Friday, November 6, 2020

Dankari Mining loot in Jajpur-Updated


Dankari Mining Loot - Another Mega Mining Scam in Odisha


Dankari Mining Loot- Another Mega Mining Scam worth Rs. 15,000 crores perpetuated by BJD leaders and Govt. officials under Nabin Patnaik Govt.  in Odisha



1.      Dankari Hill forest  area , storehouse  of blackstone mines  comes  under  jurisdiction  of Dharmashala Tahsil  of Jajpur  district, Odisha.  This area, habitation of 700  population  of Dankari village  under Mahisara Gram Panchayat   is 15 kms   away  from Dharmashala Tahsil. Sribash  Jena ,  a former  Zilla Parishad of Biju Janata Dal,  ruling party , highly  politically  influential  person  closely  connected  to local MLA  and  state  power corridor  undertook   illegal  mining  operation I,e,  extraction of  black stone mines  in Dankari Hill  with  complete   support  from district administration  since  2002 to 2017. He carried out wagon  drill for   black stone mining quarry which caused  huge  water  and environment  pollution  in the locality.


2.      When  his illegal  mining  extraction was at  peak stage,  Sarbeswar Behura, RTI Activist  from 2012  started   filling  series of RTI Applications to different  offices including  office of Tahasil,  Dharmashala,  Collector,   Jajpur  and Deputy Director, Mines, Jajpur Road  seeking  information about details of lease  granted ,  area covered, copy of environment  clearance , details of royalty  paid  etc. The  information provided  by different  offices  exposed  about  mining  operation  without  valid lease  and  environment clearance.  Then ,  Sarbeswar  filed  series of complaints  to  different authorities  with prayer  to stop  illegal  mining  operation in Dankari Hill.  But due to political pressure, no authority  did  take  any action against  the  illegal miner.


3.       Then, in 2014, he  filed  a PIL case  in Odisha High Court  seeking  direction of the  court  to stop  illegal  mining  operation  in Dankari Hill. But  he could not  get appropriate  order  from the  court.  In the meantime , in 2015,  30 to 40  villagers  died  of kidney  damage, liver problem  and other  diseases  due to huge  water  and environment  pollution.  A large number  of  villagers  are also  found suffering  from various diseases  due to  pollution generated from  illegal  mining  operation.


4.      Then, Sarbeswar filed  complaint case  No. 4323/15  in Odisha Human Rights Commission  on 30.11.15  seeking  direction for   inquiry  into  illegal mining operation and  to check health  hazard  in the area. OHRC issued direction to Satya Mallik,  the then  Collector, Jajpur  to conduct  inquiry  and take action accordingly.


5.      The  Collector  in his letter  No. 3408  dated  27.11.15  ordered  for  closure  of operation of illegal mining   in Dankari Hill. On  13.12.15,  he  also  wrote letter  to Deputy Director, Mines, Jajpur Road  to quantify  total amount of  Black stone mines extracted  from the  Hill .  In response to letter of the Collector, the Deputy Director, mines, Jajpur Road   submitted   a report dt. 18.3.16  to the  Collector  in which he has mentioned that  total quantity  of  73, 38, 012.5 cum  has been illegally  extracted   by the  Mining  operator.


6.       On 10.5.16, the   Collector, Jajpur  wrote  a letter  to Secretary , Revenue and Disaster Management  informing about  illegal  mining operation  in Dankari Hill , loss of  royalty   due to illegal mining  operation and suggested  for a state squard  to make an assessment  of damage  done /loss of revenue sustained to state government. 


7.      On 18.5.16, the  Collector  wrote  a letter  to Tahasildar  attaching  report  of  Deputy Director, Mines, Jajpur Road  to quantify  revenue  loss of   amount  of  black stone mines  extracted  by deducting  the royalty paid  by  the mining operator.   The  Tahasildar   calculated  details of royalty  amount deposited  by Sribasa Jena  against  mining extracted to the tune of  14,15,596 cum and compare  it with  figure  of total amount of mining extracted  as per report of Deputy Director, Mines. The Tahasildar wrote  a letter  to  Sribasa Jena, Mining operator  about  extraction of excess  amount  of mining  69,22, 016  cum  against  which  royalty  amount  Rs. 58, 62, 79, 633.00  to be deposited  with  copy  marked to  Collector.


8.      On 8.6.16, Sribasa Jena challenged   the order of Tahasildar   in Odisha High Court and got stay order. On 28.9.16, the  High  Court  ordered  for fresh inquiry  and provide  reasonable  opportunity  to  Sribasa Jena  of being  heard  prior to taking  any decision  about   fixation of royalty.


9.      On 21.6.16, Mr. Deepak Mohanty, Director, Mines  wrote  a letter to the  Collector, Jajpur  to constitute a committee comprising  the revenue, Mining   and police officials  for  getting  reassessment done  with the assistance  of State level  Enforcement  squad  of this directorate.


10.   On 4.7.16., Sri Abhaya Nayak, Joint  Secretary, R&DM  wrote a letter  to  the Collector, Jajpur  that

i.      Collector  shall  calculate  the royalty  amount  for the excess quantity  of black stone  extracted  by the lessee and issue demand  notice  to Sri Sribasa Jena , the lessee  and recover the same immediately.

ii.    Penalty  may  also be levied  for the illegal extraction  of  the minerals  from  the sources.

iii.   Total extent of revenue  loss and excess lifting  should be  assessed by  the  joint team  comprising  officers of Mines and Revenue administration, constituted  Collector, Jajpur.

iv.  Collector  should file FIR  for the theft  of black stone  to  the extent excess  than  the allotted quantity.

v.    Collector  may initiate  disciplinary  proceedings against the concerned R.I.s  and recommend  with memo of evidence  for drawal of proceedings  against Tahasildars  and other  higher  authorities.

vi.  On the basis of  the facts  reported  and theft done in violation of the lease conditions, the lease agreement , if in force any,  should  be terminated  by  the  Collector  following due  procedure  of law.

vii. Immediate  steps  should be taken for  fresh auction  of the  source, as per revised  OMMC Rules.


11. Following  order  of Department of  Revenue  and Disaster Management  dated 4.7.16,  the  Additional district  Magistrate ( ADM), Jajpur  dt. 23.8.16  submitted  to the  Collector, Jajpur framing  the memorandum   of evidence  for  drawal of  proceedings   under  Rule-15  of the Orissa Civil  Services ( Classification, Control  and Appeal ) Rules, 1962 against the 10  erring  Revenue  Inspectors  of Dankari  R.I. Circle  under Dharmashala Tahsil  in connection with  the illegal extraction  of Black stone  from Dankari  Black stone quarry  and loss of revenue  incurred during their  incumbency  as Revenue  Inspectors.  The   Revenue  Inspectors  were  directed  to submit their written statement of defence   within 30 days  from the date  of receipt of memorandum  and also to state  if they  desire  to be heard  in person.


12. On  6.8.16., the ADM  submitted  to Revenue  and Disaster  Management  the  draft proceedings  against the 10 erring  Tahasildars  of Dharmashala in connection with  the illegal extraction  of Black stone  from Dankari  Black stone quarry  and loss of revenue  incurred during their  incumbency  as Tahasildars.   The   Tahasildars   were  directed  to submit their written statement of defence  within 30 days  from the date  of receipt of memorandum  and also to state  if they  desire  to be heard  in person.


13. Similarly,  on 11.8.16,  the ADM  submitted  to Revenue  and Disaster  Management  the  draft proceedings  against the 6  erring  Sub-Collectors    in connection with  the illegal extraction  of Black stone  from Dankari  Black stone quarry  and loss of revenue  incurred during their  incumbency  as Sub-Collectors.   The    Sub-Collectors were  directed  to submit their written statement of defence  within 30 days  from the date  of receipt of memorandum  and also to state  if they  desire  to be heard  in person.


Though notice  for  disciplinary  proceedings  was  issued  to  10 Revenue Inspectors, 10 Tahasildars  and 6  Sub-Collectors,    it  was kept  pending for  years together. No action was  taken against  erring  officials  till yet. These  officials  were protected  by the State  Government, political  leaders , local MLA  and  others.


14. Then Sarbeswar  Behuria  filed  complaint  in National Green Tribunal in  July  2018  seeking inquiry  into  illegal mining  extraction  and prayed  for   action against the  officials.  After  registering  the  Complaint  No. 604/2018, NGT  has ordered   dated 31.8.18.  to the Secretary, Department of Forest  to constitute  a team  with representatives  from SPCB, Sate  Level environment  Impact Assessment  Authority 9SEIAA), Odisha  and  Collector, jajpur  and  a representative  from forest department  and  to furnish  an action taken report.  The Forest  Dept. submitted the  report  to NGT  on 7.12.18.  Following  which  the NGT  passed  the  order on 4.1.19 . The gist  of the  order is as follows.


A.    Chief  Secretary, Govt. of Odisha was directed  to initiate appropriate  departmental action  for the misconduct  of the officers  involved  in permitting illegal   black stone quarrying  as found  by the inspection committee  constituted  by NGT. Apart  from  such disciplinary  action, the state  has to recover  the cost of illegally  mined material, cost of damage  to environment , Net present Value  of ecological services  foregone  as well as  cost of restoration  of the environment.


B.The State  Govt.  and statutory  authorities   must anticipate, prevent  and attack  the causes  of environment degradation  and are accountable  for inaction  as well as collusion.


C.To uphold rule of  law  and accountability  of those  who are  trustees  of  environment , the  state machinery  is required  to  compensate  for their negligence  and failure  which may act  as deterrent against  the officers  who neglected  their basic duty  of protecting the environment  or colluded with the polluters  and law violators.  This  is required  as a part of  principle  of “ polluter pays”  which applies  not only to actual polluters  or enable pollution  to be caused  and also  for the negligence  of  public duties , adversely  affecting  the citizens.


D.      The  State Govt.   can not  avoid  the  responsibility  for the damage  caused  to the environment.  Accordingly  , NGT  held  the  state  Govt. to  be liable  to deposit  an interim  compensation  of Rs. 25 crores  which may be  deposited  with the  Central  Pollution  Control Board  within one month, pending the final assessment  on receipt of the report  of the  committee being  constituted.  The State  Govt.  has the liberty  to recover  the amount  from  the erring  officers  and the  illegal  miners/ stone crushers . The amount  recovered  will be utilized  for restoration of  environment  and for the  welfare  of  mine workers  and local population affected  by diseases  due to illegal mining.


E.       NGT   also  constituted a joint committee  of representatives of CPCB, Indian school of mines, Dhanabad,  and Chairman,  State  Environment  Impact Assessment Authority ( SEIAA)  to  make an assessment  of the amount of illegally mined materials , cost of damage to environment , net present value  of ecological services foregone  as well as  cost  of restoration of the environment  and exemplary  damages .


15.  In a dramatic move, Sri Sriash Jena challenged  the order of NGT in Supreme Court  and  the Supreme Court  has granted  stay order on 26.10.2018. The State Govt. maintains ominous silence  in this matter  without  challenging stay order in the Supreme Court.



Presented  in the Press Meet on Land Scam in Odisha held  in Bhuaneswar on 4.11.20 by Pradip Pradhan, Srikant Pakal, Debesh Dash, Sudhir Mohanty, Sanjukta Panigrahi, Sarbeswar Behura, on behalf of Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan ) Contact No. -9937843482  



Updating KIIT Land Scam in Bhubaneswar


Land Scam of Achyut Samant, founder of KIIT and KISS, Crime and criminality of Sri Samant was  exposed under RTI


 In 2013, the  Comptroller and Auditor General of India presented  its report  ( General and Social Sector Volume- 3 ) exposing  how  Sri Achyut Samant had acquired land measuring 82 acres through fraudulent means having unholy alliance with corrupt bureaucrats.   As per information obtained under RTI, Sri Samant   has acquired around 30 acres of forest land without obtaining any sanction from the State Government or Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India. Despite NGT Order,   Govt. of Odisha  has miserably failed  to  return back the land from KIIT due to his  criminal nexus with   State administration ( despite our plethora of complaints, Chief Minister has not   ordered  for any inquiry rather promoted  and protected  him).


1.       Since last 3 years,  several RTI Applications have been filed in the    Department of General Administration under Chief Minister to get the information about details of  land leased out to KIIT and KISS.  The Department had been avoiding  to provide the said  information. However after intervention of Odisha Information Commission and our repeated  persuasion,  the GA Department  at last provided  the information  which  exposed  how Sri Samant  has acquired  another  11.438 acres of valuable GA plot   through fraudulent means  and adopting all illegal means with  the knowledge of state administration. It is such  an  interesting Scam masterminded  by Sri Samant  which has never happened anywhere in history of Odisha.


On 7.7.18, the PIO, Department of General Administration has provided the following information.

·         As per available records, no land has been leased out in favour of KIIT, KIMS and KISS by the GA department.


·         Though KIIT has applied for land to GA department for several times, the Govt. has not leased out any land to it.

·         But  as per  the report of Revenue Inspector of GA Department which was presented  to State Govt. on 23.9.13, it  was  found that KIIT  has  unauthorisedly and illegally acquired  huge land in Patia  mouza, Bhubaneswar.  KIIT has already constructed multistoried building over plot no.-347 ( pt) Ac. 2.500.


·           An area measuring Ac.1.550 pertaining to revenue plot no. – 412(pt) kisam-Godanda is lying vacant but acquired by Sri Samant and a compound wall around the said land has been constructed.


·         An area measuring Ac. 0.558 dec Govt. land pertaining revenue plot No.-350(pt) and 407 (pt)  is encroached by  KIIT  constructing  compound wall  and asbest house over the said land.


·          KIIT also unauthorisedly constructed compound wall over revenue plot No. -319 (pt) Ac. 5.725, plot No. 320(pt) Ac.0.300 of Khata No.491 and revenue plot no. -318 (pt) Ac. 0.905  Khata No. 493 of Mouza Patia.


The details of land illegally acquired without sanction of State Govt.  as per abovementioned information is as follows.


Khata No.

Plot No.

Area in Ac.

























                       Grand Total



2.       KISS has also encroached 10 acres of   revenue forest land  having plot no. 541(p) , khata no. 420   in Pathargadia  Mouza. Though KISS has submitted diversion proposal, it  has not  been accepted  by Govt. The Govt. has directed  the Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar  vide letter No. 4971 dt. 22.10.14  for appropriate legal action. Though 6 years passed,  this  order is gathering dust  in Tahasil office.


3.       On 16.1.2019, RTI application was submitted to the PIO, office  of BDA, Bhubaneswar seeking  details of building plan approval made  to KIIT for  construction  of  building  on the  above-mentioned plots. On 5.2.2019, the PIO has  intimated  that no application has been receied for approval of building plan over the Plot No. 347,412,350,407,319,320,318.


4.       Similarly, KISS  has encroached  another 4.032 hect  forest land in Mouza-Pathargadia  under Bhuaneswar Tahasil. After  this  issue  was raised, KISS  submitted  diversion proposal to DFO, Chandaka Wildlife Division on 1..1.17 which has not yet approved.


5.       The encroachment  of 18 acres  of  forest land  ACQUIRED by KIIT  which has been challenged  in National Green Tribunal  in 2016. The NGT order in Case No. 92/2016/EZ for  returning back  this encroached land and fencing around it  has not yet been carried out by the Govt.

   Presented  in the Press Meet on Land Scam in Odisha held  in Bhuaneswar on 4.11.20 by Pradip Pradhan, Srikant Pakal, Debesh Dash, Sudhir Mohanty, Sanjukta Panigrahi, Sarbeswar Behura, on behalf of Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan ) Contact No. -9937843482