Sunday, June 28, 2020

Suggestions invited by CM, Odisha on “Mahanadai Water dispute” waS Eye-wash Exercise

Suggestions invited by Chief Minister, Odisha   on “Mahanadai Water dispute” was unwanted and just Eye-wash exercise

Dear friends

In 2016, when the  Govt. of Odisha and Biju Janata Dal  raised the issue  of over exploitation of Mahanadi Water by Chhatishgarh Govt. which resulted in dry of riverbed of Mahanadi in Odisha even during monsoon season  and organized mass movement across the state ,  the state witnessed a lot of  activism involving all political parties, social activists, NGOs and intelligentsia    and generated a public debate   for  resolution of this dispute.  Rally, Dharana, demonstration was organized by  various political and non-political groups  creating war phobia against Chhitashgarh  and some others accusing both State Govt. and Central Govt.  for this crisis.

In the midst of on-going debate on  Mahanadi Water dispute , Sri Nabin Patnaik, Chief Minister, Odisha  invited  suggestions  from public with  huge advertisements  for  resolution  of Mahanadi Water dispute  which will  help preparing documents  for presentation in the tripartite meeting dt. 17.9.16. called  by  Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India  for dispute resolution.

Responding  the  call  of  Chief Minister,  thousands  of  people  and hundreds  of organisations including  various political parties  stood  in queue  for  the whole day or  days together  to meet Chief Minister and submit  their respective suggestions in form of memorandum. This melodrama  continued  for  days  together  in state secretariat with  Chief Minister receiving memoranda  from cross section of the people. As  reported, the  Chief Minister  only  conveyed  “ thanks” to the visiting people  without discussing anything about  the Mahanadi issues.

After  this event is over, RTI Application dt. 19.9.16  was submitted to the PIO, Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha seeking  the  following information.      

i.  Details of decision taken at Govt.  level to seek public opinion and suggestion by Chief Minister on Mahanadi Water dispute issue along with copy of file noting and copy of press release.
ii. Name of the organizations who   met Chief Minister personally and presented their suggestions with date of their meeting.
iii. Name of the officials who were in charge of compiling the suggestions given by different organizations.
iv. Copy of the suggestions given by different organisations which were included in report / document prepared for presentation by Chief Minister in tripartite meeting held at New Delhi on 17.9.16.
v. Name of the officials who prepared the documents for presentation by Chief Minister in tripartite meeting.
vi. Copy of the documents which was presented in tripartite meeting for discussion with Chhatisgarh Govt. facilitated by Uma Bharati, Minister for Water resources.
vii.  Details of outcome of the tripartite meeting  and copy of press release given by Chief Minister. 

This RTI Application was forwarded to the  PIO, office of Engineer-in-Chief, Water Resources to provide  information.  The PIO   provided   incomplete information with  the First Appellate  Authority endorsing  the same. Then on 5.11.16., the Second Appeal petition was  filed  in Odisha Information Commission seeking direction to the PIO to provide  complete  information. The hearing of the  case  registered  as Second Appeal No. 191/2017  was  heard   by State Chief Information Commissioner, Odisha  and  direction was  issued  to the PIO, office of Engineer-in-Chief , Water Resources  to provide  complete  information  as  sought for. The PIO provided  all the  information except  the  following one  which was  crucial  for me,  as the Chief Minister  has declared  that  the  important suggestions  received  from the experts will be  accepted  and put  in  the  documents for resolution of water  disputes.  
iv. Copy of the suggestions given by different organisations which were included in report / document prepared for presentation by Chief Minister in tripartite meeting held at New Delhi on 17.9.16.

When  the  Commission  made query  about  reason of non-supply of the information,  the PIO, office of EIC, Water Resources submitted  that he had  transferred  RTI Application to the parent Department i.e., Water Resources  Dept.  to supply  the  information  due  to its non-availability  in their office. But  the PIO, Water  Resources  Department  did  not  supply  the  information about “suggestions given by different organisations which were included in report / document prepared for presentation by Chief Minister in tripartite meeting held at New Delhi on 17.9.16.”.

It was reported  that  the PIO, Dept. of Water Resources  could not  provide  the same  due to non-availability  of the  information. It means the   not  a single  suggestions  given by  thousands  of people and experts  submitted to  Chief  Minister  was  taken into account  for  its  incorporation in the  final  document prepared  by  the Govt. for  submission to the Central Govt.  Secondly, the   plethora of suggestions  submitted in form of  memorandum  was simply  packed  in a bag  and stored in a corner  of  the  office  which  is  gathering dust till today. Neither the  Govt.  has engaged   any  officer   to open  it  nor   has any   responsible  officer of this Dept.  any  interest  to  study  it.  It  was  just  an eye – wash  exercise  to deceive  the  people  of Odisha  that  Chief Minister  cares   their  views  which  was  in fact  a big farce.

The story does not end here. On 28.2.20. while adjudicating  the  case, the State  Chief  Information Commissioner  has  issued  direction  to the PIO, Dept. of Water resources  to supply  the said  information or file an affidavit  about  non-availability  of  information.  The  Commission  has also taken  adverse view  and issued show-cause  notice  to the  PIO   to reply  why  penal action  under  section 20  will not be  taken  against  him.

Pradip Pradhan

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Donation received and utilized from CMRF, Odisha for COVID 19

Donation received and utilized from CMRF, Odisha for COVID 19

Dear friends 

On 14.5.20., RTI Application  was submitted  to the PIO, Dept. of General Administration and Public grievances, Govt. of Odisha  seeking  the  following information.

·      Total  amount  of donation  received  so far by  Chief  Minister Relief Fund for COVID 19.
·      List of name of persons/ organisations/ institutions donated to CMRF and amount by each of them.
·      Details of  of fund allotted from CMRF  for  each activity to fight againt COVID 19 ( date-wise). 

On 10.6.20., the PIO has  provided the  following information. 

A.      As on 8.6.20,  a sum of Rs. 580,13,78,767.00 has so far  been received   in Chief Minister Relief Fund ( CMRF)  from different organisations/ individuals  in the wake  of  COVID -19 pandemic . 

B.      As on 8.6.20,  a sum of Rs. 178,34,18,000/-  has so far  been released  for  different purposes  towards  combating COVID-19 pandemic.  The  details is  as follows.

Sl. No.
Sanction order No.
Name  of  the  authority to whom the sanction amount  to be remitted
Amount  released
Initial allotment  for COVID expenditure
All Collectors
For welfare  of Police Personnel
DGP, Odisha , Cuttack
Assistance  to Street Vendors
H & UD Department
Feeding to stray Animals  due to lockdown
H & UD Department
Additional Fund for  COVID Expenditure
Collector, Ganjam
Train Ticket for Shramik Express Train
Eco Railway
Additional Fund for  COVID  Expenditure
Collector, Malkanagiri
Quarantine  Incentive @ Rs. 2000.00
Panchayat Raj &DW Dept.
Quarantine Incentive  @Rs. 2000.00
H & UD Department
Additional fund for  COVID Expenditure
Collector, Kondhamal
Additional fund for  COVID Expenditure
Collector, Bolangir
Additional fund for  COVID Expenditure
Collector, Khorda
Additional fund for  COVID Expenditure
Collector, Nuapara


A.   As  per media Report,   not  a single  person  has  been given   incentive  Rs. 2000.00 after  their  completion  of  quarantine  period  ( 14 days)  in quarantine  centre.  Bur  a sum of  Rs.  62  crores  has been  released  from CMRF  to  Dept. of  Panchayat Raj  and Housing  and Urban development Department for  payment  of incentives  to the  people after  completion of 14 days  stay  in quarantine  centre.  The  Govt. must  clarify why  the  people  have not been paid  incentive  despite  release  of fund. 

Pradip Pradhan
Date – 20.6.20