Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana-A Big Hoax and Fake Scheme

                 Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana-A Big Hoax and Fake Scheme

This not new but a scheme of financially supplementing many existing schemes with new Name just to deceive the people of Odisha

1.      What is Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana ( BSKY)
As declared by Govt. of Odisha, Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana ( BSKY)  is a scheme of the Govt. of Odisha which aims to provide universal health coverage , with special emphasis on the health protection of economically vulnerable families. To achieve its objectives, the BSKY  has two  components:

A. Free health services for all (irrespective of income, status or residence) in all State Government health care facilities starting from sub centre level up to district headquarter Hospital level.
B.  Additional facility of free healthcare District Headquarters hospital level for over 70 lakh economically vulnerable families in the state who are provided Annual Health Coverage of Rs. 5 lakh per family and Rs.  7 lakh for the women members of the family.
C.  All families are eligible for free health care services at Government health care institutions upto district head quarter hospital level.
D. With regard to benefits under BSKY, all health services are  free of cost, including free drugs, free dialysis, free cancer chemotherapy, free OT, Free ICU, free in-patients admission etc. in all government health institutions upto District Hospital level for all persons.
E.  Families having BKKY card, RSBY card, BPL card or AAY card or annual income of Rs. 50,000/- in rural and Rs. 60,000/- in urban areas can avail cashless treatment at all Government Hospitals and 208 empanelled private hospitals.

2.  Critical issued  relating  to Scheme  and its implementation. 
Having  gone through it and emboldened over digital  media  campaign  about BSKY by Chief Minister, it   was   thought  of  to understand  the  following  issues.

i.     Budgetary provision made to implement   such mega scheme  in the state  and details of  fund allotted  to  different  districts  for it.
ii.   Who are the 70 lakh beneficiaries and its district-wise figure.
iii. Status of accessability to health services  by poor and vulnerable people to Govt. hospitals.
iv.  How many beneficiaries   have received health facility under the scheme in different districts.
v.    Who are the private hospitals already provided free health facility  to  the beneficiaries  of BSKY and  fund provided to them.
vi.  What is the status of all on-going health schemes implemented in the state.

3.      Use  of RTI to access  information about BSKY and  monitor it.
Accordingly, from October, 2018 to January, 2019, multiple  RTI Applications were  filed to Department of Health and Family Welfare , Mission Directorate, Directorate of Health Services  and all 30 District Hospitals  to  get  the  information mentioned below.  Important information sought for under RTI is as follows.  ( RTI Applications are attached herewith)

A. Information sought from 30  District Hospitals on 11.11.18
 i. Provide copy of the circular/ instruction/ order issued to district about implementation of Biju Swastya Kalyan Yojana .
ii. Provide details of fund received from state govt. and expenses made (under different heads) under Biju Swastya Kalyan Yojana.
iii. Provide total number of beneficiaries identified eligible to access health service under BSKY in the district.
 v. provide list of private Hospitals which are covered under BSKY

B. Information sought for from Dept. of Health and Family Welfare on 1.10.18

i. No. of families  covered  by BKKY  and RSBY  (  scheme-wise  and year-wise)
ii. No. of patients  availed  benefits  under BKKY  and RSBY (scheme-wise  and year-wise)
iii. Total amount paid under BKKY and RSBY by Govt. (  scheme-wise  and year-wise)
4.      Details of  budgetary sources  from which  the said amount paid  under BKKY  and RSBY  scheme (scheme-wise  and year-wise).

C. Information sought for from  Dept. of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Odisga on 15.10.18 and 21.12.18

i.  Circular/ instruction/ order issued  to all districts  and private hospitals  about implementation of Biju Swastya Kalyan Yojana .
ii. Details of expenses made   towards cost of advertisement made  in public place and print and electronic media  about  Biju Swastya Kalyan Yojana
iii. Details of budgetary allocation made  for Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana.
iv. Details of programme organized  and  expenditure made  towards  implementation of BSKY at state level.
v.Details of fund transferred  to each  district  to meet expenses  of implementation of Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana.
vii. Details of fund already released to private hospitals against  claims of beneficiaries for treatment  under BSKY.
viii.Details of fund of NHM used  for Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana

D. Information sought about various health schemes from Dept. of H &FW. Govt. of Odisha on 1.10.18
i.  Total fund allocated ( specify state budget and central Govt . fund /NHM )  and spent  for  implementation of Janani Sishu Surakhya Karyakrama( JSSK) ( YEAR-WISE)
ii.  Total fund allocated ( specify state budget and central Govt . fund /NHM )  and spent  for  implementation of  Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakrama ( RBSK)  ( YEAR-WISE).
iii.  Total fund allocated ( specify state budget and central Govt . fund /NHM )  and spent  for  implementation of  National Ventor-borne Disease Control Programme ( NVBDCP) ( YEAR-WISE) .
iv.  Total fund allocated ( specify state budget and central Govt . fund /NHM )  and spent  for  implementation of  NPCDCS ( YEAR-WISE).

E.  Information  sought for  from Health  and Family Welfare Dept.on 21.12.18

i.   Details of expenses made   towards cost of advertisement made  in public place and print and electronic media  about  Biju Swastya Kalyan Yojana
ii.  Details of budgetary allocation made  for Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana.
iii.  Details of programme organized  and  expenditure made  towards  implementation of BSKY at state level.
iv.  Details of fund transferred  to each  district  to meet expenses  of implementation of Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana.
v. Details of fund already released to private hospitals against  claims of beneficiaries for treatment  under BSKY and number of patients already treated  in each private hospital 
vi.  Dtails of fund of NHM used  for Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana

F. Information  sought for  from Health  and Family Welfare Dept. on 8.1.19

i. Provide  information about no. of families  covered  by BKKY  and RSBY  (  scheme-wise  and year-wise)
ii. Provide information about  no. of patients  availed  benefits  under BKKY  and RSBY (scheme-wise  and year-wise)
iii. Provide  total amount paid under BKKY  and RSBY by Govt. (  scheme-wise  and year-wise)
iv. Provide information about  details of  budgetary sources  from which  the said amount paid  under BKKY  and RSBY  scheme (scheme-wise  and year-wise)

4.Critical analysis  about  implementation of BSKY
Most  of the  information has not  been supplied   by  many  offices  about BSKY. However, details of analysis  of   information which has been obtained  is presented  below.

4.A. Integrated Help-desk renamed as BSKY Help-Desk
In order to facilitate patients’ care service,  the State  Govt. has  set up 24x7 Help-Desks ( NHM-support) like RSBY/BKKY  Help-Desks   in all FRUs  through outsourced agencies . for effective  functioning of these Help-desks , the State  Govt.    issued  circular  dated 30.11.17 to integrate  all these Help-Desks  into a common Help-Desk as integrated Help-Desk.  On 13.8.18., the State  Govt. against  issued instruction to rename these Help-Desk  as BSKY Help-Desk in the hospitals.

4.B. No. of beneficiaries availed health services under BSKY
On query  about  number of beneficiaries  availed  free health service under BSKY scheme in different  hospitals from  the period of  September to Dec., 2018 ,  the PIOs of different hospitals  have responded  that  there is no categorization of beneficiaries  availed  benefits  under various  schemes like BSKY. They have provided  just  total  number of IPD patients and OPD patients month-wise   who have availed health facility from August to Nov.,18  is reported  as BSKY beneficiaries. Few  examples  are presented  below.

Name  of Hospital
Month, 2018
Total  no. of ( IPD) beneficiaries
Total  no. of ( OPD) beneficiaries
Remarks , if any
SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack



DHH, City Hospital, Berhampur



SDH, Bhanjanagar
Within three  months

District Hospital, Bhadrak  with 8 PHCs

District Hospital, Puri

District Hospital, Boudh

4.C. Information  about 70 lakh beneficiary-families under BSKY 
RTI  Query  about  coverage  of 70 lakh beneficiaries  under BSKY ( Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana)   as declared  by State Govt, it  was  found that  the State  Govt. has taken into  account total earlier enrolled  beneficiaries  under BKKY ( 25,61,602) and RSBY ( 44,08,070)   as  70 lakh families  to be covered  under BSKY.  ( BKKY- Biju Krusak Kalyan Yojana, RSBY- Rastriya Swasthya Bima Yojana).  As  the  financial support under RSBY is over on 31st Dec.18,  the State  Govt. decided to include  all RSBY beneficiaries ( 44,08,070) in BKKY  Stream-II w.e.f. 1st January , 2019. So  that  they  will  avail free health facilities upto one lakh  and get  coverage  under Biju Swasthya Kalyan yojana. But  it was  found that  though RSBY beneficiaries have been  distributed  BKKY Stream-II card,  but  they  are  denied  free  health services  under  the card in  many   hospitals across the state.

4.D. Huge misuse of public money by Chief Minister
 The State  Govt. spent Rs. 1.21. crores ( Rs. 69,69,672.00 towards incentives for  distribution of CM letter and Rs. 51,52,600.00 towards contingency for printing of registers and formats)  for distribution of Chief Minister’s letter on BSKY among  70 lakh beneficiaries. On 9.8.18., the  Special Secretary, Dept. of Health and Family welfare  issued  instruction and detailed  guidelines  to all Collectors constitute  a committee  at  district and block level  for  door-to-door  distribution of  CM letter  to all  beneficiaries  starting  from 16th august  to 24th august, 2018. Within this  period, all  district  and block level officials  including ASHA and ANWs  were  engaged  just to distribute CM’s letter  to beneficiaries. This is a big misuse of money by Chief Minister himself.

4.E. No information about free health services provided  by empanelled private hospitals     under BSKY and fund  disbursed  to them.
As  per  RTI information, total  no. of 208 private Hospitals are empanelled to provide  free health services to the patients  who are  entitled  to get  Rs. 5 lakh financial support  for treatment  under BSKY.  RTI  query   was made  to Dept. of H and FW  and  District hospitals about  how many private  hospitals have provided   health services  under BSKY  and   amount  of money  provided  to them. Though   3 months have passed, no  response  has been  obtained  from any  office.  However, a letter written  by proprietor  of Sun Hospital, Jagatsingh Pur  has  been provided  under RTI Act. The proprietor  has  stated on 16.1.19 that they  have not yet  implemented BSKY  as it’s rules and regulations are not clear and  the required software  has  not yet been installed.

4.F. No information about  beneficiaries availing Rs. 5 lakh benefits under BSKY
On RTI query about  how many patients  have availed  health services  from private  hospitals or Govt. hospitals under BSKY , the  Health and Family welfare Department  has not  provided  any  information.   On 22.1.19., the Chief Executive officer-cym-PIO, State Health Assurance Society ( SHAS)  of H&FW Dept.  has forwarded RTI application to the  following insurance companies  to provide  information. Though one and half months passed, these companies have not supplied any information.
i.        The AVP, ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd.
ii.      The G.M. IFFCO Tokio GIC Ltd.
iii.    The CRM, New India Assurance Co. Ltd.
iv.    The CRM, National Insurance Co. Ltd.
v.      The Head RSBY, Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Ltd.

4.G. No budget provision for BSKY

There is no budgetary provision  for implementation of BSKY  except incentive  for  distribution of CM’s letter and  advertisement. As per RTI Information provided on 25.1.19, total amount of Rs. 3, 17,61,762.00 has  been spent towards advertisement of BSKY . Similarly, Rs. 1.21 crores  earmarked  and spent  towards  distribution  of CM letter. All fund   usually allotted under NHM fund  and State Fund  for  implementation of various  health  schemes   are  utilized  under newly named  scheme i.e., BSKY. Allotment  of fund  under NHM Fund and State Govt. fund  supplied by few  offices  are  as follows.
Name  of district
NHM fund allotted  
State  fund allotted  

Office of CDMO, Nuapara


2018-19 upto Dec. 18

CDMO, Boudh



4.H. Vacancy of post of Doctors denied health services in Govt. hospitals.
 Provision  of  imparting treatment  to the patients free of cost as declared  by Govt. under BSKY requires presence  of  specialized  doctors  in  each hospital i.e., CHC, PHC  and District  Hospitals. But astonishingly, the  Govt. has not  taken  any steps  to ensure filling  up of vacancy  post  of doctors  in the hospitals.  As  per  RTI  information, out  of total required 6614 doctors, 3224  post is lying vacant  in Govt. hospitals  across the state. The  vacancy  of doctors’ s post  has damaged prospect of  availability of  free health services for  the patients.  On 9.1.2019,  the  information obtained under RTI from CHC, Baliapal of Balasore  district exposed  how free health service is distant dream for  the people  in remote pockets  of the  state. The  absence  of doctors in CHC and PHC  is  as follows.

Name of  the Institution
Name  and no. of vacant post  as on 9.1.2019
CHC, Baliapal
Spl. In 0 & G-1

Spl. In Medicine -1

Spl. In Surgery-1
CHC, Pratapur
Spl. In 0 & G-1
Spl. In Medicine -1
Spl. In Surgery-1
Spl. In Paediatric-1
Ghantua PHC (N)
Medical Officer-1
Srirampur PHC( N)
Medical Officer-1
Jamkunda PHC (N)
Medical Officer-1
Bolong PHC (N)
Medical Officer-1

Pradip Pradhan
Date- 6.3.19

Monday, March 4, 2019

Information about Hockey World Cup kept secret by Govt. of Odisha

3 months passed, No information about Hockey World Cup provided by State Govt.
Huge corruption, Irregularities and Mismanagement of fund for Hockey Cup game is noticed which is covered  up by Odisha  bureaucracy

Transparent Govt claimed  by Nabin Patnaik, Chief Minister, Odisha  is big  hoax.

Dear friends

In 2005, RTI Act was enacted to enforce   transparency and accountability in the administration and contain corruption. Since last 13 years, RTI has proved effective tool to fight out  corruption  in the country.  Chief Minister Nabin  Patnaik  claims his Govt. as most transparent  Govt. and has introduced 3T  and PEETHA yojana  to  enforce  transparency  in the implementation of  Govt. programme .

In 2018, State Government organized Hockey World Cup in Bhubaneswar with  much fanfare taking a lot of credit for organizing  such mega event in Bhubaneswar. RTI Application was   filed to different offices to understand  details of budget, expenses, events organized and correspondence made with Hockey event, contribution made by  corporate  houses  and others, details of fees  paid  to singers etc.  Though 3 months passed, the Department of Sports and Youth services, Govt. of Odisha , nodal  Department  for Hockey event  is not  providing  single information to all  information seekers.

Date  of  filling RTI Application
Name  of Department
Content  of information
Response of PIO
Status  of  RTI Application
15.11.19 by Pradip Pradhan
Sports and Youth Services, Govt. of Odisha  
Budgetary provision, Financial allocation  under  different heads, fund supplied  by Govt. of India, Hockey India  etc.
PIO  did not  supply any information within statutory  time limit
On 29.12.18.,  the first appeal was  filed  to the First Appellate Authority  seeking direction to  supply  the information. Then, the PIO   provided Only  part  information i.e, budgetary provision of Rs. 82.50 crores for Hockey game and A tune of Rs. 5,02,89,559.00  has been given as advance to different firms.     Major information was kept  secret . Second Appeal filed  to Odisha  Information Commission
30.11.18  by Pradip Pradhan
Dept. of General administration, Govt. of Odisha 
Details of  fund allocated  by   different  Departments  and  its subordinate  offices  for Hockey World Cup.
On 9.12.18., the PIO , Dept. of GA  transferred my application to the PIO, Dept. of Sports and Youth services  to supply the  information. But  the PIO, Dept. of S&YS did not supply any    information .  
The PIO  transferred  RTI Application to the PIO, Dept. of Sports and Youth services . Finding non-response of PIO, First Appeal was filed on 11.1.19.  The FAA disposed the case with direction to supply the information.  But no information supplied.  Second Appeal was filed to Odisha Information Commission.
30.11.18 by Pradip Pradhan
Department  of Housing and Urban development
Fund sanctioned for  World Hockey Cup   by  department and Bhubaneswar Municipal  Corporation 
The PIO , Housing and UD  transferred my application to the PIO, of  BMC to supply  information. On 22.12.18, the PIO of Engineering Branch , BMC Division-1  replied  that the  fund has not  been spent  but proposed  for the  following way
a.Mural Art - Rs 3crore
b. e-Toilet- 5.76 crore
c. water ATM- 42.98 lakh
d. Project  for public toilet- Rs. 1.20 lakhs 
The information supplied by the PIO  was found incomplete  and major information was kept secret. Then on 14.1.19, I made first appeal  to the FAA of BMC  to hear  the case  and direct the PIO to supply  the complete information. The FAA heard  the case  and directed  PIO of Engineering Branch , BMC Division-II  to supply  the  information. Despite  direction of FAA, the PIO  has not supplied the  information.
6.12.18 by Pradip Pradhan
Dept. of  Sports and Youth Services , Govt. of Odisha
 Copy of Details of  Correspondence made  in mail  and post  with Hockey India, Corporate  houses  contributed for Hockey Cup etc.
No  information  supplied by the PIO
Finding non-supply  of information, on 11.1.19, the First Appeal was  filed.  First Appellate Authority  heard the case  and directed  the PIO to supply  the  information  within one month. But  no information supplied by the PIO.  Second Appeal filed  to Odisha  Information Commission.
1.12.18 by Srikant Pakal
Dept. of  Sports and Youth Services , Govt. of Odisha
Details of expenses  for advertisements , contribution by Hockey India  and Hockey International, Cultural programme organized  in Bhubaneswar  and Cuttack
No information supplied  on the  ground that  the account  has not been settled
First  Appeal has been filed  to First Appellate Authority  of Sports  and Youth Services Dept. to direct the PIO to supply  information.
3.12.18  by Pratap Mohanty, Kendrapara
Dept. of Sports  and Youth Services, Govt. Of Odisha
Details of Hotel, lodges  and guest  houses  booked  and payment  made and payment  made  to cultural troupe 
No information  was  supplied by the PIO
First Appeal has been  filed  to FAA  to  direct  the PIO to supply the  information.
15.11.18 by Pradip Pradhan
Dept. of Finance, Govt. of Odisha
Budgetary allocation for world hockey cup Organised  in Odisha
No  information was supplied
On 29.12.18,  First appeal  has been filed  to FAA to hear the case  and direct the PIO  to supply  the  information.  But no order has been issued  till yet.
12.1.19 by Pradip Pradhan
Dept. of  Sports and Youth Services
Tour  diary  and tour report  of Sri Vishal Dev, Secretary, Youth Affairs  and Sports, Govt. of Odisha from January to December, 2018     
No  information was  supplied by the PIO.
On 15.2.19, first  appeal has been to the  FAA , Dept. of  Sports and Youth Services to supply the  information.
Dept. of Sports  and Youth Services
Details of fund already allocated  to  each agency engaged  for carrying out various work  for    this  event.

The  PIO intimated   to visit  website  to  get the information.  But  the  information uploaded  in the website  was found incomplete.
First  Appeal has been  filed  to get  the  information.
Department  of Sports  and Youth Services
Details of  ticket  sold  for   hockey world cup  and  total amount  collected  and  details of  account in which money  was deposited
The PIO did  not  supply  any  information.
The first appel has been  filed  to get the  information.

Pradip Pradhan
Date- 4.3.13

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Where is Smart Phone for farmers in Odisha ?

Where is Smart Phone for farmers in Odisha ?

Neither farmers nor farmers’ organization have ever demanded  for  smart phone  for  them. Rather they have demanded MSP for paddy, storage and marketing of their products  etc.  Without addressing the fundamental problem of farmers, the State Govt.  has tried to cheat  them  through  declaring so-called populist schemes.

In April, 2018,  the Chief Minister  has declared  about State Govt.’s decision  to distribute Smart Phone to women farmers  free of cost.  He  has also stated  that   the information about  agriculture, climatic condition ,    technical advice  will be disseminated  to Women farmers   through Smart phone.  

On 22.9.18., RTI application was filed to the Depart of Agriculture  and Farmers’ Empowerment, Govt. of Odisha seeking information about  details of smart phone distributed to the farmers  in Odisha.  RTI Application was eventually transferred to  the PIO,  Cooperation Department  then   Odisha State Agriculture Marketing Board  to supply  information.  RTI Application was deliberately kept pending for 4 months, though there is provision of supply of information within 30 days  of receipt of RTI Application.

On 31.1.19, the PIO, Odisha State Agricultural Marketing Board   has supplied the information which is as follows.

1.  Under the scheme “providing free mobile phones to farmers to access market information” the State Govt.  has  sanctioned  Rs. 6  crores ( Rs. 3  crores in 2017-18  and Rs. 3 crores in 2018-19 )  to  distribute free mobile phones to farmers  with the objective  of empowering them  with update market information at  the finger tips  through voice call  and SMS in Odia  language.

2.  On 20.6.18, the Cooperation Department has written letter to the Director, Odisha State Agriculture Markeing Board (OSAMB)   to  call for  tender  for procurement of smart phone with android facilities. But  till yet ,  nothing  has been done  in this regard.

3.  The District-wise beneficiaries target  to be finalized  by the OSAMB. The number  of beneficiaries  will be divided  among  the RMCs  in proportion  to the registered  farmers  under each RMC  in the  district concerned and preference will be given to farmers  having Rupay cards/ Kisan  credit card  and also  have availed  credit  and remained default free.

4.  The list of farmers  is to be finalized  by a committee  at  the district level  headed by the concerned District  Collector.

5.  On query  about purchase  of Smart  phone,  the PIO  has said that  the Govt. has not yet   invited  tender nor procured smart phone.

6.  So though 9 months  have passed,  the State  Govt. has not  distributed  smart  phone till yet.

7.  The question comes  what  is the reason for  declaring  such scheme  and held  it up  for unknown period.  The Chief Minister  must clarify  publicly.

As I recall, in 2013 just before 2014- Assembly election, Nabin Patnaik, Chief Minister declared   mobile scheme for farmers. Under the Scheme, a budgetary allocation of Rs. 2 crores was earmarked to distribute mobile to 20,000 farmers free of cost. A mega Mobile distribution ceremony was organised in Bhubaneswar to inaugurate launching of Mobile scheme.  Chief Minister launched the scheme and distributed mobile to few farmers free of cost.  As per RTI information, Total amount of Rs. 35 lakh  was spent  for this launching ceremony.   This mobile was distributed with the objective of sensitising the farmers through mobile message about agricultural schemes, technical advice for cultivation etc.

After one year of distribution of mobile phone to farmers, RTI Application was filed to few districts like Khurda, Bolangir, Kalahandi , Malkangiri  to  get  information about list of farmers distributed  mobile phones. The idea of seeking this information was to interview the farmers  about use of mobiles  by them and how it helps them  to get the  information about agriculture from the Govt.  Not a single District provided the information about the list of farmers.  The Govt. has also no list of farmers who received the mobiles.  There is also no study by the Govt.  about use of mobile by farmers or their family members. It was learnt from Govt. officials that  the mobiles were distributed  to the farmers  in view of forthcoming election of 2014 to woo  them  for votes.  Dissemination of information through mobile phone was just a plea for spending money from state exchequer to get votes.

As the forth-coming assembly election is nearby, the BJD Govt. is trying hard to   garner electoral support from different section of voters by declaring various lucrative schemes. Smart phone for   farmers is one of them.  The declared objective of  distribution smart phone  to farmers   for information dissemination about  cultivation  is false  and deception.  The agenda is to mobilise farmers for votes   in the coming assembly election   through Smart phone.

The people of Odisha must understand the evil design of Govt.  behind distribution of  Smart Phone  in backdrop  of suicide  of  hundreds of farmers  in Odisha due to apathy of the State  Govt.

Pradip Pradhan
M: 9937843482
Date:  3.3.19

Friday, March 1, 2019

Rampant political interference by BJD leaders in transfer of Police Officers in Odisha


Bhubaneswar: 1.3.19, Recent documents obtained under RTI from office of Director General of Police, Odisha by Sri Biswajit Mohanty, RTI Activist and Member, Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan (OSAA) has revealed rampant interference in transfer and postings of police officials by politicians belonging to the ruling BJD party. Ministers, MLAs, MPs and office bearers of Biju  Janata Dal. They   have been regularly writing in favour of some police officers to post them at specific posts and places.

In 2015, Sri Biswajit  Mohanty, RTI Activist and Member of Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan ( OSAA)  had  filed RTI Application to the PIO, Director General of Police, Cuttack  seeking information about  details of recommendation by Ministers, MLAs for posting  and transfer  of police officers  in various  police stations.  The  information  was  denied   by the PIO  on the  ground  of privilege  of assembly.   Then  Appeal  was made  to  Odisha  Information  Commission  following  which  the  Commission heard the  case  and rejected the plea of PIO  and directed the PIO  to supply  the  information free of cost.    The  gist of  analysis  of the PIO  in respect of supply  of the  information in January, 2019 is  as  follows.

As  noted , Elected representative have a right to request transfer of a certain police officer who may be corrupt, inefficient or incapable. However, specifying the name of the police officer whom they want to be posted in their area can lead to such officers losing their independence.

Politicians  of Biju Janata Dal, the ruling party , Govt. of Odisha have  interfered in Battalion postings of OSAP. During the period from 8.5.2015 to 20.6.2017 as many as 57 such recommendation letters were received from BJD MLAs, MPs and office bearers  . The maximum was from Arun Sahoo, former Minister who wrote 11 letters.  32 Ministers like Bijayshree Routray, Prafulla Malik, Pradeep Maharathy , Arun Sahoo wrote for such postings.

As many as 81 letters of recommendations were received for transfer and posting of during 21.5.2015 to 15.12.2016 were received by the DGP, Odisha for transfer of IIC, DSP, Addl. SP and Asst. Commandants of OSAP. Out of these only 5 letters were issued by non BJD leaders .The highest number of recommendations of 7 was received from Sananda Marandi, Deputy Speaker apart from 71 letters from BJD MPs, MLAs, Ministers and party men. During the period from 21.6.2017 to 12.12.2018 as many as 92 recommendation letters were received for transfer and postings of IIC, DSP, Addl. SP and Asst. Commandants of OSAP.

Dr. Rajashree Mallick, MLA, Tirtol has recommended posting of a police officer as SDPO, Paradeep on the ground that he has received several awards and medals, though she admits there is a vigilance case pending against him.

Such regular interference in police transfer and postings by politicians has lead to lack of law and order in many areas of the state. The law and order situation in Keonjhar has apparently collapsed as revealed by anguished Badrinarayan Patra, Minister for School and Mass Education.

Vide his letter dtd. 23.2.2018  to the DGP, Odisha he recommended posting of a police officer as SDPO, Keonjhar Sadar and observed :
“The law and order situation in the district of Keonjhar is deteriorating day by day. Huge black money is being spent to group together anti social elements in the district.”…….. 
“The police officers are silent spectators. The accused persons are not arrested for last so many years. This is the position in the whole district including that of the district headquarters. The common man is not safe”

OSAA believes that police postings should be done impartially without political interference so that law and order will be maintained.  Links between politicians and police officials lead to a nexus and is not in public interest.

The following table illustrates the dismal state of police functioning in Odisha where accountability levels have suffered due to the close nexus

Rape cases

Murder cases
Registered cases

Pending investg/unsolved
805 (35 %)

698  (47 %)
794 (37%)

674  (51 %)
820 (37%)

624  (49 %)

Police are yet to serious offenders since they have failed to arrest 422 murder accused and 275 rape accused for cases filed in 2015 and 2016.  NCRB data recorded Odisha had third highest crimes against women in 2016. Conviction rates are languishing but not a single MLA, MP or Minister has demanded accountability from the Home Minister Mr. Naveen Patnaik or the DGP about the repeated police failures in securing conviction for many notable cases like Pipli  , Kunduli and Itishree murder in Rayagada district.

OSAA is also surprised that no action has been taken against any police officer whose name has been recommended for posting by any politician.  Under Rule 23 of  The Orissa Government Servants Conduct Rules,1959
 “No Government servant shall bring or attempt to bring any influence whether official or non-official to bear upon any authority to further his interests in respect of matters pertaining to his appointment under Government, promotion, pay and other service conditions.”
Explanation – Intercession by an outsider on behalf of an officer shall be deemed as an attempt on the part of the officer to bring extraneous influence for furthering his official interests.”

Not a single proceeding has been drawn up against any police officer u/r 23 which shows that the government is not serious about enforcing discipline in the force.

(1)    Copies of some recommendation letters attached

It  was  presented  in a Press Meet  organised  in  Bhubaneswar  on 1.3.19  
Information under RTI  was  obtained  by Biswajit  Mohanty, RTI Activist  and Member  of Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan , He  can be contacted  in M- 9437024265, Email-