Sunday, August 30, 2020

Loan amount of Rs. 10695.00 crore mobilized by Govt. of Odisha

Loan amount of Rs. 10695.00  crore  mobilized by Govt. of Odisha  during period  of COVID Pandemic
( From March to August , 2020 )

Dear friends
On 23.7.20., RTI Application was submitted to the PIO, Dept. of Finance, Govt. of Odisha seeking   the following information.

A.      Provide information details of  loan  mobilized  by Govt. of Odisha  from various  sources.
B.      Details of loan  amount  disbursed  to  various  departments .
C.      Details  of  fund available  in State  Contingency Fund .

On 24.8.20, the  PIO  has  supplied  the  information which is as follows.

Sl. No.
Source of  loan  mobilized
Amount ( in Crores)
Govt. of India
Open market
Rural Electrification  Corporation  and  others
Provident  Fund (NET)


2. The PIO  has stated  that   loan amount  is  not  distributed  among various  depts.. 

3. On 5.8.20, the PIO  has  provided  that  total amount  of Rs. 1958.61  crores  is available in State  Contingency  Fund. 

Pradip Pradhan
Date- 30.8.20 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Arbitrary Disposal of Case by Sashiprava Bindhani,SIC

Arbitrary Disposal of Case by Sashiprava Bindhani, retired SIC of  Odisha

Dear friends

 Sri Hrushikesh Tripathy, a native of Thakurmunda block of  Mayurbhanj  district  had  filed  RTI Application  dt. 19.9.2018 to the PIO-cum- Managing  Director, LAMPS , Thakurmunda  , Mayurbhanj  district  seeking  information about details of  procedure  followed for  appointment  of staff  in LAMPS.  It needs to be mentioned here that there  was  illegal appointment  by MD, LAMPS  violating  Govt.  procedure  and guidelines.   RTI was   used  to bring  to limelight  the illegalities  in the appointment  process.  On 16.10.18,  the PIO  wrote a letter  asking him to deposit  Rs. 1,50,000.00  towards  cost of the  information.  Being aggrieved by the  decision of the PIO,  Sri Tripathy  filed  first appeal dt. 24.10.18  to the First Appellate Authority   to   hear  the appeal petition and  give him justice.  The  FAA  did  not hear  the  case . Then  he  filed  Second Appeal dt.  6.12.2018   before   Odisha Information Commission  for inquiry  into the matter  and  provide  information free of cost.   

 The   Second  appeal  petition registered  as SA  3238/18    was  heard  by Sashiprava Bindhani , State  Information Commissioner  on 20.12.19 at Camp Court held  at Baripada, district  headquarter  of Mayurbhanj district.   Though Hrushikesh attended the  hearing, neither the PIO nor FAA attended  the  hearing.  Mrs. Bindhani  issued  show cause  notice to the PIO and FAA , LAMPCS  to  appear  in person on 11.3.20. Both of them appeared before  the  Commission  on that day and  submitted  their  written memorandum which  was handed over  to the appellant  for submission of discrepancy, if any.  During  hearing   Hrushikesh objected   and appraised  the  commission that  the  written memorandum  given to him did not  carry  any  information sought for.  The  Commission  observed   that the said  information  would  be  available  under  section 4 (1)(b)  of the RTI Act  and directed  the PIO  to  comply  it  and indicate  which information are available  under  section 4  of the RTI Act.

Despite  order  of the  Commission, the  PIO  and the First Appellate Authority  neither  complied nor provided  any information nor  web-hosted information in their website .  As  Mrs. Sashiprava Bindhani, SIC  is about  to retire  in the month of June, 20,   she   hurriedly  conducted  hearing  of the  case on 4.6.20 without  any intimation to the appellant  and  PIO  and issued  direction to the PIO     to comply the  direction of the  Commission as stated above within  one month and closed  the  case.

Though two months  passed, the  PIO neither  complied   direction  of the  Commission  nor  provided any  information to the  information-seekers.  The  Appellant  Sri Hrushikesh  took  all pains    of three  years  to get  the  information.  His  struggle  ended  in fiasco, as  the  Commission  closed  the  case  without  ensuring  the  information.  As  general practice  prevails  in the office of Odisha  Information  Commission,   the  Commission can not  close the  case  without  ensuring  the  information.  Now  the  appellant  was left  in hopeless  world  and  new  he  has to  renew  his  struggle   again from scratch  to get  the  information in order  to expose  corruption and irregularities  in LAMPS.

 Sri Hrushikesh  Tripathy  can be contacted  in M- 8328905766

Pradip Pradhan
Date- 11.8.20 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Complaint cases heard and disposed by the Lokayukta, Odisha

Complaint cases   heard  and disposed  by  the Lokayukta, Odisha
( Upto February  ,2020)

Dear friends

RTI Application was submitted  to the PIO, office  of Lokayukta, Odisha, Bhubaneswar  seeking   the  following information upto February, 2020  .

i.     total  no. of  cases  earlier filed  in Lokpal  which were  transferred  to  Lokayukta for  adjudication and  total of same  cases   already  disposed.
ii. Provide  total no. of cases  filed  in Lokayukta  after  its constitution  and disposed (  month-wise).
iii. Provide  total no. of cases  in which  final order  has been passed.
iv. Provide  total no. of cases  still pending  for  disposal by Feb. 2020.

On 17.3.20, the PIO provided the  information which is  as follows.

1.      Total 118  cases  which were  filed  in the Lokpal earlier  was  transferred  to the  Lokayukta, Odisha  as  per section 60   of the  Odisha lokayukta Act. Out  of it, the Lokayukta has  disposed 111 cases and  7  cases pending .
2.      Details of  Complaint  cases  filed  and disposed by the Lokayukta  from April, 2019  to February, 20  is as  follows. ( Month-wise)
Cases  filed
 Cases  disposed  off
April, 19
May, 19
June 19
July, 19
August, 19
September, 19
October, 19
November, 19
December, 19
January, 20
February, 20

3.      Total No. of 713  cases  are  pending  for  disposal.

Santosh Mohanty
Advocate  and RTI Activist
Date- 8.8.20
M- 9337029395