Iron Ore Extracted and Exported in Odisha during COVID Pandemic
(From January to December,20)
· Total quantity of Iron Ore extracted - 11,09,86,067.9 MT
· Total quantity of Iron Ore exported - 2,40,51,516.2 MT
· Total quantity of iron Ore exported through Paradip Port - 1,78,27,683 MT
· Total quantity of iron Ore exported to China through Paradip Port - 1,57,37,638 MT
· Total revenue generated - Rs. 5663.68 CRORES
Odisha is endowed with vast resources of a variety of minerals and occupies a prominent place in the country as a mineral rich State. huge reserves of high-grade Iron ore, are extensively available in Keonjhar, Sundargarh, Mayurhanj, Jajpur in Odisha. This has opened up huge investment and establishment of Iron-Ore based industries for manufacture of Steel, Ferro-alloys, etc., along with setting up other auxiliary and ancillary industries. Huge extraction of Iron Ore made for industrial consumption in our state and also for export to other states and foreign countries. Govt. of Odisha has given lease to number of mining companies for extraction of iron ore to get just revenue from it. Huge export of raw Iron ore to foreign countries through paradeep Port and other ports is continuing day and night for just few royalty from it. The way Iron Ore is exploited and transported to ports through thousands of Andhra trucks for export , it may dwindle rich deposits within couple of years leaving no deposits for future generation.
During COVID lockdown in 2020, when the whole state was locked and suffering from pandemic and all manufacturing companies/ factories was almost closed, extraction of iron ore continues unabated by the mining companies just to export foreign countries like China . Trend of export of Huge quantities of Iron Ore from Paradeep Port was more in pandemic than previous normal period. This is nothing but loot of our resources for the benefit of few at the cost of millions of toiling masses of our state. while Odisha exported 17 lakh MT Iron Ore in Feb.20, the pandemic situation of May ,20 witnessed export of 28 lakh MT to foreign countries and other states.
RTI was filed to the office of Directorate of Mines , Govt. of Odisha and Paradip Port Trust to understand magnitude of Iron ore extracted , exported and consumed in our state of Odisha.
Total Quantity of Iron-Ore Extracted, consumed and exported from Odisha (from January to December, 20)
(Information provided by Directorate of Mines on 24.2.21)
Year |
Iron Ore Extracted |
Iron Ore Exported |
Iron Ore Consumed by Industries in Odisha |
January,20 |
1,29,62,905.84 |
17,63,572.51 |
58,14,943.23 |
Feb.20 |
1,35,20,360.00 |
17,81,708.74 |
55,53,444.48 |
March,20 |
1,14,27,967.09 |
18,30,720.59 |
57,35,678.44 |
April , 20 |
61,13,531.04 |
17,39,030.62 |
31,00,470.66 |
May,20 |
63,71,697.68 |
28,06,596.55 |
31,12,809.85 |
June,20 |
55,21,757.21 |
24,37,424.31 |
41,60,217.83 |
July,20 |
71,65,831.85 |
30,23,783.82 |
42,58,503.78 |
August,20 |
65,39,458.86 |
28,16,669.35 |
38,22,302.65 |
Sept.20 |
80,66,156.47 |
28,35,175.10 |
44,52,807.30 |
Oct.20 |
97,13,439.23 |
29,39,840.54 |
57,28,209.89 |
Nov.20 |
1,09,92,980.95 |
13,47,398.05 |
55,25,709.53 |
Dec.20 |
1,25,89,981.44 |
15,46,265.37 |
69,18,114.96 |
Total |
11,09,86,067.9 |
2,40,51,516.2 |
5,81,83,212.6 |
Total Quantity of Iron Ore exported from Paradeep Port ( MT)
(Information obtained from Paradeep Port Trust on 5.3.21 )
Name of the Month |
Total Quantity of Iron Ore exported from Paradeep Port ( MT) |
Name of the places to which Iron Ore exported ( Foreign Countries) |
Name of the places to which Iron Ore exported ( within India) |
January, 20 |
11,09,586 |
China |
1,19,929 |
Mumbai |
53,000 |
New Mangalore |
Feb.20 |
9,62,169 |
China |
52,300 |
Jintang |
52,500 |
Gangavaran |
3,33,153 |
Mumbai |
53,279 |
New Mangalore |
March,20 |
13,51,584 |
China |
19,750 |
1,11,545 |
Mumbai |
April,20 |
8,69,960 |
China |
53,800 |
Jhanjhiang |
55,200 |
Jingtang |
May,20 |
12,56,400 |
China |
59,316 |
June,20 |
16,06,215 |
China |
1,04,950 |
Mumbai |
July,20 |
12,04,295 |
China |
1,53,160 |
Mumbai |
August, 20 |
14,60,550 |
China |
42000 |
Shanghai |
50,795 |
1,17,509 |
Mumbai |
Sept.20 |
19,03,851 |
China |
22,330 |
Shanghai |
1,09,547 |
1,71,871 |
Mumbai |
October,20 |
13,06,692 |
China |
27,670 |
19,100 |
2,62,361 |
Mumbai |
Nov.,20 |
13,00,790 |
China |
35,100 |
1,74,558 |
Mumbai |
Dec.20 |
8,39,638 |
China |
20,000 |
3,81,230 |
Mumbai |
Total |
1,78,27,683 |
1,57,37,638 |
Collection of Royalty on Iron Ore from January to December,20
(Information provided by Directorate of Mines on 24.2.21)
Month |
Collection ( In Crore) |
January, 20 |
639.04 |
February,20 |
611.95 |
March,20 |
373.08 |
April,20 |
220.02 |
May,20 |
257.36 |
June, 20 |
429.55 |
July,20 |
522.21 |
August,20 |
531.89 |
September,20 |
536.47 |
October,20 |
539.24 |
November,20 |
452.91 |
December,20 |
549.96 |
Total |
5663.68 |
Pradip Pradhan
Date- 6.5.21