Tuesday, August 2, 2016

E-Governance Project in Odisha

E-Governance Project in Odisha

On 31.5.2016, RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Dept. of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt.  of Odisha  about details of  E-governance project in Odisha and  amount spent for it.  The PIO, office of Odisha Computer Application Centre (OCAC) has supplied the following information.  OCAC is the nodal agency for implementing e-governance project. Besides that the State  Govt.  has engaged many private organisation  for e-governance project  which has not  been supplied  by the PIO. The information below is still incomplete.  
                                                                                                                                                                                ( in Crores)
Name of the project
Project Activity
Total outlay
Total Exp.
Odisha State Wide Area  Network  ( OSWAN)
It is one of the core infrastructure projects under National e-Governance plan.  Under the project the State Head quarter is connected with all 30 Districts head quarters and 284 block head quarters.  The Network was operational on 25th august 2010. Video conferencing set up has been established at SHQ and all DHQ.
Common Service Centre
Under National e-Governance Plan, Govt. of Odisha has taken up Common Service Centre (CSC) scheme   for implementation in the state.  The objective of the scheme is   to set up  8558  CSC  called as Jana Seva Kendra  which will act  as  front-end  delivery points  for Govt., private and social sector service to rural  citizens of India in an integrated manner  and at affordable cost.
Odisha State  Data Centre (OSDC)
It is one of the core infrastructure projects under National e-Governance plan. M/s Wipro Ltd.  was the consultant  for the project . M/s SPANCO has implemented the project as Date Centre Operator.  M/s  E&  Y  is the third  Party Auditor  for the project
eDistrict  Pilot Project
This project is for creating workflow system for the district administration  and help in providing  efficient individual department services through Common Service Centres (CSCs)
Horizontal Connectivity  of OSWAN
The objective of the project is  to roll out  the important e-governance applications  of the Government Departments.  It was decided that 1266 nos.  Of critical  Govt. offices  will be provided  OSWAN connectivity  as Horizontal offices.  The project started  in the year 2012 
Students Academic Management System  ( SAMS) 
This is a project of Higher education Dept.  which is implemented  under OCAC.  The objective of the project is to  automate  the admission  ( e-admission)  and administration ( e-administration)  process of college.  
e-Municipality  Project
 Odisha e-Municipality  Project is a centralised, integrated  application.  This project is implemented  for 44 ULBs  in the first phase out of 110 ULBs.  The solution is developed   and managed by  Tata Consultancy services  from State Data Centre  and support located at OCAC.
Odisha Secretariat  Workflow  Automation  System ( OWSAM)
OWSAM,  a solution  to automate  all the functions  ad working procedure  of secretariat  and provide  an effective  method  of storing, maintaining  and retrieving  the huge  volumes  of data that is generated  by integrating  workflow, knowledge, security  management through core, central  and departmental  applications.
Child Trafficking System  ( CTS)

The project aimed  to  each  children  between 0-14 years  with name, guardian name,  date of birth,  sex, religion,  category, school  where   they are studying. If  out of school, reason of out of school, mother tongue,  children with special needs if any etc. 
CTS-Validation and Up gradation -2008
CTS was initiated  to validate and update  the database created through  ICR Scanning  in 2005-06. It was funded OPEPA.
Application software developed under epragati Project  started during 2006-07. It was funded by W&CD Dept.
During 2007-08


This project started  in 2008  to automate  the dispatch  system  of all Government  letters  to various  offices and to  the citizens . Project started during 2005-06. The e-dispatch implementation cost was Re 5,75,000 for each Department/ Undertaking/PSU.

Sanjog Helpline
In order to provide prompt Grievance Redressal service relating to its different citizen centric schemes, Govt. has implemented Sanjog Helpline.  The project was started in August 2008.  The budget provision of Rs. 31, 86,168.00 was made by Odisha Government.

Pradip Pradhan
Date- 1.8.16

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