Monday, January 14, 2019

Odisha Assembly Session hardly completes number of sitting days

Session of Odisha Legislative Assembly hardly completes number of  sitting days fixed in a year under Nabin Patnaik Govt., exposed  under RTI

Dear  friends

The  Legislative Assemblies  are  considered  as temple of  democracy.  It is  a platform  of  MLAs  elected  by  the citizens  to  debate   and discourse  about   various  issues  affecting  the state ,  make laws for benefit of the  common people and  finalizes  various  plan  and programme for development of the state. The people’s hope  and aspiration is also  reflected in the assembly  session.  The people  have great expectation  from their elected  representatives. Since 2005, it was mandated  that  the sitting of Odisha Legislative assembly  would be atleast 60 days  in a calendar  year. But  it was  changed   after  a motion moved  by Govt. Chief Whip  was passed  in the assembly in December , 2014, though  opposition MLAs  protested  against   it. Since  2015, the  days  of assembly  session gets drastically reduced as fixed  by Govt. Reduction of  days of assembly session by Nabin Patnaik  Govt.  and pandemonium by opposition and treasury bench members  has hampered  parliamentary  debate  and discussion about people’s issues which is not  health trend for  democracy . Chief Minister  is  hardly  seen participating  in any  debate  and discourse  on policy  related  issues.

RTI Application was filed  to the PIO, office of the Speaker, Odisha Legislative Assembly  seeking  information  about   total no. of days fixed  for assembly  session during last 10 years  and actual days  of sitting held .  On 6.12.18, the  PIO  has  provided  the  following  information.

Sitting Days  planned
Sitting days  Actual


A.      It  was  observed  from  RTI  information  since 2014,  days  of assembly session  has been drastically  reduced  to 48 ( 2014), 45 (2016), 48 (2017), 42(2018). 
B.      Even  though the assembly session gets reduced ,  the  limited  days is not  devoted  much  for  debate  on people’s issues , as pandemonium , boycott by  both opposition and treasury benches  is witnessed  several times.
C.      Odisha assembly has  not performed well, as assembly sessions are  abruptly  adjourned.  Opposition voice is seen scuttled  and denied  to speak  and raise issues in the assembly.

Pradip Pradhan
Date- 13.1.19 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Information about Hockey World Cup denied by Odisha Govt.

Information about details of   Fund, budgeted, collected and utilized  for  Hockey World  Cup  is denied  by Govt. of Odisha  under RTI Act

OSAA  gives a  Call  for Mass Demonstration  in front  of  Department of  Sports and Youth Services , Govt. of Odisha  for proactive disclosure of information  about Hockey game in public  domain on 17.1.19
Dear friends

The SLOGAN  “ 3-T” ( Transparency, Team Work  and Technology)  and PEETA Yojana( People’s empowerment enabling transparency  and accountability of Odisha Initiative)  of Nabin Patnaik , Chief Minister of Odisha , claimed   by  him  to enforce transparency  and accountability  in the administration is proved  big hoax  and designed  to  cheat the people of Odisha . 

In fact, RTI Act , enacted in 2005  has mandate  to enforce transparency  and accountability  in the administration  and empower  citizens to access information held  by the public authorities.  But as it is seen several times,  from very beginning, Odisha Govt. has  tried to dilute and destroy RTI Act  in the state. Denial  of  information, harassing information-seekers, giving threats to family of RTI Activists, putting them behind bar  by filling false cases  has become order of the day  in the state. The magnitude of denial of  information has led  to  pending   of  more than 12000 cases  in Odisha Information Commission for  disposal. Due  to inefficiency and lack of experience, knowledge and expertise of two Information Commissioners ,  hearing and disposal of cases  gets delayed  for years  together  frustrating  effort of Information-seekers to get  timely information as mandated  under RTI Act.

However,  in this state of affairs, series of RTI Applications were  filed  to  different Govt. offices  including Department of Sports and Youth Services , a nodal Department  for organizing   Hockey World  Cup event in Bhubaneswar. The  details of RTI Applications  submitted, response of the  PIO and its status upto 12.1.19  is as  follows.

Date  of application
Name of applicant
Information sought for
Response of PIO
1.12.18 ( Dept. of Youth Affairs  and Sports, Govt. of Odisha )
Srikant Pakal, RTI Activist, Cuttack 
Details of appointment of Consultant, payment made to each of them,  details of fund  donated  by  International Hockey federation and Govt. of India, cost  for advertisement  for Hockey event, details of  fund earmarked  for  cultural programme organized in Bhubaneswar  and Cuttack
On 3.1.19, the PIO  has responded that “ the Coaching Competition section of this department  has intimated  that the accounts of Odisha Hockey Men’s World Cup-2018 has not been settled  till yet.
This is false  information. Settlement  of account  dies not have any relation to supply of information. The PIO  can share part  information and intimate  how much time  he or she  will take  to provide information.
( Dept. of Youth Affairs  and Sports, Govt. of Odisha )
Pratap Mohanty, RTI Activist, Kendrapara
M- 9040222335
Details of  fund received   by Govt. of Odisha  from various sources, details  of assurance  and advance released  to different  organisations  which were engaged, Details of Hotels  and other places booked  for Hockey players, details of  payment made for cultural program organized   in Bbubaneswar and Cuttack
On 3.1.19, the PIO  has responded that “ the Coaching Competition section of this department  has intimated  that the accounts of Odisha Hockey Men’s World Cup-2018 has not been settled  till yet.
This is false  information. Settlement  of account  dies not have any relation to supply of information. The PIO  can share part  information and intimate  how much time  he or she  will take  to provide information.

( Dept. of Youth Affairs  and Sports, Govt. of Odisha )
Pradip Pradhan
RTI Activist
Detail of  fund / programme contributed  by Hockey  India  for  Hockey event in Bhubaneswar, Details of  support  provided by Corporate House, details of fund utilized  for light decoration etc.
On 8.1.19, the PIO  has responded that “ the Coaching Competition section of this department  has intimated  that the accounts of Odisha Hockey Men’s World Cup-2018 has not been settled  till yet.
This is false  information. Settlement  of account  dies not have any relation to supply of information. The PIO  can share part  information and intimate  how much time  he or she  will take  to provide information.
15.11.18 ( Department of Finance, Govt. of Odisha)
Pradip Pradhan
RTI Activist
 Information about  details of  budgetary allocation made  for organizing world Hockey cup tournament in Odisha, details of financial allocation under different heads made by  each Department  for World Hockey Cup. 

No Information Supplied
First Appeal filed  to the FAA , Dept. of Finance
30.11.18 ( Department  of General Administration, Govt. of Odisha)
Pradip Pradhan
RTI Activist
 Details of  total fund   earmarked by different department and its respective subordinate offices   for organizing World Hockey Cup in the state, financial allocation made under different heads  by each department  and its subordinate offices for organizing world hockey cup, details of fund spent under different schemes ( mention central and state scheme)    for World cup hockey, details of fund already allocated by Dept  and subordinate offices   to  each agency engaged  for carrying out various work  for    this  event,  details of advances issued  to different agencies for organizing  the world hockey cup.

On 3.12.18, RTI Application was forwarded to the PIO, Dept. of Sports and Youth Services , Govt. of Odisha.  No response  from the PIO till yet.

30.11.18 ( Housing and urban Development , Govt. of Odisha )
Pradip Pradhan
RTI Activist
Information  about details of Fund sanctioned for  World Hockey Cup   by  department and Bhubaneswar Municipal  Corporation 

PIO forwarded  RTI Application  to the PIO, office of BMC to supply the Information.  The PIO of BMC  has provided  the  following  information.
Funds  proposed
Mural Art- Rs. 3 crore
e-toilet- Rs. 5.76 crore
water ATM-  Rs. 42.98 lakhs
No information about its utilization has been provided.
First appeal has been filed.
10.12.18 ( Ministry of Youth affairs  and Sports, Govt. of India
Pradip Pradhan
RTI Activist
Information about details of fund supported  to  Hockey  India by Govt. of India  to organize the  Hockey World Cup  in Bhubaneswar, capital city of Odisha,  details of events organized  directly  by Hockey India  and amount of money spent  for   each event,  details of  sponsorship  mobilized  by  Hockey India  for  Hockey World Cup  and amount contributed  by each Company or institution,  copy of all correspondence made  by post or in email  between Govt. of India , Govt. of Odisha  and Hockey India  with regard to organizing hockey world  cup event in Bhubaneswar,  details of payment made  to different organisations or individuals  and work assigned to each of them.

Information is yet  to be provided

 It shows  how   the PIOs of Govt. of Odisha   have  deliberately  denied  to provide  information and keep utmost secrecy  in the affairs  of Hockey  game.

Pradip Pradhan
RTI Activist
Date- 12.1.19

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Who has funded for electrification of Odisha

Fund sanctioned by Central Govt. and State Govt.  for electrification in Odisha

Dear friends
Nabin Patnaik  Govt. has put  up big banners and hoardings in different parts of the state  taking much credit  for progress  in rural electrification  in the state . But  in true sense,  Contribution of State  Govt. is  minimal in comparison  to that of Central Govt.. The Central Govt.  has  allocated fund  14  times  more  than  allocation of  fund by State  Govt. during last five years.  While State  Govt. has allocated  just 427.45 crore,  allocation  of  fund  by Central Govt. is  6240.36 crore. 

RTI Application was filed to Department of Energy, Govt. of Odisha and Rural electrification Corporations, a Govt. of India Enterprises seeking information about  details of budgetary allocation made under various schemes  for electrification in Odisha. The  information supplied by both the  offices is as follows ( Dept. of Energy on 9.10.18  and REC on 27.12.18)

1.    Two  schemes  i.e., Biju Gram Jyoti Yojana ( BGJY)  and Biju Saharanchal Vidyutikaran Yojana ( BSVY)  are  implemented  in Odisha  for  electrification.

2.   Rajiv  Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana ( RGGVY)  which has been replaced  by Deen Dayal Upadhaya Grameen Joti Yojana ( DDUGJY) , SAUBHAGYA  are  implemented  by Govt. of India  for  electrification  in the  country.

3.      Details of   fund allotted by Govt. of Odisha   within  last 5 years  is as follows.
                                                                                              ( in Crores)
Name  of State Govt. Scheme
Fund allotted
 Name of State  Govt. scheme .
Fund allotted
Biju Gram Jyoti Yojana ( BGJY) 
Biju Saharanchal Vidyutikaran Yojana ( BSVY)

N.B.  Total fund  allocated  by State  Govt. for electrification is 427.45 crores ( per year 85 Crores_

4.      Details of fund allocated  by Central Govt. for  electrification in Odisha  is as follows.
( In Crores)
Name  of State Govt. Scheme
Fund allotted
Rajiv  Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana ( RGGVY)  ) 
Deen Dayal Upadhaya Grameen Joti Yojana ( DDUGJY)

N.B.- Total fund allocated by Central Govt.  for electrification within 5 years is 6240.36 crores

Pradip Pradhan
Date- 9.1.19