of the child.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 14.2.16


58. Total 30,000 Acres of Land of Jagannath Temple under Encroachment in Odisha

 As on 31.3.15, RTI Application was submitted to the Jagannath Temple Administration seeking information  about total acres of land belonging to Jagannath Temple and land under encroachment  in different districts.  The information supplied by the PIO is as follows.


Position of Record of Rights (R.O.R)  in the name of Shree Jagannath Temple , Puri  as on 31.3.15



Total land detected ( In Acres)

Total R.O.R. received

Balance to be received ( In Acre)















































Jagatsingh Pur











































































Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-4.3.16


59. Fiduciary Relationship under RTI Act  


One of the reasons for declining information is fiduciary relationship.

Section 8(1)(e) of RTI Act 2005 reads as under: Notwithstanding anything  contained  in this Act, there shall be no obligation  to give any citizen,- 

“Information available to a person in his fiduciary relationship, unless the competent authority is satisfied that the larger public interest warrants disclosure of such information”

Black’s Law Dictionary describes a fiduciary relationship as “one founded on trust or confidence reposed by one person in the integrity and fidelity of another.”

To qualify for information as held under fiduciary relationship, it should have following ingredients:

1. Information should have been given to public authority voluntarily by the giver of information. Giver must have choice whether to give or not and to whom it should be given.

2. Information should not have been given to public authority under compulsion or compliance of any law or rule.

3. Information should have been given to public authority for using it for the benefit of its giver.

4. Information should have been given in utmost trust, confidence and faith by giver in the receiving public authority.

Some of the examples of fiduciary relationship are:

Litigant-lawyer, patient-doctor, investor-financial advisor, client-bank, beneficiary-trustee, ward-guardian, attorney-principal, director-shareholder parent-child, insured-insurer etc

Following information held by public authority of third party cannot be said to be held in fiduciary relationship if:

A. It is given to public authority under compliance of any law or rule [e.g. Income Tax Act, customs act, VAT, etc].

B.Giver has no choice but to give information to public authority.

C. Information is not given voluntarily by giver to public authority.

D. Information was not to be used for the benefit of giver by public authority.

E.  information is not given in trust, confidence and faith in public authority.

E. it is in larger public interest to disclose, even if held under fiduciary relationship.

Important CIC decisions & judgements on fiduciary relationship:

i] CIC/AT/A/2008/01238 dated 07-06-2010

ii] CIC/SM/A/2010/001634/SG/14617 dated 15-09-2011

iii] CIC/SM/A/2011/001376/SG/15684 dated 15-11-2011

iv] Judgement dated 30-08-2010 of High Court of Kerala at Ernakulam in


v] Judgement of Full Bench of High Court of Delhi, in Secretary General Supreme Court of India V Subhash Chandra Agarwal, L.P.A. No. 501/2009.

The above material can be used in first or second appeal.

Compiled by: J P Shah, 9924106490 on 07-08-2012

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-5.3.16


60. CSR Fund earmarked and utilized by NALCO in Odisha


 RTI Application  dated 26.12.15 was submitted to NALCO, Corporate Office, Bhubaneswar seeking information about details of fund earmarked  under CSR ( Corporate Social Responsibility) from 2009-10 to 2015-16 , funds given to different organizations for advertisement, details of fund spent  by NALCO for press meet etc.  The information provided  by the PIO  on 15.2.16 is as follows.



Total fund earmarked  under CSR  by NALCO from 2009-10 to 2015-16

Financial Year

Total fund earmarked  under CSR  by NALCO ( In Lakhs) 
















Details of fund  given  to different organizations  for advertisement  by NALCO


No. of Organisations

Amount provided under Complementary advts



Rs. 62,64,972.00



Rs. 1,02,37,225.00



Rs.1, 08, 86,844.00



Rs. 1,47,46,065.00



Rs. 2,16,30,922.00



Rs. 2,34,59,208.00




Details of fund spent  towards press meet organized  by NALCO  with location of press meet


Amount allotted  for Press Meet





















Rs. 5,50,000.00



Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482 , Date-5.3.16


61. Allotment of land to Educational Institutions by G.A. Department in Bhubaneswar, Capital City of Odisha


While replying the  Unstarred Question ( U.D.936) raised by Sri Krustan Chandra Sagaria, MLA, Koraput,  Sri Nabin Patnaik, Chief Minister, Odisha has provided the following information in Assembly on 21.3.2016 about details of land allotted to  Private Schools in Bhubaneswar.


Name of the School

Area allotted

 ( In Ac.)


Premium charged


Convent Shool


Bhoi Nagar

Free of premium


D.A.V. School



Free of premium


D.A.V. School



Free of Premium


D.A.V. School



Free of Premium


D.A.V. School



Rs. 25,00,000.00


Sri Aurobindo Sanskrutik Sansad for School


Baramunda and Jagamara

Free of Premium


Lion Club for English Medium School


BJB Nagar

Free of Premium


Kindergarten Nursery School


Bapuji Nagar

Free of Premium


Ruchika Nursery School



Ganga Nagar


Free of Premium

Rs. 2,60,000.00


Children Centre of Integral Education



Bhoi Nagar


Free of Premium



Tiny Tots Eng. Medium



Kharavela Nagar

Free of premium


Society of Sister’s St. Joseph’s Annency, Bhubaneswar



Free of Premium


Loyala Education of Society


Jayadev Vihar

Free of Premium


Open Learning System



Free of Premium


Sanskrit Foundation Trust ( P) Ltd. for Model Public School


Jayadev Vihar

Free of Premium


Stewart School


Paika Nagar

Free of Premium


Happy Hours English Medium School


Sahid Nagar

Free of Premium


Mohamedian Community for Madrasa School



Free of Premium


Satyasai Seva Samiti ( Now used as Girls School)


Kharavela Nagar

Free of Premium


Guidance English Medium School



Free of Premium


Gopinath Dev High School



Free of Premium


Managing Committee, Jgarapada M.E.School



Free of Premium


Saraswati Sisu Mandir


Gopabandhu Nagar

Rs. 50,00,000.00


Vivekananda Sikhya Kendra



Rs. 12,31,462.00

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-2.4.16


62. Allotment of land to Temples and Mathas by G.A. Dept.   in Bhubaneswar, Capital of Odisha


On Assembly Question raised by Sri Krustan Chandra Sagaria, MLA, Koraput,  The Chief Minister has provided  the following information about  details of land  Allotment of land to Temples  and Mathas by G.A. Dept.   in Bhubaneswar.



Name of Religious Institutions

Area allotted ( In AC.) 


Premium paid ( In Rs.)


Arya Sanskrutik Mandir


Ashok Nagar

Free of premium


Divine Life Society


Ashok Nagar

Free of premium


Kali Bari Samiti


Ashok Nagar



Rajdhani Puja Samiti


Ashok Nagar

Free of premium


Railway Potters Trinath Temple


Ashok Nagar



Sri Ram Mandir Seva Samiti


Kharvela Nagar

Free of premium


Satyasai Seva Samiti


Kharvela Nagar

Free of premium


Sri Aurobindo Society



Free of premium


Railway Employees  Puja Committee  for Durga Puja





Arabinda Ashram



Free of premium


Sri Raghunath Jew Temple


Keshari Nagar

Free of premium


Kalpataru Seva Sangh


Bhoi Nagar

Free of premium


Mohabodhi Society


Bhoi Nagar

Free of premium


Sri Rama Charita Prasarini Samiti



Free of premium


Additional Land





Nilachal Saraswata Sangha



Free of premium


Baikuntha Bartabaha Samiti



Free of Premium


Additional Land





Gayatree Sakti Pitha



Free of premium


Prajapita Brahma Kumari Iswariya Biswa Vidyalaya





Banadurga Parihalana Samiti


Ganga Nagar

Free of premium


Abhiram Santi Ananda Ashram


Ganga Nagar

Free of premium


Ram harit Manasa Mandir


Bapuji Nagar

Free of premium


ISKCON ( Gundiha Mandir)


Gopabandhu Nagar



Siridi Saibaba Spiritual and Charitable  Trust





Sri Sri Satyakali Mandir Parichalana Committee





Sri Ananta Seva Parishad





Neelachal Saraswat Sangha, Puri-Bhubaneswar Sakha Sangha


Madhusudan Nagar


Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 3.4.16


63. RTI Victim- A Ten Year old Boy of  Kendrapara District of Odisha

 On 10.5.16, Suvam Sarathi Rout, a ten year old boy, s/o- Kalandi Rout, Vill- Bhagaban Pur, Post- Marshaghai of Kendrapara district was physically attacked by miscreants in the night around 1 o’clock, when he was asleep. The miscreants entered Kalandi’s house with target to murder the boy. They attacked the boy with weapons causing heavy head injuries. When the boy cried, the miscreants ran away in dark night. The parents could not identify anybody. The boy lost the sense due to heavy bleeding.  Immediately, the parents brought the boy to Cuttack and got him admitted in Star Hospital. After week-long treatment with expenditure of Rs. 2 lakh and finding no improvement in the condition of the patients, the  parents ensured her admission in S.C.B. Medical, Cuttack.  Suvam is in Central I.C.U. and fighting for survival.


Background of the Incident

There is huge corruption, irregularities and misappropriation of fund in every development work and in each office of the State Govt. It has become very common practice  under able leadership of Nabin Patnaik, Chief Minister, Odisha. The leaders of Ruling party and officials are openly indulged in corruption and amassing huge property worth crores of rupees. It is see that the common people could not tolerate magnitude of corruption and have started reacting against the corruption and using RTI to expose it. Sri Kalandi Nayak , a poor villager  and daily wage labourer of Marshaghai Block of Kendrapara district found  misappropriation of  around Rs. 15 lakh fund in repair of  Udayabata Upper Primary School and mismanagement of  fund for  Mid-Day-Meal by the Head Master of the School, Block Education Officer  and District Education Officer. He filed RTI application  to the PIO, office of Block Education Officer,  Marshaghai seeking  information about details of fund sanctioned, utilised  along with copy of bill and vouchures.  The whole administration got  disturbed having seen the application  and tried  to convince him to withdraw the application. When Sri Kalandi remained determined  to  pursue the application  and also  filed  first appeal petition after denial of information by the PIO, he received a lot of threats  call   of murder from different people.      He has also got the information that a coterie of powerful people including Chairman, Marshaghai Block and Officials  and Contractors  are getting organised to attack him at anytime.  The attack on his son Suvam in mid-night is the result of the conspiracy hatched by the said coterie. While taking steps to ensure admission of  his  severely injured child in hospital, he filed FIR  in Marshaghai police station ( IIC  Mobile No- 9437523699) on 12.5.16. Though more than 10 days passed, the Inspector-In-Charge  has not taken any steps to nab the  culprits. 

The parents have sought financial support for treatment of their child. I produce herewith the contact No. of  Kalandi ( 9583303401)   to contact him.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 22.5.16


64. Trend of Collection of Excise Revenue in Odisha

 RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Dept. of Excise, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about total revenue generated from the sale of foreign liquor and country liquor from 2009-10 to 2015-16. The information provided by the PIO is as follows.


Amount ( In Crore)















Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 3.6.16


65. State Govt.-Sponsored loot, exploitation of parents and gross violation of RTE Act by Private English-Medium Schools in Odisha

Right to  Information Act  is being  implemented   with mandate  that  Every  Child  of the age  of six  to  fourteen  years  shall have a right  to free  and compulsory education  in a neighbourhood school till  completion  of elementary  education.  As per section 12 (1) (c) of RTE Act, the  private  schools ( a school belonging to specified category  and an unaided  school not receiving any kind of aid  or grants  to meet its expenses  from the appropriate Government  or the local authority )    shall admit  in Class-1,  to the extent  of at least  twenty-five  percent  of the strength  of that class ,  children  belonging  to  weaker  section  and disadvantaged  group  in the neighbor-hood  and provide free  and  compulsory  elementary  education till its  completion. The  State  Govt. will reimburse  all the expenses  made for education of   this  category of  children  following per-child-expenditure  incurred  by the state  or  the  actual  amount  charged from the child , whichever is less.  But  the private  Schools  which are  already  under  obligation  to provide free education  to a specified  number of  children  on account  of it having received  any land,  building,  equipment or other facilities either free of cost or concessional rate,  shall not be entitled  for reimbursement of expenses. But since implementation of the Act, this important provision has been ignored and bypassed by the State Government. Though hundreds of complaints with regard to denial of admission of the children of disadvantaged groups by the Private schools have been filed, the State Government has not taken a single step against these schools.

Secondly,  on 31.3.2016, in response to assembly query  raised by  Sri Krustan Ch. Sagadia, MLA, Koraput  Sri Debi Prasad Mishra, Minister for  School and Mass Education, Govt. of Odisha  said that  the State Govt.  does not have power to monitor  the Private Schools which is false and misleading.  As per section 8 (f) of the RTE Act, it is the obligation of the State Govt.  to ensure  and monitor  admission, attendance  and  completion  of elementary  education by every child.  Section 12 (3) of the Act  also requires  every  school  authority  to provide information  as may be required  by the State Govt. Due to nexus  of the State Govt. and private schools,  the monitoring  of the private  schools  is not  being  exercised  by the officials.

  Thirdly, the State Govt.  has allotted  acres of land  to private schools  free of cost  or at concessional  price.  These Private  schools are  D.A.V. School ( 5 acres of land free of cost), Open learning System,  Stuart School, Loyola School ( 12 acres of land  free of cost ), Saraswati Sishu Mandir, Satya Sai Seba Samiti,  Bibekanand Shikhya Kendra etc.  As per the               RTE Act, these schools  are duty bound  to provide  free education  25 %  of the children which  has  not  been  monitored  by the State Govt. for compliance.

Fourthly,  as per section 18 of the RTE Act,  every private school shall obtain  certificate of recognition  from the State Govt.  every year, if it fulfils  norms and standards  specified  in the schedule. To carry  out this provision  of the Act, the State Govt. has issued  a notification  dated 26.12.2014 authorizing Block Education Officer  to visit  the school and produce the report  about  compliance  of the norm and standard  of RTE Act  by the said  school.  A  number of the Private  Schools  are running  in Bhubaneswar  without obtaining  certificate of recognition  from the  State Govt. Even  the State Govt. does  not accurate figure  about  number of schools  granted recognition.  As  per the  information obtained through RTI,  it  was  found that there are  total number of  93 private English-medium  schools  in Bhubaneswar. But  on Assembly  query dated 31.3.2016, Minister for S and ME  has responded that  total  no. of 75  private English-medium schools are  functioning  in Bhubaneswar.     

 When  the allegation of  denial of  admission  of the children of disadvantaged  children is raised, the management of Private school  alleges  that no one is applying  in prescribed Form.  But in reality they are not giving any such forms and  when  the forms are given, it is sold at Rs.  500/- to Rs. 1000/-  per  Form. Finding the  form very costly,  the poor parents   could not  purchase it.    On other cases,  the  authority  of Private Schools  ask for BPL card.  As  the BPL  cards were issued  in 1997, it is mostly  in the name of  grandfather of the  children.   Though  this  card  can be legally  used by the  children,  the  Private  schools  deliberately deny  to receive  the BPL card, as   holder  of the card i.e., grand father of the  child  has expired. it has already being told by High court that the children of disadvantaged group  staying within 1km of radius of school can come under  reserved category of 25% . but in Bhubaneswar,  no one is given any residential permanent address, as the plot is under the owners name So the slum people can have only permanent address of their own  village and present address of  Bhubaneswar. 

 The example  about  manipulation  of DAV school  can be cited here. For example, the school has a seat of 280.  But the school is allowing admission of only 100 student in LKG and rest of the seats  are filled  up after receiving  donations  from  rich  and interested  people  in  consecutive years .The number of students reaches 280  by the end of 10th Class.

When the parents Association  demanded for  admission of the children  of  25%  reserved category, the school authority gives very  vague  excuses that the  government is not giving money for those children .so the expenses of those children will be borne  by the parents of other students. 

 State Govt.  has circulated circulars about the CBSE  guideline and advised  to use NCERT  books.   But  the  private schools  are recommending books from different publishers and getting  good  amount of  commissions/ profit  from  these publishers.  Though complaint has been filed, CBSE  has not taken  any steps  against the Private schools due to their unholy alliance.

Managing committee of Dept. of  School  and  Mass Education  has clarified that before any fee hike there should be discussion with the parents association. But many  private schools  like DAV  School  have manipulated the  procedure  and selected their  protégée  as member of the Committee.   The parents association which  is actually fighting for welfare of the school are  not taken as member of Management Committee. 

The high court of odisha has ordered for no tuitions in schools but these schools are compelling the students by luring them of good marks for tuitions and even though   some schools are holding special classes and is taking extra fees for it which is equal to the tuition. this all is showing the path for commercialization of education. .

  Sanjukta Panigrahi, M- 9337903294,  Dt. 29.6.16


66. Performance of Dr. Sam Pitroda as Technology Advisor of Govt. of Odisha is big zero, exposed through RTI


Amidst huge propaganda and media hype, Dr. Sam Pitroda  with Cabinet Minister status was appointed as Technology Advisor  in January 2016. The State Government left no stone unturned  taking   credit  by appointing  Dr. Pitroda, a man of international repute  as Technology Advisor. As I recall, it  generated  much enthusiasm  and expectation   among  different  section of the people believing  that   his expertise  and long  experience  in the field of communication and IT  will give a lot of benefit to the state.   Out of curiosity  to know  about  his performance  and  contribution  in the field of IT  for the state  since last eight months, I had filed  two RTI Application to the Department of  Electronics and Information Technology seeking information about   details of appointment, Terms of Reference with Dr. Pitroda  and   any report/ advice  given by him to State Govt. etc. . The details of information provided by the PIO on  19.8.16 and  26.9.16  is as follows.    


1.    The Justification  given by the State Govt.  in respect  of   Dr. Pitroda’s appointment  as  Technology  Advisor is that In view of  his domain expertise and long association  in the field  of communication and IT, the State Govt.  took  this decision  as it  will be beneficial  for the state.


2. TOR  signed  with Dr. Pitroda  is as follows.

i.     He was appointed  for three years and will be extended  subsequently.

ii.    He  will advise  the Government for formulation of  the strategies and policies  to be adopted for development of IT/IES/ESDM sector in the state.

iii.  He  will  review  the progress achieved  in development of IT  sector  in the state.

iv.  Resource on advocacy  to attract  national  and foreign investment  shall be considered  by Govt. of Odisha.

v.    No salary, insurance and remuneration  shall be paid  to Sri Pitroda  during his period of  service

vi.  The expenses  towards  travel and  accommodation  for his visit  to Odisha  from New Delhi  shall be borne  by Government of Odisha

3.    On query  about  any  report  or document produced  by Dr. Pitroda,  the PIO  has  provided  just a copy of power point presentation ( 15 slide) about  his proposed programme  which was  made  in January  at the time of his appointment.  Within last 8 months, Dr. Pitroda has  not provided  any report  to the State Govt. about  his intervention or  work assigned  as per TOR. 

4.   Dr. Pitroda  has not  visited Odisha  since his joining as Technology Advisor.  That’s why he has not produced his travel Bill for reimbursement.



·     Dr. Pitroda  might be satisfied  with  cabinet minister status  and getting benefit  using   this status  without  contributing anything  for our beloved state  within 8 months.

·     It  will be advisable   on part of State Govt. to  fix remuneration and price  for him   against the work  assigned to him as per TOR. So that accountability will be fixed  and the State Govt.  can monitor  his performance.

·     If this practice continues, it  will no way  give any benefit to the IT sector of the state.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 26.9.16


67. E-Governance Project in Odisha

 On 31.5.2016, RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Dept. of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt.  of Odisha  about details of  E-governance project in Odisha and  amount spent for it.  The PIO, office of Odisha Computer Application Centre (OCAC) has supplied the following information.  OCAC is the nodal agency for implementing e-governance project. Besides that the State  Govt.  has engaged many private organisation  for e-governance project  which has not  been supplied  by the PIO. The information below is still incomplete. 

                                                                                                                                                      ( in Crores)

Name of the project

Project Activity

Total outlay

Total Exp.

Odisha State Wide Area  Network  ( OSWAN)

It is one of the core infrastructure projects under National e-Governance plan.  Under the project the State Head quarter is connected with all 30 Districts head quarters and 284 block head quarters.  The Network was operational on 25th august 2010. Video conferencing set up has been established at SHQ and all DHQ.



Common Service Centre

Under National e-Governance Plan, Govt. of Odisha has taken up Common Service Centre (CSC) scheme   for implementation in the state.  The objective of the scheme is   to set up  8558  CSC  called as Jana Seva Kendra  which will act  as  front-end  delivery points  for Govt., private and social sector service to rural  citizens of India in an integrated manner  and at affordable cost.



Odisha State  Data Centre (OSDC)

It is one of the core infrastructure projects under National e-Governance plan. M/s Wipro Ltd.  was the consultant  for the project . M/s SPANCO has implemented the project as Date Centre Operator.  M/s  E&  Y  is the third  Party Auditor  for the project



eDistrict  Pilot Project

This project is for creating workflow system for the district administration  and help in providing  efficient individual department services through Common Service Centres (CSCs)



Horizontal Connectivity  of OSWAN

The objective of the project is  to roll out  the important e-governance applications  of the Government Departments.  It was decided that 1266 nos.  Of critical  Govt. offices  will be provided  OSWAN connectivity  as Horizontal offices.  The project started  in the year 2012 



Students Academic Management System  ( SAMS) 

This is a project of Higher education Dept.  which is implemented  under OCAC.  The objective of the project is to  automate  the admission  ( e-admission)  and administration ( e-administration)  process of college.  



e-Municipality  Project

 Odisha e-Municipality  Project is a centralised, integrated  application.  This project is implemented  for 44 ULBs  in the first phase out of 110 ULBs.  The solution is developed   and managed by  Tata Consultancy services  from State Data Centre  and support located at OCAC.



Odisha Secretariat  Workflow  Automation  System ( OWSAM)

OWSAM,  a solution  to automate  all the functions  ad working procedure  of secretariat  and provide  an effective  method  of storing, maintaining  and retrieving  the huge  volumes  of data that is generated  by integrating  workflow, knowledge, security  management through core, central  and departmental  applications.



Child Trafficking System  ( CTS)


The project aimed  to  each  children  between 0-14 years  with name, guardian name,  date of birth,  sex, religion,  category, school  where   they are studying. If  out of school, reason of out of school, mother tongue,  children with special needs if any etc. 



CTS-Validation and Up gradation -2008

CTS was initiated  to validate and update  the database created through  ICR Scanning  in 2005-06. It was funded OPEPA.




Application software developed under epragati Project  started during 2006-07. It was funded by W&CD Dept.

During 2007-08










This project started  in 2008  to automate  the dispatch  system  of all Government  letters  to various  offices and to  the citizens . Project started during 2005-06. The e-dispatch implementation cost was Re 5,75,000 for each Department/ Undertaking/PSU.

Sanjog Helpline

In order to provide prompt Grievance Redressal service relating to its different citizen centric schemes, Govt. has implemented Sanjog Helpline.  The project was started in August 2008.  The budget provision of Rs. 31, 86,168.00 was made by Odisha Government.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 30.7.16


68. Citizen Monitoring Report on “One Year Performance of Odisha Information Commission” from June 2015 to May 2016


·        Due to lack of knowledge, expertise and experience and sheer inefficiency, Odisha Information commissioners have miserably failed to give justice to the citizens.

·        Mrs. Sashi Prava Bindhani has devoted just 10 days for hearing in a month.

·        Disposal rate is very dismal leading to frustration among information seekers.

·        The contents of their decisions suffer from grammatical errors along with carrying no meaning at all.

·        Both the Information Commissioners dispose each just 2 cases   per month.

·        Both the Information Commissioners  draw salary of 2 lakhs  per month which is a great loss to state exchequer.


As per section 18, 19, 20 of RTI Act, the Information Commission is empowered  is empowered  to  hear and dispose  Second Appeal petitions and Complaint  Cases, ensure availability of information  to appellants/ complainants, impose penalty on defaulting PIOs and award compensation  to aggrieved  Information Seekers.  Besides that  the  Information  Commission  is required  to publish Annual Report for every year,  recommendation for reform to Public Authority, if any required for development, improvement,  modernisation,  reform or amendment to this Act   under section 25  of the Act.


Keeping it in view, RTI Application was filed by Sri Sanjay Sahu, RTI Activists and member of Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan to the PIO, Office of Odisha Information Commission seeking information about details of days spent by each Information Commissioner for hearing of the case, total no. of complaint case heard ad disposed by Each IC, penalty imposed, compensation awarded and number of cases still pending for disposal from June 2015 to May 2016. It needs to be mentioned here that   both the Information Commissioners were appointed in the second week of June 2015.


On 13.7.16, In response to RTI Application, the PIO supplied the required information which is as follows.

A.   No. Of days  devoted  for hearing by  both  the Information commissioners  from June 2015 to  16th May 2016

12 Months

                        No. of days devoted  for hearing

Sri L.N.Patnaik, SIC

Ms. Sashi Prava Bindhani, SIC



Average days  devoted for hearing  in a month



 Analysis:- In an average while Sashi Prava Bindhani  spends just 10 days  in a month  for hearing, Sri  L. N. Patnaik devotes   only 15 days in a month.  God Knows what they are  doing rest of the days  in a month. 


B. No. of Complaint/ Second Appeal Cases  heard  and disposed

Though  Both of the State Information Commissioners ( SICs)   got  appointment  in second week of June,15 ,  but they started hearing of the case  in August, two months  later  of their appointment. So the analysis  of  the cases heard  and disposed  has been made  for 10 months  ( from August  2015  to May 2016). 


 No. of Complaint/ Second Appeal Cases  heard  and disposed


Complaint cases heard

Complaint cases disposed

Second Appeal cases heard

Second Appeal cases disposed

Total cases heard ( both Complaint and SA)

Total cases disposed ( both complaint and Second Appeal)

L.N.Patnaik, SIC







Sashi  Prava Bindhani, SIC

 Month-wise figure has not been cunningly  provided     by the PIO



Division Bench ( both the SICs sit together)







 ( N.B.- While analysing this figure,  the no. of cases heard and disposed  in Division  Bench  was  divided  between two SICs   in order  to arrive  at conclusion  about  no. of cases heard and disposed  by each of them )


i..In an average, Sri L.N.Patnaik, SIC hears 162 cases (132 own cases + 30 cases in Division bench) and disposes 35 cases (31 own cases + 4 Division bench)  in a month.  If  devotion of 15 days  for hearing of the case in a month by Mr. Patnaik  is  taken into  account, Sri Patnaik hears only 10 cases  per day  and disposes only  2 cases in a day.


ii. Sashi Bindhani  hears 175 cases ( 145 own case + 30 cases in Division)  per month and disposes  31 cases  ( 27 own + 4  cases in division bench)  per month.  If  15 days is taken into account for hearing of the case in a month,  then Smt. Bindhani  hears only  11 cases   and disposes  only two cases in a month.


It needs to be noted here that Maharashtra Chief Information commissioner is disposing around 5000 cases in a year. It means   disposing 419 cases in a month. Similarly Central Information Commissioner is disposing each around 3300 cases in a year.  But Odisha Information Commissioners are disposing just around 350 cases in a year.


Within one year of their functioning, while Sri L.N.Patnaik, SIC has imposed penalty against erring PIO in 23 cases, Smt. Bindhani, SIC imposes penalty on a single case and Division Bench has imposed penalty in PIOs in four cases which is less than four percent of total cases disposed by them   in which RTI Act was violated and the information denied.  The penalty has been imposed on lower level functionaries like clerks, Cashier, PEO etc. 


Both the Information Commissioners have not awarded any compensation under section 19 (8b) to any  aggrieved Citizen who had filed the cases after taking a lot of pains and hardships.


Around 5000 cases are pending in the commission for disposal since 3 years.  But this figure is doubtful.

F. Language of the Decision

Mrs. Sashi Bindhani is very poor  in writing  English language  used in the content of the decisions. Let me refer  content of decision of a SA No.- 885/2014-

“ the Appellant  has filed  the Second Appeal memorandum  on 9.4.2014  alleging that  the  information sought  from the  PIO, O/0  the Chief District Medical Officer, Balasore through his RTI Application  dated 15.11.2013 in spite of  filling  of first appeal  petition  dated 16.12.2013”.   Does this sentence carry any meaning at all?

  Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482,Date- 14.8.16)


69. Loot of Rs. 50 crores  through transfer  of money  of Students’ scholarship to the account of fake beneficiaries 


  it is the routine affair of  the Govt. of Odisha  to release   advertisement  every year  inviting on-line application  from the students  of  +2, +3 students of different  colleges, Post-graduate students of Universities  and students of professional  and technical educational institutions to apply for students scholarship. As per the information obtained through RTI,  since 2010, the State Govt.  has engaged  three private  companies like  Odisha Knowledge Corporation Limited, CSM Technology, TQM service for verifying and processing the application of the students to get scholarship.  These agencies prepare the list of deserving students and send it to the Govt. for release of money directly to their account through on-line Banking transfer system.


But since last five years from 2010-15, many fake and undeserving students are being sanctioned students’ scholarships through forgery   and fraudulent means by these private companies by preparing false documents through their agents engaged across the state in association with corrupt bank officers. This is a racket operating in Odisha to swindle away Scholarship money through Banks and corrupt officials of Higher Education Department.  This issue came to limelight when an amount of Rs. 20,000.00 was released each to the account of three +3 students of Raghunath College , Deuli  and P.N. College, Bolagada of Khurda district and withdrawn on same day within 15 minutes of  the deposit of the money on 15.1.15.


How it was exposed ?

As per the complaint filed by these three students namely Surya Prasad Sahu of P.N. College, Bolagada, Sagar Kumar Debta and Manas Kumar Singh of Raghunath College, Deuli   to  the Chief Minister and  Chief Secretary,  Govt. of Odisha and FIR lodged on 11.4.15, one day,  an agent named Bibhuti Bhusan Lenka  of Khurda district  close to these students came to their house and told them to ensure availability  of scholarship,  if they will provide  their documents, Bank Account no. opened  in Punjab National Bank, Talatumba Branch. They got delighted and handed over all the documents. After few days, the agent came again on 14.1.15 and persuaded them for ATM Card and PIN No. On 15.1.15, these students saw the message in mobile about deposit of Rs. 20,000.00 in each account and withdrawal of the same within few minutes. But the agent gave them Rs. 500/- and took away all the money threatening them to keep it in secret. 


After sharing this information with the parents and apprehending fraud and forgery in bank transaction, these three students formally filed complaint to Chief Minister, Odisha, Secretary, Department of Higher Education and Secretary, Department of Finance, Govt. of Odisha and Directorate of Treasuries and Inspection, Odisha, Bhubaneswar seeking an enquiry into it.    


Then one parent Sri Ramesh  Ch. Sahu pursued the  case and tried to unearth the truth.  He  formally filed RTI Application dated 3.2.15 to the PIO, Dept. of Higher Education giving  account number of three students (   Surya Prasad Sahu, Ac No- 2774001500001241, Sagar Kumar Debata, Ac. No.- 2774001500008174), Maas Kumar Singh, Ac.No.-2774001500003337)  seeking the information  whether the  meritorious scholarship  has been transferred  to their accounts. On 2.4.15, the PIO replied that no amount has been transferred to these accounts.


 This information   created a lot of confusion among the students and the whole episode shrouded in mystery.


However, Sri Ramesh Ch. Sahu filed another RTI Application dated 4.4.15 to the PIO, office of Directorate of Treasuries  and Inspection, Bhubaneswar seeking  information about  details of enquiry conducted  and action taken on  complaint filed  by these students.


The response of the PIO dated 10.4.15 came with attachment of series of correspondence made between Directorate of Treasury and Inspection,  Bhubaneswar and Punjab National Bank, Bhubaneswar.  It  was mentioned in the letter   that “  on verification of  the data generated  electronically  by the Central Electronic Processing Cell ( CePC)  located  at the Directorate of Treasuries  and Inspection, Odisha  on dated 14.1.15. It is seen that the data files  does not  contain these  accounts number for credit  as destination  account”.  However  the  Directorate  wrote a letter  to  Punjab National Bank, station square , Bhubaneswar seeking an enquiry  about it.


 on 11.4.2014,  the Punjab National Bank wrote  a letter to Directorate of Treasury  that “ we  received  large number of  ECS credits from RBI  every day and more than 50% account  numbers  mentioned  in the RECS file contains wrong account number  by omission/ wrong feeding of single digit/ last digit as zero.  We match  the name  of the account holder with the account number and name  in the RECS  file received  from RBI site and give credit  to the actual beneficiary  by rectifying  the single digit.”


As per Banking  norm,  in case of any kind of mismatch of account number, the Banks are required to  return the transaction  to the RBI  and the same is  returned  back to the Central Electronic Processing cell  as failure payment electronically. 


But, the question arises, how the  Punjab National Bank  itself  suo moto rectified   the account number  and deposited  the money  in  another  account  without returning  the money  to RBI. It is proved that the senior officers of the said Bank  are involved  in forgery  and in connivance of with frauds. They have facilitated a number of illegal transaction and misappropriated huge money meant for students’ scholarship.


 It has also come to our notice from some reliable sources that not only Punjab National Bank but other Banks are also involved in this forgery and misappropriation of Students’ scholarship fund in Odisha.


While looking at magnitude of forgery and malpractice by OKCL and Banks through their agents, we have a considered view of loot of Rs. 50 crore from state exchequer through fraudulent means.


 Steps taken by Odisha Soohana Adhikar Abhijan


1. On 29.9.16, a Press meet was organised  at Lohia Bhawan  to expose  magnitude of crores of fraud and forgery  by Odisha Knowledge Corporation Limited  in connivance with corrupt Bank officials and Higher Education Dept. in distribution of Medhabruti.

2. On 30.9.16, Mass Media highlighted the news and made good coverage of the issue.

3. On 3.9.16, a three member delegation of Pradip Pradhan, Sudhir Mohanty and Sri Ramesh Ch. Mohanty  met Ombudsman of Reserve Bank of India and filed complaint  seeking enquiry into Banking fraud  by Punjab National Bank.

4. On 4.10.16, a five member  delegation of  Pradip Pradhan, Sudhir Mohanty and Sri Ramesh Ch. Mohanty, Ranjan Kumar Das and Sachikant Pradhan filed complaint in CBI seeking equiry into  banking fraud and loot of 50 crore with involvement of nationalised banks.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 5.10.16 


70. List of Private Hospitals and Nursing Home   allotted land   at highly subsidised price are  legally required  to provide  free treatment to the people of BPL category.


While  adjudicating  SLP (C) No. 18599 of 2007,  the hon’ble  Supreme  Court  has given direction  that  “ 25% OPD  and 10% IPD patients  have to be given  treatment free of cost.  The said patients should not be charged anything. But  that  will not  come  in the way  of the concerned  hospital  taking its own arrangement  for meeting  the treatment / medicines cost either by  meeting  the costs  from  its funds  or  resources  or by way of  sponsorship  or endowments  or donations.


Keeping it in view,  the State Govt.  in Health  and Family Welfare  issued  Notification  dated 24.7.16  that  all the private  Hospitals and Nursing Home  to whom  the Govt. land  has been   provided  in highly subsidised  rates  will abide  the following terms and   conditions

1. 25% of the  out patients department ( OPD)  and 10% of the  inpatients department (IPD) , in  all category  of patients , belonging  to BPL category  must  be  provided  with  free  treatment.

2. They are to submit  monthly return  of the  hospitals  regarding above   in the  prescribed format  to the DMET, Odisha / DHS(0)  as the case may be  positively by  10th of every month.

3. If any hospital / nursing  home fails  to comply  the above stipulations, the same shall be viewed  seriously  and action  as deemed proper  will be initiated  for anellation  of NOC  as well as  allotment  of land.

4. All the above hospitals  shall  display  regarding  the free  medical  facilities  provided  as per item No.-1 above  in both  English  and Odiya language  in a most prominent  place  of the hospital  for viewing  of the patients and public. 



Name of  Allottee


Area  allotted


Year of allotment

Premium ( in Rs. )





Patia, Bhubaneswar

2005 & 2006

Not provided by PIO


Apollo Hospital Pvt. Ltd.


Ac. 4.000

Samantapuri,  Bhubaneswar




Apollo Hospital Pvt. Ltd.


Ac. 3.500

Samantapuri,  Bhubaneswar




Bombay Cardiovascular Surgical Pvt. Ltd.


Ac. 2.872

Chandrasekhar Pur




Bombay Cardiovascular Surgical Pvt. Ltd. ( additional land)


Ac. 3.600

Chandrasekhar Pur




Bombay Cardiovascular Surgical Pvt. Ltd. ( Additional land )

Locked up in SLP in Supreme Court  of India )


Ac. 4.160

Chandrasekhar Pur




SUM Hospital


Ac. 15.000

Ghatikia, Bhubaneswar


Not provided by PIO


Dr. G.P. Mahalik

Nursing Home

Ac. 0.101

Saheed Nagar




M/s Holistic Health


Ac. 0.157

Paika Nagar




Dr. Anapura Devi

Nursing Home

Ac. 0.145






Kalinga Hospital Pvt.  Limited


Ac. 10.000

Jayadev Vihar




Dr. Jyoti Routray

Nursing Home

Ac. 0.124

Kharavela Nagar




Rajadhani Nursing Home

Nursing Home

Ac. 0. 300

Saheed  Nagar




Dr. D.N.Mohapatra


Ac. 0.128

Paika Nagar




Deepak Nursing Home

Nursing Home

Ac. o.151

Saheed Nagar




Dr. Jaganath Mohanty


Ac. 0. 086

Jayadev Vihar




Dr. Sushil Kumar Prusty


Ac. 0.103

Kharavela Nagar




Dr. P.K.Patnaik


Ac. 0.124

Jayadev Vihar




Dr. S.B.Mohanty


Ac. 0.106

Jayadev Vihar




Dr. P. C.Pradhan


Ac. 0.123

Chandar Sekhar Pur




Dr. Sashi Sekhar Kar


Ac. 0.260

Bhoumya Nagar




Labela Electrolysis Clinic


Ac. 0.124

Kharavela Nagar




Dr. B.B.Sahu

Nursing Home

Ac. 0.115

Jayadev Vihar




Lions  Club

Eye Hospital

Ac. 0.261

Jayadev Vihar




Sun Hospital  Pvt. Ltd.


Ac. 2.320

Jayadev Vihar




M/s Usthi  Foundation Ltd. 


Ac. 0.138

Jayadev Vihar




Santa Memorial  Spinal  Cord Injury  Centre

Rehabilitation Centre

Ac. 1.992

Jayadev Vihar


Free of premium


Medirad  Tech  India  Ltd.

Cancer  Hospital and Research centre

Ac. 2.426

Jayadev Vihar




Medirad  Tech  India  Ltd. ( Additional land)


Ac. 0.168

Chandrasekhar Pur




M/s Swarna Hospital Pvt. Ltd.

Nursing Home

92’ x 105’





Sri Sri Thakur Anugul Chandra Charitable Trust

Charitable Hospital

Ac. 2.000





Bhubaneswar Eye Research Institute

Eye Hospital and Research Institute

Ac. 10.000

Patia, BBSR




Cuttack Diabetes Research Foundation

Hospital and Research Centre

Ac. 2.000

Dumduma, Bhubaneswar




Dr. S.K.Goswami

Mully Speciality Outdoor Poly clinic

Ac. 1.000





LIC HFL Care Homes Ltd.


Ac. 5.000

Ghatikia and Aiginia




Society for Nature, Education and Health


Ac. 0.069

Jayadev Vihar




M/s Laxmi Franklin Hospitality Ltd.


Ac. 3.600

Chandra Sekhar Pur




Indian Medical Association


100’ x 60’

Gangaagar, Bhubaneswar




Advance Medicare Research Institute Ltd.


Ac. 5.000

Aiginia, Bhubaneswar




AMRI Hospital


Ac. 5.000





Care Hospital PVT. Ltd.

Multy Speciality

Ac. 3.935

Chandrasekhar Pur Bhubaneswar




Narayan Hrudayalaya Ltd.

Cardiac Hospital

Ac. 5.935





Nuclear Medicine

Hospital and Research Centre

Ac. 2.500

Chandrasekhar Pur




St. John Ambulance


Ac. 0.218

BJB Nagar, Bhubaeswar


Free of Premium


Panda Nursing Home

Nursing Home

Ac. 0.116

Kharavela Nagar



( N.B. The Hospitals  who are also allotted  land  in subsidised  rate but  their  names  do not find place  in the above list  will also abide  by the  terms and conditions  imposed  by the Govt. )

Pradip Pradhan,M-9937843482, Date-4.12.16


71. Funds allocated and utilised under NREGA in Odisha (From 2010-11 to 2016-17)


 While addressing press meet in august 2016,  Sri Arun Sahu, Minister for Panchayat Raj said within short span of 4 months (from April to July 2016), the Govt. has been able  to  generate 4 crore employment ( man-days) under NREGA in Odisha by spending Rs. 1130 crores.  . It was unbelievable how the Govt. generates such huge employment (mandays) in Odisha which has never happened in Odisha. To understand it and employment generated in previous years, RTI Application was submitted to Department of Panchayat Raj, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about details of fund earmarked and   expenditure made with generation of mandays by Govt.  from 2010-11 to 2016-17.  The PIO has provided the information available with him upto august 2016.


The information sought for is as follows.

i. Provide information about total fund sanctioned by Central Govt. and from State budget for NREGA in Odisha as per the following format


Allocation of Central Fund


State Budgetary allocation







ii. Provide information about date of release of fund by Central Govt. for NREGA under different heads  in the year 2015-16 and 2016-17.

iii. Provide information about total fund available with State Govt. for NREGA work till yet 30th August, 2016.

iv. Provide information about total employment generated under NREGA from 2011-12 to 2016-17 (year-wise).

v. Provide information about rate of wage fixed for different work under NREGA.

vi. Provide information about total fund spent for NREGS work from April to July16 and total mandays generated within this period. 

A.     Fund allocated and utilised

( in lakhs)


  Central fund received


State budgetary allocation / State share released
































2016-17 as on 23.10.2016





( NB- No share  has been released  during 2014-15  as excess  state share  release  during previous  financial year adjusted )


B.Total fund available  with State Govt.  for NREGS work  during 2016-17  till 30.8.2016

(Rs. In Lakhs)





Central Receipt



State matching  share release



Miscellaneous receipt






               C.Total employment generated  under NREGA

                                                             Employment generated in lakhs











2016-17 (  from April to  July 2016)


2016-17 ( upto August 2016)



D. Information on total fund spent and total man-days generated for MGNREGS works during 2016- 17 from April to July 2016.

Expenditure on works  (Rs. In lakhs)

Persondays generated( Rs.  in lakh)





Since last five years (from 2011-12 to 2015-16), the State Govt.  has generated 6  crores of man-days  under NREGA   in an average in a year. How the State Govt. generated 4 crores  man-days  within 4 months. It means one crore in a month. It is just data manipulation  of the figure  showing record number of mandays generated by Govt.  It  has also been found  in different districts  from Puri to Malkangiri  that  the NREGA labourers  are  not paid  their  dues  for  months  together, though the work  gets  completed.  

 Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482 , Date-16.12.16

72. Electricity Bill pending against Companies in Odisha

  It is witnessed  in Bhubaneswar  that  in case of pendency of  Electricity  Bill  against any common  consumers for two months,  the  Bill collectors of  Electricity  Dept.   use to threaten  to disconnect   electricity , unless the arrear  bill is paid.  But   though crores of rupees are pending against the Companies for years together, the CESU has not taken any step to collect the Bill from them.   It has been exposed through RTI.  RTI Application was  submitted to  PIO, office of Central Electricity  Supply Utility ( CESU)  seeking  information  about  electricity  bill  pending  against   more than 5 lakhs business houses, corporate  houses  etc..   on 28.10.16,  the PIO  supplied the information.  Electricity Bill worth around thousands of crores of rupees is pending against more than 700 companies  and business houses.  Major Companies against whom the electricity bill  is pending  is  as follows. 






 [AS ON 30.09.2016]






Jagannath Area MCL, Talcher




Naba Bharat Ventures Ltd.




GMR Energy Ltd.





















PLOT-50/A/B, 51/A






















































































Sanjay Sahu, RTI Activist, M-8658416694 , Date-21.12.16


73. 85% of the people are eligible poor   covered as beneficiary under NFSA in Odisha


RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Dept. of Food Supply and Consumer Welfare, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about number of beneficiaries  covered  under  National Food Security Act and total amount of subsidy  given from State budget  towards one rupee rice scheme,  total card seized from the beneficiaries  and FIR lodged  and withdrawn later on. On 19.10.16, the PIO supplied the following information.

1.      Total beneficiaries under NFSA as on 18.8.2016 are as follows.  

Antodaya Anna Yojana Households ( AAY HH)

Beneficiaries under Households

Total NFSA beneficiaries

Ration Cards


Ration Cards


Ration Cards








Comments-  The Central Govt.  has   restricted  number of beneficiaries  to be covered  under NFSA upto  3.26 crores  for Odisha. But  the State Govt.  has still  balance of  around 9 lakh people  to be covered  under NFSA.  Till August,  85 lakh families  are covered  under NFSA in Odisha.  Besides  that thousands of applications of eligible poor  families are pending in different blocks offices for the ration card.   It is proved  that  more than 85% of the families  in Odisha   are  poor  for  which  they  have  been covered  under NFSA due to their food insecurity.  Tall claim of the State Govt.  that  the  economic standard of the people  have improved  is  proved false. 


2. Subsidy  given  from State budget  for  spending  towards  subsidised  rice  scheme  from  2009-10  to  2016-17  is  as follows.


Budget provision

Expenditure  ( in crores)


847.84 crores

847. 84 crores


 984.29 crores

924.44 crores


984.29 crores

971.15 crores


1196.84 crores

1182.66 crores


1312.06 crores

1283.40 crores


1403.00 crores

1212.08 crores


1403.00 crores

1117.78 crores


830.0   rores


3.Following provision 29 of Odisha Public Distribution System ( control) Order , 2016, the State Govt.  filed  FIR and initiated criminal proceedings  and recovered cost of the grains from the ineligible  Households  who have taken card.  These are  as follows.

FIR Lodged ( number)

Ineligible persons  arrested 

Cost recovered

Cost recovered  from  number of persons






4.In view of  rising  discontentment  among the people  who  suffered  due to police action and arrest,  the State Govt.  amended  the PDS ( Control)  Order, 2016  terming it  as  Odisha  PDS ( control)  Amendment Order,2016  making a provision  that  if any person  holds  ration card  and coming under  exclusion criteria , but  he returns  such ration card  on or before  the 30th  September , 2016 , no  action  shall be taken against him.


5.While  releasing  Govt. order dt. 9.8.16,  the State Govt. instructed  all Collectors  to refund the recovered cost  to the  beneficiaries  who  have surrendered  their  cards  and withdrew  all criminal  actions  initiated against them.  However, the  surrendered  cards  would  remain  cancelled  till a  beneficiary  claims  it back  with proof of eligibility. 


6.The beneficiaries   covered  under  rural housing scheme like Pradhanmantri  Awas Yojana or IAY or Biju Pucca Yojana  should not  be  debarred  from getting  benefits under NFSA.  The 9th exclusion criteria  will  not be applicable   to the beneficiaries  covered  under the above schemes.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 24.12.16


74. 100 acres of precious land under Damapada Tahsil was leased out to a Trust for a fake University at throw away price by   Govt.  of Odisha


Sequence of event  leading  to leasing out of 100 acres of precious land    to a Delhi-based Trust for a fake vedic University by BJP-BJD coalition Govt.


1.             From file noting dated 7.1.2008, it was found that Sri Mukundananda, president of Jagadguru Kripalu Yoga Trust which is a public trust vide regn. No.4089 under certificate  ( section 60)  dated 25.9.2007  having its Regd. Office  at Flat No. 317 , Tower No.1 , Mount of Kailash, East of Kailash , New Delhi-65   applied  to Tahasildar, Banki under Cuttack district, Odisha for settlement of land measuring  an area of 40.71 dec.  From  Khata No. 779 ( abada Jogya Anabadi) with 16 plots) of Mouza Banara in Misc. Case No. 311/07-08 for establishment of Centre  for Advanced  Vedic Studies  and spiritual  science  of  “Jagatguru Kripalu  University”.  The Trust has its branch office at  Krishna Kunj, Plot No.- 2110/3247, Mahadev Nagar, Jharpada, Bhubaneswar.

2.             On 10.1.2008, Tahasildar , Banki in his official file noting mentioned that  out of 16 plots applied  for lease,  Plot No. 3850, 3857, 3869,3870,3872,3884 and 3386  have been transferred  to the Bhubaneswar Development Authority ( BDA)  vide the lease case no. 79/1993 . But due to non-payment of premium, the land has not yet settled in favour of BDA. Similarly plot No. 3651 has been settled on lease in favour of “Secretary, Subudheswar Milita  Bidyapitha, Banara”. Further three plots i.e., Plot No. 3872, 3884 and Plot No. 3852 are also not suitable as the same are not connected by road. Hence out of 16 plots, only 7 plots with quantity of Ac. 13.49 are suitable for leasing out  to Trust.


3.             On 8.2.2008,  same Tahasildar , Banki  moved  de-reservation Misc Case  arises out of  the lease misc. case No. 312/2007-08 for eventual settlement of land bearing Khata No. 782 consisting of 8 plots  with quantity of Ac. 86.51 in favour of Krupalu Yoga Trust for establishment of Centre  for Advanced  Vedic Studies  and spiritual  science  of  “Jagadguru Kripalu  University”.      


4.                On 25.2.2008, Tahasildar, Banki  in its file noting  has mentioned  that total  area of the village Banara is Ac. 1032.12 decimal and total recorded  Gochar land  in the village is  Ac. 142.79 decimals. Out of the above area Ac. 142.79 recorded with Kissam “Gochar”, a minimum area of Ac.50.20 decimals calculated at the rate of 5 % of the effective area of the village has to be maintained for pasturage. The rest recorded Gochar land Ac.92.59   can be used for development purpose.


5.                In the meantime, On 2.2.2008, Minister for Higher Education gave instruction to Tahasildar, Banki  to examine lease application  and accordingly submit lease case record  to the District office. Minister has also recommended ( letter memo No. 224/MHEPG&PA dt. 2.2.2008)  to consider  the application  for allotment of required land  for establishment of  Vedic University cum health care centre.  


6.                It is found that After so-called proclamation period  inviting public objection for deserving Gochar land is over  and finding no objection from the public, Tahasildar, Banki move the file to Collector, Cuttack to deserve Ac. 86.51 of land  ( Khata No. 782 ( Rakhita) with 8 plots)  as per  section 3 (A)(1) of the Odisha Govt. Land Settlement Act,1962. 


7.      In the meantime, as mentioned in file noting of Tahasildar, Banki dated 3.5.2008, the President of Jagatguru Krupalu Trust has applied for settlement of an area  of AC. 40.71 decimals from Khata No. 779 and 782 of the Mouza, Banara.


8. After reorganisation of Tahasils in the state,  Damapada Tahasil was created. As the said land comes under jurisdiction of Tahasil, Damapada,  Tahasildar , Damapada  was   handed over this case of leasing out of land to Trust. On 8.8.2008, Tahasildar Damapada   submitted detailed proposal for deserving land Ac. 86.51 to Sub-collector, Banki for necessary action. Tahasildar also made valuation of the land as per approved Bench Mark Statement. The Bench Mark Statement of the Mouza Banara is given below.


Category-II Kissam of landValuation Rs. 75,000/- which comes under Sarada-I,11, Sarada Dofasali –I,II

Category-IV , Kissam of land – Valuation Rs. 1,00,000/- which comes  under Puratana Patita, Bagayata-I,II and III.

Category- V, Kissam of Land- Valuation Rs. 11,20,000 which comes under Gharabari –I and II. This category being contemplated and suggested for valuation of said patch of land for vedic university as it will construct building and other infrastructure over the said land within the preview of Gharabari Kissam which was previously overlooked by Tahasildar, Banki 


9.  On 8.8.2008, Sub-Collector, Banki endorsed dereservation proposal to Collector, Cuttack for necessary further action for approval of De-reservation proposal and also endorsed Premium amount for land Rs. 11.20 lakhs per Ac so as to fetch higher Govt. revenue.  .


10.        On 11.9.2008,  in exercise of power  conferred  under section 3-A of Odisha Govt. Land Settlement Act, 1962  read with  Rule-4 of Odisha Govt. Land Settlement Rules, 1983, the Collector sanctioned dereservation of Gochar land  Ac. 85.51 decimal ( Misc. Case No. 1/08)  for its eventual settlement  by way of lease  in favour of  Jagatguru  Kripalu  Yoga Trust , New Delhi  for the purpose  of establishment of a spiritual Vedic University in anticipation of permission from Government in Home ( Special branch )  as per notification no. G.E. (GL)S 226/87-65061/Rev. Dated 2.11.87. The land dereserved shall be recorded under Abada  Jogya Anabadi Khata of village Banara  changing the classification to Unnata Jojana Jogya in the R.O.R.


11.        After receiving of the order for dereservation from  ADM, Cuttack vide no. 2568/Rev. Dated 12.9.2008,  Tahasildar, Damapada   tagged  together the lease case No. 311/2007-08 ( land measuring Ac. 13.49) and  lease  Case No. 312/07-08  ( Ac. 86.51)   constituting  the entire case land measuring an area  of Ac. 100.00 dec. Dealt in Misc  case no. 311/07-08.


12.         On 16.10.2008, the Sub-Collector, Banki calculated valuation of Ac. 100.00 of land under Gharabari category as per Bench Mark valuation which is Rs. 11.20 lakhs  per acre.  He suggested that the lease may be considered to be sanctioned subject to realisation of the total amount from Jagatguru Krupalu Yoga Trust as mentioned below. It was endorsed to the Collector, Cuttack for final approval.

Premium- Rs. 11.20 lakhs per acre

( Ac. 100.00 x Rs. 11.20 lakhs )

Rs. 11,20,00,000/-

Rent @ 1% of the premium

Rs. 11,20,000/-

Cess @ 75% of the rent

Rs. 08,40,000/-

Cost of trees

Rs.      80,000/-


Rs. 11,40,40,000/-


13. On 29.9.2008,  the Collector, Cuttack in its file noting  has mentioned  that  as it is revealed  from the MOU signed between Govt. and Trust,  the Trust has agreed  to pay whatever  premium  that will be fixed  by Government  at the time of sanction of lease.  So the Collector endorsed  to Revenue Divisional Commissioner, Cuttack  the proposal of Sub-Collector  for sanction of  lease land of Ac. 100 in favour of Jagatguru Krupalu Yoga Trust  subject to payment of  amount calculated  as Rs. 11,40,40,000/-.


14.  0n 29.1.2009, RDC, Cuttack  moved the case record to Government through Board of Revenue to consider sanction  of the lease  in the instant  case so also for fixation of premium, annual ground rent and cess @ Rs. 11.20 lakhs per acre  earlier recommended  by the Collector, Cuttack vide his order sheet dated  29.10.2008 or at the rate of present Bench Mark valuation  of the proposed land  ( Rs. 1.00 lakh per acre)  reported by Collector, Cuttack  vide his  order sheet  dated 29.12.2008.


15.  Astonishingly, the premium amount of Rs. 11.20 lakhs per acre was changed    in  the meeting  held under Chairmanship  of  the Chief Secretary, Odisha   on 20.5.09. The premium  of the case land  is suggested  @ Rs. 1.00 lakh  per acre  as the present  kissam of the land  is  “Patita” basing on Bench Mark valuation  of the village-Banara . As such  the lessee will  be eligible  to deposit the premium, rent cess etc.  after sanction of the lease  by the competent authority of 100 acres of land , which is as follows.

Premium- for the case land measuring  a area  of 100 acres  @ Rs.1.00 lakh  per acre 

Rs. 1,00,00,000/-

Rent @ 1% of the premium

Rs. 1,00,000/-

Cess @ 75% of the rent

Rs. 75,000/-

Cost of trees

Rs.      80,000/-


Rs. 1,02,55,000/-

16.   The lease deed  was signed   between Govt. of Odisha  and Swami  Mukundananda, President and Managing Trustee , Jgatguru Kripalu Yoga Trust , New Delhi  with its registered  office at  XVII/3305 , 1st floor, Ranjit Nagar ( Pusa side)  New Delhi -110008 on 16.11.2009



1. This Trust was registered   under Indian Trust Act on 25.9.2007 and applied for land for establishment of Vedic University in the month of Nov. 2007. The State Govt. immediately started the process of leasing out of land to Trust.  How the Govt. got convinced  that  this Trust requires 100 acres of  land  for University. 

2. Why the prime land  of Banara mouza under  Damapada Tahsil  was leased  @ Rs. 1,00,000.00 per acre, when the Tahasildar, Damapada, Collector, Cuttack and RDC, Cuttack  has recommended  Rs. 11,20,000.00 per acre of land. It shows  the State Govt.  has given undue benefit  to a private trust  by leasing out land at throwaway price.

3. The unholy alliance  of  BJP-BJD leaders  and corrupt bureaucrats  with  Trust  can not be ruled  which requires thorough  investigation.

4. The State Govt.  has signed MOU with the Trust  for establishment of Vedic University  in Odisha.  The State Govt. should put in public domain how  the Govt. got convinced  and  evaluated  the strength and efficiency  of a Trust  to establish a vedic university.

 Pradip Pradhan, On behalf of Civil Society Forum, Odisha, M-9937843482, dt. 28.4.17


75. Fund sanctioned by   State of Govt.  to Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes under Biju Krushak Kalyan Yojana from 2014 to 2016


Though the farmers are viewed as backbone of the State, they continue to suffer from poverty, social and economic inequality and tragic death due to lack of accessibility to health care and heavy expenditure on medical care and hospitalisation.  With a view to providing health insurance cover to farmers in the rural odisha and their families, Govt. of Odisha has been implementing Biju Krushak Kalyan Yojana ( BKKY).


RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Directorate of Agriculture and Food Production, Odisha  seeking information about  details of   list of the Private  Hospitals which  are empanelled by  the Govt. to provide  free treatment to the patients  covered  under    BKKY,   details of   fund received  from Govt. by  each private Hospitals against    providing  free treatment to the patients,  number  of  BKKY- covered- patients received treatment by these private hospitals. The information provided by the PIO on 3.2.2017  is as follows. 


1.   Total no. of 240 Private Hospitals and Nursing Home has been empanelled  for providing free health service to BKKY  card holders in the state.


2.   From 2014 to 2016, 133 Private Hospitals and Nursingh Homes have received  money from State Govt. by Providing  free treatment to the farmers under BKKY.  The Total fund received by Private hospitals  in different year is  as follows.

2014 ( in Rs.)

2015 ( In Rs. )

2016 ( In  Rs.)




3.    The following is  the name of the prominent  hospitals  which  have received   crores of rupees  from Govt. under BKKY  is  as follows.


Name of Hospital




KIMS/ KIIT , Bhubaneswar




Amit Hospital




Balaji Nursing Home




HI-TECH Hopsital




ECOS EYE Hospital




SUM Hopsital





4.   No. of farmers who have received  free treatment in different hospitals  under BKKY  is  as follows








1.   This information is shared with readers to monitor   and  check misuse of BKKY card  by Private Hospitals and Nursing Home.  Due to ignorance of the farmers,  huge money is being misappropriated  by  private hospitals. During admission at Hospital, the BKKY  card is taken from the famers  who do not know  about   how much money  was deducted  from their  card  and balance amount with them.

2.   To know more about the details of procedure  followed  for sanctioning  the amount and  money earmarked  annually  for   BKKY card  holder  for   different category of patients,  please see  guideline of BKKY by visiting  website www.  

Pradip Pradhan, M-937843482, Date-15.2.17 


76. Management of Mid-day-Meal in Odisha


Mid-day-Meal is one of the food security programme under which each children of Primary and Upper Primary schools   are entitled to get   a hot cooked noon-meal in the school.  The objective of the scheme is to provide nutritious food to the school-going children, check school drop-out and increase attendance of the students.  Presently, food under this scheme has been   guaranteed under National Food Security Act, 2013.

In view of allegation of State Govt. about budgetary reduction for MDM by Central Govt. which has affected MDM in Odisha, RTI Application  was filed to the PIO, Dept. of School and Mass Education, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about details of budgetary allocation and expenditure from both Central and State share  and utilisation of fund under different heads. On 10.11.17, the PIO has provided the information which is as follows.


 Though there is substantial reduction of fund amounting few crores by Central Govt.  for MDM  in Odisha,   but  the Govt. has not been able to   utilise   the allotted fund   for same.  In an average,   every year, Rs. 100 crore remained unspent balance. It means though fund is available, it could not  be spent  by State Govt. due to reasons best known to them. 


It is fact that quality of food can be ensured, if there will be goof environment and storage facility in each school. In 2013-14 ,  the State Govt.   allotted Rs. 94.20 crore for  construction of building for kitchen-cum-store room ( Rs. 60,000.00 per kitchen room).  After that not a single pie has been allotted for Kitchen room.  That’s why thousands of schools are devoid of Kitchen-cum-store room because of non-allocation of fund by State Govt.  Quality food under MDM is denied to the children. 


 In 2014-15, The State Govt.  made a big advertisement that LPG  will be provided to  all schools. Within 4 years, a sum of only 3.5 crore has been allotted for LPG gas   connection. It shows how the State Govt. has been neglecting MDM and as well as children in Odisha. That’s why MDM is mess in Odisha.

                                                                                                               ( Rs. In Lakh)


Fund Sanctioned



Central Share

State Share


Central Share

State Share






























2017-18 ( upto Sept.)

 6 months







                                                                                                                                    ( Lakh)



Expenditure incurred




Central Share

State Share

Central Share

State Share

Central Share

State Share


Cost of foodgrain








Cooking Cost








Hon. To Cook-cum-Helper








Transportation Cost
















Kitchen devices


































Expenditure incurred



Central Share

State Share

Central Share

State Share


Cost of foodgrain






Cooking Cost






Hon. To Cook-cum-Helper






Transportation Cost












Kitchen devices

























No. of School

No. of Cook-cum-Helpers engaged
















Total children studying  in Primary and Upper Primary schools in Odisha  is 51 lakh children.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-29.4.17


77. Legally released Bonded labourers in Odisha as per SECC 2011 Survey


As per Socio-Economic Caste Census data of 2011, there are 8292 bonded labourers identified in Odisha. Keeping it in view, RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Department of Panchayat Raj, Govt. of Odisha seeking the following information.

A. Provide district-wise data of bonded labourers in Odisha 

B. Provide list of bonded labourers released by the State administration in different districts of Odisha

C. Provide details of procedure followed for rehabilitation of bonded labourers in Odisha

D. Provide list of bonded labourers along with their address who have been rehabilitated and amount of compensation and other support provided to them.

The PIO has supplied the information on 15.5.17 which is as follows. The PIO has also forwarded my RTI Application to all Districts to provide rest of the information.

Legally released Bonded labourers in Odisha as per SECC 2011 Survey


Name of district

(Total Household- excluded household)

Legally released  bonded labourers














































Jagatsingh Pur















































































Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 18.5.17


78. 100 acres of  land allotted to KIIT/KISS by IDCO, Govt. of Odisha- Highest ever land allotted to a private Institution in Bhubaneswar, State Capital  of Odisha


RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Office of IDCO, Bhubaneswar seeking information about details of land allotted to KIIT/KISS by IDCO upto 2017.  In 2014, CAG has objected  and recommended to State Govt. not to allot any land to KIIT  as that Institution  has acquired  around 82 acres of land through fraudulent means and encroached  forest land. On 30.5.2017, the PIO has supplied  details of  around 100 ares of land allotted to KIIT/KISS in Bhubaneswar. It was found that despite CAG objection, the State Govt. has again allotted Ac. 5. 258 to KIIT for its expansion  without taking any steps for recovery of land from KIIT. The details of information is as follows.


IDCO Plot No

Area allotted ( in Acre)

Date of allotment

Transfer letter No.

Date of Transfer to KIIT/KISS

Purpose of Allotment







Degree Engineering College

While exercising audit of IDCO land, CAG has pointed out that KIIT has acquired these lands through fraudulent means and in connivance with corrupt officials






Engineering College and Hostel






Professional Institute












Engineering College






Degree Engineering College












Tribal School






Tribal School






Engineering College












Professional / Management Institute


65 &20B





Technical/Management/ Biotech Institute







Parking of vehicle







Professional Institute


Excess land







23/B, 23/D, 22/A/2,45,41/E,92,68/A,68/B,91/A,89,1/B





Professional/ Management Institute







Institutional purpose including +2 science college







Institutional purpose







Professional Educational Institution







Institutional purpose







Institutional purpose







Institutional purpose







Institutional purpose







700 bedded hospital


24 &12/A





700 bedded  hospital


44/C,D & 44/E





Professional/Management Institute


A/8 & 9





Social Infrastructure/ Educational Institution Purpose







Library for Tribal Children


102,M/4 to M/19, M/19/1, M/19/2, N/1 to N/9, N/1/A  to N/1/C, N2/1, N/6/IN/14(p) to N/19(p) & N/19/1





Expansion of Existing Institution

Despite objection raised by CAG, the State Govt. illegally allotted this land to KIIT. This is undue favour.

17/A & 89/1

Revised plot No. 320/3370 (P) & 20(P)  Khata No. 474/1607





Expansion of Existing Institution for benefit of tribal children










N.B.- Besides that KIIT has illegally acquired  around 30 acres of forest land  without sanction of Govt. Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482,Date- 15.6.17


79. RTI, CBSE and Copy of Answer-sheet


All of you are aware that hundreds of students whose result has been withheld by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) or given unexpected marks in their exam paper by examiner   have been sitting on Dharana  in front of CBSE, Regional Officer, Bhubaneswar demanding  copy of their answer-sheet and re-evaluation of their exam paper. On 12.6.17,   finding recourse  to get copy of answer-sheet under RTI Act,   hundreds of students  filed RTI Application to the Central Public Information Officer, office of CBSE, Regional office, Bhubaneswar  seeking copy of the Answer-sheet  within 48 hours as it relates to their life and liberty  as per proviso of section 7(1) of the RTI Act.  This section says “  where the information  sought  for concerns the life  or liberty  of a person , the same shall be  provided within 48 hours  of the receipt of request. The CPIO has rejected the application  citing that  your case does not fall  under the purview of  threat to life and liberty  as per provisio to section 7(1) of the RTI Act and as per decision  No. CIC/WB/C/2006/00066 dated 19.4.2006 of Central Information Commission, New Delhi.  Therefore the information can not be supplied within 48 hours.  While rejecting my  application, he has   further stated that  CBSE is making its on-line  open window from 14.6.2017  for seeking photocopies of answer-sheet  as per procedure  defined  in CBSE Notification  dated  29.5.2017 and apply on-line  as per schedule and deposit the prescribed fees  to get the copy of Answer-sheet.


As I feel,  CBSE’s rejection of RTI Application and denial of information is illegal, unjustified  and unreasonable.  The Apex Court, High Courts and Central Information Commission have removed  this confusion  and issued direction to appropriate authorities  to provide copy of answer-sheet  under RTI Act.  I cite  few examples for reader’s reference.


1.    The contention of CPIO   that the information sought for does not fall  under the purview of  threat to life  and liberty  is  legally wrong. How the CPIO could know that the information sought for does not relate to life and liberty. The quick availability   of  answer-sheet with students  will help them  evaluate their  career and take decision to apply for admission. It will erase  doubt and bring more clarity about   result of their  hard-work pursued  for appearing exam.   The exam marks  plays an important role  in  pursuing academic career  for higher studies during academic year  and  selecting different faculties in different educational institutions . The result of exam also  influences our  social prestige , dignity  and credibility in the society.  The more the highest mark secured  in exam,  the life becomes brighter.  While getting copy of my answer-sheet, If they  find      answer-sheet has not been properly valued, it will help them  understand  the problem and take necessary steps accordingly without taking any harsh decision in their  career.     It has been noticed  several times that  due to poor performance in exam,  many  students  have committed  suicide. So  the said information is  closely  related to their  life and liberty.


2.    Hon’ble Supreme Court  in CBSE  v Aditya Bandopadhyay  { SLP (C) No. 7526/2009}  held that  when  a candidate participates  in an examination  and writes  his answers in an answer-book and submits it to examining body for evaluation and declaration of the results, the answer-book  is a document and record . Therefore the evaluated answer-sheet is also information under RTI Act and requires to be available to the Information-seekers.  Further  the  Hon’ble Supreme Court  in the case of  ACAI  V  Shaunak Satya { SLP ( C) No. 2040/2011} held that  copies of evaluated  answer-sheet can not  be  under any exemption  prescribed under RTI Act. In Manish God v UPSC [CIC/SM/A/2012/001654 & 1708}, the Central Information Commission has held that the right to get copies of answer-sheet could not be denied under RTI Act.


3.    CBSE Notification  dated  29.5.2017  which has outlined  details of procedure  for supply of  photocopy of answer-sheet   with  deposit

4.     of exorbitant  fees  is   also  not  justified, as the RTI Act  has  over-riding effect  in respect of  supply  the information i.e., copy of answer-sheet  @ Rs. 2.00 per single photocopy. Section 22 of the Act  says “  the provision of this Act shall have  effect  notwithstanding  anything  inconsistent therewith  contained  in the officials secret Act, 1923 and any other law  for the time  being  in force  or in any instrument  having effect by virtue  of any law  other than Act”. So when RTI Act is in force, the copy of answer-sheet shall be available as per section 7(1) of the RTI Act  not as per   procedure  fixed by CBSE  through notification. As I understand, CBSE is an autonomous organisation and competent enough to make its own rules  and regulations for its functioning. But it has no power to restrict to access to information which was guaranteed by the RTI Act.   The Kerala High Court  in the case of Kerala Public Service Commission vs  State Information Commission  ( AIR 2011 KER 135)  had observed that RTI Act  has been made  by the legislature  within its competence , it can not be watered down or modified  except  by recourse  to legislative procedures. 


5.    Imposition of exorbitant cost i.e, Rs. 700.00 for photocopy   of answer-sheet by CBSE has caused   extra financial constraints and economic burden on the students  which is not at all affordable. Prior to appearing the exam,  they have paid all fees  and charges to CBSE  without  hesitation. It is the fault of CBSE for which they are  suffering.  That’s why they have applied  to get a copy of answer-sheet   whether the marks awarded them  is justified or not.  This answer-sheet  should be provided free of cost.  As CBSE  is demanding illogical, unethical and unjustified  fees  for copy of answer-sheet,  they  have taken recourse of RTI Act to get it. Hon’ble Rajasthan High Court     has thoroughly examined  the issue of charging  higher fee  for answer-sheet  by Universities  in case of Alka Matoria v  Maharaja  Ganga Singh  University  and others { AIR 2013 Raj126} dated 21.12.2012 and held that “Having regard to the purpose of the enactment and the nature and purport of the provisions therein, we are of the view that even if the respondent University were to make independent regulations for the purpose of providing certified copies, so far the fields covered by the Rajasthan Rules of 2005 are concerned, the respondent University cannot make any such regulation that could stand at conflict with such rules.” The Court finally directed  that regulations framed by the respondent University deserves to be quashed as illegal and the respondent University deserves to be directed to provide the certified copy of the answer-book to the petitioner after charging the fees as prescribed under the Rajasthan Rules of 2005 and not beyond.” It is needless to mention here that Maharaja Ganga  Singh University , Bikaner  had filed  Special Leave Petition  before Supreme Court  which was called on for hearing  on 22nd April , 2013.  The bench consisting of Justice R.M.Lodha  and Justice  Kurian Joseph  dismissed SLP. So imposition of unreasonable   fees  per answer-sheet  by CBSE  shows  exploitative  character of CBSE  and amount to complete denial of information  to the students  on ground  of their economic status  which is in violation of article 14,15,16 of  constitution of India.  Charging of fees i.e., Rs.700.00  per answer-sheet will amount to breach of section 3,6,  and 7 of the RTI Act.   So, it deserves  to be withdrawn in the greater interest of students.


6.    The Central Information Commission  has also echoed similar views. On 15.1.2016, In the case of Abne Ingty v. CPIO, Delhi University, New Delhi , the Central Information Commission  has given direction to the authority of Delhi University  to make necessary  changes to its practice in relation to providing access ad having a copy of answer-sheet at cost of Rs.2.00 per copy as per their very  own manual no. 17  and accept RTI Application from the date of declaration of results through the period of retention of record, as mandated by RTI Act. The Commission also recommends  Executive Council to change the Rules concerning answer-sheet, which is discouraging the students from seeking re-evaluation of answer-sheet facilitating lack of accountability much against the letter and spirit of  RTI Act.  


So It is my earnest appeal to all to help the students in their fight to access the information i.e. copy of   answer-sheet  under RTI Act.

Sanjukta Panigrahi , M- 9238598756, Date- 16.6.17


80.  Defamation suit of Rs.5 crore  filed against Achyut Samant, founder of KIIT  in the Court of Civil Judge ( Senior Division) , Bhubaneswar


 On 7.9.17, Smt. Sanjukta Panigarhi, Woman Activist  filed  a defamation suit of Rs. 5 crore  against  Himanshu Sekhar Khatua, Managing Director, Kalinga TV, Sri Achyut Samant, Founder, Kalinga TV, Soumyajit Patnaik, Editor, Kalinga TV  in the court of Civil Judge ( Senior Judge) , Bhubaneswar  to pass an interim injuction  restarining them from publishing/ telecasting /circulating any defamatory newsnagainst her  and from doing  any illegal activity  against her. She has also filed  a defamation suit of Rs. 5 crore  for losss of her dignity and social prestige in the society  due to defamatory language used her.


Hearing and considering  the petition of Smt. Panigrahi under U/o. 39 Rule-3 of CPC,  the hon’ble court granted injuction  and restrained  all three accused from publishing, telecasting and circulating  any matter which are defamatory  and libellous in nature  causing defamation  to the petitioner directly or indirectly  till 17.9.2017  and filling  of show cause  by them  by 17.9.17.


It needs to be mentioned here that on dated 01.09.2017 at about 7P.M, Kalinga TV Channel telecast a news item making several false, baseless, imaginary and defamatory allegations against  RTI Activists  Smt. Sanjukta Panigrahi, Pradip Pradhan, Sudhir Mohanty and Ashok Nanda with an intention to blackmail her and tarnish her public image. The derogatory , false and defamatory  news item  aired  by Kalinga  TV  Channel  was designed to malign  the  image of  all leading RTI Activists including Sanjukta Panigrahi.  This news   caused a lot  of mental agony  and damaged her prestige  and dignity in public domain.   


Smt. Sanjukta Panigrahi is leading woman activist of the state and involved in a number of campaigns in Odisha.   Since 1994, she has been actively involved in social field and carrying out various activities for empowerment of women. She  has also been passionately  taking various issues relating to violation of  child rights, women rights in Odisha, proper rehabilitation of  slum-dwellers forcably evicted  by the State administration  and working for effective implementation of Right to  Information Act, Right to Education Act  and  ensuring admission of poor  children   and weaker section of society in Private English medium school based in Bhubaneswar  fulfilling 25% category of reservation under RTE Act.   She has worked in various social organisations like CYSD, Open Learning System and many organisations.   As RTI Activist, she has also used RTI extensively to enforce transparency and contain corruption. Smt. Panigrahi is a  also involved in  the movement  demanding CBI inquiry into land scam.

Srikant Pakal, RTI Activist, Odisha , Date- 9.9.17


81. Status of Commission of Inquiry constituted by   Govt. of Odisha  from 2000 to 2017

(Information supplied by Home Dept. as on 12th April 2017)



Name of Judicial Commission

Date of appointment

Date of submission of Report

Action Taken Report


Commission of Inquiry on alleged activities of drug mafia in and around Balasore district by Sri Justice P.C.Nayak/P.K.Mohanty




Appropriate Action has been taken  and the report with ATR has been laid in assembly on 19.12.2008.


Commission of Inquiry on Violence inside the premises of SCB Medical college and Hospital, Cuttack on 16.7.2000 by Justice P.K.Mishra



  Appropriate Action has been taken  and the report with ATR has been laid in assembly on 11.8.2006


Commission of Inquiry on police firing at village Maikanch under Kashipur police station of Rayagada district on 16.12.2000 by Justice P.K.Mishra



Appropriate Action has been taken  and the report with ATR has been laid in assembly on 1.9.2005


Commission of Inquiry on Confrontation between police and Members of Bar Association , Puri on 16.10.2001 by Justice A.K.Parichha, District/ session Judge , Khurda at Bhubaneswar






Commission of Inquiry on Police firing  at Rangabhati  and Raighar villages  in Nabarangpur  district on 30.10.2001 and 11.11.2001 respectively by  Sri Justice Basudev Panigrahi , District and Session Judge, Koraput






Commission of Inquiry on alleged  custodial death of Dillip Kumar Sahu at Saheed Nagar police station in Khurda district on 3.3.2005  by District & Session Judge, Khurda at Bhubaneswar



Appropriate action has been taken. The report along with  memorandum on action taken has been laid in Assembly  on 28.3.2011.


Commission of Inquiry  on alleged  custodial death of Gajendra Majhi  in Kuchinda police station on 17.3.2005 by District & Session Judge, Sambalpur



Appropriate action has been taken. The report along with  memorandum on action taken has been laid in Assembly on 8.4.2011


Commission of Inquiry  on the incident of police firing in front of Champua police station on 8.6.2005  by

District & Session Judge , Keonjhar



Appropriate action has been taken. The report along with  memorandum on action taken has been laid in assembly on 28.8.2015.


 Commission of Inquiry  on the incident  of police firing at Kalinga Nagar in Jajpur district  on 2.1.2006  by

Justice A.S.Naidu/P.k. Patra/P.K.Mohanty ( Retd.)





Out of 3 recommendations of the commission, 2 have already been  complied. Regarding payment of  Additional Ex-gratia, GA Deptt. Has already releases Rs. 16,50,000.00 in favour of collector , jajpur for disbursement of 27 injured persons. The report has been laid in the assembly.


 Commission of Inquiry  on the incident  of stampede inside Shree Jagannath Temple, Puri on 4.11.2006  by Sri Justice P.K.Mohanty



Appropriate action has been taken  and the report along with action taken  has been laid in assembly on 16.6.2016


Commission of Inquiry on Violent incident  occurred in different parts  of Kandhamal district during December, 2007 by Justice Basudev Panigrahi



Appropriate action as per order of Govt. is taken


Commission of inquiry on  feasibility of setting up of permanent /circuit Benches  of Odisha High Court  at different places  by Justice C.R.Pal



Under examination


Commission of Inquiry on Killing of Swami Laxmananda  Saraswati  and others  in Laleshpeta Ashram of Kondhamal district  and incident of violence in its aftermath by

Justice  S.C.Mohapatra/ Justice A.S.Naidu




Under examination


 Commission of Inquiry on  Police firing at Bhuban in Dhenkanal district on 22.3.2009 by

District and session Judge, Dhenkanal






Commission of Inquiry  on death of two Engineering students  at Bolangir  on 24.10.2009 by Justice S.K.Mohanty



Appropriate action has been taken  and the report along with action taken  has been laid in assembly 28.8.2015


Commission of Inquiry on Police firing at Bagalpur village in Cuttack district on 23.8.2010 by

Justice S.K.Mohanty



Appropriate action has been taken  and the report along with action taken  has been laid in assembly on 29.9.2016


 Commission of inquiry  on the incident involving a Judicial Magistrate  and the local police at Rourkela  on 2.4.2011 by Justice A.S.Naidu



Appropriate action has been taken  and the report along with action taken  has been laid in assembly on 28.8.2015


Commission of Inquiry on the incident of grievous injury to a girl  of village Arjungoda, PS- Pipil  in Puri district on 30.11.2011 by Justice P.K.Mohanty



Appropriate action has been taken  as per Govt.  orders. ATRs have been  received from H &FW Deptt. And DGP police.


Commission of Inquiry  on unauthorised Collection  of Public Deposits  in the state  by  Justice R.K.Patra/ Justice  M.M.Das



1st report  on 25.5.2016

2nd report on 3.2.2017



Commission of Inquiry on police firing  at Phasipada village of Khalikote  Block under Kodala P.S. in Ganjam district as on 31.3.2012 by

Additional session Judge –cum-Special judge , Vigilance, Berhampur



Appropriate action has been taken  and the report along with action taken  has been laid in assembly on 16.5.2016


Commission of Inquiry  on Police firing at Gumudumaha in Kondhamal district on 8.7.2016 by District and Session Judge , Kandhamal





Commission of Inquiry on the fire incident at SUM Hospital , Bhubaneswar on 17.10.2016 by  RDC, Central Division, Cuttack




Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-30.10.2017


83. Status of ATR on Task Force Report on Land Scam in Odisha

(Not a single plot recovered and   no action taken against anybody involved in land scam    by State Govt.  since three  years)


In view of CAG report about  alleged irregularities in allotment of land/houses/flats by Bhubaneswar Development Authority(BDA), Cuttack Development Authority (CDA),Odisha State Housing Board (OSHB) and General Administration (GA) Department, the State Government had constituted a  Task Force  on dated 2.8.2014  to review all the allotment of more than one land/houses/flats to the members of the same family and allotment under discretionary quota to ineligible persons from 1995 to 2014 and submit its report within 4 months.  The Task Force led by Dr. Taradatt, Addl. Chief Secretary with the members such as Commissioner-cum-Secretary, H&UD Department and Special Secretary, Dept. of GA produced their report on 3.11.14. The report was placed before state cabinet on 18.12.14 and it was endorsed with   Action Taken Report   which was later on published in official Gazette on 30.1.2015. Three  years  have passed  since ATR, not  a single  land  has been   recovered  to Govt. fold  nor was   a single  allottee    arrested  by  the  Directorate of State  Vigilance. On 16.4.16 while  reviewing  the status  of Action taken  for  recovery of the  land allotted illegally  by BDA, CDA, OSHB and GA, the Chief Secretary  has   informed the press that 11  plots have been cancelled by BDA. CDA  has issued notice to 1091  for cancellation of plot allotted under DQ.  After this news was published,    RTI  Application  in June 2016 was  submitted  to  the  General  Administration Department, Bhubaneswar Development  Authority (BDA), Cuttack Development Authority (CDA),  Odisha State Housing Board (OSHB)  seeking  information about  details of  land  recovered  from the  people  who have  illegally taken the  land  or allotted under  Discretionary  Quota  and   name  of the  people  who returned the land and Action Taken  against the  people  who have taken  multiple  plot  by filling false  affidavit. While   BDA    refrained from  disclosure  of   any information,  CDA  provided   a list of  1091 allottees  who have  been issued  show-cause  notice in August 2016. No information was obtained from the General Administration Department.  State Vigilance  denied to provide any information  as the matter is under investigation. On 20.8.16, Odisha State Housing Board  provided the  information  that  66 people  allotted land under Discretionary Quota  and 24 people  taking multiple plots  by filling false affidavit  have been issued  show-cause notice.  The PIO denied  to disclose their names  as the matter is under investigation  by State Vigilance.


Similarly, again RTI Application was filed  to OSHB, BDA , CDA   to get the information about details of land / plot recovered   and action taken against illegal lease holders. On 4.12.17, the information provided by the PIO  is  that   show cause  notice has been issued  to 921  lease holders.  Not  a single plot  has been recovered.  But 12 no of plots  has been cancelled  on ground of multiple allotments. On 18.9.17.,  the PIO of OSHB  has provided the information that show cause notice has been issued  to 66 persons  allotted plot under DQ  and  24 persons  allotted multiple plots . But  no action  has been taken against them.  Similarly,  though  3 persons like Pranab Balabantaray, Snigdharani Sahu and  Sajjal Kumar Moulick  have applied for return of land, no  step has been taken  by OSHB  to get the land returned back. BDA  refused  to provide any  information about cancellation of  plot and name of the persons who have been issued notice. GA dept.  has not taken any steps  to list out  the  lease holders who have taken land during post-1995 period.


The details of Status of ATR is as follows.


Recommendation by  Task force

Action Taken  Report  declared by Govt.   in Dec. 2014 

                 Present Status

 1. All such plots allotted by Government in GA Department, BDA, CDA and OSHB should be resumed, if the allottees have failed  to construct houses within stipulated five years.

It  was accepted  by Govt.

No Action  has been taken till yet.

2. BDA, OSHB and GA Department in conjunction with each other should take up another exercise to obtain comprehensive details including the allotments made prior to 01 .01 .1995 to know the exact extent of individuals and families who have taken undue benefits of multiple allotments against the schematic provisions. Similar exercise is  to be  conducted  for Cuttack by CDA and OSHB together.

BDA, OSHB and GA  Department  will examine  the allotments  made prior  to 1.1.1995  at  Bhubaneswar  to determine  the exact  list  of allottees  who have  availed  the irregular  benefit  of more than  allotment  of land / flat/ house  against  the specific  schematic  provisions. CDA  and  OSHB  will make  similar exercise  for cuttack urban areas.  The Exercise  will be completed  within six months.

Not  a single step has been taken  by the BDA, CDA and OSHB  till yet.

3. Independent investigation/audit is necessary to quantify  the actual number of multiple allotments of plots/houses/flats by GA Department, BDA, CDA and OSHB against Affidavits/

Applications, both false and not false.

    List  of  multiple  allotments  pointed  out by Task force  has been made  on the  limited  information supplied by BDA, CDA and OSHB. Finance Department therefore conduct a special audit of all  left out cases  of  multiple allotments  as recommended by task Force. Action should be taken  by the  concerned authorities  against the allottees.

Finance Department has not come out  with any audit report  till yet.

4. Beneficiaries who submitted false Affidavits/Declarations to get   allotments should also be proceeded against under the relevant provisions of law. The plots/houses/flats allotted to them should either be put to auction or allotted to deserving applicants through   lottery.

General  Administration  ( Vigilance)  Department  will  enquire  into those  cases  of  multiple allotments  to individuals/ families  where  such  allotments  have been  made  on the  basis  of false  affidavits  or  misleading  information  in violation of  specific    schematic  provision  and initiate  criminal action.

As per the information supplied by the Govt. ,   State Vigilance  has started  the enquiry. But  not  a single  land has  been recovered  and nobody has been arrested till yet.

5. All the  discretionary  allotment  made      after 1.1.1995  should be cancelled as such allotments  have been  invariably given undue Benefits  to  undeserving persons. Many well-placed and   connected individuals have received discretionary allotments more than once from BDA, CDA, OSHB.

BDA, OSHB, CDA and GA  Department  should cancel  the  multiple allotments, additional units allotted  to ineligible  individuals/ families  as pointed out  by the task Force  in its report  and resume the same  to the  concerned authorities.

Not a single Discretionary allotment has been cancelled.   BDA, CDA and OSHB could not supply any information under RTI. 

6. Since the  lists of DQ allottees have been prepared on the  basis  of limited information  supplied by BDA, CDA, OHSB, further independent investigation/audit is recommended to be undertaken to find out the actual size of discretionary allotments  including those  not  placed  before the Task Force for discovery.


  Finance  Department  will conduct  a special  audit  to find out  the actual  number  of discretionary allotments  made  after  1.1.1995  including those  not  placed  before  the Task Force  as recommended  by Task force.  Action should be  taken by  the  concerned  authorities  against these  left  out cases.

Finance Department  has not come out  will  any  special audit report till yet.

7.  Cancellation of all such   pre-possession transfers except in the event of death of the allottees  and  fixation of accountability  against  the  officials who granted permission   transfers. As regards post-possession   transfers,  the Task Force recommends  that such transfers by Discretionary Quota allottees  and multiple allottees should also be  cancelled.

BDA, CDA and  OSHB  should cancel  all allotments of  plot/house/flat under  Discretionary Quota  made  under  different schemes  after 1.1.1995 including  their  pre and post-possession  transfers  and the  plots/houses  and flats  should  be  resumed  to the  concerned  authorities.

No step  has been  taken  till yet.

8. The BDA, CDA and OSHB may be called upon to explain as to how they have permitted transfers of plots/houses/flats by allottees    without approval of the General Administration Department/ Revenue  and Disaster Management Department i.e., lessor. Stringent action may be taken  for permitting pre-possession transfers.

Nothing is mentioned in ATR.

No action Taken.

9. Recovery  may be made from allottees who have disposed the plots/houses/ flats  allotted to them    including  under Discretionary Quota and have applied and succeeded in getting allotments again including discretionary quota.

BDA, OSHB, CDA and GA  Department  should cancel  the  multiple allotments, additional units allotted  to ineligible  individuals/ families  as pointed out  by the task Force  in its report  and resume the same  to the  concerned authorities.

Not a single  land/plot  has been recovered  till today.

10. Allotment of plots/houses/flats without evident publicity or by notifying the scheme only on the office Notice Board needs to be viewed seriously and cancelled. Those responsible for implementing such scheme should be proceeded against departmentally and criminally.    Disciplinary action should be taken for implementing    schemes exclusively for the employees of the implementing agencies concerned and all such allotment should be cancelled.  

Not  anything mentioned  in  Govt. ATR

11. Steps should be taken in a time bound manner for addressing the specific irregularities in the segment of the report.   The land meant    for housing but allotted otherwise   (for example, about 20 Ac.  Of such land had been given to SoA University by BDA) and land given for institutional purpose       but used for housing and otherwise should also be resumed.

 G.A. Department  will work out  the modalities  of implementation of  the  Task Force  report  in a time bound manner  in consultation  with Law Department  and the Advocate  General.  This  exercise  is to be  completed  within 90 days.

Pradip Pradhan, State  Convener, Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan, Date-21.12.17


84. OPTCL- An Institution of Secrecy with huge Corruption for benefit of corporate house and bureaucrats


After receipt of information under RTI on 11.7.17,  a team of RTI Activists  had  filed  complaint  dated 24.7.17 to Chief Secretary, Govt. of Odisha seeking vigilance inquiry into huge corruption and irregularities in the matter of selection of Final Bidder M/s High Tech Systems & Services for supply of “12 nos. new design ERS Towers suitable for 400kv transmission line network of OPTCL as per Tender (No. Sr. G.M.-CPC-ICB-ERS-24/2015) for ERS (Emergency Restoration Service) suitable for 400KV Transmission line Network for OPTCL. Because  this Company  has been selected  without  following due tender procedure.  I had also appraised  Chief Secretary  that this  corruption is masterminded  by Hemant Shamra, IAS, CMD of OPTCL  and to stop release of  money to the said Company.


  But the Chief Secretary did not take any steps to stop release of money.  In the meantime,  on 18.7.17, OPTCL hurriedly   released money  amounting Rs. 5,09,77,869.00  ( 80% of total fund Rs. 6,90,24,822.00 sanctioned ) to M/s Hitech Systems and Services Ltd., Kolkatta, a channel partner of  Tower Solutions, Canada, the manufacturing Company Tower Solutions, Canada  without any testing of materials.


Then, I field RTI Application for inspection of materials supplied by the Company. My application was kept pending for 4 months without any response and I was not allowed for inspection. When I filed first appeal dt. 26.10.17, the PIO immediately sent me a letter for  inspection of materials. However, On 15.11.17, I was allowed for inspection of ERS materials in presence of store keepers of stores of OPTCL located at Mancheswar, Bhubaneswar.  After  reaching on the spot, I met  General Manager, Stores Division and store-keepers  to show the materials and asked them  to  explain technicalities of materials.  They expressed their helplessness to explain me details, as they do not have idea about this technology. On query about who are the technical persons of OPTCL having knowledge about this technology, they replied that no such technical person is available in OPTCL. I got astonished why OPTCL purchased these ERS materials, when it does not have expertise to handle it. During inspection, I also observed  that  the materials  supplied  do not belong to  that company  which was awarded   final bidder.  The Tower Solutions  is not at all Manufacturer Company.  The material has been mobilised from different companies  of other countries like Brazil and China. When I wanted to take photograph of the materials, I was not allowed to take it. The General Manager advised me to file another RTI to get the photograph of materials. 


Then, on 16.11.17, I submitted RTI Application to the PIO of OPTCL for further inspection of materials and seeking photograph of the said materials. Besides  that , I also wanted  to know   the  following information from OPTCL.


i. Provide name of the technical expert who has  inspected the materials of Tower Solutions, Canada   before it is being supplied to OPTCL in 2017.

ii. Provide name of officers or experts who have tested quality of ERS tower materials delivered to OPTCL   by Tower solutions, Canada

iii. Provide name of officers or technical experts  who are having expertise to handle   and fix  ERS materials supplied by Tower solutions, Canada.

 iv. Provide name of the technical experts of OPTCL  having knowledge and expertise  about  use of ERS suitable for 400KV Transmission line Network.


On 15.12.17, the  PIO  has denied  to provide me opportunity to take photograph   of the materials while  giving his consent for inspection. Now  it is clear  that  as all  ERS materials  are fake  and  low grade  and now  product of Tower Solutions,  the OPTCL officials are not allowing  to take photograph of materials.  There is huge transaction of kickbacks  among top officials  of OPTCL to  finalise tender  in favour of Tower Solutions.  The documents provided by Tower Solutions are fake and forged which I had demanded for inquiry.


Regarding technicalities of ERS materials, I had sought the information about  name of  technical experts  who inspected the materials before it was shipped or dispatch, officers who have inspected materials at OPTCL site after it is delivered etc.  As per Inspection clause of Purchase order no. 953-000310 dt. 22.6.2016, the  following terms and conditions has been cited.

“ The materials covered  by the Purchase Order are subject to inspection  and testing  anytime prior to shipment  and / or dispatch  and /to final inspection  within a reasonable time  after arrival at site. Inspectors  shall have right to carry out inspection  and testing  which will include  the raw materials at manufacturer’s  shop  and at the time  of actual  dispatch before and after completion of packing.”


On 15.12.17, the PIO  has provided the  information no technical  inspector has  undertaken any inspection of materials  at Manufacturer’s site  and prior to shipment. Even OPTCL  does not  have expertise  nor any technical person  to handle ERS technology. Now the question comes how  and why OPTCL hurriedly purchased  ERS Tower for 400KV line without technical  inspection.  As there was huge deal of money and kickbacks by top officials in Govt. of Odisha, the officials of OPTCL  has arbitrarily  and illegally  given this order to a Private foreign company  for the purchase of materials.   The Top officials have taken huge money as bribe  to  award this tender.

 Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 23.12.17


85. Allegation of Scams and Illegalities, corruption and Defamation Case    against Achyut Samant, founder of KIIT/KISS – A Report


Every time, Mass media carries news about glory and achievement of Achyut Samant receiving awards, degrees from various Universities and Institutions and felicitated by many social organisations in the state. This news is flooded in both electronics and print media.  As image-building exercise, Sri Samant also organises mega events in KIIT Campus inviting high profile dignitaries starting from Chief Minister and Governor to Central ministers, MLAs, academicians, intellectuals, eminent lawyers, journalists etc.  Every Guest visiting Campus is being properly hospitalised. KISS Tribal School which has housed more than 25,000 tribal children (claimed by Sri Samant, but authenticity is doubtful) is highlighted and appreciated by many learned people publicly in the state. Sri Samant is viewed as messiah of tribals by his fans and supporters. Many people have also been engaged and funded to glorify   image of Sri Samant and his Institutions like KIIT, KISS, KIMS and many more. 


On the other hand,   since few years, we have come across a number of allegations of scams, regularities and illegalities against KIIT /KISS and its founder Achyut Samant.   Any news or expose   about real facets of Sri Samant, KIIT and KISS is systematically suppressed and diluted to keep his image clean. The connivance and close proximity of Sri Samant with corrupt bureaucracy and State administration has made Complaint Authorities helpless to take any action against him. As if he has made everybody Ukrainian Dancer in the state. Each political party starting from Right to Left are seen silent spectator to his corrupt practice.   Through RTI, though information is denied under RTI by KIIT/KISS, we have extracted a lot of information from various authorities about magnitude of corruption and illegalities and scams engineered by KIIT/KISS and violation of law by Sri Samant.  A few of these Scams is presented for  reference of the public.


1.      Illegal allotment of land to KIIT by IDCO through fraudlent means

As per Report of Comptroller and Auditor General of India  on General and Social Sector ( volume-3 ) presented to Govt. of Odisha in 2013,

Allotment of IDCO land to KIIT University


Allotment/Regularisation of IDCO Land to KIIT

Allotment of land

(In Acres)


Purchase of land mortgaged to Odisha State Finance Corporation



Board for Industrial and Finance Corporation  ( BIFR)



On Mutual Transfer from other allottees



Auction conducted by IDCO



Encroachment of land regularised  by IDCO



Allotment directly made by IDCO



In principle allotment of land  encroached by others






Audit Scrutiny revealed  that although direct allotment of land to KIIT by IDCO  was meagre (  Ac. 7.083 ),  there were instances of undue benefits extended to KIIT in acquiring remaining land ( 82.087 Ac.) violating procedure of land allotment which resulted in a loss of Rs.252.54 crores ( present market value will be more than Rs. 1000 crores). Enquiry into illegalities in respect of allotment of IDCO land  was not given to Task Force  constituted  under chairmanship of Dr. Taradatt in 2014 to protect  land mafias of Odisha including Achyut Samant by Govt. of Odisha.  Thousands of acres of IDCO land  has been acquired illegally  by Educational Institutions like KIIT, Hotels, Private Companies , corporate house etc.


2.      Land allotted to KIMS ( Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences)  still illegal.

As per information obtained  under RTI from GA Dept.,  Land measuring Ac. 26.970  for Kalinga Institute of Medical Science ( KIMS), Bhubaneswar  which  was allotted  to KIIT  has not yet been formally leased out by  General Administration Department, Govt. of Odisha, though  the said land was allotted  for 99 years in order to fulfil  criteria of Medical Council of India  required  for establishment of medical college and hospital.  Dr. Achyut Samant, founder of KIIT (Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology) had applied in 2004 to General Administration Department, Govt. of Odisha for lease of land (allotted by IDCO) in favour of KIIT for setting up of a 700 bedded hospital at Chandaka Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar.  Earlier,  IDCO, a Public Sector Company of the State Govt.  had leased out  an area measuring  Ac. 26. 970 to KIIT in 2004 at Mouza Patia  bearing lease Plot No. 14/A, 14/B, 25, 44,24, 12/A, 65 and 20/B  in favour of KIIT  for establishment of professional institute, Medical College for a maximum period of  73 years. 3. While  producing the letter of MCI, New Delhi, Dr. Samant wrote the letter to  State Govt. that  MCI  was not allowing  for opening  of a Medical College  on the ground that  the lease period  may be extended  for a period of 99 years instead of 73 years.  As IDCO cannot grant lease  of land for 99 years,  the Industry Department  suggested  that IDCO is required  to surrender the land to G.A. Dept. G.A. Dept will initiate action  for leasing  out the said land to KIIT  for a period of 99 years.  G.A. Dept. in its file noting on 20.4.2005 pointed out that G.A. Dept.  is leasing out land for  a period of 90 years. In case it will be considered for leasing out the land to KIIT for 99 years, the approval of the cabinet is necessary.  Before the proposal is placed in the Cabinet for enhancement of lease period from 90 years to 99 years, the following formalities need to be observed.

a. KIIT will surrender the above land to IDCO through a registered agreement.

b. On execution of surrender deed, IDCO will surrender the same to G.A. Department through a registered agreement for eventual leasing out of  the said land  along with the structures  standing  thereon  to KIIT for a period of 99 years. 

c. IDCO has charged concessional rate @ Rs. 18.00 lakhs  per acre to KIIT  considering hospital project  as a “Social Infrastructure”.

d. The rate of premium notified  by G.A. Dept.  in respect of  Mouza-Patia  is Rs. 25.00 lakhs  per acre  for Industrial/ Institutional purpose.

e. So before execution of the lease deed with KIIT for 99 years, KIIT is required to pay differential amount to G.A. Department.  

f. It was also pointed out that after observance of above formalities by IDCO/KIIT, necessary draft  cabinet note/ Memorandum will be placed  after obtaining Govt. order.


After getting concurrence of Dept. of  Revenue, Finance  and Industry,  a Draft  Memorandum  was  prepared  by  Department  of General Administration  to be placed  in  Cabinet  for  approval  to lease  out   an area measuring 6.883 acres  in favour of KIIT  for establishment  of Medical College and Hospital.  Accordingly,  the  Cabinet  in their meeting  held  on 19.11.2005  approved  the proposal  regarding  allotment  of land  in favour of KIIT , Bhubaneswar for establishment of Kalinga Institute of Medical Science ( KIMS) with  the CONDITION  that

·      KIIT will surrender the above land to IDCO through a registered deed, as they have signed lease agreement with IDCO.

·      IDCO will surrender the same to GA Department through a registered deed for eventful leasing out the said land by GA Department for a period of 99 years.

The decision of the Cabinet   was communicated to KIIT and land allotment order was issued  on 6.12.2005 ( GA Department letter No. 15287/CA dated 6.12.2005).


It is interesting to mention here that  without executing formalities to fulfil the condition of Cabinet to get the lease of 6. 883 Ac. from GA Dept, Sri Ahyut Samant   again applied to the State Govt. in January 2006  for leasing out  of  another 20  Ac of land  already leased out by IDCO  for the same purpose. Without examining the genuineness of requirement of quantity of  land  by KIIT  for establishment  of KIMS, the GA Dept. again moved the  file  for cabinet approval to lease  out another 20 Ac  of land  to KIIT.   On 22.4.2006, the State Cabinet in their meeting approved the leasing out of 20 acres of land to KIIT for  99 years  with the same condition  as imposed earlier by Cabinet on 19.11.15.  Accordingly allotment order dated 28.4.2006 was issued to KIIT (GA Dept. letter No.5575/CA dated 28.4.2005).   Without taking any steps for execution of Condition imposed by Cabinet for lease Agreement with GA, Sri Achyut Samant, Secretary, KIIT   again requested Govt. dated 27.4.2006 to issue a land use certificate in respect of above land on or before 30.4.2006 which is required to be produced before Medical Council of India for establishment of Medical College and Hospital during the current academic session 2006-07.  From the File noting, it was found that the Director of Estates has pointed out that allotment order can be issued after surrender of said land by IDCO and re-allotment order to be issued by GA in favour of KIIT.   He suggested that an interim order may be issued to KIIT in order to meet the inspection by Medical Council of India (MCI). KIIT may be asked to sign lease agreement with GA for 26.970 Acres of land. From the file noting and the correspondence made with KIIT, it is not ascertained whether interim or final order was issued to KIIT for leasing out of 26.970 Acres of land. However, without signing lease agreement with GA Dept., Sri Achyut Samant manipulated the Govt. procedure and eventually succeeded in getting permission from MCI to open kalinga Institute of medical Science (KIMS) in 2006.


3.      No  approval of Building plan by Bhubaneswar Development Authority ( BDA) 

Since last one year, several RTI Applications have been filed to Bhubaneswar Development Authority, Bhubaneswar seeking information about approval of Building plan of number of building of KIIT, KISS, KIMS. But BDA has been constantly ignoring RTI Applications. It is learnt from sources close to  Planning Division of BDA that most of the buildings of KIIT has no Building plan approval. These are all illegal buildings constructed by Sri Achyut Samant. However, Second Appeal petitions are pending   for disposal by Odisha Information Commission. 


4.      Land of KISS tribal school on encroached forest land without approval of Govt.

Without approval of the State Govt.  and Central Govt., Achyut Samant has illegally acquired 18 acres of forest land in Pathargadia mouza on which  building of KISS Tribal school  has been constructed. Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar has filed encroach case  against KIIT ( Case No. 640/11) under Odisha Prevention of Land Encroachment Act.  on 10.7.2012, Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar had issued eviction order to acquire the land. But astonishingly, due to pressure from ruling class and top bureaucrats with whom Achyut Samant enjoys close relation,  that order  was not carried  out.     But no action has been taken to recover the land by Tahasildar till yet.   However,  when it  was exposed  under RTI, Sri Subas Mohapatra, Human Rights Activist filed a case in National Green Tribunal, Kalkatta for recovery of the land and taking action against Sri Samant. on 21st March 2017, while  hearing the case    No. 92/2016/EZ & M.A. 157/2017/EZ   SUBHAS MOHAPATRA Vs  STATE OF ODISHA  & ORS  , National Green Tribunal,Kalkatta  has given direction  to both Forest and Environment Department  and Revenue and Disaster Management and Chief Secretary, Govt. of Odisha  to  demarcate  and acquire the land and undertake  fencing around the land which  has been illegally acquired  by Achyut Samant of KIIT.    Though 10 months passed, the State Govt. has not taken any steps to execute the order of NGT. 


5.      Forest land illegally used for construction of Building of KIMS.

 The Audit Report of CAG has pointed out that 10  Ac. Of land out of 26.970 acres allotted to KIIT for Kalinga Institute of Medical Science (KIMS)  is forest land which has been illegally transferred to KIIT by IDCO.  Obtaining the said information, Sri Subas Mohapatra  filed case in NGT seeking direction for restoration of the land. On 20.9.17, National Green Tribunal heard the Case No.  65/2017/EZ  & M.A. 211/2017/EZ  filed  by Subash Mohapatra vs Govt. of Odisha  challenging  illegal and unauthorised  use  of forest  land  by Achyut Samant-led-KIIT  for  construction of  building  for  KIMS ( Kalinga Institute of Medical Science). NGT has asked all the opposite parties i.e., Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management, Govt. of Odisha, District Collector, Khurdha, Divisonal Forest Officer, Chandaka Wildlife Division, Bhubaneswar to file affidavit by 1.11.2017.  KIIT was also allowed  to file affidavit. The case is going on.


6.      KISS Tribal School is illegal, says Child Welfare Committee Report.

Following the  complaint on  allegation of torture  of children living in KISS  tribal school by Subas Mohapatra, Human Rights Activist on 17.4.17,  a joint Inquiry  Committee  comprising the members of  Child Welfare Committee, Khurda and District Child Protection Officer enquired into the matter on 19.6.2017.  on the basis of the enquiry report, Child Welfare Committee, Khurda has issued the following  direction dated 8.8.2017  to the authority of KISS Tribal school, Patia, Bhubaneswar to comply  within month.


·      First of all it is necessary for the institution to get recognition from the Dept. of Tribal Welfare. So that the government people can inspect the institution and give proper advise  to improve standard of care.  They will be responsible for any deficiency of standard of care. Hence, the KISS Authority is to apply to the Dept. of Tribal welfare , Govt. of Odisha  in a month  time to obtain necessary  recognition. At least a set of guidelines may be  issued  to the institution  to maintain standard of care  of the children  and to address grievances  of the children.

·       Since the institution has accommodated some children in need of care  and protection, it needs to be recognised  by the Deptt. Of W and CD under JJ Act.  This would help the government officials of JJ system to verify standard of care  and to see whether  all rights  to the children  are ensured. Hence  the KISS Authority  is to apply  in specific form  to Khurda district  administration  within a month  time  to issue  certificate  of recognition  u/s 41 of Juvenile Justice  ( care  and protection  of children) Act 2015. 

·       All  the children  who come  under the purview of  “ child in need  and protection”  under section 2 (14)  of the JJ Act  are to be identified  and be produced  before CEC, Khurda  as per  section 31 of the Act  with proper background report in one month time. 

·      The inquiry committee  realised that  within the existing  infrastructure, it is not proper to accommodate such a huge  number of children . Hence either  the number of children  should be reduced  or necessary  infrastructure  should  be developed  to meet the needs of the  children  as per ICPS norms.  The institution  shall submit  an action plan report in the matter to this committee within one month time.

·      The guidelines for ensuring a child safe environment  in institutions where children are housed  and /or  study  issued  by the Dept. of Women and Child Development , Govt. of Odisha  vide notification  No. 13626 dated 23.8.2014  is to be mandatorily  followed  by the Institution and be monitored  by the District Administration / education authority. All the provisions  laid down  under this guidelines  shall be  complied  by the institution  within one month  tome so that  safety of the children  can be ensured.

·      The inmate should be provided  with necessary toilets  and bathroom services for their  comfortable  living as it is their right.  An action plan report in this regard  shall be submitted  to this  committee  within a month time.

·      In view of accommodation of huge number of children, this committee feels that  there shall be at least a proper  Child Protection Policy  in the institution  as a safety mechanism  for the children.  Hence,  the KISS  authority  shall publish  a clear Child  Protection Policy  document  in the institution  which shall be  read and signed  by all the people  working in the institution  within a month period.

Though six months have passed, KISS Authority has not complied the direction of CWC, Khurda.


7.      Defamation case filed against Achyut Samant by Sanjukta Panigrahi, eminent Woman Activist of Odisha

01.09.2017 at about 7P.M, Kalinga TV of Achyut Samant telecast a news item making several false, baseless, imaginary and defamatory allegations against Smt. Sanjukta Panigrahi and other Activists with an intention to blackmail her and tarnish her public image . Smt. Panigrahi filed a Defamation case in the court of Civil Judge (Senior Division), Bhubaneswar seeking a decree of permanent injunction restraining Kalinga TV from telecasting any defamatory news against her and decree of damage for Rs. 50000000.00 against Sri Achyut Samant.  The Court has taken cognizance of the case and issued notice to Achyut Samant and others.


8.      RTI not complied by   KIIT of Achyut Samant 

 As per section 2 (h) (d) of the  RTI Act, KIIT, KISS and KIIT Deemed University qualifies  to be Public Authority and is required to appoint PIO and Appellate Authority. But astonishingly, this Institution is ignoring RTI Act  and not responding RTI Applications. The cases of denial of information by KIIT and KISS has been pending in Odisha Information Commission and Central Information Commission.


9.      Criminal Cases against Achyut Samant

A criminal case is pending against Achyut Samant under 120B, 109, 39 and 34 of IPC R/w 15 and 19(b) of the Environment Protection Act 1986 in SDJM, Bhubaneswar on the complaint of Subash Mohapatra, Human Rights Activist. Achyuta Samant  and others are accused of illegal construction of their project without obtaining any prior approval from the Ministry of Environment and Forests as per the procedure laid down in the Notification and are violating the directions given under the notifications and being part of criminal conspiracy and for their private gain with ulterior motive, the accused persons are voluntarily harming the local environment which is right to life of the people, and the project functionaries are abetting the crimes. Similarly, another criminal case is pending in SDJM police station having FIR 114/2017 in Gadisagda police station under section 120B, 323/341/294/506/452/34 of IPC and 25 and 27 Arms Act.


 10 .   High Court Case  on illegal  Foreign Funding by Achyut Samant

A case is pending in Odisha High Court against Achyut Samant and Dana Majhi for illegal foreign funding. Achyut is accused of aiding illegal foreign contribution transaction and liable to be imprisoned for 7 years

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-3.1.18


86. Number of Students reading in KISS Tribal School is still in Mystery – Why


 Last Year in a public meeting, Achyut Samant claimed that KISS Tribal school had housed 30,000 tribal children and provided free education, food and shelter. Accordingly, RTI Application was filed to the PIO, office of KISS Tribal school to get the information about number of children reading in different classes of the school. The Principal denied to provide the information as the school does not come under purview of RTI Act.


Then, RTI Application was filed to the PIO,  Dept. of School and Mass Education, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about  number of children reading in KISS Tribal school. The Dept. does not have the information. However,  another  RTI Application  was filed to the PIO, Dept. of School and Mass Education, Govt. of Odisha  seeking information about details of NOC granted to KISS tribal School  as per Right to Education Act,2009. On 6.7.17, the PIO, office of Block Education Officer, Bhubaneswar provided the information along with two Field verification Report which is required prior to granting NOC to any institution.  It was found that   the Field verification Report of 2016-17   shows that KISS school has 14,804 i.e., 8956 from (from Class-1 to Class-V), 5849 from (Class-6 to Class-8).


Similarly, another RTI Application was filed to the PIO, office of Board of Secondary Education, Cuttack about number of the children of KISS Tribal School appearing High School examination from 2010 to 2017. On 25.1.18, the PIO has supplied the following information.



Total no. of Students appeared

No. of Students passed

























If these figures of BEO, Bhubaneswar and BSE, Cuttack is taken into account, the maximum strength of the students of KISS Tribal school  will be  16,000 only.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 4.2.18


87. Updating Civil Society Intervention to fight for justice for Kunduli Rape victim in Odisha


On 10.10.17, after allegation of a dalit 14-year old girl being raped by Cobra Para-military force in Musaguda village area of Koraput districts, the state witnessed series of rally, dharana, demonstration by opposition political parties and social organisations visiting Koraput to meet the victim to ascertain the fact about allegation. Few Human Rights Activists also conducted fact-finding about it and filed complaint to Odisha Human Rights Commission for justice to the victim. On the other hand, it was also observed  that  the Investigating officers  carrying out inquiry into allegation  maintained ominous silence for few  days  trying hard to exert pressure on Victim  to withdraw the statement  and  at last declared  that the girl was not raped.  After denial of victim’s allegation by ADG, HRPC, the   Activists and Opposition political parties  reacted strongly and demanded CBI inquiry into it.


When this unfortunate incident happened,  the members of Civil Society Groups  and RTI Activists  were engaged  in organising National Convention on  RTI in Bhubaneswar  held from 14th to 16th Oct.17. After having noticed that the State Govt. dillydallying  this issue and diluting the investigation,  the Civil Society Groups, though late  called  a  State-level Consultation meeting  on 4.11.17  to  discussion  the details of the issues  and  chalk out further  course of action. After discussion, it was  decided to  organise protest  in all district headquarters  and  file  complaint case to Commissions.


On 5.11.17,  series of  complaint cases  were  filed  to National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi, National Commission for Women and National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, New Delhi.


   On 9.11.17,  the Civil Society Groups   organised  Press meet  and  condemned police inaction and conspiracy of State Govt. officials to dilute the investigation in alleged Rape Case and demanded CBI inquiry.   


On 14.11.17, the Human Rights Activists and RTI Activists under banner of Civil Society organised  Black Day in 15 district head quarters involving concerened citizens, Activists and academicians condemning failure of police to arrest the  culprits and demanded CBI inquiry into it and submitted memorandum  addressed to Governor  through  Collectors of the districts. 


On 24.11.17, having heard about Kunduli Rape victim being admitted in S.C.B. College and Hospital, Cuttack,  the members of Civil Society Groups had visited  Hospital to meet  her. The Authority did not allow the team to meet her. During that time, Damei Chhati , mother of Victim and other family members reached  in the Hospital and demanded to meet  their daughter. When  it was found that  the victim is physically fit and interested to go back home,  the family members demanded to release her.   As the Hospital authority refused  to release  the victim,  the members of Civil Society Groups  and family members  sat on Dharana in front of  Medicine Ward   and continued  for three demands  for her release, as  there was no treatment of her  by the Doctors.  However, the victim goes released on 27.11.18.


On 4.12.17,  a 6-member Fact-finding Team of Civil Society Group had visited Koraput and personally interviewed with Kunduli Rape victim   to understand the genuineness of allegation of rape  by her. The team documented her allegation about  police torture, harassment and misbehaviour by District Child Protection Officer, Koraput during her treatment  and pressure mounted on her to withdraw her allegation . 


On 29.12.17,  A state-level Public Hearing on  Status of Alleged Rape cases and Situation of Rape Victims in Odisha” was organised in Bhubaneswar  presided over by  eminent personalities of the State Justice  Hrudaya Ballav Das, retired CBI Judge, Sri Prasanna Mishra, retired IAS, Sri Rabi Das, eminent journalist and Smt. Aparna Nayak, woman Activist as Jury member with participation of  200 Activists.   Kunduli Rape Victim along with other seven Rape victims  presented their story , torture  by the police, suffering  and straggle for justice.   


 Being seriously perturbed over suicidal death of  victim girl on 22.1.18,  the  Civil Society  Groups  reacted strongly  accusing the Govt. responsible for her death  and  organised  protest dharana  at Lower PMG , Bhubaneswar  on 23.1.18  demanding  CBI inquiry  into it.  A large number of  common people  joined with us and expressed solidarity  in our fight  for  giving justice to her.


On 25.1.18,  the  Civil Society organisations  conducted  Dharana  and Rally  at disctrict  headquarters  like Kendrapara, Bhadrak, Balasore, Rayagada , Mayurbhanj demanding CBI inquiry  into it.


On 30.1.18, one-day hunger strike was observed in front of statue of Mahatma Gandhi  at Gandhi Park, Bhubaneswar. More than 50 Activists  and concerned citizens observed fastinf for the whole day  resolving to fight for justice.


On 2.2.18,  a 12-member  Civil Society Groups  had  visited  Musaguda  to attend 11th day ritual of  death of Kunduli Rape Victim and interacted  with bereaved family members giving them moral boost  to fight for justice.


On 3.2.18, Mahadeepa was ignited in front of Jagannath Temple, Puri   praying  to destroy the family who conspired to suppress the investigation and denied justice to the victim.


On 4.2.18, the Report of Public Hearing documented story  of  7 rape victims  and recommendation of Jury  was  presented in email   to Chief Minister, Odisha, Director General of Police,  Odisha  seeking an inquiry into  these cases.


On 7.2.18, a Two-member Team Smt. Sanjukta Panigrahi  and Srikant Pakal met Inquiry team of NHRC at Koraput  and submitted memorandum  appraising the team   about conspiracy  and failure of State police  to conduct proper investigation.


On  8.2.18,  the   emergency meeting of Civil Society Groups  was  called to chalk out quick action plan  to fight for justice  for the  victim. It was resolved to organise  Indefinite Hunger strike  demanding Supreme Court-monitored  CBI/SIT inquiry  into Kunduli rape case.


On 12.2.18 to 15.2.18,  the  Civil Society Groups have started  indefinite hunger strike  at Lower PMG, Bhubaneswar  demanding Supreme Court-monitored  CBI/SIT inquiry  into Kunduli rape case and legal action against  the investigating officers  involved in suppressing  investigation into rape cases  and mysterious death of  kasturi Samantaray of Kendrapara district, Barsha Patra of jajpur district.  Smt. Sanjukta Panigrahi, Kalanadi Mallik, Dalit Activist and Pratap Sahu  have sat on hunger strike for indefinite period.  A memorandum was submitted to Governor , Odisha to ask State Govt. for recommendation of SC-monitored SIT inquiry into it. A 5-member delegation also met  Director General of police   and discussed  about outcome of investigation into other 6 rape cases i.e, mysterious death of Kasturi Samantaray of Kendrapara  and Death of Barsha Patra of Sukinda of Jajpur district.

Report Prepared by Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482 , Date-18.2.18


88.  Action Taken Report of State Govt. on Report of Commission of Inquiry into Kalinganagar Police Firing in Jajpur district of Odisha


On 14.12.16, RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Dept. of Home, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about Recommendations  of  Commissions  and Action Taken  by  the  Govt.. The PIO did not supply any information.  However, after notice issued  by Odisha Information Commission  on the Second Appeal petition,  the PIO  has supplied the following information on 12.2.18.


The State Government appointed Shri Justice Pradyumna Kumar Mohanty  as Commission fo Inquiry  on dated 4.9.2009 to enquire into  the incident of police firing  which occurred  at Kalinga Nagar in the district of Jajpur from the stage it was left by late Shri Justice P.K.Patra. After completion of inquiry, the Commission submitted its report to Government on 3.7.15. After being examined in the Home Department, it was accepted by the Government on 8.6.2016.


Action Taken on the Report-


a.      The Commission in his report made three recommendations to the State Government as follows.

i.        Formulation of beneficial, comprehensive schemes for giving benefits to the land loosers/displaced persons and while formulating such schemes the Government was to keep in view  the schemes adopted by Tata Steel Limited  in respect of the displaced persons of Kalinga Nagar.

ii.      Provision of suitable employment to one member of each family of the deceased persons through beneficiary companies set us in the Kalinga Nagar Integrated Industrial complex.

iii.     Payment of Additional ex gratia to the persons who had been injured  during the police firing.

b.      Upon examination , it  was found that  the Odisha Resettlement  and Rehabilitation policy  of the Revenue  and Disaster Management  Department  in its amended  form  was progressive  and similar to the scheme  adopted  by Tata Steel Limited  in respect of  the displaced persons  of Kalinga Nagar. Hence , the recommendation of the Commission in this respect  has been complied.

c.       It was also found that at least one member each from the families of the persons deceased on account of the police firing incident  had been offered employment by the beneficiary companies in the Kalinga Nagar integrated Industrial Complex. . Hence, the recommendation of the commission in this respect has also been complied.

d.      On request of the Home Department, Government in the General Administration  Department  have released a sum of Rs. 16,50,000.00 in favour of the Collector, Jajpur for payment of additional /differential ex gratia to the injured persons.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 18.2.18


89. Drive for Eviction of Encroached Land by Govt. Squad   is Farce in Bhubaneswar, capital City of Odisha


Encroachment of precious   land by powerful people, Educational Institutions, MLAs, Ministers, private persons, business houses is very  common  phenomena  in Bhubaneswar. Thousands of acres of   Govt. land has been encroached by the people close to power circle for years together.  Achyut Samant of KIIT  has illegally  acquired  and through  fraudlent means  more than 100 acres of land  in  Patia  and Pathargadia  Mouza.  CAG Report  on  General and Social Sector   presented  to Govt.of Odisha  in 2014  has  exposed  how valuable land  has been encroached  by    Govt. officials, corporate  houses  in Bhubaneswar.  Being pretty aware about extent of encroachment of   huge land, the State Government has hardly  taken  steps  to recover  the land.  On the other hand,  the GA Dept.  under control of Nabin  Patnaik, Chief Minister, Odisha  since 18 years  is seen  silent spectator  to huge  quantity of land encroached  by  the powerful people   without taking any steps  against  them.


In 2015, RTI Application was  filed  to Department of General Administration, Govt. of Odisha  seeking  information about details  of land encroached , detected , evicted and recovered  in Bhubaneswar .     The information was  consciously denied   by the PIO. However, after order of Odisha Information Commission, the PIO dt.  12.2.18  and 22.3.18  has provided the  following  information.


1.      On 15.9.2014, a Central Enforcement Monitoring Committee ( CEMC)  has  been constituted  for eviction of encroachers. The said  committee  has been formed  under the chairmanship of  Vice-Chairman, Bhubaneswar Development Authority comprising  Commissioner of police, Bhubaneswar, Director of Estates, GA Dept.,  Commissioner, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation,  Secretary, Odisha State Housing Board as the members  for monitoring  the eviction of encroachments.

2.      Under the said committee, 6 Enforcement Squads have been constituted  out of which 5 Squads  are entrusted  to detect encroachments  within BMC area and the rest one  is entrusted  to detect encroachments beyond BMC area but within BDA area.  Besides  that,  an eviction Squad  consisting of representatives  from GA Department,  BDA, BMC , Commissioner of Police  and other user agencies  is entrusted  to evict the encroachers  from the Government land  as per the schedule of  eviction programme.

3.      GA Dept. has provided contradictory statistics about  extent of encroached land  and amount of land evicted.  On 12.2.18,  the PIO stated  that  Ac. 110 .000 of Govt. land  have been taken over  by GA Department  to its control  after eviction of  the encroachers. The total extent of Government land under General Administration Dept. is 21,511  acres out of which Ac. 478.314 of Govt. land  has been encroached  within BMC area.

4.    But on 22.3.18, the PIO  has provided the following statistics  about   total land  encroached  and evicted  by GA Dept.


No. of demolition programme executed

Extent of detected

Extent of Govt. land  free from encroachments



Ac. 841.936

Ac. 32.645



Ac. 322.707

Ac. 45.063



Ac. 154.213

Ac. 56.646

Grand Total


Ac. 1318.856

Ac. 134.354



·      From the above statistics, it was observed that t he State Govt. has recovered just 10% of  the total land encroached  in Bhubaneswar.

·     The  State Govt. i.e.,  the Eviction Squad  have miserably  failed to evict  the land encroachers despite several complaints  filed    by the common people.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-9.4.18


90. Non-appointment of Lokpal by BJP Govt. and a Toothless Lokayukta Law enacted by BJD Govt. has destroyed people’s hope of  getting an   empowered  and independent  Investigative  Agency in the country as well as in state of  Odisha


Since  last few days, Odisha has witnessed  debate   in media  and  in legislative assembly  about  implementation of Odisha Lokayukta Act,  constitution  of Lokayukta  in the state  and Affidavit  filed  by Govt. of Odisha in Supreme  Court.    The opposition leaders  are also seen  demanding   immediate  constitution of Lokayukta in the state.


As we have pointed out earlier on the day one i.e., February, 2014 when Odisha Legislative Assembly passed  Odisha Lokayukta Bill  taking credit  that Odisha is the first state  in the  country to pass  this law,  Odisha Lokayukta as envisaged in the said Bill, if ever constituted in future, would remain a lame-duck body, congenitally incapable to meet the increasing menace of corruption and mal-administration that has gripped every sphere of public life across the state.


In the midst of discourse  which is going on in the state, we once again reiterate our stand  that the Odisha Lokayukta Bill 2014, despite its timely presentation in the State Assembly and later got assent of the president of India  had suffered a series of critical lacuna and incongruities vis-a-vis the letter and spirit of the parent Act. i.e. Lokpal and Lokayukta Act 2013. The BJD government hurriedly, within one month, passed the Odisha Lokayukta Bill, 2014 during Feb '14, without any discussion with any civil society forum, even though Section 63 of Central Lokpal and Lokayukta Act given the time period of one year for all the States to passing their respective Lokayukta Act.


 Since 2014,  we are concerned and on record  have demanded amendments to the objectionable& unconstitutional Odisha Lokayukta Bill '14, now received the assent of President of India during 2015 but government is yet to make gazette notification for enforcement of the Act. Our objection is with a view to removing the repugnancies vis-a-vis Central Lokpal Act, enacted under the concurrent list of the Constitution. The parent Lokpal Act 2013 has provided reconstitution and empowerment of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) with due amendment in Delhi Special Police Establishment Act 1946, into a free, independent and autonomous body under the control of Lokpal.


On the contrary, the Odisha Lokayukta Law, leaves the Director of Vigilance, the only anti-corruption investigating arm untouched and thus it remains as before a subservient and pliant tool in the hands of Executives and Politicians in punishing and protecting any public servant charged with corruption to suit their partisan consideration and sweet will.


As a result of this, the people of Odisha are going to have a lame-duck and toothless Lokayukta which no power and incapable of guaranting any impartial and independent probe into any allegations of corruption levelled against a public servant, let alone prosecuting him within a time bound period as provided in the Central Lokpal Act 2013. 


However, this pivotal issue of State Vigilance to bring under the control of State Lokayukta along with a few allied important matters constitute the principal theme of our movement. The critical difference between the Lokpal and Lokayukta Act 2013 and the Odisha Lokayukta Act 2015 are lucidly explained below which was submitted to Hon’ble President of India on 201.4. 2018 .  


Critical Differences between Lokpal and Lokayukta Act 2013 and Odisha Lokayukta Act 2014

1. CBI, the premier investigating wing of the Country has been freed from Governmental control by necessary amendment to the concerned law, Delhi Special Police Established Act 1946. (Part-II of the Schedule)


2. The Director CBI shall be appointed by an apex level body comprising 3 Members, Prime Minister, Leader of Opposition and Chief Justice of Supreme Court.(Part-II of the Schedule)


3. The Director of Prosecution to be appointed by the Central Govt. on the recommendation of CVC shall function under the overall supervision and control of Director CBI and can’t be removed before completion of 2 years in office.(Part-II of the Schedule)


4. Remaining Officers of CBI, namely SP and above to be appointed as recommended by an inter-Ministerial Committee chaired by the Chairman CVC in consultation with the Director CBI. .(Part-II of the Schedule)


5.  An Officer of CBI investigating a  case referred by LOkpal can’t be transferred without the approval of Lokpal.(Section 25-3)



6. CBI with the consent of Lokpal can appoint a panel of lawyers other than Govt.Advocates for conducting cases referred to it by Lokpal. (section 25-4)


7. Govt. to fund CBI adequately for conducting effective investigation into cases referred by Lokpal. (Section 25-4)


8. The Lokpal to act as the final appellate authority for appeals arising from any other law providing  for delivery of public services and redress of public grievances, as and where is a corruption angle as per the PoC Act 1988.

1. The Directorate of Vigilance, premier  anti-corruption  agency  of State  remains  as before  under direct control of  Govt.  in  the  G.A. Dept.  and  there  is   also  no  Act  to regulate the Directorate. (


2. The Director General of Vigilance is appointed by Government and his tenure and service matters are completely   subject   to   the   control of the  State                  Govt.( (


3. All the officers in the Prosecution wing of Directorate of Vigilance are appointed by the Government and as such function under its direct control. They are also subject to transfer as and  when  desired     by the State Government.



4. All the Officers in the Directorate of Vigilance are appointed directly by the State Government in G.A. Dept. (


5.  No approval of Lokayukta needed before the  transfer  of  a  Vigilance Officer  investigating  a  case referred by Lokayukta. (


6. Provision for an additional panel of Lawyers to be appointed by Director,  Vigilance for conducting cases referred by Lokayukta is absent. (Section-25)


7. No provision for Govt. funding to Director of Vigilance for investigation into cases referred by Lokayukta. (section 25)


8. The Odisha Right to Public Services Act 2012 is already in force, but neither Odisha Lokayukta Bill 2014 declares Lokayukta as the final appellate authority, nor the ORPS Act was amended to declare Lokayukta as the final authority in respect of all appeals made there under.(Chapter XV Odisha Lokayukta Bill 2014)

We urge  the Prime Minister of India  to immediate  call  the meeting of selection Committee  for constitution of Lokpal in the centre   and  demand to Chief Minister, Odisha  to amend Odisha Lokayukta Act  before its implementation in the state.

 Debesh Das, Odisha Lokayukta Abhiyan, M- 9437020674


91. Contribution of hundreds of Crores of Rupees by People of Odisha for KISS  Tribal School, Bhubaneswar, exposed under RTI


 Tall claim of Sri Achyut Samant, founder of KIIT/KISS (an NGO registered under Societies Registration Act) running KISS Tribal school  without  any support from State Govt.  is false, baseless  and motivated which was exposed  under RTI.  Sri Samant always makes a public statement that he runs tribal school  without any support  from  Central Govt. and State Govt.   To examine authenticity of his public statement, series of RTI Applications was submitted to Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India,  IDCO, Bhubaneswar, Dept. of SC and ST development, Food Supply and Consumer welfare Dept. , Govt. of Odisha  seeking information about  details of  subsidy programme  or other support provided to KISS Tribal school/KIIT.  The information obtained under RTI is as follows.

1.      KIIT/KISS has been allotted huge acres of land for running KISS Tribal School by IDCO, Bhubaneswar. The details of information is as follows.

IDCO Plot No.

Area allotted

Date of allotment

Purpose of allotment

102,M/4 to M/19, M/19/1,M/19/2, M/1 to N/9,N/1/A to N/1/C,N/2/1, N/6/1,N/14(P) to N/19(P) & N/16/1



Expansion of Existing Institution




Library for tribal children




Tribal School




Tribal School

Besides  that Achyut Samant  has illegally acquired 30 acres of  forest  land  without  any permission  from the Govt. There is no lease deed signed  with Govt.


2.   The State Govt. has also been giving crores of rupees  against post-matric scholarship to the students of KIIT and KISS, Bhubaneswar. The information obtained under RTI is as follows.

 Post-Matric  scholarship  to ST  students of KIIT , Bhubaneswar  from 2012 to 2017



No. of Students

Amount transferred




Rs. 2,04,22,450.00












Rs. 1,56,11,340.00





Post-Matric  scholarship  to ST  students of KISS , Bhubaneswar  from 2012 to 2017




Rs. 48,57,774.00




Rs. 1,38,11,550.00




Rs. 3,34,09,768.00




Rs. 4,28,99,650.00




Rs. 4,95,20,000

3. The State Govt. has also been providing  subsidised rice to KISS tribal School. On 16.9.2017. in an  assembly  query , Sri Chandra Sekhar Majhi, Hon’ble Minister for  SC and ST Development has   replied that  the State Govt. has been providing 75 MT rice to 5000 children of KISS  Tribal school in every month. The market price of the subsidised rice at BPL rate provided  by State Govt. to KISS Tribal school per year is Rs. 22,50,00,000.00 ( Twenty two crore and Fifty lakh rupees). The State Govt. has paid Rs.100 crore  to KISS tribal school  by providing subsidised rice  within last five years. Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 10.3.18

92. Crop Loan given to farmers during Kharif and Rabi Season in Odisha ( From 2013-14 to 2017-18)


RTI Application was filed to the PIO, Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about total crop loan disbursed to farmers in Odisha from 2009-10 to 2015-16. My RTI Application was forwarded to the PIO, office of Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Odisha Bhubaneswar to provide the information. On 13.4.18, the PIO has provided the   information about  disbursement of crop loan from 2014-15 to 2017-18.

                                                                                                                                                                     ( In crores)


                      Kharif  season

                           Rabi season


No. of loanees

Amount disbursed

No. of loanees

Amount disbursed

Total amount disbursed





























( upto 23.11.17)

176 .00









·   Every year, around 15 to 16 lakh farmers are provided crop loan during kharif and Rabi season in the state .

·   During last five years, the Govt. has provided Rs. 40,000 crore loan to around 1.5 crore   farmers in the state.

·   A impact  study  and monitoring  should be done how such  a big amount of crop loan benefitted  farming  community in Odisha

·   A study should be undertaken   whether this huge amount has reached  to the farmers  or misappropriated  and looted by  the people  in name of farmers , officials  and political touts. 

Pradip Pradhan , M-9937843482 , Date- 11.5.18


93.  Functioning of Odisha Information Commission- A Report Card (From August’ 2017 to April’2018)    


Within 12 years of implementation, Right to Information Act, 2005 has been proved as most empowering law for the citizens of the country. The  common people  have used  this law extensively  starting  from accessing  information  about  their rights  and entitlements  under various welfare schemes to exposing scams and irregularities  in development projects, tracking  ATR  on  their  complaints/ grievances  submitted to the public authorities,  enforcing transparency  and accountability  in the administration. This law has been biggest weapon in the hand of the common people to fight out corruption at various levels and paved the way for generating debate for introduction of  robust grievance redessal mechanism in the state.


As per the RTI Act,  the State Information Commission is the highest adjudicating body  entrusted  with task of deciding appeals and complaints  of the information-seekers, penalising erring PIOs and recommending  disciplinary proceedings against  them for persistent violation of the RTI Act and awarding  compensation  to  the affected  citizens who got harassed  due to  denial of information by the PIOs. The Information Commissions are  having  power of Civil Court  to conduct inquiry into  any  complaints/ appeals, call  for  any reports , summon attendance of  persons and  examination of witness and documents etc.


To review the  performance of Odisha Information Commission, RTI Application was submitted to Odisha Information Commission seeking information about the following information from August’2017 to April’2018 ( 9 months).

a.      No. of complaints and appeals heard and disposed   by State Chief Information Commissioner and other two Information Commissioners (month-wise).

b.      No. of days devoted by each Information Commissioner for hearing of cases (month-wise) .

c.      No. of cases in which penalty has been imposed on PIOs by each Information Commissioner within above-mentioned time period.

d.      Total no. of cases pending in the Commission up to April’2018.


On 14.5.18, the PIO has supplied the information which are presented below.

Odisha Information Commission  is currently functioning with Sri Sunil Kumar Mishra as Chief SIC and  Sri L.N.Patnaik and Smt. Sashi Prava Bindhani both being SICs.  Further, while the Chief SIC got appointed in Nov. 2016, both SICs  had got appointed more than a year and half earlier to him, i.e. in June 2015. 


1.      Appeals and Complaints  heard and disposed  by the Odisha Information Commission

As per section 19(3) of the RTI Act, if a person is  aggrieved  with the decision of  First Appellate  Authority  or could  not receive any  response from the First Appellate Authority within stipulated  time period i.e., 30 to  45 days of the receipt of the first appeal, he or she  can  file second appeal  to the Information Commission within 90 days.  Similarly, the section 18 of the RTI Act empowers the Information Commission to receive  any   type of  complaint cases in respect of  denial of  information , supply of incomplete, misleading and false information or any other matter relating to requesting or obtaining access to records under this Act.  The information about  no. of complaints and second appeals heard and disposed  by the Information  Commission  is  as follows.


Name  of  Information Commissioners 


No. of  Complaints and Second Appeals heard and disposed   within 9 months ( From August’2017 to April’2018)

Complaint cases  heard

 Complaint cases  disposed

Second Appeals heard

Second appeals disposed.

Sri Sunil Kumar Mishra

State Chief Information Commissioner





Sri Laxmi Narayan Patnaik

State Information Commissioner





Smt. Sashi Prava Bindhani,

State Information Commissioner





                                                 (N.B.- Total SA and  Complaint cases head by Smt. Bindhani is 849)


a.     While Sri Sunil Mishra, SCIC   hears    highest no. of 2363 cases (Second Appeal and Complaints) within 9 months,    Sri L.N.Patnaik   and Smt. Sashi Prava Bindhani have heard total no. of 2086 and 849 cases respectively.

b.    In respect of  month-wise hearing of the cases by all the three Information Commissioners, It was observed that Sri Sunil Mishra hears 263 cases per month followed by Sri L.N.Patnaik (231 cases) and Smt. Sashi Prava Bindhani (94 cases).

c.    In terms of disposal, Sri Sunil Mishra, SCIC disposes highest number of 768 cases  followed  by Sri L.N.Patnaik , SIC ( 511 cases )  and Smt. Bindhani ( 246 cases) , lowest  among all  three  Commissioners.

d.    The monthly-disposal rate is quite disturbing. Sashi Prava Bindhani stands as worst performer so far as disposal of the cases is concerned.  While Sri Sunil Mishra disposes 85 cases per month, Smt. Bindhani disposes only 27 cases and Sri L.N.Patnaik ‘s monthly disposal rate is just 56 . The disposal rate of the cases by Sri Sunil Mishra is 3 times more than that of Sashi Prava Bindhani. 


2.      Days devoted  for hearing of the case by the Information Commission 

The  information provided  by the PIO  shows  that  Sri Sunil Mishra, SCIC  has devoted total no. of 126 days  within 9 months and Sri L.N.Patnaik , SIC has  heard the cases  for 137 days  and Smt. Bindhani 126 days . Sri Sunil Mishra and Smt. Bindhani have devoted each 14 days in a month for hearing of the cases.  But Sri L.N.Patnaik has spent 15 days  in each month  for hearing of the cases.


3.      Penalty imposed  on PIOs by Information Commission

As per section 20  of the RTI Act, the Information Commission is empowered  to impose penalty   ( per day Rs.250.00  upto Rs. 25,000.00 ) on  erring PIOs  for violation of RTI Act. This penalty clause is one of the most important provisions of the law which act as deterrent for PIOs  against  violating  the law. In case of denial of information with malafide intention, supply of false, misleading and incomplete information or violation of any provision of the RTI Act, the Commission is obliged  to impose penalty  on PIOs.

           Quantum of penalty imposed on PIOs  by Information Commission is as follows.

Name of  Information Commission

 Total no. of cases  disposed

Total of cases in which penalty imposed 

Percentage of cases  in which penalty  is imposed

Total amount

Sri Sunil Kumar Mishra

State Chief Information Commissioner


15 ( 19 PIOs and referred PIOs penalised)

2 %


Sri Laxmi Narayan Patnaik

State Information Commissioner


9 ( 17 PIOs and referred PIOs penalised )

Less than 2%


Smt. Sashi Prava Bindhani,

State Information Commissioner


1  ( one PIO was penalised )

Less  that 0.0001%


4.     Total no. of cases pending  in the Commission  by April, 2018  is 9150 cases ( both Complaint and Second Appeals) .

5.     Since 2014-15, Odisha Information Commission has not published  Annual Report  as per section 25 of the RTI Act.


A.   As per the law, the primary function of the Commission is to hear and dispose complaint/ Second Appeal cases in order to give justice to the citizens. As soon as the cases are disposed within a reasonable time period, the complainant-citizens will get relief. The desired information will be meaningful and used in appropriate time and give genuine benefit to the citizens.  If the hearing of the cases gets delayed and lingers for years together, the affected parties will suffer. It is observed  from the  findings  of the rate of hearing and  disposal of  cases  by  Odisha Information Commission that  within period of 9 months, though  the Commission has heard 5298 cases , but  disposed  only 1525 cases . Out of total cases being heard, the Commission has disposed only 30% cases. Again these cases are of 2015 which is heard in 2017 and 2018. Many of these cases are yet to be disposed by the Commission.  As per RTI information, presently the Commission has the pendency of 9000 cases. If the present disposal rate of the Commission is taken into account, it is estimated the cases filed in 2018 will be heard in 2023 (after five years of filling of the cases).  Law will be meaningless for these people who will get information after five years. 

B.   It is observed  that  the huge backlog of the cases  is  caused due to  inefficiency  of the  Commission, lack of knowledge  and understanding  about the law  and  lack of expertise and experience  to handle the cases. In many cases, the Commission lingers the hearing of the cases  by  fixing so many dates (  time frame  fixed  for next hearing of case ranges  from 3 to 4 months) for years together.   The lingering of hearing of the cases along with fixing so many dates has frustrated the objective of the Act. It is also seen that many people are seen discouraged to file RTI applications and appeals / complaints to the Commission to get justice. The absence of the complainants/ appellants during hearing of the case has provided opportunity to Sashi Prava Bindhani  to pass arbitrary order in favour  of the  opposite  parties  without any penalty.  Out of  the  246 cases   disposed  by her, Smt. Bindhani   has  imposed penalty in one and only  case ( penalty  amount of Rs. 5000.00  imposed on Sri Narayan Mahalik, Ex-PIO, office of Tahasildar, Sadar, Cuttack , SA No. 1359/14). 

C.   Among  three Information Commissioners, Smt. Sashi Prava Bindhani  is proved as most inefficient and non-performing  Commissioner  in Odisha in terms of  hearing and disposal  of the cases and  imposition of penalty.

D.   It was also observed that  the  Information Commission has imposed penalty in just 2% of the cases  disposed  by  them. Meagre  penalty imposed on PIO in miniscule of cases  has encouraged them to deny information to the information-seekers. That’s why despite implementation of RTI Act in the state, there is no progress  in terms of reduction of corruption or irregularities  in administration in the state.

E.   It is  also observed  that the  Information Commission has not  adopted any  norms regarding the number of the cases to be dealt  by the Commission within a month. From the  findings , it was  found that  while State Chief Information Commissioner  hears 263  cases  per month,  Sri L.N.Patnaik , SIC hears  231 cases  followed by Smt. Sashi Prava Bindhani , SIC  ( 94 cases per month). If  this trend  continues, the Commission will take five years for disposal of  pending cases  i.e., 9100 cases.


a.      The Information Commission must adopt norms for hearing and disposal of the cases in every month.

b.      The Commission should not linger the hearing of the case  and dispose  the case within two to three hearing.

c.      The Commission must impose penalty  on erring PIOs  for  violating the RTI Act without showing any lenient attitude  towards them.

Report prepared by

Pradip Pradhan                                              Srikant Pakal                                    Bhawani Prasad Nanda

M-9937843482                                               M- 9338455092



94.  Mass Dharana of RTI Activists in protest against conspiracy of State Govt. to destroy RTI Act in Odisha dt. 31.5.18


 Within 12 years of its implementation, RTI has been proved as most empowering law for the citizens of the country. The  common people   are seen using   this law extensively  starting  from accessing  information  about  their rights  and entitlements guaranteed   under various welfare schemes to exposing scams and irregularities  in development projects, tracking  ATR  on  their  complaints/ grievances  submitted to the public authorities,  enforcing transparency  and accountability  in the administration. This law has been biggest weapon in the hand of RTI Activists to fight out corruption at various levels and paved the way for generating debate for introduction of robust grievance redessal mechanism to redress grievances of the people in time bound manner. RTI Activism in India generated   nation-wide movement led by Anna Hazare for constitution of Lokpal at the centre and Lokayukta in the state through enactment of the Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013.


But from the very beginning , the implementation of RTI in Odisha  has suffered  severe setback due  to anti-people Odisha RTI Rules, 2005 which is well-designed  by Odisha bureaucracy to subvert the sun-shining law. Tall  claim of  chief Minister  that his Govt. is transparent Government  is false and designed  to befool  the people. The  Chief minister  never takes  name of RTI  while pronouncing  slogan of transparency  in his administration. RTI under his regime has been diluted, subverted  and destroyed  to  keep  continuity his corruption without any hassles.   For example, the Form-A ( Application for information) under the said Odisha Rules is too long, complex and over-damaging one  which not only frightens away the ordinary members  of the public from applying for information under the Act but also ultravires too of the mother Act. The column-2 asking for Father/ Spouse name, column-3 asking for permanent address and Column-4 asking for particulars in respect of identity of applicant  are very much personal details , the disclosure of which  by an applicant  before the PIO  has been forbidden  under section 6 (2) of the RTI Act.  Similarly  demand for proof of citizenship from an applicant filling RTI Application  under Odisha Rules  is also  contrary  to  section 6 (2)  of the RTI Act. The State Govt. has also made arbitrary provision of charging Rs. 20/- and 25/- towards  First Appeal fee and Second Appeal fees  respectively is also  absurd  and illegal under RTI Act.  Since last several years, RTI Activists and Civil Society Organisations have been demanding for withdrawal of these anti-people provisions of Odisha Rules. But  the State Govt.  has not taken any steps  to make Odisha RTI Rules people’s-friendly. It still remains absurd and illegitimate.


Secondly, as per section 4 (1b) of the RTI Act, each Public Authority  is required  to voluntarily  disclose  17 types of information within 120 days of enactment of RTI Act i.e., 12th October 2005. As per section 4 (4) of the Act, these information will be disseminated  in odia language.  But within 12 years of RTI Act in Odisha, the State Govt. has  developed  a fantastic website which is a storehouse of   proactively  disclosed  information of many departments  and  sun-ordinate offices.  But  it is interesting  to note here that  these information are  outdated  and not  a single information is found correct.  Even  the  voluntarily disclosed  information of  the office of Speaker, Odisha legislative  Assembly  and  office of Governor, Odisha  is not updated.   Not  a single  information  is disseminated  in Odia language despite enactment of Odia Language ( amendment ) Act.   The Common people hardly access this information. Display Board  about RTI Act  is hardly noticed  in any office  of the state.


Thirdly,  Odisha has  witnessed  series of   attacks   on RTI  Activists which is  increasing  day by day.  A good number of RTI Activists  who  are  at forefront of   exposing  corruption, irregularities  in  implementation of Govt.  schemes and programme  are seen harassed, tortured  and mercilessly  beaten up, petrol attacked   and also murdered  by powerful people  due  to  police inaction, denial of registration of  FIR and lack of investigation   and nexus of the police  with  the vested groups.   It has been noticed  that within period of last three years, more than 50 RTI Activists  have been beaten up, attacked  and socially ostracised  by influential and corrupt  people  in the state.  Despite  several complaints  to higher authorities  for immediate investigation into FIRs lodged   by RTI Activists  and  ensuring their protection , the State  Govt. has not taken any steps  in this regard.


Fourthly,   As per the RTI Act,  the State Information Commission is the highest adjudicating body  entrusted  with task of deciding appeals and complaints  of the information-seekers, penalising erring PIOs and recommending  disciplinary proceedings against  them for persistent violation of the RTI Act and awarding  compensation  to  the affected  citizens who got harassed  due to  denial of information by the PIOs. The Information Commissions are  having  power of Civil Court  to conduct inquiry into  any  complaints/ appeals, call  for  any reports , summon attendance of  persons and  examination of witness and documents etc. But  the  functioning of  Information Commissioners  are  highly  disgusting and frustrating. Lack of transparency in appointment of Odisha Information Commissioners, appointment of  inefficient ICs  has brough disaster  in the  functioning of the  Commission.  Long delay in hearing of the case, lingering of the cases  by the Commission fixing so many dates, non-imposition of penalty  on erring PIO  has frustrated  the  appellant-citizens  and discouraged  them  to pursue  any case  to get justice from the Commission. From a close study of 9 months of performance of Odisha Information Commission (from August, 2017 to April, 2018) , It was observed that    Smt. Sashi Prava  Bindhani , SIC disposes only 27 cases  per month,  while  Sri L.N.Patnaik ‘s monthly disposal rate is just 56 . The disposal rate of the cases (85) by Sri Sunil Mishra, SCIC is 3 times more than that of Sashi Prava Bindhani.  It is evident that the Information Commissioners   do not have expertise and experience and having lack of interest to   render justice to the citizens. Neither they recommend  for  disciplinary proceedings  against  erring PIOs { section 20(2) } nor award  compensation  to the aggrieved  citizens  under section 19 (8b) of the RTI Act.


Our Demands

1.    Immediate amendment of Odisha RTI Rules in order make it citizen-friendly after due consultation with Civil Society Groups and RTI Activists.

2.    Formulating transparent procedure for appointment  of  Information Commissioners  in line of  Supreme Court Judgement in the matter of namit Sharma vs Union of India  dated 3.9.2013 ( Review petition No. 2309/2012).

3.     Odisha Information Commission should have internal mechanism of disposing atleast 3000 cases by each  Information Commissioner  in a year and  each  Appeal/Complaint filed  in the Commission must  be enquired  within one of the filling of the case. Penalty must be imposed on erring PIOs violating RTI Act strictly adhering section 20 of the RTI Act.

4.    Any  complaint  about attack on RTI Activists filed in police station must  be registered  immediately and investigated  with action against the  culprits . So that RTI Activists  can work  without fear and contribute more in the field of minimising  corruption  in the state.

In this  context,  a Mass Dharana is being Organised  by Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan at Raj Bhawan on 30.5.18 at 10 am  to 4 pm. A memorandum  will also be submitted to Governor, Odisha  pressing  for above-mentioned demands.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 29.5.18 


95.  RTI Activist was mercilessly beaten up, arrested  and put behind bar in Angul district, Odisha


Pradeep Kumar Sahu, Recipient of  best volunteer award from Chief Minister, National Youth Awardee and  renowned RTI Activist  was  manhandled , then beaten up mercilessly  by  the forest officials of  DFO Office, Angul  on his visit  to the said office  to file RTI Application on 9.5.18. Later  he was arrested  by the police  on FIR lodged  by officials in connivance with police, but  his  first FIR was ignored  by the Inspector-in-Charge, Angul police station. On 11.6.18,  Sri Pradeep Sahu  has filed two petitions to Odisha Human Rights Commission and Odisha Information Commission seeking justice.


Details of incident leading to attack and arrest of RTI Activist

·   On 9.5.18, Pradeep  along with  his  Activist-friend Jitendra Samal  had gone to the office of Divisional Forest Officer, Angul  to submit RTI Application   and met Basudev Nayak, ACF  and discussed  with him about purpose of their visit. Time was around 9.15 AM. During discussion with ACF, they asked for information of other RTI Applications submitted earlier. It is to be mentioned here that  since huge corruption, irregularities  and misappropriation of  crores of rupees  sanctioned for plantation and forest development project is going on , Pradeep and local people  are using RTI to expose it  and they have also filed  a number of complaints to Director, Vigilance, PCCF, Odisha  for inquiry.  However,  having seen another RTI Application on another corruption issue,   Sri Nayak, ACF  got irritated and started rebuking them  using slang language ( Haireshala tume kuade asichha ………………).  Then he immediately shouted and called his staff to teach them lession. Immediately few staff of DFO office reached in the spot , gheraoed and started beating them black and white. They kicked like anything   and strangulated them.  Though they tried to retaliate them, they  could not succeed.    It continued for two hours. At last  the police reached and rescued them.

·   After reaching in police station, they  filed FIR in Angul Police station.  The Inspector-in-Charge received their  complaint but did not register the case. But they  were held up by the police in Police station.  

·   Just after few minutes of our FIR being filed,  Sri Basudev Nayak along with few staff reached  in the police station and  filed  counter FIR against Pradeep  leveling unnecessary  false charges  against them. He alleged that they put fist blow to his neck and Jitendra held his hands and threatened to murder him. Astonishingly, the IIC, Angul immediately registered their FIR and within hours produced them before the court of SDJM, Angul   who refused to grant bail and forwarded them to jail. They got released on bail after 20 days of custody.

·   Pradeep is social Activist. Since last few years, he along with his friends have been using RTI  to expose corruption and give justice to the poor people in Angul district.   He has been awarded Prakruti Mitra award by district administration for his outstanding work in  the field of protection of forest, While working with forest protecting groups, he  has come across  huge corruption and irregularities  in forest development project  and plantation.  To fight out corruption, he has been using RTI in different offices including DFO office. 

·   Being disturbed over his repeated expose about corruption and subsequent filling of plethora of complaints demanding inquiry, the staff of DFO  office and more particularly ACF have got vindictive and conspired to attack him several times. 9.5.18 was an faithful day for him to execute his conspiracy    and to take revenge against Pradeep and his friend Jitendra. 

·   Pradeep has filed complaint to OHRC and Odisha Information Commission seeking inquiry and quick action against the culprits.

Pradeep Sahu can be contacted  M-9937439848

Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist, dt.12.6.21


96. My view on “Odisha Development Conclave-2018”- Why I hold my view it as Farce ?


As per law of medical Science, only masturbation does not ensure pregnancy. But it gives sensual or sexual pleasure.  That’s why doctors advise couple for sexual intercourse  which may lead to pregnancy . Karl Marx  has applied  this scientific law while  understanding   the contemporary society, class exploitation, class struggle i.e., theory of Unity of  two opposites.” This is the law  of nature.  Similarly, mere intellectual masturbation  ( discourse )  can not  give any result nor will it help developing  society or the state. It has never happened in history.  From this   perspective, the performance of Odisha Development  Conclave  can be analysed.


The first Odisha Development Conclave was organized in Bhubaneswar in 2016  with much fanfare and  huge funding which has been kept secret till yet.  This 3-day programme ended  with a lot of  intellectual and academic discussion  through various plenary sessions with participation of good number of the people, activists, NGOs, Govt. officials and many more. What  is the outcome of that mega event ? What  was the action plan  and how it  was implemented ?  No response  has been given  from the organisers of  that  Conclave-2016. The net result  was  a high-profile report which  was   presented  to Governor by Sri Jagadanand Mohanty , Secretary CYSD  with his team. It was nothing but a melodrama.    In pre, post  and during  this Conclave-2016  , one man  was  seen being much highlighted  is none by Jagadanand Mohanty, a great Sarakari broker ( Govt. promoted Dalal ) who has spent most of his time  doing negotiation with Govt. in name of constructive engagements  and hobnobbing with corrupt bureaucracy  under Nabin Patnaik Govt. for project of CYSD , profit  and  Govt. land.  NGO sector  has not at all  been benefitted  rather he has used name of NGO sector  for his personal benefit.  As I have critically  understood  this man  and tested  him during his  position  as Information Commissioner, he  has not only misbehaved RTI Activists during hearing but  tried  his level best  to protect  corrupt Govt. official  and damaged  RTI  establishing unholy alliance  with  corrupt bureaucrats. Nobody will find a single outstanding decision of  his five years tenure. After his retirement ,  he immediately organized   a NGO meet  and so-called  Sambardhana Sabha was organized by  few lumpenised  activists and Sycophant NGOs   at Jayadev Bhawan  to keep his face clean  which  was seriously  damaged  by campaign of RTI Activists  and exposing his true character of dalali  in public  domain. Then, he started  and adopted  various tricks  to win over Govt.  to get Rajya Sabha ticket  and used his all strength and contact and connection  to influence Chief Minister.  But  he failed  to achieve it.  Odisha development  Conclave-2016  was  for  the  purpose of getting Rajya Sabha ticket   in name  of development of Odisha and NGO Fraternity. It was organized  to develop his image and profile so that the political leadership  will be attracted  and influenced to give him ticket for Rajya Sabha. He was highly  unhappy  when Sri A.V.Swamy  got Rajya Sabha  ticket.  My friends of NGO sector  must  understand   selfish character  of Jagadanand and his ill-motive behind organizing any programme. When  Sri Achyut Samant  and Sri Soumya Ranjan Patnaik  got Rajya sabha ticket, his  last hope  to get Raj sabha  ticket dashed out and got  terribly  disturbed.


Having lost   faith on  BJD, he  has very  cunningly and calculatedly  moved  to Dharmendra Pradhan,  face of BJP , party  in power in centre. As  he knows  dirty trick of influencing  others  for his vested interest, he  somehow  has succeeded  in influencing  Dharmendra  bhai  to get  benefit or  bargain  with BJD  for Rajya sabha  and  projects  for CYSD  in name  of NGO sector.  This Conclave-2018  is nothing  for development of our beloved state   but  for  his  vested interest. That’s why  his name  is only  discussed in conclave as if  he is  development messiah.    


I appeal all my friends in voluntary  sector  and NGO chiefs  to be cautious  and careful   about  such  character which is detrimental  to the interest of the state.


My lone voice is just  like an earthen lamp which dares  to lighten  deep dark world.   All of  you may like or dislike. But I presented  the fact-sheet  from my experience while working  in this sector  for 23 years.

Pradip Pradhan, State Convener, Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan, M-9937843482 , Date-25.6.18 ,


97. Odisha Development Conclave, Transparency and Jagadanand Mohanty ( Bulletin-2)

Whether it was Development  Conclave  or  personal propaganda  of  Sri Jagadanand Mohanty  of CYSD


I got opportunity  to  come across the agenda of 3-day programme of Odisha Development  Conclave-2018, but  could not  find any plenary session  devoted  for  discussion on RTI- A tool for transparency  and accountable governance in the country, Lokpal  and Lokayukta, Grievance Redressal mechanism  etc.  Good Governance is much-discussed buzz word in Civil Society Forum in the state.  Many NGOs   are also working  on  governance issues  in the state  and advocate  for transparency  in the administration, though  very  few  of them  work  on RTI.   As I have seen, Sri Jagadand Mohanty also projected himself great advocate  of  good governance . He had also served as State Information Commissioner for five years ( 2008-13), a transparency watch-dog  under RTI Act. However, during  this period, we have  exposed  him  how he   as Information Commissioner  has acted  to destroy  RTI Act  in the state  establishing unholy alliance with corrupt bureaucracy and demoralized  RTI Activists  and discouraged  them  from  carrying out   their mission  to  fight   for   transparency  and accountability in the administration.   When   we exposed  his true  character publicly and his ignorance  about law  and lack of expertise  to adjudicate  the case, he influenced the then    State  Chief Information Commissioner    to file defamation case  against me and Chitta Behera  in the court of First Class Judicial magistrate , Bhubaneswar  in October, 2010.  The case is pending  in the  court till  today.


However, without  being disturbed by  this conspiracy  of  Information Commission,  we  continue  to  bring to limelight  about  his dangerous performance as  Information Commissioner.  After  his tenure is over, As I have seen,  he keeps discussing  about RTI and transparent  governance  in various public meetings.


But  I got astonished  why  the same person failed  to keep  a session devoted  for  discussion on RTI  in Odisha Development  Conclave  and  transparency  about source of funding mobilized  from different  sources.  I was asking many of my friends about source of funding for this mega event. But nobody could speak about it. Nobody knows about it. They said that CYSD people were managing and controlling everything. All the NGOs who also participated in this conclave are hardly aware about the source.  Many people are alleging that Sri Jagadanand  and his NGO CYSD  has mobilized  huge fund from corporate  house  in form of funding  and also advertisement.  Same issue  was also cropped  up in  Odisha Development Conclave-2016, as the NGOs are still in dark  about  source of fund  and its utilization. 


Odisha, our beloved state, endowed with huge natural resources  and man power  is  still suffering  from hunger, malnutrition and earned notoriety for  being highest poverty stricken  population  in the country. It is due to maladministration, corruption and lack of transparency and accountability. Since 2005, the State Government has tried its best to dilute  and destroy RTI Act  in the  State and Odisha Information Commission like Sri Jagadanand Mohanty  has contributed  to it. The office of Lokpal was closed. Lokayukta  was  not appointed . So unless transparency is enforced ,  corruption cannot  be checked  and   effective administration can not  be streamlined. Transparency  in administration can ensure effective delivery of services  to the people  and generate public demand  to access to  services meant for them. The decade-long fight of RTI Activists has  contributed  a little   in this field and exposed  huge scams  and brought to limelight  true  character of Nabin Patnaik, most  corrupt chief Minister in history of Odisha. 


So any programme without transparency and accountability is big zero. The organizers of  Odisha Development  Conclave and NGOs  involved in this process  must  realize  it  which is  demand of the time. I appeal   them  to  immediately  disclose  the details of source of funding and allocation of fund  for  different  activity  of the Conclave   in order to set an example  in NGO sector. Sudarshan Chhotaray , journalist of the  Pioneer  was sharing  with  me  that  when  he asked  about  source of funding  for  conclave  in press meet,  Sri Jagadanand  and others   got terribly disturbed and  did not  reply anything   which has already been  highlighted  in “ the Orissa  Pioneer”.


We the RTI Activists  are not sitting idle. 20 RTI Applications   are being filed  tomorrow  to  different  offices including  CYSD , Bhubaneswar   seeking  information  about  budget,  source of funding, various activity including  bill and  vouchures.


We should also remember that  any  collective programme   can not  be  one-man show  and one-man propaganda.  It  is very dangerous trend and practice of feudal  culture  in Odisha  which  is against the spirit  of democracy. The learned NGO leaders  must  be aware and cautious   about  it.

Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist, Odisha, M-9937843482, Date- 27.8.18


98.  43 lakh people depend on alms of Rs.300/- to survive in Odisha

RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Department of Social Security & Empowerment of persons with disabilities, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about details of beneficiaries covered under various pension schemes, pension paid to them etc.   On 11.6.18, the PIO  has provided the following information.

A.   Name of various pension schemes  undertaken in Odisha

i.     Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension scheme ( IGNOAP)

ii.    Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme ( IGNWP)

iii.  Indira Gandhi National Disables pension Scheme ( IGNDP)

iv.  Madhubabu Pension Yojana ( MNPY)

b. The year-wise information about allocation of Central Government for pension scheme is as follows.


                              Name of the Schemes                             ( In lakhs)




Fund received from GOI


Fund received from GOI


Fund received from GOI
































C.The No. of beneficiaries covered under each pension scheme of Central Govt. is as follows.


Name of the Schemes




















D.          The No. of beneficiaries covered under Madhu Babu Pension scheme and funds allocated under the scheme are mentioned below.

( In lakhs)


No. of beneficiaries

 Fund allocated













  E.The amount of monthly pension for each beneficiary under each pension scheme of State Govt. and Central Govt. are mentioned below.


Name of the  Schemes

























Pradip Pradhan , M-9937843482, Date- 23.6.18


99. Expenditure towards Renovation and Remodeling of Anand Bhawan, Cuttack


RTI Application was  filed  seeking  information about details of budgetary allocation and expenditure made  towards renovation and remodeling of Anand Bhawan, Cuttack, parental property of  Nabin Patnaik, Chief Minister of Odisha .  The PIO , office of Superintendent of Museum, Odisha has provided the  following information.


1.No budget estimate has been made by Odisha State museum, Bhubaneswar for renovation and remodeling of Anand Bhawan, Cuttack for 2017-18 .

2.But expenses made  for construction of infrastructure in Anand Bhawan   on the eve of  visit of the Hon’ble President of India  is as follows


Purchase of furniture

Rs. 3,27,794.00

Purchase of  computer

Rs. 62,000.00

Purchase of official stationary

Rs. 44,859.00

For Exhibition

Rs. 7,95,792.00

Miscellaneous Expenses

Rs. 5,682.00

Payment towards wages

Rs. 6,40,000.00

Expenditure made  from 3/18 to 5/18

Rs. 2,95,998.00


Rs. 21,72,125.00

Pradip Pradhan , M-9937843482, Date-25.7.18




 100. Denial of  Information under RTI  by Department of General Administration, Govt. of Odisha  about details of requisition and proposal requiring financial sanction   given from Governor’s office for visit of Governor to his home town of Harayana and sanction of Govt.  – It  confirmed  the conspiracy of State bureaucracy facilitated  by Chief Minister’s Office to malign Governor publicly


In the first week of July, 2017, paid media of Odisha highlighted   expenditure of  Rs. 44 lakhs towards hiring special chartered  flight  for  visit of Hon’ble Governor from Bhubaneswar to his home town Sirsa of Harayana. This news was deliberately given  to press by corrupt bureaucrats associated  with Chief Minister’s office  to  downgrade  his image publicly. However after strong reaction from Governor’s house ,  Dr.A.P.Padhi, Chief Secretary  personally met Governor, Odisha in Raj Bhawan  and  expressed deep regret at  the manner  in which   the letter  was issued to Governor’s office after  state Government received a bill of Rs. 46 lakh  as part of Governor’s flying expenses.


To understand gamut of issues and exchange of letters between office of Governor and General Administration Department, RTI Application dated 11.7.18 was filed to both the PIOs of office of Governor, Odisha and General Administration department seeking the following information.

·     Details of requisition and proposal requiring financial sanction   given from Governor’s office to State Government for visit of Governor to his home town of Harayana and copy of sanction letter  given by Govt. in this regard.

·      Copy of air travel  bill  submitted  by Governor’s office   towards expenses of chartered  flight  charge  and helicaptor  charge for  visit of Governor to his home .

·     Copy of the objection letter  sent  by GA Dept. to  Governor’s office in respect of air bill submitted by Governor.

·      Copy of the Rules or order or Notification in respect  of  expenses of travel for private tour, official tour  and foreign tour  that Governor is entitled  to avail it.

·     Information about  details of facilities, emoluments and allowances  that Governor is entitled to avail it.


1.      On 10.8.18., the General Administration Department rejected  my application citing  the ground under section 8(1)(g) of the RTI Act. In fact this is not ground  for rejection of application. As  the State Govt. wants to keep this  information secret to  protect themselves from further expose of their evil design to downgrade image of Hon’ble Governor,  the PIO  has taken the plea of section 8 (1) (g) of the RTI Act. save their face which has been exposed and tarnished evil after strong reaction from Governor’s office.  As per the said section 8(1)(g), “ Information , the disclosure of which endanger the life or physical safety of any person or identify the source of information or assistance given in confidence for law enforcement or security purpose will be denied to Information-seekers”. The counter-argument is  that the information about Governor’s visit , use of  flight  and expenses towards it is not at all secret  information.  As the money is paid from state exchequer, the citizens have right to know about the expenditure. The disclosure of information will no way endanger safety of Governor, as his visit has already been over. The information sought for is no way  related  to security   nor supplied by law enforcement authority. The information was sought about the copy of the letter sent by GA Dept. to Governor House.


2.      But the PIO, office of Governor’s house supplied all the information sought for including copy of all letter correspondence with GA Dept. The details of information supplied by the PIO dated 4.8.18  is as follows.

a. On 1st June, 2018, the office of Governor sent a letter to GA Department for arranging  a Charter Flight ( 8/10 seater) suitable for his visit  to Sisra in Harayana from  Bhubaneswar on 10th June  at 10 am and return from Sisra  to  Bhubaneswar 13th June at 11 am , 2018.

b. On 2.6.18, GA Department wrote a letter to M/s Pinnacle Air Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi for arranging a hiring chartered flight and expenses required for said purpose which was promptly responded by that  company on 4.6.18. 

c. The hiring charge of  twin engine jet aircraft legacy  650 ( VT-AOK/AOE)  for use of  Governor  fixed  by M/s Pinnacle Air Pvt. Ltd is Rs. 44,72,000.00 which was accepted  by GA Dept. on 6.6.18 and it was  communicated  to the Office of Governor accordingly.

d.  On 4.7.18,   Smt. Indira Behera, OAS, Deputy Secretary to Government, GA Dept.  wrote a letter No. GAD-AV-RES-0004-2017- 18773/Gen.  to Special Secretary to Hon’ble Governor, Odisha  seeking necessary use/s certificate  that the Aircraft has been used.  In this  letter, she mentioned that  “ it may kindly intimated  the reason  and circumstances  for hiring of a helicopter  for use of  Hon’ble Governor  and deviation in the approved schedule of the flight and whether approval of the  competent authority has been taken for the purpose or not”.  This letter generated sharp reaction  from Governor’s office for which Chief Secretary personally met Hon’ble Governor , begged apology  and assured  him to take action against the concerned official.


It deserves to mention here that unnecessary and  useless expenditure and misuse of flight causing crores of rupees loss to state exchequer has been done by Chief Minister and his Govt. which has been thoroughly exposed several times earlier  under RTI.

Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist, M-9937843483, Date- 15.8.18 


101. Provision of Free Dialysis Services for poor kidney patients is a Central Govt. Scheme.


 In 2016,  the Central Government declared Pradhan Mantri National Dialysis Programme as part of National Health Mission  for provision of free dialysis services  to the poor in order to save them from huge financial burden and impoverishment, as   dialysis service is very  costly  in the hospitals and not affordable  by the poor patients. To implement this programme , the Central Govt.  released Rs. 152.80 crores  to all states and Union territories in financial year of  2016-17. Odisha received Rs. 2 crores under National Health Mission from the Central Govt.  to ensure free dialysis  services  to the patients.   But this fund was kept unutilized, as the State Government did not implement the programme.  Again in 2017-18, the Central Government released Rs. 358.45 lakhs under National Health Mission to Odisha Govt.   for ensuring free dialysis  services  to the patients.


But towards end of 2017, on 19.12.2017., the Chief Minister announced “SAHAYA” – A scheme for free Dialysis Services on the line of guideline issued by Govt. of India.  This Scheme  is copy and paste of Central Govt. guideline. The State Govt. made two years delay  to implement  this programme despite allocation of Central Fund. As per information obtained under RTI from the office of National Health Mission on 18.8.18.,   the State Government has started to implement the programme  w.e.f. 1.1.2018. With funding support  of  Central assistance ( Rs. 2 crore + Rs. 3.58 crores)  and State budget ( Rs. 1.15 crores),  this programme is now being implemented  with the following objectives –


i.   To ensure  assured diagnostic services in all public health facilities  as per its level of care so as  to reduce  the out of pocket spending ( OOPS)  towards diagnostics and dialysis services  through  strengthening  of public health  facilities.


ii. To establish in collaboration with private service providers to ensure  High end pathology tests, tele-radiology ( x-ray) , MRI , CT-Scan & Dialysis services  at public health facilities.


Operationalisation of Dialysis Centres

Dialysis centres are operational in PPP mode at 7 DHHs (Capital Hospital, Angul, Balasore, Bolangir, Nuapara, Keonjhar and Puri ) during the period April-June 2018.

A total no. of 411 patients had undergone dialysis sessions at 7 DHHs during the period April-June 2018.  And the district wise details of the no. of patients are mentioned below.

Sl. No.

District/ Institution

No. of patients


Capital Hospital



DHH, Angul



DHH, Balasore



DHH, Boalngir



DHH, Nuapara



DHH, Keonjhar



DHH, Puri






Dialysis centres  have not yet been opeartionalised  in 23 district. All the  dialysis centres  will be operational  in PPP mode except 3 Govt. college and Hospitals.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 28.8.18


102. Who can ask for information under Right to Information?

Any citizen can ask for information under these laws. The Act extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. OCI's (Overseas Citizens of India) and PIO's (Persons of Indian Origin) card holders can also ask for information under the RTI Act.

For citizens, OCI's and PIO's who are staying out of India, the RTI Application can be filed with the PIO of the local Indian Embassy/Consulate/High Commission and they will inform you regarding the amount of application fee in local currency as well as the mode of payment.
Some Important Pacts Regarding Who can obtain information under RTI:

It is quite interesting to note that even though under Section 3 of the Act right of all citizens, to receive information, is statutorily recognised but Section 6 gives the said right to any person. Therefore, Section 6, in a sense, is wider in its ambit than Section 3. (Observed by Supreme Court of India: CIC vs State of Manipur & ors)


RTI Act does not define PERSON. However, The General Clauses Act, 1897 defines PERSON as

Person" shall include any company or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, "Political Agent" shall mean- In relation to any territory outside India, the Principal Officer, by whatever name called, representing the Central Government in such territory, and in relation to any territory within India to which the Act or Regulation containing the expression does not extend, any officer appointed by the Central Government to exercise all or any of the powers of a Political Agent under that Act or Regulation.


Thereby, another organisation can ask for information from another organisation Irrespective of the nature of the job a person may be performing as far as a person is a citizen of India he/she shall have the right to information subject to the provisions of RTI Act. ALL citizens are entitiled for information under RTI, which included employees. Same is clear from S. 6(1). It starts with non obstinate clause 'A person'. So it is the person matters not the employability or employee.


The application/ appeal from an Association or a Partnership Firm or a Hindu Undivided Family or from some other group of individuals constituting as a body or otherwise is to be accepted and allowed.


Kolkata high court has allowed use of post box in filing RTI which shall enable contact of a user with the authority without revealing personal details of the information seeker. You do not need to worry about your safety when Post Box is there. You may read it here:

Pradip Pradhan , Dt. 28.8.18


103. Huge loan taken by KIIT by mortgaging Land  to banks. 


RTI Application was submitted  to the PIO  seeking the information  about details of NOC  ( No Objection Certificate ) granted  by IDCO  to KIIT to get loan from Bank  by mortgaging land leased out by IDCO  along with name of Bank , year of  NOC granted  loan amount  and acres of land  against which loan granted. On 7.9.18, the PIO  has  provided  the  following  information.


1.   As per CAG Report, Sri Achyut Samant, founder KIIT  has illegally acquired 82 acres of land. As per RTI Information. Sri Samant  has acquired illegally  Rs. 12 acres of land  of General Administration Dept.

2.   By  acquiring Govt. land through fraudlent means  and  his nexus  with  corrupt bureaucracy, Sri Samant  has taken  hundreds of  crores of loan  for infrastructure development of KIIT.

3.   IDCO  has not only facilitated granting illegal lease of land to KIIT  but also granted  NOC  on illegally acquired  land to get huge amount of loan from bank.

4.   Total 32 acres of  leased out  land  has been mortgaged  by KIIT  to  different Banks to get loan. 

5.   Sri Samant  may have taken around  loan of around  500 crore  by mortgaging leased out  of illegal land given by IDCO.

6.   The  following are name of the  8 banks  which have  granted huge   loan to    Achyut Samant .



Name of Bank

Year of NOC granted

Total  amount

Acres of  land against which NOC granted


Punjab National Bank

C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar



Ac. 0.851:  IDCO Plot No. 26, 42 and 42/1


HDFC Bank Ltd. Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar



Ac. 1.550: IDCO Plot No. 31


Oriental Bank of  Commerce, Alok Bharati, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar


T.I. Rs. 45.00 crore  & OD : Rs. 40 .00 crore

Ac. 10.20 : IDCO Plot No. 87 & Ac. 0. 150 . IDCO Plot No. 68


Bank of India, Bhubaneswar



Ac. 0.500

IDCO Plot No. 41


Punjab National Bank

C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar



Ac. 0.507, IDCO Plot.19


Allahabad Bank Ltd. KIIT, Bhubaneswar



Ac. 10.130 IDCO Plot No. 15


HDFC Bank Ltd. Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar



Ac. 3.504  IDCO Plot No. 51


Oriental Bank of Commerce, Alok Bharati Tower, Saheed Nagar



Ac. 3.214, IDCO  Plot No. 44/C, 44/D & 44/E


Canara Bank , stock Exchange, Bhubaneswar



Ac.0.501, IDCO Plot No. 22


Tata Capital Finance Service Ltd., Park Street , Kolkatta-16



Ac. 0.989, IDCO Plot No. 28


Religare Finvest Ltd., Saket, New Delhi



Ac. 4.828, IDCO Plot No. 28


Allahabad Bank, KIIT, Bhubaneswar



Ac. 6.00, IDCO plot No. 14/A & 14/B


Oriental Bank of Commerce , Alok Bharati  Tower, sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar



Ac. 1.959, IDCO  Plot No. 23/B, 23/D, 41/E, 68/A, 68/B, 91,91/A & 91/B


Punjab National Bank, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar



Ac. 1.501, IDCO Plot No. 18  & 19/A


Oriental Bank of Commerce, Alok Bharati Tower, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar.



Ac.2.00, IDCO Plot No. 20/A

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482 , Date-19.9.18


104. Horrible situation of Medical College and Hospitals in Odisha


Huge vacancy in the post of teaching and non-teaching staff in Medical College and Hospital has made functioning of these Hospitals standstill leading to collapse of health system in Odisha and break down of academic atmosphere in these institutions.


Name of   Medical College  and Hospital

Name of post

Sanctioned post

Vacancy  till Sept. 2018


S.C.B. Medical College and Hospital

Doctor/Surgeon / Professor





Non-teaching Staff




VIMSAR, Burla , Sambalpur

Doctor/Surgeon / Professor





Non-Teaching Staff




M.K.C.G.College and Hospital , Berhampur

Doctor/Surgeon / Professor





Non-Teaching Staff




Raghunath Murmu Medical  College and Hospital, Baripada 

Doctor/Surgeon / Professor





Non-Teaching Staff




Saheed Laxman Nayak Medical College and Hospital, Koraput

Doctor/Surgeon / Professor





Non-Teaching Staff




Fakir Mohan Medical College and Hospital, Balasore

Doctor/Surgeon / Professor





Non-Teaching Staff




Bhima Bhoi Medical College and Hospital, Bolangir

Doctor/Surgeon / Professor





Non-Teaching Staff




S.C.B. Dental College and Hospital , Cuttack

Doctor/Surgeon / Professor





Non-Teaching Staff




Gopabandhu Ayurvedic  Medical College  and Hospital , Puri

Doctor/Surgeon / Professor





Non-Teaching Staff




Govt. Ayurvedic College, Bolangir

Doctor/Surgeon / Professor





Non-Teaching Staff




Kabiraj Anantha Tripathy Sharma Ayurvedic College, Ganjam

Doctor/Surgeon / Professor





Non-Teaching Staff




Abhinna Ch. Homeopathy Hospital , Bhubaneswar

Doctor/Surgeon / Professor




Utkaalmani Homeopathy Medical College, Rourkela





Govt. Homeopathy College, Sambalpur





Govt. Homeopathy College,  Berhampur









There is no regular  doctor in 997 Govt. Hospital  in the state. In Ganjan District 95 Hospitals do not have regular  doctors  and 62 hospitals of Mayurbhanj district  are  having no regular doctor. 

    ( N.B.- Information obtained from article published  by Prahallad Sinha in Samaj  on 18.10.18)

Pradip Pradhan, Date- 23.10.18

105. State Government must clarify who are BPL families in Odisha

On 11.7.18, RTI application was submitted to three Departments of Govt. of Odisha i.e., Dept. of Panchayat Raj, Dept. of Planning and Convergence and Dept. of Food Supply and Consumer Welfare seeking information about Legal Status of  BPL Card and BPL Card holders in Odisha.  The  following information was  sought for  from the PIOs.  

·     Number of  BPL card holders ( district-wise) in Odisha  which is still  considered  by Govt. of Odisha  as BPL beneficiaries in the state.

·     What  are the benefits  that  BPL people are entitled  to get  under  various  Govt. schemes of  Govt. of Odisha  and Govt. of India.

The PIO, Dept. of  Food Supply and Consumer Welfare and Dept. of Planning and Convergence transferred  my RTI Application to the PIO, Dept. of  Panchayat Raj  to provide the  information on the ground of non-availability of information at their level.  Simultaneously , RTI Application was also forwarded  to various  departments  to supply the information about  second query.   Smt. Swayamprava Mohanty,  PIO has sent a letter dated 31.8.18 stating  that  the said information is not available with her  section. Then on 6.9.18., I filed  first appeal to the  First Appellate Authority, Department of Panchayat Raj alleging malafide intention of the PIO  to  deny the information urge  FAA  to  hear the case  and direct the PIO  to supply  the information free of cost . on 2.11.18, while  disposing  the  appeal petition, the First Appellate  Authority  said  that  the said  information is not  available, as  the BPL cards are  not issued  by Dept. of Panchayat Raj  but  at Block level. But my query    about “number of  BPL families  in Odisha  which is considered  by  Govt. of Odisha and what is the legal status  of  BPL card holders. Are they  entitled  to get  any benefits   under BPL category “  are  not addressed  by the First Appellate  Authority.  No Department  also  supplied  any  information about it.


In respect of  supply of information  about “What  are the benefits  that  BPL people are entitled  to get  under  various  Govt. schemes of  Govt. of Odisha  and Govt. of India”, few departments  have supplied  the information about  provision of benefits  for BPL category. For example, I and PR Dept. supplied  that  the BPL people are  entitled  to get information free of cost. The PIO, Dept. of Health and Family Welfare  supplied  that  BPL families  were  entitled  to get free medical services  in Govt. hospitals .  On 8.5.2018, The PIO, office of Additional Fisheries officer ( Marine), Balasore provided  that from marine sector,   the BPL people are entitled  to get benefits  from savings-cum-relief. On 20.8.2018, the PIO, Dept. of General Administration and Public Grievances supplied  that  the BPL card holders are eligible  to get assistance  out of Chief Minister’s Relief Fund , Odisha for their treatment. On 14.8.18, the PIO, directorate of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, Cuttack  has provided  that under innovative Poultry productivity project ( Broiler Farming ), the BPL farmers can establish  Small Broiler Farms ( 150 birds  Capacity ) as support  to their livelihood  and economic empowerment. On 3.8.18, the PIO, Directorate of Agriculture  and Food Production supplied  that  the BPL farmers are  entitled  to get subsidy  on Micronutrients, Vermi compost , organic manure  etc. pertaining to Soil Health Card Scheme.


In fact, the State Govt. has undertaken BPL survey in 1997 which has identified 47 lakh families   under BPL category ( Below Poverty Line) .  Accordingly, BPL card was also distributed to all  the beneficiaries. In 2002,   after  order of Supreme Court, the State  Govt.  has  undertaken  a survey  to revise the  BPL list . Though survey  was  conducted,  BPL list  could not  be prepared due  to some administrative problem and it was ultimately held up. Since  then, the State  Govt. has not  undertaken  any BPL survey  to revise the list , addition or deletion of names  in the BPL list. The BPL card  was  very  important  for the beneficiaries  , as they  were  getting 25 kg of rice  per month under PDS,  kerosene  and many more benefits.


In 2015, when  the State  Govt. decided  to implement  National Food Security Act ( NFSA),  a survey  was conducted  to identify  priority  household and beneficiary under Antodaya Anna Yojana  to provide  food-grains  at  subsidized  rice. New Ration Card was issued to each Priority Household Family ( PHH)  and AAY beneficiaries to get benefits  under NFSA. During  that  time, the State  Govt. officials     motivated   the people  that  the BPL Card  got obsolete  and useless , as new  ration card  was issued. They also collected BPL cards from the people . Many people  also  voluntarily surrendered  the card. But  the State Govt.  has not taken  any decision  for withdrawal of BPL card  from the beneficiaries nor instructed  any officials  to collect BPL card.   It is needless  to mention here  that  since several years,  BPL cards  have neither  been renewed nor new  card issued  in case of missing or loss.


On query   from a beneficiary  about procedure  to get a duplicate  BPL card replacing  his damaged  card, I  filed RTI Application dated 17.1.18 to the PIO, Dept. of Panchayat Raj, Govt. of  Odisha  seeking   the  following  information.


copy of Govt. circular/order/notification, if any in respect of  applying for a duplicate BPL card  by a BPL beneficiary in case of loss and missing of the original BPL card issued to him/her by Govt. of Odisha

 Details of procedure to be followed  by a BPL beneficiary  to get  a new  BPL card  in case  of loss of his  original card  issued  by Govt. earlier.

iii. Provide information about who are the people considered as BPL in Odisha in present day and which card they will use to get benefit as BPL person


The PIO forwarded my RTI Application to the PIO, office of Collector, Khurda to supply the information.  The PIO did not supply any information. On 11.7.18, I filed first appeal to the First Appellate Authority-cum-ADM, Collectorate, Khurda to hear the case and direct the PIO to supply the information. The First Appellate Authority neither heard the case nor gave any order. On 30.8.18, I had filed second appeal to Odisha Information Commission   for justice which is pending. It proves that the State Govt. does not want to issue the duplicate BPL card to the beneficiaries. So that the BPL beneficiaries will not claim any benefits from the Govt. at subsidized rate or free of cost.


Since last  few years, the State Govt.   have been  declaring  host of populist schemes  and programme  making   provision of free service for  BPL people.  It  gives an impression  that  the  Govt. is  committed  to provide free service  to the  BPL people. But  in practice, the State Govt. does not  clarify  who are the BPL people  and how many BPL people are  in Odisha. While presenting Economic survey report,  the State  Govt.  claims  that  poverty  has been reduced  to level of 25%  in the state . If it  is so, then the Govt. must clarify  how many families  have  been identified  under  BPL category  and who are  these  families.  But  astonishingly, the  Govt. is maintaining ominous silence  about  it . The writer  ponders over the possibility of reason  for it.

Pradip Pradhan , RTI Activist, M-9937843482, Date-8.11.18


106. Most of the Building of KIIT and KISS is illegal and without approval of Building Plan by Bhubaneswar Development Authority, exposed  through RTI


 Earlier, we have put in public domain series of irregularities and illegalities of  Achyut Samant, founder  of KIIT and KISS and the people  involved  in management of the  institutions. Encroachment of acres of precious Govt.  land   through fraudulent means in connivance with  corrupt bureaucrats  and BJD leaders, maintaining utmost secrecy  in function of  KISS Tribal school,  functioning  of KISS Residential  school  without  registering it with Govt., blocking  flow of  information to SC and ST Dept., Women and Child Development Dept.  about number of tribal children reading in KISS School etc. are  few  issues  exposed  under RTI Act. I cite  herewith  few links  posted  earlier  in public domain  for readers’ reference.

Now, it  has come to our  notice  that  most of the building of KIIT and KISS  are  illegal. On 24.9.18, RTI Application was  filed  to BDA, Bhubaneswar  seeking copy of approval of building  plan  of KIIT and KISS  on  the  following  land


Khata No.

Plot No.

Area  ( in Acres)

Patia , Bhubaneswar




























Huge  palatial building  has been constructed  over  the abovementioned plots in Patia area in which many institutions are  running  since last few years.     On 5.11.18., the PIO  of BDA, Bhubaneswar  has  provided  information that  as per record available no application has been received for approval of building plan over plot no. 347, 412,350, 407, 319, 320 &318 under Mouza Patia in favour of KIIT.  Any construction without approval of   building plan by BDA is illegal under eye  of law. That’s  why  the  people  are  waiting  for long  time to get approval of  building plan  from BDA  for  construction of their  houses.  Sri Samant even does not care  to  file application to BDA for  building plan approval. We  will provide more  information  about illegalities  of KIIT and KISS very soon.

Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist, M-9937843482, Date- 1.1.19


107. Fund sanctioned by Central Govt. and State Govt.  for electrification in Odisha


 Nabin Patnaik  Govt. has put  up big banners and hoarding in different parts of the state  taking much credit  for progress  in rural electrification  in the state. But  in true sense,  Contribution of State  Govt. is  minimal in comparison  to that of Central Govt.. The Central Govt.  has  allocated fund  14  times  more  than  allocation of  fund by State  Govt. during last five years.  While State  Govt. has allocated  just 427.45 crore,  allocation  of  fund  by Central Govt. is  6240.36 crore. 


RTI Application was filed to Department of Energy, Govt. of Odisha and Rural electrification Corporations, a Govt. of India Enterprises seeking information about  details of budgetary allocation made under various schemes  for electrification in Odisha. The  information supplied by both the  offices is as follows ( Dept. of Energy on 9.10.18  and REC on 27.12.18)


·   Two  schemes  i.e., Biju Gram Jyoti Yojana ( BGJY)  and Biju Saharanchal Vidyutikaran Yojana ( BSVY)  are  implemented  in Odisha  for  electrification.

·   Rajiv  Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana ( RGGVY)  which has been replaced  by Deen Dayal Upadhaya Grameen Joti Yojana ( DDUGJY) , SAUBHAGYA  are  implemented  by Govt. of India  for  electrification  in the  country.

·   Details of   fund allotted by Govt. of Odisha   within  last 5 years  is as follows.

                                                                                              ( in Crores)


Name  of State Govt. Scheme

Fund allotted

 Name of State  Govt. scheme .

Fund allotted


Biju Gram Jyoti Yojana ( BGJY) 


Biju Saharanchal Vidyutikaran Yojana

 ( BSVY)



























N.B.  Total fund  allocated  by State  Govt. for electrification is 427.45 crores ( per year 85 Crores_


·        Details of fund allocated  by Central Govt. for  electrification in Odisha  is as follows.

                                                                                                                              ( In Crores)


Name  of State Govt. Scheme

Fund allotted


Rajiv  Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana ( RGGVY)  ) 



Deen Dayal Upadhaya Grameen Joti Yojana ( DDUGJY)














N.B.- Total fund allocated by Central Govt.  for electrification within 5 years is 6240.36 crores

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 9.1.19


108. Session of Odisha Legislative Assembly hardly completes number of  sitting days fixed in a year under Nabin Patnaik Govt., exposed  under RTI


The  Legislative Assemblies  are  considered  as temple of  democracy.  It is  a platform  of  MLAs  elected  by  the citizens  to  debate   and discourse  about   various  issues  affecting  the state ,  make laws for benefit of the  common people and  finalizes  various  plan  and programme for development of the state. The people’s hope  and aspiration is also  reflected in the assembly  session.  The people  have great expectation  from their elected  representatives. Since 2005, it was mandated  that  the sitting of Odisha Legislative assembly  would be atleast 60 days  in a calendar  year. But  it was  changed   after  a motion moved  by Govt. Chief Whip  was passed  in the assembly in December , 2014, though  opposition MLAs  protested  against   it. Since  2015, the  days  of assembly  session gets drastically reduced as fixed  by Govt. Reduction of  days of assembly session by Nabin Patnaik  Govt.  and pandemonium by opposition and treasury bench members  has hampered  parliamentary  debate  and discussion about people’s issues which is not  health trend for  democracy . Chief Minister  is  hardly  seen participating  in any  debate  and discourse  on policy  related  issues.


RTI Application was filed  to the PIO, office of the Speaker, Odisha Legislative Assembly  seeking  information  about   total no. of days fixed  for assembly  session during last 10 years  and actual days  of sitting held .  On 6.12.18, the  PIO  has  provided  the  following  information.



Sitting Days  planned

Sitting days  Actual
































A.   It  was  observed  from  RTI  information  since 2014,  days  of assembly session  has been drastically  reduced  to 48 ( 2014), 45 (2016), 48 (2017), 42(2018). 

B.   Even  though the assembly session gets reduced ,  the  limited  days is not  devoted  much  for  debate  on people’s issues , as pandemonium , boycott by  both opposition and treasury benches  is witnessed  several times.

C.   Odisha assembly has  not performed well, as assembly sessions are  abruptly  adjourned.  Opposition voice is seen scuttled  and denied  to speak  and raise issues in the assembly.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 13.1.19 


109. Dankari Mining Loot- Another Mega Mining Scam worth Rs. 4000 crores perpetuated by BJD leaders and Govt. officials under Nabin Patnaik Govt.  in Odisha


1. NGT Order – Eye Opener

The  issue  of  Dankari  Mining  loot  has  come to  limelight  after  intervention and series of orders passed  by  National Green Tribunal  following  complaint petition No. 604/2018  filed  by Sarbeswar Behura , RTI  Activist   and Member  of Odisha  soochana adhikar Abhijan. The gist of the order of NGT dated 4.1.19 is as follows.

A.    Chief  Secretary, Govt. of Odisha was directed  to initiate appropriate  departmental action  for the misconduct  of the officers  involved  in permitting illegal   black stone quarrying  as found  by the inspection committee  constituted  by NGT. Apart  from  such disciplinary  action, the state  has to recover  the cost of illegally  mined material, cost of damage  to environment , Net present Value  of ecological services  foregone  as well as  cost of restoration  of the environment.

B.   The State  Govt.  and statutory  authorities   must anticipate, prevent  and attack  the causes  of environment degradation  and are accountable  for inaction  as well as collusion.

C.   To uphold rule of  law  and accountability  of those  who are  trustees  of  environment , the  state machinery  is required  to  compensate  for their negligence  and failure  which may act  as deterrent against  the officers  who neglected  their basic duty  of protecting the environment  or colluded with the polluters  and law violators.  This  is required  as a part of  principle  of “ polluter pays”  which applies  not only to actual polluters  or enable pollution  to be caused  and also  for the negligence  of  public duties , adversely  affecting  the citizens.

D.   The  State Govt.   can not  avoid  the  responsibility  for the damage  caused  to the environment.  Accordingly  , NGT  held  the  state  Govt. to  be liable  to deposit  an interim  compensation  of Rs. 25 crores  which may be  deposited  with the  Central  Pollution  Control Board  within one month, pending the final assessment  on receipt of the report  of the  committee being  constituted.  The State  Govt.  has the liberty  to recover  the amount  from  the erring  officers  and the  illegal  miners/ stone crushers . The amount  recovered  will be utilized  for restoration of  environment  and for the  welfare  of  mine workers  and local population affected  by diseases  due to illegal mining.

E.   NGT   also  constituted a joint committee  of representatives of CPCB, Indian school of mines, Dhanabad,  and Chairman,  State  Environment  Impact Assessment Authority ( SEIAA)  to  make an assessment  of the amount of illegally mined materials , cost of damage to environment , net present value  of ecological services foregone  as well as  cost  of restoration of the environment  and exemplary  damages .

F.    NGT  has  fixed  6.5.19  for next  hearing of the case.


2.Sequence  of  Struggle  of RTI Activist  leading to intervention of NGT


·   Dankari Hill forest  area , storehouse  of blackstone mines  comes  under  jurisdiction  of Dharmashala Tahsil  of Jajpur  district, Odisha.  This area, habitation of 700  population  of Dankari village  under Mahisara Gram Panchayat   is 15 kms   away  from Dharmashala Tahsil. Sribasa  Jena ,  a former  Zilla Parishad of Biju Janata Dal,  rulling party , highly  politically  influential  person  closely  connected  to local MLA  and  state  power corridor  undertook   illegal  mining  operation I,e,  extraction of  black stone mines  in Dankari Hill  with  complete   support  from district administration  in 2002. He carried out wagon  drill for   black stone mining quarry which caused  huge  water  and environment  pollution  in the locality.

·   When  his illegal  mining  extraction was at  peak stage,  Sarbeswar Behura, RTI Activist  from 2012  started   filling  series of RTI Application to different  offices including  office of Tahasil,  Dharmashala,  Collector,   Jajpur  and Deputy Director, Mines, Jajpur Road  seeking  information about details of lease  granted ,  area covered, copy of environment  clearance , details of royalty  paid  etc. The  information provided  by different  offices  exposed  about  mining  operation  without  valid lease  and  environment clearance.  Then ,  Sarbeswar  filed  series of complaints  to  different authorities  with prayer  to stop  illegal  mining  operation in Dankari Hill.  But due to political pressure, no authority  did  take  any action against  the  illegal miner.

·   Then, in 2014, he  filed  a PIL case  in Odisha High Court  seeking  direction of the  court  to stop  illegal  mining  operation  in Dankari Hill. But  he could not  get appropriate  order  from the  court.  In the meantime , in 2015,  30 to 40  villagers  died  of kidney  damage, liver problem  and other  diseases  due to huge  water  and environment  pollution.  A large number  of  villagers  are also  found suffering  from various diseases  due to  pollution generated from  illegal  mining  operation.

·   Then, Sarbeswar filed  complaint case  No. 4323/15  in Odisha Human Rights Commission  on 30.11.15  seeking  direction for   inquiry  into  illegal mining operation and  to check health  hazard  in the area. OHRC issued direction to Satya Mallik,  the then  Collector, Jajpur  to conduct  inquiry  and take action accordingly.

·   The  Collector  in his letter  No. 3408  dated  27.11.15  ordered  for  closure  of operation of illegal mining   in Dankari Hill. On  13.12.15,  he  also  wrote letter  to Deputy Director, Mines, Jajpur Road  to quantify  total amount of  Black stone mines extracted  from the  Hill .  In response to letter of the Collector, the Deputy Director, mines, Jajpur Road   submitted   a report dt. 18.3.16  to the  Collector  in which he has mentioned that  total quantity  of  73, 38, 012.5 cum  has been illegally  extracted   by the  Mining  operator.

·   On 10.5.16, the   Collector, Jajpur  wrote  a letter  to Secretary , Revenue and Disaster Management  informing about  illegal  mining operation  in Dankari Hill , loss of  royalty   due to illegal mining  operation and suggested  for a state squard  to make an assessment  of damage  done /loss of revenue sustained to state government. 

·   On 18.5.16, the  Collector  wrote  a letter  to Tahasildar  attaching  report  of  Deputy Director, Mines, Jajpur Road  to quantify  revenue  loss of   amount  of  black stone mines  extracted  by deducting  the royalty paid  by  the mining operator.   The  Tahasildar   calculated  details of royalty  amount deposited  by Sribasa Jena  against  mining extracted to the tune of  14,15,596 cum and compare  it with  figure  of total amount of mining extracted  as per report of Deputy Director, Mines. The Tahasildar wrote  a letter  to  Sribasa Jena, Mining operator  about  extraction of excess  amount  of mining  69,22, 016  cum  against  which  royalty  amount  Rs. 58, 62, 79, 633.00  to be deposited  with  copy  marked to  Collector.

·    On 8.6.16, Sribasa Jena challenged   the order of Tahasildar   in Odisha High Court and got stay order. On 28.9.16, the  High  Court  ordered  for fresh inquiry  and provide  reasonable  opportunity  to  Sribasa Jena  of being  heard  prior to taking  any decision  about   fixation of royalty.

·   On 21.6.16, Mr. Deepak Mohanty, Director, Mines  wrote  a letter to the  Collector, Jajpur  to constitute a committee comprising  the revenue, Mining   and police officials  for  getting  reassessment done  with the assistance  of State level  Enforcement  squad  of this directorate.

·   On 4.7.16., Sri Abhaya Nayak, Joint  Secretary, R7DM  wrote a letter  to  the Collector, Jajpur  that

i.     Collector  shall  calculate  the royalty  amount  for the excessquantity  of black stone  extracted  by the lessee and issue demand  notice  to Sri Sribasa Jena , the lessee  and recover the same immediately.

ii.   Penalty  may  also be levied  for the illegal extraction  of  the minerals  from  the sources.

iii.  Total extent of revenue  loss and excess lifting  should be  assessed by  the  joint team  comprising  officers of Mines and Revenue administration, constituted  Collector, Jajpur.

iv.  Collector  should file FIR  for the theft  of black stone  to  the extent excess  than  the allotted quantity.

v.   Collector  may initiate  disciplinary  proceedings against the concerned R.I.s  and recommend  with memo of evidence  for drawal of proceedings  against Tahasildars  and other  higher  authorities.

vi.  On the basis of  the facts  reported  and theft done in violation of the lease conditions, the lease agreement , if in force any,  should  be terminated  by  the  Collector  following due  procedure  of law.

vii. Immediate  steps  should be taken for  fresh auction  of the  source, as per revised  OMMC Rules.

·   Following  order  of Department of  Revenue  and Disaster Management  dated 4.7.16,  the  Additional district  Magistrate ( ADM), Jajpur  dt. 23.8.16  submitted  to the  Collector, Jajpur framing  the memorandum   of evidence  for  drawal of  proceedings   under  Rule-15  of the Orissa Civil  Services ( Classification, Control  and Appeal ) Rules, 1962 against the 10  erring  Revenue  Inspectors  of Dankari  R.I. Circle  under Dharmashala Tahsil  in connection with  the illegal extraction  of Black stone  from Dankari  Black stone quarry  and loss of revenue  incurred during their  incumbency  as Revenue  Inspectors.  The   Revenue  Inspectors  were  directed  to submit their written statement of defence   within 30 days  from the date  of receipt of memorandum  and also to state  if they  desire  to be heard  in person.

·   On  6.8.16., the ADM  submitted  to Revenue  and Disaster  Management  the  draft proceedings  against the 10 erring  Tahasildars  of Dharmashala in connection with  the illegal extraction  of Black stone  from Dankari  Black stone quarry  and loss of revenue  incurred during their  incumbency  as Tahasildars.   The   Tahasildars   were  directed  to submit their written statement of defence  within 30 days  from the date  of receipt of memorandum  and also to state  if they  desire  to be heard  in person.

·   Similarly,  on 11.8.16,  the ADM  submitted  to Revenue  and Disaster  Management  the  draft proceedings  against the 6  erring  Sub-Collectors    in connection with  the illegal extraction  of Black stone  from Dankari  Black stone quarry  and loss of revenue  incurred during their  incumbency  as Sub-Collectors.   The    Sub-Collectors were  directed  to submit their written statement of defence  within 30 days  from the date  of receipt of memorandum  and also to state  if they  desire  to be heard  in person.

Though notice  for  disciplinary  proceedings  was  issued  to  10 Revenue Inspectors, 10 Tahasildars  and 6  Sub-Collectors,    it  was kept  pending for  years together. No action was  taken against  erring  officials  till yet. These  officials  were protected  by the State  Government, political  leaders , local MLA  and  others.

·     Then Sarbeswar  Behuria  filed  complaint  to  NGT   IN July  2018  seeking inquiry  into  illegal mining  extraction  and played  for   action against the  officials.  After  registering  the  Complaint  No. 604/2018, NGT  has ordered   dated 31.8.18.  to the Secretary, Department of Forest  to constitute  a team  with representatives  from SPCB, Sate  Level environment  Impact Assessment  Authority 9SEIAA), Odisha  and  Collector, jajpur  and  a representative  from forest department  and  to furnish  an action taken report.  The Forest  Dept. submitted the  report  to NGT  on 7.12.18.  Following  which  the NGT  passed above-mentioned order .


3. Harassment  of Sarbeswar Behura

While taking up this issue , Sarbeswar has faced a lot of difficulties .  He has been attached by the goons  several times and threatened  of attack  and murder.  Five numbers of false cases have been filed against him in local police station.  His home was broken down and set fire  by miscreants.

 NGT  order  is   one step forward  not only to stop  mining  loot  but  also  to recover  loot  amount  from the illegal miner and  officials  responsible for it.

Pradip Pradhan with support from Sarbeswar Behura RTI Activist, Date- 30.1.19


110.  Funding Arrangements for establishment of five new Medical Colleges in Odisha

 The State Govt.  takes much   credit  and advertises outstanding  achievement  for   setting up  5 new medical  colleges  in Odisha.  The common impression is that Govt. of Odisha out  of its own budget  has set up  new medical  colleges  in the state.  To get real picture about budgetary allocation of fund for   establishment of new medical colleges in Odisha, RTI Application was  filed  to the Ministry of Health and Family , Govt.  of India  whether  the Central Govt. has  made  any  funding support  for  setting up these  5 new  medical  colleges  in Odisha. On 2.2.19, the CPIO has provided the following information.

·     The Ministry administers a Centrally Sponsored Scheme namely “establishment of new medical colleges attached with existing district / referral hospitals. Under  this  scheme, five  districts  in Odisha  namely Balasore, Bolangir, Koraput , Baripada ( Mayurbhanj)  and Puri  have been approved  to establish  new medical colleges .

·     Funds to the tune of Rs. 558.60 cr.  have been released  to the State Govt.  for establishment  of new medical colleges  as per table  below.




Amount released   in crores

















































A.    The  Five medical  College  have been set up   under  the  Centrally sponsored scheme of “ Establishment  of new Medical  Colleges attached with existing  district/ referral  hospitals”  having more  than 200 bed strength  in identified  districts  within 10 mks  of the  district/ referral hospital  selected  for establishing  the medical colleges  as required  by the existing MCI regulations.

B.   Regarding funding arrangement, 75% of the cost  of these  colleges  would be met  by the Central  Govt.  and the states are  expected  to meet  the remaining  25% of the cost. The per unit cost for establishment of medical colleges has been estimated  at Rs. 189 crores.

C.   RTI Application was also filed  to  different  districts  to  get  information about  details of expenses  made  for  construction of   building  and development of infrastructure for newly created  Govt. Medical  college. On 5.12.18, the  PIO, office of  the Executive engineer ( R&B), Bolangir  Division  has  provided that  total amount of Rs. 27.047  crore has  been spent  for  Bolangir Medical  College.  On 19.12.18,  the PIO, office of  the Executive Engineer, Koraput ( R&B) Division  has provided that  a tune of Rs. 187.25 crore  has been spent  for  construction and creation  of infrastructure for Koraput Medical college and Hospital.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-10.2.19


111. Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana-A Big Hoax and Fake Scheme


This not new but a scheme of financially supplementing many existing schemes with new Name just to deceive the people of Odisha.

1.      What is Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana ( BSKY)

As declared by Govt. of Odisha, Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana ( BSKY)  is a scheme of the Govt. of Odisha which aims to provide universal health coverage , with special emphasis on the health protection of economically vulnerable families. To achieve its objectives, the BSKY  has two  components:

A.   Free health services for all (irrespective of income, status or residence) in all State Government health care facilities starting from sub centre level up to district headquarter Hospital level.

B.   Additional facility of free healthcare District Headquarters hospital level for over 70 lakh economically vulnerable families in the state who are provided Annual Health Coverage of Rs. 5 lakh per family and Rs.  7 lakh for the women members of the family.

C.   All families are eligible for free health care services at Government health care institutions upto district head quarter hospital level.

D.   With regard to benefits under BSKY, all health services are  free of cost, including free drugs, free dialysis, free cancer chemotherapy, free OT, Free ICU, free in-patients admission etc. in all government health institutions upto District Hospital level for all persons.

E.   Families having BKKY card, RSBY card, BPL card or AAY card or annual income of Rs. 50,000/- in rural and Rs. 60,000/- in urban areas can avail cashless treatment at all Government Hospitals and 208 empanelled private hospitals.

2.  Critical issued  relating  to Scheme  and its implementation. 

Having  gone through it and emboldened over digital  media  campaign  about BSKY by Chief Minister, it   was   thought  of  to understand  the  following  issues.

·     Budgetary provision made to implement   such mega scheme  in the state  and details of  fund allotted  to  different  districts  for it.

·     Who are the 70 lakh beneficiaries and its district-wise figure.

·     Status of accessability to health services  by poor and vulnerable people to Govt. hospitals.

·     How many beneficiaries   have received health facility under the scheme in different districts.

·     Who are the private hospitals already provided free health facility  to  the beneficiaries  of BSKY and  fund provided to them.

·     What is the status of all on-going health schemes implemented in the state.

3.   Use  of RTI to access  information about BSKY and  monitor it.

Accordingly, from October, 2018 to January, 2019, multiple  RTI Applications were  filed to Department of Health and Family Welfare , Mission Directorate, Directorate of Health Services  and all 30 District Hospitals  to  get  the  information mentioned below.  Important information sought for under RTI is as follows.  ( RTI Applications are attached herewith)


A. Information sought from 30  District Hospitals on 11.11.18

 i. Provide copy of the circular/ instruction/ order issued to district about implementation of Biju Swastya Kalyan Yojana .

ii. Provide details of fund received from state govt. and expenses made (under different heads) under Biju Swastya Kalyan Yojana.

iii. Provide total number of beneficiaries identified eligible to access health service under BSKY in the district.

 v. provide list of private Hospitals which are covered under BSKY


B. Information sought for from Dept. of Health and Family Welfare on 1.10.18

i. No. of families  covered  by BKKY  and RSBY  (  scheme-wise  and year-wise)

ii. No. of patients  availed  benefits  under BKKY  and RSBY (scheme-wise  and year-wise)

iii. Total amount paid under BKKY and RSBY by Govt. (  scheme-wise  and year-wise)

Details of  budgetary sources  from which  the said amount paid  under BKKY  and RSBY  scheme (scheme-wise  and year-wise).


C. Information sought for from  Dept. of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Odisga on 15.10.18 and 21.12.18

i.  Circular/ instruction/ order issued  to all districts  and private hospitals  about implementation of Biju Swastya Kalyan Yojana .

ii. Details of expenses made   towards cost of advertisement made  in public place and print and electronic media  about  Biju Swastya Kalyan Yojana

iii. Details of budgetary allocation made  for Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana.

iv. Details of programme organized  and  expenditure made  towards  implementation of BSKY at state level.

v.Details of fund transferred  to each  district  to meet expenses  of implementation of Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana.

vii. Details of fund already released to private hospitals against  claims of beneficiaries for treatment  under BSKY.

viii.Details of fund of NHM used  for Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana


D. Information sought about various health schemes from Dept. of H &FW. Govt. of Odisha on 1.10.18

i.  Total fund allocated ( specify state budget and central Govt . fund /NHM )  and spent  for  implementation of Janani Sishu Surakhya Karyakrama( JSSK) ( YEAR-WISE)

ii.  Total fund allocated ( specify state budget and central Govt . fund /NHM )  and spent  for  implementation of  Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakrama ( RBSK)  ( YEAR-WISE).

iii.  Total fund allocated ( specify state budget and central Govt . fund /NHM )  and spent  for  implementation of  National Ventor-borne Disease Control Programme ( NVBDCP) ( YEAR-WISE) .

iv.  Total fund allocated ( specify state budget and central Govt . fund /NHM )  and spent  for  implementation of  NPCDCS ( YEAR-WISE).


E.   Information  sought for  from Health  and Family Welfare Dept.on 21.12.18

i.   Details of expenses made   towards cost of advertisement made  in public place and print and electronic media  about  Biju Swastya Kalyan Yojana

ii.  Details of budgetary allocation made  for Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana.

iii.  Details of programme organized  and  expenditure made  towards  implementation of BSKY at state level.

iv.  Details of fund transferred  to each  district  to meet expenses  of implementation of Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana.

v. Details of fund already released to private hospitals against  claims of beneficiaries for treatment  under BSKY and number of patients already treated  in each private hospital 

vi.  Dtails of fund of NHM used  for Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana


F. Information  sought for  from Health  and Family Welfare Dept. on 8.1.19

i. Provide  information about no. of families  covered  by BKKY  and RSBY  (  scheme-wise  and year-wise)

ii. Provide information about  no. of patients  availed  benefits  under BKKY  and RSBY (scheme-wise  and year-wise)

iii. Provide  total amount paid under BKKY  and RSBY by Govt. (  scheme-wise  and year-wise)

iv. Provide information about  details of  budgetary sources  from which  the said amount paid  under BKKY  and RSBY  scheme (scheme-wise  and year-wise)


4.Critical analysis  about  implementation of BSKY

Most  of the  information has not  been supplied   by  many  offices  about BSKY. However, details of analysis  of   information which has been obtained  is presented  below.


4.A. Integrated Help-desk renamed as BSKY Help-Desk

In order to facilitate patients’ care service,  the State  Govt. has  set up 24x7 Help-Desks ( NHM-support) like RSBY/BKKY  Help-Desks   in all FRUs  through outsourced agencies . for effective  functioning of these Help-desks , the State  Govt.    issued  circular  dated 30.11.17 to integrate  all these Help-Desks  into a common Help-Desk as integrated Help-Desk.  On 13.8.18., the State  Govt. against  issued instruction to rename these Help-Desk  as BSKY Help-Desk in the hospitals.


4.B. No. of beneficiaries availed health services under BSKY

On query  about  number of beneficiaries  availed  free health service under BSKY scheme in different  hospitals from  the period of  September to Dec., 2018 ,  the PIOs of different hospitals  have responded  that  there is no categorization of beneficiaries  availed  benefits  under various  schemes like BSKY. They have provided  just  total  number of IPD patients and OPD patients month-wise   who have availed health facility from August to Nov.,18  is reported  as BSKY beneficiaries. Few  examples  are presented  below.


Name  of Hospital

Month, 2018

Total  no. of ( IPD) beneficiaries

Total  no. of ( OPD) beneficiaries

Remarks , if any

SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack















DHH, City Hospital, Berhampur















SDH, Bhanjanagar

Within three  months




District Hospital, Bhadrak  with 8 PHCs





District Hospital, Puri





District Hospital, Boudh






4.C. Information  about 70 lakh beneficiary-families under BSKY 

RTI  Query  about  coverage  of 70 lakh beneficiaries  under BSKY ( Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana)   as declared  by State Govt, it  was  found that  the State  Govt. has taken into  account total earlier enrolled  beneficiaries  under BKKY ( 25,61,602) and RSBY ( 44,08,070)   as  70 lakh families  to be covered  under BSKY.  ( BKKY- Biju Krusak Kalyan Yojana, RSBY- Rastriya Swasthya Bima Yojana).  As  the  financial support under RSBY is over on 31st Dec.18,  the State  Govt. decided to include  all RSBY beneficiaries ( 44,08,070) in BKKY  Stream-II w.e.f. 1st January , 2019. So  that  they  will  avail free health facilities upto one lakh  and get  coverage  under Biju Swasthya Kalyan yojana. But  it was  found that  though RSBY beneficiaries have been  distributed  BKKY Stream-II card,  but  they  are  denied  free  health services  under  the card in  many   hospitals across the state.


4.D. Huge misuse of public money by Chief Minister

 The State  Govt. spent Rs. 1.21. crores ( Rs. 69,69,672.00 towards incentives for  distribution of CM letter and Rs. 51,52,600.00 towards contingency for printing of registers and formats)  for distribution of Chief Minister’s letter on BSKY among  70 lakh beneficiaries. On 9.8.18., the  Special Secretary, Dept. of Health and Family welfare  issued  instruction and detailed  guidelines  to all Collectors constitute  a committee  at  district and block level  for  door-to-door  distribution of  CM letter  to all  beneficiaries  starting  from 16th august  to 24th august, 2018. Within this  period, all  district  and block level officials  including ASHA and ANWs  were  engaged  just to distribute CM’s letter  to beneficiaries. This is a big misuse of money by Chief Minister himself.


4.E. No information about free health services provided  by empanelled private hospitals     under BSKY and fund  disbursed  to them.

As  per  RTI information, total  no. of 208 private Hospitals are empanelled to provide  free health services to the patients  who are  entitled  to get  Rs. 5 lakh financial support  for treatment  under BSKY.  RTI  query   was made  to Dept. of H and FW  and  District hospitals about  how many private  hospitals have provided   health services  under BSKY  and   amount  of money  provided  to them. Though   3 months have passed, no  response  has been  obtained  from any  office.  However, a letter written  by proprietor  of Sun Hospital, Jagatsingh Pur  has  been provided  under RTI Act. The proprietor  has  stated on 16.1.19 that they  have not yet  implemented BSKY  as it’s rules and regulations are not clear and  the required software  has  not yet been installed.


4.F. No information about  beneficiaries availing Rs. 5 lakh benefits under BSKY

On RTI query about  how many patients  have availed  health services  from private  hospitals or Govt. hospitals under BSKY , the  Health and Family welfare Department  has not  provided  any  information.   On 22.1.19., the Chief Executive officer-cym-PIO, State Health Assurance Society ( SHAS)  of H&FW Dept.  has forwarded RTI application to the  following insurance companies  to provide  information. Though one and half months passed, these companies have not supplied any information.

·     The AVP, ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd.

·     The G.M. IFFCO Tokio GIC Ltd.

·     The CRM, New India Assurance Co. Ltd.

·     The CRM, National Insurance Co. Ltd.

·     The Head RSBY, Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Ltd.


4.G. No budget provision for BSKY

There is no budgetary provision  for implementation of BSKY  except incentive  for  distribution of CM’s letter and  advertisement. As per RTI Information provided on 25.1.19, total amount of Rs. 3, 17,61,762.00 has  been spent towards advertisement of BSKY . Similarly, Rs. 1.21 crores  earmarked  and spent  towards  distribution  of CM letter. All fund   usually allotted under NHM fund  and State Fund  for  implementation of various  health  schemes   are  utilized  under newly named  scheme i.e., BSKY. Allotment  of fund  under NHM Fund and State Govt. fund  supplied by few  offices  are  as follows.

Name  of district


NHM fund allotted 

State  fund allotted 

Office of CDMO, Nuapara









2018-19 upto Dec. 18



CDMO, Boudh













4.H. Vacancy of post of Doctors denied health services in Govt. hospitals.

 Provision  of  imparting treatment  to the patients free of cost as declared  by Govt. under BSKY requires presence  of  specialized  doctors  in  each hospital i.e., CHC, PHC  and District  Hospitals. But astonishingly, the  Govt. has not  taken  any steps  to ensure filling  up of vacancy  post  of doctors  in the hospitals.  As  per  RTI  information, out  of total required 6614 doctors, 3224  post is lying vacant  in Govt. hospitals  across the state. The  vacancy  of doctors’ s post  has damaged prospect of  availability of  free health services for  the patients.  On 9.1.2019,  the  information obtained under RTI from CHC, Baliapal of Balasore  district exposed  how free health service is distant dream for  the people  in remote pockets  of the  state. The  absence  of doctors in CHC and PHC  is  as follows.



Name of  the Institution

Name  and no. of vacant post  as on 9.1.2019


CHC, Baliapal

Spl. In 0 & G-1



Spl. In Medicine -1



Spl. In Surgery-1


CHC, Pratapur

Spl. In 0 & G-1

Spl. In Medicine -1

Spl. In Surgery-1

Spl. In Paediatric-1


Ghantua PHC (N)

Medical Officer-1


Srirampur PHC( N)

Medical Officer-1


Jamkunda PHC (N)

Medical Officer-1


Bolong PHC (N)

Medical Officer-1

Pradip Pradhan , M-9937843482, Date- 6.3.19


112. Rs. 15 crore spent for repair of Jagannath temple by ASI within last 9 years.


 RTI Application was filed to  the  CPIO, office of Director, Archaeological Survey of India ( ASI), Bhubaneswar  seeking  the  following  information.

·     Name of the temples , historical places  which  has been  renovated and repaired  by ASI  and total expense made for each of it within last ten years.

·     Details of fund allocated and expenditure made for renovation and repair of temples, historical places and others   from 2010 to 2018 ( year-wise).

·     Details of  expense made  for renovation and repair of Sri Jagannath Temple, Puri   and Konark temple  from 2010 to 2018 ( year-wise) .


On 5.3.19, the PIO has provided  the  following  information

A.      Total no. of 79 temples, archaeological sites and historical places  are under  constant repair  and maintenance by ASI in Odisha  since last 9  years ( from 009-10 to 2017-18).

B.      Year-wise  expenditure  for annual  maintenance  and  conservation works  of  temples and historical sites  are  as follows. 


Annual expenses in Rs.






















C.      Expenditure for repair  of Jagannath Temple within last 9 years is  Rs. 15,38,27,240.00

D.     Expenditure for renovation and repair  of Sun Temple , Konark is  Rs. 11,74,40,021.00

E.      28  temples  located  in Bhubaneswar are always under  constant  Annual repair  by ASI.

F.      Other major  temples  and historical sites  which are under renovation and repair are  as follows.


Excavated Buddhist site , Lalitagiri, Dist-Cuttack

Nilamadhav and Sidheswar Temple, Boudh


Barabati Fort , Cuttack


ChousathiYogini Temple, Ranipur Jharial, Dist-Bolangir

Excavated site at Bodhi, Choudwar, Dist-Cuttack

Mahadev temple, Balia, Dist-Jagatsingh Pur

Kuntio temple, Mahendragiri, Dist-Gajapati

Dakahya Prajapati Temple, Banpur


Chandrasekhar Jew Temple, Kapilash, Dist-Dhenkanal

Annakoteswar Mahadev Temple, Latadeipur, Dist-Dhenkanal

Rock Cut Vishnu, Kaniha, Dist-Angul

Varahanath Temple, Jajpur

4 Colossal images in SDO office Complex, Jajpur town, Dist- Jajpur


Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-10.3.19


112. Make in Odisha- a Fake High-profile Digital Campaign of  State  Govt. with no Investment and no Employment Generation since last 3 years, exposed under RTI


1.       Introduction

As claimed by State Govt., Make-in-Odisha is an initiative launched by the Government of Odisha for industrial growth in the State. The first Make in Odisha conclave was organised by Government of Odisha, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP) and Government of India and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) between 30th November 2016 to 2nd December 2016 in BhubaneswarOdisha . The key objective of the conclave is to showcase the manufacturing prowess of the state and the investment opportunities across the focus sectors. Major investment sector are IT, fertilizer, petro chemicals, food processing, health, infrastructure, ESDM, metal and minerals, manufacturing, textiles and tourism.


On 3.11.18., 4th phase of Ground-breaking ceremony was organized  in Bhubaneswar addressed  by Chief  Minister in which 15 new  industrial  projects spanning 6 sectors  was  declared  by the  following  companies with investment  of Rs. 1,807.92 crores  with employment to 8883 persons.


Ultratech cement, Welspun Orissa, Chettinad Cement, Surya Foods, P & A Bottlers Pvt. Ltd. , Oriplast, CRPL Infra ( p) Ltd., Vijayanagar Bio-tech ( P) Ltd., Coastal Corporation , Truism  Resource Ltd. , Wild Lotus Fashion Pvt. Ltd. , Flaminquo Sharimpex Pvt. Ltd., Amarsagar Sea Food Pvt. Ltd., Jharana Steel Industries, Sabri Food Products Pvt. Ltd.


The second edition of Make in Odisha was held from 11th November 2018 to 15th November 2018 in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Six countries, Japan, China, Italy, Germany, Saudi Arabia and South Korea along with industrialist from India had attended this conclave. The State  Govt.  has  claimed  that it  has received huge investment  proposal worth  crores of rupees from different investors  which will   generate lakhs  of  employment  opportunity in the state.


2. Monitoring of Implementation of Claims of Make-in-Odisha  through RTI

From Nov.18  to Feb. 2019, Multiple RTI Applications were filed  to different  offices  like Department of Industry, Govt. of Odisha  Industrial Promotion & Investment Corporation of Odisha Limited (IPICOL), Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation ( IDCO), District Industries Centres, office  of   Collectors  of 10 districts , location for  setting  of industry ( Districts like Khurda, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Angul, Jajpur, Rayagada, Jharsuguda, Ganjam etc. ) . The objective of filling multiple RTI Application was to gather information about:

·     Details of Make-in-Odisha Campaign organized in different places in India  and outside India  to attract  investors.

·     Investment proposal sanctioned and land allotted to investors within last 3 years.

·     Details of project started functioning as projected by Investors in Make-in-Odisha Conclave.

·     Details of expenses made for Make-in-Odisha Campaign organized in different places.

·     Details of land sanctioned to different industries for establishment of their business set up. 

·     Details of employment generated in Odisha by these companies.


3. The information provided by many offices are as  follows.

A. Huge investment for promotion of Make-in-Odisha

As per information obtained   from IPICOL, for promotion of Make-in-Odisha, road shows were organized in New Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Ambassador meet at New Delhi. Total amount  spent during road shows  was Rs. 16.14 lakhs. Confederation of Indian Industries ( CII) was engaged  as the National Industrial partner  for make in Odisha 2016. Rs. 47.29 lakh was paid to CII against the services provided  during the Make in Odisha. During  financial year 2016-17, an amount  of Rs. 5.7280 crore  was spent for  promotion of Make-in-Odisha conclave. Expenditure for Make-in-Odisha Conclave-2018 has not  been  collected  till yet.


B. Ministers and Officers engaged in promotion of Make-in-Odisha   show


Time Period

Name  of Delegates

Ambassadors Meet, New Delhi

October, 2016

1.Sri Naveen Patnaik, Chief Minister, Odisha

2. Mr. Debi Prasad Mishra, Minister  for Industries

3. Mr. A. P.Padhi, Chief Secretary

4. Mr. Sanjeev Chopra, Principal Secretary, Industries

5. Mr. V.K.Pandian, Secretary  to CM

6. Mr. sanjay Singh, CMD, IDCO

7. Mr. M.K.Pattnaik, Joint Secretary, Industries

8. Mr. B.K.Das, Joint Secretary, Industries

Hyderabad  Road  Show


Mr. Debi Prasad Mishra, Minister  for Industries

Mr. Sanjeev Chopra, Principal Secretary, Industries

Mr. sanjay Singh, CMD, IDCO

Mr. K.C.Mohanty, GM (SLNA), IPICOL

Kolkata Raod Show

October 16

Mr. Debi Prasad Mishra, Minister  for Industries

Mr. Sanjeev Chopra, Principal Secretary, Industries

Mr.  S.K.Samal, Asst. Manager , IPCOL 

Mr. K.C.Mohanty, GM (SLNA), IPICOL

New Delhi Road Show


Mr. Debi Prasad Mishra, Minister  for Industries

Mr. Sanjeev Chopra, Principal Secretary, Industries

Mr. K.C.Mohanty, GM (SLNA), IPICOL

Mr. B Oram, Manager, IPICOL


4. Whither Investment  within  3 years ?

RTI query  was made to IPICOL to access information about List of industries / entrepreneurs/ companies  who have submitted their application  of interest for  investment  in Odisha,  the PIO, office of IPICOL  dt. 5.12.18.  has    provided  list  of 131  companies who  have already submitted their proposal of  investment in Odisha  from Jan, 2016  to July, 2018 with an estimated  amount of Rs. 27,39,213.42  crores.

On 9.1.19., multiple RTI Applications were  submitted  to offices  of 10  District  Collectors  seeking  information about details of project started by the  investing companies  of Make-in-Odisha  programme in respective districts,   location of the project and quantity of  land and other infrastructure provided by the administration.  Scrutiny  of the  information provided  by many Collector offices  shows  that  they  do have any  information  about it. Many  Collector Offices  have transferred  RTI Application  to the office of IDCO and IPICOL   and District Industries Centres . The information provided  by these offices are as follows.


Sl. No.

Name of the  Company

Name  of District

Extent of land allotted ( in Ac.)

Present Status


LL Logistics Pvt. Ltd.



Land allotment Cancelled


Gitanjali Gems  Ltd.



Land allotment  cancelled


Page Industries Ltd.



Provisional land allotment letter issued. But  the client company has not deposited  the land cost


Texport Industries Ltd.



Land not allotted


Jay Bharat Spices  Limited



IDCO has allotted Ac. 14.000 of Govt. land in village Ramdaspur under Baranga Tahasil in Cuttack district. It  is under implementation.





IDCO  has allotted Ac. 90.000 Govt. land in village Kolathapangi  and Khamarnuagaon under Athagarh Tahasil in Cuttack district. It is under implementation. 


Lalchand Resorts Pvt. Ltd.



No allotment  has been made


 Infunex Health Care Pvt. Ltd.



 A demand towards  deposit of land cost  and other statutory  charges has been issued  to the unit for  considering allotment of Ac. 6.00 at I.E., Ramdaspur .

A part payment  has been  deposited  on 14.1.2019

No allotment of land nor land handed over to the Unit.

Information obtained  from Odapada Tahasil  dated 12.2.19


P &A Bottlers


Ac. 12.05

IDCO  has  cancelled  the sublease proposal measuring an area Ac. 12.05  in village Balarampur  under Odapada Tahsil to P& A Bottlers Pvt. Ltd.


Narbheram Power & Steel Pvt. Ltd.

Gunichapada, under ODAPADA Tahasil


No information available

Information obtained  from ADM, KalingaNagar , Jajpur


M/s emami Cement  Ltd

Manatira , KalingaNagar

66.25 dec.

Company  is under  construction


M/s Jajpur Cement Pvt. Ltd.



No  information is available


M/s JSW Cement Ltd.



No  information is available


M/s Kejriwal Casting  Ltd.



No  information available


M/s Tirupati Containers Private Ltd.



No  information is  available





No information is available


M/s BMW Industries Ltd.



No  information is available

Information obtained from office  of Tahasildar, Khalikote, Ganjam on 11.2.19


Swosti Chilika Resort Limited

Odia Alapur , Ganjam dist

No land allotted

It is functional. No information is available  about employment generation.


Saraf Agencies Private Limited

Ganjam district


No  information is  available  with Collector, Ganjam


 Grasim Industries Ltd.




No  information is  available  with Collector, Ganjam


Jayashree Chemicals Limited



No  information is  available  with Collector, Ganjam


CER Coal




No  information is  available  with Collector, Ganjam





No  information is  available  with Collector, Ganjam






No  information is  available  with Collector, Ganjam


Information about  status of the project provided by IPICOL on 7.3.19  and 16.2.19 is as follows.

Sl. No

Name of Company



Project Cost  ( in Crores)



Welspun  Orissa Steel Pvt. Ltd.

Dosingha, Ghamra





Globus Spirits Ltd.

Gourprasad, Chandabali





Sadhav Group of Companies


Jagatsingh Pur




Indian oil Corporation Ltd.

Somanath Pur



Under Implementation


Suguna Food (P) Ltd.




Under Implementation


Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.




Recommended to HLCA


MCPI Pvt. Ltd.






 Chettinand Cement Corporation Ltd. 

Kalinga Nagar Industrial Complex



Land allotted under implementation


Surya food and Agro Limited

Khorda Food Park



Under implementation


Ori Plast Ltd.




Under Implementation


Vijayanagar Bio-tech Pvt. Ltd.




Land allotted  under implementation.


Coastal Corporation Ltd.

Sea Food Park , Deras



Land allotted under implementation


CRPL Infra Pvt. Ltd

Sea Food park , Deras



Land allotted under implementation

5. No information about Generation of production and Employment 

On query  about  functional of the  companies, both IDCO and IPICOL  have pointed out  that  no information  is available  about  functioning  and starting  of production of these  Industries  and no information about  employment generated  by them.

 Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 11.3.19


113. Crime Branch Inquiry into Ghangapatna land Scam suppressed by State Govt. from 2014 to 2019


1.      Introduction

In July  2014,  Mass Media reported   about politically-influential  people, MLAs  and Ministers namely  Sri Kalpataru   Das,  Sri Pranab Balanantaray  and Sri K.B.Singhdeo  illegally  acquiring  leased land  of tribals  through  fraudulent means in Ghangapatna area of  Bhubaneswar.  These  are  waste land leased  plots  given  to tribal  and poor  people by State  Government   free of cost. After  media  expose  of this  land scam, the  opposition political parties  and Civil Society  Organisations  immediately  demanded CBI  inquiry  into this scam  as BJD leaders  are  involved  in it. However, to  pacify  the  rising  public anger  against  the  Govt.  Chief Minister  declared  that  Crime  Branch  would  conduct  inquiry  into it   in the  month  of August, 2014.


2.   Issues  relating  to  Crime Branch  Inquiry  and  Filling  of RTI

On 9.9.2014., Crime Branch lodged   complaint   (Case No. 22 dated 9.9.2014) , registered under section 120(B)/420/467/468/471 IPC  and  started  inquiry  into  it. After  few  days , it  was reported  in media  that  Crime Branch  has returned back  all land  to  Govt. khata.  To understand the kind of allegations and details of  land returned back to Govt. fold,  two RTI Applications dt. 19.9.14  and 31.12.14 was filed  to the PIO, office  of  Revenue and Disaster Management, Govt. of  Odisha  seeking  the  following  information.


·     Details of allegation made for illegally occupying the Ghangapatna land under Khurda district.

·     Name of the persons or institutions or organizations who have illegally occupied land and quantity of land occupied by them.

·     Copy of documents which contain about the land (quantity of land) returned back to Govt.  and name of the  institutions / persons  from whose  land was returned back with quantity  of land following which  the  Govt. has  declared .

·     Information about laws which were followed by the Government to get the land returned back to  Govt.


The  PIO  forwarded  both the RTI Applications  to the PIO, office  of Collector, Khurda  which  was  eventually  forwarded  to the PIO, office of  Tahasildar , Bhubaneswar  to supply  the  information.  On denial of information  by the PIO, office  of Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar ,  Second Appeal  cases were  filed  in the  office  of Odisha  Information Commission which were  registered  as  SA Case  No. 284/15 and SA  Case  No. 1655/2015.


3. Hearing  of  SA petitions  by  Sashi Prava Bindhani, SIC  and  Mockery  of  Odisha  bureaucracy  with  tacit  support  of  Commission -  Very  Interesting  story

After  two years, the  hearing  of  both  the  Second Appeal  petitions  SA  No. 284/15  and SA No. 1655/2015  was  started  by  Mrs. Sashi Prava Bindhani, Information Commissioner from 9.2.17. The  Commission  heard  the  case  twelve  times (  within period of  one  and half year )  on 9.2.2017, 14.7.2017, 16.8.2017, 8.9.2017, 3.10.2017,  29.1.2018, 9.2.2018, 16.4.2018, 15.5.18,  26.7.18, 6.9.2018 ( date of disposal). The reason  behind  fixing  so many  dates  for  hearing and disposal  is   that  though  the  Commission repeatedly  issued  notice  to the PIO, office  of Tahasildar , Bhubaneswar,  he /she  neither  responded the  Commission nor  filed  any  submission  in respect  of  compliance  to RTI Application nor  cared  to the  Commission to appear in the hearing.  Then, Mrs.  Bindhani  issued  notice  five times  to  ADM, Khurda  under  Odisha  Information Commission ( appeal procedure) Rules, 2006  to conduct an inquiry  into it  and sought  information from the  PIO, Tahasildar.  Astonishingly,   ADM did not respond the Commission.   Mrs.  Bindhani  could  not  do anything, though  the  Commission has  ample  power  to take  legal  action against  them.  It  is  also very  interesting  to note here  that the  PIO, office  of Collector, Khurda submitted  to the  Commission  that though office  of Collector  issued direction 13  times  within period of  one year  from 5.5.2017  to 5.4.2018   to  Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar  to  provide  information along with  copy  marked  to  Commission,   the office  of Tahasildar  simply continued to   ignore  the  order  of the  Collector, Khurda. But   blatant  and naked  violation of  order of  the  Collector, Khurda  by Tahasildar,  the  Collector  did  not  take  any  action against  him   but  continued  to send  reminder  time  and again  to  provide  information . 


The  question may  come  to mind of readers  how a mere  Tahasildar  dared  to  ignore  order  of the  Commission 10  times  and order  of the  Collector , Khurdha  13  times.  The answer  is very  simply. He  was  directed  from top  not  to supply  any  information and  continue  to ignore  order  of anybody. Nothing  would happen  to him.  As  I am the appellant , I was closely  monitoring  the  attitude  of Sashi Prava Bindhani innocently  and   frequently  attending  the case  being  pretty  ware  about  character of  Sashi  Prava Bindhani  that  if she  gets   opportunity  finding absence  of the appellant, she  would  dispose  the  case  taking  plea  that  “ the  appellant  is satisfied and  no need  to pursue  the  case  further.”  It  happened   in this  case  which will be  presented  later on.


4.      Supply  of  information  by PIO, office  of Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar

After  one  year  of long silence not  even producing  any  response  to  repeated  notice  the  Commission, PIO , office  of Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar  supplied  the  information  on 8.2.18  and 9.5.18 which is  presented  below.

a. The  original  case  records  have  been seized  by the economic Office  wing of the  Odisha  crime Branch in connection with  EOW  Case  No. 22  dated 9.9.2014. The PIO provided   complete seizure list prepared on 10.9.14 and 3.1.15. This  list  does not  contain  any  information about  name  of the lease  holder against  whom cancellation of  Land lease  case  was filed.

b. The  PIO  supplied  copy  of the Khata No. 614 relating  to Mouza : Ghangapatna  indicating details of  land  reverted back  to the  Government Khata .

c. The  PIO  mentioned  that Since  the  matter  is  under  investigation  by the EOW, Odisha  Crime  Branch,  difficulties have been experienced  to provide  other  information sought for.  It  means investigation of Crime  branch  is  going  on   since  5 years. In the  name  of  investigation,  Crime  Branch  has  suppressed the  scam  in order  to protect  land grabbers.


5.      Counter-submission  by the appellant 

On 26.7.18., during  hearing  of the  case , the  Commission was  appraised   that  the  PIO  had  supplied  false, misleading  and incomplete  information. The  Commission  directed   the  appellant ( Pradip Pradhan)  to  submit  discrepancy  chart  point-wise.  Discrepancy  chart  was  prepared  immediately  and  presented  to the PIO  on the  spot.  The  details of  chart  is  as follows. The  Commission directed  the PIO  to supply  the  complete  and correct  information.


Information sought  for

  Information supplied  by PIO  or  not

Details of allegation made for illegally occupying the Ghangapatna land under Khurda district.

Not supplied

Name of the persons or institutions or organizations who have illegally occupied land and quantity of land occupied by them.

Not  supplied

Copy of documents which contain about the land (quantity of land) returned back to Govt.  and name of the  institutions / persons  from whose  land was returned back with quantity  of land following which  the  Govt. has  declared .



Information about laws which were followed by the Government to get the land returned back to  Govt.


Supplied   by the  PIO


6.      Fallacious  order  of  Commission –  a Simple email  changed  Couse  of  hearing leading  to  abrupt disposal - Very Interesting phenomena

On 6.9.18,  Mrs. Sashi  Prava  Bindhani  heard  the  case . I was absent  and the  PIO  was  also absent  in the  hearing. In  the  order  of that  day, the  Commission has  mentioned   that the  PIO  has sent a letter  through e-mail  which  was taken on record. But  the  Commission has not  mentioned  any thing  content  of the  said email  which  is related  to  my  case. Even  the  Commission has  not  supplied   this  copy  of email   in response  to RTI Application dt. 22.1.19 filed   by  me  seeking entire  file  and documents  of this case. It  is clearly apprehended that this  email  influenced  Mrs. Bindhani  to close  the  case.  Mrs. Bindhani  started thinking how to close the case.   The  Commission hatched  conspiracy  putting allegation on appellant  ( me )  that “  though the  appellant  was  present  on 26.7.18,  he has neither  submitted  any  written memorandum  nor  any  discrepancy  chart as per  direction of the  Commission on 26.7.18” .   In  fact ,  On 26.7.18.,  I produced  discrepancy chart  to the PIO  and  copy  to the  Commission   copy  of which  has been  supplied  to me  by office  of  Information Commission  to response of  my  RTI query  dated  22.1.19.  Though  the  Commission  disposed  the case  on 6.9.2018, but  copy of the  order  was sent  to me  after five  months  on 25.1.19.


7.      Present Status  of  Ghangapatna Land  Scam

a.  In the  name  of  Inquiry , Chief  Minister  ensured  suppression of  investigation into Ghangapatna  Land Scam  through Crime Branch.  Five  years  passed,  Crime Branch  held up inquiry  to  protect  land grabbers  of  BJD.

b. The  office  of  Tahasildar , Bhubaneswar  refused  to divulge  information on the  pretext  that  the  original  documents  has been seized.  This is false statement.   Tahasildar might have called   for all information from Crime Branch and supplied to me.

c.  The  Information Commission  should  have ordered  for  inquiry whether  the  Statement  of PIO  about  seizure  of  orginal  document by Crime Branch   is   fact  or  false.  The  Commission should have  also ordered  Tahasildar  to bring back  all  documents  from Crime Branch  and supply  the same.  As  Mrs. Bindhani   was instructed  to  obstruct  supply  of  information,   she  closed  the  case  without  ensuring it.

d. Though  the PIO, office  of Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar   continued  to simply  ignore the  order  of the  Commission for  one and  half year  causing  a  lot of  harassment  to me, the  Commission  did  not  impose  penalty  on him  as required  under  section 20 (1)  of the  RTI Act.  Mrs. Bindhani’s tacit  support  to  erring PIOs  has encouraged  them  to deny  information  repeatedly  to  Information-seekers.

e. Information about Ghangapatna land scam  still  remains  mystery.


8.      Conclusion

After  long  fight  of  five years  to get  piece  of  information, I was  denied  information   by the   PIO   which was  facilitated  by Mrs. Sashi Prava  Bindhani,  Information Commissioner  which   has  been  constituted  to protect RTI  Act.  The  PIO  who  did not   care  to respond  Commission for  one year   was  made  scot-free  without  any penalty  being imposed  on him, though  he deserves  to be  penalized   under  section  20(1)  of the  RTI  Act.  We  , the  tax payers  are  paying  Rs. 2.5  lakh  per  month  to Sashi Prava Bindhani  to   provide  justice  to appellant .  This  is the  justice  she  provided  to me  after  5  years  of  long finght  to get  information. Sashi  Prava Bindhani  is  not  the  Commission  to  protect  RTI  but  to   protect  corrupt  bureaucrats.

Pradip  Pradhan , Appellant  and RTI  Activist, M-9937843482, Date- 26.3.19


114. Public declaration by Chief Minister in 2016 seeking suggestion from the people of Odisha to resolve Mahanadi Water Dispute issue   was a flop show 


 In 2016, when  the issue  of Mahanadi Water  dispute  was  debated  in public  domain  and the opposition parties  accusing state Govt. of  responsible  for  this debacle,  Central Govt. called  for  tripartite meeting  in New Delhi to bring  amicable solution of this dispute. Keeping it in view, Sri Nabin Patnaik, Chief Minister invited suggestion from public through release of advertisement in different newspaper published in August, 2016. A large number of people, students’ organisations and different social organisations thronged at secretariat and made big queue in front of Chief Minister’s office to submit their written suggestions to the Chief Minister. Electronics media and Print media made wide coverage of the programme and meeting of the CM with the delegation. During that time, I had asked one of my friends  who was on a delegation  to submit memorandum  about  response of CM, he said  that   Chief Minister  did not utter a single word except  only “ Thanks” . The meeting of delegation ended within a half minutes. The whole secretariat was opened for few days to facilitate the people  to meet  CM to  submit suggestion.  During that time , it was guessed  that this exercise  was like  a big melo-drama and an exercise  to deceive  the  people. Guess became true based on RTI Information.   Details of RTI expose   is as follows.


A.     Having seen the high  drama,  I had  filed RTI Application  dated 19.9.16 to the PIO, Dept. of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha  seeking the  following information.


·   Provide information about details of decision taken at Govt.  level to seek public opinion and suggestion by Chief Minister on Mahanadi Water dispute issue along with copy of file noting and copy of press release.

·   ii. Provide name of the organizations who   met Chief Minister personally and presented their suggestions with date of their meeting.

·   Provide name of the officials who were in charge of compiling the suggestions given by different organizations.

·   Provide copy of the suggestions given by different organisations which were included in report / document prepared for presentation by Chief Minister in tripartite meeting held at New Delhi on 17.9.16.

·   Provide name of the officials who prepared the documents for presentation by Chief Minister in tripartite meeting.

·   Provide copy of the documents which was presented in tripartite meeting for discussion with Chhatisgarh Govt. facilitated by Uma Bharati, Minister for Water resources.

·   Provide information about details of outcome of the tripartite meeting and copy of press release given by Chief Minister. 

·   Provide name of the organizations who have sent their views in emails.  


B. The PIO, Dept. of Water Resources forwarded RTI Application to the PIO, Engineer-in-Chief, Dept. of WR to supply the information. The PIO, Office of Engineer-in-Chief did not supply any information except      part information i.e.,  copy  of suggestions  given by  different organisations supplied . After denial  of  justice by the First Appellate  Authority, I  filed  Second Appeal  dt. 5.11.16 to  Odisha Information Commission with  the  following discrepancy chart. The Commission  registered  my case  as second Appeal No. 191/2017.

                                        Discrepancy Chart


Information sought for

Information  supplied by the PIO



Provide information about details of decision taken at Govt.  level to seek public opinion and suggestion by Chief Minister on Mahanadi Water dispute issue along with copy of file noting and copy of press release.

No information  supplied  by the PIO

The PIO has kept the information secret.

 He should be directed to supply the information. 


Provide name of the organizations who   met Chief Minister personally and presented their suggestions with date of their meeting.


Information  supplied



Provide name of the officials who were in charge of compiling the suggestions given by different organizations.


Information  supplied



Provide copy of the suggestions given by different organisations which were included in report / document prepared for presentation by Chief Minister in tripartite meeting held at New Delhi on 17.9.16.

Information  supplied  but incomplete

For example, the total copy of  the  letter of suggestions presented  by CPM and Agami Odisha has not been supplied.  Only  one page has been supplied.  The FAA should verify it  during hearing and direct the PIO to supply complete information.

The PIO  has also not  supplied  about  suggestions which were included  in report prepared for presentation by Chief Minister in tripartite meeting held at New Delhi on 17.9.16.


Provide name of the officials who prepared the documents for presentation by Chief Minister in tripartite meeting.

No information  supplied

The PIO with malafide intention has not  supplied to me. He  should be directed  to supply the information.


Provide copy of the documents which was presented in tripartite meeting for discussion with Chhatisgarh Govt. facilitated  by Uma Bharati, Minister for Water resources.

No information  supplied

The PIO with malafide intention has not  supplied to me. He  should be directed  to supply the information.





Provide information about details of outcome of the tripartite meeting  and copy of press release given by Chief Minister. 

No information  supplied

The PIO with malafide intention has not supplied to me. He  should be directed  to supply the information.

C.After two years, the first hearing of the case SA No. 191/2017 was heard on 5.12.18   by  Sri Sunil Kumar Mishra, State  Chief Information Commissioner .  The Commission directed the PIO , office of Engineer-in-Chief, Water  Resources  Dept.  to supply  the  information following  the  Discrepancy Chart.

D.   After  order  of the Information Commission, the PIO, office  of Engineer-in-Chief, Water  Resources  Dept.  transferred  my RTI Application  to the PIO, Dept. of Water  Resources , Govt. of Odisha vide letter no. 595/WE dt. 8.1.2019  to supply  the  information about

·        copy of the suggestions given by different organisations which were included in report / document prepared for presentation by Chief Minister in tripartite meeting held at New Delhi on 17.9.16.

·        Name of the officials who prepared the documents for presentation by Chief Minister in tripartite meeting.

E. The PIO  also transferred RTI Application to the  office of Chief Minister, Odisha vide letter No. 598/WE dt. 8.1.19 requesting   to supply  the following   information.

Provide information about details of decision taken at Govt.  level to seek public opinion and suggestion by Chief Minister on Mahanadi Water dispute issue along with copy of file noting and copy of press release.

F.Astonishingly, though 3 months passed, both the PIOs  have not  responded RTI Application. It shows  how utmost secrecy  is maintained  by  Dept. of Water Resources  and  office  of Chief  Minister.  

G.On 22.3.19,  the PIO, office of Engineer-in-Chief, Water Resources   made  a submission denying  the  following  information on the ground  that the case is under adjudication  of Mahanadi Water Dispute Tribunal  and exempted under  section 8(1)(a) of the RTI Act.

·   copy of the documents which was presented in tripartite meeting for discussion with Chhatisgarh Govt. facilitated  by Uma Bharati, Minister for Water resources.

·   details of outcome of the tripartite meeting  and copy of press release given by Chief Minister. 

G.During hearing dated 5.4.19., I objected denial of information on the  ground  that  the case  is under adjudication  of Mahanadi Water Dispute Tribunal  and exempted under  section 8(1)(a) of the RTI Act. The argument  is as follows.

·   When the information was sought for in 2016, Mahanadi Water Dispute Tribunal  was not  constituted. So  the  question of adjudication of cases pending in Tribunal  in 2016  does not arise.  The PIO with malafide intention is putting such useless argument  to mislead  Commission.

·   Denial  of  information under  section 8 (1)(a) is unwarranted, as the PIO  has not  specified  ground  how it  is exempted under  the said  section . What section 8(1)(a) of RTI Act  says

“ information disclosure of which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security, strategic, scientific or economic interest of the state, relation with foreign state or lead to incitement of an offence.”

H.After hearing my argument, the Commission asked  the PIO and First Appellate Authority to specify  the  exact  ground taken  for  denial  of information and made  submission in the next day  of hearing  fixed  on 18.4.19. On the said date, the PIO could not put any  argument  in support  of denial  of information. However  , the PIO  later  on  supplied  the  information relating  to  memorandum  on Mahanadi issue  and  proceedings  of tripartite meeting held in New Delhi on 17.9.16.


I. Though RTI Application was forwarded to the office of Chief Minister, Odisha dated 8.1.19 to supply  the  information  aboutdetails of decision taken at Govt.  level to seek public opinion and suggestion by Chief Minister on Mahanadi Water dispute issue along with copy of file noting and copy of press release”,  the office of Chief Minister  has not yet  supplied the  information.


J.Similarly,  the PIO , Dept. of Water  Resources  has not  yet  supplied  any  information about  details  of suggestions  given by various  organisations  which were  included  in the Memorandum on Mahanadi issue  prepared  by State  Govt.  for  presentation to Central Govt. and name  of the officers  who prepared  the Memorandum.


The Case  is  still pending in the  commission  with  direction to the PIO , office of Engineer-in-chief , WR Dept. to supply the  information.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-18.4.19


115. Infants Death in   Tribal Districts of Odisha


Since  last  few years, the  State  Govt. has  given  top  priority  for  reduction of  infant  in Odisha  by  implementing  series of programme  with  investment  of huge  money  for  it.  To  understand progress of  Govt. effort  in the  field  of  checking infant mortality  and  result  of huge investment, RTI  Application was  filed  to CDMOs  of  10 tribal  districts  in which  child mortality  rate  is very  high.  The PIOs of office of CDMOs  of 5 districts have  provided information in January, 2019. Due  to  my  personal engagement  in  other works, I could  not  put  this  information in public  domain.  The  CDMOs  of  Bolangir, Malkangiri, Kondhamal, Rayagada, Kalahandi  have  not  provided  information.  Appeal  procedure  has been  followed to get  the  information which  will be shared  later  on. On 27.12.18.,  The  information sought  for  from office of Chief  District Medical Officers  is as follows.


i. Provide    information about  no. of  infants died ( upto age of five years) in the district ( year-wise)

ii. Provide name  of the programme implemented  to infant mortality  in the district.

iii. Provide total fund utilized to  check  infant death in the district ( year-wise).

iv. Provide total fund spent for Nutrition Rehabilitation centre ( NRC) ( year-wise)

The  information provided  by the  CDMOs  of the  5  districts  is as follows.


  1. Infant deaths in different districts (from 2014-15 to 2018-19)


Total No. of infant and Child  deaths  upto age  of 05  years



Rourkela Govt. Hospital


SDH, Banai








































2018-19 ( till Dec.18)










2.      Name  of  the programmes  implemented  to reduce  infant  death  in Odisha

Special New Born Care  Unit ( SNCU)

New  Born Stabilisation Unit ( NBSU)

Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre ( NRC)

Village Health  Nutrition Day ( VHND

Home based New  Born Care ( HBNC).


JSSK ( Janani Sishu Surakhya Karyakrama)


Lanour  Room standardization



New Born Care  Corner ( NBCC)


3. Expenditure  for  Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre ( NRC) in different  districts (  from 2014-15 to 2018-19)


Expenditure  for NRC



Rourkela Govt. Hospital







 Total amount




Not  provided by the PIO






















4.  Details of  fund  utilized  under  various programme  for  checking  infant  death   is as follows.


Name  od districts  and total fund utilized (  in lakhs)














Not  provided  by PIO

























Pradip  Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 28.5.19


116.  Discovery of  another Mega  Land Scam of KISS , Bhubaneswar

 Much earlier,  we  have  brought  to the  notice  of the public  about  Mega Land Scam masterminded  by Achyut Samant,  founder  of KIIT and KISS, Bhubaneswar, a man having land grabbing  mania and  habituated to adopt  different  tricks  to grab land  through  fraudlent means.  The  information extracted  from CAG report and  obtained  through  RTI   has proved  that  total   111.5 acres  of  the  precious land  ( 82 Acres of land as per CAG Report + 18 acres  of forest land + 11.5 acres of GA  plot ) has been  acquired illegally  and through causing  irregularities     in Chandaka Industrial area,  Patia  and Pathargadia area  by  authority  of KISS and KIIT. Achyut Samant,  presently BJD MP  has masterminded  this  scam  in Bhubaneswar.   Different  tricks  adopted  by Achyut Samant  to grab land  is as follows.

1. First grab  Govt. land without informing Govt. authority  and after  few years of acquiring land, letter  is written to  concerned authority  to   lease  out  same land  in the  interest  of tribal  children. Sri  Samant  has written  such type  of letter  several times  to IDCO  to get  the land.  Though  illegal, IDCO  has allotted  a number  of plots  to KIIT  which  CAG  has  greatly  objected. 

2. Huge  precious forest  land   is  acquired  by  KISS and KIIT  and  palatial building  is constructed  without  knowledge  of  Revenue Dept. and Forest Dept.  Even  Achyut Samant  does not  care  to  apply for diversion  of  forest  land for non-forest  purpose. It  has been  possible  due  to nexus  of  Achyut Samant  with  BJD leaders and State  bureaucracy.  Even after  NGT order, Still  KISS  continues  to acquire  land  with tacit  support  from state  administration.

3.  Most  of the KIIT and KISS  building  are  constructed  without  approval of BDA. Because  the land  does not  belong to KIIT and KISS.

4.  Similarly, private  plots  within vicinity  of KIIT  and KISS  are  forcibly  acquired  by  the  people  of Achyut Samant. They are   forced  to  sell  their  to KIIT . If they  disagree they are  threatened  and beaten up  by goons  of Sri Samant.  Many  learned  citizens  who have purchased  land  are not allowed  to enter  into their  land  by goons of  Sri Samant.  Jagannath Temple  constructed   by Achyut Samant  is  over  the land of  a retired  Professor  who  died  of  heart stroke, as  Sri Samant  does not  allow him to  construct house  over  his  land , adjacent to KIIT  campus.

5. Despite  Court  order, Achyut Samant  does  not  allow private  people  to construct house  over their  own land  due to his  unholy  nexus  with Odisha  bureaucracy,  ruling  class and police.  That  conflict  is quite  visible  in Patia and Pathargadia area.


Recent  discovery  of another land scam  of KISS  is   that  as  per information obtained  from  office of DFO, Chandaka,  KISS authority  has acquired  another  4.032   ha. ( around 11 acres  of land )  revenue forest land  in Mouza – Pathargadia ( Khata No. 2242)  under Bhubaneswar Tahasil.  This  land  has been acquired  by Samant  without  taking any  permission or  approval  from Govt. As  per  provision of Forest  Conservation Act,  any  diversion  of forest  land for  non-forest  purpose  requires  approval  of Ministry  of  environment and Forest , Govt. of India. Forest  Dept.  has not  handed over this  land to KISS.  But  KISS authority  has been showing  this  land  as property  of KISS  and used  this  land to  get  deemed  to be  University status  for KISS.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482 , Date- 3.6.19


117. Huge Foreign Fund of Public of foreign Countries for KIIT, KISS and KRCT


Earlier in many times,  I have pointed  out  that KIIT ( Kalinga Institute  of  Industrial Technology) , KISS( Kalinga Institute  of  Social Science)   is  managed  and funded  by  public  in form of  Govt. fund  and  foreign fund  supported  by  the  people  of  foreign countries. So, as  it is  public  fund, it  must  be open  for  public scrutiny / public audit and  these  Institutions  must come  under ambit  of RTI Act. So that  utmost  transparency  and  accountability  can be enforced  in better management  and greater  interest  of  tribal children.  The  public  has also  right  to see  how their  fund  being properly  utilized  or not under RTI. But  the  authority  of KIIT and KISS  has been  repeatedly  denying  the  information under RTI Act.


 Finding  repeated  denial of  information from KISS and KIIT, RTI Application was  filed  to  the CPIO, Ministry of  Home affairs, Govt. of India  seeking  information about  details of  foreign  fund  received by KISS and KIIT  from 2007-18 ( year-wise).  At  first the CPIO  denied  to  provide  the information. However, after direction of Central Information Commission,  the CPIO  has supplied the  information  on 12.6.19.  In the meantime, from  the  information supplied by the CPIO, it  was discovered  that  Sri Achyut Samant  has  another NGO  called Kalinga Relief  and Charitable Trust ( KRCT)  registered  under FCR Act.  Under KCRT, Tribal  School was being managed  and foreign fund was mobilized  for  the  school. But  from 2014-15, KISS entered  into  picture  and foreign  contribution was made  to KISS.


The details  of foreign fund  contributed  to KISS, KIIT  and KCRT  is as follows.


KIIT ( FCR No. 104830213)

KISS ( FCR No. 104830313)

KRCT( FCR No.104830202)


84, 79,500.00











































Grand Total




Pradip Pradhan, Date-15.6.21

118. Huge Illegal payments made to Bishnupada Sethy, MIC from OSCB


Few Months back, I had filed RTI application to the PIO, office of Odisha State Cooperative Bank, Bhubaneswar seeking information about details of payments made to Sri Bishnupada Sethy, Management-in-Charge of Odisha State Cooperative Bank. It was additional charge to him, when he was secretary of Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Odisha.  The PIO denied to supply the information on the ground of section 8(1)(j) ( personal information)  and section 11( third party information). In fact, this information sought for does not quality to be rejected, as the payments made to Sri Bishnupada Sethy is sanctioned from state exchequer and  public money.  The PIO consciously kept this information secret, as it would expose  the illegal payments made to Sri Sethy  and  financial irregularities. The people have right to know how their money is being spent and how money is being utilized. If there is any discrepancy or misappropriation, the people have right to file complaints, as mandate of RTI Act is to contain corruption. However, the Second Appeal petition is pending in the Commission for order.


Recently, I got  a copy of Inspection Report of NABARD  on Activities, functioning, financial management  of Odisha State Cooperative Bank ( OSCB)  along with note  for departmental action submitted  to Bank and State Government. NABARD  has  made  a thorough inspection of OSCB  as on 31st March, 2018   from 14th Feb. to 6th March, 2019 under section 35(6) of Banking Regulation Act, 1949(As Applicable to Cooperative Societies). In this Report, NABARD has categorically described about objectionable payments made to Bishnupada Sethy, when he was not at all the employee of OSCB.


Sri Bishnupada Sethy, IAS Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Cooperation Department  held the additional charge of OSCB as its Management-in-Charge ( MIC)  with effect from 5th February, 2013. As per  statutory provision,  in case  of dissolution of management body  of OSCB, the Registrar of Cooperative Societies ( RCS), Govt. of Odisha  will be  in charge of the  Bank. But  why  and who took  the  decision to appoint  Sri Bishnupada Sethy    as MIC  replacing Registrar of  Cooperative Societies needs to be enquired . There were no policy or guidelines approved by RCS by which MIC would be eligible for various benefits. However, it was observed  that the Bank had reimbursed / paid  book ( amounting  to Rs. 10,000 per annum) , Electricity/ Energy Bill  on actual basis , orderly allowances  ( at Rs. 3000 per month), and above all Incentive  ( staff Rule No. 54-A) payable  to employees  who are otherwise not eligible  for Bonus  not exceeding 45 days salary. Incentive paid stood at Rs. 1,70,691 for 2013-14, Rs. 1,91,519 for 2014-15 and Rs. 65, 993 for 2015-16. Sri Sethy not  being staff member of the Bank as per staff service Rules  should not have been paid  the amount and all payments constitute illegal. NABARD has recommended  to OSCB to review the payments.


During his tenure as MIC, he had not  got reimbursed  medical bills  in three phases amounting to Rs. 9,46,071 towards   hospitalization of wife and father. There were  recommendations from Government for reimbursement in two phases on budget constraints with  the Department  concerned and in one case there was no recommendation from Government.  NABARD  has  recommended  to OSCB  and RCS  to determine  the entitlements  of MIC , President and Directors of the Board of the Bank to make the institution run on the basis of rules , not  discretion.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-28.6.19


119. Fund for Disaster response released by Central Govt. to Govt. of  Odisha

 RTI Application was  filed to the  PIO, Ministry  of Home Affairs, Govt. of  India  seeking  information about  details of fund sanctioned  to Govt. of  Odisha  to deal  “ Fani” disaster  situation  in 2019  and  details of  fund released  under   SDRF ( State  Disaster Response  Fund )  and NDRF ( National Disaster Response  Fund)  from 2014-15  to 2019-20.  On 17.7.19.,  the  PIO  has  supplied  the  following  information.

A.     In order  to support to the affected people of Odisha, the  Govt. of India  has released  assistance  of Rs. 211.125  crores  from State  Disaster Response  Fund  and Rs. 788.875 crore from National Disaster Response  Fund ( NDRF) to  Govt. of  Odisha for management  of relief necessitated by cyclone ‘Fani” of 2019.

B.     The  details  of assistance  provided  by Govt. of  India  to  Odisha  Govt.  to  meet  expenses  for  relief  operation  during  disaster  situation  from 2014-15  t0 2019-20  is  as follows.


Central share released under SDRF ( Rs. In crores )

Amount  released  under NDRF ( Rs. In crores)
















2019-20 ( till July)



Pradip Pradhan , M-9937843482, Date-13.8.19


120. How Slogan “5T( TRANSPARENCY) – A  Big Farce  in Odisha”


Presently 5T (Team Work, Technology, Transparency, Transformation and Time Limit)  is  much-hyped  buzz word  and media-driven propaganda in Odisha. This word “5T” is coinised by Chief Minister to bring transparency and transformational changes in the state. It  has  become  just  like  Guru Mantra for  state  machinery  and its  execution  has been  given top priority  by the  people at  helm of  affairs  of the administration. I doubt whether  Chief  Minister  can speak  about  5 minutes  about  this 5T without written documents  prepared  by  bureaucrats. Many people close  to Ruling party  are  seen  exhilarated publicly  about  5T.  I  strongly  feel  that this  slogan “5T”  is  calculatedly  design by  pet  bureaucrats  of  Chief Minister  to divert  attention of the  people  from real issues  and deceive  them.  


I will   herewith  deal  about  only  “ Transparency”   How  it  is  a big farce  in Odisha.  Since 2005, as I have marked ,  while speaking  and claiming  his Govt.  as Transparent  Govt., Chief  Minister  has  never uttered  a single  word  about  RTI – A sun-shining law enacted  to enforce  transparency  and  accountability  in the administration across the  country.  The  country  has been benefitted a lot  from this law in respect of opening  up the system  to the  common people  and transforming  the administration  from   a  colonial,   opaque and secretive system   to  a system  of  transparency.


Odisha is the  first  state  in the  country  which since  beginning tries  to  destroy  this  law   in Odisha  by framing a anti-people , illegitimate  Odisha RTI  Rules, 2005  which  is ultra vires  to  Mother Act.  Introduction of  arbitrary  compulsory of  Application Form {  violation of  section 6(1) of the RTI Act}  and  rejection   of  application for  information due  to  failure  to fill  up  Form correctly is the  biggest  impediments  on the path of exercising  power  to seek information  by the  common people.  It has  been seen several times  that  the common people  even the  educated  urban people  have  not been able  to fill up this  eleven-column  complicated  application without external advise. That’s  why a major chunk of populace  of rural  and tribal areas  have not been able to file RTI to  access  information. However, due  to  constant  and continuous  campaign   on RTI  by  few  inspired RTI Activists  and  Civil  Society  Groups,  the  common  people  are  seen  being  able  to fill up  the Application   Form to demand for  information.   Arbitrary  provision  of  collection of fees  for  information from BPL people {  violation of  section 7(5) of the RTI Act } and demand for  submission of  proof  of citizenship  at the  time of  submission  of RTI Application { violation of section 6(2)  of the RTI Act)  by  State  RTI Rules  has damaged  greatly prospect  of RTI in Odisha.


Coming back to discussion about issues how the  State  Govt.  has  systematically  destroyed  prospect of  transparent  administration in Odisha, I herewith  highlight few examples   for reference  of the  public.


1.   As  per  section 4(1)(b) of the RTI Act, Each  Public Authority (  each  Govt. offices  starting  from  office  of  Governor  to  Gram Panchayat  office)  shall  proactively (  voluntarily)  disclose 17  types of  information  in Odia  language in their  website  and must  be  available  with PIO  for  inspection by the  public  during  their  visit  to  the office. As  per  Rule-2(2) of  Odisha RTI (amendment)  Rules, 2006, Each  Public  Authority shall  maintain  a Register  for  day-to-day record  of the members of the  public  who visit  its offices  in connection with accessing or inspecting suo motto  information proactively  disclosed  by the said authority under  section 4  of  the Act.  The 17 type of  information  which needs to be proactively  disclosed by  different  authorities  are particulars of its organization, functions and duties, powers  and duties of  its officers  and employees, procedure  followed in decision-making process, norms set by it for the discharge of its function, a directory  of officers and employees, manner  of execution of subsidy programme, name and designation of  public information officer, particulars of recipient of concession and permits  etc. At  the  primary  stage,  the State  Govt. under Nabin Patnaik, Chief  Minister  tried  to make  this fantastic provision  non-operational.

2.   After  a lot  of  protests  by RTI  Activists  and  intervention of the   Information Commission,  the   Chief  secretary  invited  a high- level  meeting  of Secretaries  of all  Departments on 15.5.2009  to  reveiew  implementation of  section 4  of the RTI Act. In this  meeting  it  was  decided  to develop  a softwire  for webhosting  all the  proactively  disclosed  information. All the  Public authorities  were  requested  to update  their  information as per  template  and complete  the  process  of disclosure  of  information by 31st  May, 2009. The  I and PR  Department , Nodal Department  for RTI  engaged  a Nodal  officer  to  monitor  implementation of  section 4  of the RTI Act  by all the  Departments.


3.   In 2009, the  State  Govt. developed  a fantastic  website ( which has been changed  as   for  disclosure  of  all  section 4-related  information of  all department  and subordinate  offices  of the state. At  primary  stage , 17 types of  proactively  disclosed  information of  so many  offices  was  uploaded  in this  website.  The  State  Govt. got  award  for this  fantastic website  at  national level  which was  greatly  highlighted  in media.


4.   But  after  two to three  years, this  website  became  garbage  with  dissemination of  outdated  information.  As  per  section of  4  of the RTI Act,  this  17-types of  information  is required  to be  updated  by each  office  in every year. The website was kept  idle  for  years  together  till today. 


5.   To  find out  the  commitment  of State Govt. to  enforce  transparency  in  administration,  this  website (  was searched/ inspected  the  updated  information  of various  departments.  It  was  observed  horrible  and  outdated  information are exhibited in  link of almost  all  offices.  Not  a single  information of  any  department  and  subordinate  offices  have been  completely updated  upto 2019.  Few examples are  cited  here  for  better  understanding  of the readers.

·   Information about department of Parliamentary Affairs   is  seen  updated  upto 2014. Most of the  information are  useless.

·   Information about  17 types of  disclosed  information of office  of Governor, Odisha    has not   been updated  from 2017.

·   Information about  17 types of  disclosed  information  of  Odisha  Legislative Assembly    has not   been updated  from 2013.

·   Information  about  Department  of  Food  Supply  and  Consumer  Wlfare  has  not been  updated  since  2017 (  in some  case)  and 2018 (  in other  cases).

·   Information of Odisha  State  AIDS  Control  Society is  not  updated  from 2012.

·   Information about  Odisha  State  Cooperative  Bank  was  completely  Nil  and Blank.

·   Information of  State  Social Welfare  Board  is not  updated  since 2009.

·   Many  important  information of  Women  and  Child  Development  is  not  updated  from 2016.  Information  about  Budget  of the  Dept. is  available  upto 20008-09.

·   No  information about Kalimela  Tahasil  of  Malkangiri  district  is available. But  it  is  written updated  till 2018.

·   Most  of the  information of  Collectorate, Malkangiri  is  updated upto May, 2019.

·   Information of  Odisha Mining  Corporation  is  not  updated  since  2016. No information  about  budget available.

·   Information of  Department  of Agriculture  and farmers’ Empowerment  is  not  updated FROM 2017.  Sri  Gagan Dhal  is still  APC.  Budget  for  the  Dept.  is available  upto 2008-09.

·   Information of  State  Commission for  Women  is  updated  upto 2014.

6. As  per  section 4(4)  of the  RTI Act,  all  proactively  disclosed  information should  be  available  in Odia  language. As  per  information obtained  under  RTI,  the  I and PR  Department, Nodal  Dept.  has  written series  of letters  to  all  Department  to  update  their  proactive disclosed  information  in Odia  language. But  astonishingly, no  step  has been  taken by  any  department  to disseminate this  RTI  information in Odia  language.  At  the  same  time, the  State  Govt.  has  amended  Odia  Language  Act  and  issued  direction for introduction of odia language  in all  official  correspondence. But  nothing  has happened till yet.


7.  Despite order of High Court, Odisha  Information Commission never  gives its  decisions  in Odia  language. It is  still in English. The  illiterate  people  face  a lot of difficulties  to understand  the  English-written decision of the  commission.

Pradip  Pradhan , M-9937843482 , Date-31.8.19


121. Huge amount Paid  to Media  for Govt. sponsored  advertisement


To give better  clarity  to readers how  this Govt.  survives on systematic managed media propaganda glorifying Nabin Patnaik, Chief Minister , Odisha  and highlighting his  scheme and programme  like Kalia Yojana, Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana, PEETHA Yojana, Biju BAHINI, Biju Pucca Gruha Yojana (  all Fake  and false schemes), RTI Application was  filed  to the PIO, Dept. of Information and Public Relation seeking  details  of budget  and expenditure for advertisement published  in media  of three  years . The objective  was  to give  3 years  analysis  of budgetary allocation and expenses  for advertisement. Forget  whether  the state  or  the people  has been  benefitted, but Media   house been greatly benefitted by Govt. sponsored media  campaign  about  Nabin patnaik Govt. which  has  misled  the people  to some extent.  The  Details of  information provided  by the PIO dated 19.12.19 is as follows.


Total Budget  earmarked  by Govt. of Odisha for advertisement  of Govt. programme

                                                                                                                                                      ( In lakhs)


Budget Provision




Budget Provision




Budget Provision



2019-20 ( as on 31.10.19 


Electronics Media








Print Media 















Major advertisement  support  given to Print Media

                                                                                                                                       ( In Rs. )
















2019-20 ( Till Nov.)










Grand Total



Details  of fund  disbursed  to Electronics Media for telecast of  different Govt. programme  by  Govt. of Odisha

                                                                           ( Amount in Rs.)


Name of the Electronics  Media











Kanak TV





News 7





Kalinga TV










ETV News Odisha /

News 18 Odia





News World Odisha





Kamayab TV





Zee Kalinga TV /Z Odisha





Naxatra TV















Colors Odia





India TV





Aaj Tak





Times Now










Radio Chocolate










Red FM










Tarang TV





Alankar TV





Sadhana TV





Prathana TV










CNN News 18





India Today





News X





ABP News





Zee News





News 18 India





NDTV India









Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-21.12.19


122. 5 Crore Scam  in Jajpur  Tahasil  under Jajpur district (Lokayukta Case  No. LY-371/19)


On 9.10.19., Lokayukta     issued  notice  to Director, State Vigilance  seeking  report  about  status  of  investigation into allegation  of  corruption and misappropriation  of Rs. 5 crore  ( Rs. 5,00,00,000)  by officials  in Jajpur  Tahasil  under Jajpur  district. Though State   Vigilance  registered a case  File No. 05 dated 20.1.2018 on complaint of misappropriation of huge revenue  by the  officials  of Jajpur Tahail, no legal action has been  taken  against   any  officials, though  more  than  one  and half year passed.  Chairman,  Lokayukta  has  fixed date 18.11.19  for  hearing  of the case.


Sri Sarbeswar Behuria, RTI Activist had  filed  a  complaint in the  office  of Lokayukta, Odisha  seeking inquiry  into  misappropriation  of Rs. 5  crore  by officials  of Jajpur  Tahasil. He  had alleged  that  though  State  Vigilance   registered  vigilance  case  on 20.1.18.  against  officials, but  remained  silence  more  than  one year.


Case  History

on 25.7.2019., Sarbeswar filed  RTI Application to the PIO, office  of Collector, jajpur seeking  copy of the Special Audit Report  of  Audit  Team of Board  of Revenue, Odisha . On 10.9.19, the PIO, office  of  Collectorate, Jajpur  supplied  the   copy  of Audit  Report. While  going  through  the  report, it  was observed that as per the Board’s memo No. 206 /Aud. Dt. 2.4.16.,  Special audit  team  of Board of Revenue conducted audit on misappropriation of Govt. fund in Jajpur  Tahasil  within period  of 1.4.2006 to 5.4.2016.  Audit was  conducted from 5.4.16 to 31.8.17.  The Special Audit Report No. 02/2017-2018 submitted  to Govt.  has  made  detailed  description  of  how   around Rs. 5 crore has  been  misappropriated  by a bunch  of Govt. official  of Jajpur  Tahasil   starting  from Tahasildar to Head Clerck, Nazir  and many  others.   The  Audit  had  strongly  recommended for  departmental  proceedings  and /or prosecution  at the  earliest moment under OCS (CAA &A) Rules, 1962/OCS (PENSION) Rules, 1992 on the basis  of audit paras.  Inquiry  by State  Vigilance  was  suppressed   for  the  reasons best  known  to  Inquiry  office  of Directorate  of State  Vigilance, Cuttack.


It  was  found  from a  letter  dt. 30.7.19. of SP, Vigialnce, Cuttack  addressed  to  the  Collector, Jajpur district   that  during   the  financial  year 2015-16, Sri Laxmikanta Mishra, OAS the  then Tahasildar , Jajpur  with  ulterior  motive  conspired with Sri Rajat Kumar Routray, the then Nazir  of  his  office  transferred  land acquisition  compensation amount  of Rs. 5  crore , Rs. 51, 42, 565/- &  Rs. 18,61,549/-  from DDO  account  to the  tahasil SB Account  instead  of  land  acquisition account.  Subsequently, Sri Mishra  issued  self cheques  to Sri Rajat Kumar Routray , though  he was transferred  from Tahasil office  and the  amounts were  credited  to personal account  of  Sri Routray.  After  detection of such illegal  act, Sri Routray, Ex-Nazir  submitted  cheques for  aforesaid  received  amount in  the  Tahasil office.


On the allegation of mutual  conspiracy, falsification of  official  records and misappropriation  of Government  Fund  of Rs. 34, 65,237/- ,  Cuttack Vigilance  P S Case  No. 19 dt. 18.7.19 u/s 13 (1) (c ) (d) of P.C. Act , 1988 /  409/477-A/120-B IPC   dt. 18.7.2019 has been registered  for  detailed  investigation.

Details   of  Money  misappropriated  as  follows


Name  of Officer/ Head Clerck/ Nazir  involved




Bijay Kumar Khandayatray, OAS

Ex-Tahasildar , Jajpur

Rs. 8,65,769.00


Sudhansu Sekhar  Nayak, OAS

Ex-Tahasildar , Jajpur

Rs. 1,98,256.00


Kumarbar  Nayak, OAS

Ex-Tahasildar, Jajpur

Rs. 14,41,833.00


Manas Ranjan Samal

Ex-Tahasildar, Jajpur

Rs. 27, 08,160.00


Gourahari Behera, OAS

Ex-Tahasildar, Jajpur

Rs. 1,12,98,564.00


Mamata Barik, OAS

Ex-Tahasildar, Jajpur

Rs. 2,80,78,174.00


Laxmikant Mishra, OAS

Ex-Tahasildar, Jajpur

Rs. 47,67,405.00


Mamata Barik, OAS

Ex-Tahasildar, Jajpur

Rs. 86,665.00


Bhmsen Das

Ex-Head Clerck,

Rs. 3080.00


Niranjan Das


Cash Book  Not  analysed


Dibyasingh Otta

Ex-Head  Clerck

Rs. 8,48,989.00


Rabindranath Pati


Rs. 43,61,949.00


Sarat Ch. Barik

Ex-I/C Head  Clerck

Rs. 13,60,716.00


Natabar Pati

Ex-Head  Clerck

Rs. 2,75,845 .00


Ajay Kumar Sahoo


Rs. 3,76,61,076.00


Rajanikant Sahoo


Rs. 14,34,899.00


Debi Prasanna Dhal


Rs. 34,98,272.00


Rajat Kumar  Routray Sr. Clerck


Rs. 4, 47,14,457.00


Sarat Ch. Barik Sr. Clerck


Rs. 47,06,849.00


Prasant Kumar Nayak, Sr. Clerck


 Rs. 14,125 .00 ( recovered)


Dasarath Das, Sr. Clerck

Ex-Record Keeper

Rs. 9195.00 ( recovered)





 Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 16.11.19


123. Lackadaisical attitude and False promise of Chief Minister to revive Baragarh Sugar Mill


 On 21.2.2019., while addressing farmers  in a public meeting  organized  on “Kalia Yojana” (  a fraud scheme and almost  going  to be closed  was made  to woo the farmers  for  vote  prior  to general election ) at Sohela  of Baragarh  district, the  Chief Minister  declared  a special package  Rs. 11 crore  for  revival  of  Sugar Mill. It  created  jubilation  among  the ill-paid employees of  the Mill  who had been  demanding  for payment  of  pending  salary  of 21 months  and staging demonstration  in front of assembly.


Out of curiosity  to  understand  execution of declaration  of Chief Minister by officials, RTI Application dt. 18.10.19 was filed  to Department  of Cooperation, Govt. of  Odisha  which was eventually transferred  to  the  office of  Registrar of Cooperative  Societies, Odisha seeking  information about  details of  employees of Baragarh Sugar Mill, special package  amount sanctioned   by Chief Minister  for  revival  of Mill, details of revival  plan of State Govt.


On 8.12.19.,  the PIO  supplied  the  following  information.

a.    There  are 203  employees (  both regular and contractual )  working  in Sugar Mill.

b.   The Mill  is  presently running with  loss  of Rs. 46.88  crores.

c.    Not  a single  pie  has been sanctioned by Chief Minister  under  Special Package  for  revival of sugar mill as declared in  Kalia samabesh at sohela on 21.2.2019.

d.    In 2016, the State  Govt. has engaged  N.S.I., Kanpur  to suggest  for revival  of  Sugar Mill.  This Institute  has   suggested  to constitute Ancillary  Unit   required  to revive the Mill.  Though 3 years have , the State  Govt.  is yet  to take  any steps  to revive  it.


It  shows  how  the  farmers  and employees  of  Sugar Mill  are  betrayed  and cheated  by State Govt.   Earlier, the State  Govt. has  closed down  Baragarh   Spinning  Mill now  has conspired  to close  down  Sugar  Mill  against  the  interest  of the  farmers. But  astonishingly, these  farmers   caste  their vote  to Nabin Patnaik , Chief Minister  to  come to power time and again.


As I understand, Baragarh Cooperative Sugar Mill  is premier  sugar  mill  in western Odisha. It was established with mission to improve social and economic standard of sugarcane growers of the western Odisha region. Due to corruption and mismanagement, this Sugar Mill  is almost  defunct. The sugarcane  growers and employees   depending  on  sugar mill are  almost in starving  condition.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482 , Date- 16.12.19


124. Office of Chief Minister, Odisha – Far From Transparency & 5T 


The Day Chief Minister spoke  about 5T  in Media  Conference, we  had  said  it  another  big hoax of  this  Govt. 5T  is  a  media buzz word, media managed Propaganda  with  full  of  malicious deception. We have pointed  out  several times  in public platform  that  it   is another design to deceive  the people of Odisha .

1.   Firstly, To explore  what  is 5T, RTI Application dt. 8.11.19  was filed  to   the  Department of General Administration and Public Grievances , Govt. of Odisha  seeking  information about Photocopy of Decisions taken with file noting about opening Department of 5T and appointment of Sri V.K.Pandian as Secretary of 5T along with order of Chief Minister, copy  of cabinet approval for opening  of new Dept. , 5T.. The PIO  provided two copies of notesheet  and notification about 5T. In NOTE SHEET, it is mentioned that Shri V.K.Pandia , IAS , Private Secretary  to Chief Minister  will also be Secretary to  Chief Minister  5Ts  Transformation Initiatives”.     In the NOTIFICATION dt. 28th  August , 2019 No. GAD –SER1-IAS-0035-2015-24157/AIS.1. Shri V. Karthikeya Pandian, IAS ( RR-2000)  at present Private Secretary to Chief Minister , Odisha  is allowed to remain  in additional charge  of Secretary  to Chief Minister-Transformation Initiatives ( 5T) in addition to  his own duties.  So, 5T  is   neither  a Department  nor any cabinet  decision taken  in this  regard. It  is an initiative. It is just media hyped  propaganda  to divert attention of the  people from real issues  affecting  them. The people must  reject it.


2.   Secondly,  in the  month of June, 2019, Chief Minister, Odisha  declared  that he would  monitor performance of Ministers  and asked  each Minister  to produce  their  Monthly progress  Report. RTI Application was  filed  to  the office of Chief Minister, Odisha , Dept. of Parliamentary Affairs, Govt. of  Odisha  seeking  copy  of  Monthly Performance Report   submitted  to Chief Minister. On 7.8.19.,  the PIO, office  of  Chief Minister vide letter No. 2514/CM dt. 7.8.2019   intimated that “No such Report  as required  is available in the office  of Chief Minister.”   However,  to  examine whether  the Ministers have submitted  their  Monthly performance  report to Chief Minister,  RTI Application was submitted  to the office of 8 Ministers  seeking  copy  of the  forwarding letter  of Minister in which  they  have submitted   their monthly report  to the Chief Minister.  The Response of the office  of  Minsiters  is as follows.  ( the office of   All  the  Ministers  except Ranendra Pratap Swain , Minister for  Food supply & CW  responded  one  and similar  kind of  information, as  if  they  have all  responded  after  taking each other.


A.      On 14.11.19., The  office of the Minister for Women and Child Development, Govt. of Odisha  responded that “  the  information as in the manner  requested by you  in your application  is  not  available”.

B.      On 13.11.19., The office of the Minister for  Panchayat Raj & Drinking Water , Law, Housing & Urban Development    said that “  the  information as  in the manner requested  by  you in your application  is not available  in this office”.

C.      On 25.10.19., The  office of  the Minister for Forest & Environment, Parliamentary Affairs, Odisha  asked  to  deposit Rs. 46.00  towards  cost  of  information. When the    cost of information through M.O. was deposited ,  it was returned  back. Later on, on 15.11.19., the PIO wrote  a letter  stating  that  the previous letter  was issued inadvertently.   He responded in same way that “information, as in the manner requested by you in your above application, is not available in this office

D.     On 13.11.19.,  the  office of the Minister for Finance & Excis, Odisha  responded  in similar manner that    the information as in the manner  requested  by you in your application, is not  available  in this office”.

E.      On 17.10.19.,  the office of Minister of State  ( Independent Charge) Electronics & Information Technology , Sports & Youth Services, Odisha  transferred  RTI Application  to  the  Dept. of Sports & Youth Services  and Dept. of Electronics & Information Technology  to provide  information.  Though two months passed, the PIOs of these Departments  have not  supplied any kind of information.

F.      But  the  response  of  Sri Ranendra Pratap Swain, Minister  for Food Supplies & Consumer Welfare, Cooperation, Odisha  is  more  interesting and praise worthy. On 13.11.19.,  his  office has   sent   copies  of  5 forwarding letters  addressed  to Chief Minister  in which  he  has  sent   his Monthly Performance Report.   One of   letter of the Minister  addressed  to Chief Minister  is presented  herewith  for better  understanding.


“ With reference  to  the UOI No. 74/CM dated 4.6.2019, I am to submit herewith  the one page report  each on the work done during the last month with special focus  on the Manifesto  to priorities  in respect of Food supplies  and Consumer Welfare Department  as well as Cooperation.”


 On 6.9.19, Content of the letter of the Minister is as follows.

“ I am submitting herewith the  progress  of implementation of 5T  and progress  report  for the month of August, 2019 on the priority areas  of Government in respect of  Food supplies & Consumer Welfare Department  and Cooperation Department  and tours  and inspection  conducted  during  the said month  for kind information”.


It  is  concluded that  either  the Ministers   have  produced  the report  and  kept in confidence or report  has  never  been  produced  to  Chief Minister.


3. Thirdly, just after 3 months  of assuming office  of Chief Minister  for 5th term, Nabin Patnaik addressed press conference  reading  papers  about  dismissal  of  officers  and employees  and withholding pension of retired officers  on corruption charges. Both Print and electronic Media made  a front-paper  news   with applause  terming it  as “ Operation Clean”.


  Having  gone through  the news , RTI Application dated 3.9.19.  was  submitted  to the Office  of  Chief Minister, Odisha, Dept. of GA& PG seeking  information about  copy  of  papers  which  Chief Minister  read out  in  Press Conference  and  copy  of all documents  on the basis which  he dismissed  the  officers. On 5.11.19., the  PIO, office  of  Chief Minister responded  that “  No  such  information is  available  in the  Chief Minister’s Office”.  


On 3.9.19, RTI Application was  filed  to Dept. of GA & PG seeking  the same  information about  details of decision taken  for dismissal  of officers and employees . on 6.9.19.,  The GA Department  transferred RTI Application  to the PIO, Dept. of Parliamentary Affairs, office  of Chief Minister  and  Director, Vigilance  to provide  information.  On 16.9.19, the  office  of State  Vigilance  responded  that  they are  exempted from disclosure  under RTI Act  as per  Govt. notification No. 8081-RTI-74/2016-IPR dated 11.8.2016. On 1.10.19, the PIO, Dept. of Parliamentary Affairs  transferred RTI Application to the PIO, office of Chief Minister, Odisha  to provide  information, as  it  closely relates  to your office. Despite  two RTI Applications being  forwarded to Chief Minister’s office,  the said  office  did  not  care  to respond  under RTI Act, even two months passed. 


It is  astonishing  that When  the  Chief Minister  Speaks  of transparency  and addressed  press meet about  plan and programme of his Govt, but  his  office  does  not  disclose  any  information under RTI Act,  the sun-shining law enacted  to enforce  transparency  in the administration.


4.The website  of  Chief Minister, Odisha   ( does not  have  any information disclosed  under section 4(1)(b)  of the RTI Act which is mandatory  for  all  public authorities. As  a  Public Authority , it  must  declare  names of PIO  and First Appellate  Authority  in  their  website  and other related  information in Odia.  The Dept. of I and PR, nodal Dept. for RTI  has   made  several circulars  to all  Dept. and offices  to  comply  section 4 ( 1) (b)  of RTI Act  in Odia  language. But  the CM office  has done  nothing .

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 26.12.19 


125. Payments made towards  Claim Settlement of Hospitals  for  treatment of  People covered under Biju Krushak Kalyan Yojana ( BKKY ) in Odisha

 RTI Application was filed  to the PIO, Directorate of  Agriculture and Food Production, Govt. of Odisha  about  total  of no. of Beneficiaries  covered  under Biju Krushak Kalyan Yojana (BKKY)  and  details of  payments made to  the Private Hospitals  for  providing treatment to BKKY card holders. The PIO  supplied  the  information in the month of December, 2019.   The  details of  information is as follows.


1. Under  this  scheme, each  farming Household  has been  provided BKKY  card   to get   free treatment  in any  hospital  upto Rs. 1 lakh. This  is a type of  Insurance  scheme with  premium  amount  of  all the beneficiaries  being  deposited  by Govt.  During 2018-19  and 2019-20, the State  Govt. has deposited  Rs. 60,69,10,552.00 and Rs. 35,03,09,242.00 respectively.


2. The  following Insurance Agencies  were entrusted  for preparation of Card  and enrolment of beneficiaries of BKKY  and Premium amount  paid  to each agency.

Sl. No.

Name  of Insurance  Company





Reliance General Insurance  Co. Ltd.

Northern Central




National Insurance Co. Limited





The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.





IFFCO-TOKIO General Insurance Co. Ltd.











3.Number of Beneficiary Families enrolled under BKKY Stream-I and Stream-II in  Odisha



BKKY Stream-I

BKKY Stream-II









































































Jagatsingh Pur
















































































Grand Total





4. Amount paid towards Claim Settlement of Hospitals under Biju Krushak Kalyan Yojana



2018-19 ( In Rs.)

2019-20 ( In Rs.)






















































Jagatsingh Pur




































































Grand Total



Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 18.5.20


126.  Bureaucrats use Public Money on their Whims and Fancies

At  a stretch OSDMA   released Rs.2.5 Crore to IIT, Bombay for land slide Study without    signing any MOU or accepting any  detailed  Proposal  

On dated 11.3.20., RTI Application was submitted to the PIO , office  of OSDMA ( Odisha State Disaster Management Authority), Bhubaneswar seeking  the  following  information.

i.  Copy  of  all correspondence  made  with IIT, Bombay while  assigning  study  on Landslides in Gajapati  in pre and post-assignment  period.

ii. Copy  of  the  file  noting  with  regard  to  decision taken  for  assigning IIT, Bombay  the  said study

iii. Provide copy  of  decision taken / Order  including  file  noting   for release  of advance amount  Rs. 2.5 crore   with date  of release.

iv. Copy  of  Review, if any  made  at OSDMA  level  about  progress  or  completion  of  the  study  during  period  of  present MD, OSDMA


On 19.5.20, the PIO  supplied  the  information  which  are  as follows.

1. From the  file  noting , it  was  found that the Chief Minister, during his visit  to the cyclone Titli affected area  in October 2018 had expressed  his deep  concern for landslide event  in Gajapati  district. He had  declared that  vulnerability mapping  of hilltop villages would be done  and shelter  houses  to be provided  to the  community , wherever required.

2. The State Executive  Committee ( SEC) headed by the Chief Secretary, in its 3rd meeting for 2018-19 held  on 22.10.18  approved  the landslide vulnerability mapping by OSDMA  for  which necessary fund would be provided from SDRF ( State  Disaster Response Fund).

3. Without inviting any tender or Expression of Interest, Shri Bishnupada Sethy,  the then Managing Director, OSDMA  assigned Indian Institute of Technology,  Bombay ( Rs. 2.5 crore project) for the landslide vulnerability study  for Gajapati District. OSDMA has   maintained utmost secrecy  and has not  disclosed any information  about  details of  procedure  followed and decision taken   and preliminary correspondence made  between OSDMA and IIT, Bombay  for arriving at  decision to  assign this study ( for example letter dt. 30.3.2019) , as it  was  sought  for  under RTI Act. The reason for not  inviting Expression of Interest through advertisement  and  hurriedly selecting IIT, Bombay  for  this study is best known to OSDMA officials.

4. But it  was observed  from the file noting  that the Team of IIT, Bombay  visited three worst landslides affected areas  in the Gajapati  district  and  submitted a preliminary report  to OSDMA  which was  placed before 4th SEC meeting  for the year 2018-19 held on 5.2.2019.

5. Following  their  preliminary report,  OSDMA assigned  this  study  to IIT, Bombay  without  signing any MOU and devising timeline  and  released   total Rs. 2.5  crore  at  stretch  on 25.4.19 without approval of the Finance Department.

6. In respect of sanctioning of Rs. 2.5 crore  to IIT, Bombay by Sri Bishnupada Sethy, MD, OSDMA, it has been  clarified  by Bholanath Mishra, General Manager ( Geotechnology), OSDMA which is observed from the  file noting  that the Governing Body in its 3rd meeting has delegated the sanctioning power upto Rs. 5.00 core to the Managing Director for any scheme. I suggest that this issue  must  be looked  into by the state Govt.  from the perspective of effective  management of SDRF fund  through approval of Finance Dept.

7. It  deserves to mention here that IIT, Bombay had not submitted any proposal  for  the Study  on  Vulnerability Mapping of Landslide Prone areas under Cyclonic storm  in the Gajapati district”

It is  also learnt from the text  of the letter  written by IIT, Bombay  on 2.4.19  that  “ the duration of the project was one year  and the consultation charges was be Rs. 2,11,86,441.00 with 18%GST ( total Rs. 2.5 crore) .

8.   After  four months of  release  of  Rs. 2.5 crore  ,  the  Study Team of IIT, Bombay made  their  first visit  to Gajapati district  on 2nd and 3rd September, 2019 for the said study. 

9.   On 30.10.19., OSDMA  wrote a letter to Prof. Manas Ranjan Behera, Associate  Professor , IIT,  Mumbai, Team Leader  to send a team of experts  to the recent landslide sites  occurred  in Gumma and Rayagada  block of Gajapati district and submit  the report.   IIT Team visited Gajapati on 12.11.19.

10.             From the proceedings of the meeting of OSDMA held on 13.11.19, it was found that Mr. Pradeep Jena, present Managing Director, OSDMA really blew the whistle. This meeting was called by him to review the progress of ongoing  landslide study  undertaken by IIT, Bombay. It  was  directed  by  Sri Jena that –

i.          IIT, Bombay  would modify the methodology and  come  up with detailed  proposal ( IIT, Bombay  had  not  submitted  any  proposal . But Mr.  Bishnu Pada Sethy, the then MD sanctioned full amount of Rs. 2.5 crore as advance. It never happened anywhere in Govt. sector) , devise  a timeline for execution  &  completion of the work. The modified proposal would be submitted within three weeks.

ii.      IIT, Bombay would submit the exhaustive proposal with timeline of completion by 13th December,2019  and submit UC of the expenditure incurred under this project to settle the advance amount released to IIT, Bombay.

iii.     As MOU  was  not  signed  on 25.4.19 at the  time of release  of entire project money, MOU  will  be signed now after  review of progress  and revised plan.

12. one year is over. So far, IIT, Bombay has neither submitted any report nor UC.

13.  Study is going on. Nobody knows when the study will be completed.

14. It is desired to conduct an inquiry into nexus of Sri Bishnupada Sethy and IIT, Bombay, how a project was sanctioned without  floating any tender and inviting Expression of Interest and total amount was released without signing any MOU and underlining check and balance.

Pradip Pradhan,M-9937843482, Date- 22.5.20




127. Media Projection of Mr. V. K. Pandian as No.1 IAS officer does not hold any documentary Proof. It is construed as False Propaganda


 In March, 2016, the Odia Daily newspaper “ Sambad”  covered  a front paper news  Comparative analysis of  performance of few IAS officers  following their ACRs  and projecting Mr. V.K. Pandia   as No. 1 IAS officer in rank among all IAS and IPS officers scoring 10 marks in each Indicator taken up for the study.  Accordingly its Sister Media “Kanak TV” covered same story showing the documents of their performance report which   is still available in “YouTube”.


1.   Having seen the news covered with show of  copy of documents in  Media and out of curiosity,  I had filed RTI application dt. 26.3.16 to the PIO, Dept. of General Administration and Public Grievances, Govt. of Odisha seeking the following information to ascertain the fact  of reporting.


i.  Copy of   Annual Confidential Reports  ( CCR) of last three years  of Sri V.Kartikeyan Pandian, IAS, secretary to  Chief Minister, Odisha, Sri Upendra Nath Behera, IAS, Addl.Chief Secretary, Odisha, Sri Bijay Sharma, IPS, D.G. Crime Branch etc. which has already  released to media.

ii. Details of procedure followed for preparation of ACR and approval made by the appropriate authority.

iii. Details of criteria taken up and procedure followed for assessing career / performance of an IAS /IPS officer which reflected in ACR.

iv. Details of ACR Reporting Authority for different type of IAS and IPS officers at different level in the administrative set up  of the State.

v. Details of legal provisions for disclosure of ACR or  maintaining its secrecy.


2.      On denial of information by the PIO and First Appellate Authority,  I made Second Appeal  in the office of Odisha Information Commission on 8.6.16.  praying for supply of information and imposing penalty on PIO for  denying information under section 20 of the RTI Act.


3.      The Commission registered  my case  as Second Appeal Case No. 1567/2016 and started  hearing of the case  from 18.10.19 onwards , after around 3 years of filling Second Appeal. The Commission heard six times and passed the order on 10.2.20 which is of bad taste.


4.       On first day of hearing (18.10.19), the Commission directed the PIO to show cause  for not providing information as per law, not  explaining reasons of refusal on point-wise  information, not making any effort to give the details  under section 4(1)(b) of the RTI Act about norms, guidelines, notification. The Commission also directed Special Secretary and Principal Secretary, Dept. of GA & PG  to submit status Report  updated till 30.9.2019 with regard to section 4 of the RTI Act by taking notes  of section 4(1)(b)(v)(vii)(xiv) & (xv)  and Secion-4(1)(c )(d) & (e ) . 


5.      On day  of Second Hearing ( 8.11.19.) I  made  a submission stating  that information relating to ACR of IAS and IPS officers has not  been provided to me by the PIO  citing  the ground section 8(1)(j) & section 11 of the RTI Act.  

Section 8(1)(j) stipulates   “exemption of  information from disclosure which relates to personal information and the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity or interest, or which would cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of the individual unless the Central Public Information Officer or the State Public Information Officer or the appellate authority, as the case may be, is satisfied that the larger public interest justifies the disclosure of such information: Provided that the information which cannot be denied to the Parliament or a State Legislature shall not be denied to any person.”


Section 11(1)  says “Where a Central Public Information Officer or a State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, intends to disclose any information or record, or part thereof on a request made under this Act, which relates to or has been supplied by a third party and has been treated as confidential by that third party, the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, shall, within five days from the receipt of the request, give a written notice to such third party of the request and of the fact that the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, intends to disclose the information or record, or part thereof, and invite the third party to make a submission in writing or orally, regarding whether the information should be disclosed, and such submission of the third party shall be kept in view while taking a decision about disclosure of information: 

Provided that except in the case of trade or commercial secrets protected by law, disclosure may be allowed if the public interest in disclosure outweighs in importance any possible harm or injury to the interests of such third party.”

 My further argument before the Commission is as follows

a.      On the ground of denial of information, I argued that the PIO has not sought opinion of third parties before taking such decision of non-disclosable of information. So, the PIO should be directed to issue notice to the third parties  to give  their opinion  relating to supply  of ACR under section 11 of the RTI Act.  Without taking opinion of third parties, the PIO can not deny the information.

b.      As  the  information sought  for  is already  in public domain and news  glorifying their performance  has  been widely covered  in both Print and Electronic media, the said  information must be provided in public interest  to  understand  performance of No.1. IAS officer under section 8(1)(j) of the RTI Act.


6.The PIO made counter-submission referring decision of Delhi High Court in W.P. ( C ) No. 4735/11 wherein  the Court has observed  that the ACRs can not be disclosed to any other employee as  that would  constitute third party information. The PIO further submitted   referring decision of Supreme Court  in the matter of Girish R. Deshpande  VS CIC and others ( SLP ( C ) No. 27734/2012 wherein it was as  under


“ The performance of an employee/officer in an organization is primarily a matter between the employee and the employer and normally those aspects  are governed by the service rules  which fall under  the expression “personal information”, the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity  or public interest. On the other hand, the disclosure of which could cause unwarranted invasion of privacy of that individual”. The Supreme Court further held that such information could be disclosed only if it would serve a large public interest”. 


I further  countered submission   of the PIO  that  following  this judgement  of  the Supreme Court, the information  about APR of Mr. V.K.Pandia must be disclosed  in public interest  which is already available in public domain.


7.The PIO also  submitted  that  the GA Dept. had neer shared  this  information sought for  on ACRs/PARs( Performance Appraisal Reports)  of any officers  to any media / TV channel  because  such documents are purely confidential in nature.


8. In respect of information about details of ACR Reporting authority , detaisl of criteria taken up and procedure followed for assessing career , the PIO supplied  copy of All India Civil Conduct Rules.


9. While passing final order , the  Commission opined that in the instant case the appellant  has not made  a bonafide  public interest in seeking information  the disclosure of  such information would cause unwarranted invasion of privacy of the individual U/s 8 (1) (j) of the RTI Act.  The case was disposed without any direction for supply of information.


 Analysis of the Case: Why it is a tasteless order ?

a.   From the  very beginning of the hearing of the case, I have persistently  made submission that as  the PIO has rejected  RTI application on the ground of section 11 without following procedure, he should be directed  to issue  notice to all IAS officers seeking  their opinion about disclosure of their performance report. But  the  Commission  Smt. Sashi Prava Bindhani consciously  remained  silent  and never  directed the PIO to follow  the procedure of section 11(1). Rather just mentioned in her order “ the PIO could have taken the views of the third parties in this particular case”. 

b.     Smt. Bindhani did not make legal interpretation of the law  i.e., Section 8(1)(h), when I have been constantly pleading  for  disclosure of  information by producing Kanak TV Visual     which is  already available in youtube. As Smt. Is not well-versed  about RTI Act and its legal interpretation, she  deliberately refrains from  doing her commission’s job and passed speaking order.

c. As the PIO stated  that the said information has never been disclosed  to any media, the Million Dollar question is raised how did Sambad and kanak TV  get  this  document ?

d. At last it  is concluded  that   the Projection of Mr. V.K.Pandia as No. 1 IAS does not  substantiate any logic or ground to  believe. The People must reject it.

e. Through out hearing of the case, Smt. Bindhani persuaded the  PIO for updating the suo moto disclosure of information under section 4(1)(b)(c )(d) of the RTI Act.  Till last, the PIO did not care  to comply. This matter  was also not  related  to my case. I got astonished Why  did the Commission bring this issue within ambit of hearing of my case. The whole exercise of Smt. Bindhani ended in fiasco.  The Commission also  did not pass any order in its  decision. Till today, the GA dept. has not updated suo moto disclosed information.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Dt-27.5.20


128.OHRC directed KIMS Hospital, Bhubaneswar   to immediately conduct surgery operation to a person suffering from stabbing injury and denial of treatment by 10 Govt. and Private Hospitals for 12 days.


 Taking prompt  action on a complaint  petition  filed  dt. 22.9.20 (  registered Complaint Case No. 2355/20), Odisha Human Rights Commission issued  direction on same day  to Kalinga Institute  of Medical Sciences ( KIMS) hospital , Patia, Bhubaneswar  to  immediately  conduct  surgery operation  of Ranjit Nayak after  receipt  of the order  and directed  Secretary, Department  of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Odisha  to  conduct an inquiry into the allegation of petitioner and submit  the  Report by 15.10.20. The Commission also  directed  the  following   Hospitals  to file  their  response  about  why  they  failed  to render  treatment  to a patient.

·     Director, Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar

·     Director, Kalinga Institute  of Medical  Science (KIMS) Hospital, Patia, Bhubaneswar

·     Director, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar

·     Inspector-in-Charge, Chandrasekhar Pur Police Station, Bhubaneswar


What  is the  Case ?

Sri Pabitra Nayak, aged 25, cousin brother of  victim  filed  a complaint in  the  office of  hon’ble  Commission   alleging  Complete negligence, callousness and denial  of     surgery  operation  to  a seriously injured  patient since 12 days by all  10 Govt. and Private  Hospitals.  His  allegation before  the  Commission is as follows.


1.On 8.9.20., Sri Ranjit Nayak, aged 21 At- Chandrasekhar Pur (Near Damana), Arabinda Nagar Basti, Bhubaneswar-751022 was stabbed with sharpened knife in his house at 6.30 PM by his neighbors Tapas Kumar Sahu and his relatives after  a  violent conflict centring around matter of   theft of mobile. The lower part of his belly stated bleeding profusely.


2. Then, the parents  of Ranjit Nayak carried  him  to  Chandrasekhar Pur  police station  at 7 pm to  file FIR. But the  police suggested  them  to  immediately  admit  the  boy  in hospital for  operation, as his  condition is serious and did not  receive  their FIR.  


3. On the same day at 8. PM, the parents  carried   Ranjit Nayak  to  KIMS Hospital, Patia, Bhubaneswar   for  immediate  treatment. But  the authority of KIMS Hospital  refused  to admit  him. Then , the parents  carried him  to Capital Hospital , Bhubaneswar and  requested  doctor  for  treatment as the  condition of patient  is  serious. The  doctors  of the  Capital  Hospital at  casualty refused  to  receive the  patient and asked  them  to  go some  other  hospitals , as surgery  is not  possible. It was around 9 PM.


4.Then, the patient was carried to Sum Hospital, Ghatikia, Bhubaneswar. On refusal, he was carried to Vivekanand Hospital, Fire Station square, Bhubaneswar. Though  the  doctors  were persuaded  for  immediate  operation, they  did not  receive patient  as oxygen  was  not  available  in the  hospital. 


5.Then, the  patient  was  carried  to AIIMS Hospital at  around 11.45 pm. The patient  was kept in Ambulance for  one hour. Then  the  doctors   admitted  the patient in emergency  ward  and asked  the relatives  to arrange     blood (4)  for  operation at 1 am.  In the meantime, they  made COVID test  and found positive. When  the  blood  was  arranged, the  doctors  refused  for  operation at 4 am and asked  the  complainant  to leave  hospital, as  they  do not have OT for surgery of COVID Patient.


6.The complainant carried the patients to AMRI Hospital, Bhubaneswar at 4.30 am. The authority refused to treat   the patients, as  bed  was not  available.


7.Then, the patient was taken to  Kalinga Hospital on 9.9.20 at 6 am. The Security Guard did not allow the entry. Then , he  was  taken  to APOLLO Hospital, Bhubaneswar. The doctors   did not allow admission of the patients.


8.Then, he was   carried to  S.C.B. Medical, Cuttack   with  great  hope  for  surgery  operation. The condition of patient was deteriorating . The complaint spent the sleepless night moving one hospital to another for  treatment.


9.The people stationed at casualty simply refused  to receive and the security asked  to leave  the medical,  despite several persuasion by   the  complaint.


10.Then, the patient was carried to Sriram Hospital at 8.30 am. The Authority asked him to deposit Rs. 45,000.00 for operation.  The Complainant deposited  the  said amount with  4 units of blood. After few  minutes, the  authority  refused  to treat  him.   


11.Then, he  was carried  him  to ASWANI Hospital at  6 PM and  faced  same  response.


12.With  much pain and agony, the  complainant    again came  to AIIMS  Hospital for  treatment.  The  time  was 10 PM. He  stayed  there 2 hours and repeatedly  requested  doctor with  folded hand  for  operation. But  nobody  did  pay any attention  to him. However,  the  doctors  refereed  to  KIMS  Hospital, Bhubaneswar with  reference paper.


13.They  reached  at KIMS COVID Hospital   in the night.  The Patient  was  admitted  and  discharged  him at 16.9.20  at 7 pm  without any surgery operation.


14.During  this  period, FIR  was  lodged  in Chandrasekhar police station  on 10.9.20  and it  was  registered  by  the police. As  the FIR  was  registered  and  the case is under police  investigation,  the  complainant  made  a call to Prakash Ch. Pal, ACP and appraised  him  about  it.  He sent an ASI of police to KIMS Hospital for  being present  during  discharge.


15.Then, the patient was   again taken to Capital Hospital. The complainant persuaded to the Superintendent and Surgery doctors for operation. The patient was kept on stretcher the whole night and was not allowed   to be admitted in the hospital. They all refused to admit him.  On 17.9.20, the patient was kept in stretcher.  The complainant met Director, Capital Hospital at 12 noon on 18.9.20 and appraised him about condition of the patient. The Director assured him for surgery operation and gave a phone no. of  contact  doctor Dr. Basant Mishra .    the patient  was admitted  in the COVID isolation Ward, though  the patient was  COVID negative.  A team of Doctors  just  visited  and refused  to  conduct  surgery  operation. Then , the patient  was  referred to KIDS COVID Hospital , Dumduma  which  again returned  back the patient  to Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar.


16.On 19.9.20, the patient  was kept  in COVID isolation Ward. Then  SWAD test  of  patient  was  conducted at 11.43 am. No treatment  was  conducted except minor  dressing  was  done.


17.At 3 pm, the  complainant  received  a call from  BMC office  that Ranjit Nayak, patient  was  found COVID positive again. The  doctors  of  Capital  Hospital  persuaded  me  to take   patient and  admit in Hospital. At 11.45 , the  complainant  received  a call  from Capital  Hospital that his patient  was  referred  to KIMS  COVID Hospital  for admission. The BMC Ambulance  carried  him  to KIMS COVID Hospital at 12 o’clock at night.


18.The patient  was admitted  in KIMS COVID Hospital at 12.30 am  on 19.9.20 without  any surgery  treatment.


My intervention  in this case

It is tragedy  that Since last 12 days,   a minor surgery could not  be  conducted  despite several  persuasion  starting  from Govt. to Private  hospitals (  covering 10 Hospitals of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack). The patient is still battling with much pain for survival. All the  Hospitals  refused  to  conduct  minor surgery  operation, though  he was  free  from COVID . 0n 21st Sept. evening, Naxatra TV  conducted  a discussion on this  issue  in which I was  invited  as  one  of the panelist. I heard  the whole  story and gave my opinion. After  returning  from the  discussion, I thought  for  hours together  how to  help  this  boy and chose option of  filling  the  case  in Odisha Human Rights  Commission. I called  Pabitra Nayak  and prepared  the  complaint  and filed  it in the  office  of the Commission on 22.9.20 at 11 am.  Our  prayer  before  the  Commission was  immediate order to KIMS Hospital for surgery operation  and direction to Secretary, H &FW to conduct inquiry  into the whole matter  inviting  response  from all major four  hospitals including Inspector-in-Charge,  Chandrasekhar  Police Station for  their  negligence  in rendering service  to the patient.



After  direction of the  Commission, KIMS  Hospital  immediately  conducted surgery operation at 11 pm  on same day 22.9.20.  The parents are  quite  happy  now.  Let  us hope  that  the  poor slum boy  will  recover soon and resume normal  life.

Pradip Pradhan , M-9937843482, Date- 23.9.20


129. A Fact-sheet on “Chief Minister’s Zero Tolerance to Corruption”


Since August, 2019,  Mass Media  carrying   front-page news   from time to time about  steps taken by  Chief Minister, Odisha  dismissing  officers/ employees  from the  service  on the ground  of corruption , suspending  pension  of retired  employees  and  giving   compulsory  retirement  to the  officers involved in corruption  ( quoting press  release  issued  from Chief Minister’s office).   This step of the Chief Minister has been highlighted and glorified by Media.  Keeping  it  in  view,  several RTI Applications  quoting press news  have been filed   in  the  office  of Chief Minister, Odisha  seeking  information about 


i.     Provide    details of  documents and  files  relating to decision  taken  by Chief  Minister  to dismiss  21 officers  and employees  from service  with  copy  of file  noting  with  their  names  with address  and  post held  by them.

ii.   Provide name  of  the  retired  officers  and  employees  whose  pension  has been held  up  by  Chief  Minister , copy  of the  order  of  Chief  minister  along  with  copy  of  details of  decision  taken  in this  regard  including  copy  of the  file noting.


Every time, the  PIO, office  of the  Chief Minister  has  denied  the  information on the  ground  of  non-availability  of the  information. In response to RTI query filed dt. 14.7.20, the  PIO, office  of the Chief Minister  replied  on  18.7.20 that  no such  information sought for  is  available  in this  office , as  disciplinary  action  is initiated  by the  respective  departments  of the Govt. But the  question  comes  how  the  press   statement   mentioning  number  of  officers / employees  dismissed and  pension of retired  employees   withheld  was made  from the   Chief Minister’s office  which  has been  reported  by Media. As  the  press release  is made  from the  Chief Minister’s office,  the said  information  must be available following which  the  press statement  is prepared.


Again, on 18.8.20,   both Print and electronics media  carried  another  news  about 60 officers/ employees  dismissed by Chief Minister ,  17 employees  given compulsory  retirement and pension of 22 employees  withheld. We  again attempted  to access  this  information by way of  filling  RTI  Application dt. 24.8.20   to the  PIO, office of  Chief Minister, Dept. of GA &PG, Parliamentary  Affairs , Govt. of Odisha  seeking the  following  information  to  verify  authenticity  of the news.


a.      Name  of  the  officers  and employees  who have been  dismissed  by  the Chief Minister on the ground of  corruption  as declared by Govt. , name  of their Dept.  and position held by  them

b.      Name  of the  officers  and employees  who have been given  compulsory  retirement  by the  Chief Minister on the  ground of  corruption , designation held by  each  of them, name  of their  department.

c.       Name  of the  retired employees  whose pension  has been  temporarily  stopped  and their  department.


 Like  response  of the PIO, office  of the Chief Minister ,  the  GA dept.  declined  to give  detailed  information but  thankfully  forwarded  RTI  Application  to all  the  Departments  and  sub-ordinate  offices  across the  state. Within the period of  3 months, the  information  from various department  and offices  started being  flooded  with us. The   information was scrutinized  and compiled. The compiled  information  is attached  herewith.


Analysis of the compiled  information is as follows.

1.   Total no. of 18 officers/ employees has been dismissed  by the  disciplinary  authority  of the  concerned Department/ office not  by Chief Minister. For Example,  Sri Dharma Singh, Ex-Panchayat Executive Officer, Rairangpur  block  of Mayurhanj  district was  dismissed  by the  Collector, Mayurbhanj  on the  ground of  corruption. The Chief Minister is no way concerned  in this matter. This is the  official procedure  as per  Odisha  Civil service ( classification, control & Appeal) Rules,1962

2.   In most  of the  cases , the   Special Judge, vigilance  has  held  the officers/ employees  guilty  and sentenced them  to rigorous  imprisonment  and  imposed  penalty.  Following   judgment of the vigilance court, the    disciplinary authority has dismissed  the  officers/ employees. For Example, Sri Akhaya Kumar Behera, Ex-Senior Scientific Officer, Testing Laboratory, Berhampur under DEP&M, Odisha (MSME Dept.) was dismissed by the Dept. on 30.10.2019 after  Special Judge , Vigilance in P.S. Case No. 29 dt. 4.7.2014 sentenced him rigorous imprisonment for 2 years  on 1.6.2018.


3.   In many  cases, though  the  Special Vigilance  Court  held them guilty and sentenced  rigorous imprisonment,  the  State  Govt. has  remained silence  for  several years  without taking  any action against  these employees. For example,   Sri Tapan Kumar Garnaik, Executive  Engineer, Charbatia ( R&B) Division, Choudwar , Cuttack was  dismissed  from service  on 28.2.20  by the secretary, dept. of works  after  the  vigilance  court  convicted  him on 24.4.2018. the  role of the  Chief Minister  does not arise here.

4.   As  per RTI Document provided by  different  offices, total no. of eight  employees/ officers   whose  pension  have been  temporarily  stopped.  It is very  interesting  to note  here  that  The Govt. has suspended  pension  of the employees after  they were  convicted by the  vigilance  Court.   The  Govt. has not taken action promptly  but  waited so many years  to take action . For example, On 30.4.2011, the  Additional special Judge, Vigilance court , Bhubaneswar  held Sri Arun Parida  guilty  of offence for showing undue favour  to a private contractor  during  construction of  high level bridge  over  river Bhargavi  in the year 1995   and convicted  him. He was  retired  in 1997. He  challenged  this order   in High  Court which is pending.  After 10 years of  judgement  of  vigilance Court  , the  Govt.  withheld his pension  permanently  from 24.2.20.     

5.   The pension of Sri Gourang Charan Sahu (A), Ex-E.E., NESCO  Utility   was withheld  permanently  w.e.f. 14.1.20  consequent upon  his conviction  in Balasore  P.S. Case No. 44 dt. 31.12.1998.

6.   As per RTI information, seven no. of officers/ employees have been given compulsory retirement. We have tried to understand the reasons for their compulsory retirement. The compulsory retirement has been given few employees on the ground of ineffectiveness following the GA Dept. circular dt. 24.9.2019. There is no such serious corruption charges against these employees. For  example, Sri Arun Kumar Behera, Deputy Director, Soil Conservation-cum-Project  Director, Watershed, Malkangiri  was given  compulsory retirement   from service  on the  ground of ineffectiveness  on 16.3.20 by  the  Principal Secretary, Dept.  of Agrl. Similarly, Sri Sudhansu Sekhar Mishra, OFS-1(SB) of office of PCCF   was given Premature retirement as per  circular No. 27037 /Gen dt. 24.9.2019 of GA & PG Dept.  on the  ground of doubtful  integrity  and inefficiency.



1.   In most  of the cases,  following  the conviction of Special vigilance Court, the   competent authorities  have dismissed  the employees or withheld their pension even after long years of the court judgement.

2.   The media-hyped  propaganda  is  a calculated  move orchestrated  from the  Chief Minister’s office  to glorify  the  Chief Minister  in public domain as  a crusader  against  corruption termed as “ Zero Tolerance  to Corruption”. In fact  this  Chief Minister   during his  stint of  20 years  has masterminded  the  corruption and mega scams like  Chit Fund  Scam, Mining Scam, Land Scam  worth lakhs  of crores  of rupees in Odisha . During his regime, the  corruption has been widespread across the state affecting each office starting from Gram panchayat to Chief Secretary to Chief minister, Odisha.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 23.12.20


130. Iron Ore Extracted and Exported in Odisha during COVID Pandemic (From January to December,20)


·     Total  quantity of Iron Ore extracted - 11,09,86,067.9 MT

·     Total  quantity of Iron Ore exported - 2,40,51,516.2 MT

·     Total quantity  of iron Ore exported  through Paradip Port - 1,78,27,683 MT

·     Total quantity  of iron Ore  exported  to China through Paradip Port  - 1,57,37,638 MT

·     Total  revenue  generated -  Rs. 5663.68 CRORES


Odisha is endowed with vast resources of a variety of minerals and occupies a prominent place in the country as a mineral rich State. huge  reserves of high-grade Iron ore,   are extensively available in  Keonjhar, Sundargarh, Mayurhanj, Jajpur in Odisha. This has opened up  huge  investment  and establishment of   Iron-Ore   based industries for manufacture of Steel, Ferro-alloys,   etc., along with setting up other auxiliary and ancillary  industries. Huge  extraction  of Iron Ore  made  for  industrial  consumption in our  state  and  also  for export  to other  states  and  foreign  countries. Govt. of Odisha  has  given lease  to number  of  mining companies  for  extraction  of iron ore  to get  just  revenue  from it. Huge  export  of  raw Iron ore  to  foreign countries  through paradeep Port  and other  ports  is  continuing  day  and night  for  just  few  royalty  from it. The way  Iron Ore  is  exploited  and transported to ports  through   thousands of  Andhra trucks  for export , it may   dwindle  rich deposits  within  couple of  years  leaving  no deposits   for future  generation.


During  COVID  lockdown  in 2020, when  the whole  state  was  locked  and  suffering  from pandemic  and  all manufacturing companies/ factories  was    almost   closed, extraction  of  iron ore  continues  unabated by the  mining  companies just  to export foreign countries  like China .  Trend of export of Huge quantities  of Iron Ore from Paradeep  Port was more  in pandemic  than previous normal period.   This is  nothing  but  loot  of our  resources  for the benefit of few  at the  cost  of millions of  toiling masses  of our  state. while  Odisha  exported 17  lakh MT  Iron Ore in Feb.20,  the  pandemic situation of May ,20 witnessed export of 28 lakh MT  to foreign countries and other states.


RTI  was  filed  to the  office  of Directorate  of Mines , Govt. of  Odisha  and Paradip Port  Trust  to understand  magnitude  of Iron ore  extracted , exported  and consumed  in our  state  of Odisha.


a.Total Quantity of Iron-Ore Extracted, consumed and exported from Odisha  (from January to December, 20)  (Information provided by Directorate of Mines  on 24.2.21)           



Iron Ore  Extracted

Iron Ore  Exported

Iron Ore  Consumed by  Industries  in Odisha













April , 20








































b.Total Quantity of Iron Ore exported from Paradeep Port  ( MT) (Information obtained from Paradeep Port Trust on 5.3.21 )


Name  of  the Month

Total Quantity  of Iron Ore  exported  from Paradeep Port  ( MT)

Name  of the  places to which Iron Ore exported ( Foreign Countries)

Name  of the  places to which Iron Ore exported  ( within India)

January, 20









New Mangalore
















New Mangalore










































August, 20




































































c.Collection of Royalty on Iron Ore from January to December,20 (Information provided by Directorate of Mines  on 24.2.21)



Collection ( In Crore)

January, 20










June, 20
















Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 6.5.21


131. Mining lease granted in favour of the Companies for Mining Operation in Odisha (During 2019 and 2020)


·        During COVID pandemic,  Govt. of Odisha las leased out 4831 hects of  land of Iron Ore , Manganese  and Chromite  to the  Companies  for  50 years .

·        2215 hect of land of Coal has been leased to NALCO and NLC India Ltd. for 30 years


 Srikant Pakal had filed RTI Application to the PIO, Directorate of Mines seeking information about details of Mining lease granted in favour of the Companies for Mining Operation in Odisha during 2019 and 2020.  On 19.1.21, the PIO has supplied the following information.


Name of Company

Location of the lease


Area in Hect

Grant order

Period  of lease


JSW Steel Ltd.

Nuagaon Iron Ore  Block



5443/SM dated 26.6.20

50  Years


JSW Steel Ltd.

Narayanposhi  Iron & Mn Ore Block

Iron & Manganese


5424/SM dt. 26.6.20

50 years


Arcelor Mittal India ( P) Ltd.

Thakurani Iron Ore Block



5384/SM dt. 26.6.20

50 years


Serajuddin &Co

Balda Iron Ore



5839/SM dt. 7.7.20

50 Years


JSW Steel  Ltd.

Ganua Iron Ore Block



5431/SM dt. 26.6.20

50 years


JSW Steels  Ltd.

Jajang Iron Ore Block



5437/SM dt. 26.6.20

50 years


Narbheram Steel & power ( p)  Ltd.

Koida-II Iron Ore Block



5524/SM dt. 29.6.20

50 years


Patnaik Minerals ( P) Ltd.

Mahulsukha Iron & Mn Ore  Block

Iron & Manganese 


5518/SM dt. 29.6.20

50 years


Ghanashyam Mishra  & Sons ( P) Ltd.

Gorumahisini Iron Ore  Block



5707/SM dt. 2.7.20

50 Years


Yazdani Steel & power  Ltd.

Kolmong  Iron Ore & Managnese  Block

Iron &  Managnese


5628/SM  DT. 1.7.20

50 Years


Kashvi International Private Ltd.

Jaribahal Iron Ore Block



5500/SM  dt. 26.6.20

50 years


Jagat Janani Services  Pvt. Ltd.

Jururi Iron Ore Block



5796/SM dt. 4.7.20

50 Years


M/s Agrasen  Sponge Iron Pvt. Ltd

Katasahi Managnese  Block



5750/SM  dt. 3.7.20

50 years


PM Granite  Export *(P) Ltd.

Kanther-Koira Manganese Block



5713/SM dt. 2.7.20

5o years


TS Alloys Ltd

Kamarda Chromite  Block



5476/SM dt. 26.6.20

50 years


TS Alloys  Ltd.

Saruabali Chromite  Block



5490/SM dt. 26.6.20

50 years


TS Alloys Ltd.

Sukinda  Chromite  Block



6275/SM  dt.22.7.20

50 years


GM Iron & Steel Company Ltd.

Badampahar Iron Ore Block

Iron Ore


6934/SM  dt. 21.8.20

50 years



Utkal –D ( Village-Koshala , Nandichhod Similisahi  & Raijharan



3265/SM dt. 16.4.20

30 years


NLC  India Ltd

Talabira-II & III, Jharsuguda District



No. F No. 103/1/2016-NA dt. 2.5.20

30 years


Nirmal Vikash Pvt. Ltd.

Mahughara Hills  of Ganjam

Decorative Stone


5480/SM  dt. 30.7.20



K.Srinivas Rao

Peta  of Malkangiri

Decorative Stone


997/SM dt. 14.2.2019


Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-4.3.21


132. Status of Judicial Inquiry constituted by Home Department  Govt. of Odisha (From 2000 to 2020)


RTI application was filed in the Department of Home, Govt,. of Odisha  seeking  information aboutr  details of judicial commission constituted  under Nabin Patnaik Govt. since 2000. On 3.3.21, the PIO has provided the following information.



Matter  for  which Judicial Commission was appointed

Name of Judges  who conducted inquiry

Date  of submission of report

Action taken by Govt.



Alleged  activities of drug mafia in and around Balasore  district

Justice P.C. Nayak/ Justice P.K.Mohanty


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



Act of lawlessness  and violence  inside the premises  of SCB medical  college  and Hospital, Cuttack  on 16.7.20 ( Night)

Justice P.K.Mishra


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



Police  firing  at village Maikanch  under Kashipur police station  of Rayagada district  on 18.1.2000

Justice P.K. Mishra


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



 Confrontation with  members  of Bar Association , Puri  on 16.10.2001

Justice A.K. Parichha, District Session Judge , Khurda, Bhuaneswar

No report has been received

The inquiry  was closed



Police  firing at  Rangabhati and Raighar village   in Nabarang Pur  district on 30.10.2001  and 11.11.2001

Justice Basudev Panigrahi / District & Session Judge , Koraput

No report received

The inquiry  was  closed



Alleged custodial death  of Dillip Kumar Sahu  at Saheed Nagar  police station  in Khurda  on 2/3. 3.2005

District & Session Judge, Khurda


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



Alleged  custodial death of Gajendra Majhi  in Kuchinda police station  lock up  on 17.3.2005

District & Session Judge, Sambalpur


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



Incident  of police firing  in front  of Champua police station  on 8.6.2005

District & Session Judge ,  Keonjhar


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



Incident  of police firing  at Kalinga Nagar in Jajpur  district . 2.1.2006

Justice  A.S.Naidu /Justice P.K.Patra / Justice P.K.Mohanty


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



Incidence  of stampede  inside shri Jagannath Temple , Puri  on 4.11.2006

Justice P.K.Mohanty


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



Violent incident  occurred  in different parts of Kondhamal  during  December, 2007

Justice B. Panigrahi ( Retd.)


The report  is under examination.



Killing of Swami Laxmananand  Saraswati  and others at Jalespeta Ashram of Kondhamal district  and the incident  of violence in its aftermath 

Justice S.C. Mohapatra ( retd.) ,  Justice A.S.Naidu ( retd.)


The report is under examination.



 Police firing at Bhuban  of Dhenkanal district  on 22.3.2009

District & Session Judge,  Dhenkanal

No report has been received

The  inquiry  was closed



Death  of two engineering students  at Bolangir  on 24.10.2009

Justice S.K.Mohnaty ( retd.)


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



 Police firing at Bagalpur  in Cuttack  district  on 23.8.2010

Justice S.K.Mohanty ( Retd.)


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



 Incident involving a judicial magistrate  and the  local police  at Rourkela  on 2.4.2011

Justice A.S.Naidu


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



Incident  of grievous injury  to a  girl  of village Arjungoda , P.S., Pipili district on 30.11.2011

Additional Session Judge –cum-Special Judge , Vigilance, Berhampur


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



Unauthorised  collection of  public deposits  in the state

Justice R.K.Patra ( Retd.) / Justice M.M.Das ( Retd)

Seven interim reports

Appropriate  action is  yet to be taken  by  the Finance Dept.



Police firing  at village Gumudumaha  under Baliguda P.S.  in Kondhamal district  on 8.7.2016

District & Session Judge, Kondhamal


The report is under  examination



Fire  incident  in Sum Hospital, Bhubaneswar

 RDC, Central Division, Cuttack


 The report  is under examination.



 Incident  on kidnapping , sexual assault  of a minor girl of koraput district  on 10.10.2017

 District Judge, Koraput


Report along with Memorandum of action taken  has been  laid  before Odisha Legislative assembly



Missing of keys of inner chamber of Ratna Bhandar of  Shree Jagannath temple.

Justice Raghubir Das ( Retd.)


The report  is under examination.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482 , Date- 7.3.21


133. Amount released to empanelled Private Hospitals  under Odisha State  Treatment  Fund  from 2015-16 to 2020-21


RTI Application was filed  to the PIO, office of DMET, Odisha seeking information about  details of amount released  to empanelled Private Hospitals  under Odisha State  Treatment  Fund  from 2015-16 to 2020-21. On 13.10.20., the PIO has provided the following information.  It  needs  to be  mentioned here that  the  Government of Odisha   has cancelled  OSTF  scheme  since August 2020. Now financial assistance is provided under Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana.


Name  of Private  Hospitals

Amount  released  in Rs.

(From 2015-16 to 2020-21 upto June 2020)

KIMS Hospital, Patia, Bhubaneswar


Apollo Hospital , Visakhapatnam


Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneswar


IMS & Sum Hospital , Bhubaneswar


Kalinga Hospital, Bhubaneswar


Hi-tech MCH , Bhubaneswar


Balco Medical Centre, Raipur


Care  Hospital, Visakhapatnam


Fortis Escort  Heart and Research Centre



HCG Cancer Centre , Visakhapatnam


Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital , Visakhapatnam


Narayan Hrudalaya Hospital , Raipur


Queen’s NRL , Visakhapatnam


Ramakrishna Care Hospital , Raipur


Seven Hills Hospital ,  Visakhapatnam


Tirumala Hospital, Visakhapatnam


Tristar Hospital, Surat


No. of beneficiaries provided financial support for treatment in Private empaneled hospitals under OSTF


Financial year

No. of  beneficiaries

Total amount  released

In Rs. 






























2020-21 Upto July, 20







Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-19.3.21


134. Rs. 78 Crore  sanctioned for infrastructure  development in Jagannath Dham  under PRASHAD (Pilgrimage Rejuvenation And Spirituality Augmentation Drive)  Scheme 


 RTI Application was  filed  by Srikant Pakal to the PIO, Dept. of Tourism, Govt. of Odisha  seeking  information about details of fund  received  under PRASHAD  scheme  from Govt. of India  and  details of fund  utilized  by Govt. of Odisha. On 14.12.2020, the PIO has provided the following information.


On 27.11.17,  the Department of Tourism  and Culture , Govt. of Odisha has made revised  administrative  approval for Infrastructure  Development  at Puri Shree Jagannath Dham –Ramachandi-Prachi river front  at Deuli-Dhauli  under Mega Circuit ( for Nabakalebara-2015)  at an estimated  cost of  Rs. 78,54,77,000.00 .


Details of fund sanctioned  for different projects under PRASHAD Yojana is as follows.



Name of the project

Amount sanctioned  ( In Rs.)


Construction of Tourist facilitation Centre at Puri



Development of  beach at Shree Jagannath Dham



Development of Shree Jagannath Vishram Sthall and Amphithreatre  at Puri



Ramachandi Temple



Gundicha Temple



Prachi River front Deuli



Maa Mangala ( Mausi Maa) Temple






GST, fees  and contingency



Grand Total



Out of the  estimated  Cost of Rs. 78,54,77,000.00 , only a sum of Rs. 50  crore  has been sanctioned  and a sum of  Rs. 10 crore  have been released  by Govt. of India  towards central share  for execution of the  project. This  amount  was  sanctioned  in 2015.

Out  of the balance  of Rs. 28,54,77,000.00 , only  a sum of  Rs. 3.50 crore  will be met out  of the fund sanctioned  and placed with the  collector, Puri  dt. 25.2.15.

Remaining balance  of Rs. 25,04,77,000.00    was sanctioned  from Tourism Dept.

The  project  implementing agency  i.e., ITDC Ltd.   has produced  UC  ( Utilisation Certificate)  of Rs. 3,76,34,713.00  as on 31.3.20.

Pradip Pradhan , M-9937843482, Date-22.3.21


135. Coal Extracted and Exported in Odisha


RTI  Application was  filed  to the  CPIO, Mahanadi Coalfield  Limited  seeking  information about  details of qyunatity  of coal  extracted  from coal mining area . On 18.3.21, the  CPIO  supplied the  information which is mentioned below.

Coal Extracted   in Odisha (  Information supplied by MCL dt. 18.3.21 )



Name of district

Total Quantity  of Coal extracted  in Million Tone)





































April,20 to Jan.21











RTI  Application was  filed  to the CPIO, Paradip Port Trust , Odisha  seeking  information about details of quantity  of coal  exported  to different regions through Paradip Port. On 4.3.21, the  CPIO  supplied the  following  information.

Coal exported from Paradip Port , Odisha ( Information obtained from Paradip Port on 4.3.21)



Country to which it was exported

Quantity  of Coal exported ( In Metric Tone)



















Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 8.5.21


136.           KIMS  emerged  as  biggest  profiteering Private Hospital  out  of COVID Pandemic 


·   COVID  pandemic  situation was  used as  opportunity  by  Govt. of  Odisha  to  give maximum profit  to  Private  hospitals  at  the  cost  of Govt. hospital  in Odisha.

·   On 8th April, Suresh Mohapatra, the then Development  Commissioner  wrote  a letter  to  all the  Collectors  under  the  subject  captioned  Guidelines  for  admission  of patients  and  setting claims  for  COVID  Hospitals  that  the hospitals shall be  reimbursed  on per bed  day  basis  irrespective  of whether  the bed  is occupied  or  not , wherever it is fixed  as such.

·   This draconian letter  was  designed with  ulterior  motive to  give  huge  profit from the public fund  to Private  Hospitals  in Odisha by   calculating   bed charge  separately  from  other charges (  consumable  item cost) .

·   This  profit (  Public Fund)  helped  Achyut Samant  to  expand  its   medical  business  to other  three  districts i.e,  Mayurbhanj , Kondhamal and  Bolangir.  He  succeeded  in opening  three KIMS ( Kalinga  Institute  of Medical Science)   hospital, Bhubaneswar  with  full  infrastructure  in name  of  providing  health service  to     COVID   patients.

·   When  millions  of  people  were  struggling  to  survive  and recover  from COVID  pandemic and  crying  for  food , Odisha  bureaucracy  was  busy  in  looting  COVID  fund  and  profiting  to  private  hospitals , besides  rendering  service  to COVID Patients.

·   96% of the total expenses ( Rs.  41 crore  ) reimbursed  to KIMS, Bhubaneswar  is  only  for  bed  charge  and rest  4% ( 2 crores )  expenses  for  patients charge ( consumable items). Such a huge profit was given to a private hospital by Odisha bureaucracy.

·   CAG Audit, if done  will no doubt  open Pandora’s  box  of  loot  of  public  fund  in name  of  management  of COVID  pandemic by  Govt. of Odisha.


 When State  Govt. declared 500  bedded  COVID  hospital each  ready  in KIMS  and  SUM Hospital in 1st week of April,20  just  after   declaration  of COVID  lockdown with  media  showing  and highlighting  picture  of  Mr. V.K.Pandian  visiting  the  full-fledged COVID  hospitals,  I was  in doubt  how it  happened . Was  1000 bedded  Hospital  really required  for COVID  patient, when  not  a single COVID  patient  was  identified during that time .  I had  smelt  some  motive  behind  such  declaration.  In name  of   high profile preparation  for management  of COVID  situation, the  Odisha  bureaucracy  explored  opportunity of  giving  maximum  profit  to private  hospitals  by dragging PSUs into fold. PSUs  like  Odisha  Mining  Corporation was  used  to disburse  expenses  for  KIMS COVID  hospital of  KIIT.  Accordingly, immediately  in first week of April 20,  a tripartite  MOU  was  signed  with KIMS , Bhubaneswar   OMC  and  Govt. of  Odisha. Later  on circular  was  issued    chalking  out  modalities  for  giving  maximum  profit  to  private  hospital  in name  of  treatment  of COVID  patients.


Bed  charge (  Rs.3000 per General bed  and  Rs. 5000 per ICU bed )  was   consciously separated  from patients’ charge (  consumable items)  and separately  calculated  in order  to give  huge  benefit  to  KIMS. On 8th April, Suresh Mohapatra, the then Development  Commissioner  wrote  a letter  to  all the  Collectors  under  the  subject  captioned  Guidelines  for  admission  of patients  and  setting claims  for  COVID  Hospitals”  that  the hospitals shall be  reimbursed  on per bed  day  basis  irrespective  of whether  the bed  is occupied  or  not , wherever it is fixed  as such.   Accordingly  a district  level committee  was constituted to  finalise  the  fixed rental charge  ( on per bed  per day basis)  and expected  variable  cost  for  operation of  COVID  hospitals.


The  decision  “ per day  per bed  charge “ whether  it  is occupied  or  not”   profited  private  hospitals  hugely. The information provided by  Odisha Mining  Corporation  is as follows.

Payment  Status  of  KIMS  COVID 19  Hospital

(  Provided  by  Odisha Mining  Corporation  on 25.3.21 )


Advanced  paid  and adjusted

Fixed  bed  cost  in Rs.

Fixed  patient Cost  in Rs.

Total  amount in Rs. Settled

April , 20





May, 20





June, 20 





July , 20





August , 20





September , 20





October , 20





Nov, 20





December, 20










Pradip Pradhan. M-9937843482, Date – 13.5.21


137.                  Post of   Odia Lecturers lying vacant  in Colleges and Universities  in Odisha

 In the midst  of  continuing   public outrage  and discontentment  generated   by  Language  Warriors  of Odia Bhasa Andolan (  a frontal organization steering  campaign for  introduction of  and  implementation of Odia language as  official  correspondence    language    in state  administration and  demanding  provision of penalty  for  violators)    accusing    State  Govt.  for its  lackadaisical attitude  towards  Odia  Language  and lack of seriousness  of Odisha bureaucracy  to ensure  effective  implementation of use  of Odia  language  as  official corresponding  language  in state administration , Chief  Minister declared  establishment of  Odia  University in 2018  as  show of his commitment  and love for  Odia  Language.  The media   covered and highlighted this declaration portraying   Chief Minister- how he   loves  so much Odia  Language. 


In fact, RTI Application was filed in the Department of higher Education, Govt. of Odsiha seeking  information about  establishment  of Odia  University.  The information provided by the  Dept. shows  that how  Construction of the  infrastructure  of Odia  University  has not  yet  started , though three  years  passed.  The  details of  information is  as found in the  link mentioned below.


Secondly, RTI application dt. 15.2.21  Was  filed  to  the  Department  of Higher  Education  seeking information  about  situation of  Odia  Professor, lecturer  in different colleges and Universities.  RTI Application was  forwarded to all the  colleges / Universities  to supply  the  information.  within period of two months, 67 Colleges and Universities  have  supplied  the  information.  Barring  few,  almost  all  colleges ,  the  post  of Odia  Lecturer / Professor  is lying vacant  for  years together.  The  Govt. has not taken any steps to fill up the  vacancies.  Similarly ,  in all  Universities, Post  of  Professor  is also lying  vacant. Even  Odia  chair  like  Satyabadi  Chair, Arttabandhu Mohanty  Chair  is lying  Vacant since  1989 and 1998  respectively.  Though Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja Chair  was established  in Benaras Hindu University, UP  in 2018  with  sanction of  Rs. 3.8  crore, the  Dept. of  Culture  does not have  information whether  the   any Prof. has  got  appointment.  This  is the  sorry  state  of affairs  of Odia  Language  in Odisha.

1.      Bhima Bhoi Chair was established in G.M. University on4.7.2018. A sum of Rs. 18,98,000.00 and Rs. 11,83,000   has  been released  to the  University  to meet expenditure  towards  establishment of Bhima hoi Research Chair. Dr. Pradip Kumar Panda is continuing as  Chair Professor.

2.      Satyabadi  Chair  which was  established  in Utkal University , Vanivihar  is lying  vacant  after  retirement  of Nityanand satapathy in 1989 .  (  Information provided  by Utkal University on  25.3.21) 

3.       Arttabandhu  Mohanty  Chair  was established   in Utkal University with  appointment  of Prof. Asutosh Pattanayak . It is  lying vacant  since  his retirement  in 1998.

4.      Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja Chair  was established  in Benaras Hindu University, UP  in 2018after  Odia language  is accorded  as  classical language by Ministry  of Culture , Govt. of India.  The  objective of establishing  chair  is  to strengthen  the Odia  Language, literature  and cultural tradition. A sum of Rs. 3, 84,84,000.00.  (  information provided  by Dept. of Culture, Literature and Odia Language  on 9.3.21)

5.      Kabi Saraladas Chair  was  established  in JNU University, New Delhi on 22nd Feb. 2017 . A sum of Rs. 5,00, 13,054.00  has been released  by Govt. of Odisha .  Prof. Udaya Sahu  has been  appointed  as Chairperson. (information provided  by Dept. of Culture, Literature and Odia Language  on 9.3.21)

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date-12.5.21


138. OMBADC Fund – Where it stands today ?

·     Only 1% of total fund has been utilized  for  development of tribals in the mineral  bearing districts within 4 years.

·     Rest 99% of amount has been withdrawn and invested without legislative sanction.

·     State Govt. has taken Rs. 3000 crore  as loan  during COVID period.

·     No proper  transparency  is maintained  in the  functioning of OMBADC.

·     OMBADC  does not  have  any robust mechanism  for  effective  planning  for  utilization of  fund.

·     Fund  simply  transferred  to line  Dept.  to spend  on their  wish.


Odisha Mineral Bearing Areas Development Corporation (OMBADC), an SPV, is initially supported by A-NPV portion (about 40%) of ‘Adhoc CAMPA’ created by Hon’ble Supreme Court for the damage done to the Forests and Environment, mainly due to Mining Related activities. Large tracts of forestlands were handed over for ‘Non-Forest’ use to the mine lease holders, which in Kendujhar alone rose to over 24000 Ha out of a total of over 33000 Ha of mining Lease areas. While the main portion of CAMPA was to be mainly utilized for ‘rejuvenation of denuded forests, creation of new forests (CA), and protection of wild life (and thus moderate the moisture and temperature, raise the u/g water table, hold the soil tight against erosion, and restore the homes for ants/ avian to elephants, simultaneously, producing oxygen for all animal life through photo synthesis); the smaller portion was to be for “Tribal Welfare and Area Development” as mandated by SC, both of which  were most seriously affected by the most irresponsible exponential growth of Mining industry.


 Hon’ble SC, while approving the creation of the above SPV named OMBADC on 30 Dec 2014, had thoughtfully specified 8 items to be targeted for integrated development (of tribal Welfare and Area Development), which did NOT include Housing, and forestry which were to be financed from otherwise by PMAY, CAMPA, and even DMF. On 15 Jan 2015, SC released Rs 869 Crs (50% of a Total A-NPV collection, from out of gross CAMPA fund), in what is treated as ‘First Phase’ by GOO and OMBADC.


 Subsequently, SC Court in their judgment dated 02 Aug 1917, after 4 years of prolonged hearing, listening to the finest legal minds of India, representing the miners of Odisha, decided to impose a compensatory penalty, under Sec 21(5) of MMDR Act 1957.  SC held that the minerals raised by the offending Iron Ore Mine Lease holders of Odisha, violating or outside the limits of “Environmental Laws”, actually belonged to the State. This unlawfully raised minerals to be returned to the Nation, or if the same has been sold, the proceeds of the same to be refunded.


 Thus a frightening figure of 22.55 crore metric tons ‘unlawfully raised’ mineral (Iron ore + Manganese), was carefully quantified mine-wise by CEC, and accepted by Govt of Odisha as well by the miners and SC. For some unknown reason, the proposal of Indian Bureau of Mines to arrive at a ‘Weighted Average Price’ of Rs 819/ton, (when prevailing ‘Pithead Price was around Rs 4500/-per ton), was accepted and thus the Penalty amount limited to RS 17,576.16 Crs. However, SC, in their wisdom, ordered that the penalty thus collected, also be entrusted to OMBADC, for the broad target of “Tribal Welfare and area development”, which GOO has treated as ‘SECOND PHASE’ programme of OMBADC.


RTI queries revealed that by 30.9.20 , total penalty  amount  collected  and deposited in OMBADC is  Rs. 18,710.22 crores as  follows.

(Rs. In Crores)

Total  receipt  of funds  from 1.12.2017  to 30.9.20


Interest received  till 30.9.20


Total Fund  ( Fund + Interest)


Amount given to State Govt. on loan


Amount  invested  in ATB


Cost  value  of  investment  of fund  as on 30.9.20


  (3,205.00+ 13,250.00)

Release  to different line  Dept


Advise  for  investment to the  Finance  Dept.  as  on 16.11.2019


Fund available in P & L A/C as on 31.12.2019 


 In their order dated 29 Nov 18, SC also directed that this amount be utilized on priority in the districts of Kendujhar, Sundargarh and Mayurbhanj, under close scrutiny of their appointed ‘Over Sight’ authority and their officers. SC Order was possibly, both because almost the entire penalty amount was collected from the miners of these districts where maximum damage was done to the physical and social environment. This damage had to be restored/rehabilitated through an already established legal body like OMBADC, whose Memorandum and Article of Association were specifically approved by SC in Dec 2014.

Unfortunately, even in the PHASE I activities, the BOD of OMBADC spent the largest portion of their fund, Rs 402 Crs out of a total of Rs 869 crs  in BPGY (Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana) in early 2016, where the Citizens of Keonjhar district  observed gross distortion against Court direction of ‘Tribal Welfare and Area Dev’. Keonjhar Citizens’ Forum   has pointed out this in-equality in a letter to ‘Over Sight’ authorities on 04th  dec 18. 


  In all these, the Citizens systematically observe that:-

a.       Govt. of Odisha has, with some initial hesitation, accepted the appointment of justice AK Patnaik as an ‘Over Sight authority’ to OMBADC (see para 9(a) of their affidavit dated 20 Oct 18.

b.      On 29 Oct 18, learned counsels were heard by SC before appointing Justice AK Patnaik as the  ‘Over Sight’ authority and directing a set of procedure including engaging few officers to assist him in his tasks.

c.       A reading of the  affidavit  of Chief secretary, Govt of Odisha , who also happens to be the chairman of OMBADC, shows an abnormal dependence on the suggestion of the Senior Defense Counsel who had led the defense the Mining Lease holders, responsible for bringing about such massive violation of ‘Environmental Laws’.

d.      While generally agreeing with the list of development activities   the Citizens, have the following additional suggestion:-

·     Phase 1 activities included Pucca houses (designated as Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana, mining, of Rs 1.3 lakh each) is avoidable since adequate funds are made available from PMAY.

·     Similarly, Phase I included ‘Afforestation’, which actually funded by CAMPA through Annual Plan of Operation by Forest Deptt. Even compensatory afforestation being undertaken in far off districts like Kalahandi, when actually forests are lost to non-forest activities here in our districts with multiple adverse consequences.

·     Assistance to ESI to make an ESI Hospital in Joda- Barbil- koida area where our bulk of mine workers, needing health care, are located.

·     Ambulance/ Sick reporting vehicles are to be positioned in each village, out sourced to one youth in the village.

·     OUAT campus at Kendujhar, is to be established in their present 272 acres of ‘Extension Centre’ with short knowledge-courses on floriculture, Horticulture, sericulture, medicinal plantation, cash crops, optimization of water use, farm machineries, organic farming, and adequate knowledge on plant medicine, GM Crops, soil health, cold storage etc.

·     Veterinary and animal Science Institution to spread current knowledge on dairy farming, poultry farming, goatery, Piggery, inland fishery and such other skill for our youth

·     A Institution for Heavy Earth Moving and Mine machinery training in operation and maintenance to create avenue of employment for our youth.

·     Revival of ‘Odisha Tea Plantation ltd OTPL’ in Banspal Block, which produced best quality leaf tea, 16 years ago, with our own skilled ‘Adivasi’ labour.

·     Institute of Earth science with faculty in Soil Science, forestry, climatology, meteorology and atmospheric Science, Hydrology in both surface and underground resources in either NOU campus or in GCE, Kendujhar, and thus ctreae ‘Centre of Excellance’ in these fields.

·     Incentivize commercially viable Rail projects by ‘Parking’ some funds through ‘Odisha Rail Projects ltd’ for Kendujhar, Mayurbhanj and Sundargarh Iron ore belts.

·     Completion of Kanupur major Irrigation project for Upper Baitarani basin, not only supporting Irrigation of over 48000 Ha, but also provide adequate source of water for the ambitious ‘Tap Water’ project to rural areas.

·        Upgrading the power distribution system as well as bring in solar power generation in a bigger way. Citizens suggest that the entire irrigation canals be given to installation of Solar panels, like in  Gujurat.

·        Modify one secondary school in each block, as skill dev school, to utilize the existing infrastructure, and if possible, out source them.

·        Incentivize cottage industry: bamboo, pottery/ceramics, Bodi, pickle etc

·        Forest products (NTFP) marketing facility, mainly honey, lac, Sal leaves and seeds, orchids, mahua etc.

·        Crematoriums, preferably ‘electric’, in every village/ GPs, to save our forests, and creation of ‘Smriti Vatika s’.

·        A guest house cum village community hall in each village., and restore Tribal culture.

·        Replacement of current ‘Huttings’ by proper ‘Mining Villages’, with ideal health and education and other facilities.

·        Planned Urbanization with proper and adequate civic facilities.

·        All weather roads to all villages.


 1.On another RTI query, the  PIO, Director  of  Mines, Govt. of Odisha  has provided  information dated 31.1.20 list of Mining lease  holders  with address who paid  compensatory penalty  as per order  of  Supreme Court during 2017, amount paid  each of them with date of payments.  The  details  of information is  available  in the  following  link.   A total amount of Rs. 15326,63,88,256 has been  collected  as compensation and  penalty  as per  direction of the Supreme  Court.


2.As per  press  release  made  from the  Chief  Secretary’s office  ( reported  in media TOI dt. 17.9.20) , the Projects  worth  Rs.1080.92  crore  has so far been sanctioned  under OMBADC  in sectors  like housing, drinking water, skill  development etc.  Counter  to  this press  release, it was found that   as per RTI  information provided  from the  office  of OMBADC  dt. 28.8.20,  total amount  of Rs. 1143.11  crore  has already  been released  to  different line departments  which is  as follows  in details.




Name of the Deptt

Amount released


Drinking water Supply  through piped water ( Rs. 4229.05 +  Rs.115.59)= Rs.4344.64  crore

Panchayat Raj Dept.

Rs. 445.25  crore

Housing and Urban Development  Department

Rs. 5.72 crore


Education (  including training  & Education for Skill Development)

Rs. 1941.10 crore 

School and Mass Education Department

( State Project  Director, Odisha Adarsh Vidyalaya Sangathan )

Rs.72.88  crore



ST & SC Development

( Odisha Tribal Development Society )

Rs. 18.015 crore



Skill  Development & Technical Education  Dept.

( Odisha Skill  Deeelopment  Authority – SANKALP and DTET, Odisha

Rs. 14.17 crore


Health ( including Anganwadi centres )

Rs. 2749.65 crore


( Strengthening  ICDS  in different  districts

Rs. 275.65 crore


Livelihood  promotion

(Rs. 53.50  crore)

 Panchayat Raj & WR ( OLM)


Rs. 10.43  crore



Dept. of  Agriculture

Rs. 3.86 crore


Rural Connectivity

(Rs. 524.54 crore)

Rural Development

Rs. 30.11. crore


Environment  Protection and  pollution control

Rs. 21.65  crore

State  pollution Control Board

Rs. 1.914  crore


Water Conservation  & Ground Water Recharge  and SMC

( Rs. 379.25 crore )

Forest & Environment  Dept.

Rs. 64.94  crore



Housing & Urban Development  Dept.

Rs. 2.13. crore




Rs. 1143.11 crore


1.On RTI Query about    details of  decision taken  by OMBADC  for  fixed Deposits ,  amount  of fixed  deposit in the  Bank  or  others  with  name of the  Bank ,  the  following information dt. 27.10.20  was  provided as  follows.

In the  meeting of BoD  of OMBADC , the administrator  of the Personal Deposit Account  will  work out  the investible surplus  and advise  Finance Department  for  investment  of the  surplus balance  in 91 days or 182 days  or 364 day Auction Treasury Bill ( ATB) . Accordingly  total amount  of Rs. 16,455.36 crore  has been  invested  through ATB.

2.Issues  relating  to OMBADC  raised  by Keonjhar Citizens’’ Forum.


·   There is absolutely no ‘People’s  participation’ or ‘Bottoms up’ approach in the perspective planning and development; as specifically mandated in the Hon’ble SCs’ order on 02 Aug 17.

·   OMBADC does not have any group within itself for Planning for the future and all its actions are bases on adhoc requirement from Govt Depts. Financial planning is without any discipline without any legislative approval.

·   There  is no transparency  in the functioning of OMBADC and  implementation of programme,. From the inception OMBADC was treated by Govt of Odisha as just another Public sector SPV like OMC  or any other. The sanctity of an SPV created by Hon’ble Supreme Court was lost basically for two reasons. Firstly, Govt. of Odisha directed the offending Miners to deposit the penalty amount in Khorda treasury, instead of in a Public Sector Bank, as directed in the ‘A & M of Association ‘of OMBADC, specifically approved by Hon’ble SC. Secondly because the Chairman and Members of the Board of Directors were only the Senior Secretary level bureaucrats, with NO representation from the affected districts. Besides, all high level managers of OMBADC were from Govt of Odisha on short term deputation. Thirdly, as per the Finance Secretary of Govt of Odisha, a cheaply available loan/investment from this big SPV into Govt coffers does not need ‘Lagislative Sanction’.

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 28.5.21


139. Details of fund sanctioned to KIMS COVID Hospital for treatment of COVD patients in Bhubaneswar, Bolangir, Mayurbhanj  and Kondhamal


KIMS COVID Hospital  received around   Rs. 100 crore   for   treatment  of COVID Patients in Phulbani, Bhubaneswar, Baripada and Bolangir


 After a long with  fight with administration, we have  able to access  information about  details of payments  made  to COVID Hospital of KIMS  operation in Bhubaneswar  and other  three  districts .


Name  of district




Information dt. 16.4.21 provided to Santosh Mohanty  by Collectorate, Bolangir on KIMS  COVID Hospital of Bolangir


15.4.20 to30.4.20 ( 16 days)


Room rent of COVID Hospital


1.5.20 to31.5.20 ( 31 days)


1.6.20 to 30.6.20 ( 30 days)


1.7.20 to 31.7.20 ( 31 days)


1.8.20 to 31.8.20 ( 31 days)


1.9.20 to 30.9.20 (30 days)


1.10.20to 31.10.20( 31 days)


1.11.20 to 30.11.20(30days)


1.12.20 to31.12.20( 31 days)




15.4.20 to 30.4.20(16 days)


Medicines  and consumables  for patients

1.5.20 to 31.5.20( 31 days)


1.6.20 to 30.6.20(30 days)


1.7.20 to 31.7.20( 31 days)


1.8.20 to 31.8.20(31days)


1.9.20 to 30.9.20(30 days)


1.10.20 to 31.10.20(31days)


1.11.20 to 30.11.20(30days)


1.12.20 to 31.12.20(31 days)




Grand  Total



Information dt. 28.6.21  provided to Santosh Mohanty by Collectorate, Kondhamal  on KIMS  COVID Hospital of Phulbani





15.4.20 to 30.4.20


Bed Charge



Patient  charge






Ambulance  charge



Staff  lodging and Boarding

May, 20


 ( Rs.2500 per day X 31 days)

Bed charge


June ,20


July , 20


August , 20


Sept. 20


October, 20






15.4.20 to 30.4.20


Consumable  cost  of COVID patients






July, 20


August, 20













Information dt. 13.5.21 provided  to Santosh Mohanty  by  office of  Collector, Khurda on KIMS COVID Hospital

Bhubaneswar KIMS COVID Hospital

April and May, 20


Bed Charge




Bed Charge




Bed Charge




Bed Charge


August, 20


Bed Charge




 Bed Charge




 Bed Charge


5.10.20 to 31.10.20


Bed Charge in the  odisha  Hospital extension  of Rose Garden , KIIT  Campus.


1.11.20 to 16.11.20


Bed Charge


1.11.20 to 30.11.20


Bed Charge




Bed Charge


3.4.20 to  30.4.20


Bill  for 80 no. of COVID patients




Consolidated Consumable  cost


June , 20


  for treatment of  737 COVID  discharged patients




Consolidated Consumable  cost




Consolidated Consumable  cost


August, 20


Consolidated  consumable Cost




Consolidated Consumable  cost




 Consolidated Consumable  cost


13.10.20 to 9.11.20


Consolidated Consumable  cost




Consolidated Consumable  cost




Consolidated Consumable  cost




Consolidated Consumable  cost





Information dt. 9.9.20  provided  to Santosh Mohanty  by  office of  Collector, Mayurbhanj on KIMS COVID Hospital


April to August,20


Bed Charge


May  to July, 20


Consumable charge



Bed  Charge





Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 1.7.21



141. Odisha Lokayukta and Govt. of Odisha working together to protect high-ranking corrupt officials


Protection to Bishnupada Sethy involved in corruption and misappropriation of funds of Odisha State Cooperative Bank, given by the Lokayukta, Odisha  is  a Glaring Example.


While deciding a complaint case LY-110/2019, a three member bench of Lokayukta headed by its Chairman Sri Ajit Singh has granted clean chit to Mr. Bishnupada Sethi, IAS, Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management, Govt. of Odisha and has also, going out of the way, showered profuse appreciation on the accused Mr. Sethy for his return of Rs. 3, 27,000.00 to Got. which was  taken  by him  towards  reimbursement medical bill for  treatment of his wife and father. Besides, Lokayuykta has also taken the view that huge amount money in the form of incentives, orderly allowances, electricity bill, book allowances etc taken by Bishnupada Sethy was legally justified too, as he had worked as a full-time staff of Odisha State Cooperative Bank. But, such conclusion of the Lokayukta, made in defence of a high-ranking Govt. official Mr. Bishnupad Sethy is not only factually incorrect, but also legally questionable. 


Background of complaint that was filed in Lokayukta, Odisha

On 1.7.2019,  Srikant Pakal ( M- 6370216463) filed a complaint before  the  then newly-constituted  Lokayukta, Odisha alleging Illegal drawal of lakhs  of rupees from Odisha State  Cooperative  Bank, Bhubaneswar by  Sri  BishnuPada Sethi, IAS  during  his  tenure  as Management-In-Charge , OSCB , who happens to be presently working  as  Secretary  Revenue and Disaster Management , Govt. of Odisha.  Relying on RTI information and  statutory  inspection Report of NABARD submitted  to the Registrar of Cooperative  Societies , Odisha , Sri Pakal had  filed this  complaint seeking  an inquiry  and legal action under the  Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.


Content of the Complainant’s allegation

A Statutory Report on  Inspection of Orissa State Cooperative Bank conducted by NABARD u/s 35 (6) of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 basing on the financial position as on 31.3.2018 along with a note  for departmental action was submitted  to  the Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Govt. of Odisha, Bhubaneswar. As per the said Report, Sri Bishnupada Sethi IAS,  the erstwhile Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Cooperation Department  held the additional charge of OSCB as its Management-in-Charge ( MIC)  with effect from 5th February, 2013 and continued upto 2016. There was as such no legal provision nor any order approved by the RCS, Odisha under Orissa Cooperative Societies Act, by which a Government Servant holding a substantive post in the State Government but simultaneously functioning as Management-In-Charge or Administrator of any Cooperative Society will be eligible for various financial benefits.  However, it was observed  that the concerned Bank had reimbursed / paid   book allowances  Rs. 10,000 per annum,  Electricity/ Energy Bill  on actual basis , orderly allowances   at Rs. 3000 per month, and above all Incentive  ( vide staff Rule No. 54-A) payable  to the employees  who are otherwise not eligible  for Bonus  not exceeding 45 days salary. Thus, Incentives paid to Sri Bishnupad Sethy stood at Rs. 1,70,691 for 2013-14, Rs. 1,91,519 for 2014-15 and Rs. 65, 993 for 2015-16. But, the contention of the Complainant was that the MIC not being a staff   member  of the  Bank as per the Staff Services  Rules  should not have been paid the amount  and the amounts in question are,  therefore considered  irregular and instances of corruption.. During his tenure as MIC, Sri Sethi  had  got reimbursed  medical bills in three phases amounting to Rs. 9,46,071 towards  hospitalization of his wife and father. There were recommendations from the Government for reimbursement in two phases in view of the  budgetary constraints of the Department concerned and, as a matter  of fact, in one case there was no recommendation from the Government at all.  Therefore,  these were  all illegal payments made in favour of Sri Sethi.


Sri Pakal had  also alleged that as per the provisions of Section 3(2) of Odisha Cooperative Societies Act, the State Government may by general or special order confer on any person appointed to assist the Registrar in respect of all or any of the powers of Registrar under OCS Act to be exercised within such local limit as may be assigned by the Registrar. Under the Section 3(4) of the OCS Act, the persons appointed to assist the Registrar shall exercise the power conferred on him subject to general superintendence and control of the Registrar. As such there were no legal provision nor  any order approved by the Registrar, Cooperative Society by which Sri Bishnupada Sethi or any other Government Official holding substantive posts under the State Government would be made eligible for various financial benefits from the OSCB in respect of  which they acted as Management-in-Charge or Administrator.


 Sri Pakal  had also further mentioned in his  complaint  that “having  heard about  these  payments  made  to  Sri Bishnupada Sethi, one of my RTI Activist-friends had  filed an RTI Application dated 26.11.18 to the PIO, office of Odisha State  Cooperative Bank  seeking  information about ( a)  details of various incentives like orderly allowances, electricity bill and  any other payment  received  by him ( month-wise) , (b)  provide  information about the details of decision taken by OSCB, (c) details of  medical reimbursement  bill  submitted by  Sri Bishnu Pada Sethy  and the amounts  released against the same along with  copy of the decisions  taken for payment against medical reimbursement etc. The PIO denied to supply the information under section 8(1)(j)  of the RTI Act. However, this case  is pending  in the office of  Odisha Information Commission for  disposal.”


Hearing, inquiry and disposal of Complaint LY-110/2019 by Lokayukta, Odisha

After perusing the Complaint, Lokayukta, Odisha issued notice to Sri Bishnupada Sethy  to file  Reply. On 14.8.2019, Sri Sethy filed his submission justifying  all the amounts taken by him as legal and appropriate. His series of submissions were  also followed by a series of counter-submissions filed by the complainant Sikant Pakal before Lokayukta, Odisha.  The Rejoinders containing the Conter-Submissions of Srikant  Pakal  were as follows. 

1.While  Shri Bishnupada Sethi , IAS  was  holding  the  post of  Commissioner-cum-Secretary  of Cooperation Department  , he managed  to ensure the issue  of letter No. 908 dt. 5.2.2013  to addressed to the Registrar  of Cooperative Societies (RCS) , Odisha  by way of putting  undue  influence  on one of his subordinate  officers i.e., Deputy Secretary  of the  Dept. . In the said  letter, the Deputy Secretary  of  Cooperation Department  who happened  to be  a subordinate   officer under   Commissioner-cum-Secretary  of Cooperation Dept.  had requested RCS, Odisha  to appoint  Commissioner-cum-Secretary  of Cooperation Dept.  as the administrator  of OSCB  IN SERIAL NO. 67   of the list.  As per  section 32(1)  of the OCS Act, 1962, an administrator  can only be  appointed  by  the  RCS, Odisha  in case of suspension of the elected  committee of management  of OSCB .  Hence  the  said Govt. letter  issued  to RCS, Odisha  was  contrary  to the  provision of OCS Act. The  RCS, Odisha  though  an officer  subordinate to  the  Commissioner-cum-Secretary  of Cooperation Dept, did however feel  that he was  unable  to appoint  Mr. Bishnupada  Sethi  as the administrator  of OSCB  due  to legal constraints. However to circumscribe the legal constraints  the said Officer of the Govt.  was induced  to act  dishonestly  and without propriety in such a way as to give  undue  advantage  to Sri Sethi to hold the  post  of Management-in-Charge vide by the issue of  an order  on the  same day, that is, dt. 5.2.2013. He  also  unlawfully  assigned local limits  to Sri . Sethy, Commissioner-cum-Secretary  of Cooperation Dept.  in respect of  Odisha State Cooperative Bank for  exercising  power  of  Registrar  u/s  28 of OCS Act. It is thus clear that the  said appointment  was never made following  provisions of  Section 3  of OCS Act, 1962.

     “ Under  section  3 (1)  of the OCS Act , the State  Got. is empowered  to appoint  a person  as Registrar of Cooperative Societies  for the  state  and may appoint  other  officers to assist  him. Under  Section 3(2) of OCS Act , 1962 , the State  Government may  by general  and special order   confer on any  person appointed  to assist the Registrar  of Cooperative Societies  in all or any other  power  of Registrar under the  Act  to be exercised  within such local limit  as may be assigned by the Registrar. Under section 3(4)  of the OCS Act , every  person appointed  to assist  Registrar  shall exercise  the powers  conferred on him   subject to general superintendence  and control of the Registrar.”


2.On the face of the letter dt. 5.2.2013 of the  State  Government  issued  to RCS, Odisha  suggesting  appointment  of  an administrator  and the order of RCS, Odisha  dt. 5.2.2013 appointing the Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Cooperation Dept.  as MIC  of OSCB  are  contrary to  the  provisions of  Section-3  of OCS  Act.  Similarly, when Sri Bishnupada Sethi  was transferred  to the  Secretary –cum-Commissioner of Dept. of Fisheries  and ARD ON 18.8.2014 , he  again  managed to arrange the issue of a letter  to RCS, Odisha  to appoint him  again as MIC of  OSCB.  The said letter was issued by Cooperation Department vide letter no. 7475 dt. 24.9.2014  and  the RCS, Odisha  appointed  Sri Sethy , Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Dept. of Fisheries  and ARD  as MIC  of OSCB  by issuing a letter dt. 30.9.14 and the issue of all these letters   violated  the statutory provision, that is, Section 3(2)  of OCS Act.


3.As to the provision mandating the MIC  ( Management –in-Charge )  to work  under  general  superintendence  and control  of Registrar of Cooperative Societies Odisha, Sri  Sethi  submitted  before  Lokayukta  that   functioning of MIC of OSCB  has been exempted  under  Section 123 of  OCS Act.  This claim of Sri Sethy is   a false one as stated by Srikant  Pakal in his counter-submission, in which  the definition of Section 123  of  OCS Act was given as follows- .

“ Power  to exempt  Class  of societies- The State  Government may by  general  or special order  exempt  any society  or any  class of societies  other than  cooperative credit  Societies from any of the  provisions of the  Act  or may  direct that  such provisions shall apply  to such society  or class of societies  with  modifications  as may e specified  in the  order”.  The  word  Cooperative Societies  has been defined in section -2 (c-2) of OCS Act, 1962  which includes  Odisha State  Cooperative Bank , District Central Cooperative bank , PAC, SCS, LAMPCS & FSCS . “


4.As to the allegation of undue payments  of huge incentives  to him from the OSCB,   Sri  Bishnupada Sethi , IAS  justified  it in view of  Section 56(g)  of OCS Act that provided for  payment  of honorarium  to members  of committee  of management  of OSCB   for rendering  specific  services not  exceeding  10 %  of the net profit  for the  year, such payment being thus  permissible to him as Management-in-Charge  of OSCB, he had availed honourarium  in shape of incentives  under  provisions of  section 56(g)  of OCS Act.  The  counter –submission of the  complainant  was that  under provision of Sections 29(2)(h)  and 56(2)(g)  of OCS Act ,  the General body is empowered to approve  distribution of net  profit,   which also includes  payment of honorarium  to committee  members. Distribution of net profit must be made by General Body within the budgetary allocation.  But  Sri sethi during his tenure  as Management-in-Charge  had unlawfully  and illegally  availed  incentives applicable  for the paid employees  of the Bank  by abusing his official  power.  His claim of  availing incentives  has not  been approved by  the General body of  OSCB while  distributing / appropriating  profit  under  Section 29(2)(h)  of the OCS Act.  Misusing his power and position, Sri Sethi  has availed  the  benefits  from the Bank.  Similarly, Sri Sethi has  illegally availed the book grant, orderly allowances ,  electricity  bill  etc. and taken lakhs of  rupees  against the same.


5.In respect of availing  electricity  bill, Sri Pakal  had  submitted before the  Lokayukta that  Sri Sethi  as Commissioner –cum-Secretary  of  Cooperation Dept  and  Dept. of Fisheries  and ARD  was  availing Govt. quarters  and no allotment  was made  by OSCB   for  providing  residential  accommodation  to the MIC.  The electricity / energy bill of the Govt. quarter is borne by the occupants as per Govt. Rules. No such Rules or order either by Govt.  or by the OSCB   had never been   framed  for  payments  of electricity / energy    bill enjoyed by Bishnupada Sethi  in his Govt. Quarter  for which  the same could be reimbursed by OSCB.  In the  absence  of  any Government Rules  or any provision  under OCS Act  and Rules, the  reimbursement  of  electricity  and water  tax  of the  Government  quarter occupied by Sri Sethi  was  an illegal act  which constitutes misconduct  under All India  Service  Conduct Rules and liable to be punished.


6.As to the allegation on the    availing  orderly allowances @Rs. 3000.00  per month  by  Sri Bishnupada Sethi , IAS  as MIC  of OSCB,  Sri  Pakal had alleged that  there was neither  any decision of OSCB  nor any  approval  of RCS, Odisha  to make  any payment  to MIC towards  orderly  allowances. As  Sri  Sethi   was holding  a substantive  civil post  as Commissioner-cum-secretary  of  Cooperation Dept. , he was not  eligible as such to avail such payments.  As  regards  the resolution of the  executive committee  of OSCB  dated  4.8.2010  referred by Bishnupada Sethi in justification of his eligibility  to avail such benefits , Sri Pakal  had submitted that   the  said resolution was made  to make payments  at the enhanced rate  of  Rs. 3000.00  per month towards  the  orderly  allowances  to the  officers of the Bank.  The  said resolution   of the EC   was  never approved  by the RCS, Odisha  which is mandatory  under Sections 28(1)(a)(viii)  and 33-A of OCS Act .  The Word  “Officer”  has been defined  under  Section -2(g)  of OCS Act  and is as such confined  to the paid  employees  of the  Bank.   Sri Sethy  as MIC  was  not a   paid employee of the  Bank.


7.As  regards  reimbursement  of medical Bill,  Sri Srikant  Pakal  had alleged that  Sri Sethi  was holding  the  post of Commissioner-cum-secretary  of Cooperation Department  as well as MIC  of OSCB till 18.8.2014.  Abusing his official position as Commissioner-cum-Secretary of Cooperation Department he managed the  issue of a letter to Managing Director, OSCB  vide  letter no.  2903  dated 3.4.2014  ( Just a few days  after  joining  as MIC )  for  reimbursement  of medical  claim of  Rs. 1.5 lakh  for  treatment  of  his father  and as MIC he illegally  availed  the  said amount  from OSCB   and made illegal financial gains.  Similarly, while he was working as Commissioner-cum-Secretary of F&ARD department, his office had issued the letter no. 8856 dt. 22.7.2015  through  one of his   subordinate officers  to MD, OSCB  for  reimbursement  of Medical  bill  of Rs. 1.34  lakh  for  treatment  of  his father  at  Apollo Hospital , Bhubaneswar. As MIC  of OSCB ,  he  abused his  position  and illegally  availed  Rs.1.34  lakhs  from the OSCB. There was no budgetary allocation approved in the General body for the disbursement of  the said medical bills  in favour of  MIC.  Even there  was  no sanction  of RCS, Odisha  for payments  of medical bill  and incentive/ honourarium  to MIC  , since the MIC  is subject to  superintendence  and control of  RCS, Odisha.


8. After  hearing  of both   sides , on 5.1.21., the   Lokayukta  passed the order  appointing    its  Director  of Inquiry  as  Inquiry  officer  to conduct  preliminary  inquiry into  the allegations so dvanced  and to produce  the  report  within two months.  At the  time when the order was being  passed,  the  learned counsel for  Bishnupada Sethy   made  the submission  before Lokayukta  for return of the  whole  amount,  which was seriously objected to  by  Justice  Ajit Singh , Chairman of the  Lokayukta.


9.During the inquiry,  clandestine efforts  were  initiated  at the   bureaucracy  level to protect  Bishnupada Sethi     and the inquiry  officer  was  influenced  to prepare  the  report  accordingly.   The  Director  of Inquiry  submitted their report   before  Lokayukta, Odisha  in April, 2021, which was  however not shared  with the  Complainant  despite  the latter’s  request  for obtaining a copy the report.  In the final order of the Lokayukta dt. 6.7.21 ( day of adjudication of the  case) ,  the following observation was found there in, “ considering  the  inquiry  report, the  Lokayukta  is of the  view that  Sri Sethi , as a Government Servant was engaged  whole time  in connection with  the affairs of OSCB. Even the Minister, Cooperation  in his comments  has confirmed that  Sri Sethi worked  for full-time  in OSCB”. However, it was factually incorrect.  In his submission before Lokayukta, Sri Sethi  has never made submission that he  had worked full time  in OSCB. Rather  he had justified  the appropriation of all benefits  citing  OCS Act and  Rules. Further Sri Sethi being Secretary Cooperation Department and Fisheries Department never worked whole time in OSCB as he was drawing salary and other perks from Government of Odisha during the relevant period.


10.The  Director  of Inquiry  gave his finding  that  Sri Sethi  has been lawfully  reimbursed  medical bill  amounting to  Rs. 3,27,00,000  on different occasions from the  Bank  after  receiving  permission from the  Govt.  However, it is to be noted that the  money  of OSCB is not  Govt. money.  The Govt. is in no way concerned with   the financial matter of the  Bank and can not  dictate its   terms to  the  Bank.  In respect  of any decision  on  financial  matter ,  the  approval  of the  General Body  and RCS, Odisha  is mandatory.  In  the  matter  of reimbursement of medical Bill  to Sri Sethi ,  neither  General body nor  RCS, Odisha  has approved it. The question thus arises, how,  the  inquiry  officer  prepared  such a false  report without  looking  into legal provisions of OCS Act and  Rules.


11.The Lokayukta , Odisha  with a view to give undue protection to Sri Sethi deliberately and out of the way appreciated Sri Bishnupad Sethi for  returning  the  entire  amount of Rs. 3,27,00,000  to the Bank  as a gesture  of good will. But, the next question arises, if  he has taken the  money  legally and  inquiry  report  has justified it,  the need for returning  the  money  didn’t arise at all. It shows that a secret understanding between Lokayukta and State  Govt. with the full knowledge of Sri Bishnupada Sethi  was made, to the effect that Sri Sethi would return the  amount  and  Lokayukta  would  appreciate it and refrain from passing  any critical order  against  Sri Sethi . In a nutshell  the  inquiry  report and subsequent order  of the  Lokayukta  were  the  result  of an  unholy nexus and secret  understanding between the above mentioned rhree actors.


11.Moreover it  is ridiculous  that  Lokayukta has  requested  the State  Got. to pay back the money of the medical bill  which Sri  Sethi had appropriated illegally  and after  a  long was forced  to  return it .


12.The  comments  of the  Lokayukta  in its Order    that “ there  was no  denial by the  complainant  that Sri Sethi  was  not  whole time engaged  in connection with  affairs of OSCB “    is  factually  wrong  and objectionable.  The so-called  inquiry  report  was  neither  shared  nor quoted verbatim during the hearing  of the  case  by the  Lokayukta, Odisha.  Nor the Lokayukta has sought any views from the complainant about it.  The Lokayukta has deliberately mentioned the above the above only to defame the Complainant and to protect Sri Bishnupada Sethi from any blemish in the matter.


13.Relying thus  completely on a make-believe  and secretive  inquiry report,  Lokayukta  stated  that  Sri Sethi  was clearly  entitled to receive  a bonus   under  Section 56 (2)(f)  of OCS Act, 1962 and rejected the allegation made against Sri Sethi for receiving  the undue financial benefits  from OSCB by  misusing  his position and authority.


14. We appeal   for instituting a high power independent inquiry committee to unearth facts around illegal payments made  to  Sri Bishnupada Sethi.

Pradip Pradhan , M-9937843482, Date- 12.7.21


142. No information about development projects undertaken in KOTIA Gram Panchayat is available in any office including office of Chief Minister, Odisha


 When the  issue  of  Andhra Pradesh holding  Panchayat election  in Kotia GP under Pottangi block of Koraput  district looms large,  the  opposition political parties and various  Civil Society Groups   displayed strong reaction  against Andhra Pradesh  and  demanded  that  Got. of Odisha  must take  steps  to stop  Panchayat Election to be conducted by Andhra Pradesh.  


In the midst  of political high drama ,   Sri Naveen Patnaik, Chief Minister,  Odisha ,  while  suddenly laying  foundation of  so many projects  for all round  development of Kotia Gram Panchayat  through video conferencing on 6.2.21,  declared  that  Rs. 150 crore had been utilized   for  development of Kotia GP and  declared new  projects worth Rs. 18 crore  for  the  said Panchayat.


 To   verify authenticity of  Information  as  declared by Chief Minister,  multiple RTI Applications were  filed  to different  Govt.  offices to  access  said  information.  the  information sought  for  is as follows.


Date  of  Filling RTI Application

 Name  of Office  in which RTI was  filed  and  details of  information sought  for

Response  of PIO ( Public Information Officer )


office  of the  Collector, Koraput

Information  sought  for


·  Provide list  of the projects undertaken  for  which Rs. 150  crore  has been  utilized  or  projects  on-going  in Kotia GP. (Year-wise).


·  Provide list  of the projects  declared by Chief  Minister  to be undertaken  with  financial provision of Rs. 18 crore  and date of sanction of amount for each project.


24.2.21,  the PIO, office  of DRDA, Koraput sent a letter  stating  that  there  is no project proposal / estimates  received  in connection with  Development works  at Kotia Gram Panchayat  since 2015 to till date covering  the amount of Rs. 18 crore  and Rs. 150 crore. It  means  no such  any  project  has been undertaken so far.



Office  of BDO, Pottangi Block  of  Koraput  district

 Same  information as  mentioned above was  sought for

On 30.3.21.,  the  PIO  sent  a reply  stating  that “ Out  of  Rs. 150 crore  served  by Hon’ble Chief Minister, Odisha  in Kotia GP  for  development work , no amount  has been  spent by this  Panchayat Samiti.  The  expenditure  made  for  development  work  so far  is made by  the  Executive  Engineer , R&B, Koraput ,  Executive  Engineer ,  RD, Sunabeda  and PA, ITDA , Koraput.


Office  of Chief Minister , Odisha

RTI  Filed  by  Prakash Ch. Das,RTI Activist , Kendrapara  seeking  same above mentioned information.

On 25.3.21, PIO  declined  to  provide  information  and  forwarded  RTI Application to  Dept. of  panchayat Raj  with  request  to supply  the  information.


On 12.4.21, the PIO, Dept. of  Panchayat Raj  said  that  information is  not available  and  forwarded  RTI Application  to the PIO, office  of BDO, Pottangi to  supply  information.

On 19.5.21, The PIO, office of BDO, Pottangi responded  that  the  said  information is not  available. But   suggested to  seek information from   Executive  Engineer , R&B, Koraput ,  Executive  Engineer ,  RD, Sunabeda  and PA, ITDA , Koraput.


Office  of ITDA, Koraput  Same  information as  mentioned above was  sought for

 On 2.7.21, the  PIO  replied   that Only Rs. 101.50 lakh  has been sanctioned for  construction of  100 seated  boys’ hostel  at Kotia UGAS  and  Installation of  Elevated  water storage tank at Kotia UGAS.


Office of Executive  Engineer ,  RD, Sunabeda, Koraput

On 13.5.21,  the  PIO  replied that “ details of  projects  taken up  as declared  by Chief Minister  under 150 and 18  crore  rupees  are  not  available  in this division . But  provided  list of total no. of 15  projects  sanctioned at  the  cost  of Rs. 6967.91 lakhs  in Kotia .


Office of Executive  Engineer , R&B, Koraput

Though 3 months passed, the PIO did  not  supply  any  information. It means no  such information is available with them.


 The  claim of  Chief Minister about  expenditure  of Rs. 150  crore  for Kotia development  in the last five years  and  sanction of  Rs. 18  crore  is  found false  and far  from truth.  

Pradip Pradhan, M-9937843482, Date- 23.7.21


143. Rs. 17 crores spent  for  Repair and Renovation work  in Raj Bhawan, Odisha


On 20.6.21, RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, office of Governor’s house  seeking  the  following  information.

List  of  Projects / work  undertaken for new construction, renovation, maintenance of  Governor’s house  and adjoining  buildings  and quarters  and  expenses for  each work/ project ( Year-wise). 


RTI Application was  forwarded to  the  PIO, office of Executive Engineer, Bhubaneswar (R&B) Division No.-IV , Bhubaneswar  for  supply  of information.  On 2.8.21, the PIO  supplied the  information.  The  following  is the  details of year-wise  expenses made  for  arious  works  undertaken  for    new construction, renovation, maintenance of  Governor’s house  and adjoining  buildings  and quarters relating  to officers a nd employees of Raj  Bhawan.


Total work/ project  undertaken

Total expenses  ( In Rs.)























             Expenses  for  construction of Abhishek cum Banquet  Hall  at Raj Bhawan, Bhubaneswar


Rs. 1,66,00,307.00


Rs. 40,77,247.00


Rs. 28,38,670.00


Rs. 1,60,37,075.00


Rs. 3,95,53,299.00

            Pradip Pradhan , M-9937843482, Date- 19.8.21


144. Why KIIT  comes  under purview of RTI Act !

  1. Introduction

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) is a famous private Institution/ organization spread over more 120 acres of Govt. land which has been leased out  by Government  of Odisha within period of 15 years. Though the Government has leased out land to this organization, it has also encroached huge land and acquired the Government land through fraudulent means as per CAG Audit report-2013.  Besides  that  it  has taken  a lot  of monetary  benefits  from the Government  to run the  institution in terms of obtaining NOC  from IDCO  to get  loan  from nationalized banks,  Govt. projects, infrastructure  development, MPLAD  and MLALAD fund  etc. With Govt. land and   monetary support, this organization has developed huge infrastructure and multiple educational institutions for business purpose. As  claimed by Sri Achyut Samant, founder of KIIT,  the KIIT deemed University , Kalinga Institute  of  Medical sciences (KIMS)  are  the  institutions of  national repute  rendering  public service  in the state of Odisha.


  1. Applicability of RTI for KIIT- A long fight

In 2014, CAG Audit Report on Allotment of land by GA Department, IDCO, BDA   was placed  in the Odisha assembly. It exposed  huge irregularities and illegalities  in allotment  of land  in  Bhubaneswar  and  favoritism shown  to  some  people and land  acquired  by KIIT  through  fraudulent means. Prior  to this  report, RTI Activists  in Odisha  has brought to limelight  huge land allotted  to KIIT and KISS ( Kalinga Institute  of Social Sciences ) in Bhubaneswar run  by Achyut Samant. 


To understand  functioning  of KIIT organization , multiple RTI Applications were  filed  by  many RTI Activists  in the office of  KIIT, Patia, Bhubaneswar  seeking  information about  relatives  of  Govt. officers  and employees  working  in KIIT  ,  retired officers and employees appointed in KIIT ,  various Govt.   support mobilized   by  KIIT to run the  institution  etc.  The PIO of the KIIT  denied  to supply  the   information on the  ground that  it is not  the  state  within   the  scope  of  Article  12 of the  Indian Constitution. So it does not come under RTI Act.


 The Appellant of this case (Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist, Bhubaneswar) had  filed RTI Application dt. 1.9.2014 to the PIO, office of KIIT seeking the   information about   retired Govt. employees working in KIIT.  Ms. Smita Mohanty, Senior PIO rejected RTI Application vide Form-C dt. 29.9.14  by stating  that  “ Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology  is  a society registered  under the Societies Registration Act  and a self-financed private deemed  university. KIIT is not a state or authority under Article  12 of the  Indian Constitution. Then, the First appeal dt. 7.10.14 was filed before FAA of KIIT, Bhubaneswar. On rejection of first appeal, Second Appeal was filed in the office  of Odisha Information Commission alleging  that “ the  PIO erred  in rejecting  his application  by referring article 12  of   the  constitution  which was not  relevant  in this context.  Further, as per  definition  of “ Public Authority”  provided under  section 2(h) of the  RTI Act, the  same includes  “ any  Non-Government  Organization , substantially financed , directly  or  indirectly  funds provided y the appropriate Government. As KIIT  was  being  directly or indirectly  funded  by the  appropriate Government , it would have to be  deemed  as a public authority  under  section 2(h)(d) (ii)  of the RTI Act.


3.      Hearing in Odisha Information Commission

The  Second  Appeal case  was  registered  as SA No. 228/2015  and  Sri Sunil Kumar Mishra, State Chief Information Commissioner started  initial hearing  from 15.2.2017  and ended  on 5th August, 2021.  Within period of 5  years, the  Commission conducted  around 20  hearings   seeking  from both parties  their  submissions and counter –submissions  whether KIIT  would come  under  ambit  of  definition of  Public Authority  as  per section 2(h)(d)(ii)  of the RTI Act.


  1. Argument of Authority of KIIT

Shri  Rabindra Nath Das, Secretary, KIIT  submitted  that  KIIT  was  not  a Public Authority  as per definition  given  in section 2(h)  of the RTI Act as it had not been established  or constituted  ( a)  by or under the  constitution, (b) by any other  law made  in parliament,  or (c )    by  any other  law  made by  the  state  legislature.  It was also neither  established  nor  constituted  by any notification issued  or  order made  by  the  appropriate  Government , nor  substantially  financed  by funds  provided  by  the  appropriate  Government.  On the contrary, KIIT  was a society  of private  persons  registered  under Societies Registration Act.   And set up  with the objectives  of establishing  and running educational institutions. The  Union Government in the Ministry of  Human Resource Development in exercise  of power  conferred  under section 3  of the  U.G.C. Act, 1956 declared  KIIT  vide notification  dated 16.2.2004  as  a “Deemed  to be  University”  for the  purpose of UGC   Act.  He  also referred  Karnataka High Court  Judgement   dated  30.11.2015  in WP Case No. 25114 of 2009  dealt with the question whether or not the RTI Act would be applicable     to the Manipal  deemed University.  The  Court  observed that “ it would have to be  accepted that the  petitioner  is a  “Deemed  to be University” and recognized  as  such  under  the  U.G.C. Act . However,  unlike  a regular  University established  under  a statute i.e., either  under  Central Government  or State Government Act.  It  could  not be confused  with any other  university. It was further held  by the  hon’ble  court  that  the  petitioner University  was neither  controlled nor  financed by  the State Government and it was certainly a private  institution  with its own management  and control  and there fore  same could not be brought  under the purview of RTI Act.”  The Secretary, KIIT  argued that  In  the  light  of this  judgment, KIIT  as  deemed to be University  should not come under  RTI Act .


The  Appellant ( Pradip Pradhan)  submitted  plethora  of documents  obtained  under RTI  from various  public authorities   about  details of  support  in terms of land leased out to KIIT , KIMS , Financial support  obtained  for  infrastructure  development , projects etc. to justify how KIIT is substantially financed.    


5.   Hearing, Inquiry, verification and analysis of Data  by Chief Information Commission. 

A.  Initially , it was  observed  by the  Commission that response  to the RTI Application  submitted on 1.9.2014  was  given by Ms. Smita Mohanty , a senior Public Information officer  of KIIT  University. Although  there is no such  designation  as senior PIO  in the Act, , the reply indicated  that KIIT is  consciously treated  as Public Authority by  their administration.  Accordingly, the  senior PIO  rejected  RTI Application sending Form-C ( intimation of  rejection) dt. 29.4.2014  stating  that  if the  applicant  is aggrieved , he could file  first appeal  before  First Appellate  Authority of KIIT university with 30 days. The  Commission observed  that  this  response  of PIO indicated  that KIIT  is  a Public Authority  and  the PIO has acted  accordingly   complying provisions  of RTI Act. 

B. On 29.4.21, the senior PIO of KIIT   rejected  RTI Application  on the ground that “ KIIT is not the state  or  authority  under article  12  of  the Constitution of India”.   Concededly, on same  day  the Hon’ ble Odisha High Court  decided  the Writ Petition  in WP( C) 171/2011  in the case of Dr. Uttam Kumar Samanta  VS KIIT University  and held  that KIIT being creature  of statute  and also discharging  a public duty  came  well  within  the meaning  of  “State”  under Article 12  of the  Constitution of  India. The ground adopted  by the PIO  of KIIT  for rejecting appellant’s  application  for information  had been negated by the Hon’ble High Court  on the very date of rejection of RTI Application. The Hon’ble High Court  also observed that  KIIT University appeared  to have brought itself under the  fold of the Right to Information Act , 2005  and Odisha RTI Rules, 2006.

C. Section 2(h) of the RTI Act  has defined  the Public Authority  which is a follows.

“ Public Authority” means  any authority  or body  or institution of self-government  established or constituted;

(a)        by or under  the  Constitution

(b)        by any other law  made  by the Parliament

(c)         by any other  law  made  by the  State Legislature;

(d)        by notification issued  or order  made by the appropriate  Government and

includes any-

(i)   body owned, controlled or substantially  financed ;

(ii) Non-Government Organisation substantially financed, directly or indirectly by funds provided by the appropriate Government.

D.In the  context of question whether KIIT is an authority under Article 12  of the  Constitution of India , the  Commission has  referred  the decision of  Hon’ble  Supreme Court of India  in the case of  Ramana Dayaram  Shetty  vrs  International Airport Authority of India , AIR 1979 SC 1628  in which  the determining factors  of a state  or an authority  under Article 12  of the Constitution of India  were laid down  as  under-

a.         If  the share capital of the corporation  is held  by the Government , it would go on to indicate  the Corporation  as an instrumentality  or agency  of the  Government.

b.        Assistance  from the  State  in order  to meet  the  financial expenditure  of the Corporation  is an indication  of the  corporation  being impregnated  with a Government character.

c.         The monopoly status must either be state conferred or state protected.

d.        The State must have a deep and pervasive control over the affairs.

e.         The functions of the entity must be of public importance.

f.       A separate Department of the Government must be transferred to the  Corporation.

The Commission has  further   elaborated that the function of  the  entity  being of public importance  is one of  the tests laid down  by the Hon’ble  Supreme Court.  The  Commission has  referred  “ Public Functions  Doctrine”   in Black’s Law Dictionary.  It is stated  that Private Persons’ actions constitute  state  action  if the  private  persons  perform function  that  are traditionally  reserved  for  the state. “ Government-  Function theory “  or “ Public Function  Rationale”  have been referred   to as  the principle  by which private conduct  is characterized  as State  Action, especially for  due  process  and equal protection purpose, when a private party  is exercising  private  function.


E.The  Commission  has also  made  reference  of  decision of   High Court, Odisha (  this  order  of High Court  was  presented   before  Commission during  course  of hearing )  in  the  case of  Uttam  Kumar  Samanta  vrs  KIIT  University  and others.  The  High Court  held that  the  KIIT  University  as a  State  under Article 12  of the   Constitution of India in view of the fact that  being  a Deemed  University , the  University  was the creature  of the  statute  and it was  also performing  public duty.


F.The   argument  “that  as  because KIIT deemed  University  is the   State  within meaning  of the  Article  12  of the  Constitution of India , it should  come   under purview of  definition of  public Authority  under RTI Act”  does not  hold same thing  as  establishing  or  constituting   a body  or institution  under constitution  or by  or  under any  law of  the Legislature  as per section 2(h)  of the RTI Act. The Supreme Court held in the Thalappam case “We can…..  draw  a clear  distinction between  a body  which is created  by a statute  and a body  which  after  having coming into existence  is governed  in accordance with  the  provision of  a statute.” The Hon’ble Supreme Court observed it in the context of the Kerala Cooperative Society Act. The  Court  held  that  the  concerned  societies  which are governed  by the  societies Act  are  not  statutory  bodies but only body corporates  within  the meaning of section 9  of the Kerala Cooperative  Societies Act.  In the  light  of this  judgment,  deemed University  status  of KIIT  does not  by itself  make it into a public authority  within the meaning  of  Clause (d) of Section 2(h)  of the RTI Act. G. Then, the  Commission has examined whether  KIIT  will  come  under  section 2(h)(d)

(i)               Body owned , controlled  or  substantially financed;

(ii)              Non-Government Organization substantially financed, directly or indirectly by funds provided by the appropriate Government.

While  defining  three  words “owned” , “controlled”  or  “substantially financed”, the  Commission has  completely  relied  on decision of Supreme Court  in  the case  of Thalappalam vrs  State  of  Kerala  reported  in 2013 (11) CLR (SC)881.  The Court has held that

“ We are  of  the  opinion that  when we test  the  meaning  of expression “ controlled  which  figures  in between  the words “ body owned”  and substantially financed” , the control by the  appropriate  Government  must  be a control of substantial nature. The mere  “supervision”  or “regulation”  as such by a statute  or otherwise  of a body  would not make  that  body a  “ public authority”  with the  meaning of  Section 2(h)(d)(i)  of the RTI Act.  In other words, just like a body owned or body substantially financed by the appropriate Government, the control of the body by the appropriate Government would also be substantial and not merely supervisory or regulatory. The  power  exercised by  the  Registrar  of Cooperative  Societies  and others  under  the  Cooperative Societies  Act  are  only  regulatory  and supervisory in nature , which will  not amount  to dominating  or interfering  with  the management  or affairs  of the society  so as to be controlled.  The management  and control  are statutorily  conferred  on the management  Committee  or  the  board  of Directors  of  the  society by the  respective  Cooperative Societies Act  and not on the  authorities  under  the  Cooperative Societies  Act. We are , therefore  of the  view that  the word “ controlled”  used  in section 2(h)(d)(i)  of the  Act  has to be understood  in  the context  in which  it has been used  vis-a-vis  a body  owned  or  substantially  financed  by the  appropriate Government, that is,  the  control   of the  body   is such  a degree  which amounts  to substantial  control over the management  and affairs  of the body.”

 In view of this  judgment,  the  commission considered  that KIIT  cannot  be  treated  as public authority  under section 2(h)(d)(i)  of the  RTI Act.


H.Then, the  Commission finally  examined  whether KIIT  would  come under  section 2(h)(d)(ii)  of the RTI  Act.  This section     exclusively relates to “non-Government Organisations substantially financed, directly or indirectly, by funds provided by appropriate government”.  While finding out meaning of “substantially financed”, the Commission has taken clue from   Black’s Law Dictionary (6th Edn.)   and Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (5th Edn.). In the Black’s Law Dictionary, the word “substantially” has been defined as ‘of real worth and importance; of considerable value; valuable. Belonging to substance; actually existing; real : not  seeming or imaginary; not illusive ; solid; true; veritable. Something worthwhile as distinguished from something without value or merely nominal.  Synonymous with material. In the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, the word ‘ substantial’  has been defined  to mean  “of ample  or  considerable  amount of size; sizeable, fairly  large; having  solid worth  or value, of real significance; solid; weighty; important, worthwhile;  of an act, measure  etc. having force or effect , effective , thorough.


The  Commission has  also  made  reference  of  few  judgements  of the  courts  to bring  more  clarity  on  ‘ substantial funding’.  The Hon’ ble Punjab and Harayana High Court  in the case of Hindu  Urban Cooperative  bank Ltd. 2011  observed that -

Taken in the context of larger public interest, the funds which the Government deal with are  public funds. They belong to the people. In that eventuality, wherever public funds are provided, the word ‘substantially financed’ can not possibly interpreted in narrow and limited terms of mathematical calculation and percentage (%). Wherever public funds are provided, the word ‘substantial’ has to be construed in contradistinction to the word ‘trivial’  and where  the funding is not  trivial  to be ignored as pittance, then to me , the same  would amount  to substantial funding  coming from the  public funds.  Therefore, whatever benefit flows  to the  petitioner-institutions in the form of share  capital  contribution or subsidy, land  or any other  direct  or indirect  funding  from different fiscal provisions  for fee , duty, tax etc.  as depicted  hereinabove would amount  to substantial finance  by the  funds  provided  directly or indirectly  by the appropriate Government.”


In the  case  of the  Registrar, Thiagarajar College  of Engineering (2013), the  Hon’ble  Madras   High Court did not attach much of significance to the quantum of funds.  Instead, the Hon’ble  High Court  attached more  significance  to the nature  of functions performed  by the  organization. If the  functions are  public  and if  organization is receiving  government grants, the  High Court  held that  these should  suffice  to consider  the body  or organization  as public authority. The relevant part of the judgment is presented below. 

“ once public money is paid to the college  for the purpose  of  imparting  education  and when  public policies  towards  implementation of achieving  social justice  is sought  to be enforced  in any educational institution, by the state , then it is incumbent  on the educational  authorities  to implement the same, and  that no college  can be permitted to take a defense  that  it does not  come  within the purview of the Act, and  that the  Public Information Officer  can not issue  any direction  to the  college  to disclose  any information  to the applicant. Such a stand  would defeat  the very purpose  and object of the RTI Act.”   Xxxx The  Court  is of the view  that the quantum of grant  does not always  decide applicability of the  provisions of the RTI Act, to an educational institution  or any other body  established  or  constituted as  defined  under  section 2(h) of the RTI Act , but it should be referable  to the activity  carried  on by such entities , involving  public interest and public duty  which includes  an educational  institution.”


The  Commission has also  referred  that the Hon’ble  Orissa High Court  in the case of North East Electricity Supply Company of Odisha , 2009  linked  Public authority  with  public function.  In the case of Thalappalam Service Cooperative  bank  and others vs Director  of Public Instructions  & Others,  the  Supreme Court  observed that

“The word ‘substantial’ is not synonymous with ‘dominant’ or ‘majority’. It is closer to ‘material’ or ‘important’   or ‘of considerable value’. ‘Substantially’ is closer to ‘Essentially’. Both words can signify varying degree depending on the context”.

“Merely providing subsidies, grants , exemptions , privileges  etc.  as such,  cannot be said  to be providing  funding  to  a substantial extent, unless  the record shows  that the  funding  is so  substantial  to the  body  which  practically  runs  by such funding  and but for such funding, it would struggle to exist. The state may also float  many schemes  generally  for  the betterment  and welfare  of the  cooperative sector  like deposit guarantee  scheme, scheme of assistance from NABARD etc. but those facilities  or assistance  cannot be termed as ‘ substantially financed’ by the state government  to bring the body within  the  fold of ‘public authority” under  section 29h)(d)(i)  of the RTI Act. But there are instances, where  private  educational institutions getting  ninety-five per cent grant –in-aid  from the  appropriate Government , may answer definition  of public authority  under section 2(h)(d)(i) of the RTI Act.”


In the DAV college Trust Case, the Hon’ble Supreme Court elucidated the term “substantial financed’ as under;

In our view, “substantial funding” means a large portion. It does not necessarily have to mean a major portion or more than 50%. No hard and fast rule can be laid down in this regard.  Substantial financing can be both direct and indirect.  To give an example,  if a land in  a city  is given free of cost  or on heavy  discount to hospitals, educational institutions or  such other  body, this  in itself  could also be  substantial  financing.  The very establishment of such an institution, if it is dependent on the largesse of the state in getting land at a cheap price, would mean that it is substantially financed. Merely because financial contribution of the state comes down during the actual funding, will not by itself mean that the indirect finance given  is not  to be taken into consideration. The value of the land will have to be evaluated  not  only  on the date  of allotment   but  even  on the date  when the question arises  as to whether  the said body  or NGO  is substantially  financed.


Whether an NGO or body is substantially financed by the government is a question of fact which has to be determined on the facts of each case. There may be cases where the finance is more than 50% but   still may not be called substantially financed.  Supposing a small NGO which has a total capital of Rs. 10,000/-   get a grant of Rs. 5000/-  cannot be termed as substantial contribution.  On the other hand , if a body  or an NGO  gets hundreds  of crores  of rupees  as grant  but that  amount  is less  than 50%, the same  can still be  termed  to be substantially funding.


J.       From these  two judgements of the  Supreme Court , the  Commission  finds that  mere grants or exemptions or privileges  as such  would not  amount to  substantial funding.  Even majority funding  would not mean  substantial funding.  In order that the funding can be considered as substantial, the same ought to have a bearing on the existence of the non-Government organisations. If an organisation could not have been set up but for support from the appropriate Government or but for the discounts / subsidies received from the appropriate Government; and, conversely, if withdrawal of the support would adversely affect the existence or running of the organisation, the expression ―substantially financed‖ would be applicable irrespective of the amounts. It is the nature and quality of the funding rather than its quantity, and the possible consequence of non-funding which are more relevant than the amounts per se.The judgement of the Hon‘ble Supreme Court in the DAV College Trust case is significant because it has widened the scope of ‗substantial financing‘   in order to include such assistances as allotment of land free of cost or at heavy discount. The Hon‘ble Court held that if the entity depended on the largesse of the State in getting land at cheap price, it will be treated as substantially financed by the State, irrespective of the extent of actual financing or contribution. In fact, the Hon‘ble Court went on to hold that in order to find whether land was given at cheap price or heavy discount, even the value of land on the date when the question arises whether the body or NGO is substantially financed will also have to be evaluated.

K.      In the light  of the  above-mentioned  Supreme Court  Judgement on DAV College Trust, the  Commission  takes “largesee  factor”   as key determining factor for  consideration  whether KIIT  would  come  under RTI Act. The  Commission made  thorough analysis of  the  data/ information provided by the appellant in the course of hearings about  details of benefits  in terms of land  and  financial support  received    by KIIT  from  Government. During course of hearing, it was argued by the Appellant that KIIT i.e., respondent Institution has got huge extents of land from the Government, through leases or otherwise, and at subsidised rates; and that if the lease arrangements are withdrawn, the institution would struggle to exist. In this case, the appellant has referred to Government land including forest land encroached upon by KIIT, subsequent regularization of such encroached and unauthorisedlyused land by the Government; land taken on lease from the Government indirectly i.e. on the Government agreeing to mutual transfers of the land which had been leased out earlier to other private entities; availing of such land, whether directly or indirectly (through mutual transfer) at less than market rates and many times on soft-loan arrangements;  KIIT  using such lease-hold land for getting finance / loans from banks and others etc. The appellant has also drawn attention of the Commission that KIIT  got such huge extent of land at cheap and throwaway prices referring  to certain objections raised and observations made by Audit which find place in the C&AG Report, and to the present market values of these land which are phenomenally higher. The appellant has further  submitted a few documents in support of the present bench mark-values of land and  has argued that the judgement of the Hon‘ble Supreme Court in the DAV College Trust case would squarely apply. Apart from referring to land used through the encroachment mode or land taken on lease, the appellant has also pointed out several grants and financial assistances which   KIIT  received from the Governments or their agencies from time to time; the other subsidies, scholarships etc. which were  obtained under RTI from the appropriate Government in some years and to the Income-tax exemptions availed by the said  institution year after year.

L.        The Commission first analysed the issue of encroachment of 18.100 acres of forest land  by KIIT which were submitted y the Appellant.  The Hon‘ble Minister of Forest & Environment, in the reply given by him to an Unstarred Question raised in the Assembly, confirmed the fact of encroachment of land by KIIT. Some of the notes in the files have been adverted to. It is noted from the said notes that the KIIT had encroached upon some other Government land as well and had also constructed multi-storeyed building thereon for class-room purposes etc. before approaching the Government with request for regularization. It is also seen from the notes that some such requests were decided favourably. The appellant has referred to an Audit objection in the matter of encroachment of land. The Audit observed that under the OPLE Act, such encroached land being surplus forest land was meant for distribution amongst the landless. Audit considered regularization of such land as irregular. Be that as it may, the appellant‘s contention regarding encroachment of Government land is found to be correct.  The appellant has also acquired 120.708 acres of Government land. The same includes 11.538 acres on which multistoreyed buildings have been constructed, 18 acres of forest land unauthorisedly occupied and 91.07 acres of land given on lease by IDCO in the Patia and Patharagadia Mouza and in the Chandaka Industrial area which has not been objected by KIIT. The Commission has taken view that it     is not the authority to adjudicate on the issue of encroachment or on occupation of land without approval. The Commission no doubt cannot make any such adjudication. However, the fact remains that the extent of Government land as pointed out by the appellant has not been proved to be wrong. As per the appellant, the above extent of 120.708 acres is more than 90% of the total land since the other private plots purchased by KIIT and KISS are 11.304 acres only. The authority of KIIT has not come out with any direct denial of the above claim of the appellant either. It has been merely stated that the appellant should separately say how much private land was purchased by KIIT and KISS respectively. In other words, the appellant‘s contention that KIIT has built its institutions largely on Government land stands confirmed. Even IDCO has confirmed that it gave lease of land to the extent of 90.170 acres (91.170 acres – 1.00 acre given to KIIS) to KIIT. The appellant‘s further argument is that these land have been availed on lease at throw-away prices / subsidised rates. In this connection, the appellant has submitted several documents obtained by him from the concerned authorities through the RTI route. The Commission finds that a few of these documents show that some of the land were given at subsidised rates. There is an admission to this effect in the affidavit filed by the Principal Secretary in the matter of allotment of land to Hospitals including KIMS under KIIT.  The land allotted to KIIT was shown as 26.976 acres. It also emerges from the filenotings that some of the land had been earlier given by IDCO at concessional rate of Rs.18.00 lakh per acre. When KIIT sought permission of the Medical Council of India to construct a 700 bedded Hospital, it came to know that the lease period of the land should be 99 years and not 75 years as per the agreement with IDCO. Hence KIIT approached the G.A. & P.G. Department to get the above land back from IDCO and then to re-lease the same to it. The re-leasing no doubt required payment of differential cost. But seen in the light of the affidavit made by the Principal Secretary, the rate would still remain highly subsidised even after such payment. Therefore, the contention of the appellant in this regard is not without merit. The appellant has referred to the alleged undue benefits shown by the appropriate Government to the respondent in the matter of allotment of land resulting in huge revenue loss. In this connection, he has referred to the report of the C&AG of India on General & Social Sector, Volumes-II & III for the year 2012. In Volume-II, the C&AG computed loss of premium of Rs.33.70 crore on account of charging of lower premium as against DSR premium in respect of 26.970 acres of land. The C&AG also pointed out short realization of Rs.66.24 crore by IDCO on account of land given to KIIT. Rightly as pointed out by the respondent, this Commission has no competence to make any observation on the allegations of undue favour etc. However, this Commission also cannot overlook the material which is available on record, i.e. the reports of the C&AG. The respondent has contended that the inference drawn by the C&AG may not be a fact. Further, as per the respondent, it is not known whether or not the State Government has taken any action on the basis of the above report. But the fact remains that a public authority has raised certain objections which would hold good until and unless the objections are withdrawn. Therefore, the Commission takes the objections raised by Audit to construe that the respondent has availed liberal lease arrangements. The more significant documents which the appellant has submitted in support of his contention that land have been given to the respondent, i.e. KIIT, at throw-away prices are the bench-mark values of such land at the time when the appellant asked for the information or at a still later point of time. The appellant has submitted an order dated 28.08.2017 of the G.A. & P.G. Department as per which the bench-mark values / market values of the land in the Chandrasekharpur area were shown as Residential: Rs.800.00 lakh; Commercial: Rs.1250.00 lakh, Agricultural: Rs.600.00 lakh, Potential to be Residential: Rs.800.00 lakh and Industrial: Rs.1150.00 lakh. The corresponding figures in Patia were Rs.1000.00 lakh, Rs.1200.00 lakh, Rs.400.00 lakh, Rs.900.00 lakh and Rs.900.00 lakh respectively. The bench-mark values thus fixed by the Government with retrospective effect from 2014 are supported by an order which is a fact on record and the correctness of the same has not been denied. As already noted, the appellant has also submitted a certificate dated 14.07.021 issued by the DSR, Bhubaneswar in which the value of Plot No.320/3370 (Industrial) was shown as Rs.13.80 crore per acre on the said date as against Rs.12.00 crore per acre as on 31.12.2016. The values thus fixed are significantly higher than the values of Rs.18.00 lakh per acre, Rs.22.00 lakh per acre and Rs.25.00 lakh per acre at which the appellant got land on lease from IDCO from time to time. The respondent‘s argument is that it had taken land on lease much earlier than the dates to which the bench-mark values referred to by the appellant relate. In fact, identical arguments had been raised with reference to the values of IDCO land as per the information received by another applicant, namely, Shri Srikanta Kumar Pakal, from the APIO of IDCO. The further argument of the respondent as 76 per its latest submission is that the latest values submitted by the appellant are in respect of private land and not Government land. The private land are also tiny plots with minimal areas. Coming to the first argument that the values relied upon by the appellant do not relate to the dates on which the respondent had taken land on lease, it would be pertinent to again refer to the observation made by the Hon‘ble Supreme Court in the D.A.V. College Trust case that even the value of the land at the time when the question arises whether the body or NGO is substantially financed or not will have to be evaluated. Therefore, the reference made and reliance placed by the appellant on the subsequent bench-mark values cannot be disregarded. As regards the argument that the plots / land to which the values cited by the appellant relate are private land and not Government land, the Commission cannot appreciate how values of private land, irrespective of the size, can be ignored particularly as such values are representative of market values unless proved to the contrary. Similarly, as regards size of plots, it is difficult to see how there can be any significant variation between the values of small plots and large plots. Therefore, the above argument cannot be considered as germane to the issue. In view of the observations made hereinabove, and particularly in view of the observation of the Hon‘ble Supreme Court in the D.A.V. College Trust case referred to supra, the references made by the appellant to the subsequent values of land merit consideration. On such consideration, and on evaluation on the basis thereof, it cannot be gain-said that the respondent has got land on lease from the appropriate Government at very cheap rates. Therefore, even if the appellant‘s allegation of undue favour is not considered as the Government‘s response thereto or action taken thereon are not known, the Commission has nonetheless to hold that the respondent institution got land from the appropriate Government at extremely cheap rates having significant financial implications in its own favour. This has to be treated as indirect substantial financing. The respondent‘s contention is that land were taken from the Government at IDCO prices. The above contention has not been found to be incorrect. However, it has been already noted that the IDCO price itself is a concessional price. In fact, the IDCO prices are even less than the G.A. prices as seen from the information regarding bench-mark values provided by the respective PIOs. Even the respondent in its latest submission has admitted that ―the State Government gave land to IDCO.......... in subsidised rates to boost industries. Thus, by the appellant‘s own admission, the values at which it had got land on lease from IDCO were subsidised / concessional. Therefore, it has to be held that the respondent institution got greatly benefitted by getting large tracts of land on lease from the appropriate Government. Moreover, in view of the discussion in the preceding para relating to the subsequent bench-values of the land in question, the extent of concession which the respondent institution had got at the time of the leases has paled into insignificance. Reference has been made to secondary leasings as well. The appellant got several patches of land on the basis of mutual transfers. These land had been earlier leased out by IDCO to same private industries. IDCO had done the leasings in pursuance of its avowed policy of promoting industrial infrastructure. IDCO‘s agreement with the suggested mutual transfers resulted in great benefit to KIIT  which was assured of contiguity of the land thereby immensely facilitating its operations. The fact that even the value of these land have soared significantly in due course need not be over-emphasised. The appellant has referred to several letters which KIIT and its Founder wrote to the Government and Government Agencies with fervent prayer for allotment of land for institutional purposes, for setting up Hospital etc. The requests thus made were in respect of forest land under encroachment, land under unauthorized occupation and other land including the proposed mutual transfers. The significant feature standing out from the various proposals / requests made by the KIIT  to the Government and its agencies is that all these were adjoining plots. Overall, they combined to be an asset spread over a large area. Such large areas marked by contiguity cannot be easily had from individuals or private sellers / lessors. Non-availability is an important factor. Even otherwise, the buyers / lessees will have to undergo the rigours of approaching several individuals and private entities and of making acquisitions from numerous sellers and lessors through multiple separate negotiations and deals. These processes by themselves lead to sky-rocketing of prices because of the demands which they trigger and also because of anticipation of growth of the area which the acquisitions stoke. Getting large tracts / areas from the Government spares the buyers / lessees of such rigours. There is also definite financial saving vis-a-vis cost of land and expenses incidental to the transactions. Savings in terms of expenses are in the nature of intangible gains which often remain uncomputed. Getting large number of contiguous plots from the Government at the approved rates, particularly for large projects, results in a still bigger intangible gain. We may imagine a project coming up in bits and pieces and at several places, distant from one another. We may also imagine the operational costs involved in such cases. Not having to incur such additional costs over the duration of the lease is undoubtedly of immense benefit with great financial implications in favour of the buyers / lessees. Such benefits / implications are seldom considered, let alone computed. The benefits, both direct and indirect as well as tangible and  intangible, would be still much more if the assets are located at prize destinations such as a commercial hub or a city, more so a capital city. In the present case, KIIT   gained  immensely by getting contiguous plots of land on lease from the Government in a prize destination such as the capital city of Bhubaneswar, that too at very cheap prices.

M.    The appellant has raised another issue of KIIT being gained over out of leasing lands by mortgaging to banks after getting “No Objection Certificate” from IDCO i.e., lessor.  Had  not IDCO issued  “No Objection Certificates” , KIIT  would not have been able to avail substantial amounts of loans from Banks. The Commission has considered the submissions thus made by the appellant. Records have also been perused. The Annual accounts for the financial years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 which have been submitted by KIIT  show that the institution  had taken term loans and O/D loans of Rs.467.02 crore, Rs.497.37 crore and Rs.541.96 crore respectively during these three years from several scheduled Banks and a few other private parties. The loans from the private parties were less than Re.1.00 crore each year. Thus almost the entire loans had been taken from the Scheduled Banks on the basis of primary securities and collateral securities. It has been clarified in the ―notes forming part of the Annual accounts‖ that these loans had been availed mainly on the basis of primary and collateral securities, being land, buildings and equipment of the society. The Commission has also noted from the information received by the appellant from IDCO under the RTI Act that IDCO had given consent for availing loans on the basis of mortgage of its land leased out to KIIT. The extent of land given by IDCO on lease has been already noted. Of course, IDCO could furnish details of loans availed by the KIIT on the basis of mortgage of its land only in one instance. But the very fact that consent had been given by IDCO in respect of the land, and in the Annual reports it has been stated that loans were availed from the scheduled Banks by offering land, amongst others, as security, it can be inferred that the KIIT  could get substantial amount of loans from Banks by offering the leasehold land as security.  During hearing, the  representative of KIIT   contended that there is nothing wrong on the part of an organization in taking loan from any Bank by mortgaging its own land. However, the respondent has not specifically rebutted the appellant‘s submission that it could get substantial amount of loans from the Banks by offering the Government land taken on lease as security. Hence  the Commission  held that the land leased out by IDCO greatly helped KIIT  in arranging substantial amounts of finances. 

N.     Then, the Commission examined details of indirect as well as direct finances from the Government and the Government agencies referred by appellant during course of hearing. In this connection, the appellant has invited attention to the respondent‘s accounts for the year ended 31.03.2009. The appellant has also referred to Post-Matric scholarships given by the State Government to the tribal students of KIIT during the years 2012 to 2017; donations, grants and subsidies received from various Government Departments during the years 2005-2010, foreign funds received by the respondent etc. First coming to the Annual accounts for the year ended 31.03.2009, the appellant has claimed that the unsecured loans and other income of the respondent included public money. Similarly, students’ fees were nothing but public money. The Commission does not find merit in the above contention of the appellant. Public money is the public fund given by the public authorities or Government or its agencies either directly or indirectly. Individual persons advancing loans or paying fees cannot be regarded as public fund.

O.     As regards the foreign funding stated to have received by KIIT  during the year- ended 31.03.2019,  the Commission observed  that even such funding cannot be treated as having any ingredient of public fund or public money unless it is shown that such foreign funding was done at the instance and promise of the Government or its agencies. Nothing of that sort has been let in by the appellant. Now coming to the scholarships given by the Government to the tribal students of KIIT in certain years, the appellant has contended that such scholarship amounts are part of funding by the Government. The Commission did not  accept the above contention. The scholarships are specifically earmarked for the concerned students who alone can receive the same. The institution where the concerned students study only acts as the medium. The institution cannot exercise any liberty with the amounts routed through it. When the institution has no such liberty and cannot use the amounts in any manner other than for which the same have been earmarked or intended, distribution of the scholarship amounts cannot be taken as part of funding of the institution. Hence the appellant‘s argument on this score is rejected by the Commission.

P.      The Commission analysed details of the grants and subsidies received from the various Departments and other Government agencies such as DBT, DST, ICMR, CSIR, ICAR, AICTE, DAE, UGC, ORMAS etc. As per the documents submitted by the appellant, KIIT  had got Rs.6.13 crore (Rs.2.24 + Rs.3.89) towards such grants and subsidies during the period 2005-10 and Rs. 2.42 crore during the period 2010-17. It had also received Rs.21.12 crore from ORMAS under the DDU-GKY Scheme. The argument of the appellant is that these grants amount to Government financing of the respondent society. The respondent Institution  on the other hand contended that the 82 research grants received were for earmarked projects undertaken by the Faculty Members and also received because of efforts made by the Faculty Members. The Commission has considered the above submission of the respondent. The Commission has also noted from the Annual accounts for the years-ended 31.03.2013, 31.03.2014 and 31.03.2015 that the various Departments had provided grants etc. for specified projects. It has to be inferred, unless shown to the contrary, that the grants were to be used only for such projects and not for anything else. Thus, even here, the respondent cannot use the grants in any other manner which it would choose to. Therefore, normally, such research grants by themselves cannot be considered as financing or funding the respondent even though the researches and the outcomes thereof might help enhance its prestige and add to its stature. However, research grants and similar funding are given to an institution after taking into consideration its infrastructure etc.; and if direct or indirect Government funding has had a bearing on the infrastructure, then the grants etc. may have to be considered together with the other direct or indirect Government fundings.

Q.      Last but not least, the Commission examined the tax exemptions availed by KIIT. The appellant has submitted that tax exemptions are another instance of indirect financing of the respondent society by the Government. This  submission of the appellant was considered by THE Commission taking into account the annual reports for the 3 years which were submitted by the respondent society. These were examined to find out if KIIT could be said to have derived any great financial benefit in view of the income-tax exemptions availed by it. Before  analyzing it, the Commission  briefly discussed  the rationale, import and effect of the relevant tax exemption provisions.

Under Sections 11 & 12 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, certain entities who are otherwise liable to pay tax on their income enjoy the benefit of exemption from payment of tax if they are registered by the Commissioner of Income-tax under Section 12A of the said Act and also if they comply with the conditions enumerated in Section 11 and do not commit any contravention of the nature specified in Section 13 of the said Act. These entities are: Public and Charitable Trusts, not being religious Trusts, registered under the Public Trust Acts; and, Societies and Associations / Institutions registered under the Societies‘ Registration Act, 1860. Registration under Section 12A of the Income-tax Act is the prime enabler of the exemption. The Commissioner of Income-tax allows registration after being satisfied that the entity is genuinely carrying on public and charitable activity. The conditions as per Section 11 are that the Trust or the Society or the Institution spends 85% of its surplus in a given year on public charitable activity; in case of any short-fall in application, it seeks the permission of the concerned Income-tax Authority to accumulate the unutilized surplus for a period not exceeding five years for utilization towards the ear-marked objects; it deposits the unutilized surplus amounts in specified categories such as deposits in scheduled banks etc. The contraventions listed out in Section 13 are: the benefits of the activities must ensure to the general public and not to any particular religion or caste; no undue benefit or advantage must accrue to the trustees, the managers or to persons who are substantially interested in the entity etc. If the entity is registered under Section 12A, complies with the conditions stipulated in Section 11 and does not commit any of the contraventions listed out in Section 13, its entire income becomes eligible for exemption from payment of Income-tax.  Further, Section 80G of the Income-tax Act, 1961 provides that, amongst others, if a Trust or an Institution / Society registered under Section 12A is also separately approved by the Commissioner of Income-tax under Section 80G, then the contributors(of donations) to such entities shall have the benefit of deduction of 50% of such contributions from their income subjectible to tax. In certain situations, the deductions can be even 100%. Section 2(15) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, which is the Section containing definitions, defines ―charitable purpose‖ as including ―relief of the poor‖, ―education‖, ―medical relief‖, advancement of any other object general public utility etc. As can be seen from the above, Sections 12 and 80G are land-mark socialwelfare-enabling provisions. The avowed objective is to promote specified activities known as public and charitable activities not only by foregoing tax on their income but also by foregoing a portion of the tax which the donors/contributors would have to otherwise pay. The State thus has made a great sacrifice to promote such activities, the foremost being education, medical relief and relief of the poor. The rationale behind foregoing tax on the income of the Trust, Society or Institution and on the income of the contributors is to enable the entities to utilize the funds spared from/exempt from taxation in the activities undertaken by them. Needless to say, this is a clear case of indirect funding. And since tax is public fund, it  can more appropriately be called  indirect public funding. Larger the spectrum of the activities and larger the income, larger would be the indirect funding. What is the income subjectible to tax which thus gets exempted from tax and enjoys the benefit of indirect public funding ? Generally, income subjectible to tax is the net income i.e. gross income deducted by expenditures. There are specified taxable entities called ‗Persons‘ recognised under the Indian Income-tax Act. They are: Individuals; Hindu Undivided Families; Companies; Firms; Bodies of Individuals or Associations of Persons; Local Authorities and Artificial Juridical Persons (Clause 31 of Section 2). Public Charitable Trusts and Associations come under the category of Bodies of Individuals or Association of persons. In the cases of the taxable entities, both income as well as expenditures are restricted to the revenue field. Receipts arising or accruing or becoming due on account of operations are ‗income‘. Expenditures incurred in the course of operations, referred to as ―in the course of business or profession‖, are the ‗deductible expenditures‘. But the Income-tax Act has narrowed the scope of income and has widened the scope of expenditures in the cases of the tax-free entities. Such narrowing and widening have been done through deeming provisions. In the case of Trusts, Societies, Associations and Institutions engaged in public and charitable activities, receipts in the nature of contributions to the corpus are not deemed to be Income. Thus the ‗taxable income‘ in their cases has a narrower domain. Further, expenditures in their cases include expenditures of a capital nature, say incurred on expansion etc., and thus 100% deductible, whereas in the cases of the other entities such expenses are not admissible in full. Only depreciation on account of wear and tear is allowed at specified percentages. So what gets exempted from tax in the cases of the tax-free entities is not the income as ordinarily understood in the common, commercial and professional parlance. The income which are not deemed as income and the special expenditures allowed specifically to them and not to the others get added to the tax-free basket. Thus the exemption from payment of tax in their cases is of substantial amounts. The State allows such exemption in the hope and with the objective that these entities cater to the general public needs and promote public activities.

Q. The annual accounts for the financial years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 which were submitted by the respondent were examined. The examinations revealed the following salient features:

Sl. No.

Nature of item

F.Y. 2013-14 (In Rupees)

F.Y.2014-15 (In Rupees)

F.Y.2015-16 (In Rupees)


Surplus for the year





Reserves and Surplus at the end of the year.





Development Fee shown in Reserves and Surplus





Long Term Borrowings





Tangible Assets





Capital Work in Progress




The Commission has analysed   that in the above abstract, except for the surpluses of the given years, the remaining figures are year-end cumulative closing balances.  It gives indications about the surpluses and the borrowings on the one hand and the tangible assets and works-in-progress on the other hand. The indications regarding the surpluses are that the same have been steadily increasing year after year. This is clear not only from the rise in the surpluses year on year but also from the increase in ‗reserves and surpluses.‘ These are nothing but the profits of the Society. The reserves and surpluses include the cumulative balance surpluses as per the Income and Expenditure statements as also the development fees. While the surpluses have been shown as ‗’direct income’ or as ‗’other income‘ in the Income and Expenditure statements,  the development fees have been separately shown only in the Balance-Sheets. However, the development fees to the extent not refundable are also in the nature of income. Therefore,   the surplus of each year, as reflected in the Income and Expenditure statements, will have to be increased by the development fees. If that is done, the tax-free surpluses would be higher than have been shown in the abstract. In this case, be it the surplus or the development fees, the same are not taxable in view of the exemption available to it under Section 12 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 by virtue of the Society having been registered under Section 12A of the said Act. Thus, almost the entire reserves and surpluses at the end of any given year represent the cumulative amounts which have not suffered from tax. The indication one gets from the figures of long-term borrowings are that these have been growing year after year. The relevant schedules in respect of long-term borrowings have been perused. Term loans have been taken from several scheduled Banks such as the Allahabad Bank, Bank of India, Canara Bank, HDFC Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce and the Punjab National Bank. All these are secured loans. The respondent Society  has also taken over-draft (O.D) loans from some of these Banks. These are also secured by collaterals. It is mentioned in the ‗notes to the accounts of the relevant years that the securities given to the Banks, whether primary securities or collateral securities, are the land, buildings and equipment of the society. There are personal guarantees in a few cases as well. The respondent has also taken secured loans from certain private parties. Even these loans are secured by the land of the society. In other words, the respondent has availed huge loans from the scheduled Banks and others by mortgaging its land and buildings. Then the Commission analysed the tangible assets. The closing balance of the tangible assets at the end of a given year is more than the closing balance at the  end of the preceding year. The same applies to capital work-in-progress as well. The above would clearly indicate that the respondent has been expanding steadily year after year. The increase is more than what would appear from the BalanceSheets because there have been increases even after claiming deductions on account of depreciation. Now if we make a still closer reading of the accounts, it would be clear that the expansion is financed largely by the surpluses and the long-term borrowings. This is evident from the Income and Expenditure statements as well as from the schedules to the ‗reserves and surplus accounts.‘ It also emerges from the analysis that the tax-exemption benefits enjoyed by the respondent have enabled it to go in for huge and steady expansion. Further, the land taken from the Government /IDCO on lease, some of which were mortgaged to the Banks helped the respondent society get substantial finances from the Banks. The Commission also looked into surpluses amount during the three years under consideration.The apparent surpluses would be more if the development fees are taken into consideration by including the same as income. Thus, but for the exemption provisions of Section 12 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the incomes / receipts for the above 3 years would have got taxed. In fact, the exempted income would be still higher. For example, KIIT made a donation of Rs.27,19,04,435/- to KISS during the financial year-ended 31.03.2014. Similarly, during the financial year-ended 31.03.2015, the respondent made a further donation of Rs.51,68,99,341/- to KISS. In the next year, i.e. year ended 31.03.2016, the donation to this entity was of the order of Rs.58,21,25,784/- . Under the other provisions of the Income-tax, 1961 (i.e. other than Sections 11, 12 & 13), the above donations would have been disallowed on the ground of not having been incurred in the course of business or profession. Alternately, assuming that KISS has been approved by the Commissioner of Income-tax under Section 80G of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the donor, i.e. the respondent, would have been entitled to only 50% of the donation amount as deduction from its total income of the relevant years. Either way, the taxable surpluses would have got further increased. In order to appreciate the financial benefit, which registration under Section 12A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 has ensured to the respondent, the above disallowable items will have to be necessarily reckoned.

R. The elaborate discussions made by the commission in this order clearly show that the respondent got large tracts of land, many of them contiguous, in the capital city of Bhubaneswar from the Government or its agencies at subsidized rates. It got such land over a period of several years. Parts of these land were earlier under encroachment by the respondent itself. Some parts were under encroachment by others and the respondent incurred expenses and made such parts of land encroachment-free. KIIT had also already built multi-storied buildings for class rooms, compound walls etc. on such land. After persistent efforts and fervent prayers made by authority of KIIT, some of these were later regularized in the respondent‘s favour. The respondent also used the forest land which under the OPLE Act are required to be distributed among the landless. The fact that the respondent had started using several patches of land even before the same were allotted would indicate its strong self-assurance that the same would be allotted. The further fact that some of these were also allotted is indicative of the benevolence of the State. If the Government had been of unkinder disposition, KIIT would not have had the advantage of such large tracts and contiguous plots/land for its campuses. Reference has been already made to the mutual transfers. It has been observed by the Commission  that all the land involved in such mutual transfers, the leases of which were eventually transferred in favour of the respondent, were adjoining the respondent‘s existing campus. Had the lessor i.e. IDCO refused to  make the transfers, KIIT’s campus expansion programme would have got adversely affected.  Large tracts of contiguous land used to develop a large campus at one place has brought to be respondent tremendous operational advantages. Finances availed from the Banks by mortgaging the leasehold land have helped in the expansion of KIIT  as an institution. The Commission has also  noted that the tax exemptions availed by KIIT have helped it utilise its surplus for the setting up, expansion, development and growth of various institutions. In short, the largesse of the State as well as the tax exemptions have had crucial roles in the evolution and growth of the respondent and its several institutions. By any reckoning, the financial benefits availed by the respondent through allotment of Government land and availment of tax exemptions will have to be considered substantial. It has been observed  that the respondent got the land from the Government and its agencies by making repeated efforts and through determined pursuit. The respondent had at each point of time pleaded before the Government and its agencies for help so that it could build up world class institutions. The contents of the respondent’s correspondences with the Government and its Agencies and the prayers for allotment and regularization of land would by themselves show how badly the respondent needed such land. There are also express admissions by the respondent itself that it would not be able to build the University on such a large scale and of such admirable class but for these land. The Commission has also  referred to the litmus test laid down by the Hon‘ble Supreme Court in the Thalappalam case. The test to determine substantial financing is whether or not the non-Government organization could have established itself but for such financing and whether or not it would struggle to exist if such financing is withdrawn. It cannot be gain-said that KIIT could not have easily become what it is today – a highly admired University – but for the huge land at cheap rates which it got from the Government or its agencies. No doubt, it   cannot be  said that withdrawal of these land would make KIIT  struggle to exist.

S. The Commission has also referred to the  judgement of the Hon‘ble Supreme Court in the Thalappalam case wherein it was held that mere grants, subsidies, privileges and exemptions as such could not be treated as public financing. The words ―mere‖ and ―as such‖ are important. In the present case, KIIT  not only got land from the Government and its agencies but also other grants and exemptions. Therefore, in the present case, the grants and exemptions including tax exemptions cannot be considered ‗mere.‘ On the contrary, all the above will have to be considered together. We have already referred to the decisions of the Hon‘ble Punjab and Haryana, Madras and Odisha High Courts in which significance was attached to ―the public function(s)‖ performed by an organization as well as to grants received from the Government, irrespective of quantum, as the test for deciding whether or not the organization could be treated as a public authority as per the definition provided in Section 2(h) of the RTI Act, 2005. There can be no dispute that  KIIT is performing a public function. The Commission has made an  elaborate discussion regarding the facts of the respondent‘s case in the light of the judgements of the Hon‘ble Supreme Court in the Thalappalam case and in the DAV College Trust case. It has clearly emerged from such discussion that the financing / funding received by the respondent Society KIIT  from the Governments and their agencies have proved to KIIT  to be of solid worth, considerable value, of real significance and of having significant material bearings and effects on the respondent‘s establishment growth and continuing existence as an acclaimed multi-disciplinary institution. But for such direct and indirect financing / funding, the respondent would have had to  struggle, if    such financing and fundings in the form of land on lease at concessional and subsidised rates of grants and of tax exemptions etc. are to be withdrawn.

 Therefore, the Commission is of the considered view that the respondent, M/s KIIT, is a public authority within the meaning of Section 2(h)(d)(ii) of the RTI Act, 2005.  In the light of the above, KIIT  is declared as a public authority as per Section 2(h)(d)(ii) of the RTI Act, 2005; and is directed to furnish the required information to the appellant, as per his application in Form-A, within 30 days from the date of receipt of this order.

Case Analysis  by Pradip Pradhan, Appellant, Date- 18.9.21


Backside of Cover page

Who is RTI Activist?

 RTI Activism is debated and discussed much in public domain that too in mass media across the country.  Commitment of RTI  Activists to expose mega corruption and irregularities and maladministration in Govt.   has been widely acclaimed   by  different of section of  people. Within short span of 9 years of implementation of RTI Act, more than 40 RTI Activists have been killed and hundreds of activists assaulted and false case and defamation case filed against them. Many of them are also languishing in jail. Such scenario has not taken place in any campaign on any law  in India.

RTI Activist is defined as  someone who  seeks   varies of information  and  makes  it  available to the people  and  highlight same through mass media. They are people who are driven by passion and commitment and keen to share information more widely.  They not only disseminate information but daringly and vigorously pursue the matter  to reach at logical end. With the information , they try their best  to fight out the issues relating to  the system by  organising public demonstration, filling cases  in courts  and raising the issues  through policymakers  in  appropriate forum, They are the people who see the need for change and improvement on a large scale inside the Government. RTI activism is not about how you look or the clothes you wear: the sine qua non of activism is doing. We feel it is more important to look at the actions being undertaken rather than how individuals define themselves.

Information Scientist Anthony Molaro coined the term ‘Information Activist’ in 2009 as  “An information activist is a vigorous advocate of knowledge gained through study, communication, research or instruction”

  For some Activism comes naturally, while for others, it’s something that comes as a result of problems they see or upon learning about something they passionately believe needs to change. Whatever the reason for wanting to become an RTI activist, the Activist pursue their cause relentlessly no matter their age, their means, or their background. That is the beauty of an RTI Activist.


 Odisha Soochana Adhikar Ahijan



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