Monday, August 27, 2018

Odisha Development Conclave, Transparency and Jagadanand Mohanty
( Bulletin-2)
Whether  it was Development  Conclave  or  Show  of  Jagadanand Mohanty  of CYSD

I  got opportunity  to  come across the agenda of 3-day programme of Odisha Development  Conclave-2018, but  could not  find any plenary session  devoted  for  discussion on RTI- A tool for transparency  and accountable governance in the country, Lokpal  and Lokayukta, Grievance Redressal mechanism  etc.  Good Governance is much-discussed buzz word in Civil Society Forum in the state.  Many NGOs   are also working  on  governance issues  in the state  and advocate  for transparency  in the administration, though  very  few  of them  work  on RTI.   As I have seen, Sri Jagadand Mohanty also projected himself great advocate  of  good governance . He had also served as State Information Commissioner for five years ( 2008-13), a transparency watch-dog  under RTI Act. However, during  this period, we have  exposed  him  how he   as Information Commissioner  has acted  to destroy  RTI Act  in the state  establishing unholy alliance with corrupt bureaucracy and demoralized  RTI Activists  and discouraged  them  from  carrying out   their mission  to  fight   for   transparency  and accountability in the administration.   When   we exposed  his true  character publicly and his ignorance  about law  and lack of expertise  to adjudicate  the case, he influenced the then    State  Chief Information Commissioner    to file defamation case  against me and Chitta Behera  in the court of First Class Judicial magistrate , Bhubaneswar  in October, 2010.  The case is pending  in the  court till  today.

However, without  being disturbed by  this conspiracy  of  Information Commission,  we  continue  to  bring to limelight  about  his dangerous performance as  Information Commissioner.  After  his tenure is over, As I have seen,  he keeps discussing  about RTI and transparent  governance  in various public meetings.

But  I got astonished  why  the same person failed  to keep  a session devoted  for  discussion on RTI  in Odisha Development  Conclave  and  transparency  about source of funding mobilized  from different  sources.  I was asking many of my friends about source of funding for this mega event. But nobody could speak about it. Nobody knows about it. They said that CYSD people were managing and controlling everything. All the NGOs who also participated in this conclave are hardly aware about the source.  Many people are alleging that Sri Jagadanand  and his NGO CYSD  has mobilized  huge fund from corporate  house  in form of funding  and also advertisement.  Same issue  was also cropped  up in  Odisha Development Conclave-2016, as the NGOs are still in dark  about  source of fund  and its utilization.  

Odisha, our beloved state, endowed with huge natural resources  and man power  is  still suffering  from hunger, malnutrition and earned notoriety for  being highest poverty stricken  population  in the country. It is due to maladministration, corruption and lack of transparency and accountability. Since 2005, the State Government has tried its best to dilute  and destroy RTI Act  in the  State and Odisha Information Commission like Sri Jagadanand Mohanty  has contributed  to it. The office of Lokpal was closed. Lokayukta  was  not appointed . So unless transparency is enforced ,  corruption cannot  be checked  and   effective administration can not  be streamlined. Transparency  in administration can ensure effective delivery of services  to the people  and generate public demand  to access to  services meant for them. The decade-long fight of RTI Activists has  contributed  a little   in this field and exposed  huge scams  and brought to limelight  true  character of Nabin Patnaik, most  corrupt chief Minister in history of Odisha.  

So any programme without transparency and accountability is big zero. The organizers of  Odisha Development  Conclave and NGOs  involved in this process  must  realize  it  which is  demand of the time. I appeal   them  to  immediately  disclose  the details of source of funding and allocation of fund  for  different  activity  of the Conclave   in order to set an example  in NGO sector. Sudarshan Chhotaray , journalist of the  Pioneer  was sharing  with  me  that  when  he asked  about  source of funding  for  conclave  in press meet,  Sri Jagadanand  and others   got terribly disturbed and  did not  reply anything   which has already been  highlighted  in “ the Orissa  Pioneer”.

We the RTI Activists  are not sitting idle. 20 RTI Applications   are being filed  tomorrow  to  different  offices including  CYSD , Bhubaneswar   seeking  information  about  budget,  source of funding, various activity including  bill and  vouchures.

We should also remember that  any  collective programme   can not  be  one-man show  and one-man propaganda.  It  is very dangerous trend and practice of feudal  culture  in Odisha  which  is against the spirit  of democracy. The learned NGO leaders  must  be aware and cautious   about  it.

Pradip Pradhan
RTI Activist, Odisha
Date- 27.8.18

Odisha Development Conclave, Transparency and Jagadanand Mohanty

Odisha Development Conclave, Transparency and Jagadanand Mohanty
( Bulletin-2)
Whether  it was Development  Conclave  or  Show  of  Jagadanand Mohanty  of CYSD

I  got opportunity  to  come across the agenda of 3-day programme of Odisha Development  Conclave-2018, but  could not  find any plenary session  devoted  for  discussion on RTI- A tool for transparency  and accountable governance in the country, Lokpal  and Lokayukta, Grievance Redressal mechanism  etc.  Good Governance is much-discussed buzz word in Civil Society Forum in the state.  Many NGOs   are also working  on  governance issues  in the state  and advocate  for transparency  in the administration, though  very  few  of them  work  on RTI.   As I have seen, Sri Jagadand Mohanty also projected himself great advocate  of  good governance . He had also served as State Information Commissioner for five years ( 2008-13), a transparency watch-dog  under RTI Act. However, during  this period, we have  exposed  him  how he   as Information Commissioner  has acted  to destroy  RTI Act  in the state  establishing unholy alliance with corrupt bureaucracy and demoralized  RTI Activists  and discouraged  them  from  carrying out   their mission  to  fight   for   transparency  and accountability in the administration.   When   we exposed  his true  character publicly and his ignorance  about law  and lack of expertise  to adjudicate  the case, he influenced the then    State  Chief Information Commissioner    to file defamation case  against me and Chitta Behera  in the court of First Class Judicial magistrate , Bhubaneswar  in October, 2010.  The case is pending  in the  court till  today.

However, without  being disturbed by  this conspiracy  of  Information Commission,  we  continue  to  bring to limelight  about  his dangerous performance as  Information Commissioner.  After  his tenure is over, As I have seen,  he keeps discussing  about RTI and transparent  governance  in various public meetings.

But  I got astonished  why  the same person failed  to keep  a session devoted  for  discussion on RTI  in Odisha Development  Conclave  and  transparency  about source of funding mobilized  from different  sources.  I was asking many of my friends about source of funding for this mega event. But nobody could speak about it. Nobody knows about it. They said that CYSD people were managing and controlling everything. All the NGOs who also participated in this conclave are hardly aware about the source.  Many people are alleging that Sri Jagadanand  and his NGO CYSD  has mobilized  huge fund from corporate  house  in form of funding  and also advertisement.  Same issue  was also cropped  up in  Odisha Development Conclave-2016, as the NGOs are still in dark  about  source of fund  and its utilization.  

Odisha, our beloved state, endowed with huge natural resources  and man power  is  still suffering  from hunger, malnutrition and earned notoriety for  being highest poverty stricken  population  in the country. It is due to maladministration, corruption and lack of transparency and accountability. Since 2005, the State Government has tried its best to dilute  and destroy RTI Act  in the  State and Odisha Information Commission like Sri Jagadanand Mohanty  has contributed  to it. The office of Lokpal was closed. Lokayukta  was  not appointed . So unless transparency is enforced ,  corruption cannot  be checked  and   effective administration can not  be streamlined. Transparency  in administration can ensure effective delivery of services  to the people  and generate public demand  to access to  services meant for them. The decade-long fight of RTI Activists has  contributed  a little   in this field and exposed  huge scams  and brought to limelight  true  character of Nabin Patnaik, most  corrupt chief Minister in history of Odisha.  

So any programme without transparency and accountability is big zero. The organizers of  Odisha Development  Conclave and NGOs  involved in this process  must  realize  it  which is  demand of the time. I appeal   them  to  immediately  disclose  the details of source of funding and allocation of fund  for  different  activity  of the Conclave   in order to set an example  in NGO sector. Sudarshan Chhotaray , journalist of the  Pioneer  was sharing  with  me  that  when  he asked  about  source of funding  for  conclave  in press meet,  Sri Jagadanand  and others   got terribly disturbed and  did not  reply anything   which has already been  highlighted  in “ the Orissa  Pioneer”.

We should also remember that  any  collective programme   can not  be  one-man show  and one-man propaganda.  It  is very dangerous trend and practice of feudal  culture  in Odisha  which  is against the spirit  of democracy. The learned NGO leaders  must  be aware and cautious   about  it.

Pradip Pradhan
RTI Activist, Odisha
Date- 27.8.18

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Odisha development Conclave and Jagadanand Mohanty

My view on “Odisha Development Conclave-2018”
Why I hold my view it as Farce ?

As per law of medical Science, only masturbation does not ensure pregnancy. But it gives sensual or sexual pleasure.  That’s why doctors advise couple for sexual intercourse  which may lead to pregnancy . Karl Marx  has applied  this scientific law while  understanding   the contemporary society, class exploitation, class struggle i.e., “ theory of  two opposites.” This is the law  of nature.  Similarly, mere intellectual masturbation  ( discourse )  can not  give any result nor will it help developing  society or the state. It has never happened in history.  From  this   perspective , the performance of Odisha Development  Conclave  can be analysed.

The first Odisha Development Conclave was organized in Bhubaneswar in 2016  with much fanfare and  huge funding which has been kept secret till yet.  This 3-day programme ended  with a lot of  intellectual and academic discussion  through various plenary sessions with participation of good number of the people, activists, NGOs, Govt. officials and many more. What  is the outcome of that mega event ? What  was the action plan  and how it  was implemented ?  No response  has been given  from the organisers of  that  Conclave-2016. The net result  was  a high-profile report which  was   presented  to Governor by Sri Jagadanand Mohanty , Secretary CYSD  with his team. It was nothing but a melodrama.    In pre, post  and during  this Conclave-2016  , one man  was  seen being much highlighted  is none by Jagadanand Mohanty, a great Sarakari broker ( Govt. promoted Dalal ) who has spent most of his time  doing negotiation with Govt. in name of constructive engagements  and hobnobbing with corrupt bureaucracy  under Nabin Patnaik Govt. for project of CYSD , profit  and  Govt. land.  NGO sector  has not at all  been benefitted  rather he has used name of NGO sector  for his personal benefit.  As I have critically  understood  this man  and tested  him during his  position  as Information Commissioner, he  has not only misbehaved RTI Activists during hearing but  tried  his level best  to protect  corrupt Govt. official  and damaged  RTI  establishing unholy alliance  with  corrupt bureaucrats. Nobody will find a single outstanding decision of  his five years tenure. After his retirement ,  he immediately organized   a NGO meet  and so-called  Sambardhana Sabha was organized by  few lumpenised  activists and Sycophant NGOs   at Jayadev Bhawan  to keep his face clean  which  was seriously  damaged  by campaign of RTI Activists  and exposing his true character of dalali  in public  domain. Then, he started  and adopted  various tricks  to win over Govt.  to get Rajya Sabha ticket  and used his all strength and contact and connection  to influence Chief Minister.  But  he failed  to achieve it.  Odisha development  Conclave-2016  was  for  the  purpose of getting Rajya Sabha ticket   in name  of development of Odisha and NGO Fraternity. It was organized  to develop his image and profile so that the political leadership  will be attracted  and influenced to give him ticket for Rajya Sabha. He was highly  unhappy  when Sri A.V.Swamy  got Rajya Sabha  ticket.  My friends of NGO sector  must  understand   selfish character  of Jagadanand and his ill-motive behind organizing any programme. When  Sri Achyut Samant  and Sri Soumya Ranjan Patnaik  got Rajya sabha ticket, his  last hope  to get Raj sabha  ticket dashed out and got  terribly  disturbed.

Having lost   faith on  BJD, he  has very  cunningly and calculatedly  moved  to Dharmendra Pradhan,  face of BJP , party  in power in centre. As  he knows  dirty trick of influencing  others  for his vested interest, he  somehow  has succeeded  in influencing  Dharmendra  bhai  to get  benefit or  bargain  with BJD  for Rajya sabha  and  projects  for CYSD  in name  of NGO sector.  This Conclave-2018  is nothing  for development of our beloved state   but  for  his  vested interest. That’s why  his name  is only  discussed in conclave as if  he is  development messiah.     

I appeal all my friends in voluntary  sector  and NGO chiefs  to be cautious  and careful   about  such  character which is detrimental  to the interest of the state.

My lone voice is just  like an earthen lamp which dares  to lighten  deep dark world.   All of  you may like or dislike. But I presented  the fact-sheet  from my experience while working  in this sector  for 23 years.
Pradip Pradhan
State Convener
Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan
Date-25.6.18 ,

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Special Audit Report on Land Scam suppressed by General Administration Dept. since 3 years

Special Audit Report on Land Scam suppressed by General Administration Department under Chief Minister, Odisha since 3 years, exposed  under RTI

1. In view of CAG report about  alleged irregularities in allotment of land/houses/flats byBhubaneswarDevelopment Authority(BDA), Cuttack Development Authority (CDA),Odisha State Housing Board (OSHB) and General Administration (GA) Department and IDCO and subsequent demand by Opposition parties  and Civil Society for CBI inquiry, the State Government constituted a  Task Force  on dated 2.8.2014  to review all the allotment of morethan one land/houses/flats to the members of the samefamily and allotment under discretionary quota to ineligible persons from 1995 to 2014 and submit its report within 4 months. 

2.  The Task Force led by Dr. Taradatt, Addl. Chief Secretary with the members such as Commissioner-cum-Secretary, H&UD Department and Special Secretary, Dept. of GA produced their report on 3.11.14. The report was placed before state cabinet on 18.12.14 and it was endorsed with   Action Taken Report   which was later on published in official Gazette on 30.1.2015.

3. After considering the recommendations, the cabinet inter alia has directed that the modalities of implementation of the report would be worked out in consultation with the Law department and the Advocate General within 90 days. On 6.5.15, after due consultation, the Govt.  finalized Modalities  for implementation of the recommendation of the Task Force.

4.  The Modalities prepared  by Govt. for implementation of the recommendations of  the Task Force  stipulates ( Para – vii)  that  the Finance Department  should conduct  special audit  in respect of  the left out  cases of multiple allotments  as recommended  by  Task Force  in Para 48(2) and to find out  the actual number  of discretionary allotment made  after 1.1.1995 as recommended  in Para  48 (5)  of the Task Force  and also of  allotment  made  after 1.1.1995 as has been recommended  in para 48 ( c)  and only after the special audit is completed  on all respected , the modalities  for taking action against  them  has to be prepared  as per  law. 

5.  RTI Application was submitted  to the PIO, Department of Finance seeking information about  details of Special audit conducted by Finance Department, Govt. of Odisha. As per information  supplied  under RTI on 24.1.18,  Special audit  Team  was constituted   as per  the letter  No. 29987/F dt. 21.11.2015.  As per office order dated 21.11.15., the Finance Deptt.  constituted  the  following audit team to undertake the special audit. These are as follows.

Name of the organisation
Name of Audit Personnel
BDA, Bhubaneswar
Sri S.K.Ray,AAO, Sri P.K.Chakra, Auditor
Sri B.K.Das, Auditor,Sri A.K.Swain, Auditor
Sri Akshaya Ku. Bhoi, Auditor
CDA, Cuttack
Sri N. Maharana, AAO, Sri J.Dhal, Auditor
Sri B.S.Behera, Auditor, Sri D.K.Kahali, Auditor ,
Sri Brundaban Baisakh, Auditor
Odisha State Housing Board, Bhubaneswar
Sri S.C.Behera, AAO, Smt. S.L.Mishra, Auditor
Sri H.S.Swain, Auditor , Sri Dillip Kumar Das, Auditor
GA Department , Bhubaneswar
Sri B. Samantaray, AAO, Smt. M. Nayak, Auditor
Sri S.K.Pradhan, Auditor

6.                    The Audit Team have  completed  this special audit  and the same report  has been submitted in  2016 to the GA Dept.  for necessary  action  at their  end. It is disheartening  to note  that  though  special audit Report  has been  submitted , Chief Minister  has not taken any steps  for years  together.
7.                    The Special audit Report  has been suppressed  by Chief Secretary Office  to save top bureaucrats  involved in multi-crore land scam with tacit support from Chief Minister's office .

Pradip Pradhan
Date- 18.8.18

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Conspiracy of Odisha bureaucracy designed downgrade image of Governor exposed under RTI

While GA Department denied  information about Governor’s visit to his home town ,  the Office of Governor, Odisha shared all  information enforcing utmost transparency  in their functioning.

Denial of  Information under RTI  by Department of General Administration, Govt. of Odisha  about details of requisition and proposal requiring financial sanction   given from Governor’s office for visit of Governor to his home town of Harayana and sanction of Govt.  – It  confirmed  the conspiracy of State bureaucracy facilitated  by Chief Minister’s Office to malign Governor publicly, exposed  under RTI

Dear  friends
In the first week of July, 2017, paid media of Odisha highlighted   expenditure of  Rs. 44 lakhs towards hiring special chartered  flight  for  visit of Hon’ble Governor from Bhubaneswar to his home town Sirsa of Harayana. This news was deliberately given  to press by corrupt bureaucrats associated  with Chief Minister’s office  to  downgrade  his image publicly. However after strong reaction from Governor’s house ,  Dr.A.P.Padhi, Chief Secretary  personally met Governor, Odisha in Raj Bhawan  and  expressed deep regret at  the manner  in which   the letter  was issued to Governor’s office after  state Government received a bill of Rs. 46 lakh  as part of Governor’s flying expenses.

To understand gamut of issues and exchange of letters between office of Governor and General Administration Department, RTI Application dated 11.7.18 was filed to both the PIOs of office of Governor, Odisha and General Administration department seeking the following information.
·      Details of requisition and proposal requiring financial sanction   given from Governor’s office to State Government for visit of Governor to his home town of Harayana and copy of sanction letter  given by Govt. in this regard.
·       Copy of air travel  bill  submitted  by Governor’s office   towards expenses of chartered  flight  charge  and helicaptor  charge for  visit of Governor to his home .
·      Copy of the objection letter  sent  by GA Dept. to  Governor’s office in respect of air bill submitted by Governor.
·       Copy of the Rules or order or Notification in respect  of  expenses of travel for private tour, official tour  and foreign tour  that Governor is entitled  to avail it.
·      Information about  details of facilities, emoluments and allowances  that Governor is entitled to avail it.

1.      On 10.8.18., the General Administration Department rejected  my application citing  the ground under section 8(1)(g) of the RTI Act. In fact this is not ground  for rejection of application. As  the State Govt. wants to keep this  information secret to  protect themselves from further expose of their evil design to downgrade image of Hon’ble Governor,  the PIO  has taken the plea of section 8 (1) (g) of the RTI Act. save their face which has been exposed and tarnished evil after strong reaction from Governor’s office.  As per the said section 8(1)(g), “ Information , the disclosure of which endanger the life or physical safety of any person or identify the source of information or assistance given in confidence for law enforcement or security purpose will be denied to Information-seekers”. The counter-argument is  that the information about Governor’s visit , use of  flight  and expenses towards it is not at all secret  information.  As the money is paid from state exchequer, the citizens have right to know about the expenditure. The disclosure of information will no way endanger safety of Governor, as his visit has already been over. The information sought for is no way  related  to security   nor supplied by law enforcement authority. The information was sought about the copy of the letter sent by GA Dept. to Governor House.

2.       But the PIO, office of Governor’s house supplied all the information sought for including copy of all letter correspondence with GA Dept. The details of information supplied by the PIO dated 4.8.18  is as follows.
a. On 1st June, 2018, the office of Governor sent a letter to GA Department for arranging  a Charter Flight ( 8/10 seater) suitable for his visit  to Sisra in Harayana from  Bhubaneswar on 10th June  at 10 am and return from Sisra  to  Bhubaneswar 13th June at 11 am , 2018.
b.On 2.6.18, GA Department wrote a letter to M/s Pinnacle Air Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi for arranging a hiring chartered flight and expenses required for said purpose which was promptly responded by that  company on 4.6.18. 
c. The hiring charge of  twin engine jet aircraft legacy  650 ( VT-AOK/AOE)  for use of  Governor  fixed  by M/s Pinnacle Air Pvt. Ltd is Rs. 44,72,000.00 which was accepted  by GA Dept. on 6.6.18 and it was  communicated  to the Office of Governor accordingly.
d. On 4.7.18,   Smt. Indira Behera, OAS, Deputy Secretary to Government, GA Dept.  wrote a letter No. GAD-AV-RES-0004-2017- 18773/Gen.  to Special Secretary to Hon’ble Governor, Odisha  seeking necessary use/s certificate  that the Aircraft has been used.  In this  letter, she mentioned that  it may kindly intimated  the reason  and circumstances  for hiring of a helicopter  for use of  Hon’ble Governor  and deviation in the approved schedule of the flight and whether approval of the  competent authority has been taken for the purpose or not”.  This letter generated sharp reaction  from Governor’s office for which Chief Secretary personally met Hon’ble Governor , begged apology  and assured  him to take action against the concerned official.

It  deserves to mention here that unnecessary and  useless expenditure and misuse of flight causing crores of rupees loss to state exchequer has been done by Chief Minister and his Govt. which has been thoroughly exposed several times earlier  under RTI.

Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist
Date- 15.8.18  

Expose of Corruption costs loss of hand and livelihood of RTI Activist of Odisha

Exposing corruption through RTI costs loss of hand and livelihood of a local fitter-turned RTI Activist of Nayagargh district, Odisha   in 2007- A Report

On 14.8.18, while conducting RTI programme in Odagaon block of Nayagarh  district, Odisha , I accidentally met Kailash Pradhan,   RTI Activist of 2007 of Nandighore who had come to the meeting having heard about me coming to the programme. During discussion, I came to know  about his struggle to fight out corruption, his plight and sufferings till today. In 2007, two years after enactment of RTI Act , when we were apprentice in field of RTI ,  Sri Kailash understood power of RTI and used it extensively  spending his hard-earned money generated from his small  garage shop  to  unearth  huge corruption and loot of public money in Govt. Development Work under NREGA and construction of Canal under Irrigation Division   amashed  by Govt. Officials, Junior Engineers and contractors backed  BJD leaders in Odagaon Block. He exposed around 20 works i.e., road construction, canal construction work worth  misappropriation of 20 crores. Armed with information, he filed number of complaints to the higher authorities including state vigilance. The Govt. Officials and contractors threatened him of dire consequence several times, if he does not stop exposing corruption.  However , on 19.9.2007, a gang of hired goons engaged by contractors and BJD leaders attacked him with sharp weapons , stabbed him and chopped off his right hand palm in order to make him permanent disable to write. Though he was taken over to Kalinga Hospital for better treatment, his hand could not recover   after months long treatment by doctors. His palm remained disable and dysfunctional. 

His ordeal does not end here. After he returned from hospital, he filed FIR in Odagaon police station . Though the police registered the case,  but did not conduct any inquiry and provided all protection to criminals. Rather police asked him not to pursue the case . In the meantime all criminals got bail from high court. He was again threatened by goons and the whole family was terrorised. Having bowed under tremendous pressure from leaders of ruling party, he stopped all his RTI work since 2007 , closed his little shop , permanently lost livelihood, spending time with family being a big burden on them. He also lost writing capacity permanently. After 10 years, when the lower court started hearing of the case , he was again threaten not to pursue the case. Tragedy is that just ten days back, he signed in court paper that he did not want to pursue the case to facilitate to close it  permanently.

He is unfortunate that, he could not find us to fight for him. We the RTI Activists are hovering what to do.

Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist
Date- 15.8.18

Monday, August 13, 2018

Who can ask for information under Right to Information?

Any citizen can ask for information under these laws. The Act extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. OCI's (Overseas Citizens of India) and PIO's (Persons of Indian Origin) card holders can also ask for information under the RTI Act.

For citizens, OCI's and PIO's who are staying out of India, the RTI Application can be filed with the PIO of the local Indian Embassy/Consulate/High Commission and they will inform you regarding the amount of application fee in local currency as well as the mode of payment.

Some Important Pacts Regarding Who can obtain information under RTI:

It is quite interesting to note that even though under Section 3 of the Act right of all citizens, to receive information, is statutorily recognised but Section 6 gives the said right to any person. Therefore, Section 6, in a sense, is wider in its ambit than Section 3. (Observed by Supreme Court of India: CIC vs State of Manipur & ors)

RTI Act does not define PERSON. However, The General Clauses Act, 1897 defines PERSON as
Person" shall include any company or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, "Political Agent" shall mean- In relation to any territory outside India, the Principal Officer, by whatever name called, representing the Central Government in such territory, and in relation to any territory within India to which the Act or Regulation containing the expression does not extend, any officer appointed by the Central Government to exercise all or any of the powers of a Political Agent under that Act or Regulation.

Thereby, another organisation can ask for information from another organisation Irrespective of the nature of the job a person may be performing as far as a person is a citizen of India he/she shall have the right to information subject to the provisions of RTI Act. ALL citizens are entitiled for information under RTI, which included employees. Same is clear from S. 6(1). It starts with non obstinate clause 'A person'. So it is the person matters not the employability or employee.

The application/ appeal from an Association or a Partnership Firm or a Hindu Undivided Family or from some other group of individuals constituting as a body or otherwise is to be accepted and allowed.

Kolkata high court has allowed use of post box in filing RTI which shall enable contact of a user with the authority without revealing personal details of the information seeker. You do not need to worry about your safety when Post Box is there. You may read it here: