Sunday, November 1, 2020

Re-appointment of retired officers and employees has been disaster for Odisha


Re-appointment   of retired  officers  and employees starting  from Class-1 to Class-IV promoted by   Nabin Patnaik, Chief Minister       has  been disaster for  Odisha bureaucracy.  

This Re-appointment syndrome  has  promoted naked  picture of Favoritism, Sycophancy  and Nepotism  in Odisha  bureaucracy  reducing it  as most  corrupt, lethargic  and insensitivity to the  cause  of the  state.  

Shall  we  be  proud  of this  bureaucracy  which  promotes  corruption, sycophancy ? Time  has  come  to fight  against  this   system  in the  greater interest  of the  state.

Dear friends

Odisha is reeling under severe unemployment crisis. The slogan  of  Make-in-Odisha  Campaign  to boost  capital investment by the  corporate  world   in the  state  in order  to  provide  employment  to the  youths  has ended  in fiasco.  Nobody knows how much capital  was  invested  and employment  generated.  The unemployed educated youths  have  always  a hope  to get   Govt. job  in the  state  administration. But  their  hope  has been shattered  by  20-years  misrule  of Nabin administration.

The  year-long huge  vacancy  in the  administration (  about more  than 1,30,000 posts lying  vacant),  permanent  abolition of many  Govt. posts  and  reappointment  of retired  officers  and employees  has destroyed  prospect  of  getting any  Got. job  by the  educated  youth.  The appointment  of contractual  staff  through  service  provider without  any  interview but  by choice  through  nepotism and favouristm and corrupt  practice  has become  order  of the  day. The ill-equipped  and ill-paid   staff and lack of  knowledge  and no commitment has  been  another  visible disaster  in the  bureaucracy.  Nabin administration, the most corrupt administration in 21st century has not only destroyed  our  economy  and  polity but  also    bureaucracy. 

The   officers  and  employees  who are close  to power circle  and  seen  hobnobbing  with superior  authority  close  to office  of the  Chief Minister   are  given reappointment  after their  retirement with  grant  of extension of  service  for  unknown  period. They are provided  sizeable  amount  of  good  salary, allowances  and other  perks. So-called  posts  like OSD  are  created  to rehabilitate  them. Most of the  beneficiaries  of this scheme  are  Class-1  officers  close  to the  authorities well-protected  by the  office  of  Chief Minister.

On 26.7.20, RTI Application was  submitted to  the Department of General Administration, Govt. of Odisha  seeking information about list of IAS, OAS and  other officers and employees  reappointed  after  their retirement. RTI Application was  forwarded to all the Departments and all offices  to provide the  information. So many  offices and Departments have  provided   list of  officers  and  employees   given reappointment after  their   retirements. 

A.    The  senior  bureaucrats  like  Mr. R. Balakristan  has been  appointed  as  Advisor  to  CM  in the  office  of the  Chief Minister  for  unknown  period. In fact, this  retired  bureaucrats  control   the  whole  administration in  association with  Mr. V.K.Pandian , secretary to CM.

B.     Many  top  bureaucrats  Class-1  officers  most ly  IAS  officers  have been  given  reappointment  for  a particular  period  and granted  extension  time  and  again  for  unknown  period.

C.     The interesting  is  Peon, sweepers, clercks , Chouwkidars  have been  granted  reappointment  in the  same  post  after  their  retirements  for  the  reasons  best known  to  the  appointing  authority.

D.     Many  offices  have not shared  the name of   retired officers  who have  got  reappointment  for  the reasons  best known to them.

I share  few  information   here  for the  reference  of the  readers  to  understand  how  Odisha bureaucracy is running.

1.      Re-engagement  of IAS officers

Sl. No

Name  of the  officer

Date  of  re-engagement


Dept. of General Administration


Dillip Kumar Mohanty, IAS (Retd. )


1 year

Dillip Kumar  Mohanty , IAS (Retd.)


1 year

Dillip Kumar  Mohanty, IAS ( Retd.)


1 year

Dillip Kumar  Mohanty, IAS ( Retd.)


I year


Deepak Kumar Mohanty , IFS ( Retd.)


6 months

Deepak Kumar Mohanty , IFS ( Retd.)


6 months

Deepak Kumar Mohanty , IFS ( Retd.)


3 months

Deepak Kumar Mohanty , IFS ( Retd.)


3 months

Deepak Kumar Mohanty , IFS ( Retd.)


3 months

Deepak Kumar Mohanty , IFS ( Retd.)


3 months

Deepak Kumar Mohanty , IFS ( Retd.)


3 months

Deepak Kumar Mohanty , IFS ( Retd.)


0ne year


Mr. R. Balakrishnan, IAS ( Retd.)


For unknown  period.


Hemant Kumar  Padhi, IAS ( Retd.)


2 years


Biswanath Acharya, IAS ( Retd.)


6 months


Tribikram Pradhan, IAS (Retd.)


1 year


Hari Ballav Mishra, IAS ( Retd.)


3 months


Pradipta Kumar Mohapatra, IAS ( Retd.)


1 year


Raj kishor  Choudhury, IAS ( Retd.)


For unknown period


Sreekant Kabi, IAS ( Retd.)


For Unknown period


Dr.A.B.Otta, IAS (Retd.)  ( SC &ST Dept)


4 years


Chudamani Seth , IAS ( Retd.)  ( S&ME Dept.)


2 years





Department  of Forest & Environment


Sri K.C. Mishra, retired CF

Reappointed  as Consultant Grade-1



Sri Ashok Kumar Das, Retd. ACF

Consultant Grade B



Sri Narendra Kumar  Nayak

Reappointed  as  Consultant Grade-B


Dept. of  School and Mass  Education


 Binod Bihari Mohanty , OAS ( Retd.)

1.12.2017 to 7.2.20



Padma Lochan Behera , OAS ( Retd.)

1.1.2018 to 11.2.20

 2 years


Sribasta Kumar Jena, OAS ( Retd.)

1.12.2017 to 30.11.20

3 years


Khagendra Kumar Padhi , OAS ( Retd.)

1.5.2018 to 30.4.2021

3 years

Works  Department


Nalini Kanta Pradhan , EX-E.I.C ( Retd.)

1.4.2018 to 28.2.2019



Bharat Ch. Behera, Ex-Under Secretary


For Unknown period









2.      The Sc and ST  Tribes Research & Training Institute  has reengaged 6 retired  Officers  as Officer on Special Duty ( OSD).

3.      20 retired  Class-1 officers  have been appointed  as  Consultant  in Dept. of Water Resources , Govt. of Odisha

4.      96  retired  Officers  and employees  ( Pump helper, driver, electrician Amin, Daftari )  have been  reappointed   in  the  office  of IDCO, Bhubaneswar.

5.      42  retired  officers, employers, police  have been  reengaged  in the  office of Shri Jagannath Templke Administration, Puri

6.      Besides that  so many  retired  officers  and  employees  have been reengaged  in all departments  and subordinate  offices.

Pradip Pradhan


Date- 1.11.20


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Persistent Denial of information about Procurement of COVID materials by the Nabin Patnaik Govt.


Persistent Denial of information about Procurement of COVID materials   by the  Nabin Patnaik Govt.   claimed  to be Transparent

Dear  friends

The  issue  of corruption  and irregularities  in procurement  of COVID  Mask, PPE KIT, ventilator etc. by  the  officials  of  Govt. of Odisha  was raised  in media  and  the  Opposition political  parties  demanding  inquiry  into it.  Though  Sri  Naba Kishor  Das, Minister  for Health  and Family  Welfare  and Mr.  Sasmit  Patra , Spokesperson  of  ruling  party  Biju Janata Dal  came out  certain clarification  denying  all  charges of  corruption   in  impromptu  press meets  organized  in  Bhubaneswar, it  could  not  satisfy  the  people at large. Satya Prakash  Nayak, eminent  Journalist   technically  countered   with  all facts and figures  to the  clarification given by the  Ruling  party and substantiated  the   allegation of   loot of huge money  in procurement  by Hemant Sharma.  

 1. In  the  midst  of  allegation and  counter-allegation  between Ruling party  and the opposition parties , RTI Application  dt. 4.5.20  was filed  in the   Department  of Health and Family  Welfare, Govt. of Odisha  seeking  the  following  information.   

  i.   Provide    COPY of minutes of meeting of Emergency purchasing Committee held  from day one after declaration of COVID Lockdown till 15th may, 2020 for procurement of various materials.

ii. Provide copy of letter for appointing Hemant Sharma as Procurement officer for COVID 19 and  copy of Govt. order issued  in this regard.

iii. Copy of guideline/ instruction/ circular issued in respect of purchase of items with specification  that is to be purchased  and procedure  to be followed.

iv. Provide details of  specification of  equipment invited by Govt.  and copy  of  purchasing order  and  details of equipment already purchased  with  name  of the  companies  which  supplied. 

 2. The PIO  took around one month  (  violation of  section 6(3)  of the RTI Act)  to  forward  the RTI  Application  to the  PIO, office  of Odisha State Medical Corporation, Bhubaneswar  to supply the  information which was received on 10.6.20. The  PIO  is supposed  to provide the  information by 10.7.20.

 3. The  PIO  did  not  respond RTI  Application. On 29.6.20, I filed first appeal  to  the First Appellate Authority of OSMCL   to hear  my  case  and direct  the PIO  to supply  the  information.

 4. On 6.7.20, the PIO of OSMCL  wrote  a letter  stating  that  due to COVID  pandemic  situation,  he  requires  additional time of  30 days  to supply  the  information.


5. On 10.8.20 , the  PIO wrote  another  letter seeking another  30 days  time  to supply  the  information.


6. On 7.9.20., the First Appellate Authority  heard  the  case  and directed  the  PIO  to supply  the  complete  information free  of cost   within one month  without  delay  and also warned the PIO  to   respond RTI queries  properly. 

7..On 7.10.20 , the PIO  supplied  the  information which  was found incomplete.  The PIO has  supplied  just  copy  of  few   circulars  issued by  the  Govt. of Odisha and Govt. of India in context  of the  procurement of COVID materials , but   did  not  supply the  following  information  nor cited  any  reasons  for  non-supply  of the  information.

i.                    Provide    COPY of minutes of meeting of Emergency purchasing Committee held from day one after declaration of COVID Lockdown till 15th may, 2020 for procurement of various materials.

ii.                  Provide details of specification of equipment invited by Govt.  and copy  of  purchasing order  and  details of equipment already purchased  with  name  of the  companies  which  supplied. 

The State  Government  has been  constantly  refuting  the  allegation  of corruption  in  procurement  and  asserting  that  utmost  transparency  has been maintained  and due  procedure  has been followed  for  procurement  of the COVID materials. If  it is fact, why  the  same  office  is denying  the  information and keeping  the documents  in secret . It  is presumed  from this  correspondence  that  there  is huge  corruption  in procurement  for  which  an ordinary  PIO despite  order of the First Appellate Authority is denying  the information under RTI  Act.  I also got  astonished  how  a Govt. masterminding  the  corruption and looting  public money    still  claims  a transparent Govt.

 Pradip Pradhan


Date- 20.10.20


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

KIMS received Rs. 40 crores for Management of COVID Hospital in 4 districts of Odisha


KIMS received Rs. 40 crores for Management of COVID Hospital in 4 districts of Odisha


Dear friends

On 3.9.20., RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, office  of  Odisha Mining  Corporation, Bhubaneswar  seeking  the  following  information

i. Provide    details of  fund released with date for different COVID hospitals  of different districts by OMC  with  copy  of letter  issued  in this regard.

ii. Provide  details of  amount  of  money  paid  against  claim settlement made  by COVID  Hospitals  for treatment of patients and copy of letter  issued  in  this  regard.


On 15.10.20., the PIO  has  supplied the  following information.

OMC supported  for   establishment,  management, operation of  COVID 19  hospital

 Name  of the Institution

Amount  released ( Rs.)

Date  of release

KIMS Hospital , Bhubaneswar

12.35 crore


4.92 crore


1.8422 crore


KIMS, Kondhamal

5.2125 crore


KIMS, Bolangir

6.48  crore


KIMS, Mayurbhanj

8.34 crore



39.1447 crore


ASWANI Hospital, Cuttack

7.7285 crore

April  to August, 20

CDMO, Dhenkanal

Rs. 1 crore


CDMO, Puri

Rs. 2 crore


CDMO, Kalahandi

Rs. 3 crore




This is the advance money released by OMC. No money has been paid  against the  claim settlement    made  by  COVID  hospitals.


Pradip Pradhan


Date- 19.10.20