Sunday, June 2, 2019

46 First Appeals filed in different Public Authorities in May, 2019

46 First  Appeals  filed in  different  Public Authorities  in May, 2019 under  section 19 (1)  of  the RTI Act

{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act
Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office of  Collector, Gajapati

1. Full name of Appellant                                   : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                       : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, office of  Collector, Gajapati  
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against          order dt. 23.2.19 received  on 30.2.19
5. Last date of filing appeal           Can not say             
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required   
Human causalities due to Titili cyclone
7. The ground for appeal
 I had  filed RTI application to  PIO, office of Collector, Gajapati  seeking information about Details of human causalities due to Titili cyclone. The PIO forwarded RTI Application to the PIO, office of District Child Protection Unit, Paralakhemundi to supply  the information. On 23.2.19, the PIO, DCPU supplied  some information but denied the following information, as it is not available.
A.      information about details of  human causalities ( death ) due to Titili cyclone  in the  district with name, village and block.
B.     Details  of  fund sanctioned for relief and rehabilitation  of the cyclone-affected and  fund utilized  under different head till yet.
So, I request  the FAA  to hear  my case and direct the PIO to supply the  information free of cost.   .
I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:       10.5.19    
a.       RTI Application 
b.      Letter  of PIO, DCPU 

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
Office of     Collector, Gajapati

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:  Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name    Nalu Pradhan
3. Permanent Address:  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:       human causalities due to Titili cyclone
b. The period of which the information         2018
c. Specific details of information required 
 i. Provide information about details of  human causalities ( death ) due to Titili cyclone  in the  district with name, village and block.
ii. provide name  of  the  children who  have lost  their parents  due to titili cyclone.
iii. provide  details  of  fund sanctioned for relief and rehabilitation  of the cyclone-affected and  fund utilized  under different head till yet.  
d. Whether the information is required by post or person    post  
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)      speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date        9.1.19                                                                              Address

                                                    Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                              Full signature of Public information  Officer


{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office  of IDCO, Bhubaneswar 

1. Full name of Appellant                                   : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                       : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO,  Office of IDCO, Bhubaneswar 
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against           No order received
5. Last date of filing appeal           Can not say             
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required  
  land leased  out  to ODM Public School , Bhubaneswar  and Child Care Educational Development Foundation Trust, Bhubaneswar
  7. The ground for appeal

On 20.3.19  I had  filed RTI application to  PIO,  office of IDCO, Bhubaneswar  seeking information about :     land leased  out  to ODM Public School , Bhubaneswar  and Child Care Educational Development Foundation Trust, Bhubaneswar. Though 30 days passed, the PIO had not supplied any information.  

So, I request  the FAA  to hear  my case and direct the PIO to supply the  information free of cost.   .

I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:       24.5.19
RTI Application 

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act

The Public Information Officer                                                                       
 Department of  IDCO
IDCO Tower, Bhubaneswar

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:  Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name    Nalu Pradhan
3. Permanent Address:  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:     land leased  out  to ODM Public School , Bhubaneswar  and Child Care Educational Development Foundation Trust, Bhubaneswar   
b. The period of which the information         upto 2018   
c. Specific details of information required 
i. Provide      information about  details of  land leased  out  to ODM Public School , Bhubaneswar  and Child Care Educational Development Foundation Trust, Bhubaneswar    and cost  of land  deposited   by them .
ii. Provide  copy  of   land lease  agreement  signed  with ODM Public school  and  Child Care Educational Development Foundation Trust, Bhubaneswar   
d. Whether the information is required by post or person    post 
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)    Speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
 D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date       20.3.19                                                                                         Address

                                                    Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                              Full signature of Public information  Officer

{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office of Superintendent Engineer,  Ret Irrigation Project, Bhawani patna
Dist-Kalahandi, Pin- 766001

1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO,  Office of Superintendent Engineer,  Ret Irrigation Project, Bhawani patna, Dist-Kalahandi, Pin- 766001
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against           No order received
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required  
 Details of Ret Irrigation Project
7. The ground for appeal

On 19.2.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  PIO,  office of   Water  Resources, Govt. of Odisha   seeking  information about Details of Ret Irrigation Project. RTI application was transferred to the PIO, office of  Chief Engineer, Water  Resources  which was  again transferred  dated 2.3.19 to  the PIO , office  of Superintendent Engineer,  Ret Irrigation Project, Bhawani patna, Dist-Kalahandi, Pin- 766001 to provide  information.   Though 30 days passed, the PIO had not supplied any information.  

So, I request  the FAA  to hear  my case and direct the PIO to supply the  information free of cost.   .

I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:       24.5.19
RTI Application 
Copy  of  forwarding letter
{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
 Office  of Vice-Chancellor
Ravenshaw University, Cuttack

1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan  
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, Bhubaneswar-751023
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Office  of Vice-Chancellor, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack
  4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against            order  received   18.4.19 
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required   
 Conferment of D.Litt Honoris Causa in the Convocation held on 5th Feb. 2019.   
   7. The ground for appeal
  On 18.2.19, I had  filed RTI Application to  the PIO ,  Ravenshaw University, Cuttack  seeking information about  Conferment of D.Litt Honoris Causa in the Convocation held on 5th Feb. 2019 On 15.4.19., the PIO  has  denied  to provide  the  information mentioning confidential. In fact,  after enactment  of RTI Act,  the word” confidential, very  confidential” has  been withdrawn  from  Govt. files. The PIO  can deny the  information citing  the reason   under  section 8  and 9  of the RTI Act. While  rejecting  my RTI Application, the PIO must  explain  in details of reasons  why  the said information  could not  be provided  citing  the ground under RTI Act.  But  the PIO  has whimsically   denied  the  information and violated the RTI Act. The information sought  for can never  be confidential nor denied  under any section of RTI Act.  The law  has been made  to enforce  transparency  and accountability  in the administration as well as to check  corruption and irregularities  in the system.
So, I request you to  hear  my case  and direct  the PIO to supply  the  information free of cost.  

I, Pradip Pradhan son of  Nalu Pradhan   hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.
Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:      30.4.19    
Annexture:   RTI Application 

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
  Office of  Vice Chancellor
Ravenshaw  University , Cuttack

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:   Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name      Nalu Pradhan 
3. Permanent Address:    Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-R ail Vihar, Bhubaneswar -751023
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:              Conferment of D.Litt Honoris Causa in the Convocation held on 5th Feb. 2019.   
b. The period of which the information                2018  and 2019      
c. Specific details of information required 
i.    provide     name  of the persons  whose name was presented  in the Executive Council  for Conferment of D.Litt Honoris Causa.
ii. Provide  name of the persons whose names were recommended  by the  Executive Council and Vice-Chancellor  for the said award  along with  copy of their  CV/ Biodatta/ citation  submitted  by reach of them.
iii. Provide copy  of the letter  of the Vice chancellor addressed to Chancellor  along  with  the recommendation and  copy of the file noting  with regard  to final selection made.
iv. Provide  name of persons  who were  conferred award.
v. Provide  information about  the provision, if any  is  prescribed by the Govt.  for seeking  consent  of the person  proposed  for the award
 d. Whether the information is required by post or person     post   
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)      speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
  As mentioned above
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                 Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date           18.2.19                                                                                     Address
Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                                       Full signature of Public information  Officer

{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office  of  PD, DRDA, Balasore 

1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO,  Office of  Project  Director, DRDA, Balasore 
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against           No order received
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required  
Yuba Samabesh  of Biju Yuva Vahini  organized in Balasore  on 13.2.19
7. The ground for appeal

On 19.2.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  PIO,  office of  Collector, Puri   seeking information about Yuba Samabesh  of Biju Yuva Vahini  organized in Balasore  on 13.2.19. The PIO  forwarded my RTI Application to the PIO, office of Biju Yuva Vahini, DRDA, Balasore to provide  information.  Though two months  passed, the PIO had not supplied any information.  

So, I request  the FAA  to hear  my case and direct the PIO to supply the  information free of cost.   .

I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:       24.5.19
RTI Application 

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
  Office of   The Collector , Balasore

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:   Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name      Nalu Pradhan 
3. Permanent Address:    Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-R ail Vihar, Bhubaneswar -751023
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:               Yuba Samabesh  of Biju Yuva Vahini  organized in Balasore  on 13.2.19
b. The period of which the information  relates               2018  and 2019      
c. Specific details of information required 
i.    provide      information about  total fund earmarked  by the administration for  this Samabesh  in Balasore  and source of fund sanctioned for it.
ii. Provide  information about total fund utilized  under  different  heads  during this programme.
iii. Provide name of the agencies  or   organizations entrusted  to carry out  this  task
 d. Whether the information is required by post or person     post   
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)      speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
  As mentioned above
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                 Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date           19.2.19                                                                                     Address
Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                                       Full signature of Public information  Officer


{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act
Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office of   Block Development Officer, Ersama Block
Jagatsingh Pur district

1. Full name of Appellant                                    : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                        : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Office of   Block Development Officer, Ersama Block, Jagatsingh Pur district
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against          No order received
5. Last date of filing appeal            Can not say              
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required   
Details of  forest land granted  to individuals  and Community  of Dhinkia and Nuagaon Gram Panchayat  of Ersama block  under Forest Rights Act
 7. The ground for appeal
 I had  filed RTI application to  PIO, office of Collector,  Jagatsingh Pur  seeking information about Details of  forest land granted  to individuals  and Community  of Dhinkia and Nuagaon Gram Panchayat  of Ersama block  under Forest Rights Act.  On 19.1.19, the PIO  transferred my RTI Application to the PIO, Office of BDO, Ersama to supply the information. Though 30 days passed, the PIO did not supply any information.

So, I request  the FAA  to hear  my case and direct the PIO to supply the  information free of cost.   .
I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:       10.5.19    
  1. RTI Application 
  2. Letter  of PIO,  office of Collector, Jagatsingh Pur

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
Office of Collector, Jagatsingh Pur    

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:   Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name      Nalu Pradhan 
3. Permanent Address:    Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-R ail Vihar, Bhubaneswar -751023
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:               details of  forest land granted  to individuals  and Community  of Dhinkia and Nuagaon Gram Panchayat  of Ersama block  under Forest Rights Act
b. The period of which the information               from 2014 to  2018 
c. Specific details of information required 
i.    provide     information about   name  of  applicants  applied  for  individual  forest rights claim  , date  of application  of  both these Panchayats
ii. Provide  details of  Community forest rights   claim applied   of  both  these Gram Panchayts  under  forest rights  Act
iii. Provide  information about  details of decision  taken  at administration level  in terms of granting  forest  rights  claim  to  the  individuals  and Community.  Copy of decision  to be supplied.
iv. Provide copy  of Gram sabha resolution made    in Dhinkia and Nuagaon GP  in 2014  in respect  of forest rights Act
v. Provide  information in which  office  their applications are pending and reason thereof.
 d. Whether the information is required by post or person     post   
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)     speed
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
 As mentioned above
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                 Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date         4.1.19                                                                            Address
Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                                       Full signature of Public information  Officer
{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office  of  Block Education Officer, Marshaghai  Block

1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan  
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, Bhubaneswar-751023
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Office  of  Block Education Officer, Marshaghai  Block
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against          No order received
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required  
Irregularities and misappropriation of 14 lakhs of SSA fund  in Udayatata Higher Primary School , Bhagaban Pur  of Marshaghai Block of Kendrapara district.   
7. The ground for appeal
 On 4.1.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  the PIO,  office  of Collector, Kendrapara seeking information about  Irregularities and misappropriation of 14 lakhs of SSA fund  in Udayatata Higher Primary School , Bhagaban Pur  of Marshaghai Block of Kendrapara district.    RTI Application was transferred to office of SAA, Kendrapara  which was  again transferred to PIO, Office of BEO, Marshaghai block on 28.1.19.  Though 4 months  passed, the PIO  has not  supplied  any  information.

I request  you  to  hear my appeal  petition and direct the PIO  to   supply the  information free of cost.


I, Pradip Pradhan son of  Nalu Pradhan   hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.
Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:       27.5.19     
Annexture:   RTI Application 

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act

The Public Information Officer                                                                       
Office of Collector, Kendrapara

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:   Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name      Nalu Pradhan 
3. Permanent Address:    Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-R ail Vihar, Bhubaneswar -751023
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:              Irregularities and misappropriation of 14 lakhs of SSA fund  in Udayatata Higher Primary School , Bhagaban Pur  of Marshaghai Block of Kendrapara district.   
b. The period of which the information               from 2016 to 2018 
c. Specific details of information required 
i.    provide  information about   details of action taken  including copy of file  noting  on  the  complaint  lodged by Kalandi Nayak on 31.5.2016  in respect  of Irregularities and misappropriation of 14 lakhs of SSA fund  in Udayatata Higher Primary School , Bhagaban Pur  of Marshaghai Block of Kendrapara district.   
ii. Has  the Govt.  conducted  inquiry, if  so  please provide  copy of  inquiry  report  and action, if any  taken  against  anybody  involved  in this irregularities.
 d. Whether the information is required by post or person     post   
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)     speed
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
 As mentioned above
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                 Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date         4.1.19                                                                            Address
Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                                       Full signature of Public information  Officer


{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
 Dept. of Commerce & Transport (Commerce) Department

1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan  
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, Bhubaneswar-751023
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Dept. of Commerce & Transport ( Commerce) Department, Bhubaneswar
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against            order  received  10.3.19
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required   
 Setting  up of Suvarnarekha  Port at Chaumukha, Baliapal of Balasore  district
   7. The ground for appeal
  On 15.2.19, I had  filed RTI Application to  the PIO , Dept. of Commerce & Transport ( Commerce) Department, Bhubaneswar  seeking information about  setting  up of Suvarnarekha  Port at Chaumukha, Baliapal of Balasore  district . On 7.3.19, the PIO provided incomplete information and denied to provide some information   on the ground of section 8 (1(d) of the RTI Act. Astonishingly, the PIO  has not  explained  in details  how  this information is exempted  under  section 8(1)(d) of the Act. Secondly, the  information sought  for  relates  to State  Govt. not  about  private  parties, their  trades or  commercial business. When the  resources  of the state  is mortgaged or leased out or made for business,  the  citizens i.e., owner  of the resources  must  have right to know  the  details of decision taken in this  regard.  Even if it  must  be disclosed  in the public interest, as the  people  have right to know what  is going  to happen there  and who will do what there  at Subarnarekha.   
So, I request you to seek details of  reasons/ ground  taken  by the PIO and  provide  the said  information in the interest  of the public. 

I, Pradip Pradhan son of  Nalu Pradhan   hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.
Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:      25.4.19    
Annexture:   RTI Application 

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
  Department of   Commerce  and Transport

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:   Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name      Nalu Pradhan 
3. Permanent Address:    Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-R ail Vihar, Bhubaneswar -751023
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:              setting  up of Suvarnarekha  Port at Chaumukha, Baliapal of Balasore  district
b. The period of which the information              2018    and 2019   
c. Specific details of information required 
i.  Provide  copy  of all correspondence  of State  Govt.  made with  Tata Steel for  establishment  of Subarnarekha Port  at Baliapal 
ii. Provide  copy of decision taken  at Govt. level  for  establishment  of  Subarnrekha  Port  including  copy of the file  noting.
iii. Provide  copy  of agreement  signed with Tata Steel  for  setting up  Subarnarekha  Port  and date of signing  of agreement  and name of the officers  executed  and  name of officers  present  in the meeting.
 iv. Provide  details of payment  made  to each media house   for  publication of advertisement on 13.2.19
 d. Whether the information is required by post or person     post   
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)     speed post  
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
 Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-R ail Vihar, Bhubaneswar -751023
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                 Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date         14.1.19                                                                                       Address
Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                                       Full signature of Public information  Officer

{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act
Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur
1st Appellate Authority
Office  of   Collector, Khurda 
1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Office of   DWO, Khurda  
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against          order  dt. 27.3.19 received  on  30.3.19
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required   
Functioning of Child Care  Institutions in Khurda  district
7. The ground for appeal
On 22.1.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  the PIO,   Office of  Collector, Khurda    seeking information about details of  functioning of Child Care  Institutions  in Khurda  district. On 27.3.19, the PIO, office of DWO, Khurda has supplied me information which was  found incomplete.  I present herewith the following points for conducting inquiry  into  it .

A.  The PIO has provided copy of visiting report of officials about KISS, Bhubaneswar. But  this  is only  a format  filled up  by  the official.  There is no information about details of their inspection and views on functioning  of the  officials. The  information  was also found incomplete  as there is no signature of  visiting  official at the end of report. The PIO  has manipulated  it  by giving only  front page  of report.  I am under impression, the PIO and other officials  of  office of Collector, Khurda  are  working  as agent  of KISS ,  not  public servant of the state .
B.  So  I request  you  to conduct  thorough  inquiry  into it  and how the DWO, Khurda  has provided half  information (  only front  page  of   the  report) and conspiracy  about  it. As  I know KISS  of Achyut Samant  is most  corrupt  institution in our state and involved in lot of irregularities  which has been  brought  to  the  notice  of the people  by Child Welfare  Committee, Khurda. DWO, Khurda  is   influenced  to  keep  information secret.
C.  I request FAA  to  provide  me  complete  information.
I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:  4.4.19        

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                     
Office  of Collector, Khurda

   1.   Full Name of the Applicant:  Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name    Nalu Pradhan
3. Permanent Address:  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:   Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:        Functioning of Child Care  Institutions
b. The period of which the information         upto 2018-19 
c. Specific details of information required 
 i.   Provide  list  of Child  Care  Institutions, tribal  hostels   functioning and managed  by Govt. , NGOs  in the district  and name of NGOs  managing it , year of beginning  of  functioning of these  Institutions and no. of children  housed  in each  institution in the present day ( institution-wise).
ii. Provide  list  of Child  Care  Institutions, tribal  hostels   functioning and managed  by Govt. , NGOs  in the district  which  have been registered by district administration  under  Juvenile Justice Act
iii. Provide  copy  of the  monitoring report , if  any submitted  by office of   DWO or Collector  or any office of the district  about  functioning  of Child  Care Institutions , tribal hostels of the district and action taken on the report ( from 2015-16  to 2018-19).
iv. Provide  information about date  of which  the DWO or Collector or any  officials of the office of DWO  visited   tribal hostels  and  copy of any report  submitted  by them ( from 2015-16 to 2018-19) 
v. Provide details of  Child sexual abuse  and Child rape  cases identified / reported  in tribal hostels  and Child Care  Institutions, date of  incident , name of  institution / tribal Hostels, year  of incident ( from 2015-16 to 2018-19)
vi. Provide  details of action taken  against  the teachers or non-teaching staff or Govt. officials  involved  in child sexual abuse or  child rape cases. 
vii. Provide  details of  compensation paid  to  the  victims of  child rape and  child sexual abuse , name of the  relatives of the victim, address and amount paid, year of payment. 
d. Whether the information is required by post or person    post
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)     speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date       22.1.19                                                                        Address

                                                    Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office  of  Collector, Ganjam
Chhatrapur, Ganjam 

1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO,  Office of  Collector, Ganjam 
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against           No order received
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required  
 Details of expenses  during  visit  of Chief Minister  to Ganjam  district  to inaugurate  various projects
7. The ground for appeal

On 19.2.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  PIO,  office of  Collector, Ganjam  seeking  information about Details of expenses  during  visit  of Chief Minister  to Ganjam  district  to inaugurate  various projects.   Though 30 days passed, the PIO had not supplied any information.  

So, I request  the FAA  to hear  my case and direct the PIO to supply the  information free of cost.   .

I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:       24.5.19
RTI Application 

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
  Office of   The Collector ,  Ganjam

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:   Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name      Nalu Pradhan 
3. Permanent Address:    Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-R ail Vihar, Bhubaneswar -751023
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:                Details of expenses  during  visit  of Chief Minister  to Ganjam  district  to inaugurate  various projects
b. The period of which the information  relates               2018  and 2019      
c. Specific details of information required 
i.    provide      information about  total fund earmarked  by the administration for  this Chief Minister programme and source of fund sanctioned for it.
ii. Provide  information about total fund utilized  under  different  heads  during this programme.
iii. Provide name of the agencies  or   organizations entrusted  to carry out  this  task
 d. Whether the information is required by post or person     post   
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)      speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
  As mentioned above
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                 Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date           19.2.19                                                                                     Address
Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                                       Full signature of Public information  Officer


{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act
Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office of  District Child Protection Unit, Gajapati

1. Full name of Appellant                                    : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                        : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Office of  District Child Protection Unit, Gajapati
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against          order dt. 23.2.19 received  on 30.2.19
5. Last date of filing appeal            Can not say              
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required   
Human causalities due to Titili cyclone
7. The ground for appeal
 I had  filed RTI application to  PIO, office of Collector, Gajapati  seeking information about Details of human causalities due to Titili cyclone. The PIO forwarded RTI Application to the PIO, office of District Child Protection Unit, Paralakhemundi to supply  the information. On 23.2.19, the PIO, DCPU supplied  some information but denied  on  the ground of section 74 of Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 and Sub-section 1(g) of section of 8 of the RTI Act.
The reason  cited above in respect of denial of information  is unwarranted  on the following grounds
A.       The provision 74 of Juvenile Justice Act  is obsolete  as per section 22  of the RTI Act in respect of disclosure of information.
B.      This information is not exempted under section 8(1)(g) of the RTI Act, as the citizens have right to know  about  the children who are orphaned , name of the parents who died , name of the village, GP and Block . Unless it is disclosed , how could we trust  that who are orphaned and not orphaned.  The PIO is required  to cite details of reasons how it will come under exempted category of RTI Act.
C.      PIO has not supplied  the name of Child Care Institutions where they were rehabilitated.
So, I request  the FAA  to hear  my case and direct the PIO to supply the  information free of cost.   .
I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:       10.5.19    
c.       RTI Application 
d.      Letter  of PIO, DCPU 

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
Office of     Collector, Gajapati

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:  Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name    Nalu Pradhan
3. Permanent Address:  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:       human causalities due to Titili cyclone
b. The period of which the information         2018
c. Specific details of information required 
 i. Provide information about details of  human causalities ( death ) due to Titili cyclone  in the  district with name, village and block.
ii. provide name  of  the  children who  have lost  their parents  due to titili cyclone.
iii. provide  details  of  fund sanctioned for relief and rehabilitation  of the cyclone-affected and  fund utilized  under different head till yet.  
d. Whether the information is required by post or person    post  
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)      speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date        9.1.19                                                                              Address

                                                    Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                              Full signature of Public information  Officer


{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office  of   Odia Virtual Academy
OCAC Building, Acharya Vihar,  Bhubaneswar
1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Office  of   Odia Virtual Academy
OCAC Building, Bhubaneswar
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against           No order  received 
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required
   Functioning of  Odia Virtual Academy (OVA)
7. The ground for appeal
 On 1.4.19., I had  filed RTI Application to  the PIO, Department of Electronics and  Information Technology
 Govt of Odisha seeking  information about  Functioning of  Odia Virtual Academy (OVA).   On 17.4.19., the PIO  forwarded  RTI Application  to the Secretary, OVA to provide  information. Though 30 days passed ,  the PIO  has  not supplied  any information. I request  you  to hear  the case and  direct  the PIO  to supply  the information free of cost.

I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:  23.5.19        

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                                   
  Department of Electronics and  Information Technology
 Govt of Odisha
1.   Full Name of the Applicant:   Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name      Nalu Pradhan 
3. Permanent Address:    Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-R ail Vihar, Bhubaneswar -751023
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:           Functioning of  Odia Virtual Academy (OVA)
b. The period of which the information              upto 2019.     
c. Specific details of information required 
 1.  Provide  details of name  of  librarians  recruited  and appointed  to handle digital library of OVA and  date  of their  appointment  and  copy  of their  job chart.
2.  Provide  name  of the  officers  or  Institutions or  academicians (along with  their  qualification  and expertise)  managing  OVA  and  details of  decision taken   in this  regard.
3. Provide  details of  budgetary  allocation made  for OVA  and  expenditure  made  under  different heads  (  ywear-wise).
4. Provide  information  about  details of decision taken  by OVA  to   develop a free standardized Odia UNICODE fonts and keyboard for Odisha people. If  not  what  is the  reason.
5. Provide   details of the  people with  their  qualification and expertise  entrusted to develop  virtual academy  and details of fund  spent  for it.
6. Provide  name of educational institutions or  any technical institutions  involved  in developing  virtual academy.
7. Provide  details of procedure  followed  for  selection of  books   by the Academy and who are  the  people  in charge  of it , their  qualification and expertise in it.
 d. Whether the information is required by post or person    post   
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)     speed  
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
 Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-R ail Vihar, Bhubaneswar -751023
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                                                 Pradip Pradhan
Place        Bhubaneswar                                                                                 Full signature
Date         1.4.19                                                                                        Address
Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                                       Full signature of Public information  Officer
{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act
Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Department of   GA  and PG
Govt. of Odisha

1. Full name of Appellant                                    : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                        : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Department of   GA  and PG , Govt. of Odisha
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against           No order received
5. Last date of filing appeal            Can not say              
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required   
Details of  hiring of  helicaptor    for  use  of  Chief Minister, Ministers, officers and others .

7. The ground for appeal

On 23.3,.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  PIO,  Department of   GA  and PG , Govt. of Odisha
seeking information about Details of  hiring of  helicaptor    for  use  of  Chief Minister, Ministers, officers and others.   Though 30 days passed, the PIO had not supplied any information.   

So, I request  the FAA  to hear  my case and direct the PIO to supply the  information free of cost.   .

I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:       10.5.19    
a.       RTI Application 

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
 Department of   GA  and PG
Govt. of Odisha
 1.   Full Name of the Applicant:  Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name    Nalu Pradhan
3. Permanent Address:  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:      Details of  hiring of  helicaptor    for  use  of  Chief Minister, Ministers, officers and others 
b. The period of which the information          from 2016  to Feb. 2018    
c. Specific details of information required 
 i. Provide  total no. of helicopters  hired  by  State  Govt.  for its own use . If the Sttae Govt. has its own helicopter, please  provide  details of it.
ii.  Provide  copy  of  agreement  signed  with  private agency  for hiring  of  helicaptor  and  terms and condition.
iii. Provide  information about  details of  helicaptor  hiring  charge  fixed   by Govt.  and the private  agency  for  use of helicaptor on hour  basis  or daily  basis.
iii. Provide  details of  payment made towards hiring  of helicaptors  with date  of payments.
iv. Provide  details of  use  of helicaptors   by Chief  Minister  as per the  following   format
Place  of visit  by CM
Total hours  calculated

v. Provide  name  of  Ministers and officers  who have  used  helicaptors
d. Whether the information is required by post or person    post 
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)    Speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
 D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date       23.3.19                                                                                         Address

                                                    Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                              Full signature of Public information  Officer

{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act
Pradip Pradhan                                                                                                           Date – 31.5.19
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur
1st Appellate Authority
Department of   GA  and PG
Govt. of Odisha

1. Full name of Appellant                                    : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                        : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Department of   GA  and PG , Govt. of Odisha
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against            order  dated 27.5.19 received on 30.5.19
5. Last date of filing appeal            Can not say              
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required    
   Details of appointment of Lokayukta  in Odisha

7. The ground for appeal

On 23.3,.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  PIO,  Department of   GA  and PG , Govt. of Odisha
seeking information about    Details of appointment  of Lokayukta  in Odisha.    On 27.5.19, the PIO  supplied  only  copy  of Odisha  Lokayukta  Act and denied to  supply  information on the  ground of section 8(1)(e) and (j)  of the RTI Act.

In fact , the  ground  cited  by  the PIO is not  tenable  under RTI Act.  Earlier , the State  Govt.  has  supplied  all the  information with  regard  to  appointment  of  Chairman and Member  of Odisha Human Rights  Commission  and  appointment  of  Odisha Information Commission.  The Supreme  Court  has given a number  of  judgement  to maintain  transparency  in respect  of  appointment  of  Quasi-judicial bodies like  Information Commission, Central Vigilance Commission etc.  the  said  information does not  come under  section 8(1) ( e) , as it  is no way related  to  judiciary  relationship which  implies  to  only  relation of  doctor-patient, lawyer-client  etc.  Here  information has been  given  in context  of  appointment  to serve  for  the  people  and on behalf of the  people.  Personal  information does not  at all warranted,  as   the   selection and  appointment  is made  for the people   and  by the  Govt.  on behalf of the  people , who are master  of the  Country  ( Preamble  of the RTI Act). The citizens have right to know what the procedure  followed, whether is there  any irregularities in appointment  etc.  The PIO  with malafide  intention has  denied  to provide  information under RTI Act.
So, I request  the FAA  to hear  my case and direct the PIO to supply the  information free of cost.   .
I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:       10.5.19    
a.       RTI Application
b.      Copy  of the decision of PIO dated 27.5.19
See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
 Department of   GA  and PG
Govt. of Odisha
 1.   Full Name of the Applicant:  Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name    Nalu Pradhan
3. Permanent Address:  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:      Details of appointment  of Lokayukta  in Odisha
b. The period of which the information         upto March  2019   
c. Specific details of information required 
 i.  Provide  copy  of Odisha  Lokayukta  Act, 2015
ii. Provide  details of  procedure  followed  for  constitution of  search  Committee,   copy of  notification of  constitution of  search  committee, its members  and copy  of the proceedings  of all meetings of search  Committee.
iii. Provide copy  of proceedings  of the meeting  of selection  Committee  for  appointment  of Lokayukta.
iv. Provide  details of  procedure  followed  for  selection of  chairman    of Lokayukta in Odisha and  copy  of decision  taken  finally  to appoint justice  Ajit Singh  as Chairman  of Lokayukta  including  copy of the  file noting.
v. Provide  copy  of  the  appointment  letter   of  Chairman  of  Lokayukta  and date  of appointment.
vi.  Provide  name of the persons  who  have applied   nor  recommended  nor  nominated  for the  post  of  Chairman  and members  of Lokayukta.
vii. Provide  name of  members  of Lokayukta  who  have been selected  by Govt.
d. Whether the information is required by post or person    post 
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)    Speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
 D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date       23.3.19                                                                                         Address

                                                    Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                              Full signature of Public information  Officer


{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office  of HAJ Committee
Old secretariat, Cuttack

1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Office  of HAJ Committee, Old secretariat, Cuttack
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against          No order received 
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required   
 Haj Committee for Muslims
7. The ground for appeal
On 25.2.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  the PIO,   Office of  HAJ Committee, Cuttack       seeking information about  details of  functioning of Haj Committee . Though two months passed, the PIO  did  not  supply  any  information. I request FAA to hear  my case  and direct the PIO  to supply  the information free of cost.

I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:  15.5.19        
Annexture:   RTI Application 

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
 Office  of HAJ Committee
Old secretariat, Cuttack

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:  Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name    Nalu Pradhan
3. Permanent Address:  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:      HAJ Committee  for Muslims
b. The period of which the information         from 2010 to 2018  
c. Specific details of information required 
 i. Provide     information about   year   of  constitution of present HAJ  Committee and its members  and copy of  latest notification for  constitution of HAJ Committee for Muslim.
ii. Provide  information about  details of procedure  followed  for  selection of  chairman and members of HAJ Committee  and constitution of HAJ Committee
iii. Provide  total number of Muslims  registered  for  journey  to HAJ  ( from 2010 to 2018)  year-wise. Iv. Provide details of  functions  of HAJ  Committee
v. Provide  details of  funding  support  provided  by Govt. for  management of HAJ  Committee  and its  utilization ( from 2010 to 2018 ) ( year-wise).
vi. Provide  details of fund  contributed  from other  sources  for HAJ Committee ( from 2010 to 2018 ) ( year-wise).
vii. Provide  details of  support  provided  by Govt.  for HAJ Yatris  ( year-wise ) ( from 2010-2018)

 d. Whether the information is required by post or person    post  
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)      speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date        25.2.19                                                                            Address

                                                    Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                              Full signature of Public information  Officer
First Appeal  under section 19(1)  of the RTI Act
The First Appellate Authority
Hockey  India
B1/E14, Ground Floor
Mohan Cooperative  Industrial Estate
Mathura Road, New Delhi-110044

Sub- Appeal  against  decision of  CPIO, Hockey  India, New  Delhi
On 20.3.19, I had  filed RTI Application  to the CPIO, Hockey  India  to  provide  certain  information  relating  Hockey Men’s World  Cup  organized  in Bhubaneswar  in 2018.  The  CPIO  has  denied  the  information on the ground  of commercial confidence, trade  secret and third party  information referring  reply  of  the  previous  application submitted dated 8.2.19 .  However ,  the  decision of the  CPIO  not  to provide  the  information on the above mentioned ground  is  unwarranted , illogical  and ill-intentioned. I  put  forth  the  following   argument  in  favour of  disclosure  of the  information  under RTI Act.
Information sought  for
 Why  it  needs to be  disclosed  under RTI Act
Provide details of decision taken to organize Hockey World Cup in India and that too  in Odisha  and  copy of decision including  file noting  to be provided.
 In the  previous  reply  dated 23.3.19,  the CPIO  has mentioned  that  the  decision  for organizing  this event  was taken  during discussion  in various  meetings  within Hockey India and with  International Hockey  India  Federation”. I want     copy of the  proceedings of the meeting  held in different  time  periods with  copy  of the  file  noting. 
Provide details of  fund supported  to  Hockey  India by Govt. of India  to organize the  Hockey World Cup  in Bhubaneswar, capital city of Odisha.
Information has  been supplied
Provide  details of events organized  directly  by Hockey India  and amount of money spent  for   each event.
This  is  not  secret  information. It  should be  supplied.  As  a citizen, we  have  right to know  how public money is being spent.  The  Sponsorship  money  received from  Odisha Mining  Corporation is   the  people’s money  of Odisha.  I have  right  to know how our  money  has been utilized.
Provide details of  sponsorship  mobilized  by  Hockey India  for  Hockey World Cup  and amount contributed  by each Company or institution
As  Hockey  event  was  organized  in Odisha,  the  people  have right to know  how much fund  has been  mobilized  for  different  sources.  It is not  commercial  confidence  or  trade  secret. The  Sponsorship  money  received from  Odisha Mining  Corporation is   the  people’s money  of Odisha.  I have  right  to know how our  money  has been utilized.
Provide  copy of all correspondence made  by post or in email  between Govt. of India , Govt. of Odisha  and Hockey India  with regard to organizing hockey world  cup event in Bhubaneswar.
This  is not  secret  information or nature  of commercial  confidence.
Provide details of payment made  to different organisations or individuals  and work assigned to each of them.
This  is not at all  third party  information.  Money   which has been paid  to  individuals  is  public  fund.  The  citizens  have  right to know  who has taken this  money.
I request  FAA  to  hear my case  and direct the  CPIO  to  provide  information free of cost.
Thanking  you
Yours sincerely

Pradip Pradhan
Date- 24.5.19

Application under section 6 (1) of the RTI Act
The Central Public Information Officer                                                                                  Date – 20.3.19
 Office  of Hockey  India
B1 / E14,
Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate,
(1 KM ahead of Mohan Estate Metro Station),
Mathura Road, New Delhi – 110044

Sub- Seeking information under RTI Act

I request you to provide me the following information.

1. Provide details of decision taken to organize Hockey World Cup in India and that too  in Odisha  and  copy of decision including  file noting  to be provided.
2.  Provide details of  fund supported  to  Hockey  India by Govt. of India  to organize the  Hockey World Cup  in Bhubaneswar, capital city of Odisha.
3.  Provide  details of events organized  directly  by Hockey India  and amount of money spent  for   each event.
4. Provide details of  sponsorship  mobilized  by  Hockey India  for  Hockey World Cup  and amount contributed  by each Company or institution .
5. Provide  copy of all correspondence made  by post or in email  between Govt. of India , Govt. of Odisha  and Hockey India  with regard to organizing hockey world  cup event in Bhubaneswar.
6.  Provide details of payment made  to different organisations or individuals  and work assigned to each of them.

Please find  attached IPO amount Rs. 10.00 towards  cost of application fee.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No-D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, Bhubaneswar


{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office  of Principal , Chief  Conservator of Forest
Aranya  Sadan,  Post-Maitree Vihar, Bhubaneswar

1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Office  of Principal , Chief  Conservator of Forest
Aranya  Sadan,  Post-Maitree Vihar, Bhubaneswar
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against          No order received 
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required   
 Forest Diversion proposal   submitted  by Kalinga Institute  of Industrial Technology ( KIIT)  and Kalinga Institute  of Social Science ( KISS), Patia, Bhubaneswar 
7. The ground for appeal
On 3.2.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  the PIO,   Office  of Principal , Chief  Conservator of Forest
Aranya  Sadan,  Post-Maitree Vihar, Bhubaneswar  seeking information about  Forest Diversion proposal   submitted  by Kalinga Institute  of Industrial Technology ( KIIT)  and Kalinga Institute  of Social Science ( KISS), Patia, Bhubaneswar . Though two months passed, the PIO  did  not  supply  any  information. I request FAA to hear  my case  and direct the PIO  to supply  the information free of cost.

I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:  15.5.19        
Annexture:   RTI Application 

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act

The Public Information Officer,                                                                                               
 Office  of Principal , Chief  Conservator of Forest
Aranya  Sadan,  Post-Maitree Vihar, Bhubaneswar

 1.   Full Name of the Applicant:  Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name    Nalu Pradhan
3. Permanent Address: Plot no-D 27,MaitreeVihar,,Bhubaneswar-23
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:   Voter ID Card attached  
 5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:    Forest Diversion proposal   submitted  by Kalinga Institute  of Industrial Technology ( KIIT)  and Kalinga Institute  of Social Science ( KISS), Patia, Bhubaneswar 
b. The period of which the information    2009-2018                      
c. Specific details of information required:
 i.  Provide  copy of  Forest Diversion proposal  submitted  by KIIT and KISS  to the State  Govt. as per the  following  format
Date  of submission proposal
Details of forest  , khata  and plot no. area , location
 Action taken  on the  proposal
 Whether  forwarded to Ministry  of Environment and Forest, If yes , provide details of it

  d. Whether the information is required by post or person:   By  post
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)       registered
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
Plot no-D 27,Maitree Vihar, Post- Rail Vihar,Bhubaneswar-23
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree  to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  No
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same : No

                                                                                                                                Pradeep Pradhan
Place        Bhubaneswar                                                                                Full signature
Date        3.2.19                                                                        Address
Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from

Address Plot No.- Plot no-D 27,MaitreeVihar, Bhubaneswar on  28.09.2015  seeking information.

 Date                                                                                        Full signature of Public information Officer                                                                                                                             Designation

{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act
Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office  of   Sri Jagannath Temple Administration

1. Full name of Appellant                                    : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                        : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Office  of   Sri Jagannath Temple Administration
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against           No order received
5. Last date of filing appeal            Can not say              
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required    
   Proceedings of Shree Jagannath Temple Managing  Committee

7. The ground for appeal

On 23.3,.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  PIO,  Office  of   Sri Jagannath Temple Administration
Puri seeking information about    Proceedings of Shree Jagannath Temple Managing  Committee.
Though 30 days passed, the PIO did not supply  any information.   

So, I request  the FAA  to hear  my case and direct the PIO to supply the  information free of cost.   .

I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:       10.5.19    
a.       RTI Application 

  See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act

The Public Information Officer                                                                       
Office  of   Sri Jagannath Temple Administration

1.   Full Name of the Applicant:  Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name    Nalu Pradhan
3. Permanent Address:  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:          Proceedings of Shree Jagannath Temple Managing  Committee
b. The period of which the information             from jan 2018  to March 2019   
c. Specific details of information required 
 Provide   attested  photocopy  of the proceedings of  Shree Jagannath Temple Managing  Committee
Held   in different  dates  within above-mentioned  period.
 d. Whether the information is required by post or person    post 
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)    Speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
 D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes, IPO attached
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
date       16.3.19                                                                  Address
                                                    Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

Signature  of Public Information Officer


{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office  of    Vice-Chancellor
Utkal University, Vanivihar
1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Office  of    Vice-Chancellor, Utkal University, Vanivihar
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against          order  dt. 27.4.19 received  on  30.4.19
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required   
Functioning  of NISWASS ( National Institute  of Social Work and Social science), Chnadrsekhar Pur Bhubaneswar
 7. The ground for appeal

On 5.4.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  the PIO,   Office  of Vice-Chancellor, Utkal university, Vanivihar    seeking information about Functioning  of NISWASS ( National Institute  of Social Work and Social science), Chnadrsekhar Pur Bhubaneswar. On 27.4.19, the PIO  has supplied me information which was  found incomplete.  I present herewith the following  discrepancy chart   for consideration  by the FAA  with  direction to the PIO to provide  complete  information.
Information sought  for 
Information supplied
i.details of  date  or  timing  fixed  for holding semester  examination of MSW courses of NISWAS, Bhubaneswar.

Information has been supplied by the PIO

ii. details of date of Semester exam. Held  for MSW  students  of NISWASS ( year-wise).

Information not  supplied
The  PIO  has  just  mentioned so-called  hypothetical reasons  which are  unwarranted  under RTI Act
iii. details of factors responsible for  not  holding  semester  exam. Of MSW Students of NISWASS in time.

Information supplied  by the PIO is ambiguous
IV. copy of details of correspondence in respect of Semester exam held or delayed between authority of Utkal University and NISWAS
The PIO  has mentioned that it  is voluminous .
I request  FAA to provide  me copy  of  correspondence of only last  two  years.
v. Provide details of  faculty  of NISWAS  as per  the  following  format

The PIO  has not  supplied
The PIO  with malafide intention has denied  to supply the  information.
vi. details of present  students strength  in each batch of BSW and MSW course of NISAWSS.

The PIO  with malafide intention has denied  to supply the  information.
vi. details of non-teaching staff  and monthly  salary  given to  each of them
The  information has not been supplied by the PIO
The PIO  with malafide intention has denied  to supply the  information.

  I request FAA  to hear  my case  and direct the PIO  to siupply  complete  information.
I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:  23.4.19

See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
  Office  of  Vice  Chancellor, Utkal University, Vanivihar

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:  Pradip   Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name    Nalu Pradhan
3. Permanent Address:  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:       Functioning  of NISWASS ( National Institute  of Social Work and Social science), Chnadrsekhar Pur Bhubaneswar
b. The period of which the information        From    2012 to 2019  
c. Specific details of information required 
i. Provide   information about  details of  date  or  timing  fixed  for holding semester  examination of MSW courses of NISWAS, Bhubaneswar.
ii. Provide details of date of Semester exam. Held  for MSW  students  of NISWASS ( year-wise).
iii. Provide details of factors responsible for  not  holding  semester  exam. Of MSW Students of NISWASS in time.
iv. Provide copy of details of correspondence in respect of Semester exam held or delayed between authority of Utkal University and NISWAS.
V. Provide details of  faculty  of NISWAS  as per  the  following  format
Name  of faculty person
Position held
Date  of  joining
Permanent or  contractual 
Monthly  salary paid

  vi. Provide details of subjects  in which faculty (  lecturer or professor)  has not  joined  or lying vacant.
vi.. Provide details of present  students strength  in each batch of BSW and MSW course of NISAWSS.
Vii.  Provide  details of non-teaching staff  and monthly  salary  given to  each of them.    
d. Whether the information is required by post or person    post 
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)    Speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
 D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date        5.4.19                                                                         Address

                                                    Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act
Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur
1st Appellate Authority
Office  of  IDCO
1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur,   Bhubaneswar-23
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Office of     IDCO, Bhubaneswar
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against          order  dt. 30.3.19 received  on  3.3.19
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required   
Details of land allotted  to Kalinga Institute  of Industrial Technology ( KIIT), Patia , Bhubaneswar  and Kalinga Institute  of Social Science (KISS), Patia, Bhubaneswar       
7. The ground for appeal
On 23.2.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  the PIO,   Office of  IDCO, Bhubaneswar   seeking information about details of land allotted  to Kalinga Institute  of Industrial Technology ( KIIT), Patia , Bhubaneswar  and Kalinga Institute  of Social Science (KISS), Patia, Bhubaneswar.        
On 30.3.19, the  PIO   has  denied   to provide the  information on the ground of voluminous information and disproportionate  diversion of the resources  and  earlier  supply  of similar  kind  of  information. These  two  grounds are  unwarranted  under RTI  Act. I put  forth  my argument  in support  of supply  of  information.
A.        If the  information is voluminous,  the PIO  is required  to  provide  opportunity  to the applicant  for  inspection of the records  in order  to help the  applicant  to get  the  information.  Total denial of information on the ground  of voluminous is not  desirable.  So, I request  FAA to  direct  the PIO  to   provide  opportunity  of inspect  and instant  supply  of the  required information  after deposit  of the fees.
B.        The PIO  has  rightly  mentioned that similar  kind  of information has been supplied to me.  As  I have missed  this  information, I had  sought  it  by  filling another application.  There  is no  such  provision of  denial  of  information to the applicant, if such  information  was supplied  earlier.  It  may  be the PIO  is having malafide intention  not  to supply  the  information.  So  I request the FAA to direct  the PIO to supply  the  information at the earliest.
Last  but  not  least, I request  FAA   for  early  hearing  of my appeal  and  direction  to   PIO  to  supply  the  information, as  it  is urgently  required to produce  in  the  court of  Information Commission  in the matter  of Second Appeal  case No. 288 , the  hearing of the case  is going  on.
I, Pradip Pradhan   son of Nalu Pradhan  hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.

Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:  4.4.19       
Annexture:   RTI Application and response of PIO
N.B.- Advance  copy to Odisha Information  Commission  about harassment of PIO   in terms of  denial  of   information  which  obstructs  me  to provide to Commission    the  information about  KISS /KIIT  as  per  direction of the  Commission . I request  the  Commission  to take  an urgent  view of the  matter  for  early  hearing in case  of denial of  information  by FAA.
See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
  Office  of IDCO
IDCO Tower, Bhubaneswar

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:  Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name    Nalu Pradhan
3. Permanent Address:  D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:     Details of land allotted  to Kalinga Institute  of Industrial Technology ( KIIT), Patia , Bhubaneswar  and Kalinga Institute  of Social Science (KISS), Patia, Bhubaneswar       
b. The period of which the information        From   1997  to 2018
c. Specific details of information required 
i. Provide     list of   land leased  out  to KIIT  with Mouza , quantity  of land allotted, Khata No., Plot No., Premium amount paid  by KIIT etc. ( year-wise).
ii. Provide copy  of letters  given  by KIIT   to IDCO  for  land  and its  purpose.
iii. Provide  copy  of all  letters  and  correspondence  with KIIT  in  respect  of leasing out  of land  and fixation of price  to KIIT .
iv. Provide  copy  of decision taken by IDCO  to lease  out  of land  to KIIT including  copy of the file noting.
v. Provide     list of   land leased  out  to Kalinga Institute  of Social Science  ( KISS ) with Mouza , quantity  of land allotted, Khata No., Plot No., Premium amount paid  by KISS etc. ( year-wise).
vi. Provide copy  of letters  given  by KISS to IDCO   SEEKING  land  and its  purpose.
vii. Provide  copy  of all  letters  and  correspondence  made with KISS   in  respect  of leasing out  of land   and fixation of price to KISS .
viii. Provide  information  about  details of  procedure  followed  for  fixation of price  for  land  which  is leased out to NGO, Trust  and Private educational  institutions by IDCO.
ix. Provide details of  price of land  fixed  by IDCO while  leasing out  land to  different category  of  organisations/ institutions.
d. Whether the information is required by post or person    post 
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)    Speed post
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
 D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-23
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date        23.2.19                                                                       Address


{ See Rule-7 (1)}
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the first Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the RTI Act

Pradip Pradhan
Plot No- D-27, Maitree Vihar
Post-Rail Vihar, C.S.Pur

1st Appellate Authority
Office of     DRDA , Khurda

1. Full name of Appellant                                             : Pradip Pradhan  
2. Address                                                                           : Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-Rail Vihar, Bhubaneswar-751023
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer:  PIO, Office of     DRDA, Khurda
 4. Date of the receipt of the order appealed against           order received  on 5.4.19
5. Last date of filing appeal             Can not say                    
6. Particulars of information
a. Nature and subject matter of the information required   
 Details of  Special  fund diverted   to meet  expenses  of construction of Krishi  Bhawan  in Bhubaneswar   (  copy  of details of  fund   sanctioned  from different  sources for construction of Krishi Bhawan  is  attached for  reference )       
7. The ground for appeal
 On 23.2.19.,  I had  filed RTI application to  the PIO,  office of DADA, Khurda      seeking information about Details of  Special  fund diverted   to meet  expenses  of construction of Krishi  Bhawan  in Bhubaneswar   (  copy  of details of  fund   sanctioned  from different  sources for construction of Krishi Bhawan  is  attached for  reference ) . On 30.3.19, the  PIO  intimated that  the said  information is  not available. I am under  impression that office of Directorate of Agriculture  and Food Production, Bhubaneswar   can not  provide  false  information about diversion of Spl. Fund amounting Rs. 2 crores  of P&C Deptt. from DRDA , Khurda . I am attaching same  letter  for  your  reference  and request  you  to  conduct an inquiry  into  it  and direct the  PIO  to supply  information free  of cost.


I, Pradip Pradhan son of  Nalu Pradhan   hereby declare that the particulars  furnished  in the appeal  are  to the best of my knowledge  and belief  true and correct  and that I have not suppressed  any materials fact.
Signature of Appellant
Place: Bhubaneswar
Date:      5.5.19     
Annexture:   RTI Application 
Copy  of  letter  of PIO
Copy of letter of  Directorate  of Agrl . and Food Production  
See Rule-4(I)
Application for Information under section 6 (1) of the Act
The Public Information Officer                                                                       
  Office  of DRDA, Khurda

  1.   Full Name of the Applicant:   Pradip Pradhan
2. Father/spouse name      Nalu Pradhan 
3. Permanent Address:    Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-R ail Vihar, Bhubaneswar -751023
4. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant:    Voter ID card attached
5. Particulars of information solicited
a. Subject matter of information:        Details of  Special  fund diverted   to meet  expenses  of construction of Krishi  Bhawan  in Bhubaneswar   (  copy  of details of  fund   sanctioned  from different  sources for construction of Krishi Bhawan  is  attached for  reference )       
b. The period of which the information             latest  by  Dec.2018     
c. Specific details of information required 
i.  Provide  details of  decision taken by DRDA  or any instruction issued  to DRDA  for  sanctioning special  fund Rs. 2 crore for construction of Krishi Bhawan.
 ii. Provide  information on date  on which   fund was  transferred  to Bank account and name  of account  and  account No..
 d. Whether the information is required by post or person     post   
       (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed)     speed post  
6. Address to which information will be sent and in which form
 Plot No. D-27, Maitree Vihar, Post-R ail Vihar, Bhubaneswar -751023
7. Has the information been provided earlier.  No
8. Is this information made available by the Public Authority Yes
9. Do you agree to pay the required fee.  Yes
10. Have you deposited the application fee.  Yes
      ( if yes, details of such deposits)
11. Whether belongs to BPL category, have you furnished the proof of same No

                                                                                                 Pradip Pradhan
Place       Bhubaneswar                                                           Full signature
Date         23.2.19                                                                                       Address
Office of Public Information Officer

Received the application from _______________________________________

address_____________________________________ on ________________ seeking information.

 Date                                                                                       Full signature of Public information  Officer